Water 14 01865
Water 14 01865
Water 14 01865
Nanobubble Technology Enhanced Ozonation Process for
Ammonia Removal
Yuncheng Wu 1,† , Wei Tian 1,† , Yang Zhang 2 , Wei Fan 3 , Fang Liu 4 , Jiayin Zhao 1 , Mengmeng Wang 1 , Yu Liu 1
and Tao Lyu 5, *
1 Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Nanjing 210042, China;
yuncheng_wu@163.com (Y.W.); tw79210@163.com (W.T.); zjyofrcc@126.com (J.Z.);
wangmeng2336@163.com (M.W.); liuyu19920616@163.com (Y.L.)
2 Shenzhen Guanghuiyuan Environment Water Co., Ltd., Shenzhen 518038, China; jpzhangyang@gmail.com
3 School of Environment, Northeast Normal University, 2555 Jingyue Street, Changchun 130117, China;
4 Department of Physics, Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, UK; f.liu@imperial.ac.uk
5 Cranfield Water Science Institute, Cranfield University, College Road, Cranfield, Bedfordshire MK43 0AL, UK
* Correspondence: t.lyu@cranfield.ac.uk
† These authors contributed equally to this work.
Abstract: Ozone (O3 ) has been widely used for water and wastewater treatment due to its strong
oxidation ability, however, the utilization efficiency of O3 is constrained by its low solubility and
short half-life during the treatment process. Thereby, an integrated approach using novel nanobubble
technology and ozone oxidation method was studied in order to enhance the ozonization of ammonia.
Artificial wastewater (AW) with an initial concentration of 1600 mg/L ammonia was used in this
study. In the ozone-nanobubble treatment group, the concentration of nano-sized bubbles was
2.2 × 107 particles/mL, and the bubbles with <200 nm diameter were 14 times higher than those in
the ozone-macrobubble treatment control group. Ozone aeration was operated for 5 min in both
Citation: Wu, Y.; Tian, W.; Zhang, Y.; nanobubble treatment and control groups, however, the sampling and measurement were conducted
Fan, W.; Liu, F.; Zhao, J.; Wang, M.;
for 30 min to compare the utilization of O3 for ammonia oxidation. H+ was the by-product of the
Liu, Y.; Lyu, T. Nanobubble
ammonia ozonation process, thus the pH decreased from 8 to 7 and 7.5 in nanobubble treatment
Technology Enhanced Ozonation
and control groups, respectively, after 30 min of operation. The fast removal of ammonia was
Process for Ammonia Removal.
observed in both systems in the first 10 min, where the concentration of ammonia decreased from
Water 2022, 14, 1865. https://
1600 mg/L to 835 and 1110 mg/L in nanobubble treatment and control groups, respectively. In the
nanobubble treatment group, ammonia concentrations kept the fast-decreasing trend and reached
Academic Editor: Constantinos
the final removal performance of 82.5% at the end of the experiment, which was significantly higher
V. Chrysikopoulos
than that (44.2%) in the control group. Moreover, the first-order kinetic model could be used to
Received: 16 April 2022 describe the removal processes and revealed a significantly higher kinetic rate constant (0.064 min−1 )
Accepted: 7 June 2022 compared with that (0.017 min−1 ) in the control group. With these results, our study highlights the
Published: 10 June 2022 viability of the proposed integrated approach to enhance the ozonation of a high level of ammonia in
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral contaminated water.
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
published maps and institutional affil- Keywords: advanced oxidation process; ammonia oxidation; nanobubbles; water and wastewater
iations. treatment
may achieve
achieve up toup 1000to mg/L
1000 mg/L attributed
attributed to thetosources
the sources of chemical
of chemical fertilizer,
fertilizer, coking, coking, phar-
maceutical, and petroleum refining [8]. The treatment
tical, and petroleum refining [8]. The treatment of such high-strength ammonia wastewater of such high-strength ammonia
wastewater is often challenging.
is often challenging.
The biological process is sensitive to toxic loads (high initial ammonia level), and cold
weather conditions, and and requires
requires a relatively
relatively long long retention
retention time time andand large
large footprint
footprint [9]. [9].
For the
theion ion exchange
exchange treatment,
treatment, an extremely
an extremely low concentration
low concentration of solids in of the
solids in the
is required to is prevent
to prevent [10].fouling
To reach [10].the Tochlorination
reach the chlorination
sufficient chlo-suf-
rine must chlorine
be addedmustand be added
resulting andinresulting
high costs in high
[11]. costs
The air[11]. The air stripping
stripping process has process
has been successfully
successfully used to treat usedhigher
to treatammonia
higher ammonia concentrations
concentrations (e.g., 1000 (e.g., 1000 mg/L).
mg/L). The major The
major of ammonia
drawback of ammoniastripping is that
stripping is the
thatlime usedused
the lime for raising
for raising the the
pHpH often results
often resultsin
in unwanted calcium
calcium carbonate
carbonate deposition
depositionfouling foulingininthe thepacked
packedbeds beds[10,12].
[10,12]. TheThe use of
ozone is another well-known method for the oxidation oxidationWater of ammonia.
ammonia. Molecular
Molecular O33 can not
2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW
only directly oxidize ammonia but also acts as aa precursor precursor to generate
generate the the hydroxyl
hydroxyl radical
( OH) that
(▪OH) that isiseven
reactiveasasa nonselective
a nonselective oxidant
oxidant [13,14].
Moreover, in the presence
in the pres-
of anof
ence advanced
an advanced catalyst, suchsuch
catalyst, as MgO,as MgO, CuO, andand
CuO, ZnO, ammonia
ZnO, ammonia cancanalsoalso
be be
oxidized as
as gaseous nitrogen
nitrogen [15].[15].
However, the intrinsic
the intrinsic characteristics
characteristicsof ozone limited
of ozone themay
the efficiency
limited effi-achieve u
of ozonation,
ciency such assuch
of ozonation, low water
as lowsolubility and half-life
water solubility [16,17]. The
and half-life low The
[16,17]. saturation in maceutical,
low saturation an
in waterto undesired reaction concentration
leads to undesired reaction concentration and low utilization efficiencyefficiency
and low utilization of ozone [18]. wastewater
of ozone is
half-life of ozone in water is less than 1 h (about 15 min at 298
[18]. The half-life of ozone in water is less than 1 h (about 15 min at 298 K at pH = 7) which K at pH = 7) which limits theThe biolo
limits theofdistance
the reaction of thezone away zone
reaction from away
the ozone frominjection
the ozone point [19]. Therefore,
injection weather condi
point [19].efficient
techniques to enhance the ozonation process are especially
fore, efficient techniques to enhance the ozonation process are especially desired for desired for the treatment Fortheofthe ion
treatment ammonia-contaminated
of strengthened wastewater. wastewater.
ammonia-contaminated wastewater is
Nanobubbles (NBs)
Nanobubbles (NBs) areare tiny
tiny bubbles
bubbles with with diameters
diameters less less than
than 1000
1000 nm, whichficient
nm, which have chlorin
increased attention due to special characteristics of high
increased attention due to special characteristics of high gas transfer efficiency and the gas transfer efficiency andhas been succe
long lifetime of the bubbles [20–22]. The application of NBs
long lifetime of the bubbles [20–22]. The application of NBs as a burgeoning industry val- drawba as a burgeoning industry
ued by Theby TheWallWall StreetStreet
at USD at USD
10 billion10 billion
in 2020 in[23].
[23]. Previous
evidence evidence in has
has shown unwanted c
shown that bubbles with radii of 150–200 nm can remain stable
that bubbles with radii of 150–200 nm can remain stable for two weeks [24]. The large is anoth for two weeks [24]. The
large surface area of NBs could enhance the mass transfer process between the liquid only
surface area of NBs could enhance the mass transfer process between the liquid and gasdirectly o
and gas phases, which helps to facilitate chemical reactions [25]. Hydroxyl radicals ((▪OH) OH) that is e
phases, which helps to facilitate chemical reactions [25]. Hydroxyl radicals (▪OH) gener-
generated during the collapse of the NBs are strong oxidants in aqueous solutions, reacting ence of an adv
ated during the collapse of the NBs are strong oxidants in aqueous solutions, reacting
rapidly with a wide range of dissolved compounds [26]. The potential application of
rapidly with a wide range of dissolved compounds [26]. The potential application ofasNBs gaseous nit
NBs is speeded to many sectors, including the mining industry, water and wastewater
is speeded to many sectors, including the mining industry, water and wastewater ciency treat- of ozon
treatment [27], natural water restoration [28], surface cleaning [25], and agriculturein[29]. water leads
ment [27], natural water restoration [28], surface cleaning [25], and agriculture [29]. Sev-
Several recent studies revealed that ozone NBs can significantly increase the degradation
eral recent studies revealed that ozone NBs can significantly increase the degradation ef-The half-l [18].
efficiencies against a variety of organic contaminants, such as dye molecules in dyestuff limits the dist
ficiencies against a variety of organic contaminants, such as dye molecules in dyestuff
wastewater [30], residual pesticides in vegetables [1], and trichloroethene in sandsfore, [31].
wastewater [30], residual pesticides in vegetables [1], and trichloroethene in sands [31].efficient
Currently, nanobubble technology in coupled ozonation treatment is mainly tested for
treatment of st
Currently, nanobubble technology in coupled ozonation treatment is mainly tested for the
the oxidation of recalcitrant pollutants [32]. Whether, in particular to what extent, thisNanobub
approach could of recalcitrant
to other common [32]. Whether,
pollutants, in such
particular to whatstill
as ammonia, extent,
needsthis ap-
proach could contribute to other common pollutants, such as ammonia, still needs increased atte
investigation prior to the implementation. long lifetime o
To address prior to the
this implementation.
knowledge gap, this study investigated the capability of ozone-
To address this knowledge gap, this study investigated ued by The Wa
nanobubble technology for ammonia removal from water.the capability
Firstly, of ozone-nano-
the bubble sizethat
andbubbles w
bubble technology for ammonia removal from water.
distribution of ozone nanobubbles generated by a nanobubble generator were analyzed. Firstly, the bubble size and distri-
bution of water
nanobubbles surface area o
Then, the and thegenerated by a nanobubble
removal efficiency of ammonia generator were analyzed.
in high-strength Then,
the water waterqualitywere andcompared
the removal efficiency of ammonia in high-strength phases, which
ammonia with the treatment of conventional ozone macrobubble.
ammonia water were ated during th
The findings from thiscompared
study could withprovide
the treatment
further of conventional
insights into theozone macrobubble.
feasibility of using
ozone findings from this
nanobubbles, as study couldand
an efficient provide
effectivefurther insightsfor
approach, into
thethe feasibility
removal of rapidly
of ammoniausing with a
ozone nanobubbles, as an efficient and effective approach, for the removal of ammonia is speeded to
from wastewater.
from wastewater. ment [27], nat
2. Materials and Methods eral recent stu
2. Materials
2.1. and Methods
Ozone-Nanobubble Solution Preparation ficiencies agai
wastewater [3
2.1. Ozone-Nanobubble
The ozonator (OZ-5) Solution
was Preparation
purchased from MAT Filtration Technologies™, which can
Currently, nan
Thethe oxygen(OZ-5)
ozonator to ozone was bypurchased
the corona-discharge
from MATmethod Filtration [33]. The output flow
Technologies™, rate and
which can
oxidation of r
convert the oxygenof ozone produced
to ozone by the bycorona-discharge
OZ-5 were approximately method [33]. 5 g/h Theand 5 L/min
output using
rate could c
investigation p
To addres
bubble techno
bution of ozon
Water 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 9
Water 2022, 14, 1865 3 of 9
and concentration of ozone produced by OZ-5 were approximately 5 g/h and 5 L/min
dried dried airgas
as the as source,
the gas respectively.
source, respectively. In the nanobubble
In the nanobubble treatment
treatment group, group,was
the ozone the
then was then
injected intoinjected into the nanobubble
the nanobubble generator (KMT, generator
Co., Nikuni Co., Ltd., Japan)
Ltd., Kanagawa, Kana-
and Japan) and
a ceramic a ceramic
diffuser, diffuser,under
respectively, respectively,
the gas under
flow ofthe gasL/min.
0.45 flow ofThe0.45nanobubble
L/min. The
generator was generator
operatedwas operated by recirculation
by recirculation of artificialatwastewater
of artificial wastewater a flow rateatofa1000
The superficial
of 1000 L/h. Theliquid velocity
superficial in the
liquid column
velocity inwas 0.035 m/s,
the column wasand0.035them/s,
and thetime in the
time in was approximately
the system 2.1 min. For2.1
was approximately themin.
ozone-macrobubble control group,
For the ozone-macrobubble the group,
control ozone,
with the same
the ozone, withinflow rateinflow
the same of 0.45rate
of 0.45 was passed
L/min, wasthrough a ceramic
passed through diffuserdiffuser
a ceramic for the
treatment. The experimental
for the treatment. setup issetup
The experimental schematically shown in
is schematically Figure
shown in1.Figure 1.
2.2. Experimental
2.2. Experimental Prozcedure
To simulatethe thehigh
concentration ofof ammonia
ammonia wastewater
wastewater discharged
discharged fromfrom land-
petrochemical industries,
fills, petrochemical and piggeries,
industries, artificial
and piggeries, wastewater
artificial (AW) was
wastewater (AW)prepared by adding
was prepared by
the chemical
adding of NH4 CloftoNH
the chemical tap4Cl
water in order
to tap watertoinobtain
ordertheto final
obtain concentration of 1600 mg/L.
the final concentration of
The tap water used in this study was supplied by Severn Trent Water
1600 mg/L. The tap water used in this study was supplied by Severn Trent Water Ltd. Ltd. (Coventry, UK),
with ammonia
(Coventry, UK),≤ with
0.5 mg/L,
ammonia ≤ 0.5≤mg/L,
chloride 250 mg/L, iron≤≤250
chloride 200mg/L, manganese
µg/L,iron ≤ 50manga-
≤ 200 μg/L, µg/L).
nesepH ofμg/L).
≤ 50 AW was Thethen
of AW was to 8then
by 0.1 mol NaOH.
adjusted to 8 byTen
mol of AW were
NaOH. Ten then
of AW
werethe testpoured
then (nanobubble
into thetreatment) and control
test (nanobubble (macrobubble
treatment) treatment)
and control systems at
(macrobubble the
ment) systems of theat experiment.
the beginningBoth treatment
of the systems
experiment. Bothwere reaction
treatment statical
systems wereforreaction
30 min
after thefor
statical bubble
30 mingenerator
after therunning
bubble for 5 min. running
generator AW samples for 5were
min. collected
AW samples at 0, were
5, 10,col-
and 30 min for analysis. The experiment was set up at room temperature (25 ± 2 ◦ C) and
lected at 0, 5, 10, 20, and 30 min for analysis. The experiment was set up at room temper-
ature (25 three times.
± 2 °C) and repeated three times.
2.3. Analytical
Analytical Parameters
Parameters Determination
The sizes and distributions of nanoscale bubbles (<1000 nm) in the 5 min AW samples
The sizes and distributions of nanoscale bubbles (<1000 nm) in the 5 min AW samples
were determined through nanoparticle tracking analysis by ZetaView PMX 120 (Particle
were determined through nanoparticle tracking analysis by ZetaView PMX 120 (Particle
Metrix, Meerbusch, Germany) and its corresponding software ZetaView 8.04.02. The
Metrix, Meerbusch, Germany) and its corresponding software ZetaView 8.04.02. The pH
pH and dissolved oxygen (DO) of all AW samples were measured by Hach’s portable
and dissolved oxygen (DO) of all AW samples were measured by Hach’s portable meters
meters (Hach, America). The ammonia concentrations in AW samples were determined by
(Hach, America). The ammonia concentrations in AW samples were determined by an
an AQ400 nutrients autoanalyzer (Seal analytical, Southampton, UK) and subjected to the
AQ400 nutrients autoanalyzer (Seal analytical, Southampton, UK) and subjected to the
dilution according to the detection manual [34]. All the experiments were done in a fume
dilution according to the detection manual [34]. All the experiments were done in a fume
hood with an ozone gas detector to ensure the environmental O3 concentration was lower
hood with an ozone gas detector to ensure the environmental O3 concentration was lower
than 120 µg/m33 .
than 120 μg/m .
2.4. Statistical Analyses
2.4. Statistical Analyses
The first-order kinetics model (Equation (1): ln[C/C0 ] = −kt) was used to simulate the
removal first-order kinetics model
of ammonia in both(Equation
treatment (1): ln[C/C0]The
systems. = −kt) was used to simulate
non-parametric the
test (Mann-
removal process of ammonia in both treatment systems. The non-parametric test
Whitney U test) was applied to compare the significance (p < 0.05) of the water quality and (Mann-
Whitney U
ammonia test) was applied
concentration in bothtosystems
compare at the significance
a certain sampling(p time.
< 0.05) of the water quality
and ammonia concentration in both systems at a certain sampling time.
ln[C/C0 ] = −kt (1)
ln[C/C0] = −kt (1)
Water 2022, 14, 1865 4 of 9
Figure 2. Nanoscale bubbles size and distribution in macrobubble treatment control system (a) and
nanobubble treatment system (b).
3.2. The Changes in pH and Dissolved Oxygen (DO) during the Treatment
Previous studies have shown the efficiency of ozone oxidation of ammonia was higher
in an alkali environment compared with that in neutral or acid conditions [5]. In this study,
the initial pH of both systems was adjusted to 8, thus, the dissociation of NH4 Cl in water
led to an equilibrium between the ammonium ion (NH4 + ) and free ammonia (NH3 ), which
can be expressed in Equation (2). The equilibrium between ammonium form and free
ammonia depends on the pH of the solution. The ammonium form dominates at pH < 7,
whereas the free ammonia increased at pH > 7. In the initial part of this study, the pH of
AW was adjusted to 8 which facilitates the equilibrium tilt towards free ammonia [37]. As
shown in Figure 3a, during the ammonia ozonation process, the pH of the reaction medium
decreases with time due to the formation of H+ ions (Equation (3)). However, the rate of pH
descent in the nanobubble treatment system was faster than in the control system. At the
end of the study (30 min), the pH achieved 7.00 ± 0.09 and 7.52 ± 0.04 in the nanobubble
treatment and control systems, respectively.
NH4 + + OH−
NH3 + H2 O (2)
Figure 3. The dynamics of pH (a) and dissolved oxygen (b) in both treatment groups.
3.3. Ammonia one-unitRemoval
ammonia can consume
Performance four-unit ozone during the process of am-
and Kinetics
monia oxidation by ozone (Equation (3)), continuous
Ozonation has been applied to remediate organics, aeration in both
ammonia, systems
and could deliver
disinfection in wa-
excess ozone into the solution and produce oxygen following the chemical reaction in Equa-
ter and wastewater treatment since the 1970s [43,44]. For high-strength ammonia
tion (4) [38]. Therefore, the DO concentrations increased from 7.5 ± 0.1 mg/L to 10.8 ± 0.4
wastewater, ozonation is also used to decompensate the recalcitrant form of nitrogen and
and 9.1 ± 0.3 mg/L in nanobubble treatment and control systems after 5 min of operation
enhance the biodegradability of the wastewater [45]. In this study, the ammonia concen-
(Figure 3b). It has been reported that the cavitation process for nanobubble generation
trations quickly decreased from 1600 mg/L to 1380 ± 270 and 1510 ± 157 mg/L in nanobub-
could induce super-saturation of gas in water [39], which supported the significantly higher
ble treatment and control groups, respectively, at the first 5 min along with the operation
DO level in the nanobubble treatment group.
of aeration (Figure 4a). Although the aeration was stopped after 5 min, the dissolved O3
Previous studies have observed that nanobubbles in water can exist for up to several
weeks [40]. Zhang et al. detected the heterogeneous pressures inside nanobubbles by
atomic force microscopy (AFM), which was modeled in a molecular dynamics simulation
as a high-gas-density state [41]. The gas (O3 in this study) inside nanobubbles may exist
as an aggregation rather than the phase of the dissolved state in the solution [42], and the
diffusion of the O3 inside nanobubbles is likely to be slow and to take place over a long
period of time. Thus, the DO concentration decreased to 7.8 ± 0.2 mg/L, which was similar
to the original DO level in the control group after 30 min (Figure 3b). On the contrary,
the decrease in DO level in the nanobubble treatment group was much slower and kept
a significantly higher value (8.9 ± 0.2 mg/L) than that in the control group. It demonstrated
that the application of nanobubble aeration could potentially improve ammonia oxidation
due to a higher O3 utilization rate.
Figure 4. The concentration of ammonia remaining in the wastewater during the treatment, and the
simulations of the first-order kinetics model of the ammonia removal.
It is well known that the ozone oxidation treatment was hindered by the low dissolv-
ability and O3 utilization efficiency in water [40]. The ammonia concentration in the control
group with macrobubble treatment only slightly decreased to 910 ± 144 mg/L with the
final removal efficiency of 44.2% at the end of the experiment. Due to the long lifespan of
nanobubbles and the capability of slowly releasing the filled gas into the surrounding water
(Figure 3b), the ammonia concentration in the nanobubble treatment group kept a fast-
decreasing trend to 277 ± 76 mg/L with the final removal efficiency of 82.5% at 30 min
(Figure 4a). Liu et al. reported the removal rate of ammonia by ozone could reach 80%,
however, with the presence of MgO catalyst [46]. It is hypothesized that the combination
of ozone-nanobubble treatment and the catalysis could achieve an even higher removal
capability of the ammonia from contaminated water. When using the ozone aeration with
the bubble sizes of micrometers, 99.1% of ammonia can be removed from the wastewater,
however, with continuous aeration of 570 min [47]. Notably, these results were gained
in a relatively lower initial concentration of ammonia in wastewater (50–100 mg/L). It
supported that the aeration of nano-sized ozone bubbles is potentially more efficient and
cost-effective for ammonia removal from water. Directly and indirectly, oxidation pathways
were probably involved in the oxidation of ammonia by ozone nanobubbles. Firstly, owing
to the long existence of the nano-sized ozone bubble in water, ozone could sustainably
diffuse to the surrounding water, thus ammonia would directly oxidize to nitrate by ozone
as shown in Equation (3) [5]. Secondly, the collapsing of ozone nanobubbles may deliver
hydroxyl radicals, which could act on ammonia oxidation. However, the occurrence of
hydroxyl radicals depends on the pH of the solution [48]. Takahashi et al. have shown that
hydroxyl radicals are formed from ozone microbubbles under strongly acidic conditions in
the presence of mineral acids [26]. As the pH decreased in our experiment, the mechanism
of oxidation of ammonia by ozone nanobubbles can occur either by direct oxidation or via
the hydroxyl radicals.
The removal dynamics of ammonia in both systems can be well described by the
first-order kinetics model (Figure 4b), which was supported by previous studies [49]. The
pseudo-first-order rate constant k = 0.064 min−1 was obtained for the slope of the regression
line for the ozone-nanobubble treatment group, which was 3.78 times higher than the
control group (k = 0.017 min−1 ). Overall, the result of the current study demonstrated
the high potential of coupling novel nanobubble technology with the traditional ozone
oxidation approach for strengthened ammonia-contaminated water treatment.
Water 2022, 14, 1865 7 of 9
4. Conclusions
This study investigated the integrated approach using novel nanobubble technology
and the traditional ozone oxidation method for the treatment of high-strength ammonia
wastewater. Due to its higher dissolution ability and longer ozone retention time properties,
ozone-nanobubble treatment performed better removal of ammonia (82.5%) than that
(44.2%) in the control group with the ozone-macrobubble treatment. The first-order kinetics
model can be used to describe the removal of ammonia, and presented a significantly higher
removal rate constant (k value) of 0.064 min−1 in the nanobubble treatment group compared
with that (0.017 min−1 ) in the control groups. The ozone nanobubble could remain in the
water and slowly dissolute the gas and continually contribute to the ammonia oxidation,
which could further potentially reduce the operation cost. Overall, the result suggests that
ozone nanobubbles can be a more effective ozonation method for the treatment of heavily
polluted wastewater.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, T.L.; data curation, Y.W., W.T., Y.Z., W.F., M.W. and Y.L.;
investigation, Y.W. and W.T.; project administration, T.L.; supervision, T.L.; visualization, F.L., J.Z.,
M.W. and Y.L.; writing—original draft, Y.W., W.T., Y.Z. and W.F.; writing—review and editing, F.L.,
J.Z. and T.L. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: The research was funded by the special fund of the Chinese Central Government for Basic Sci-
entific Research Operations in the Commonwealth Research Institute (GYZX220307 and GYZX2002202).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Data are contained within the article as figures.
Acknowledgments: The authors wish to thank Bachelor of Science (Hons) students, Environmental
Science, Nottingham Trent University, who have conducted part of the experiment.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Water 2022, 14, 1865 8 of 9
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