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AACS2034 Fundamentals of Computer Networks

Tutorial 1A: Introduction to Networks

Q1. (a) Identify the THREE (3) categories of networks components and give ONE (1) example of each
component. (6 marks)
Component Example

Devices Any End Devices or Intermediary Devices

Eg: PC, Router, Switch, Mobile Phones

Media Ethernet Cable, Fibre Optic Cable, Wireless

Services VOIP, Email, Internet Gaming, TCP/IP, Protocols

(b) Identify the following network representation. (10 marks)

Category Network representation Name of the network

(i) End Devices(1m) (iv) Printer(1m)

(v) IP Phone(1m)

(ii) Intermediary Devices (vi) LAN Switch(1m)


(vii) Router(1m)

(viii) Wireless Router(1m)

(iii) network media(1m) (ix) Wireless Media(1m)

(x) WAN Media(1m)

(c) Identify the type of network media, give each an example and the relevant encoding type. (9
Type of Network Example Encoding

Copper Twisted pair cable used as LAN Electrical impulses


Fiber-Optic Glass or plastic fibers in a vinyl Light pulses

coating for long runs in a LAN
and as a trunk

Wireless Connects local users through the Electromagnetic waves


1 updated by Ts. Carolyn Ting Hie Choon on 25.5.20

AACS2034 Fundamentals of Computer Networks

Tutorial 1A: Introduction to Networks

Q2(a) Distinguish between a physical topology and a logical topology (4marks)

Physical topology is to identify the physical location of intermediary devices, configured ports and
cable installation but logical topology is to identify devices, ports, and IP addressing scheme.

Physical topology
Arrangement of the nodes and the physical connections between them (eg. Star, bus, ring topology)

Logical topology
- The way a network transfer frames from one node to the next (eg. Token passing, CSMA/CD)
- Identify devices, ports, and IP addressing scheme.

(b) Distinguish between Intranet and Extranet (4marks)

Intranet is a term often used to refer to a private connection of LANs and WANs that belongs to an
organization and it is only accessible by the employees of the organization. Extranet is to provide
secure and safe access to individuals who work for a different organization which is not same with
intranet, extranet allow third party to access to it.

- A private network that belongs to an organization.
- It is only accessible by the organization’s members, employees, or other with authorization

- An intranet that can be partially accessed by authorized outsiders, enabling business to exchange
information over the internet securely.
- Eg. Suppliers, vendors, partners, customers, or other businesses

(c) Differentiate between Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN). (8 marks)
interconnect and devices in a limited area provides access to other networks over a
such as a home, office building, or campus wide geographical area such as between
cities, states, provinces, countries, or

LANs interconnect end devices in a limited area WANs interconnect LANs over wide
such as a home, school, office building, or geographical areas such as between cities,
campus. states, provinces, countries, or continents.

provide high speed bandwidth to internal end provide slower speed links between LANs
devices and intermediary devices

- A LAN is usually administered by a - WAN owned and managed by a

single organization or individual. telecommunications service provider.
- The administrative control that governs - WANs are usually administrated by
the security and access control policies multiple service providers.
are enforced on the network level.

- LANs provide high speed bandwidth to - Wans typically provide slower

internal end devices and intermediary speed links between LANs.

(a) Explain “network services” in the context of computer network. (6 marks)

When there is a request from the end-user, its response to the user by provides
information that they request. It contains many of the common network applications
that using a client-server or peer-to-peer architecture. It used for communication of
other people, presentation, data storage and etc. Example of network services are web
hosting service, game server hosting services and email hosting services

- Network components that provide the functionally that directs and moves the
message through the network.
- Network applications that people use every day, Eg. email, world wide web, file
sharing, instant messaging, online game
- These services usually implemented using client-server or peer-to-peer architecture,
based on certain protocols and run at the application layer

(b) Describe the networking term “Interface” and give ONE (1) example. (3 marks)
- Is the point of interconnection between a computer and a private or public network.
- It usually have some form of network address. This may consist of a node identifier
and a port number or may be a unique node ID in its own right.
- Provide standardized functions such as passing messages connecting and

- Specialized ports on an internetworking device (example router) that connect to

individual networks. Example serial interface, Ethernet
2 updated by Ts. Carolyn Ting Hie Choon on 25.5.20

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