1 ARC Dairy Innovation Hub, School of Agriculture and Food Sciences, The University of
Queensland, St Lucia QLD-4072, Australia
A novel continuous nanobubble generation method was developed using a commercial ceramic
membrane as a nanobubble generator. CO2 and air were infused externally across the ceramic
membrane (pore size 50 nm) into the water flowing inside the ceramic membrane tube. Infusion of
each gas was done in a single (20 s) and multiple passes (180 s) at 20-21°C. Results showed that
gaseous nanobubbles could be generated even in a single pass. Low power ultrasound (200 kHz,
30W) was applied for the rapid assessment of nanobubble stability. Single-pass ultrasound
treatment of the samples was carried out at two levels: 2.6 J mL-1 and 5.1 J mL-1. Among the
samples in which gases were infused for multiple passes, air nanobubbles were found more stable
than CO2. In contrast, an opposite trend was observed in those samples in which gases were
infused in the single-pass only (20 s). This process has the potential to be applied to food
processing industries, such as to enhance the products’ sensory attributes, the efficiency of
membrane separation, food drying, and liquid food transportation systems.
1. Introduction
Microbubbles (MBs) ( 10-50 µm) and nanobubbles (NBs) (<200 nm) are tiny gas-filled cavities
within liquids (Temesgen et al., 2017, Agarwal et al., 2011). The popularity of these bubbles has
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been increasing over time. The primary application areas of microbubbles (MBs) and nanobubbles
Accepted Article
(NBs) include wastewater treatment, mining, agriculture, aquaculture, food processing and
medical applications(Adhikari et al., 2018, Akhavan et al., 2016, Amamcharla et al., 2017, Ebina
et al., 2013, Jannesari et al., 2018, Jannesari et al., 2020, Liu et al., 2008, Liu et al., 2013, Liu et
al., 2012, Ohnari, 2001, Temesgen et al., 2017, Wu et al., 2008). The mechanism of action of NBs
and MBs in food processing could be different depending on their sizes and chemical nature. For
example, gaseous NBs and MBs affect the physical properties of a liquid by decreasing the
interparticle friction of colloidal particles (Liu et al., 2013), leading to a change in the rheological
properties of food. Carbon dioxide NBs and MBs have been claimed to lower the viscosity of the
concentrated dairy dispersions, such as milk protein and whey protein dispersion (Amamcharla et
al., 2017). Another fate of gaseous NBs and MBs affecting food and bioprocessing could be by
enhancing the solubility of gases themselves and mass transfer efficiency. For example, Ogawa et
al. (2012) claimed that air NBs and MBs in seasoning liquid significantly reduced the marination
time of boiled egg to just 5 h from 72 h. The dramatic reduction in margination time is due to
enhanced mass transfer rate by air NBs and MBs. Similarly, Ebina et al. (2013) also demonstrated
a significant increase in O2 content in water from 7.7 to 31.7 mg L-1 when incorporated as O2 NBs
and MBs. In the food processing sector, the use of CO2 is getting more attention than other gases.
This could be due to its high solubility, pH lowering capacity and relatively low reactivity.
Application of CO2 NBs and MBs significantly decreased the melting rate and scooping hardness
and increased the overall acceptability of soft-serve ice cream (Adhikari et al., 2020a). In addition
to alteration of products’ attributes, CO2 NBs and MBs also decreased the churning time during
butter making, ice nucleation time of liquid foods, the crystal size of lactose and anhydrous milk
fat, and increased the ice nucleation temperature of the milk and fruit juice (Adhikari et al., 2018,
Adhikari et al., 2020a, Adhikari et al., 2019, Truong et al., 2018). A detail of gaseous nanobubbles
production methods and their applications is available in a review article by Khanh et al. (2020).
There are two primary methods for generating NBs and MBs: the cavitation method and the
porous media-assisted method. Gaseous NBs and MBs are generated in aqueous solutions by
creating cavitation through four general mechanisms: hydrodynamic, acoustic, particle, and optical
type. In the case of food, being a complex biomaterial, NBs and MBs generation via some of the
cavitation methods could have detrimental effects on the food itself or its constituents. For
example, the use of electromagnetic waves creates cavitation and affects proteins and fat and
The authors reported that an increase in gas injection pressure and a decrease in membrane pore
size reduced the size of bubbles. This is also a batch type process. In a recent publication, Khanh
et al. (2020) reported the continuous generation of fine nanobubbles (Z-Ave 200 to 500 nm) using
a commercial nanobubble generator (Stoney series - Nanobubble Injection System-protected).
Again, this nanobubble generator caused instant foaming on diary protein dispersion when
preliminary trials were carried out in our laboratory. Ahmed et al. (2018) and Khanh et al. (2020)
claimed that the smaller sized nanobubbles were generated at 4 bar gas injection pressure than gas
injection at 3 and 2 bars. Of all the processes described above, the ceramic membrane assisted
method of generating gaseous NBs and MBs is a simple method with the potential to fit into a
continuous system. However, there are no such methods that can generate NBs in a continuous
system. Our proposed ceramic membrane-based system is a continuous system and comprises a
fit-out similar to the normal commercial membrane filtration system. Such fit-out makes this
system much easier to operate.
Besides, the stability of nanobubbles is also an important aspect that helps measure their
functionality in real situations. A low power ultrasound has been reported to create gentle
mechanical agitation without any cavitation (Adhikari et al., 2020a, Santos et al., 2009). Such
agitation would assist the release of dissolved gas and other NBs and MBs as big bubbles. Such a
phenomenon can be utilised for rapid prediction of the stability of NBs and MBs in a real
Deionised 0 6.3 0 0 DW
0 6.3 2.6 700 DW-2.6 J mL-1
0 6.3 5.1 350 DW-5.1 J mL-1