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2 0 PTP S HSSE Plan Template

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Health, Safety, Security & Environment Plan

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1. Contract Details
Contractor Address
Brief Description of Contract
Location of Works
Timing of Works / Contract Start Date: End Date:
Duration (approx.)

2. Purpose and Scope

Scope (application of the HSSE plan in contract)
Reference Standard (relevant standard which this document is complied with)
Documentation Distribution & Control (relevant personnel or parties in contract where this documentation is

3. Contract HSSE System

Contract HSE Requirements (state which requirements in contract where this document is followed)
Contractor Integrated Management System (IMS) or HSE Management System (HSEMS) –
(list down the relevant Contractor’s HSE procedures that to be used in HSE management of this contract)

4. Legal, Business and Client Requirements

List down the compliance obligations that applicable to this contract

5. Organization, Roles & Responsibilities

Organization Charts (attach latest Contractor’s detail organization charts for the contract. To be updated when
there is changes)
Key-roles, Responsibilities and Authorities (describe the key-roles, responsibilities and authorities of the
personnel as per Contractor’s detail organization charts)

6. HSE Policy, Objectives, Criteria and Strategies

HSE Policy (attach latest Contractor’s HSE Policy with approval by the Contractor’s top management. To be
updated when there is changes)
Drug and Alcohol Policy (attach latest Contractor’s Drug and Alcohol Policy with approval by the Contractor’s
top management. To be updated when there is changes)
Overall Contract HSSE Objectives (state the health, safety, security and environment objectives and targets of
each objectives)

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7. HSE Management
HSE Management of Subcontractors and Vendors (describe the details HSE management of subcontractors and
vendors during planning, registration and pre-qualification, tendering, evaluation and contract award,
mobilisation, execution, demobilisation and close-out phases)
HSE Management of Construction Areas and Yards (describe the details HSE management of construction areas
and yards in order to prevent injury and ill health, pollution to the environment, security matters, non-
compliance to obligations, etc.)

8. HSSE Monitoring and Reporting

Monthly HSSE Report (state what, when and how the HSSE is monitored and reported that related to the
Accident / Incident Notification, Investigation (describe the accident / incident notification and investigation

9. HSSE Induction and Training

Statutory HSSE Training (list down what, why, who, when the mandatory statutory HSSE training)
Contract Specific HSSE Training (list down what, why, who, when the specific HSSE training needed to contract
which covers all levels of workers and staffs)

10. Operational Control

HSSE Operation Control Procedures (list down the relevant Contractor’s operational control HSE procedures to
ensure that HSE risk and impacts are reduced to as low as reasonable practical)
Permit to Work (PTW) System (describe the PTW system procedures that used by Contractor during the
execution of work)
Contract Specific HSSE Procedures (list down the specific operational control HSE procedures to the contract
where the Employer’s HSE procedures are not specific enough to control risks and impacts or meet legal and
business requirements)
Personal Protective Equipment (list down what, why, who and when PPEs required for all activities in contract)
Disciplinary Action (describe what, who, when, where, why and how the consequence management of the HSE
rules and regulations violations of contractor’s workers)

11. Communication
Internal Communication (describe what, who, when and how the internal information is communicated)
External Communication (describe what, who, when and how the external information is communicated)

12. Promotional Activities

List down the HSSE promotional activities in order to maintain awareness of contractor’s workers

13. Audit
Describe the audit program to ensure effective implementation of HSE Management System (HSEMS) and the
compliance to all obligations

14. Statutory and Routine Inspection of Equipment

Tools and Equipment (describe what, who, when the program to ensure the safe use of tools and equipment)
Mobile Equipment (describe what, who, when the program to ensure the safe use of mobile equipment)

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15. HSE Risk and Impact

Describe the process to identify hazards and aspects, assessment of risks and impacts and controls to eliminate
and minimize impacts in the workplace. The process shall also covers non-routine tasks, new tasks or when
process changes occur.

16. Welfare
Describe the welfare requirements for the temporary buildings, sanitation, no smoking policy, drinking water,
food and the rest area

17. Control Movement and Use of Hazardous Substance and Chemical

Describe the management requirements of the hazardous substance and chemical in the “cradle to the grave”

18. Occupational Health Programs (OHPs)

State the relevant OHSPs, Hearing Conservation Program, and Respiratory Protection Program to protect
employees from occupational hazards / illness.

19. Environmental Protection Programs

Describe the environmental protection procedures of the followings:
- Waste Management
- Air Pollution Prevention
- Water Pollution Prevention
- Land Pollution Prevention
- Housekeeping

20. Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Response Plan (ERP)
- Describe ERP to mitigate probable emergencies event i.e. worksite injury, fire & explosion, chemical spill,
confined space rescue, falling from height rescue, etc.
- State the objective of emergency drill and frequency.
First Aider
- State the needs to appoint qualified first aider when more than 25 persons are employed in workplace.
- Subsequent one first aider for every 50 persons employed.
First Aid Facilities
- State the needs to provide first aid equipment and plan to carry out inspection at regular interval.

21. Site Security

Describe the security control procedures of the followings:
- Personnel entering the worksite
- Contractors Yard / Storage
- Storage of Material
- Worker’s Personal Property
- Logging In / Out of Equipment via PTP Security
- Contractor Vehicles Coming to Site

Prepared by
Name: Signature:
Position: Date:


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Reviewed & Approved by HSE

Name: Signature:
Position: Date:

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