STP Mathematics 1A Text
STP Mathematics 1A Text
STP Mathematics 1A Text
Dvr 4
A Sheph^r
E Smith
ST(P) 1A
ST(P) 1A Teacher's Notes and Answers
ST(P) IB Teacher's Notes and Answers
ST(P) 2A
ST(P) 2B
ST(P) 2A Teacher's Notes and Answers
ST(P) 2B Teacher's Notes and Answers
ST(P) 3A
ST(P) 3B
ST(P) 3A Teacher's Notes and Answers
ST(P) 3B Teacher's Notes and Answers
ST(P) 4A
ST(P) 4B
ST(P) 4A Teacher's Notes and Answers
ST(P) 4B Teacher's Notes and Answers
ST(P) 5C
ST(P) 5C Copy Masters
ST(P) 5C Teacher's Notes and Answers
L. Bostock,
S. Chandler,
A. Shepherd,
E. Smith,
Any person who commits any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may
be iiable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.
05 / 30 29 28 27 26 25
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
Introduction viii
Chapter 17 Directed Numbers 253
Use of positive and negative numbers. Extending the number line.
Addition and subtraction of positive numbers. Addition and subtraction
of negative numbers. Multiplication of directed numbers. Division of
negative numbers. Mixed Exercises.
To the pupil:
The first type, identified by plain numbers, e.g. 12., helps you to see
if you understand the work. These questions are considered
necessary for every chapter you attempt.
The second type, identified by a single underline, e.g. 12., are extra,
but not harder, questions for quicker workers, for extra practice or
for later revision.
The third type, identified by a double underline, e.g. 12., are for
those of you who manage Type 1 questions fairly “easily and
therefore need to attempt questions that are a little harder.
Most chapters end with “mixed exercises”. These will help you revise
what you have done, either when you have finished the chapter or at a
later date.
We use whole numbers all the time in everyday life and it is important that
we should be able to add them and subtract them accurately in our heads.
This comes with practice.
-F5 (5-f2 = 7, 7-f7 = 14, 14 + 8 = 22)
Check your answer by starting at the top and adding down the
1. 2+3+1+4 L- 8+2+9+5
2. 1 +5+2+3 7. 7+3+8+6
3. 5+2+6+1 8. 5+4+9+1
4. 3+4+2+6 1- 7+3+2+8
2 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
1. 28 2. 35 3. 22 4. 103 5. 56
+ 51 + 62 + 43 + 205 + 203
217 + 85 + 976 2 1 7
8 5
+ 976
217 + 85 + 976 = 1278 1 27 8
40. 325 + 293 + 502 + 712 45. 879 + 4658 + 5743 + 652
EXERCISE 1c 1. Find the total cost of baked beans at 27 p, a small loaf of bread
at 36 p and a can of cola at 26 p.
3. There are three classes in the first year of a school. One class has 29
children in it, another class has 31 children in it and the third class has
28 children in it. How many children are there in the first year of the
4 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
7. Add four hundred and fifteen, one hundred and sixy-eight, and
two hundred and four.
10. When John went to school this morning it took him 4 minutes to
walk to the station. He had to wait 12 minutes for the train and the
train journey took 26 minutes. He then had an 8 minute walk to his
school. How long did it take John to get to school?
11. Find the sum of one thousand and fifty, four hundred and seven and
three thousand five hundred.
1. 15 2. 19 3. 18 4. 12 5. 15
-4 -7 -4 -7 -8
Addition and Subtraction of Whole Numbers 5
You will probably have your own method for subtraction. Use it if you
understand it.
Here is one method:
O (4- I
Start with the units column, then do the tens column and so
on. If you cannot do the subtraction, take one from the top
- 72 I
number in the next column; this is worth ten in the column on
its right.
- 3 1 6
642-316 =326 3 26
- 259
907-259 = 648 64 8
EXERCISE 1f 1. The milk bill for last week was 97 p. I paid with a £5 note (£5 is
500 pence). How much change should I have?
2. In a school there are 856 children. There are 392 girls. How many
boys are there?
4. Take two hundred and fifty-one away from three hundred and forty.
5. A shop starts with 750 cans of cola and sells 463. How many cans are
8. The road I live in has 97 houses in it. The road my friend lives in has
~ 49 houses in it. How many more houses are there in my road than in
my friend’s road?
10. My brother is 123 cm tall and I am 142 cm tall. What is the difference
between our heights?
1. 27-b 38 = 05 50 + 29 = 83
2. 34-b5n = 89 7. 04 + 57 = 81
3. 5n-25 = 32 ^ 03 - 47 = 26
4. 60-48 = 16 9. 25-10 = 6
It is the sign in front of a number that tells you what to do with that number.
For example 128 — 56 + 92 means “128 take away 56 and add on 92”. This
can be done in any order so we could add on 92 and then take away 56, i.e.
128-56+92 = 220-56
= 164
56- 72 + 39- 14 56
+ 39
56-72 + 39- 14 = 95-72- 14
= 23-14 95
= 9 23
2. 14 + 2-8-3 7. 27 + 6-11-9
4. 19 + 2-4 + 3 9; 7-6+9-1-3
2. Find the sum of eighty-six and fifty-four and then take away
3. I have a piece of string 200 cm long. I cut off two pieces, one of length
86 cm and one of length 34 cm. How long is the piece of string that I
have left?
8. What is three hundred and twenty-seven plus two hundred and six
minus four hundred and eighty-eight?
10. Make up a problem of your own that involves adding and subtracting
' numbers.
Addition and Subtraction of Whole Numbers 9
r~nnn iDN
□0 0 9
Calculators are very useful and can save a lot of time. Calculators do not
make mistakes but we sometimes do when we use them. So it is important to
know roughly if the answer we get from a calculator is right. By simplifying
the numbers involved we can get a rough answer in our heads.
One way to simplify numbers is to make them into the nearest number of
tens. For example
123 is roughly 12 tens, or 120
We say that 127 is rounded up to 130 and 123 is rounded down to 120. In
mathematics we say that 127 is approximately equal to 13 tens.
We use the symbol « to mean “is approximately equal to”. We would write
127 a: 13 tens
123 % 12 tens
When a number is half way between tens we always round up. We say
125 % 13 tens
56 ^ 6 tens
1. 84 3. 46 5. 8 7. 228 9. 73
1278 a; 13 hundreds
11. 830 13. 780 15. 1350 17. 1560 19. 972
12. 256 14. 1221 16. 450 18. 3780 20. 1965
196 + 58-84
196 % 20 tens
5^ X 6 tens
84 se 8 tens
18 tens = 180
41. 127 + 56 + 82 + 95 83 + 64 + 95 + 51
Now use your calculator to find the exact answers to numbers 21 to 50.
Remember to look at your rough answer to check that your calculator
answer is probably right.
You need to know the multiplication facts, that is, the product of any pair
of numbers from the set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}. The following exercise
will help you to practise the multiplication facts.
69 + 69 + 69 + 69
X 8
24x8 = 192 1 92
Multiplication and Division of Whole Numbers 13
MULTIPLICATION BY 10,100,1000,...
When 85 is multiplied by 10 the 5 units become 5 tens and the 8 tens become
8 hundreds. So
85 X 10 = 850
When 85 is multiplied by 100 the 5 units become 5 hundreds and the 8 tens
become 8 thousands. Thus
85 X 100 = 8500
85 X 20 = 85 X 2 X 10
= 170 X 10
= 1700
27 X 4000 = 27 X 4 X 1000
= 108 X 1000
= 108000
Find 42x900
X 9
42 X 900 = 42 X 9 X 100
= 378X100
= 37 800
14 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
84 X 26 = 84 X 6 + 84 X 20
504 (84 X 6)
+ 1680 (84 X 20)
Find 2813x402
X 402
5626 (2813x2)
+ 1125200 (2813x400)
2813 x402 = 1 130826 1130826
Multiplication and Division of Whole Numbers 15
Calculators save a lot of time when used for long multiplication. You do,
however, need to be able to estimate the size of answer you expect as a check
on your use of the calculator.
Estimate the answer and then use your calculator to work out the
2. One jar of marmalade weighs 454 grams. Find the weight of 24 jars.
4. A school hall has 30 rows of seats. Each row has 28 seats. How many
seats are there?
6 . A car park has 34 rows and each row has 42 parking spaces. How
many cars can be parked?
8 . A school day is 7 hours long. How many minutes are there in the
“ school day?
Multiplication and Division of Whole Numbers 17
9. A block of flats has 44 storeys. Each storey has 18 flats. How many
flats are there in the block?
10. A light bulb was tested by being left on non-stop. It failed after 28
days exactly. For how many hours was it working?
36-^8 means “how many eights are there in 36?”. We can find out
by repeatedly taking 8 away from 36;
36-8 = 28
28-8 = 20
So there are 4 eights in 36 with 4 left over.
20-8 = 12
12—8 = 4
We know that 32 = 4 x 8
therefore 36 -h 8 = 4, remainder 4
24 (units) 3 = 8 units
17 8
3 ) 5^4
18 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
EXERCISE 2f Calculate the following and give the remainder when there is one:
9 0 1 r4
5) 4 5'’0‘’9
45094-5 = 901, r 4
DIVISION BY 10,100,1000,...
2. -I- 6. 57^ 10 10. 8512h- 100
127, rll.
2606-4 25
25 ) 2606
2606^25 =104, r6 25
If you use your calculator to check your answers, it will give the whole
number part of the answer but it will not give the remainder as a whole
25. 7315 = 24
29; 7092=35 5009 = 60
For example:
2x4+ 3x6 = 8 + 18 (multiplication first)
= 26
Multiplication and Division of Whole Numbers 21
2 + 3x6-8-^-2
= 16
5-10x2-h5 + 3
= 5-4+3 (— done)
= 4
1. 2+4x6-8 7+4-3x2
2. 24-8-3 7. 8-2+6x3
3. 6 + 3x2 14x2-7-3 + 6
4. 7x2+6-l 9; 6-2x3+7
11. 7+3x2-8-2
1®; 9+3-6-2+1
13. 6x3 — 8 x2
1®; 7+2x4-8-4
So 2 X (3 + 2) = 2x5
= 10
The capital letters in the last sentence are the same as those in the following
2x(3x6-4) + 7-12h-6
= 33 (lastly + and —)
1. 12 = (5+1) 1- (3-2) X (5 + 3)
2. 8x(3 + 4) T. 7x(12-5)
3. (5-2) X 3 1- (6 + 2) = 4
4. (6+l)x2 9. (8+l)x(2 + 3)
In the greengrocer’s I bought 3 oranges that cost 12 p each
and one cabbage that cost 36 p. I paid with a £1 coin. How
much change did I get?
= 28p
2. I bought 5 oranges that cost 10 p each and 2 lemons that cost 9 p each.
How much did I spend?
3. If a coach holds 30 children how many coaches are needed to take 420
children on a school outing?
4. Three children went into a sweet shop. The first child bought three
sweets costing 2 p each, the second child bought three sweets costing
1 p each and the third child bought three sweets costing 3 p each. How
much money did they spend altogether?
5. A girl saves the same amount each week. After 8 weeks she has 64 p.
How much does she save each week?
ST(P) Mathematics 1A
6. I bought five stamps at 17 p each. How much change did I get from
8. A club started the year with 82 members. During the year 36 people
left and 28 people joined. How many people belonged to the club at
the end of the year?
9. One money box has five 5 p pieces and four 10 p pieces in it. Another
money box has six 10 p pieces and ten 2 p pieces in it. What is the total
sum of money in the two money boxes?
11. At a school election one candidate got 26 votes, and the other
candidate got 35 votes. 10 voting papers were spoiled and 5 pupils did
not vote. How many children could have voted altogether?
12. I bought five pencils costing 12 p each. How much change did I get
from £1?
13. Three children are given 60 p to split equally amongst them. How
much does each child get?
14. A person can walk up a flight of steps at the rate of 30 steps a minute.
It takes him 3 minutes to reach the top. How many steps are there?
16. Jane, Sarah and Claire come to school with 20 p each. Jane owes
Sarah 10 p and she also owes Claire 5 p. Sarah owes Jane 4 p and she
also owes Claire 8p. When all their debts are settled, how much
money does each girl have?
18. A man gets paid £ 105 for a five day working week. How much does he
get paid a day?
19. The total number of children in the first year of a school is 500. There
are 50 more girls than boys. How many of each are there?
Multiplication and Division of Whole Numbers 25
20. 4000 apples are packed into boxes, each box holding 75 apples. How
many boxes are required?
21. In a book of street plans of a town, the street plans start on page 6 and
end on page 72. How many pages of street plans are there?
22. My great-grandmother died in 1894, aged 62. In which year was she
24. An oak tree was planted in the year in which Lord Swell was born. He
died in 1940, aged 80. How old was the oak tree in 1984?
25. A mountaineer starts from a point which is 150 m above sea level. He
climbs 200 m and then descends 5 0 m before climbing another 300 m.
How far is he now above sea level?
26. A bus leaves the bus station at 9.30 a.m. It reaches the Town Hall at
9.40 a.m. and gets to the railway station at 9.52 a.m. How long does it
take to go from the Town Hall to the railway station?
27. A class is told to work out the odd numbered questions in an exercise
containing 30 questions. How many questions do they have to do?
28. In the hardware shop I bought 3 screws that cost 5 p each and 2 light
bulbs that cost 30 p each. I paid with a 50 p piece and two 20 p pieces.
How much change did I get?
29. A vegetable plot is 1000 cm long. Cabbages are planted in a row down
the length of the plot. If the cabbages are planted 30 cm apart and the
first cabbage is planted 5 cm from the end, how many cabbages can be
planted in one row?
31. Write down a question that uses the same numbers and gives the
same answer as the problem in question 28.
26 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
2 7 6
This is a magic square.
9 5 1
The numbers in every row, in every column and in each
diagonal add up to 15.
4 3 8
Copy and complete the following magic squares. Use the numbers 1 to 9
just once in each, and use a pencil in case you need to rub out!
8 4 9
5 5
4 2 1
9 5 16
8 1 13
7. 12, 10, 8, 6, 11. 64, 32, 16, 8, 15. 81, 72, 63, 54,
1 =1=1x1
1+3 =4 = 2x2
1 +3+5 = 9 = 3x3
1+3 + 5 + 7 = 16 = 4x4
2 =2=1x2
2+4 = 6 = 2x3
2+4+6 = 12 = 3x4
2 + 4+6 + 8 = 20 = 4x5
22. This is a class game. Start with a number and then each pupil in turn
adds on a fixed number to the last number called. For example if you
start with 5 and each pupil adds on 4 to the last number called, it will
go 5, 9, 13, 17, ... If you make a mistake you are out.
ST(P) Mathematics 1A
24. • • • •
• • • • • • •
• • ••• ••••
Diagram number 12 3 4
25. •
• • •
• • • • • •
Diagram number 12 3 4
26. Write down the pattern you get by starting with 3 and adding 5
each time. What is the eighth number in this pattern?
27. Write down the pattern you get by starting with 1 and
multiplying by 2 each time. What is the sixth number in this
Multiplication and Division of Whole Numbers 29
28. For each of the patterns given below write down
a) 4, 8, 12, 16 c) 2, 4, 8, 16
b) 4, 9, 14, 19 d) 2, 6, 18, 54
29. Write down the numbers 1 and 2. Make a pattern using this
rule: the next number you write is the sum of the two previous
numbers. What is the eleventh number in this pattern?
30. Write down the numbers 1 and 2. Make a pattern using this
rule: the next number in the pattern is the result of multiplying
the two previous numbers together. What is the seventh number
in the pattern?
□ '
□ n P
r — c 1 _ □
U P1 _ n n
36. Make up a rule of your own for forming a number pattern. Give
it to your neighbour and see if he/she gets the pattern you had in
2. 153-136 6. 8x321-1550
3. 76x9 7. 35 + 86 + 94 + 27
4. 84-^3 8. 20-h(9-4) + 3
9. How many packets of popcorn costing 15 p each can I buy with £1?
\ EXERCISE 2n Find:
2. 247-193 6. 382-7924-3
3. 84x8 7. 68-42+12x2
10. The contents of a tin of sweets weighs 2500 grams. The sweets are
' divided into packets each weighing 500 grams. How many packets of
sweets can be made up?
Multiplication and Division of Whole Numbers 31
2. 347-84 6. 7863-20
9. A youth dub has 80 members. There are 10 more boys than girls.
How many of each are there?
10. There were two candidates in a school election and they got 25 votes
and 32 votes. 10 voting papers were spoiled. If 100 children could
have voted, how many children did not vote?
2. 278- 109 6.
3. 205 X 40 7. 15-4x(12-9)
4. 284 X 16 8. 54 + (7x8-10) + 32
10. Write down a question which uses the same numbers and gives the
same answer as the problem in question 9.
Think of cutting a cake right through the middle into two equal
pieces. Each piece is one half of the cake. One half is a fraction,
written as 7.
If we cut the cake into four equal pieces, each piece is one quarter,
written j, of the cake. When one piece is taken away there are three
pieces left, so the fraction that is left is three quarters, or f.
When the cake is divided into five equal slices, one slice is y, two
slices is f, three slices is f and four slices is j of the cake.
Notice that the top number in each fraction (called the numerator)
tells you how many slices and the bottom number (called the
denominator) tells you about the size of the slices.
Fractions: Addition and Subtraction 33
EXERCISE 3a In each of the following sketches, write down the fraction that is
It is not only cakes that can be divided into fractions. Anything at all
that can be split up can be divided into fractions.
34 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
Quite a lot of things are divided into equal parts. For instance a week
IS divided into seven days, so each day is ^ of a week. One pound is
divided into one hundred pence, so each penny is of a pound.
In June there were 23 sunny days. What fraction of June was
(We must always use the same unit for both quantities.
This time we will use minutes, so we want to write 10
minutes as a fraction of 60 minutes.)
10 minutes = ^ of 1 hour
5. 35p;£l
6. 90p; £5
7. 35 seconds; 3 minutes
11. £1.50; £5
17. In an orchard there are twenty apple trees, eighteen plum trees,
fourteen cherry trees and ten pear trees. What fraction of all the
trees are
a) apple trees b) pear trees c) not cherry trees?
In the first sketch below, a cake is cut into four equal pieces. One
slice is j of the cake.
In the second sketch the cake is cut into eight equal pieces. Two slices
is f of the cake.
In the third sketch the cake is cut into sixteen equal slices. Four slices
is of the cake.
But the same amount of cake has been taken each time.
1 _ 2 _ 4
4 “ 8 “ l6
1 _ 1 x2 _ 2 1 _ 1 x4 _ 4
Now and
4 “ 4x2 “ 8 4 “ 4x4 "" 16
1 _ 1 x3 _ 3
4 “ 4x3 “ 12
1 _ 1 x5 _ 5
4 “ 4x5 ~ ^
1 2 1 2 2 6
1. 3. — = — 5. — = —
3 "" 6 5 10 3 9
1 3 3 9 2 8
2. 4. 6. _ = —
2 6 4 “ 12 3 12
1 _ 3
5 “ ~
1 _ 1 x3 _ 3
5 ~ 5x3 ~ Is
1 _
5 “ ^
1 _ 1 x4 _ 4
5 “ 5x4“ W
1 2 1 3 9 90
7. 11. 15.
3^ ~ 6 “ To “
2 1 1
8. 11:
5 "" 10 3 “ 12 6 36
3 9 2 6 4
9. ly. — = —
11; 5 5 20
1^ ~
9 3 2 12
10. 14. — 18.
To “ 40 7 “ 28 ■■■“ 3 “
38 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
2 4 2 20
19. 24. - = — 29;
9 “ — 9 36 9
3 3 3000
20. 25 30-
8 “ ^ —■■ 8 800 8 “
5 5 50 5
IT ~ ^ TT = - IL IT "" l2T
4 8 4 400
22. 27. - = — 32;
5 ~ ^ — 5 50 5 “
1 10 -.o 1 100 1 1000
To ~ - 10 To “
2 2x8 16
3 “ 3^ ~ ^
35. Write each of the following fractions in equivalent form with
denominator 45:
0 ^ d) i e) —
^5 '^3 ^ 15 "5
38. Some of the following equivalent fractions are correct but two
of them are wrong. Find the wrong ones and correct them by
altering the numerator:
2 6 3 6
c) - = —
"^5=15 ' 1 14
d) - = —
’ 9 27 Too
5 15 ^ 2 14
- = — and - = —
7 21 3 21
We often use the symbol > instead of writing the words “is bigger
than”. Using this symbol we could write jf > if > so f > f.
3 7
- or —
5 11
33 1^ 35
and (55 divides by 5 and by 11)
IT 55
1 1 2 4 2
1. — or r 3. _ or - 5.
2 3 3 5 7
3 5 2 1 2
2. — or - 4. or - 6.
4 6 9 7 3
40 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
2 3 3 1 3 4
7. or - 9. or - 11. —
5 7 8 5 5 7
5 3 4 6 3 2
8. or - 10; or - 12. or -
6 5 5 7 4 3
1 3 1 2 9 7
13. - or — 17. or - 21. — or -
4 11 4 7 11 9
5 3 5 4 2 1
14. - or - 11; or - 22. or -
7 5 8 7 5 3
3 5 2 3 4 3
15. - or —
8 11 11; 9
or —
23; ^ or -
7 5
3 4 5 7 5 6
16. — or — 20; or 24. or —-
10 11 7 9 8 11
2 3
5 7
P 2 14 3 15
- = — and - = — (35 divides by 5 and by 7)
Fi 5 35 7 35 ^ ^ ^ '
1 2 1 4 5
25. 33.
4 7 4 9 IT
2 5 1 2 1
26. 30.
3 8 3 5 7
3 1 3 2 3
27. 31.
7 2 5 3 4
5 7 2 1 7 7
28. 32. 36.
8 To 9 5 8 9
Fractions: Addition and Subtraction 41
4’ To’ 2’ 5
3 _ 15
4 “ M
7 _ H
To “ M
(20 divides by 4, 10, 2 and 5)
1 _ 10
2 “ 20
4 _ 16
5 ~ 20
2 13 7 2 3 17 1 7
37. 40;
3’ 2’ 5’ 30 5’ 8’ 20’ 2’ 10
13 3 4 5 5 11 3 17 1
20’ 4’ To’ 8 7’ 14’ 4’ 28’ 2
15 17 7 2 3 14 1
39. 42;
3’ 6’ 2’ 12 To’ 5’ 5’ 2
5 1 7 11 2 7 11 2 23 4
43. 46.
6’ 2’ 9’ 18’ 3 10’ 15’ 3’ 30’ 5
13 3 1 3 7 7 1 5 19 3
20’ 5’ 2’ 4’ 10 16’ 2’ 8’ 32’ 4
7 1 2 17 3 4 7 5 13
45. 48;
12’ 6’ 3’ 24’ 4 5’ T2’ 6’ 2’ 4
2 _ 2x7 _ 14
5 “ 5x7 “ 35
42 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
14 _ tx2 _ 2
35 \x5 5
When all the simplifying is finished we say that the fraction is in its
lowest terms.
24 _ 3 X 8 _ 8
^ “ 3^ “ 9
A quicker way to write this down is to divide the numerator and the
denominator mentally by the common factor, crossing them out and
writing the new numbers beside them (it is a good idea to write the
new numbers smaller so that you can see that you have simplified the
fraction), i.e.
_ 8
“ 9
_ 3
(We divided top and bottom by 2 and then by 11.)
2 3 10
1. 3. 9.
6 9
30 6 4 12 8
2. 4. 6. 8. 10.
I2 8 Is
Fractions: Addition and Subtraction 43
8 14 16 36 60
11. 13. IL-
28 70 56 11- 72 1®;
27 24 10 15 36
12. 14. 1®; 20;
90 30 1®; 75 90
70 99 80 54 27
21. 23. 25; 27. 29;
126 l32 HK) 162 36
49 33 48 54 800
22. 24.
77 I2T 1000
Suppose there is a bowl of oranges and apples. First you take three
oranges and then two more oranges. You then have five oranges; we
can add the 3 and the 2 together because they are the same kind of
fruit. But three oranges and two apples cannot be added together
because they are different kinds of fruit.
EXERCISE 3f Add the fractions, simplifying the answers where you can:
2 3
2 3 _ 2+3
7"*"? “ ~1~
_ 5
“ 7
9 5
9 5 _ 9+5
~ YT
44 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
1 2 11 8 2 9
1. -+- 1- —+ — 9; -1-
4 4 23 23 21 21
1 3 1 2 7 8
2. -+- i- -+- 10.
8 8 7 7
3 2 2 1 6 5
3. -1- 7. -+- -1-
11 11 5 5 IL 13 13
3 7 3 1 1 7
4. —+ — 8. —+ — 12; -1—~
13 13 10 10 10 10
2 4 5 7 4 2
13. —+— 17. -—1-
7 7 '■ ■ " 16 16 IL 11 11
4 5 8 3 14 1
14. -- 11; 11; -1-
17 17 19'^19 23 23
3 4 3 7 11 5
15. 1£. 11: -1——
m"*” 14 20^^ 18 18
8 19 21 19 7 3
16. -1- 20. -1- 24. -1-
30 30 100 100 15 15
3 5 8
3 5 S _3+5+8
“ 17
2 4 6 1 3 5 2
25. -1-1- 28; —7 —7 -h
15 15 15 14 14 14 14
8 21 11 2 4 6 8 7
26. - - 29. TT ~—h -h -1-
100 100 100 51 51 51 51 51
3 2 7 11 3 2 7
27. -- 30. __ _j_ H"
31 31 31 31 19 19 l9
Fractions: Addition and Subtraction 45
7 8 11 3 14 31 2
?L 7a 3" + 77: 33. + -h
60 60 100 100
4 11 8 2 3 11 4 7
32. Tr "h — + —Z + — -1-H H-
45 45 45 45 M: 99 99 99
3 _ 15
7 “ 35
2 3 _ 14 15 _ 29
2 3
23 16 21 37
7'^8 ~ '%'^56 “ 56
2 1 C 3 2 1 2
1. 7 4' 7 9; — -I-
3 5 — 10 3 6 7
1 3 « 4 1 5 1
2. G. —1— 10; -1-
5 8 — 7 8 6 7
1 1 3 5
3. 7+7 7. -+ - 11. -1“ —
5 6 — 7 6 119
2 3 0 2 2 2 3
4. 7+7 8. y+- -1-
5 7 — 3 7 11: 9 10
46 ST(P) Mathematics lA
3 1
3 1 _ 9 1
4'^T2 “ 12^ 12
_ 5
“ 6
2 3 1 7 1 3
13. ~ + 77: 17. -+— 21. —+ -
5 10 4 10 20 5
3 7 1 3 4 5
14. — + —: 18. -+- 22. ~+—
8 16 4 8 11 22
3 8 2 2 2 7
15. — + —- 19. -+- 23. -+—
7 21 3 9 5 15
3 3 4 5 7 1
16. -+— 24. —+-
9 18 12 6
More than two fractions can be added in this way. The common
denominator must be divisible by all of the original denominators.
1 1 1
1 1 1 _ 3 12 8
8’^2’'’3 “
3 + 12 + 8
“ 24
Fractions: Addition and Subtraction 47
1 1 1 1 3 1 7 3 1
25. 29; 33. -1-1-
5^ 4'^ 2 7+14 + 2 20 10 5
1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1
26. 30. 34;
8+4+ 3 3+6+2
3 2 1 1 3 1 1 2
27. 3L-
10 + 5 + 4 2'+8+ 10
5 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1
28. 32; 36;
12 + 6 + 3 3+9+6
7 3 _ 7-3
8 ~ 8 ” 8
_ 1
“ 2
7 1
9 4
7 1 _ 28 9
9~ 4 “ ^ ~ ^
^ 36
_ 19
^ 36
48 ST(P) Mathematics lA
9 1 2 3
5. 9.
9 9 lo ~ 2 3 7
5 2 4 1
2- i-- 6. —- —
m _ _ _
10 10 7 7 7 3
3. A-1
8 3 11 4
7. 11.
17 17 13 ~ 13 15 15
19 7 13 7
4. ^-1 8.
4 5 20 2L 18 18
13.1-2 19 1 3 5
17. 21.
11 5 100 ~ To 4 ‘"8
14. Z-2 5 2 7 1
18. — — — 22;
9 3 8 7 12 “ 3
15 3 13 5
1£. — —- —
16 4 Is ~ 9
7 1 13
- 20;
15 ~' 5
15 “ 5
7 1 _ U j__ 3
9"^ 18 6 “ 18
Fractions: Addition and Subtraction
1 3 n
8 “ 4"^ 16
1 3 11 _ 2 _ |2 n
8 ^ 4"^ 16 “ 16 “ 16“^ 16
“ 16
“ l6
3 1 7 3 3 21 7 41 1
1. 9;
1- 5+ ' 50 To “ T^'^20
4+2 “ 8
6 9 1 2 1 5 5 21 2
6. 10;
7 ■ 14 "^2 3 + 6 ~ T2 8 “■ 40 “^5
3 7 3 4 7 1 7 1 1
3. 7. 21:
8 + l6 4 5 ~' To + 2 V2 “6 + 3
11 1 2 7 2 5 2 7 2
8. 12;
12'^ 6 3 9 “■ 3^6 3 “■ T8 + 9
2 1 1 1 5 1 3 61 1
13. 17; 21;
9 “■ 3'^ 6 6 "‘ Is + 3 To “ Tw + 2
1 2 1 1 7 17 1 7 5
14. 1^ 22;
6 "~ 3"^ 12 5 '' To “^20 8 '" 24 + T2
2 1 3 1 5 1 1 5 2
15. 23;
5 "” 2"^ 10 4 ‘" 8‘^2 3 "“ T8 + 9
1 13 3 2 5 1 3 2 2
16. 20; 24;
8 '” T6'^4 3 '~ 6'^2 To + T5 “ 5
50 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
_ 4+3
~ 12
Therefore of the children ride to school.
1 1 _ 3-1 _ 2
1 3 “ 3 “ 3
Most of the fractions we have met so far have been less than a whole
unit. These are called proper fractions. But we often have more than a
whole unit. Suppose, for instance, that we have one and a half bars of
1 whole bar
1 5 _ 12 + 3
4 4
1. 9 37 88 27
4 3. 6 5. 7. 9; 127
9 4 5
2. 19 53 7 41
4 4. i- 10; 1 14
10 2 i- 8 1 1
3- = j3 + —
J7 .^
1. 4I
3. ■A 4 7. 9. 3^
2. 4.
4 8; 4^ 11; 4
Fractions: Addition and Subtraction
11. 13. 3^
■^5 21; 81 IZ; '1% 21;
i.e. 15 -H 4 =
27-h8 •
27h-8 = 8
= 3^
5. 82h-5 9. 98-1-12
1. 36^7
59^6 6. 29-t-4 10. 107-r 10
7. 41^3 11. 37-1-5
3. 52^11
8. 64-1-9 12. 52-1-8
54 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
+ 3^ = 2 + 3+ i + ^
5 + 4+3
= 5 + 3^
3^ + 2| + 5i=3 + 2 + 5 + l+ |+ i
= 10+4^t3+^
= 10 + 1
But I is an improper fraction, so we change it into a mixed number
i.e. 32 + 2^ + 5^ - 10 + ® + l
= 10 + 1 + i
1. 2-+ 3-
2. 1- + 2- 7. 3-+ 1-
2 ^^3 4^5
3. £. 2- + 1 —
'•i+'l 7 ^ ' 14
4. 51 + 41 9;
9^ 3
5. 3 —+ 2—
10; 8l+5f
3f+7i 92
13. 18.
3 ^6
15. 6—+ 4-
°1 0 ^^5
£L li + 3f+6j^ 26; 4| + 8i + 2l
3 + 15-8
= 3 + 20
6i-2f=6-2 + i- 4
= 4 + ^
^4 5
1. 2^-1^ 2— 9; 4—— 3—
^4- *8 ^5 10
2. 3^-1^ 1^ 6^-3^
3 5 1- 3|- °7 5
4i_ 2-
4. ■^4
^2 ^2
12; 5i-4
13. 8f-5i 17; 11: 8f-5j
24; 5^-3^
16. 6—— 3—
04 J7 20; "I — 2-
9 J7_c4
25. 3l_ i2 29; ■ 7- 33;
■’4 8 "f- '9 ^10 ^5
35; 47 _3ll
27. o2_6i 31; -3^
^10 °5 of- ^6 ^9 18
32; -^3 7
^10 ^5 ’1- 8
EXERCISE 3q 1. Calculate;
a)j+y t)) I - I c)|+^ “ ^3
2. Simplify;
a) S b) 3^
3. Write the first quantity as a fraction of the second quantity;
a) 3 days; 1 week b) 17 children; 30 children
EXERCISE 3r 1. Calculate:
d) 21 + 41 e) 3i - 2f f) 5l - 2f
2. Simplify:
at M b)
96 ‘=)|t
EXERCISE is 1. Calculate:
at 6 , 1 _ 3 bt 3 , 4_2
^''7+5 4 5 ^ 9 3
2. Simplify:
b) 2if c) ^
c) 76p; £1.58
EXERCISE 3t 1. Calculate:
3 M 7 , 3_17 ct 114-1 _ 2—
a)f+f- 10 8 ^,5 20 ^^*3^6 12
2. Simplify:
a) 4 12 b) c) 42
32 240
1 5
a) 10 9 7
5 1 13 23 1 3
11’ 2 ’ 22 ’ 44 9’ 4’ 1 2
1 1 1x1
- X - = -
2 3 2x3
_ 1
~ 6
If we look at a cake diagram we can see that j of j of the cake is ^
of the cake.
1 1 1 2 1 2
1. — X — = — 4. X - =
2 4 8 3 3 9
1 1 1 1 2 2
2. X = _
5. X - =
3 2 6 3 5 Is
1 3 3 1 1 1
3. X X- = — 6. X - =
2 4 8 4 3 12
60 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
2 3 _ 1 X 1
3 "" 4 “
_ 1
“ 2
The diagram shows that
2 3 1
3°^4 = 2
2 1 3 2 3 1
- X - 7. - X - 11. - X -
5 3 7 5 4 5
1 7 2 3 1 3
- X - 8. - X- 12. - X -
2 8 5 5 7 5
7 4 21 11
13. - X — 15. — X — 17. -X —
8 21 22 27 - 9 21
3 16 8 33 3 5
14. - X — 16. - X — 18. -X-
4 21 9 44 - 4 7
Fractions: Mu/tip/ication and Division 61
4 15 4 25 3 28
- X — 21. - X — 23; - X —
5 16 15 64 7 33
10 33 2 33 48 5
- X — 22. - X — 24. — X —
11 35 3 40 55 12
3 15 4
- X — X -
5 16 7
3 _ 3x3x1
7 1x4x7
3 5 14 3 5 6 6 4 10
25. - X - X 29; - •X - X - 33. - X - X —
7 9 Is 10 9 7 5 3 4
11 30 7 5 3 21 9 1 4
26. X — X — 30. - X — X' - 34. - X - X —
21 31 55 7 8 30 — 8 3 27
15 8 4 1 7 18 7 9
27. X - X - 31. - X X — 35. — X — X ;
16 9 5 2 12 35 —
16 11
5 8 3 7 8 33 5 21
28. — X - 36. — X ■
- X
6 'Ts' 4
< -
H; 11 9 28 14 25
Find 2jX^x 1 j
9 1_ y 5 1 T _ X ^ X^
^3 21 ^
62 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
1. l^x ^
^25 i-
2. 2—
X —
5 T. 23-X ^
^3 8
3. ^ IT I- 3-0x2^
4. i- 3^x4|
5. "^5 22
10; 43-X -4^
11. 11: 4— X 2—
14. 2— X 7—
11; 8|-x2f
IL 3y X 1 j X 1^
21; 4ixlix2l
4fxlj^x3j 30; ’r
= 44
1. 5x4| 5. 18 X 6^ 9. 5^x21
4. 8. 12.
4l X 9 2lx3
Find three fifths of 95 metres.
f of 95 metres is 57 metres.
£1 = 100 pence
I of £1 is 75 pence.
1 1
1. 3 of 18 6. 4 of 24
1 1
2. 5 of 30 7. 6 of 30
1 1
3. 7 of 21 8 of 64
2 5
4. 3 of 24 6 of 36
5 3
5. 7 of 14 10. 8 of 40
64 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
10 10 2
and — X - 20
This example shows that }^4-} = t^x}.
5 3
- X -
= 15
There are 15 thirds in 5.
Fractions: Multiplication and Division 65
Divide ^ by f.
7 _^5 _ 7 ^
16‘^8 ~
_ 7
~ To
6. 10; 28." 14. 44^
5 15 9
7. 11- 27
7 6 I3
8. 40 H-- 12. 14.Z 16. 36
9 8 7
8 5 17
9. 13.
72-h — 35-H- 34^
11 7 19
66 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
21 7 3 9 8 4
18. 22.
8 14 75 15
9 3 21 7 35 5
19. 23.
To 22^ IT 42 6
28 _ 4 15 5 8 4
24. 26; 28.
9 26" TI 7
22 _ 11 49 7 9 12
25. 27. 29.
■ 45"^ 15 To 26 13
3 1
- X -
_ 3
“ 5
Division with mixed numbers can be done as long as all the mixed
numbers are first changed into improper fractions. For example if we
want to divide 3g- by 8| we first change 3j into ^ and 8| into
Then we can use the same method as before.
Write 7 divided by 11 as a fraction.
/ . 11 = —
j j
t.L^ si _ 21^ 31
•^8 • °4 “ 8 • 4
15 ,
~ 14
Fractions: Multiplication and Division 67
■ ■
r4 . 14 42
^9 27 i- 7 14
2. ^8 ■ -^4 7.
-‘s ■ ”4
3. 7—— 1 —
'5 ‘20 1-
4. Divide 8g: by l|
1- Divide 5|: by 2-
11. IqI—
IU3 . iT.
Ig 1£.
Step one—If there are any mixed numbers, change them into
improper fractions.
Step two—Turn the fraction after the -h sign upside down and
change into x.
(Step one)
= (Step two)
_ 3
“ 8
68 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
al X 13_— ?!
^3 *8 • “^4
4ix ll^2i - 13 „ 9 . 9
^3 ^'8 - ^4“ 3 ^8 4
~ 6
= 2-
. 15 2 27
1. ^x
8 ^
^X 9.18
16 5 10' 40 5 ^ 11-55
. 12 8
3. ^x 7. 3^x 11. lx 2 . 8
3 d • 25 ■^5 5- 1 5 7 5 • 21
4. 4x 8 . 16 ^x 21-^ 10 14 X 5 . 7
7 ^ 9 ■ 21 i- 7 X Z2 . 21 H: 25 9-18
3 5
- X -
_ 15
Brackets first, then Multiply and Divide, then Add and Subtract.
EXERCISE 4i Calculate:
1 7
\ / 1 ^
_ 7 . 7
~ 8 • 3
- 3 (divide)
~ 8
~ 8
2/1 1 \ . 1
3 U 12j • 2
2 xH 1 \ . 1 2 ^ /3-1 \ . 1
3 (4 12j • 2 “ 3 [ 12 j ■ 2
- 2 . 1
“3 12 • 2
-2r\. 2 (multiply and
- 12^ 1 divide)
_ 1
“ 5
70 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
f’‘(i + f) IL (f
Ifb 11;
11; 20;
1 (2
2L 6 V3 2} ' 12 11-
1 . 3 , 1 _ 1 , 1 38. 3x2,1 _ 3 , 2
33. 4‘4"'"2“3'’'2 5X3+2^5^23
4 1.1 /4 1\ . 1
34; i+lx1- 1+1
3^34“3^6 7 4 ■ 3 “ 1,7 4j • 3
1,1 . 1 _ 3 ^ 2 3.1 1 3 y 4 1
11; 2 + 4 ■ 2 ~ 4 ^ 1 11; 8 • 4 4 “ 8 1 4
EXERCISE 4j In this exercise you will find + , — , x and -h . Read the question
carefully and then decide which method to use. Find:
1. 1I + 3I 4lxl
^2 ^-^4 1; ^4X9
2. 7. 3I-I
■^3 • 6
3. ■M 1; 2I - ll
5 *3
4. li^i 9; Slx-^
^2• 8 ^2 11
5. 7+2
10. l^ + 2l
^8^ 2
Fractions: Multiplication and'Division
12. 17. 1- + 2i
^3 13 7 ^^2
13. 3— — 2— 2^ - 1^
■^5 '^10 11; ■^4 ‘8
22. 27.
2 3 4
1 — A- 2— X — 36. 2— — 1-i- X 1 —
?L ‘ 2 ^ ^^3 ^4 ^8 ‘5*3
4l^2^+i 38; 2— X
Z7 X ^4
3——. 1.^
H; 3 6^4
-,2 6.5 39. 1- + 2- — 1 —
M: 7-14 '2+‘^7 *14
40; 3 X 1 1 3
35. 1—
X —
— 2—
2 5 4' 8
If Jane can iron a shirt in 4^ minutes, how long will it take
her to iron 10 shirts?
Time to iron 1 shirt = 4^ minutes
Time to iron 10 shirts = 4^ x 10 minutes
= ^ X ^ minutes
= minutes
= 47^ minutes
72 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
5. A burger bar chef cooks some beefburgers and piles them one on
top of the other. If each burger is 97 mm thick and the pile is
209 mm high, how many did he cook?
EXERCISE 41 1. Calculate
3. What is 5 of
Fractions: Multiplication and Division 13
4. Find 1+ li
6. Find:
a)4ix4| b)3|--t-2i
TT > TO b) ^ of 5 = ^ X c) 2^ =
1£. A handyman takes !§■ minutes to lay one brick. How long will
it take him to lay 56 bricks?
EXERCISE 4m 1. Find:
a)4ix3l b)3f-^
2. Find:
4. Calculate:
a) Osi_
13-5 •>)3|x(83-5f)
74 ST(P) Mathematics lA
7. Find:
a)4ix3f-l0i b)3i-(2|-|)
^)f=30 b)f=^
11. A car travels 5fkm north, then 2fkm west and finally 4|km
north. What is the total distance travelled (in kilometres)? What
fraction of the journey was travelled in a northerly direction?
EXERCISE 4n f. Find:
2 . Find:
, b) 2^ X ^
5/ Calculate:
a)4ix3|-10l b)3i + 5l-|
6 . Which is smaller it or f ?
i. Find 3i%T(3|-lf).
c)l + i^2 = |
Consider the number 426. The position of the figures indicates what
each figure represents. We can write:
4 2 6
16.0 2
To mark where the units come we put a point after the units position.
16.02 is 1 ten, 6 units and 2 hundredths or
0.0 0 4
34.62 = 3 4 6 2 -
0.0207 = 0 . 0 2 0 7
introduction to Decimals 77
EXERCISE 5b Write the following decimals as fractions in their lowest terms (using
mixed numbers where necessary):
units tenths
0.6 = 0 . 6
== 12—
20 + 1
1 00
78 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
0.403 0 3
= 4,3
10 ^ 1000
_ 403
Write as fractions:
units tenths
= 0 . 7
3 3
units tenths hundredths
3 3 = 3 . 0 3
o 00
1. 4
5. 9.
2. 9 6
6. 2 ®
100 10. 10 000
3. 4
‘A 7. 100 11. 4 3
4. 1000
8. 7—
12. 29
10 000
+ 1.7
32.6+1.7 = 34.3 (
EXERCISE 5e Subtraction also may be done in the usual way, making sure that the
decimal points are in line.
24.2-13.7 = 10.5
4.623-1.7 = 2.923
4.63- 1.0342
4.63- 1.0342 = 3.5958
2-1.4 = 0.6 0.6
82 ST(P) Mathematics lA
1. 8.624-1.7 1- 1004-0.28
2. 8.62-1.7 7. 100-0.28
3. 3.8-0.82 1- 0.264-0.026
2.6 cm
Perimeter = 1.6+ 2.3+ 2.6 cm + 2.6
= 6.5 cm 6.5
7.1 cm
22. A piece of webbing is 7.6 m long. If 2.3 m is cut off, how much
is left?
23. Find the total bill for three articles costing £5, £6.52 and £13.25.
24. The bill for two books came to £14.24. One book cost £3.72.
What was the cost of the other one?
25. Add 2.32 and 0.68 and subtract the result from 4.
15 cm
10.1 cm
13.9 cm
84 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
27. The bill for three meals was £9. The first meal cost £2.43 and
the second £J.72, What was the cost of the third?
3 2
3 2 0
0.2 X 10 = 2
0 . 4 2 6 X 100
4 2 . 6
Notice that the figures move to the left while the point stays put but
without headings it looks as though the figures stay put and the point
moves to the right.
4 2 X 100 = 4 2 0
Introduction to Decimals 85
When we divide by 10, hundreds become tens and tens become units.
The figures move one place to the right and the number becomes
smaller but it looks as though the decimal point moves to the left so
2. 76.26-10 6. . -
6 8 100 10. 13.4-10
4. 8. 15.8-1000 0.92-100
86 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
4. 0.078^100
1- 2-1000 12; 0.063 X 1000
28. Multiply 1.6 by 100 and then divide the result by 1000.
29. Add 16.2 and 1.26 and divide the result by 100.
30. Take 9.6 from 13.4 and divide the result by 1000.
0.6 ^ 1 = 0 . 3
Find the value of 6.84-2
3 ) 0.00036
0.00036-3 = 0.00012 0.000 12
5 ) 0.45
0.45-H 5 = 0.09 0.09
6.12-3 = 2.04 2.04
2-5 = 0.4 0.4
88 ST(P) Mathematics iA
8 ) 2.9030
2.9-8 = 0.3625 0.3625
We can also use long division. The decimal point is used only in the
original number and the answer, and not in the lines of working
below these.
2.56^16 0.16
2.56-16 = 0.16 16
4.2-25 0.168
25 ) 4.200
4.2-25 = 0.168 25
2. 2.1-14
1- 80^25 10. 5.2-20
4. 9.45-21 1- 0.864-24
H: 25.2-36
Express ^ as a decimal.
4) 3.00
3 = 3^4 = 0.75 0.75
90 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
1+2 + 25
25 ) 2.00
= 1+0.08 200
= 1.08
1. 1 3. 3 1
7. 5 3
4 5
5. 9.
25 8 25
2. 3 5
6. 24 7 1
4. 16 10.
16 32
1 1
1 = 0.5 = 0.25 0.125
2 4
(Notice that 5 ~ ~ ^^
9 5
9. 15.
10 8
1 7
10. 16.
4 loo
5. Divide 0.082 by 4.
7. Express J as a decimal.
9.2 cm
8. Fiird the perimeter of the
2. Express as a decimal.
6. Find the total bill for three books costing £4.26, £5 and £1.32.
2. Express f as a decimal.
6. Evaluate 1.5-:-6.
7. Express as a decimal.
2. Find 8.2-1.92.
3. Divide 1.3 by 5.
4. Add 4.2 and 0.28 and subtract 1.5 from the result.
7. Divide 42 by 15.
8. I go into a shop with £6.22 and buy two articles, one costing
£1.42 and the other £2.61. How much do I have left?
3 2
0.3 X 0.02 = — X-
10 100
“ 1000
= 0.006
0.06 X 2
= 0.12
The number of figures after the point is called the number of decimal
places. In the first example in Exercise 6a, 0.3 has one decimal place,
0.02 has two decimal places and the answer, 0.006, has three decimal
places, which is the sum of one and two.
94 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
We can use this fact to work out 0.3 x 0.02 without using fractions.
Multiply 3 by 2 ignoring the points; count up the number of decimal
places after the points and then put the point in the correct position
in the answer, writing in noughts where necessary, i.e. 0.3 x 0.02=0.006.
Any noughts that come after the point must be included when
counting the decimal places.
6 X 0.002
1. 0.6 0.3
0.08 X 0.08
3. 0.009 2 7.
X 0.5x0.07
2.5 X 6 = 15.0 25
(1 place) (0 places) (1 place) X 6
Multiplication and Division of Decimals 95
0.26 x 1.3
0.26 X 1.3 = 0.338 X 13
(2 places) (1 place) (3 places)
Find the cost of 6 books at £2.35 each.
2. The perimeter of a square is 17.6 cm. Find the length of one side
“ of the square.
3 - 4 = 0.75 4) 3.00
By adding two noughts after the point we are able to finish the
division and give an exact answer. Now consider
We can see that we will continue to obtain 6s for ever and we say
that the 6 recurs.
Multiplication and Division of Decimals 97
31 H- 11 = 2.8181 11 ) 31.0000 . . .
2.8181 . . .
Here 81 recurs.
EXERCISE 6e Calculate:
0.2 = 7
1 ) 0.200000000000...
0.2 = 7 = 0.028 571 428 571... 0.028 571 428 571...
4 3 ) 4.00 . . .
- = 4 = 3 = 1.333 . . .
1.33 . . .
7. 1
2 5
i- 3 m 7
For example
= 0.16 •••
Often we need to know only the first few figures of a decimal. For
instance, if we measure a length with an ordinary ruler we usually
need an answer to the nearest i^cm and are not interested, or cannot
see, how many r^cm are involved.
1—1—r n ^ ^ n
_ <N
_ CO
1 4.1
4 cm 4.5 5 cm \
Consider the numbers 0.62, 0.622, 0.625, 0.627 and 0.63. To compare
them we write 0.62 as 0.620 and 0.63 as 0.630 so that each number
has 3 figures after the point. When we write them in order in a
we can see that 0.622 is nearer to 0.620 than to 0.630 while 0.627 is
nearer to 0.630 so we write
Give 10.9315 correct to:
a) the nearest whole number b) 1 decimal place
c) 3 decimal places.
1. 0.328 6. 0.6947
2. 0.322 7. 0.8351
3. 1.2671
h 3.927
4. 2.345 9; 0.0084
13. 26.5
21- 6.145
14. 2.78
21; 74.09
Find 4.28 6 giving your answer correct to 2 decimal places.
1 21.57 . . .
302 H-14 = 21.517 . . . 14 ) 302.00
= 21.6 (correct to 1 decimal place)
3. 3.12 = 9 7. 0.68=16
IL 1.73 = 8
Give ^ as a decimal.
— = 4-25 = 0.16 25 ) 4.00
25 25
(This is an exact answer.) 1 50
- = 4-7 = 0.5714 . . . 7 ) 4.0000
0.5714. . .
= 0.571 (correct to 3 decimal places)
5 3 3 3 9
1. — 2. —
1 4. 5.
8 40 -
16 5 75
7 1 11 13 3
6. — 7. 8. 9; 10.
50 16 Y ^0
1 02 ST(P) Mathematics lA
3 1 9 8 1
11. 13. 15. 17; —
11: -
7 6 IT 7 3
4 2 6 1 4
12. 14. 16. li: 20;
9 3 7 9 IT
3 6 3 4 3
21. 23. 25; 27. 29; —
14 13 19 15 22
4 4 3 7 4
22. 24. 26. 28. 30.
17 21 17 18 33
0.012 0.012x100
0.06 “ 0.06 X 100
_ 1.2
“ I”
= 0.2
0.0112 1.2 .. . , . . ,
0.012^-0.06 =-j— = -— (keeping the points in line)
0.06i 6
the dotted line indicating where we want the point to be so as to
make the denominator a whole number.
0.024 0.6
0.0|24 0.24
0.024^0.6 6 ) 0.24
0.6l 6 0.04
Multiplication and Division of Decimals 1 03
64-0.08 = - f=:
6400 1 8 ) 6400
0.08 1 8
= 800
2. 0.0006-0.03
i- 0.48-0.04 12: 3-0.6
0.256- 1.6
= 56.313 .
= 56.3 (correct to 1 decimal place)
1 04 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
1. 3.8-0.6
£■ 1.25-0.03
2. 0.59-0.07 7. 0.0024-0.09
3. 15-0.9 0.65-0.7
4. 5.633-0.2 9. 0.0072-0.007
0.12x3 0.36
12x3 = 36
0.006 “ 0.006
_ 360
= 60
Express 0.82, f, tt as decimals where necessary and write
them in order of size with the smallest first.
^ = 0.8181... 11 ) 9.000
4 9
In order of size: -, —, 0.82
106 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
8 7 3 5 6
1- ^ , 0.2
9’ 8 7’ IT’ 13
2 4 3 17
2. 10. 0.7,1
5’ 9 4’ 20
1 4
3. , 0.35 11. 0.3,
2’ 9 8’ 25 12
3 3 4
8. 12. -, 0.45, —
T’ IT 5’ 7’ 2’ 19
2. Express j as a decimal.
6. Divide 8.2 by 5.
2. Divide 6.24 by
a) 100 b) 12.
3. Add 3.2 and 0.9 and subtract the result from 5.8.
6. Express ^ as a decimal.
6. Divide 16.4 by 8.
0.6 X 0.3
7. Find
The basic unit of length is the metre (m). To get an idea of how long
a metre is, remember that a standard bed is about 2 m long. However,
a metre is not a useful unit for measuring either very large things or
very small things so we need larger units and smaller units.
Metric Units 109
b) -
c) -
d) -
e) -
5. Use a straight edge (not a ruler with a scale) to draw a line that
is approximately
a) 10 cm long b) 5 cm long c) 15 cm long d) 20 mm long
10. A sheet is 200 cm wide and 250 cm long. What is the perimeter
of the sheet?
1 km = 1000m 1 m = lOOem
Im = 1000mm 1 em = 10mm
110 ST(P) Mathematics lA
3 km (m)
3 km = 3 X 1000 m
= 3000 m
3.5 m (cm)
= 350cm
2. 5 km (m)
1- 15 cm (mm) 2 km (mm)
3. 3 cm (mm) 7. 6m (mm)
11: 5m (cm)
4. 4m (cm)
i- 1 km (cm) IL 7m (mm)
The most familiar units used for weighing are the kilogram (kg) and
the gram (g).
Most groceries that are sold in tins or packets have weights given in
grams. For example the weight of the most common packet of butter
is 250 g. One eating apple weighs roughly lOOg, so the gram is a small
unit of weight. Kilograms are used to give the weights of sugar and
flour: the weight of the most common bag of sugar is 1 kg and the
most common bag of flour weighs 1.5 kg.
For weighing large loads (coal or steel for example) a larger unit of
weight is needed, and we use the tonne (t). For weighing very small
quantities (for example the weight of a particular drug in one pill) we
use the milligram (mg).
Metric Units 111
It = 1000 kg
1kg = lOOOg
1g = 1000 mg
2t (g)
2t = 2 X 1000 kg
= 2000 kg
= 2000X1000g
= 2 000 000 g
When you use your ruler to measure a line, you will probably find
that the line is not an exact number of centimetres. For example the
width of this page is 16 cm and 4 mm. We can say that the width of
this page is 16 cm 4 mm or we could give the width in millimetres
= 160 mm
So 16 cm 4 mm = 164 mm
112 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
4 kg 50 g (g)
4 kg = 4 X 1000 g
= 4000g
Therefore 4 kg 50 g = 4050 g.
1. 1 m 36 cm (cm) 1- 3 km 20 m (m)
4. 4 cm 8 mm (mm) 9; 20 cm 2 mm (mm)
EXERCISE 7e Express the first quantity in terms of the units given in brackets:
400 cm (m)
= 4m
580 g (kg)
= 0.58 kg
Metric Units 113
In questions 1 to 20, express the first quantity in terms of the units
given in brackets;
5 m 36 cm (m)
36 cm = 36100 m
= 0.36 m
So 5 m 36 cm = 5.36m.
EXERCISE 7f Quantities must be expressed in the same units before they are added
or subtracted.
a) 1 kg = lOOOg
1 kg+158g = 1158g
(.'. means “therefore” or “it follows that”)
b) 158g =158H-1000kg
= 0.158 kg
= 5.137m
b) 5m = 5 X 100 cm = 500cm
97 mm = 97^ 10 cm = 9.7 cm
= 513.7cm
1. 5 m + 86cm £. 51 m + 3 km
7. 36 cm+ 80 mm 10; 2 m + 45 cm + 6 mm
9. 1 m + 82cm 12. 34 cm + 18 mm + 1 m
Metric Units 115
Find, giving your answer in grams:
wiwikaBB ■ V ^ iwi
■ bI■
METRIC w Iv ■ ■ w
3 X 2g 741 mg (g)
Find, in kilograms, the total weight of a bag of flour
weighing 1.5 kg, a jar of jam weighing 450 g and a packet
of rice weighing 500 g.
= 0.45 kg
10. A wooden vegetable crate and its contents weigh 6.5 kg. If the
crate weighs 1.2 kg what is the weight of its contents?
Many countries use units of money that are divided into hundredths.
For example
UK 1 pound (£) = 100 pence (p)
USA 1 dollar ($) = 100 cents (c)
France 1 franc = 100 centimes
Germany 1 mark = 100 pfennigs
Metric Units 117
EXERCISE 7i Express each quantity in terms of the units given in brackets:
1. 7 dollars (cents)
2. £6 (pence)
3. 8 marks (pfennigs)
4. 13 francs (centimes)
5. 7 francs 35 centimes (centimes)
i- £6 15 p (pence)
9; £2 10 p (pence)
10; £5 4p (pence)
420 p (£)
420 p = £4.20
(Note that we always give pounds to 2 decimal places so
we write £4.20 rather than £4.2. Other currencies are
written in the same way.)
1^ 228 p (£)
24. One can of cola costs 50 pfennigs. Find the cost, in marks, of
twelve such cans.
25. Find the cost of six stamps at 22 p each and five stamps at 17p
each. If you paid for these stamps with a £5 note, how much
change would you get?
A girl takes to school a bag with books in it, a shoe bag
and a clarinet. The bag and its contents weigh 2.5 kg, the
shoe bag weighs 900 g and the clarinet weighs 1 kg 900 g.
What is the total weight, in kg, that the girl carries?
2.5 kg
900 g = 0.9 kg
1 kg 900 g = 1.9 kg
3. A man takes three parcels to the Post Office and has them
weighed. One parcel weighs 4 kg 37 g, the weight of the second is
3 kg 982 g and the third one weighs 1kg 173g. What is their
total weight in kilograms?
EXERCISE 7k Express the given quantity in terms of the units given in brackets:
1. 4 km (m) 4. 250 g (kg) 7. 1 m 50 cm (m)
2. 30g (kg) 5. 0.03 km (cm) 8. 2.8 cm (mm)
3. 3.5m (cm) 6. 1250m (km) 9. 65 g (kg)
1. 4 cm 2 mm (cm) 5. 36 mm (cm)
Some imperial units are still used. For instance distances on road
signs are still given in miles. One mile is roughly equivalent to Ijkm.
A better approximation is
Yards, feet and inches are other imperial units of length that are still
used. In this system units are not always divided into ten parts to give
smaller units so we have to learn “tables”.
2 ft 5 in (in)
2 ft = 2 X 12 in
= 24in
= 29in
52 in = 52h- 12 ft 4 r4
= 4 ft 4 in
122 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
The imperial units of weight that are still used are pounds and
ounces. Other units of weight that you may still see are hundred¬
weights and tons (not to be confused with tonnes).
20 hundredweight = 1 ton
EXERCISE 8b Express the given quantity in terms of the units given in brackets:
If you shop in a supermarket you will find that nearly all prepacked
goods (tinned foods, sugar, biscuits, etc.) are sold in grams or
kilograms and nearly all fresh produce (meat, cheese, fruit, etc.) is
sold in pounds and ounces. It is often useful to be able to convert,
roughly, pounds into kilograms or grams into pounds. For a rough
conversion it is good enough to say that
1 kg is about 2 lb
One metre is slightly longer than one yard but for a rough conversion
it is good enough to say that
1 m is about 1 yd
Imperial Units 123
1 kg ^ 2 lb
1 m « 1 yd or 3 ft
EXERCISE 8c In questions 1 to 10, write the first unit roughly in terms of the unit
in brackets:
5 kg (lb)
5 kg » 5 X 21b
5 kg % 101b
10 ft (m)
10ft 10-3m
1. 3 kg (lb) 6. 5m (ft)
17. I buy a 51b bag of potatoes and two 1.5 kg bags of flour. What
weight, roughly, in pounds do I have to carry?
22. The distance between London and Dover is about 70 miles. The
distance between Calais and Paris is about 270 kilometres.
Which is the greater distance?
23. A recipe requires 250 grams of flour. Roughly, how many ounces
is this?
25. The instructions for repotting a plant say that it should go into
a 10 cm pot. The flower pots that Tom has in his shed are
marked 3 in, 4 in and 5 in. Which one should he use?
26. Peter Stuart wishes to extend his central heating which was
installed several years ago in 1 in and jin diameter copper
tubing. The only new piping he can buy has diameters of
10 mm, 15 mm, 20 mm or 25 mm. Use the approximation
lin« 2.5 cm to determine which piping he should buy that
would be nearest to
28. A shop sells material at £10.50 per metre while the same
material is sold in the local market at £9 per yard. Using
4 in % 10 cm find which is cheaper.
EXERCISE 9a What fraction of a revolution does the seconds hand of a clock turn
through when:
5 of a revolution
126 ST(P) Mathematics lA
It stops at 3.
The four main compass directions are north, south, east and west.
6. If you stand facing west and turn clockwise to face south what
part of a revolution have you turned through?
7. If you stand facing north and turn clockwise to face west how
much of a revolution have you turned through?
8. If you stand facing east and turn to face west what part of a
revolution have you turned through?
128 ST(P) Mathematics lA
When the hand of a clock moves from one position to another it has
turned through an angle.
EXERCISE 9c How many right angles does the seconds hand of a clock turn
through when:
One complete revolution is divided into 360 parts. Each part is called
a degree. 360 degrees is written 360 .
How many degrees has the seconds hand of a clock turned through
when it moves from:
4. 12 to 6 8. 9 to 6 11; 8 to 5
5. 3 to 6 9. 2 to 5 11; 4 to 10
6. 6 to 3 10. 7 to 11
If; 5 to 8
How many degrees has the seconds hand of a clock turned through
when it moves from:
6 to 8
or of 360° = 60°
16. 8 to 9
18. 6 to 10
19. 1 to 3
26. 3 to 10
27. 2 to 8
28. 10 to 8
29. 12 to 11
30. 9 to 2
It has a straight line at or near the straight edge. This line is called
the base line.
The protractor has two scales, an inside one and an outside one.
Choose the scale that starts at 0° on the arm on the base line. Read
off the number where the other arm cuts this scale.
Check with your estimate to make sure that you have chosen the right
EXERCISE 9f Measure the following angles (if necessary, turn the page to a
convenient position):
1. 2.
reflex angle. Now find its size. Chai
ir and each check the other’s measui
136 ST(P) Mathematics lA
EXERCISE 9g Use a clock diagram to draw the angle that the minute hand of a
clock turns through in the following times. In each question write
down the size of the angle in degrees;
44. \
49. 120° 52. 10° 55. 290° 58. 170° 61. 250'
Change books with your neighbour and measure each other’s angles
as a check on accuracy.
EXERCISE 9i In questions 1 and 2 first measure the angle marked r. Then estimate
the size of the angle marked Check your estimate by measuring
In each of the following questions, write down the size of the angle
marked /, without measuring it:
Introducing Geometry 139
The two angles that are opposite each other are called vertically
opposite angles. After working through the last exercise you should
now be convinced that
i.e. p = r and s = q.
EXERCISE 9j 1. Draw a diagram showing the two angles that you turn through if
you start by facing north and then turn clockwise through 60°,
stop for a moment and then continue turning until you are facing
south. What is the sum of these two angles?
d = 70“
e = 110“
/= 110“
1 44 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
EXERCISE 91 In questions 1 to 10 find the size of the angle marked with a letter
Introducing Geometry 145
X What angle does the minute hand of a clock turn through when it
moves from 1 to 9?
EXERCISE 9p What angle does the minute hand of a clock turn through when it
moves from 10 to 6?
JB'i Angles p and q are supplementary. Angle p is five times the size
of angle q. What is the size of angle q"!
EXERCISE 10a Some of the shapes below have one axis of symmetry and some have
none. State which of the drawings 1 to 6 have an axis of symmetry.
Symmetry 149
In these shapes there are two lines along which it is possible to fold
the paper so that one half fits exactly over the other half.
EXERCISE 10b How many axes of symmetry are there in each of the following shapes?
EXERCISE 10c How many axes of symmetry are there for each of the following
EXERCISE lOd 1. Lay a piece of tracing paper over any one of the shapes above,
trace it and turn it about the cross until it fits over the shape
154 ST(P) Mathematics lA
All the triangles are exactly the same shape and size. If they were cut
out, they would fit exactly over each other.
Symmetry 155
EXERCISE lOe In each of the following questions, state whether or not the two figures
are congruent. If you are not sure, trace one figure and see if the
tracing will fit over the other figure.
1 56 ST(P) Mathematics lA
The cut face, which is shaded, is called a section of the cube. In this
case the section is a square.
When we make a straight cut through a solid, we say that the solid is
cut by a plane, i.e. the section is flat.
4. Draw the shape of the section given by slicing down through the
middle of each of the following solids.
Now take one of the pieces and put the cut face against a mirror.
Does the piece, together with its reflection, look like the complete
If it does, as happens in this case, then the cut has been made in a
plane of symmetry.
Not all planes which cut a solid in half are planes of symmetry. The
cuboid below has not been cut in a plane of symmetry. If one half is
placed against a mirror we do not see a cuboid.
When a new object, for example a new car, is designed there are
many jobs that have to be done before it can be made. One of these
jobs is to make accurate drawings of the parts. This is called technical
a sharp pencil
a ruler
a pair of compasses
a protractor
Repeat the daisy pattern but this time draw complete circles instead of
1 60 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
Then mark a point on this line near one end as shown. Label it A.
EXERCISE 11a Draw, as accurately as you can, straight lines of the following lengths:
1. 6 cm 3. 12 cm 5. 8.5 cm 7. 4.5 cm
The corners of the triangle are called vertices. (One corner is called a
vertex.) So that we can refer to one particular side, or to one
particular angle, we label the vertices using capital letters. In the
diagram above we used the letters A, B and C so we can now talk
about “the triangle ABC” or “AABC”.
Triangles and Angles 161
1 62 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
Make a rough drawing of the following triangles. Label each one and
mark the measurements given:
Draw a large triangle of any shape. Use a straight edge to draw the
sides. Measure each angle in this triangle, turning your page to a
convenient position when necessary. Add up the sizes of the three
Now try this: on a piece of paper draw a triangle of any shape and
cut it out. Next tear off each corner and place the three corners
EXERCISE lid In each question make a rough copy of the diagram and mark the
sizes of the angles that you are asked to find:
166 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
A 1
Next draw the line AB making
it 7 cm long. Label the ends. B
EXERCISE lie Construct the following triangles; calculate the third angle in each
triangle and then measure this angle to check the accuracy of your
EXERCISE Ilf Construct each of the following triangles and measure the third side:
Next draw
draw XY.
Now try this: on a piece of paper draw a quadrilateral. Tear off each
corner and place the vertices together. It should look like this:
A triangle in which all three sides are the same length is called an
equilateral triangle.
Place it on your first triangle. Now turn it round and it should still fit
exactly. What do you think this means about the three angles?
Measure each angle in the triangle.
EXERCISE 11j In questions 1 to 10 make a rough sketch of the triangle and mark
angles that are equal:
Triangles and Angles 177
EXERCISE 11k The patterns below are made using a pair of compasses. Try copying
them. Some instructions are given which should help.
Cut out the complete diagram. Fold the outer triangles up so that
the corners meet. Stick the edges together using the tabs. You
have made a tetrahedron. (These make good Christmas tree
decorations if made out of foil-covered paper.)
Triangles and Angles 179
The number 2 is a factor of 12, since 2 will divide exactly into 12.
EXERCISE 12a Express each of the following numbers as the product of two factors,
giving all possibilities:
1. 18 5. 30 9. 48 80 17.
11: 120
2. 20 6. 36 10. 60 14; 96
H 135
EXERCISE 12b 1. Write down all the multiples of 3 between 20 and 40.
182 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
1. 2x2x2 6. 3x3x3x3x3x3
2. 3 X 3 X 3 X 3 7. 13x 13x 13
3. 5 X 5 X 5 X 5 8. 19x 19
4. 7x7x7x7x7 9. 2x2x2x2x2x2x2
5. 2x2x2x2x2 10. 6 X 6 X 6 X 6
3^ = 3x3x3x3x3 = 243
108 =12x9
= 4x3x9
= 2x2x3x3x3
441 =9x49
= 3x3x7x7
= 3^x7^
2x2x3x3x3 = 2^ x3^
1. 2X2X7X7 6. 3x11x11x2x2
2. 3x3x3x5x5 7. 7x7x7x3x5x7x3
3. 5x5x5x13x13 8. 13x5x13x5x13
4. 2x3x3x5x2x5 9. 3x5x5x3x7x3x7
2^ x3^ = 2x2x2x3x3 = 72
A number is divisible
Is 446 divisible by 2?
Is 1683 divisible by 3?
Is 7235 divisible by 5?
9. Is 10752 divisible by 6?
3. 63 7. 216 9. 405
4. 9, 12 8. 4, 5, 6 12. 6, 7, 8
EXERCISE 12j What is the smallest sum of money that can be made up of an
exact number of 20 p pieces or of 50 p pieces?
3. Find the smallest length that can be divided exactly into equal
” sections of length 5 m or 8 m or 12 m.
A room measures 450 cm by 350 cm. Find the side of the largest
square tile that can be used to tile the floor without any cutting.
This table shows the cost of a coach journey to various
places on different days of the week.
Mon. to Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun.
London £4.60 £5.50 £5.80 £4.00
a) (Look along the line for Alton Towers until you get to
the column for Saturday.)
= £18.40
1. Use the information in the worked example above to find the cost
of the following sets of journeys.
Tables and Networks 189
2. The table below shows the yearly premiums for insuring house
contents in different areas.
The size of the premium depends on the value of the contents and
also on the type of area (for example whether there are many
burglaries in the area or whether there is a likelihood of flooding.)
e) The Feathers live in Area 3 and their house contents are valued
at £5000. The difference between the Feathers’ insurance and
that of the Drews is £15.
What is the value of the Drews’ house contents and which area
do they live in?
The pupils in a class were each asked how many girls and
boys there were in their family. This table shows the results
of the enquiries.
Number of girls
0 1 2 3
0 0 4 0
Number j
of bovs
3 7 © 0
2 4 4 0
a) (Look down the column for 2 girls until you reach the
row with 1 boy.)
There are 3 families with 2 girls and 1 boy.
2. The pupils in a class were each asked to give their hair and eye
colour. This table shows the results.
Eye colour
Blue 1 Grey | Dark Hazel
Dark 1 2 10 2
Hair Medium 4 2 1 0
colour -
Fair 5 1 0 1
Red 0 1 0 0
Tables and Networks 191
a) How many pupils have fair hair and grey eyes?
0 1 2 3
0 7 5 1 0
I 3 9 1 0
2 0 0 1 1
4. This table shows the various numbers of daily and evening papers
taken by the households in one street. There are 32 households
altogether and 16 have no evening paper.
Daily paper
0 1 2
0 9 3
1 6 1
This is the map of a village with some of the buildings and the
distances between them shown.
Tables and Networks 193
a) Pete decided to walk from his home to Daisy’s house. He went
past the Post Office, the shop and the school.
How far did he walk?
h) At the same time, Daisy set off to visit Pete. She went past the
church and the Post Office to Pete’s house.
How far did she walk?
c) Pete and Daisy missed each other. They both set off to walk
back and met halfway between the Post Office and the school.
How far had Pete walked altogether?
3. On another day, Pete and Daisy set off from Pete’s house and
walked past the Post Office, the church, Daisy’s house, the school
and the shop and back to the Post Office.
a) How far did they walk?
b) Is there any section of road along which they did not walk?
6. c
This map shows the times it takes to cycle along the various
EXERCISE 13d 1. Copy this diagram without lifting your pen or pencil from the
paper and without going over any line again. Start at A.
Try starting at B. Is the drawing still possible?
Now try starting at C.
In each case
6. On every drawing done for this exercise, write by each point the
number of lines that meet there.
Draw some networks of your own and test out your rules on
196 ST(P) Mathematics lA
This map shows the times it takes to travel from point to point.
a) Find the quickest route from start to finish and give the time
b) Find the route from start to finish which takes the longest time
(without travelling along any road twice). Give the time it
c) Find the quickest route from start to finish that passes through
B, C, D and E in any order. Give the time it takes.
Tables and Networks 197
a) Can the diagram be drawn in one go? Try starting first from
D, then from P.
Try other starting points. Write down what you find out.
This map shows where clues are hidden for a treasure hunt.
EXERCISE 13f1. The diagram shows routes between points. The arrow indicates
that the road is one-way, i.e. you can go directly from A to B but
not from B to A. The other roads can be travelled in either
direction and there are two roads direct from A to C.
A 0 1 2 0
B 0
■ Copy and complete the table, which shows the number of direct
routes between the various points.
Notice that in (c) there are two routes from A to A because you
can go either way round the loop.
A 0 2 1
B 2 0 1
C 1 1 0
There are no one-way routes in this map. How can you tell this
by looking at the table?
Tables and Networks 199
A 0 1 0 A 1 1 1
From B 1 0 1 From B 1 0 1
C 0 1 0 C 1 1 0
b) To d) To
A 0 0 2 A 0 1 0 0
From B 1 0 1 From B 1 0 2 0
C 2 1 0 C 0 2 0 1
D 0 0 I 0
To get information from this diagram you need to know what the line
with the arrow means.
In this case it means “is older than”, so if you start at the name Ruth
and follow the line to Andrew you will read it as “Ruth is older than
We can also see that Ruth is older than Susan and Susan is older than
Andrew, so it follows that Ruth is the oldest, Andrew is the youngest
and Susan is in the middle.
200 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
In this network, the line
with the arrow means “is a
multiple of”.
a) Is 6 a multiple of 3?
b) Is 9 a multiple of 2?
In this network, the line with the arrow means “is a parent of”.
Anne? David
e) Is Sally older than Angela? If she is, add a line with an arrow
to the diagram to show this.
1. The letter T?
2. The letter H?
Area 203
Sometimes the squares do not fit exactly on the area we are finding.
When this is so we count a square if at least half of it is within the area
we are finding, but exclude it if more than half of it is outside.
3. The letter P?
4. The letter O?
4 cm
EXERCISE 14b Find the area of each of the following shapes, clearly stating the units
1. A square of side 2 cm
2. A square of side 8 cm
3. A square of side 10 cm
4. A square of side 5 cm
9. A square of side j km
EXERCISE 14c Frequently it is possible to find the area of a figure by dividing it into
two or more rectangles.
4 cm
4 cm
6 cm
6 cm
B 2 cm
12 cm
Area 209
EXERCISE 14d Find the perimeter of each shape given in Exercise 14b, clearly
indicating units.
6 cm
Breadth Breadth
6 cm
= 30 cm^
EXERCISE 14e The following table gives some of the measurements for various
rectangles. Fill in the values that are missing;
1. 4 cm 12 cm
2. 5 cm 14cm
3. 3m 16m
4. 6 mm 30 mm
5. 6 cm 30 cm^
6. 10m 120m^
7. 4 km 36 km^
8. 7 mm 63 mm^
9. 5 cm 60 cm
10. 21 cm 1680cm2
210 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
X 8 cm .1
2 cm A 2 cm !
3 cm 3 cm i
5 cm B 5 cm
3 cm 3 cm
1 3 cm C 3 cm
1 8 cm
9 r'm
212 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
Draw a square of side 6 cm. How many squares of side 2 cm
are required to cover it?
2 cm
2 cm
6 cm
A square of side 1cm may be divided into 100 equal squares of side
1 mm,
i.e. 1 cm^ = 100 mm^
1 cm |10 mm
1 cm 10 mm
and as 1 km = 1000 m
1 km^ = 1000 X 1000 m^
i.e. 1 km^ = 1000 000 m^
When we convert from a unit of area which is large to a unit of area
which is smaller we must remember that the number of units will be
e.g. 2 km^ = 2x 1 000 000 m^
= 2 000 000 m^
, 500 ,
e.g. 500 mm =-cm
® 100
= 5cm^
Express 5m^ in a) cm^ b) mm^.
= 50000cm^
Express in cm^:
a)3m^ c) 7.5d) 82e) 8jm^.
r. Express in mm^;
a) 14 cm* b) 3 cm^ cfy.Scm^ d) 26cm^ e) 32jcm^.
, 354 000000 ,
354 000 000 mm^ = „ cm^
= 3540000cm^
. , 3 540000 ,
3 540 000 cm^ = m^
= 354 m^
4- Express in cm^:
a) 400 mm^ b) 2500 mm^ c) 50 mm^
d) 25 mm^ mm^
5./Express in m^:
a) 5500cm^ b) 140000cm^ c) 760cm^
d) 18 600cm^ e) 29 700 000 cm^
Many questions ask us to find the area of a rectangle but give the
length and breadth in different units. When this is so we must change
the units so that all the measurements are in the same units.
Area 21 5
Find the area of a rectangle measuring jm by 35 cm. Give
your answer in cm^.
35 cm
i m
Find the area of each of the following rectangles, giving your answer
in the unit in brackets:
Length Breadth
10m 50 cm (cm^)
2. 6 cm 30 mm (mm^)
3. 50m 35 cm (cm^)
4. 140 cm Im (cm^)
3m im (cm^)
10. How many square concrete paving slabs, each of side |m, are
required to pave a rectangular yard measuring 9 m by 6 m?
Two straight lines that are always the same distance apart, however far they
are drawn, are called parallel lines.
The lines in your exercise books are parallel. You can probably find many
other examples of parallel lines.
EXERCISE 15a 1. Using the lines in your exercise book, draw three lines that are parallel.
Do not make them all the same distance apart. For example
(We use arrows to mark lines
> that are parallel.)
2. Using the lines in your exercise book, draw two parallel lines.
Make them fairly far apart. Now draw a slanting line across
them. For example
Mark the angles in your drawing that are in the same position as
those in the diagram. Are they acute or obtuse angles? Measure
your angles marked p and q.
3. Draw a grid of parallel lines like the diagram below. Use the lines
in your book for one set of parallels and use the two sides of
your ruler to draw the slanting parallels.
Mark your drawing like the diagram. Are your angles p and q
acute or obtuse? Measure your angles p and q.
218 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
5. Draw three slanting parallel lines like the diagram below with a
horizontal line cutting them. Use the two sides of your ruler and
move it along to draw the third parallel line.
In the exercise above, lines were drawn that crossed a set of parallel
When you have drawn several parallel lines you should notice that
two parallel lines on the same flat surface will never meet
however far they are drawn.
If you draw the diagram above by moving your ruler along you can
see that all the shaded angles are equal. These angles are all in
corresponding positions: they are all above the transversal and to the
left of the parallel lines. Angles like these are called corresponding
The fact that the corresponding angles are equal gives us a method
for drawing parallel lines.
You can now extend the arm of your angle both ways, to give the
parallel line.
• D
Now draw lines through the points C, D and E so that each line
is parallel to AB.
Parallel Lines and Angles 221
7. Draw the triangle as given in question 5 again and this time draw
a line through A which is parallel to the side BC.
222 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
EXERCISE 15d Write down the size of the angle marked d in each of the following
Draw a large letter Z. Use the lines of your exercise book to make
sure that the outer arms of the Z are parallel.
This letter has rotational symmetry about the point marked with a
cross. This means that the two shaded angles are equal. Measure them
to make sure.
Draw a large N and make sure that the outer arms are parallel.
This letter also has rotational symmetry about the point marked with
a cross, so once again the shaded angles are equal. Measure them to
make sure.
Parallel Lines and Angles 227
The pairs of shaded angles like those in the Z and N are between the
parallel lines and on alternate sides of the transversal.
Angles like these are called alternate angles.
Looking for a Z shape may help you to recognise the alternate angles.
EXERCISE 15f Write down the angle which is alternate to the shaded angle in the
following diagrams;
228 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
Without doing any measuring we can show that alternate angles are
equal by using the facts that we already know:
In the diagram above, / and g are on the same side of the transversal
and “inside” the parallel lines.
Pairs of angles like / and g are called interior angles.
exercise 15h In the following diagrams, two of the marked angles are a pair of
interior angles. Name them:
Parallel Lines and Angles 231
In the following diagrams, use the information given to find the size
of p and of q. Then find the sum of p and q:
7. / 9.
11. Make a large copy of the diagram below. Use the lines of your
book to make sure that the outer arms of the “U” are parallel.
You will probably have realised this fact by now. We can show that it
is true from the following diagram.
So e+f= 180'
Parallel Lines and Angles 233
You now know that when a transversal cuts a pair of parallel lines
You can use any of these facts, together with the other angle facts
you know, to answer the questions in the following exercises.
5. Construct an equilateral
“ triangle with sides 7 cm long
and label it ABC. Using BC
as one side construct another
equilateral triangle BCD. Your
drawing should look like the
diagram on the right. Mark
any lines that you think are
parallel and give reasons for
your decision.
There are many occasions when you need to describe the position of an
object. For example, telling a friend how to find your house, finding a
square in the game of battleships, describing the position of an aeroplane
showing up on a radar screen. In mathematics we need a quick way to
describe the position of a point.
We do this by using squared paper and marking a point O at the corner of
one square. We then draw a line through O across the page. This line is
called Ox. Next we draw a line through O up the page. This line is called Oy.
Starting from O we then mark numbered scales on each line.
— —
0 1 23456789x
A (3,5)
3 B
/ V
__ —
2. Draw a set of axes of your own. Give them seales from 0 to 10.
Mark the following points and label each point with its own
A(2, 8) B(4, 9) C(7, 9) D(8, 7) E(8, 6) F(9, 4) G(8, 4)
H(7, 3) 1(5, 3) J(7, 2) K(7, 1) L(4, 2) M(2, 0) N(0, 2)
3. Draw a set of axes and give them scales from 0 to 10. Mark the
following points:
A(2, 5) B(7, 5) C(7, 4) D(8, 4) E(8, 3) F(9, 3) G(9, 2)
H(6, 2) 1(6, 1) J(7, 1) K(7, 0) L(5, 0) M(5, 2) N(4, 2)
P(4, 0) Q(2, 0) R(2, 1) S(3, 1) T(3, 2) U(0, 2) V(0, 3)
W(l, 3) X(l, 4) Y(2, 4)
8. On your own set of axes mark the points A(8, 4), B(8, 8) and
C(14, 6). Join A to B, B to C and C to A.
Describe the figure ABC.
Coordinates 239
Questions 10 to 15 refer to the points A(l, 7), B(5, 0) and C(0, 14):
25. Write down the coordinates of the centre, L, of the circle. What
is the diameter of this circle?
For each of the following questions you will need to draw your own
set of axes:
26. The points A(2, 1), B(6, 1) and C(6, 5) are three corners of a
square ABCD. Mark the points A, B and C. Find the point D
and write down the coordinates of D.
27. The points A(2, 1), B(2, 3) and C(7, 3) are three vertices of a
rectangle ABCD. Mark the points and find the point D. Write
down the coordinates of D.
28. The points A(l, 4), B(4, 7) and C(7, 4) are three vertices of a
square ABCD. Mark the points A, B and C and find D. Write
down the coordinates of D.
Coordinates 241
29. Mark the points A(2, 4) and B(8, 4). Join A to B and find
the point C which is the midpoint (the exact middle) of the line
AB. Write down the coordinates of C.
30. Mark the points P(3, 5) and Q(3, 9). Join P and Q and mark
the point R which is the midpoint of PQ. Write down the
coordinates of R.
SI- Mark the points A(0, 5) and B(4, 1). Find the coordinates of
the midpoint of AB.
ERERCISE 16b If you are not sure whether two lines are equal, measure them.
If you are not sure whether two lines are parallel, measure the
corresponding angles.
1. The Square
A(3, 2), B(ll, 2), C(ll, 10) and D(3, 10) are the four corners of
a square. Mark these points on your own set of axes and then
draw the square ABCD.
a) Write down, as a number of sides of squares, the lengths of
the sides AB, BC, CD and DA.
b) Which side is parallel to AB? Are BC and AD parallel?
c) What is the size of each angle of the square?
2. The Rectangle
A(2, 2), B(2, 7), C(14, 7) and D(14, 2) are the vertices of a
rectangle ABCD. Draw the rectangle ABCD on your own set of
a) Write down the sides which are equal in length.
b) Write down the pairs of sides which are parallel.
c) What is the size of each angle of the rectangle?
242 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
3. The Rhombus
A(8, 1), B(ll, 7), C(8, 13) and D(5, 7) are the vertices of a
rhombus ABCD. Draw the rhombus on your own set of axes.
a) Write down the sides which are equal in length.
b) Write down the pairs of sides which are parallel.
c) Measure the angles of the rhombus. Are any of the angles
4. The Parallelogram
A(2, 2), B(14, 2), C(17, 7) and D(5, 7) are the vertices of a
parallelogram. Draw the parallelogram on your own set of axes.
a) Write down which sides are equal in length.
b) Write down which sides are parallel.
c) Measure the angles of the parallelogram. Write down which, if
any, of the angles are equal.
5. The Trapezium
A(l, 1), B(12, 1), C(10, 5) and D(5, 5) are the vertices of a
trapezium. Draw the trapezium on your own set of axes.
a) Write down which, if any, of the sides are the same length.
b) Write down which, if any, of the sides are parallel.
c) Write down which, if any, of the angles are equal.
EXERCISE 16c In the following questions the points A, B, C and D are the vertices
of a quadrilateral. Draw the figure ABCD on your own set of axes
and write down which type of quadrilateral it is.
If A(2, 0), B(4, 2) and C(6, 0) are three corners of a square ABCD,
we can see that the fourth corner, D, is two squares below the x-axis.
In the same way we can use the negative numbers —1, —2, —3, . . .
to extend the scale on the x-axis to the left of zero.
244 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
How many squares above or below the x-axis is each of the following
3. P: the y-coordinate is —5
i- B: the j-coordinate is 10
How many squares to the left or to the right of the j-axis is each of
the following points?
I B,
Mm h
5- 4 - 2 -
I 1
; ' n
E 1^
In questions 16 to 21 draw your own set of axes and scale each one
from —5 to 5:
17. Mark the points A(4, -1) B(4, 2) C(3, 3) D(2, 3) E(2, 4)
F(l, 4) G(l, 3) H(-2, 3) I(-3, 2) J(-3, -1).
Join the points to make the figure ABCD. What is the name of the
Join the points to make the figure ABC and describe ABC.
20. Mark the points A(-2, -1) B(5, -1) C(5, 2) D(-2, 2).
Join the points to make the figure ABCD and describe ABCD.
In questions 21 to 30, mark the points A and B and the point C, the
midpoint of the line AB. Give the coordinates of C:
Coordinates 249
EXERCISE 16g In the following questions we are going to investigate the properties of
the diagonals of the special quadrilaterals. You will need your own set
of axes for each question. Mark a scale on each axis from —5 to +5.
Mark the points A, B, C and D and join them to form the
quadrilateral ABCD.
1. A 3. C 5. D
2. B 4. O 6. E
252 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
They can also be used to describe time before and after a particular
event. For example, 5 seconds before the start of a race and 5 seconds
after the start of a race could be written as — 5 s and + 5 s.
Most people would call — 5°C “minus 5°C” but we will call it
“negative 5 °C” and there are good reasons for doing so because in
mathematics “minus” means “take away”.
EXERCISE 17a Draw a centigrade thermometer and mark a scale on it from —10°
to +10°. Use your drawing to write the following temperatures as
positive or negative numbers:
254 ST(P) Mathematics lA
7. -2°C m -10°C
13. + 8° or +10°
1®: -2° or -5°
14. 12° or 3° !£;
15. -2° or +4° 20. + 3° or -5°
23. The contour lines on the map below show distances above sea
level as positive numbers and distances below sea level as
negative numbers.
+ 5m
27. 50 p owed.
35. At midnight the temperature was — 2°C. One hour later it was
1° colder. What was the temperature then?
36. At midday the temperature was 18 °C. Two hours later it was
3° warmer. What was the temperature then?
38. At midnight the temperature was — 5 °C. One hour later it was
2° warmer. What was the temperature then?
or -3 < -1
1. 3 2 5. 1 -2 9; -3 -9
2. 5 1 6. -4 1 10; -7 3
3. -1 -4 7. 3 -2 11- -1 0
4. -3 -1 8. 5 -10 12; 1 -1
If you were asked to work out 5 — 7 you would probably say that it
cannot be done. But if you were asked to work out where you would
be if you walked 5 steps forwards and then 7 steps backwards, you
would say that you were two steps behind your starting point.
■ ■ I I_I_I_I_I-1-1-1--1—
-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Directed Numbers 257
So s ~ 1 = -2
-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
1. 3-6 6. 5+2
2. 5-2 7. -2 + 3
3. 4-6 8. -3 + 5
4. 5-7 9. -5-7
5. 4-2 10. -3 + 2
(+4) + ( + 3)
( + 4) + ( + 3) = 4 + 3
= 7 ;
( + 4)-( + 3)
( + 4)-( + 3) = 4-3
= 1
22. -3+1-4
M; -( + 3) + ( + 5)-( + 5)
— 1+2 is 1
so X = —I
32. X —2 = 0 5—X = 4
Most of you will have some money of your own, from pocket money
and other sources. Many of you will have borrowed money at some
At any one time you have a balance of money, i.e. the total sum that
you own or owe!
If you own £2 and you borrow £4, your balance is a debt of £2.
We can write this as
( + 2) + (-4) = (-2)
or as 2 + (—4) = —2
But 2-4 = -2
+ {—4) means -4
Directed Numbers 259
If you owe £2 and then take away that debt, your balance is zero. We
can write this as
(-2) - (-2) = 0
You can pay off a debt on your balance only if someone gives you
£2. So subtracting a negative number is equivalent to adding a
positive number, i.e. —( — 2) is equivalent to +2.
— (—2) means +2
2 + (-l) = 2-1
= 1
3-(-4) = -3 + 4
= 1
2 + (-l)-(-4)
2 + ( -l)-(-4) = 2-1+4
= 5
+ ( + a) = +a and -( + a) = —a
1. 3 + (-2) 9; 10-(-5)
2. -3-( + 2) m -2-(-4)
3. 6-(-3) 12 + (-7)
4. 4 + ( + 4) -4-(+8)
5. -5 + (-7) H; 3-(-2)
7. 7 + (-3) 8 + (-7)
8. 8 + ( + 2) 4-(-5)
= -8 + 3
= -5
37. (3-8)-(9-4)
38. (4-9)-2 42. (3-l) + (5-10)
39. (7 + 4)-15 43;
40. 8 + (3-8) 44.
45. Add ( + 7) to (-5).
Consider 3x2.
This means 2 + 2 + 2 = 6
a)5x(-3)=-15 b)(-3)x5=-15
Since 2x3 = 6, 6 = 3 = 2.
(-12) = 4 = -3
Find a)(-9) = 3 b)(-14)=( + 2) c)
a) (-9)=3 = -3
b) (-14) = ( + 2) = -7
-16 -36
13. ~ 15. 17.
4 4 9
-27 -30
14. 16. 18.
6 3 15
Directed Numbers 263
3. -4+6 7. -2+(-3)-(-5)
4. 3+2-10 8. 4-(2-3)
5. 2 + (-4) 9. 6x(-4)
3. 2-8 7. 3 + (5-8)
4. 3-9 + 4 8. -2-(4-9)
5. ( + 2)-(-3) 9. (-3)x4
Using a letter to stand for the unknown number we can write the first
sentence as an equation:
X - 3 = 7
Then if x = 10 10 — 3 = 7
EXERCISE 18a Form equations to illustrate the following statements and find the
unknown numbers;
Introducing Algebra 265
Ax = 20
9. 3x = 18 13. 5 -(-.x — 7
10. X+6 = 7 14. x-4 = 1
II 15.
16. x+1 = 4
on this side
there is a bag on this side,
containing an there are 9
unknown separate
number of marbles,
marbles, say x balancing the
marbles, and 4 marbles on the
loose marbles other side
Take 4 loose marbles from each side, so that the two sides still
X = 5
We write: x + 4 = 9
Take 4 from both sides x = 5
x-2 = 5
So we write x — 2 = 5
y+4 = 6
y+4 = 6
Take 4 from both sides y = 2
1. x + 1 = 15 5. n -l“ 3 — 7 9; ct+ \ — 6
3. 10+y = 12 7. a + 5 = 11 IL 7 + c = 10
x-t-8 = 6
x-l-8 = 6
x—b = 2
X— 6 = 2
Sometimes the letter term is on the right-hand side instead of the left.
3 = x-4
3 = x-4
2. 6 = x-3 4. 6 = X —7 5 = ^+2
Imagine that on
this side of the
scales there are
3 bags each On this side
containing an there are 12
equal unknown loose marbles
number of
marbles, say x
in each
3a; = 12
We can keep the balance if we divide the contents of each scale pan
by 3.
6x = 12
6x = 12
3x = 7
^ i
Introducing Algebra 269
1. Sx = 10 5. 9. Sp = 7
2. 6.
3x = 9 10. 2x = 40
3. 2x = 5 7. 3a = 1
IL ly = 14
4. lx = 21 8. 6z = 18 12. 6a = 3
£ -
14. 6x = 6 18. 2y = 1 22;
15. 6x = 1 19. 3x = 27 23; 2z = 10
5z = 10 20. 24. 7x = 1
1. 5.
x+4 = 8 9; 2x = 11
2. x-4 = 8 6. 4x = 12 x-2 = 11
3. 4x = 8 7. 4 + x = 12
IL 12 = x + 4
4. 5+y = 6 8. x-4 = 12 X— 12 = 4
EXERCISE 18f The aim is to get the letter term on its own.
7 = 3x-5
7 = 3x-5
i.e. X = 4
2x + 3 = 5
2x + 3 = 5
1. 6x3-2 = 26 8. 1 20 = 12x-4
lOx-6 = 24
The number is 6.
X cm X cm
X cm
4x = 20
Divide both sides by 4 x = 5
X cm
3 cm 3 cm
X cm
7. The lengths of the three sides of a triangle are xcm, xcm and
6 cm. Its perimeter is 20 cm. Find x.
8. Mary and Jean each have x sweets and Susan has 10 sweets.
Amongst them they have 24 sweets. What is x?
9. Three boys had x sweets each. Amongst them they gave 9 sweets
to a fourth boy and then found that they had 18 sweets left
altogether. Find x.
10. I have two pieces of ribbon each x cm long and a third piece
9 cm long. Altogether there are 31cm of ribbon. What is the
length of each of the first two pieces?
Some equations have letter terms on both sides. Consider the equation
5x + 1 = 2x + 9
3x + 1 = 9
Notice that we want the letter term on the side which has the greater
number of x’s to start with.
9 — 4x = 2x + 4
we can see that there is a lack of x’s on the left-hand side, so there
are more x’s on the right-hand side. Add 4x to both sides and then
the equation becomes
9 = 6x -I- 4
EXERCISE 18h Deal with the letters first, then the numbers.
5v -f 2 — 'lx 9
5x4-2 = 2x3-9
Divide both sides by 3
1. 3v+4 = lx -f 8 £. 7x-f3 = 3x + 31
3. lx+ 5 = 5x —4 7. 7x —25 = 3x — 1
9+x = 4—4x
94-x = 4 —4x
= 8
= 8
So X = —1 is the solution.
9-3x = l5-4x
9-3x = 15-4x
(notice that there is a greater lack of x’s on the right)
3-2x = 5
3-2x = 5
(the left-hand side has a lack of x’s)
Introducing Algebra Tib
Like Terms
4h-6h + lh-h
4h-6h + 7h-h = 4h
1. 3x + x + 4x + 2x
1 -
9y-3y + 2_v
3. — 6x + 8x
4. 6-1+4-7 £. -3+5-1
5. — 8x + 6x 10. — 2x —x+3x
Unlike Terms
3x + 4 — 7 — 2x + 4x
3x + 4 —7 —2x + 4x = 5x—3
2x + 4y —X —5_v
2x + 4y —.X—5y = x—y
1. 2.V + 4 + 3 + 5x 4. 4a + 5c —6a
2. 2x — 4 + 3x + 9 5. 6x —5y + 2x + 3y
3. 5x—2 —3—X 6. 6x + 5y + 2x + 3y
276 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
8. 6x + 5y — 2x + 3y 11; 2x — — 8x
If there are a lot of terms in an equation, first collect the like terms
on each side separately.
2x + 3 —x + 5 = 3x + 4x--6
2x + 3-■x + 5 = 3x + 4x —6
x+8 = 7x -6
1. 3x+2 + 2x = 7 3x + 2x —4x = 6
2. 7 + 3X-6 = 4 7. 7 = 2-3 + 4X
4. 9 + 4 = 3x + 4x 1; 5+x —4x + x = 1
18. —4 + x —2 —X = X 20. 4 —X —2+x = X
21. 3x + 1 + 2x = 6 2x + 7 —4x+ 1 = 4
22. 4x —2+6x —4 = 64 6 —3x —5x— 1 =
?Zz 10
23. 2x + 7 — X + 3 = 6x 28; 6x + 3 + 6 = X —4-2
24. 6 —2x —4 + 5x = 17 X-3 + 7X + 9 = 10
25. 9x—6 —X —2 = 0 30. 15x + 2x—6x —9x = 20
3. Find x if 4 — x = 6 —2x.
3c+ 2 = c + 2, find c.
278 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
4. If 6x —4 = 2x + 4 find x.
The container is filled with water to the level of the spout. Any solid
which is put into the water will force a quantity of water into the
measuring jug. The volume of this water will be equal to the volume
of the solid. The volume of a solid is the amount of space it occupies.
How many of the smallest cubes are needed to fill the same space as
each of the solids A and B? Careful counting will show that 8 small
cubes fill the same space as solid A and 12 small cubes fill the same
space as solid B.
280 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
Find the volume of a cuboid measuring 12 cm by 10 cm by
5 cm.
= 12 X 10 X 5cm^
1. 4 cm 4 cm 3 cm
2. 20 mm 10 mm 8 mm
3. 45 mm 20 mm 6 mm
4. 5 mm 4 mm 0.8 mm
5. 6.1 m 4m 1.3 m
7. 4m 3m 2m
8. 8m 5m 4m
9. 8 cm 3 cm jcm
12 cm 1.2 cm 0.5 cm
6 cm
= 6x6x6 cm^
282 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
a) 1cm b) 2 cm c) 4 cm?
Express 2.4 m^ in a) cm^ b) mm^.
= 2400000cm^
Express in mm^:
Express in cm^:
The most common unit of capacity in the metric system is the litre.
(A litre is roughly equivalent to two bottles of milk.) A litre is much
larger than a cubic centimetre but much smaller than a cubic metre.
The relationship between these quantities is:
Express 5.6 litres in cm^.
1 litre = lOOOcm^
= 5600 cm^
Express in cm^:
Express in litres:
Express in litres;
Find the volume of a cuboid measuring 2 m by 70 cm by
30 cm.
Give your answer in a) cm^ b) m^.
= 200 X 70 X 30 cm^
Breadth of cuboid = 70 cm = = 0.7 m
Height of cuboid = 30 cm = j^rn = 0.3 m
= 0.42 m^
Volume 285
Find the volumes of the following cuboids, giving your answers in the
units stated in brackets:
1. 50 mm 30 mm 20 mm (cm^)
2. 400 cm 100 cm 50 cm K)
3. 1m 4 cm 2 cm (cm^)
4. 15 cm 80 mm 50 mm (cm^)
5. 6 cm 12 mm 8 mm (mm^)
6. 2m 50 cm 40 mm (cm^)
7. 4 cm 35 mm 2 cm (cm^)
20 m 80 cm 50 cm (m^)
9; 3.5 cm 25 mm 20 mm (cm^)
10. jm 45 mm 8 mm (cm^)
IL 0.5 cm 4 mm 2 mm (mm^)
12; 1 m 40 cm 30 cm (m^)
Find the volume of a rectangular block of wood measuring
8 cm by 6 cm which is 2 m long. Give your answer in cubic
Working in centimetres:
= 200 X 8 X 6cm^
= 9600cm^
286 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
a) Working in metres:
Depth of tank = 80cm =-m = 0.8 m
^ 100
Capacity of tank = length x breadth x height
= 3 X 2.5 X 0.8 m^
= 6m^
b) 1 m^ = 1000 litres
= 6000 litres
EXERCISE 19k 1. Use the diagrams above to answer the following questions.
A cube can be drawn in another way, with a vertical edge right at the
front. Drawn in this way, each face is a parallelogram. This is not easy
to do freehand but there is a grid, called an isometric grid, that makes
the job simple. (Sometimes the grid is replaced by dots.)
Cuboids can be drawn in a similar way.
Volume 289
1. Measure each of the lines on the drawing of the cube above. What
do you notice?
c) A cuboid 6 cm by 4 cm by 1 cm.
d) A cuboid 3 cm by 5 cm by 3 cm.
Any solid with flat faces can be made from a flat sheet.
Volume 291
A cube can be made from six separate squares.
7 cm
4 cm
7cm 4cm 4 cm
1 1 I
1 1 I
1 4 cm
7 cm
Cut the net out and fold along the dotted lines. Stick the edges
L 2 cm K
Volume 293
This cube is cut along the edges drawn with a thick line and
flattened out.
Draw the flattened shape.
EXERCISE 20a State whether the following sentences refer to vector or scalar
Vectors 295
Therefore b
Notice that the top number represents movement across and that the
bottom number represents movement up or down.
Vectors 297
On squared paper draw the following vectors. Label each vector with
its letter and an arrow:
3 -2
8. a 1^. f
5 5
9. b 1£. g
-3 lOj
2 -1
10. c 15. h
-4 -5
11. d 1£. i =
12. e 17. j =
1^. What do you notice about the vectors in questions 8 and 14,
and in questions 10 and 11?
EXERCISE 20c In each of the following questions you are given a vector followed by
the coordinates of its starting point. Find the coordinates of its other
(O' (:0'
2- ( 0 - 5- ( 0- (3 . - 1 )
3. ( 2} ®- (J) (4,2)
298 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
(::)■ (-3, -2) 21- (1) (-4, -3)
G) < -2, -3) 12. (G) (-3, -I)
2 111 (G) (-5, 2)
(G) 19;
(G) (-3, 2)
(G) 20;
(1) (-3,
G) 2r.
G) < -5, -2)
(G) '> 22;
(G)' (I, 7)
Vectors 299
Similarly BC =
300 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
a = and b =
so we say that a = b
Now c = and
so c = 2a
d =
Although d and a are parallel and the same size, they are in opposite
so we say that d = —a
Vectors 301
and we can see from the diagram that although e is the same size as
a, b and d, it is not parallel to them or to c. So e is not equal to any
of the other vectors.
I -3 ,
6. If d = 1 ^1 draw diagrams to represent d, —d, 2d, —2d.
and —4e.
and —4f.
AB + ^ = a2
on a diagram.
304 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
1. a 6. a
.0/’ 3y
2. a =
3. a . h\ u ''- 2'
i- «-U . K
4. a
i)-fi »•■(;). -R
5. a , b 10, a = 0), b = (j;
i.e. a + b = b 4- a
Vectors 305
i.e. the order in which you do the addition does not matter.
If a b = and c = we can find a+b+c by adding
the corresponding numbers in the ordered pairs.
a + b + c =
Again the order of addition does not matter, as you can see from the
diagrams below:
i.e. a + b + c = a + c + b
a) a + b b) b + a c) b + c d) c + b
e) 2a f) 3a g) a+b+c h) c + b + a
2. If a = and c = 1 1 find:
-2 r —3;
a) a + b b) b + a c) a + c d) c + a
e) 3b f) 4c
3. If a = and
V “ f 2 ' = '.61
a) a + b + c b) 2a + b + 3c c) a + 2b + 3c
a) 2a + 2b + 3c b) a + 5b + 2c
/4\ / 2
If a = ( . 1 and b = . ^
.. 3
a —b
.3, -5
Note that = = ^
19. If a = I find:
a) a —b
20. If a = I and c =
a) a —b b) b —c
21. c =
a) 2a —b b) 3b —c c) 2a-5b
d)a + b —c e)b —c —a
a) a + 2b —c b) 3a-4b c) 4b—3c
3(4x + 2)
3(4x + 2) = l2x + 6
2(x-l) = 2x-2
6x + 3(x —2)
6x + 3(x—2) = 6x + 3x —6
= 9x-6
2 + (3x-7)
2 + (3x-7) (This means 2+ l(3x —7))
= 2 + 3X-7
= 3x-5
310 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
1. 2x T 4(x T 1) 1 -
3x + 3(x-5)
3. 3(x+l) + 4 1 -
6(2x-3) + 5(x-l)
4. 6(2x — 3) + 2x 9; 3x + (2x + 5)
4x: —2(x + 3)
4x —2(x + 3) = 4x —2x —6
= 2x—6
5-(x + 4)
5-(x + 4) = 5~x~4
= 1 —X
“from 8x subtract three times the number that is 2 less than x”.
a) (+3)x( + 2) = +6
b) (-3)x( + 2)=-6
c) ( + 4)x(-3) = -12
d) (-2)x(-3)=+6
Calculate a)( + 2)x( + 4) b)2x4.
a) ( + 2)x( + 4) = 8
b) 2x4 = 8
a) (-3)x( + 4) = -12
b) -3x4 = -12
a) ( + 4)x(-3) = -12
b) 4x(-3) = -12
312 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
a) (-5)x(-2) = 10
b) -5(-2) = 10
-4(3x-4)= --12x+16 ^
-{x + 2)
-ix + 2) = — x—2
1. — 6{x — 5) 6. -7(x + 4)
2. -5(3c + 3) 7. -'i{2d-2)
3. -2(5e-3)
1- -2(4 + 2x)
4. -(3x-4) 9.
5. 10;
More Algebra 313
5x + 4(5x + 3) 1
42-3(2c+5) r. 1
4. 7-2(3x + 2) 9; 7-2(5-25)
4 + 2(x+l) = 22
4 + 2(x+l) = 22
4 4“ 2x 4" 2 = 22
2jc + 6 = 22
= 4-f2x9
= 22
1. 64-3(x-f4) = 24 1- 28 = 4(3x4-!)
2. 3x4-2 = 2(2x4-1) 7. 44-2(x-1) = 12
3. 5x4-3(x4-l) = 14 1- 7x-l-(x-2) = 22
4. 5(x-f 1) = 20 9; l-4(x-f4) = X
4x + 8 = 48
(x + 4) cm
Take 8 from each side 4x = 40
x-l-2x —6 = 144
3x-6 = 144
Add 6 to each side 3x = 150
B 6 cm C
5; A bun costs xpence and a cake costs Spence more than a bun.
Four cakes and three buns together cost £1.60. How much does
one bun cost?
7. Buns cost X pence each and a cask costs twice as much as a bun.
I buy two buns and three cakes and pay £1.60 altogether. How
much does one bun cost?
9; Jane has x pence and Michael has 6 pence less than Jane.
Together they have 30 pence. How much has Jane?
11. 30 sweets are divided amongst Anne, Mary and John. Anne has
X sweets, Mary has three times as many as Anne, and John
has 6. How many sweets has Anne?
yxyxy = /
2. ax a 4. yxyxyxyxy 6. zxzxzxzxzxz
z^ = zxz
7. 9. b'^ 21; X®
8. 10. 12.
2xxxyxxx3 =2x3xxxxxy
= 6xV
Aab^c = Axaxbxbxc
25. 3x X 2z 28; 3a X 2a X fl
32. 2z X 3z 38; 2x X 5z X y
24 10 , 2z 6
a) y X y »' y X
16 . , 2z 6 2 x/ /
'^3 /if Xxz
“’a" ^3“^
5 12 a 6b 3c c
1. -X— 5. -X— —X-
6 5 4 5 i- 5 6
11 18 2c 10 4z 9
2. -X— 6. -X— 10. -X -
9 5 5 3c 3 2z
2 15 P 9 5x X
3. 7. - X- IL
3 ^16 3 p T^To
z z
4. -X- 8. Ixl H; Ix^^
y 14
3 2 6 4
r r 16a 4a6
21. 27.
- X -
4 6 ~y^iy
4v 15z yz vx
22. — X- - X —
— 3 xy zv
ab c 3 _ 6
24. - X - 30.
— be a — X ■ y
4 16 10a 14
25; 31; - X-
X ' 7 Sab
3s 6s 3x _ 9y
26; 32;
y^y Y^~4
320 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
2. Simplify A(x — 3) + 1.
3. I think of a number, double it, add 6 and the result is 32. Find
the number.
4. Simplify 3ax5bx4c.
6. Simplify -X-.
2. Simplify xa^.
3. Andrew has 6 sweets, Mary has x sweets and Jim has twice as
many as Andrew. Together they have four times as many as
Mary has. Form an equation and find how many sweets Mary
5. Simplify 3 —(x—1).
6. Simplify — x—.
5y 3x
More Algebra 321
Ax 5x
2. Simplify
EXERCISE 22a Copy this form on to a card and then fill it in with the information
asked for.
1. Name .
3. Height (cm) .
The completed cards for the whole class can now be colleeted together.
This collection of cards is a database.
Statistics 323
This is a list of the number of brothers and sisters of the thirty pupils
in a class. Each figure represents the number of brothers and sisters of
one member of the class.
0 1 1 3 0 12 10 1
1 3 1 0 1 2 3 110
1 0 2 0 1 112 4 1
The frequency tells us how many of each type of item there are.
We start by making a table like the one below. Then we work down
the columns in the list, making a tally mark, /, in the tally column
next to the appropriate item.
Number of
and sisters Tally Frequency
0 m
1 m ff
2 n
3 //
Next we count up the tally marks and write the total in the frequency
Lastly, we total the frequency column to check that the total number
of items recorded in the table is the same as the number of items in
the list.
EXERCISE 22b 1. The table above is incomplete; copy it without the tally marks.
Now make the tally marks afresh from the original information
and complete the table.
324 ST(P) Mathematics lA
2. A box contains bags of crisps. Some are plain salted (S), some are
salt and vinegar (V), some are cheese and onion (C) and some are
prawn cocktail (P). The bags are taken out of the box one at a
time and the flavour of each bag is written down in a list.
p s s V c s p P s
s p V s c c p V s
p s V c c C V P V
V s s c s S P s s
Make a frequency table for this list like the one on page 323.
Y R R R p Y Y B Y G R
26 25 27 25 23 26 24 24 27 24 25
24 23 25 24 24 23 26 23 24 25 25
23 24 25 25 24 23 24 26 25 24 23
22 24 23 27 23 25 24 24 25 23 24
5. Use the class database that was made in Exercise 22a for this
This bar chart uses the frequency table in Question 1 of Exercise 22b
and shows the frequencies of the numbers of brothers and sisters of the
pupils in a class.
Statistics 325
Notice that the vertical axis is used for frequency. The different kinds
of item are on the horizontal axis.
Notice also that the bars are all the same width. It does not matter
what width you choose to make the bars, provided that all bars are
the same width. In this diagram there is a space between the bars, but
the bars can touch if we want them to.
EXERCISE 22c 1. Peter and Rachel did a survey of the types of vehicle passing the
school gate one lunch hour and produced the following frequency
Frequency 4 10 25 16
Frequency 2 12 20 10 8
Bar charts can come in other forms. Sometimes the bars are lines.
Sometimes the bars are horizontal.
When you look at a bar chart to find information from it, always read
the labels on the axes carefully.
01 23456789 10
b) What was the lowest mark and how many pupils got it?
10 I---
Castle Hill
§ Brotton
1 -1-^-1-
C) 5000 10000 15 000 20000
These are the test marks for a group of pupils. The test was marked
out of 15.
6 4 8 10 6 12 10
5 9 10 14 3 4 9
12 12 8 13 2 9 7
14 12 9 11 15 8 12
0-3 // 2
4-7 m/ 6
8-11 mw/ 11
12-15 mm 9
Total 28
Statistics 329
£XERCISE 22e1. For an English project pupils were asked to investigate the
number of letters per word from a paragraph of the book Tom’s
Midnight Garden. This is a list of the number of letters per word.
4 3 3 5 3 12 4 6 4 3 9
2 4 4 I 4 6 4 3 6 4 6
3 7 4 1 6 4 5 3 4 3 6
4 3 4 6 6 5 3 3 2 7 3
4 10 11
Number of
letters Tally Frequency
Number of employees 3 8 6 2
Number of children 10 15 42 68 18
a) How many children were asked how much pocket money they
5. Make your own survey of the pocket money given to your friends
and classmates.
b) Ask between thirty and fifty children how much pocket money
they get each week and put a tally mark in the appropriate
column each time you are told an amount.
6. This bar chart illustrates a survey into the number of books (not
counting school books) read each week by some sixteen-year-olds.
_1 r- 1
0-1 2-3 4-5 6-7
Number of books
c) Why is it not possible to tell how many read four books each
Bar charts can be used for information other than frequencies. When
you look at a bar chart, read the labels on the axes.
EXERCISE 22f 1. This bar chart gives rough guide-lines on the distances that should
be allowed between moving cars.
No numbers are given but we can get an idea about the relative
The size of the “pie slice” represents the size of the group. We can see
without looking at the numbers that there are about the same number
of people with brown eyes as with grey eyes and that there are about
twice as many with grey eyes as with blue. The size of the pie slice is
given by the size of the angle at the centre, so to draw a pie chart we
need to calculate the sizes of the angles.
As there are 12 blue-eyed people, they form ^ of the whole group and
are therefore represented by that fraction of the circle.
6 360"
Hazel: — x — = 36 Brown:
Total 360°
EXERCISE 22g Draw pie charts to represent the following information, first working
out the angles.
Number of
balloons 16 22 10 7 5
2. Ninety people were asked how they travelled to work and the
following information was recorded;
Transport Car Bus Train Motorcycle Bicycle
Number of
people 32 38 12 6 2
101 1 10 8
7. The children in a class were asked what pets they owned and the
following information was recorded;
Animal Dog Cat Bird animal Fish
Frequency 8 10 3 6 3
Statistics 335
If there had been 54 people whose eye colours were recorded we might
have had the following information:
Frequency 10 19 5 20
Total = 54
10 200
Angles Blue; — X
1 3
= 66f°
360° 380
Grey: —x-= —
1 3
= 126f'
= 126f°= 127° (to the nearest degree)
360° 100
1 ~Y
= 33i°
360° 400
Brown; — x
.54- 1 3
= 133y° = 133° (to the nearest degree)
Total 360°
(If several angles are taken to the nearest degree we do not always get
exactly 360°.)
Frequency 90 150 33 15 12
Number of people 1
(frequency) 6 8 8 2 I 10
Types of vehiicle mov ing alonj1 a busy road during (jne hour:
Vehicle Cars Vans Lorries Motorcycles Bicycles
Frequency 62 11 15 10 2
Frequency 3 9 11 5 2
Statistics 337
EXERCISE 22h 1. This pie chart shows the uses of personal computers in 1981:
_ Home and hobby
Business and professional
2. The pie chart below shows how fuel is used for different purposes
in the average house:
b) How does the amount of fuel used for cooking compare with
the amount used for hot water?
Over 80
EXERCISE 22i 1. Road deaths in the past four years at an accident black spot:
five deaths
5 people
b) How many pupils chose each subject and how many were
asked altogether?
In five tests, Alan received marks of 7, 8, 6, 9 and 4.
What is his mean mark?
= 35
a) 2, 4, 8, 4, 7, 1, 7, 6, 5, 6
6. The buses that passed the school gate in four hours were
counted. From this information it was found that the average
number of buses per hour was 3. How many buses were
Statistics 341
Total sum = 16 p
10. A traffic survey found that, over a five-hour period, the average
number of cars passing through a set of traffic lights per hour
was 65.8. How many cars were counted?
It is clear that to use only the mean to represent each group is not
always enough. We need to show that the first group of numbers is
more widely spread out. We say that the first set covers a greater
range than the second.
EXERCISE 22k 1. The heights of five boys are 120 cm, 135 cm, 141 cm, 160 cm and
148 cm.
What is the range of these heights?
a) 2 p, 14 p, 7 p, 10 p, lip
10, 12, 3, 12, 15, 8, 9, 12, 14, 13, 5, 11, 12, 10, 11, 7, 9, 12, 13, 8
12 p, 25 p, 15 p, 30 p, 15 p, 45 p, 10 p, 17 p, 23 p, 30 p, 58 p, 19 p
The manager of a garden centre found that the customers had mixed up all
his daffodil and tulip bulbs, both of which were of two sizes, standard and
He decided first to sort the daffodil bulbs from the tulip bulbs.
Then he could sort the standard sizes from the giant sizes for each type of
By doing the sorting this way, the manager did not have too many choices
to think about all at once.
344 ST(P) Mathematics lA
Neil dropped his tool box and all his screws got mixed up. He had brass screws
and steel screws, some with Phillips heads and some with slot heads. Design a
decision tree to help him sort out the screws.
(The first sorting could be brass from steel or Phillips heads from slot heads. We
have decided to sort brass from steel first.)
1. Neil could have decided to start sorting out his screws by first
separating the slot heads from the Phillips heads. Draw the decision
tree showing how to sort the screws this way.
2. Jane wants to organise her box of mixed buttons. There are large ones,
small ones, some with two holes and some with four holes. Draw a
decision tree which shows how Jane can do the sorting,
a) if she starts by separating large from small buttons,
One afternoon Stewart wanted to find out how many red, green or silver cars
passed his house. For each car that was one of these colours he noted the colour
and also whether the car was a saloon or an estate. Show how he could sort out
his list by drawing a decision tree.
4. Sally has a drawer full of cassettes, some country and western, some
pop and some classical. They are also a mixture of 60s and 90s. Decide
on a good way to sort them out and draw the decision tree.
b) Write down a suitable label for each tank, e.g. 3-4 inch rudd.
c) Design a decision tree to plan the sorting.
346 ST(P) Mathematics 1A
If he did, a third question - “Are they long?” - would be asked at the end of
each of the four “branches” in the decision tree. There would then be eight
piles of sorted screws.
A second-hand book trader has to sort out a box of assorted books. He decided to
separate hardbacks from paperbacks, novels from non-fiction and books in good
condition from the poor quality ones. Draw a decision tree to show how the
sorting might be done.
Decision Trees 347
6. Mrs Brown is tidying her kitchen cupboard which contains both large
and small sizes of tins and bottles of fruit and vegetables. She wants to
separate all of these types. Design a decision tree to help with the
8. All the first-year pupils in Rentworth School are being separated into
groups. Their teacher is separating boys from girls, and those whose
age is under 12 from those whose are 12 and over. She also sorts out
those who are wearing school uniform from those who are not.
a) How many groups of pupils will there be after all the sorting is
b) Draw two decision trees which show how the sorting can be done if
the teacher insists on first dividing girls from boys.