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PCA - Science 7th

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Area: Foreign Language Subject: Science

Teacher: Miss. Ma. Luisa Duarte

Grade / Course: 7th. Education Level: BASIC- LEVEL 3
2. TIME:
Weekly course load Total class weeks Learning evaluation and unexpected issues No. of working weeks Total periods

5 40 4 36 180
Objectives of the Area Objectives of the level
OG.EFL 1 Encounter socio-cultural aspects of their own and other countries in a thoughtful and inquisitive O.EFL 3.1
manner, maturely, and openly experiencing other cultures and languages from the secure standpoint of their Identify the main ideas and some details of written and oral texts, in order to interact with and to develop an
own national and cultural identity. approach of critical inquiry to a variety of texts.
OG.EFL 2 Draw on this established propensity for curiosity and tolerance towards different cultures to O.EFL 3.2
comprehend the role of diversity in building an intercultural and multinational society. Assess and appreciate English as an international language, as well as the skills and subskills that contribute to
OG.EFL 3 Access greater flexibility of mind, creativity, enhanced linguistic intelligence, and critical thinking communicative and pragmatic competence.
skills through an appreciation of linguistic differences. Enjoy an enriched perspective of their own L1 and of O.EFL 3.3 Independently read level-appropriate texts in English for pure enjoyment/entertainment and to
language use for communication and learning. access information.
OG.EFL 4 Deploy a range of learning strategies, thereby increasing disposition and ability to independently O.EFL 3.4
access further learning and practice opportunities. Respect themselves and others within the communication Develop creative and critical thinking skills to foster problem-solving and independent learning using both
process, cultivating habits of honesty and integrity into responsible academic behavior. spoken and written English.
OG. EFL 5 Directly access the main points and important details of up-to-date English language texts, such as O.EFL 3.5 Use print and digital tools and resources to investigate real-world issues, answer questions or solve
those published on the web, for professional or general investigation, through the efficient use of ICT and problems.
reference tools where required. O.EFL 3.6
OG.EFL 6 Through selected media, participate in reasonably extended spoken or written dialogue with peers Read and write short descriptive and informative texts related to personal information or familiar topics and
from different L1 backgrounds on work, study, or general topics of common interest, expressing ideas and use them as a means of communication and written expression of thought.
opinions effectively and appropriately.
OG.EFL 7 Interact quite clearly, confidently, and appropriately in a range of formal and informal social
situations with a limited but effective command of the spoken language.

4. TRANSVERSAL AXES: Solidarity, justice, innovation

N.º Name of the Specific objectives of the Skills and performance criteria Methodology orientation Evaluation Criteria and Indicators Time in
Unit planning Unit. weeks
1 Body Systems O.EFL 3.1 EFL 3.3.2 Major organs • Examine how scientists developed new CE.EFL.3.12. Display an understanding of some 6
Identify the main ideas Show understanding of some basic details in Nervous System theories and explanations for phenomena by basic details in short simple
and some details of short simple Circulatory synthesizing evidence with creative thinking. cross-curricular texts from various sources by
written and oral texts, in cross-curricular texts by matching, labeling and system • Testing ideas and predictions by collecting matching, labeling and answering simple
order to interact with answering simple Respiratory evidence and data during an investigation. questions, and use the information gathered in
and to develop an questions. system • Designing investigations in order to test ideas. order to organize
approach of critical Digestive • Making predictions based on scientific and discuss relationships between different
inquiry to a variety of system knowledge. academic content areas.
texts. Excretory • Deciding what evidence to collect during an I.EFL.3.12.1. Learners can match, label
system investigation and collect adequate evidence. and answer simple questions about basic details
• Defining factors in different contexts. in a short simple cross-curricular text. Learners
• Selecting the appropriate equipment to use can organize and discuss information from
for an investigation. different sources
• Deciding when it is necessary to repeat of academic content. (I.2, S.1)
observations or measurements to make results
more reliable.

2 Reversible O.EFL 3.2 EFL 3.3.3 Identify the meaning of specific • Studying an infographic on a familiar subject CE.EFL.3.13. Show an ability to identify the 6
and Assess and appreciate content-based words and phrases, with the aid and answering questions about the meaning of specific content-based
Irreversible English as an of visual support. information. words and phrases, with the aid of visual
changes in international language, • Highlighting relevant key information in a text support, and use charts/mind maps
Materials as well as the skills and and crossing out irrelevant information. to distinguish between fact/opinion and
subskills that • Reading a text and identifying the facts and relevant/irrelevant information in informational
contribute to the opinions using a concept map. texts.
communicative and Reversible and • Reading a text and matching content-based I.EFL.3.13.1. Learners can determine
pragmatic competence. Irreversible words to their definition or picture. the meaning of specific content-based
changes • Comparing and contrasting information. words and phrases when accompanied
Solids • Using bar charts, line graphs and tables to by visual support and distinguish between fact
Solids and record and display results. and opinion and relevant and
liquids • Comparing observations, measurements or irrelevant information in informational
Dissolving results. texts through the use of mind maps and
Separating • Evaluating repeated observations and results. charts. (I.2, I.3)
solids from • Recognizing patterns in results and identify
liquids results that the pattern does not apply to.
• Drawing conclusions from results and use
them to make other predictions.
• Explaining predictions based on scientific
knowledge, evaluate these explanations and
share them.
• Determining if and how obtained evidence
supports predictions.
3 Feeding O.EFL 3.3 EFL 3.3.5 • Skimming a text and accompanying pictures CE.EFL.3.14. Select and use reading strategies to 6
relationships Independently read Use everyday reference material in order to and then predicting the answers to understand and give meaning to written text
level-appropriate texts select information appropriate to the purpose of questions found within the text. while employing a range of everyday reference
in English for pure an inquiry and relate ideas from one • Using a dictionary to look up key words in a materials in
enjoyment/entertainm written source to another Producers and text. order to determine information appropriate to
ent and to access consumers • Keeping a vocabulary notebook of synonyms the purpose of inquiry and to
information. Food chains and antonyms of words from a text. relate ideas between written sources.
Food webs • Underlining main ideas in a text. I.EFL.3.14.1. Learners can identify and
Predator and • Writing questions, the learners would like to use reading strategies to make written
prey know about a text before reading it, text more comprehensible and meaningful.
then reading the text to see if the questions Learners can use everyday reference materials to
were answered. select information
• Connecting ideas within and between texts appropriate to the purpose of an inquiry and to
using a double-entry journal. relate ideas from one written
source to another. (I.2, S.1)
4 Electricity O.EFL 3.4 EFL 3.3.6 Circuit diagrams • Answering pre-reading questions by inferring CE.EFL.3.15. Make and support inferences from 6
Develop creative and Apply learning strategies to examine and Measuring the information from pictures within a text. evidence in a text with reference to features of
critical thinking skills interpret a variety of size • Reading inferences about a text and then written English and apply other learning
to foster problem- written materials using prior knowledge, graphic The brightness underlining the information within the strategies to examine and interpret a variety of
solving and organizers, context clues, note taking and of a bulb text that gives evidence of where the inference written materials.
independent learning finding words in a dictionary. Connecting came from.
using both spoken and bulbs in a circuit • Reading statements in pairs in order to infer I.EFL.3.15.1. Learners can make and
written English. Adding cells in a information about the text, then comparing and support inferences using evidence from
circuit contrasting inferences with another pair. texts and features of written English
Metal • Brainstorming a list of everything known (e.g., vocabulary, format, sequence, etc.)
conductors about the topic of a text. and apply other learning strategies in
Using electricity • Reading a text and taking notes in the margins order to examine and interpret a variety
safety about important or interesting information. of written materials. (I.2, J.3)
5 Humans and • Creating a class picture dictionary and adding CE.EFL.3.16. Create a simple learning resource in 6
the entries by writing definitions of new order to record and practice
environment words or drawing a picture to illustrate the new words and demonstrate knowledge of their
O.EFL 3.5 Use print and EFL 3.4.1 meaning. meanings
digital tools and Make a simple learning resource in order to • Using bar charts, line graphs and tables to
resources to record and practice
Greenhouse record and display results. I.EFL.3.16.1. Learners can make a simple
investigate real-world new words.
effect • Comparing observations, measurements or learning resource in order to record and
issues, answer (Example: a picture dictionary, a word list, set of
Pollution and results. practice new words. (Example: a picture
questions or solve flashcards, etc.)
environment • Evaluating repeated observations and results. dictionary, a word list, a set of flashcards,
Activities and • Recognizing patterns in results and identify etc.) (I.1, J.4)
environment results that the pattern does not apply to.
Natural • Drawing conclusions from results and use
resources and them to make other predictions.
energy • Explaining predictions based on scientific
knowledge, evaluate these explanations and
share them.
• Determining if and how obtained evidence
supports predictions.
6 Forces O.EFL 3.6 EFL 3.4.3 • Testing ideas and predictions by collecting CE.EFL.3.18. Write a variety of short simple 6
Read and write short Write a variety of short simple text-types, evidence and data during an investigation. familiar text-types – online or in
descriptive and commonly used in print Mass and • Designing investigations in order to test ideas. print – using appropriate language, layout and
informative texts and online, with appropriate language and • Making predictions based on scientific linking words.
related to personal layout. knowledge. I.EFL.3.18.1. Learners can write short
The effects of
information or familiar • Deciding what evidence to collect during an simple text-types and narratives, online
topics and use them as investigation and collect adequate evidence. and in print, using appropriate language,
The action of
a means of • Defining factors in different contexts. layout and linking words. (I.3, J.2)
communication and forces
The changes of • Reading a dialogue which serves as a model
written expression of text, then writing a similar dialogue on
thought. energy
Friction a different topic.
Resistance • Identifying the format of a familiar text-type
and using it as a model for your own
• Looking at a map or GPS and writing the
directions to get from one place to another
International Primary Science 6
TEACHER (S): Ma. Luisa Duarte S NAME: Miss. Gema Palacios NAME: Miss. Lucy Quinde


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