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6 DC Motor

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Master Electrical Designing


LIST OF FIGURES........................................................................................................................ ii

LIST OF TABLES.........................................................................................................................iii

REFERENCES............................................................................................................................... iv

OBJECTIVES.................................................................................................................................. v

DC MOTOR THEORY...................................................................................................................1

Inducing a Force on a Conductor....................................................................................... 1

Theory of Operation............................................................................................................ 2
Torque.................................................................................................................................. 4
Generator Action in a Motor.............................................................................................. 5
DC Motor Speed..................................................................................................................6
Summary.............................................................................................................................. 7

TYPES OF DC MOTORS.............................................................................................................. 8

DC Motor Connections....................................................................................................... 8
Shunt-Wound Motor Operation.......................................................................................... 9
Shunt-Wound Motor Applications...................................................................................... 9
Series-Wound Motor......................................................................................................... 10
Series-Wound Motor Applications....................................................................................10
Compounded Motor...........................................................................................................10
Summary............................................................................................................................ 11

DC MOTOR OPERATION.......................................................................................................... 12

Starting of DC Motors...................................................................................................... 12
DC Motor Ratings............................................................................................................. 13
Summary............................................................................................................................ 14

Master Electrical Designing


DC motors are widely used to drive various equipment. The speed

and torque produced in a DC motor depends on a variety of factors.

EO 1.1 Using the right-hand rule for motors, DETERMINE the

direction of the magnetic field, direction of current flow,
or force on a conductor.

EO 1.2 STATE the function of torque in a direct current motor

and how it is developed.

EO 1.3 DESCRIBE how Counterelectromotive Force (CEMF) is

developed in a DC motor.

EO 1.4 DESCRIBE the relationship between field current and

magnetic field size in a DC motor.

EO 1.5 STATE the function of the CEMF that is developed in

a DC motor.

EO 1.6 DESCRIBE how the speed of a DC motor is adjusted.

EO 1.7 DESCRIBE the relationship between armature current

and torque produced in a DC motor.

Inducing a Force on a Conductor

There are two conditions which are necessary to produce a force on a conductor.

The conductor must be carrying current.

The conductor must be within a magnetic field.

When these two conditions exist, a force will be applied to the conductor, which will attempt to
move the conductor in a direction perpendicular to the magnetic field. This is the basic theory
by which all DC motors operate.

Master Electrical Designing

Theory of Operation

Every current-carrying conductor has a magnetic

field around it. The direction of this magnetic
field may be found by using the left-hand rule for
current-carrying conductors. When the thumb
points in the direction of current flow, the fingers
will point in the direction of the magnetic field
produced, as shown in Figure 1.

If a current-carrying conductor is placed in a

magnetic field, the combined fields will be
similar to those shown in Figure 2. The direction
of current flow through the conductor is indicated
with an "x" or a "·". The "x" indicates the Figure 1 Left-Hand Rule for
Current-Carrying Conductors
current flow is away from the reader, or into the
page. The "·" indicates the current flow is
towards the reader, or out of the page.

Figure 2 Current-Carrying Conductor in a Magnetic Field

Above the conductor on the left, the field caused by the conductor is in the opposite direction
of the main field, and therefore, opposes the main field. Below the conductor on the left, the
field caused by the conductor is in the same direction as the main field, and therefore, aids the
main field. The net result is that above the conductor the main field is weakened, or flux density
is decreased; below the conductor the field is strengthened, or flux density is increased. A force
is developed on the conductor that moves the conductor in the direction of the weakened field

Master Electrical Designing

Above the conductor on the right, the field caused by the conductor is in the same direction as
the main field, and therefore, aids the main field. Below the conductor on the right, the field
caused by the conductor is in the opposite direction of the main field, and therefore, opposes the
main field. The net result is that above the conductor the field is strengthened, or flux density
is increased, and below the conductor, the field is weakened, or flux density is decreased. A
force is developed on the conductor that moves the conductor in the direction of the weakened
field (downward).

In a DC motor, the conductor will be formed

in a loop such that two parts of the conductor
are in the magnetic field at the same time, as
shown in Figure 3.

This combines the effects of both conductors

to distort the main magnetic field and produce
a force on each part of the conductor. When
the conductor is placed on a rotor, the force
exerted on the conductors will cause the rotor
to rotate clockwise, as shown on Figure 3.

You can think of these magnetic lines of force

as rubber bands that are always trying to
Figure 3 Motor Action shorten themselves. The lines of force above
the conductor exert a downward force due to
the magnetic lines of force trying to straighten themselves.

The above explanation of how a

force is developed is convenient;
however, it is somewhat artificial.
It is based on a fundamental
principle of physics which may be
stated as follows:

"A current-carrying conductor in a

magnetic field tends to move at
right angles to that field."

Another important way to show

the relationship between the
current-carrying conductor,
magnetic field, and motion, is the
right-hand rule for motors, as
shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4 Right-Hand Rule for Motors

Master Electrical Designing

The right-hand rule for motors shows the direction in which a current-carrying conductor moves
in a magnetic field. When the forefinger is pointed in the direction of the magnetic field lines,
and the center finger is pointed in the direction of current flow, the thumb will point in the
direction of force (motion).

Torque is defined as that force which tends to produce and maintain rotation. The function of
torque in a DC motor is to provide the mechanical output or drive the piece of equipment that
the DC motor is attached to.

When a voltage is applied to a

motor, current will flow through
the field winding, establishing a
magnetic field. Current will also
flow through the armature winding,
from the negative brush to the
positive brush as shown in Figure

Since the armature is a current-

carrying conductor in a magnetic
field, the conductor has a force
exerted on it, tending to move it at
right angles to that field. Using
the left-hand rule for current-
carrying conductors, you will see
that the magnetic field on one side
is strengthened at the bottom,
while it is weakened on the other Figure 5 Armature Current in a Basic DC Motor
side. Using the right-hand rule for
motors, we can see that there is a force exerted on the armature which tends to turn the armature
in the counter-clockwise direction. The sum of the forces, in pounds, multiplied by the radius
of the armature, in feet, is equal to the torque developed by the motor in pound-feet (1b - ft).

It is evident from Figure 5 that if the armature current were reversed, but the field were the same,
torque would be developed in the opposite direction. Likewise, if the field polarity were reversed
and the armature remained the same, torque would also be developed in the opposite direction.

The force that is developed on a conductor of a motor armature is due to the combined action
of the magnetic fields. The force developed is directly proportional to the strength of the main
field flux and the strength of the field around the armature conductor. As we know, the field
strength around each armature conductor depends on the amount of current flowing through the
armature conductor. Therefore, the torque which is developed by the motor can be determined
using Equation (6-1).

Master Electrical Designing

T = KIa (6-1)


T = torque, lb-ft
K = a constant depending on physical size of motor
 = field flux, number of lines of force per pole
Ia = armature current

Generator Action in a Motor

A generator action is developed in every

motor. When a conductor cuts lines of force,
an EMF is induced in that conductor.

Current to start the armature turning will flow

in the direction determined by the applied DC
power source. After rotation starts, the
conductor cuts lines of force. By applying
the left-hand rule for generators, the EMF that
is induced in the armature will produce a
current in the opposite direction. The induced
EMF, as a result of motor operation, is called
counterelectromotive force, or CEMF, as
illustrated in Figure 6.
Figure 6 Counterelectromotive Force (CEMF)
Since the CEMF is generated by the action of
the armature cutting lines of force, the value of CEMF will depend on field strength and armature
speed, as shown in Equation (6-2).

ECEMF = KN (6-2)


ECEMF = counter EMF

K = constant
 = field flux strength
N = speed of the armature

The CEMF opposes the applied voltage and functions to lower armature current. The effective
voltage acting in the armature of a motor is the applied voltage, minus the counter EMF.
Armature current can be found by using Ohm’s law, as shown in Equation (6-3).

Master Electrical Designing

Ia (6-3)

Ia = armature current
Et = terminal voltage
ECEMF = counter EMF
Ra = armature resistance

DC Motor Speed

The field of a DC motor is varied using external devices, usually field resistors. For a constant
applied voltage to the field (E), as the resistance of the field (Rf) is lowered, the amount of
current flow through the field (If) increases as shown by Ohm’s law in Equation (6-4).

If (6-4)

An increase in field current will cause field flux (f) to increase. Conversely, if the resistance
of the field is increased, field flux will decrease. If the field flux of a DC motor is decreased,
the motor speed will increase. The reduction of field strength reduces the CEMF of the motor,
since fewer lines of flux are being cut by the armature conductors, as shown in Equation (6-5).
ECEMF K F N (6-5)

A reduction of counter EMF allows an increase in armature current as shown in Equation (6-6).

Et 
I ECEMF (6-6)
a  

This increase in armature current causes a larger torque to be developed; the increase in armature
current more than offsets the decrease in field flux as shown in Equation (6-7).

T K FI a (6-7)

This increased torque causes the motor to increase in speed.

T  N

Master Electrical Designing

This increase in speed will then proportionately increase the CEMF. The speed and CEMF will
continue to increase until the armature current and torque are reduced to values just large enough
to supply the load at a new constant speed.


DC motor theory is summarized below.

DC Motor Theory Summary

There are two conditions necessary to produce a force on a conductor:

- The conductor must be carrying current.

- The conductor must be within a magnetic field.

The right-hand rule for motors states that when the forefinger is pointed in the
direction of the magnetic field lines, and the center finger is pointed in the
direction of current flow, the thumb will point in the direction of motion.

The function of torque in a DC motor is to provide the mechanical output to

drive the piece of equipment that the DC motor is attached to.

Torque is developed in a DC motor by the armature (current-carrying conductor)

being present in the motor field (magnetic field).

CEMF is developed in a DC motor by the armature (conductor) rotating (relative

motion) in the field of the motor (magnetic field).

The function of the voltage that is developed in a DC motor (CEMF) opposes the
applied voltage and results in the lowering of armature current.

The speed of a DC motor may be changed by using resistors to vary the field
current and, therefore, the field strength.

Master Electrical Designing


There are various types of DC motors found in industry today. Each type
contains various characteristics that makes it desirable for certain applications.

EO 1.8 DESCRIBE the differences in construction between a

shunt-wound and a series-wound DC motor with respect
to the relationship between the field and the armature

EO 1.9 DESCRIBE the construction of a compounded DC


EO 1.10 DESCRIBE the torque-vs-speed characteristics for a shunt-

wound and a series-wound DC motor.

DC Motor Connections

Figure 7 shows schematic-

ally the different methods
of connecting the field and
armature circuits in a DC
motor. The circular
symbol represents the
armature circuit, and the
squares at the side of the
circle represent the brush
commutator system. The
direction of the arrows
indicates the direction of
the magnetic fields.

Figure 7 DC Motor Connections

Master Electrical Designing

Figure 7a shows an externally-excited DC motor. This type of DC motor is

constructed such that the field is not connected to the armature. This type of DC
motor is not normally used.

Figure 7b shows a shunt DC motor. The motor is called a "shunt" motor because
the field is in parallel, or "shunts" the armature.

Figure 7c shows a series DC motor. The motor field windings for a series motor
are in series with the armature.

Figures 7d and 7e show a compounded DC motor. A compounded DC motor is

constructed so that it contains both a shunt and a series field. Figure 7d is called
a "cumulatively-compounded" DC motor because the shunt and series fields are
aiding one another. Figure 7e is called a "differentially-compounded" DC motor
because the shunt and series field oppose one another.

Shunt-Woun d Motor

The speed-torque relationship for a

typical shunt-wound motor is
shown in Figure 8.

A shunt-wound DC motor has a

decreasing torque when speed
increases. The decreasing torque-
vs-speed is caused by the armature
resistance voltage drop and
armature reaction. At a value of
speed near 2.5 times the rated
speed, armature reaction becomes
excessive, causing a rapid decrease Figure 8 Torque-vs-Speed for a Shunt-Wound DC Motor
in field flux, and a rapid decline in
torque until a stall condition is reached.

Shunt-Wound Motor Applications

The characteristics of a shunt-wound motor give it very good speed regulation, and it is classified
as a constant speed motor, even though the speed does slightly decrease as load is increased.
Shunt-wound motors are used in industrial and automotive applications where precise control of
speed and torque are required.

Master Electrical Designing

Series-Wound Motor

Since the armature and field in a

series-wound motor are connected
in series, the armature and field
currents become identical, and the
torque can be expressed as shown
in Equation (6-8).

T KIa2 (6-8)

The torque-vs-speed characteristics

of a series-wound motor with a
constant voltage source are shown
Figure 9 Torque-vs-Speed for a Series-Wound Motor
in Figure 9. As the speed
decreases, the torque for a series-
wound motor increases sharply. As load is removed from a series motor, the speed will increase
sharply. For these reasons, series-wound motors must have a load connected to prevent damage
from high speed conditions.

Series-Wound Motor Applications

The advantage of a series-wound motor is that it develops a large torque and can be operated at
low speed. It is a motor that is well-suited for starting heavy loads; it is often used for industrial
cranes and winches where very heavy loads must be moved slowly and lighter loads moved more

Compounded Motor

The compounded motor is desirable for a variety of applications because it combines the
characteristics of a series-wound motor and a shunt-wound motor. The compounded motor has
a greater torque than a shunt motor due to the series field; however, it has a fairly constant speed
due to the shunt field winding. Loads such as presses, shears, and reciprocating machines are
often driven by compounded motors.

Master Electrical Designing


The types of DC motors are summarized below.

Types of DC Motors Summary

In a shunt-wound motor, the field is in parallel, or "shunts" the armature.

In a series-wound motor, the field is in series with the armature.

A compounded DC motor is constructed so that it contains both a shunt and a

series field.

A shunt-wound DC motor has a decreasing torque as speed increases.

The characteristics of a shunt-wound motor give it very good speed regulation,

and it is classified as a constant speed motor, even though the speed does slightly
decrease as load is increased.

A series-wound motor has a rapidly increasing torque when speed decreases. As

load is removed from a series-wound motor, the speed will increase sharply.
The advantages of a series-wound motor are that it develops a large torque and
can be operated at low speed. It is a motor that is well-suited for starting heavy

Master Electrical Designing


DC motors require special starting resistors for operation due to their unique
design. A knowledge of the operation of these starting resistors is necessary to
understand DC motor operation.

EO 1.11 EXPLAIN why starting resistors are necessary for large

DC motors.

EO 1.12 LIST the four nameplate ratings for a DC motor.

Starting of DC Motors

At the moment a DC motor is started the armature is stationary and there is no counter EMF
being generated. The only component to limit starting current is the armature resistance, which,
in most DC motors is a very low value (approximately one ohm or less), as shown in Equation

a (6-9)

In order to reduce this very high starting current, an external resistance must be placed in series
with the armature during the starting period. To show why this is essential, let us consider a 10-
hp motor with an armature resistance of 0.4 ohms. If the motor were supplied by a 260 VDC
source, the resulting current would be as shown in Equation (6-9).


Ia 260VDC 0
0.4 

Ia 650 amps

This large current is approximately twelve times greater than actual full-load current for this
motor. This high current would, in all probability, cause severe damage to the brushes,
commutator, or windings. Starting resistors are usually incorporated into the motor design to
limit starting current to 125 to 200 percent of full load current.

Master Electrical Designing

The amount of starting resistance necessary to limit starting current to a more desirable value is
calculated using Equation (6-10.

Rs = R a


Rs = starting resistance
Et = terminal voltage
Is = desired armature starting current
Ra = armature resistance

Example: If the full load current of the motor mentioned previously is 50 amps, and it is
desired to limit starting current to 125% of this value, find the required resistance
that must be added in series with the armature.

Rs R a

Rs 260 VDC
0.4 
125%(50 amps)

Rs 3.76 

The starting resistors are used in a DC motor by placing them in the starting circuit of the motor
controller that is used to start the DC motor. Starting resistors are normally of variable
resistances, with the value of resistance in the circuit at any time being either manually or
automatically controlled. The maximum amount of resistance will always be inserted when the
motor is first started. As the speed of the motor increases, counter EMF will begin to increase,
decreasing armature current. The starting resistors may then be cut out, in successive steps, until
the motor reaches full running speed.

DC Motor Ratings
The nameplate ratings of a DC motor refer to the conditions of voltage, current, speed, and power
at which the motor is normally operated. The principal rating is known as the continuous rating,
which is the rating described on the nameplate of a motor. The continuous power rating is a
thermal rating. At this power, the motor can be operated for long periods of time without a large
rise in temperature and beyond the limits of the conductor insulating material, bearings and other
components, which are greatly affected by temperature.

The speed rating of a DC motor is often given on the nameplate. This speed is the upper limit
at which a motor can be operated without mechanical damage occurring.

Master Electrical Designing

DC motor operation is summarized below.

DC Motor Operation Summary

Starting resistors are necessary for large DC motors to prevent

damage due to high currents while starting the motor.

Starting resistors are placed in the starting circuits for the

controllers that start the motor. When the motor reaches full
speed, the starting resistors are cut out of the circuit.

The four nameplate ratings for a DC motor include:

- voltage
- current
- speed
- power


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