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1 Complete the sentences with a, an, the,

or – (no article). 
Example: I read an interesting book last week.
1 I never eat _____ meat because I’m a
2 Is Mike _____ good teacher?
3 Emily ate all of _____ biscuits I bought.
4 There was _____ amazing beach in front of
our hotel.
5 Russell was _____ best dancer in the
6 Dina doesn’t have _____ job.

2 Complete the sentences with to and a

verb from the box.
drink   get   go   have   meet   play   visit
Ex For example: Do you want to go to the
1 ‘Hello, I’m Dan.’  ‘Nice __________ you.’
2 Clare learned __________ the piano when
she was a child.
3 ‘I don’t have any money.’  ‘You need
__________ a job!’
4 Jim decided __________ a party and invite
all his friends.
5 ‘What would you like __________?’  ‘A
glass of orange juice, please.’
6 I’d love __________ Australia one day.

3 Underline the correct word or phrase.

Example: Don’t walk home. It isn’t safe / safely here
at night.
1 Sandra dances quite good / well.
2 It’s raining. Please drive real / really
3 I don’t understand you. Please speak slow /
4 That’s a beautiful / beautifully skirt. Is it
5 He worked hard / hardly and passed the
6 She doesn’t have a very healthy / healthily
7 They speak perfectly English / English
8 This exercise is incredibly difficult /
difficult incredibly.

4 Underline the correct verb.

Example: Cooking isn’t difficult. You just need /
learn / hope to practise.
1 ‘Would you hope / like / plan to have
dinner with me?’
2 Laura’s liking / being / planning to move
to the USA. She’s got a job there.
3 There’s a new film on at the cinema that I
really want / like / would to see.
4 He’s studying hard because he likes /
would / hopes to get a place at university.
5 There’s nothing for dinner. We need / go /
would to go to the supermarket.

5 Complete the sentences with a word or 5 Mark likes to __________ his photos so his
phrase from the box. friends can see them.
6 This email has an __________, but I can’t
attachment   download   google   log in   open it.
online   skype   social network   upload   7 My sister lives in Canada and I __________
wifi her once a week.
8 We connect to the internet with
Ex __________.

6 Complete the sentences with the

correct word.
Example: Read the exam questions carefully.
politely    carefully    casually
1 He isn’t interested in fashion. He prefers to
dress __________. 2 ‘Is she a good dancer?’  ‘No, she dances
casually    perfectly    fashionably really __________.’
well    perfectly    badly
3 He isn’t a very good driver – sometimes he
a drives __________.
carefully    well    dangerously
4 You sang that song __________. Well
How often do you buy things online? beautifully    fashionably    really
1 You need to __________ with your 5 I can’t understand you when you speak
password to use the computer. __________.
2 My dad doesn’t often __________ music politely    fast    carefully
from the internet. 6 We can’t sleep because they play their
3 It’s easy to find information on the internet music __________.
– you just __________ the words. quietly    dangerously    loudly
4 I don’t really like __________ sites like 7 He eats very __________ – he has fast food
Facebook. every day.
unhealthily    hard    noisily


1 Read the internet blog and tick (✔) A, B, or C.

Making the most of retirement

I was a news journalist until I was 60. I wanted to retire and have more time with my wife.
Sadly, she died five years ago and now I’m alone in the house. Our son, Jamie, is a teacher
in Morocco and last year I went there for a holiday. I travelled to lots of countries when I
worked, but this was my first trip to North Africa. I really want to go back. I’d like to travel into
the Sahara and take photographs of the people and animals that live there, but I need to
learn a bit of Arabic first.
Nine months ago I retired from my job as a French teacher, sold my flat in London, and
moved to a small village. It’s incredibly quiet after London, but my life is much busier now.
I’m decorating my new house and I’m learning to drive – I never needed a car in London. I
spend a lot of time in my garden, too. I enjoy working in it and I’m planning to grow
vegetables next year and I also want to get some chickens. There are sometimes problems,
but luckily, my neighbours are really friendly.
Yesterday was my last day at work and now I can do what I want. After forty years as a cook,
I need to lose a few kilos, so I’m going to learn to play golf. I’m planning to do a computer
course at the local college. It’s a good way to learn about computers and meet new people,
and I’d like to make some new friends. I’d also like to get a new computer so I can chat with
my grandchildren on the internet every day – they live in Dubai and I don’t see them very

Example: Harry worked in television until he retired.

A  True  c    B  False  c✔    C 
Doesn’t say  c
1 Harry was sixty when his wife died.
A  True  c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say  c
2 He lives with his son.
A  True  c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say  c
3 He made his first trip to North Africa last
A  True  c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say  c
4 Annette retired when she was sixty-five.
A  True  c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say  c
5 She moved house after she retired.
A  True  c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say  c
6 She passed her driving test in London.
A  True  c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say  c
7 Megan hopes to lose weight.
A  True  c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say  c
8 She phones her family in Dubai every day.
A  True  c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say  c
9 She has a new computer.
A  True  c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say  c

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