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Shuji Cards

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Legend of the

Five Rings
5th Edition
Sh ū ji Book

Table of
Bellows of Resolve ............. 23
Civility Foremost ................ 24

Flowering Deceptions ... Error!
Bookmark not defined.
Honest Assessment ........... 25
Look Out! ........................... 26
Air Shūji ......................................... 5
Artisan’s Appraisal ............... 6 Mentor’s Guidance ............ 27

Assess Strengths................... 7 Pillar of Calm ...................... 28

Bend With the Storm ........... 8 Stonewall Tactics ............... 29

Cadence................................ 9 Touchstone of Courage ..... 30

Feigned Opening ................ 10 The Immovable Hand of

Peace ................................. 31
Flowering Deceptions ........ 11
Unyeilding Terms ............... 32
Hidden in Smoke ................ 12
Weight of Duty .................. 33
Pack Gambit ....................... 13
Fire Shūji .......................................34
Prey on the Weak ............... 14
All Shall Fear Me ................ 35
Ruse of the Moon’s
Bravado.............................. 36
Reflection ........................... 15
Crackling Laughter ............. 37
Rustling of Leaves............... 16
Dazzling Performance ........ 38
Spin the Web ...................... 17
Fanning the Flames............ 39
The Wind Blows Both Ways18
Goading Taunt ................... 40
Whispers of Court .............. 19
Illuminating the Way ......... 41
Wolf’s Proposal .................. 20
Lightning Raid .................... 42
Earth Shūji .................................... 21
Ancestry Unearthed ........... 22 Offend the Sensibilities...... 43
Osano-wo’s Boast .............. 44
Rallying Cry ......................... 45 Tributaries of Trade ........... 64
Roar of Encouragement ..... 46 Watch my Back .................. 65
Sear the Wound ................. 47 Well of Desire .................... 66
Sensational Distraction ...... 48 Void Shūji .....................................67

Spiteful Loss ....................... 49 All Arts are One.................. 68

Stirring the Embers ............ 50 Awe of Heaven................... 69
Truth Burns Through Lies ... 51 A Samurai’s Fate ................ 70
Water Shūji................................... 52 Bond of Heroes .................. 71
All in Jest ............................ 53 Courtier’s Resolve .............. 72
Beware the Smallest Mouse Forseen Need..................... 73
............................................ 54 Lady Doji’s Decree ............. 74
Bouyant Arrival .................. 55 Lady Shinjo’s Speed ........... 75
Ebb and Flow ...................... 56 Lord Akodo’s Roar ............. 76
Eyes Up! ............................. 57 Lord Bayushi’s Whispers .... 77
Fluent Bargaining ............... 58 Lord Togashi’s Insight ........ 78
Fun and Games .................. 59 Rouse the Soul ................... 79
Malleable Formation .......... 60 Tonight, I am Your Opponent
Regal Bearing ..................... 61 ........................................... 80
Shallow Waters .................. 62 Wanderer’s Resolve ........... 81
Slippery Manuevers ........... 63


Air Shūji

Artisan’s Appraisal
Activation: Opportunity Activation
Prerequisites: Rank 2
XP Cost: 3

The courtier looks at an object but sees its maker. Each
thumbprint tells a story about the hand that crafted the piece; every
subtle choice reveals something about the desires that linger in the
artist’s mind.

When assessing an object or performance with an Artisan skill (Air),
Performance (Air), or Games (Air) check you may spend in the
following ways:

: Choose a ring; learn the value of that ring for the creator or
performer and all advantages and disadvantages attached to that
ring that are not of the curse type.

: If the creator or performer is an NPC, learn their demeanor.

Assess Strengths
Activation: Games (Air), TN = Target’s Vigilance
Prerequisites: Rank 1
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Scheme
Target: One opponent in a game that you are
Duration: Instant.
Opportunities (Air): : You learn all your target’s
Mental advantages and disadvantages.

A skilled courtier can deduce a lot about their opponent
over the course of playing a game. Evaluating an
opponent’s strategy, moves, and demeanor can let them
evaluate the opponent’s character in turn.

If you succeed, you learn your target’s ranks in Games,
Tactics, or any one Martial Arts skill. Choose one
additional skill to learn for each bonus success on the

Bend With the Storm
Activation: Opportunity Activation
Prerequisites: Rank 5
XP Cost: 3

When faced with a much more powerful foe, a cunning courtier
often feigns a position of weakness. In this way, they can lead the
opponent where they desire by offering chances the foe cannot
pass up.

When you make a Social skill (Air) check targeting another
character, you may spend in the following way:

: Choose an advantage or disadvantage. The target comes to

believe that you possess that advantage or disadvantage without
your having to expend noticeable effort or state it directly. Further,
the target believes that you do not know you have given this
advantage or disadvantage away. If you do anything that could call
this misconception into question, any character may resist with a
TN 5 Sentiment check (Earth 6, Fire 3) to discern that the
advantage or disadvantage is not real. This effect persists until the
target is faced with incontrovertible evidence or succeeds on the
check to resist in the face of cracks in your façade.

Activation: Opportunity Activation
Prerequisites: Rank 1
XP Cost: 3

In courtly situations, it can be advantageous for courtiers of the
same clan to be able to communicate wordlessly.


When you make a Social skill (Air) check, you may spend in the
following ways:

: Convey a secret message that alters the meaning of what you

are saying outwardly (or has nothing to do with it at all) to one
character observing you who possesses this technique.

: Convey a secret message that alters the meaning of what you

are saying outwardly (or has nothing to do with it at all) to one
character observing you who does not possess this technique.

Feigned Opening
Activation: Performance (Air), TN = Target’s
Vigilance. (Only during Skirmish and Mass Combat)
Prerequisites: Rank 2
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Movement and scheme
Target: One character in the scene who is observing.
Duration: Until the end of your next turn.
Opportunities: +: Choose 1 additional target with
vigilance equal or lower to original target, : +1 to
TN of Attack checks targeting your cohort during
mass battle (+1 per additional spent).

A wise leader creates the impression of weakness to disguise
strength, or strength to conceal weakness.

If you succeed, reduce the TN of the next Attack checks against
each target (or their cohort, in a mass battle) by 1 plus your bonus

Flowering Deceptions
Activation: Courtesy (Air) or Tactics (Air) check,
Once per scene, TN = highest vigilance among your
Prerequisites: Rank 1
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Scheme and Support
Target: Two other characters who are not hostile to
each other.
Duration: Until the end of your next turn.
Opportunities: : Neither of your targets realizes
your duplicity in hindering one to help the other, :
You can use this technique one additional time this

With a few well-chosen words, a skilled leader can create an
opening for one person while impeding another. Allowing one
opponent to have an edge can cause them to inadvertently trip up
one of their allies. Alternatively, exposing one’s own ally to
adversity can give another a key opportunity to strike unhindered.

If you succeed, choose one target and increase the TN of their next
check by 2. Decrease the TN of the other target’s next check by 2.

Hidden in Smoke
Activation: Social (Air), TN = Target’s Vigilance,
(Once per scene)
Prerequisites: Rank 4
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Scheme
Target: One other character.
Duration: Until the end of the scene.
Opportunities: +: Choose one additional target
with vigilance lower than the original target, +: If
you succeed, you gain 1 additional momentum point.


The stratagem used in games such as Go has been debated and studied
for centuries in Rokugan, and masters of such games know how to
distract opponents with their words and movements to hide their true
intent in a variety of social settings.


If you succeed, you hide your true goal or objective from your opponent.
Any action or ability that would reveal your true intentions or objective to
the target instead reveals a false, narratively appropriate goal, subject to
GM’s approval.

If you succeed, during an Intrigue scene, you gain 1 momentum toward

a relevant goal.

Pack Gambit
Activation: TN 3 Social skill (Air)
Prerequisites: School Rank 3
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Scheme
Target: One other character.
Duration: Until the end of your next turn.
Opportunities: : Choose one of the target’s
disadvantages you know. Each character who
performs an Attack or Scheme action targeting that
character may exploit that disadvantage without
spending a Void Point.

Whether in conversation or in a fight, numbers account for a great
deal, but only if they are guided by a single purpose. To make best
use of a large force, a character must be able to give direction,
helping multiple others make the most of their efforts to both
collaborate and exploit enemy weaknesses.

If you succeed, each character who performs an Attack or Scheme
action targeting that character counts as having your assistance.

Prey on the Weak
Activation: TN 1 Courtesy (Air) check
Prerequisites: Rank 2
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Scheme
Target: A Compromised Character
Duration: Instant.
Opportunities: +: If target unmasks learn one of
their disadvantages, : If the target chooses to
leave the scene, you notice their destination from the
direction of their departure or overhear from the
crowd where they will retreat.

A wise leader creates the impression of weakness to disguise
strength, or strength to conceal weakness.

If you succeed, your target must choose one of the following:

Immediately unmask in a manner of their choosing based on

the circumstances.
Forfeit glory equal to your Air Ring plus your bonus successes
to leave the scene.

Ruse of the Moon’s Reflection
Activation: Command (Air), TN = highest vigilance among
your targets.
Prerequisites: Rank 5
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Scheme
Target: Any number of characters; In a mass battle, you must
target all commanders (other than yourself, if applicable)
Duration: Instant.
Opportunities: -


Things are not always as they seem – the moon’s light falls upon the
water and appears to be within arm’s reach, yet none can touch it. To
lead is to tell your subordinates not the truth, but what they need to hear
to accomplish their objectives. To face an enemy general is not to move
your troops against theirs, but to imagine their troops as if they were your
own and to maneuver them to the positions required for your victory.


If you succeed on that check during intrigue, skirmish, or duel, you may
exchange the initiative values of any number of the targets.

If you succeed on that check during a mass battle, you may reveal that two
leaders of the same army have exchanged cohorts and positions.

Rustling of Leaves
Activation: Opportunity Activation
Prerequisites: Rank 1
XP Cost: 3

If everyone has heard a scandalous story, but it has no clear
source, what can it be but true? The courtier cleverly spreads
stories so none see them as the source.

When you make a Social skill (Air) check to spread a rumor, you
may spend in the following way:

+: Increase the TN of any check to trace the rumor back to you

by 2 per spent this way.

Spin the Web
Activation: TN 2 Skulduggery (Air) check
(Once per Session, during a narrative
or downtime scene)
Prerequisites: (Kolat) Rank 3
XP Cost: 3
Target: One minor or previously unknown NPC
Duration: During a single scene
Opportunities: : If you succeed, choose one skill. The NPC
has a number of ranks in that skill equal to your school rank
and can perform checks with that skill to assist you.


To advance their agenda, the Kolat must have eyes and ears—and
hands—everywhere. Just as each Kolat conspirator receives direction
from a superior, so each extends their reach through recruits of their own.


If you succeed, you recruit an NPC (at the GM's discretion) as a Kolat
asset. Record them under your Relationships. From now on, once per
game session you may call on one of your assets whom you can
reasonably contact. The NPC can aid you during a single scene, doing
their best to perform tasks you assign them, or they can conduct a single
downtime activity. If a profile is required, use an appropriate NPC of the
GM’s choice.

The Wind Blows Both Ways
Activation: Opportunity Activation
Prerequisites: Rank 3
XP Cost: 3

A word in the right ear at the right time can enhance the
accomplishment of another, or a cutting slight can diminish their
success in the eyes of those who matter.

When you make a Courtesy or Performance (Air) check targeting
another character, you may spend in the following way:

+: The next time the target receives a glory award, increase the
glory they gain by 1 per spent this way. This effect persists until
the end of the scene.

+: The next time the target forfeits or stakes glory, increase the
glory they must forfeit or stake by 1 per spent this way. This
effect persists until the end of the scene.

Whispers of Court
Activation: Courtesy (Air), TN = Lowest Vigilance
among your targets.
Prerequisites: Rank 1
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Scheme
Target: Each character in the scene.
Duration: Instant.
Opportunities: : Learn one other rumor that is
spreading in the current scene.

Rumors are the currency of court, and when such news is in short
supply, many courtiers simply spin it themselves. They use
cunning schemes and plausible half-truths to bait their webs of

If you succeed, you create a rumor that sweeps across the room
like a storm. Everyone in the scene hears it, and characters with
vigilance lower than your bonus successes even come to give it
some credence. If spreading a rumor is your social objective in an
intrigue, you score rhetorical points equal to your Air Ring plus your
bonus successes.

Wolf’s Proposal
Activation: Courtesy or Performance (Air), TN =
Highest Vigilance among your targets.
Prerequisites: Rank 4
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Scheme
Target: Each character in the scene.
Duration: Until the end of the scene.
Opportunities: : Learn if the honor of one other
character in the scene is higher or lower than your

Being honorable is of the same value to a courtier as appearing
honorable. True honor cannot be faked, but fortunately for many,
the appearance of respectability can be fabricated.

If you succeed, each target behaves as though your honor is 10
higher or lower than its actual value, plus or minus an additional
10 for each bonus success (to a maximum honor value of 100 or a
minimum honor value of 0). If you do anything that could call your
perceived honor into question, any target may resist with a TN 4
Sentiment check (Earth 5, Fire 2) to determine your actual honor
Earth Shūji

Ancestry Unearthed
Activation: Opportunity Activation
Prerequisites: Rank 1
XP Cost: 3

A samurai’s ancestry often reveals a great deal about their political
opportunities, assets, and probable allies in the Emerald Empire,
for the rigid social strata allow little divergence. Any courtier can
likely dredge up another samurai’s lineage from the dark corners
of their mind, but some can recall it in an instant.

When you make a Scholar skill (Earth) or Social skill (Earth) check
targeting a character, you may spend as follows.

: You know one sworn oath the character’s family took in the
past, and whether or not they have broken or bent it.

: You know one secret of the character’s family that they would
prefer be forgotten, and have perhaps even worked to bury.

: You know something the character does not even known

about their own ancestry.

Bellows of Resolve
Activation: TN 2 Command (Earth), Once per scene
Prerequisites: Rank 1
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Support
Target: One Compromised or Incapacitated
Duration: Instant
Opportunities: : You may use this technique one
additional time, : This technique instead targets
any number of Compromised and Incapacitated
characters of your choice in the scene.

A well-timed word of encouragement or shout of warning can get
a fighter back on their feet at a crucial moment, which can mean
the difference between life and death on the battlefield.

If you succeed, and your target is Compromised, they remove
strife until their their strife is equal to their composure minus 1.

If you succeed, and your target is Incapacitated, they remove

fatigue until their fatigue is equal to their endurance minus 1.

Civility Foremost
Activation: Command or Courtesy (Earth),
TN = The Target’s Vigilance
Prerequisites: Rank 2
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Scheme
Target: targeting one character to claim protection for
an individual of your choice by rights of honor.
Duration: Until the end of the scene, or until the
target performs an attack or scheme action.
Opportunities: +: Choose an additional target with
vigilance lower than or equal to your first target’s.

Samurai are warriors, but there are many contexts in which
violence is inappropriate. Many strictures exist around the times
weapons can and cannot be drawn. A courtier who has memorized
the rules of such engagements can articulate why fighting would
be improper or profane in nearly any situation.

If you succeed, the target must forfeit honor equal to your Earth
ring plus your bonus successes and suffer that much strife to
perform an Attack or Scheme action targeting the chosen

Honest Assessment
Activation: TN 2 Courtesy (Earth)
Prerequisites: Rank 1
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Support
Target: One Character
Duration: Until the end of the scene.
Opportunities: + : Choose an additional
disadvantage, : -2 to TN of target’s next skill
check using the ring associated with the

Honesty is a virtue of Bushidō, but direct honesty is often seen as
rudeness among the Rokugani samurai—instead, one is expected
to find a polite way to imply one’s meaning to spare the feelings of
the other involved. As a result, directness can be something of a
rare and valuable commodity, and it is most often dispensed by
those with little time for frivolity, such as veteran warriors, or those
with little to lose socially, such as monks.

If you succeed, choose 1 of the target’s known disadvantages. The
target ignores that disadvantage.

Look Out!
Activation: Opportunity Activation
Prerequisites: Rank 3
XP Cost: 3

When the first arrow falls, a word of warning can save
dozens of lives.

When you make a check to resist an effect, you may
spend in the following way:

Earth +: One character may immediately switch to a

stance of their choice.

Mentor’s Guidance
Activation: TN 4 Command (Earth) or TN 4
Performance (Earth), Once per scene
Prerequisites: Rank 5
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Support
Target: One character
Duration: Until the end of the scene

Among ronin, those who live long enough to reach old age tend to
be considered especially wise. Many consider it their duty to
explain the tricks they have used to stay alive to their younger

If you succeed, choose one of your kata, ninjutsu, or shuji
techniques. Your target may use that technique as if they knew it.

Pillar of Calm
Activation: Command (Earth), TN = Highest strife
among targets
Prerequisites: Rank 4
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Scheme and Support
Target: A number of characters up to your Earth ring
Duration: Instant
Opportunities: + : May de-escalate the conflict by
one additional level.

The character calls for reason to prevail and swords to be
sheathed, appealing to a common ideal or greater threat that
stands before the belligerent parties.

If you succeed while targeting all of the leaders involved in the
conflict, you may de-escalate the conflict one level (from a mass
battle to a skirmish, a skirmish to a duel, or a duel to an intrigue).

Stonewall Tactics
Activation: Opportunity Activation
Prerequisites: School Rank 1
XP Cost: 3

The courtier makes themself impossible for the target to ignore,
raising a pressing concern that must be addressed first or even
physically planting themselves between a rival and their allies.

When making a Social skill (Earth) or Martial skill (Earth) check
targeting a character, you may spend in the following way:

+: Increase the TN of any check the target makes that does not
target you by 1 per spent this way. This effect persists until the
beginning of your next turn.

Touchstone of Courage
Activation: Command (Earth), TN = Highest strife among
Prerequisites: Rank 3
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Scheme and Support
Target: A number of characters up to your Earth ring
Duration: Instant
Opportunities: : During a non-mass combat conflict, each
target removes strife = your earth ring, : During mass
combat, your army removes panic = your earth ring.


Armies are rarely routed in the field; instead, most collapse when morale
becomes impossible to maintain. As panic rises in the ranks, soldiers
look to leaders to set an example. The character does just this, speaking
to the importance of duty to bring their troops back from the edge of


If you succeed during an intrigue, duel, or skirmish conflict, each target

increases their composure by your Earth Ring. This effect persists until
the end of the scene.

If you succeed during a mass battle conflict, increase your army’s dis-
cipline by your Earth ring plus your bonus successes. This effect persists
until the end of the scene.

The Immovable Hand of Peace
Activation: TN 5 Command (Earth), (Limit, once per
Prerequisites: Rank 5
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Scheme, during a duel or skirmish
Target: A number of characters up to your Earth ring
Duration: Instant
Opportunities: : You may also perform this action
during a mass battle or other non-intrigue conflict.

The courtier calls for the warriors in the field to lay down their arms
and withdraw with such unquestionable conviction that even the
fires of hate are temporarily smothered.

If you succeed, the scene becomes an intrigue between you and
the other principal characters. This effect persists for one round,
plus additional rounds equal to your bonus successes. If you have
not achieved a peaceful resolution by the time this effect ends, the
scene returns to its previous state.

Unyeilding Terms
Activation: TN 4 Culture (Earth), (Once per scene)
Prerequisites: Rank 2
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Scheme
Target: Self
Duration: Instant
Opportunities: -

Setting the terms of a duel is usually a compromise between both
participants. With the right knowledge, however, the weight of
tradition can overcome any objections.


You select either the method of battle, or the stakes for victory.

Weight of Duty
Activation: Opportunity Activation
Prerequisites: Rank 1
XP Cost: 3

All samurai know the pressure of expectation in countless forms.
An observant courtier can read this when engaging with another
character, learning their beliefs and in what ways they fear they
might not live up to their own expectations.

When you make a Social skill (Earth) check targeting a character,
you may spend as follows:

: Learn one way the target fears failing as a samurai.

: Learn the target’s giri.

Fire Shūji

All Shall Fear Me
Activation: TN 4 Command or Performance (Fire)
Prerequisites: Rank 3
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Scheme
Target: Any number of characters in the scene
Duration: Until the end of the scene.
Opportunities (Fire): + : If you succeed, all
characters targeted by you suffer 1 additional strife
per spent this way whenever they target you with
a Social skill check.

If a courtier can pull it off, dominating a gathering through sheer
force of their personality is a good way to ensure everyone will treat
them with trepidation and respect. Of course, just being noticed is
only half the battle; the courtier must also appear fearsome and
even a bit dangerous, but not overdo their act. If they come off as
a Kabuki villain, all they’ll get from their audience is a few muffled


If you succeed, each target receives 2 strife when they choose you
as the target for a Social skill check. If you fail, receive 4 strife.
Activation: Games or Performance (Fire), TN =
Highest Vigilance among targets
Prerequisites: Rank 4
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Scheme
Target: Any number of characters in the scene
Duration: Until the end of the scene.
Opportunities: : Learn if the glory of one other
character in the scene is higher than yours.

Glory is half reputation and half poise. The courtier displays a
confident mien, speaking more informally than propriety should
allow. Their words and posture carry a tinge of arrogance, making
them harder to ignore.

If you succeed, each target behaves as though your glory as being
10 higher or lower than its actual value, plus or minus an additional
10 for each bonus success (to a maximum of 100 or a minimum of
0). If you do anything that would call your glory into question, any
character may resist with a TN 4 Sentiment (Air 5, Water 2) check
to determine your actual glory attribute.

Crackling Laughter
Activation: TN 3 Performance (Fire), (Once per
Game Session)
Prerequisites: Rank 3
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Scheme
Target: Any number of characters in the scene
Duration: Instant
Opportunities: : For each character who suffers
the Compromised condition, gain 1 glory.

Humor, when used with proficiency, can be a powerful weapon
when trying to advance one’s status, particularly when trying to
make a fool of someone else.

If you succeed, each target receives 2 strife, and must make a TN
5 Meditation (Air 6, Water 3) check or receive additional strife
equal to the shortfall.

If you fail, receive 3 strife.

Dazzling Performance
Activation: Opportunity Activation
Prerequisites: Rank 3
XP Cost: 3

Performing a great feat can win a character renown but performing
a great feat and then telling the story of it draws far greater
accolades. A courtier building a reputation in the competitive
courts of Rokugan must master not just excellence, but also
capture the imagination.

When making an Artisan skill (Fire), Games (Fire), or Performance
(Fire) check, you may spend in the following way:

+: The next time you receive a glory reward this scene. Increase
the amount you receive by 1. If there is a character of higher status
in the scene, increase it by 1 per spent this way instead.

Fanning the Flames
Activation: Opportunity Activation
Prerequisites: School Rank 2
XP Cost: 3
Target: One or more characters
Duration: Instant

Inciting people to act foolishly or to flinch at the crucial moment is
a key skill of a courtier, for words are their most powerful weapons.
Unchecked emotion is another tool in the courtier’s arsenal, and
most become quite adept in the art of manipulating people into
feeling certain things that are advantageous for them at the time.
The courtier stings their target’s pride with needling comments or
makes a flirtatious remark to put them on their back foot, drawing
the target’s emotions to the surface and making them easier to

When making a Social skill (Fire) check targeting one or more
characters, you may spend in the following way:

+: One target gains the Dazed condition per spent this way.

+: One target gains the Enraged condition per spent this


Goading Taunt
Activation: Performance (Fire) or Tactics (Fire), Once per
scene, TN = Your target’s vigilance
Prerequisites: Rank 3
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Scheme
Target: One character
Duration: Instant
Opportunities: : You may use this technique one
additional time this scene


If you succeed during an intrigue encounter or a duel, your target

receives strife equal to their honor rank unless they forfeit that much

If you succeed on the check during a skirmish, that character must

immediately move 2 range bands towards you unless they chose to
receive 3 strife, plus 1 strife for every 2 bonus successes.

If you succeed on the check during a mass battle, that character must
target your cohort with an Assault or Challenge action next turn, unless
they choose to receive 3 strife, plus 1 strife for every 2 bonus

If you succeed or fail, reduce the TN of your targets next check by 1.

Illuminating the Way
Activation: TN 2 Scholar (Fire)
Prerequisites: Rank 1
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Support
Target: One character
Duration: Until the end of the scene
Opportunities: +: Choose one additional target,
: This effect persists until the end of the next scene

Fire pushes back the darkness, but it is knowledge that truly lights
up the world. On the fringes of society, one encounters those
whose wisdom is gained through firsthand experience.

If you succeed, that character treats their vigilance as 2 lower (to
a minimum of 1) and their focus as 2 higher.

Lightning Raid
Activation: TN 3 Command (Fire), (Limit, once per scene)
Prerequisites: Rank 4
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Attack and Movement
Target: Any number of characters in the scene (or one cohort
in a mass battle)
Duration: Until the end of the scene
Opportunities: : During a skirmish, immediately perform a
strike action, : During a mass battle, immediately perform
an assault action against the chosen enemy cohort’s leader.


The Unicorn Clan is famous for its quick strikes, smashing down upon its
enemies with cavalry to sow chaos in their ranks and leave them
vulnerable to the rest of the army. Other clans employ similar tactics,
usually by ambushing exposed cities or supply trains in the field. The
leader rouses their troops for a swift attack to leave the enemy in a state
of disarray.


If you succeed during a skirmish scene, each target increases their

initiative by your Fire ring plus your bonus successes at the beginning of
the next round.

If you succeed during a mass battle, one enemy leader’s cohort suffers
panic equal to your Fire ring plus your bonus successes.

Offend the Sensibilities
Activation: Opportunity Activation
Prerequisites: Rank 2
XP Cost: 3

Art can soothe the spirit and calm the mind, or it can leave one
seeing red. A clever artisan can craft a piece so that it will offend
the sensibilities of a particular person, while leaving most
observers a bit perplexed but unbothered.

When making an Artisan (Fire) check to craft an item, you may
spend in the following way:

+: Choose one individual known to you. When that individual first

sees the item you created, they receive 2 strife. If this causes them
to suffer the compromised condition, the target also suffers the
Dazed, Enraged, or Silenced condition (your choice). Anyone else
seeing the item knows it could be very offensive .

Osano-wo’s Boast
Activation: TN 2 Command or Performance (Fire)
check (Once per Session)
Prerequisites: Rank 3 (Mantis)
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Support
Target: One deed you will attempt.
Duration: Until the end of the scene or until you
complete the deed of which you boasted.

Like their fabled founder, members of the Mantis Clan often boast
of their future glory, to strengthen their own resolve and drive their
comrades to greater heights.

If you succeed, increase your composure and your endurance by
3. At the end of the scene, if you have not completed the deed,
suffer 3 fatigue and 3 strife.

If you succeed or fail, after you perform this action, any other
character in the scene who knows this technique may immediately
perform this action (if they have not done so already).

Rallying Cry
Activation: TN 2 Command or Performance (Fire),
(Limit, once per scene)
Prerequisites: Rank 3
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Support
Target: Any number of characters in the scene (or
one cohort in a mass battle)
Duration: Until the end of your next turn.
Opportunities: +: During a skirmish, each enemy in
the scene suffers 1 strife, +: During a mass battle,
the enemy army suffers 1 panic.

The leader roars, calling their troops to battle, and the voice of an
army echoes around them as the single cry is joined by many. As
one, the troops surge forward to claim victory or perish in the

If you succeed, the targets are energized and excited by your
rhetoric. After Step 5: Choose Kept Dice, each target adds a kept
Ring Die showing . This effect persists until the end of your next

Roar of Encouragement
Activation: TN 3 Command (Fire), Once per scene
Prerequisites: Rank 5
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Support
Target: A friendly character
(or one cohort in a mass battle)
Duration: Instant
Opportunities: +: Choose one additional target to
immediately perform a Strike (or Assault) action.

A shout of triumph or desperation can pierce the fog of exhaustion,
drawing a warrior back to the now and focusing their energies. A
skilled commander knows exactly when to raise their voice and
drive their forces on to the final push, eliminating a key foe or
turning the tide of battle with renewed vigor.

If you succeed on this check during a skirmish, your target may
immediately perform a Strike action with your assistance.

If you succeed on this check during a mass battle, your target’s

cohort may immediately perform an Assault action with your
assistance on the check.
Sear the Wound
Activation: Opportunity Activation
Prerequisites: Rank 5
XP Cost: 3

Many courtiers cannot resist the opportunity to twist the knife after
delivering a stabbing remark, but the wise use this power
judiciously. Though somewhat cruel, the technique of bringing a
rival’s weakness to the forefront of their mind to burn away at their
resolve is often effective.

When making a Social skill (Fire) check targeting one or more
characters, you may spend in the following way:

+: Choose a known disadvantage of one of your targets per

spent this way. That disadvantage applies to all of the target’s
checks until the end of the scene.

Sensational Distraction
Activation: Opportunity Activation
Prerequisites: Rank 1
XP Cost: 3

Standing out in court requires a great deal of both cunning and flair
and standing out on purpose can be even harder. Courtiers train
for much of their lives to learn to control the perceptions of others
at court. The best courtiers know when to draw attention to
themselves with a display of rhetorical prowess or another social
feat and when to avoid attention. Drawing attention to oneself can
give collaborators the chance to work unnoticed as well, and thus
it is an extremely valuable tool in the courtier’s arsenal.

When making a Social skill (Fire) check targeting one or more
characters, you may spend in the following way:

+: When interacting with other characters, the target treats their

vigilance as 1 lower per spent this way; when interacting with
you, the target treats their vigilance as 1 higher per spent this
way. This effect persists until the end of the scene .

Spiteful Loss
Activation: Opportunity Activation
Prerequisites: Rank 1
XP Cost: 3

A bad sport can ruin the fun for everyone in a game, embarrassing
themselves in other’s eyes while leaving the other participants and
audience stressed and frustrated. Of course, sometimes that’s
exactly the point.

When you make a Games (Fire) check while playing a game, you
may spend in the following way:

: If you fail, forfeit 1 glory. Then each participant receives strife

equal to 1 plus the shortfall of the check of all participants in the

Stirring the Embers
Activation: Opportunity Activation
Prerequisites: Rank 1
XP Cost: 3

A good leader does not just compensate for the weaknesses of
comrades, but also fosters their innate strengths. The courtier
reminds an ally of one of their finer qualities, sparking their pride
to get them to fight more fiercely or speak with greater conviction.

When making a Social skill (Fire) check targeting one or more
characters, you may spend in the following way:

+: Choose a target and one of their known advantages per

spent this way. Until the end of the scene, when that advantage
applies to a check, the target may reroll up to three dice (instead
of two).

Truth Burns Through Lies
Activation: Opportunity Activation
Prerequisites: Rank 1
XP Cost: 3

The courtier rapidly extrapolates, imagining the ramifications of a
story and conjecturing what might have gone unsaid. If a loose
thread exists in the account, they can find it, and that first thread
can become the unraveling of the most cunning duplicity.

When making a Scholar skill (Fire) check to assess a character’s
story, you may spend in the following way:

: If there is a single statement upon which the character’s story

hinges, you determine what it is and what you would need to do to
verify or disprove it.

Water Shūji

All in Jest
Activation: Opportunity Activation
Prerequisites: Rank 1
XP Cost: 3

Veteran courtiers sometimes play off missteps as jokes. This
underhanded but effective tactic puts the other person in a difficult
position: press the issue and seem stubborn, or let it slide and give
the courtier a pass.

When you make a Commerce (Water) check, Courtesy (Water), or
Performance (Water) check, you may spend in the following

+: If you forfeited honor as part of the check in order to say

something rude or appeal to your target’s base desires (greed, lust,
laziness, etc.), regain 1 honor per spent this way.

Beware the Smallest Mouse
Activation: Opportunity Activation
Prerequisites: School Rank 1
XP Cost: 3

Often, minor functionaries at court find themselves able to
successfully complete their tasks because they are so unimportant
that nobody bothers to impede them (or even notice their
existence). Some courtiers quickly learn to play up this
appearance when need be.

When you make a Social skill (Water) check, you may spend in
the following way:

+: While interacting with you, the target(s) treats their vigilance

as 1 lower per spent this way and decreases the TN of their
social checks targeting you by 1. This effect lasts until the end of
the scene.

Bouyant Arrival
Activation: Courtesy (Water), TN = the highest
vigilance amongst your targets.
Prerequisites: Rank 5
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Scheme
Target: A number of characters up to your water ring.
Duration: Until the end of your next turn.
Opportunities: -

Some people have the ability to blend in with any social
environment, fluidly adapting to the rough atmosphere of the
humblest tavern one day, while walking among the rulers of the
Empire the next.

If you succeed, you may enter or leave the conversation gracefully.
You need not forfeit honor or glory for interrupting, suddenly
departing, or preempting someone else, regardless of the
respective status of the participants.

Ebb and Flow
Activation: Courtesy, Command, or Games (Water),
TN = The target’s vigilance.
Prerequisites: Rank 3
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Scheme or Support
Target: One Character
Duration: Until the end of the scene
Opportunities: : Choose one additional advantage
or disadvantage to apply the effect to, +: Choose
one additional target with vigilance equal to or lower
than the first target.


Just as hardest ice and the gentlest mist are composed of the same
water, seasoned courtiers know that all it takes is time and work to
transform strength into weakness and weakness into strength. The
courtier manipulates a person's perceptions with ease, keeping their
allies confident and their foes uneasy.


If you succeed and chose “scheme,” choose one of the target’s ad-
vantages that you know; whenever it applies, invert it.

If you succeed and chose “support,” choose one of the target’s disad-
vantages you know; whenever it applies invert it.

Eyes Up!
Activation: TN 2 Scholar (Water), once per game
session, at the start of a scene.
Prerequisites: Rank 1
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Support
Target: One Character
Duration: Until the end of the scene
Opportunities: +: Choose one additional target, :
This effect persists until the end of the next scene

Ronin who spend their life on the battlefield learn to expand their
senses before the fight begins, letting them leap from bedroll to
battle in an instant or react quickly to unexpected threats.

If you succeed, that character treats their focus as 2 lower (to a
minimum of 1) and their vigilance as 2 higher.

Fluent Bargaining
Activation: Opportunity Activation
Prerequisites: Rank 2
XP Cost: 3

“And, of course, our fee will need to cover various expenses…”

When you make a Commerce (Water) check to negotiate
payment for a job, you may spend in the following way:

Water +: If you succeed, you also convince the client to pay

10% of the fee up front per spent in this way. This effect lasts
until the end of the scene.

Fun and Games
Activation: Opportunity Activation
Prerequisites: Rank 1
XP Cost: 3

Games can be fun to play or observe. They can be even more fun
when one of those participants is a good sport who knows how to
win or lose with grace, and how to entertain their fellow participants
and the audience in the process.


When you make a Games (Water) check, you may spend in the
following way:

+: Remove 1 strife per spent from target observer or


: Remove 1 strife from each participant or observer instead.

Malleable Formation
Activation: TN 2 Command (Water), once per
Prerequisites: Rank 3
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Movement and Support
Target: Two willing characters at range 0-2 of who
you could reasonably reach one another’s position.
Duration: Instant
Opportunities: : You can use this technique one
additional time this scene.

Picking the right person for the job is a key skill for any leader,
whether they are an experienced carpenter building a house or a
great general commanding an army. So too is knowing when to
change tactics- or opponents- even in the midst of a conflict.


If you succeed, your targets immediately move the range bands to

switch places. If they do, each target may select a new stance.

Regal Bearing
Activation: Command or Performance (Water), TN =
The highest vigilance among your targets.
Prerequisites: Rank 4
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Scheme
Target: Any number of characters in the scene.
Duration: Until the end of the scene.
Opportunities: : Learn if the status of one other
character in the scene if higher or lower than yours.

Courtiers train in the art of carrying themselves no matter what
clothing they wear, gaining impeccable control over their posture,
tone, and choice of words to project exactly the social standing
they desire others to see.

If you succeed, each target treats your status as being 10 higher
or lower, (to a maximum of 100 or a minimum of 0), plus or minus
an additional 10 per bonus success. If you do anything that would
call your status into question, any character may resist with a TN
4 Sentiment (Earth 2, Fire 5) check to determine your actual status

Shallow Waters
Activation: Opportunity Activation
Prerequisites: Rank 1
XP Cost: 3

A good courtier learns how to read the desires of those around
them from the subtle cues of their responses in conversation, as
well as how to probe for details without revealing their intentions.

When you make a Social skill (Water) check targeting a character,
you may spend as follows:

: Learn one material item or worldly experience the target desires.

: Learn the target’s ninjō.

Slippery Manuevers
Activation: TN 2 Command (Water), (Limit, during
skirmish or mass battle)
Prerequisites: Rank 2
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Movement and Support
Target: Any number of friendly characters in the
scene, (or one cohort during a mass battle).
Duration: Until the end of the scene.
Opportunities: : +2 to TN instead of +1 to TN of
Attack actions targeting each target leveraging
Obscuring terrain.


If you succeed during a skirmish, choose a position containing terrain

that you can see. Each target may immediately move 1 range band
toward it. Attack checks targeting any of your targets inside the terrain
treat the terrain as having the Obscuring terrain quality. This effect
persists until the end of the scene.

If you succeed during a mass battle, choose a piece of terrain you can
see. You and your cohort may immediately move to occupy it if it is
unoccupied. Attack action checks targeting you and your cohort while
you are inside the terrain treat the terrain as having the Obscuring terrain
quality. This effect persists until the end of the scene.

Tributaries of Trade
Activation: TN 1 Commerce (Water), once per
scene, during skirmish or mass battle
Prerequisites: Rank 2
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Scheme and Support
Target: Self
Duration: Instant
Opportunities: +: Reduce the cost of the item by ¼
(to a minimum of ¼ the original price overall)


Gift giving is an important cultural practice in Rokugan (as is the art of

gift refusal, which any potential recipient must repeat at least twice
before accepting the third offer). While some courtiers have a gift
prepared for any possible contingency, many simply get acquainted with
the art of explaining why a gift could only have been intended for its
current recipient (even if they originally procured it for a different
purpose). The ability to quickly acquire an item is valued among all
courtiers, as a gift demands reciprocity in some kind, whether that be in
favors, esteem, or subsequent gifts.


If you succeed, you produce an item with rarity less than or equal to your
1 plus your bonus successes. You must still pay the costs of the item.

Watch my Back
Activation: TN 2 Command (Water), once per scene
if you are in water stance
Prerequisites: Rank 5
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Movement and Support
Target: A character at range 0-2
Duration: Instant

Putting your full faith in someone else is the greatest risk warrior
can take. By fighting together without reservation, two can
accomplish the deeds that a dozen could not undertake if each
operates individually.

The character you chose may immediately perform a Guard
action targeting you, ignoring range restrictions.

If they succeed, you may move up to 2 range bands. Reduce the

TN of the next action check you perform this turn by 1.

Well of Desire
Activation: Opportunity Activation
Prerequisites: School Rank 1
XP Cost: 3

Bribery is considered to be corruption in Rokugan, yet gift
exchanges and gift giving is a time-honored tradition. The
shrewdest courtiers can engineer scenarios in which their targets
cannot refuse their gifts without tarnishing their reputations. Thus,
the recipient of such a poisoned gift might find it preferable to owe
the courtier a favor than to be shamed in public.

When you make a Courtesy (Water) check to present a gift to a
target, you may spend as follows:

: To refuse your gift, your target must forfeit glory equal to your
Water Ring. Additionally, if the gift is something that the target
desires, the target also must suffer strife equal to its rarity to refuse
it. If your target accepts the gift, reduce the TN of your next Social
skill check targeting them by the rarity of the item (to a min of 1)

Void Shūji

All Arts are One
Activation: TN 4 Martial Skill, Games, or
Performance (Void)
Prerequisites: Rank 3
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Support
Target: Self.
Duration: Instant.
Opportunities: , Choose a ring: -1 TN to your next
check using the ring until the end of your next turn.

Just as the four elements are bound together by Void, certain
underlying principles, including aesthetics, logic, and discipline,
unite all forms of art. By meditating on these similarities, a courtier
is able to more easily grasp the fundamentals of any subject.

If you succeed, you immediately intuit how to wield a new weapon,
play a new game, or perform a new instrument, song, dance, or
other task. You do not apply any TN increases that might be
associated with dealing with something new to you.

Awe of Heaven
Activation: Command (Void) check,
TN = highest status among your targets
(limit once per scene)
Prerequisites: (Imperial) Rank 4
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Attack and Scheme
Target: Any number of Characters in the Scene.
Duration: Instant.
Opportunities: -

With but a word or glance, a samurai of the Imperial families can
invoke the power of the Chrysanthemum Throne.

If you succeed, each target suffers the Silenced condition.

A Samurai’s Fate
Activation: TN 5 Command (Void)
Prerequisites: Rank 4
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Support
Target: Any number of characters in the scene,
(or one cohort during a mass battle).
Duration: Until the end of the scene.
Opportunities: None


A leader asks their warriors for the final service all samurai must
someday render to their lord: to lay down their lives that others might live.
Even as they fall in battle, their shed blood waters the fields that will grow
a thousand victories.


If you succeed during a skirmish, each target ignores any critical strikes
with severity lower than your Void Ring plus your bonus successes. This
effect persists until the end of the scene (at which point the injuries take

If you succeed during a mass battle, your army counts as having the
Fearless Army ability, below:

Fearless Army: At the end of each round, your army removes panic equal
to your glory rank. This effect persists until the end of the scene.

Bond of Heroes
Activation: TN 5 Performance (Void), once per game session
Prerequisites: Rank 5
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Support
Target: Each character who shares a bond with you in the
Duration: Instant
Opportunities: None


Whenever heroes arise – whether they are the Seven Thunders facing
Fu Leng or seven humble ronin defending a backwater village from
bandits – it’s not just their force of arms that makes them legends. Their
bonds, their feelings for one another: these are what drive them to great
deeds, and why people tell their tales time and again across the ages.


If you succeed, each target removes 5 strife and 5 fatigue, plus 1 for every
two bonus successes.

Courtier’s Resolve
Activation: 1 Void Point, (Limit, once per scene.)
Prerequisites: Rank 1
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Support
Target: Self
Duration: Instant
Opportunities: None

Warriors do battle with their bodies, and courtiers do battle with
their minds. To maintain one’s composure while surrounded by the
challenges of court, one must be able to clear and organize one’s
mind, returning focus to the most vital tasks.

Remove strife equal to your glory rank.

Forseen Need
Activation: TN 1 Artisan (Void)
Prerequisites: Rank 4
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Support
Target: Self
Duration: Instant
Opportunities: : Double the rarity of the target item,
but the item must be of a perishable nature or one
with only sentimental value.

Artisans with an open mind and an eye to the future are always
working on things they may need one day. A little preparation and
anticipation can pay off greatly at the right moment.

If you succeed, you recall that you had foreseen the need for an
item with rarity 1 plus your number of bonus successes on the
check. Spend one void point to instantly reveal one item you could
have crafted, as long as it is reasonable (e.g. you could be carrying
it on your person or have it in your quarters, you had access to the
resources to craft it over the past month.)

Lady Doji’s Decree
Activation: Courtesy (Void), TN = Vigilance of the target
holding the most status, (Limit, once per session)
Prerequisites: (Crane) Rank 2
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Action
Target: A number of characters up to your school rank.
Duration: Until the end of the scene.
Opportunities: +: Choose 1 additional target with status
lower than the first target, : Your targets also cannot
perform scheme actions against you.


Propriety, grace, and eloquence were of great importance to the founder

of the Crane Clan. With a word, she was said to defuse the most
dangerous situations. Crane Clan courtiers follow in her footsteps,
forcing bystanders to listen with a single striking comment.


If you succeed, your targets cannot perform Attack actions targeting you.
This effect persists for one round, plus additional rounds equal to your
bonus successes, or until you perform an Attack action.

Lady Shinjo’s Speed
Activation: TN 2 Survival (Void), (Must have a steed
Prerequisites: (Unicorn) Rank 2
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Downtime
Target: Self.
Duration: Instant.
Opportunities: : You may lead a number of willing
characters with mounts of their own up to your school

The Kami Shinjo carried within her a curiosity that could never be
fully satisfied, and she ceaselessly sought out new places, new
cultures, and new discoveries. Her passion carries on to her clan,
who still feel the call of the unexplored. Peerless riders with large,
powerful steeds brought back from beyond Rokugan, the samurai
of the Unicorn Clan can relocate more swiftly than anyone else,
and can still find their way across even unfamiliar terrain with
relative ease as Shinjo taught them centuries ago.

If you succeed, you reach the destination in half the time it would
normally require. Up to one character can ride along with you.

Lord Akodo’s Roar
Activation: TN 1 Command (Void), (Limit, once per
Prerequisites: (Lion) Rank 2
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Action
Target: Each hostile character within a number of
range bands equal to your school rank
Duration: Instant
Opportunities: + : One other friendly character at
range 0-3 may immediately make a strike action
against a Dazed character.

The Kami Akodo One-Eye, who founded the Lion Clan, was the
greatest tactician in the Empire. His victories rested not upon the
strength of his arm, but upon his keen mind and his faith in the
people he rallied behind him. The true general never stands alone,
for they are always bolstered by the united will of their followers.
With a roar that echoes through the ranks, chilling their foes and
heartening their comrades, the leader charges as Akodo himself
once did.


If you succeed, each target suffers the Dazed condition.

Lord Bayushi’s Whispers
Activation: TN 2 Skulduggery (Void), (Limit, once per
Prerequisites: Scorpion Clan, School Rank 2
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Narrative or Downtime Action
Target: Self.
Duration: Instant.
Opportunities: , Choose a skill: If you succeed, the
Informant has a number of ranks in this skill equal to your
school rank and may assist you until the end of the scene.


The Kami Bayushi, self-appointed villain of the Emperor Hantei and

master of duplicity, founded the Scorpion Clan with a simple purpose: to
dishonor themselves so that others could live honorably. Bayushi
maintained vast networks of spies and informants, and he was extremely
skilled at turning assets others used to try to spy on him. The Scorpion
Clan has carried on this tradition with an efficiency that would surely
make Bayushi proud. Hardly a town exists in the Empire without an agent
of the Scorpion.


If you succeed, you reveal one informant who can give you information
about a topic of your choice. If the informant’s profile is required, use an
appropriate NPC of the GM’s choice.

Lord Togashi’s Insight
Activation: TN 2 Meditation (Void),
(Limit, once per session)
Prerequisites: (Dragon) Rank 2
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Action
Target: Self.
Duration: Instant.
Opportunities: : Reduce the TN of your first check to
overcome the obstacle by your school rank.
(to a min of TN1)


The enigmatic Kami Togashi was said to have the ability to see the future,
by which provenance he excused himself from the Tournament of the
Kami. Occasionally he appears to his descendants, the members of the
Dragon Clan, in flashes of visions or sudden, unexplained bursts of
insight. Whether those who hear the voice of Togashi himself are truly in
contact with their progenitor, channeling his essence across the ages, or
are letting their imaginations run a bit too wild is a topic of discussion
among the Dragon’s scholars.


If you succeed, you receive a brief vision or hear the voice of Togashi
providing a hint regarding one way you might proceed (which the GM
should furnish). This hint should not be the full answer, but it should help
you move forward toward a solution or at least formulate a plan of action.

Rouse the Soul
Activation: Opportunity Activation
Prerequisites: School Rank 5
XP Cost: 3

Many things can cloud the soul, but words can awaken it. The
courtier speaks honestly and without pretension, calling upon their
allies to overcome earthly circumstances and reach a mutual goal.

When making a Social skill (Void) or Theology (Void) check
targeting one or more characters, you may spend in the
following way:

+: Remove one of the following conditions from one target per

spent this way: Afflicted, Enraged, Exhausted, Intoxicated, or

Tonight, I am Your Opponent
Activation: TN 3 Social skill (Void), once per game
Prerequisites: Rank 3
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Scheme and Support
Target: One character who is currently fighting in a
duel or clash
Duration: Instant


Normally, interrupting someone else’s duel of honor or battlefield clash

is an act of substantial dishonor affecting all involved. However,
sometimes a dueling warrior will swallow their pride and let someone
else step in. By making an impassioned plea to a friend, speaking nobly
to an old rival, explaining why it would be improper for the pair to fight,
or simply having such conviction that no others can question their honor,
a speaker can attempt to cut into a one-on-one fight between two other


If you succeed, you immediately replace your target in the duel or

clash, staking your own honor and glory as usual. Your target forfeits
half the honor and glory they staked upon fighting uninterrupted.

If you share a bond with the character you are replacing or with their
adversary, no character must forfeit honor or glory for your interruption.
Wanderer’s Resolve
Activation: May activate once per scene, if you are
in Void Stance
Prerequisites: School Rank 1
XP Cost: 3
Action Type: Support
Target: Self
Duration: Instant

A samurai with a lord can find resolve in the loyalty they feel, but a
samurai with no lord has no easy wellspring from which to draw
resolve. This hardship and isolation, however, can lead a ronin to
discover a certainty all their own, for if they do not act, no one else
will. The lives of their friends – of those who depend on them – rest
solely in their hands.

You remove 3 fatigue and 3 strife, plus 3 fatigue and 3 strife for
each Compromised or Incapacitated character in the scene with
whom you share a bond.


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