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GMT Tutorial Presentation

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GMT Tutorial


Sebastian Rost
Setup to run GMT
Please check if your ~/.cshrc file contains the following line:

# for GMT4.1
set path = ( $path /nfs/see-fs-01_app1/GMT4.1/bin )‫‏‬

You can do this by opening this by opening this file using your favourite
editor. E.g.:

( earsro-see-gw-01.leeds.ac.uk)37% nedit ~/.cshrc

If you made any changes to your ~/.cshrc file you have to reread it, so that the
computer knows about the changes. This takes only affect in the current konsole
where you type the source command.

(earsro-see-gw-01.leeds.ac.uk)38% source ~/.cshrc

Global Seafloor Topography from Satellite Altimetry:
DIGITAL GLOBEs (from UC San Diego):
Getting help


(2) man gmtcommand (e.g. psxy)‫‏‬

(3) GMT home-page

Please copy the scripts for this tutorial from my webpage


and the contents of ~earsro/GMT_Tutorial/data to a directory in

your home directory:

(earsro-see-gw-01.leeds.ac.uk)39% cd

(earsro-see-gw-01.leeds.ac.uk)40% cp -r ~earsro/GMT_Tutorial/data .

pscoast -R-180/180/-70/70 –JM0/14/7 -Ba60g30f15/a30g30f15WSen \
-X0.5 -Y2.0 -Dc -S100/100/200 -G100/205/100 -W1/0/255/0 \
-P -K >! map1.ps

awk '{print $7,$6}' < data/world_EQ.dat >! eq.xy

psxy eq.xy -R -JM -Sc0.075i -G255/0/0 -W2 -O >> map1.ps

gs -sDEVICE=x11 map1.ps
The general GMT command structure is:

gmt_command (options) > outputfile

-Rwest/east/south/north specifies the region of interest

-Jparameters selects the map projection
-Btickinfo specifies the tick marks on the map
-X shifts plot in X direction
-Y shifts plot in Y direction
-Dresolution defines the map resolution
-Sfill sets painting of 'wet' areas
-Gfill set painting of 'dry' areas
-Wpen defines which pen to use for drawing
-P selects portrait mode (default landscape)‫‏‬
-O tells GMT to add output to the same plot
-K tells GMT that more PS is koming
Adding lines

psxy -R -JX -G255/0/0 -W3/255/255/0 \

-L -O -K << END >> $outfile
-12.0 49.0
3.0 49.0
3.0 59.0
-12.0 59.0
Adding text to GMT

pstext -R -JM -N -G0/0/255 -D-0.5/0 -O << stopit >> $outfile

-19 50 20 90 4 CM Latitude
5 26 20 0 4 CM Longitude
5 67 10 0 4 CM Groovy Map

There are 3 lines of text instruction, and they are of the format:
x y s a f j text string

x = x location of the text string

y = y location of the text string
s = size of text in points
a = angle of text, in degrees counter clock wise
f = font number (type in a terminal window "pstext -L" to see the font options)
j = justification (BL = bottom left, TR= top right, CM=center middle, etc)
text string = the text to be displayed.
Adding more information

Making colorscales

makecpt -Crainbow -T0/700/50 -Z >! color.cpt

# cpt file created by: makecpt -Crainbow -T0/700/50 -Z
0 255 0 255 50 164 0 255
50 164 0 255 100 73 0 255
100 73 0 255 150 0 18 255
150 0 18 255 200 0 109 255
200 0 109 255 250 0 201 255
250 0 201 255 300 0 255 219
300 0 255 219 350 0 255 127
350 0 255 127 400 0 255 36
400 0 255 36 450 54 255 0
450 54 255 0 500 146 255 0
500 146 255 0 550 237 255 0
550 237 255 0 600 255 182 0
600 255 182 0 650 255 91 0
650 255 91 0 700 255 0 0
B 0 0 0
F 255 255 255
N 128 128 128
The color scale will be written to the file color.cpt and can then be used to
color the depth of the earthquakes:

awk '{print $7,$6,$8}' < data/world_EQ.dat >! eq.xy

psxy eq.xy -R -JM -Sc0.075i -Ccolor.cpt -W2 -O >> map1.ps

Multiple Plots
Orthographic Projection -Jg

#! /bin/csh
set output = globe.ps
# run the GMT program "pscoast" to make coastlines, and do it
# on a globe and let's center it on lat=-10.5 lon=-81 deg, and
# the size: R=1.0 inch.

pscoast -R0/360/-90/90 -Jg-80/-10/1.8/0 -G60/210/160 \

-S225/250/225 -Dc -Bg30 -W3/0/0/0 -Y8.0 -P >! $output
# run ghostscript to plot our postscript output file

gs -sDEVICE=x11 $output
Adding the new plot

# NEW PLOT!!!!
# run pscoast to make the zoom cartesian map, off to the
# lower right

pscoast -R-100/-60/-10/20 –JM0/14/7 -G60/210/160 -Dc \

-Ba10f10g10WSen -W4/0/0/100 -O -X2.0 -Y-2.0 >> $output
# FILE: c.contour0
# Purpose: Make a contour map based on the data in the file
# osu91a1f_16.grd
# GMT progs: pscoast, grdcontour
# this is a stripped down version of the GMT example 1 on
# the web

# define the output filename

set outfile = contour0.ps

# plot the coast, color the land (-G) w/ light gray

pscoast -R-180/180/-90/90 -JH0/6i -X1.25i -Y5.5i -Bg30 \
-Dc -G200 -P -K >!$outfile

# contour the geoid data set. The -C flag is for contour

# interval
grdcontour data/osu91a1f_16.grd -R -JH -C10 -O >> $outfile

# plot the output file

gs -sDEVICE=x11 $outfile

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