Gee1 Prelim Reviewer
Gee1 Prelim Reviewer
Gee1 Prelim Reviewer
Biotic Components
The live component of an ecosystem
comprises plants, animals, and
microorganisms (Bacteria and Fungi).
They carry out different functions and
Ecologists have carry traditionally divided
organisms 'roles in ecosystems into three
broad categories: producers, consumers,
and decomposers.
Primary consumers, also known as
Producers are organisms that are able to herbivores, are animals that eat
use sources of energy to make complex, producers (plants or phytoplankton) as
organic molecules from the simple a source of food. Herbivores, such as
inorganic substances in their environment. leaf-eating insects and seed-eating birds,
In nearly all systems, energy is supplied by are usually quite numerous in ecosystems,
the sun, and organisms such as plants, where they serve as food for the next
algae, and tiny aquatic organisms called organisms in the chain.
phytoplankton use light energy to carry on
photosynthesis. Since producers are the
only organisms in an ecosystem that can
trap energy and make new organic material
from inorganic material, all other
organ-isms rely on producers as a source
of food, either directly or indirectly.
Consumers are organisms that require
organic matter as a source of food. They
consume organic matter to provide
themselves with energy and the organic Secondary consumers or carnivores are
molecules necessary to build their own animals that eat other animals.
bodies. Ari important part of their role is Secondary consumers can be further
the process of respiration in which they subdivided into categories based on what
break down organic matter to inorganic kind of prey they capture and eat. Some
matter. However, consumers can be further carnivores, such as ladybird beetles,
subdivided into categories based on the primarily eat herbivores, such as aphids;
kinds of things they eat and the way they others, such as eagles, primarily eat fish
obtain food. that are themselves carnivores. While
these are interesting conceptual
distinctions, most carnivores will eat any
animal they can capture and kill. In
addition, many animals, called omnivores,
include both plants and animals in their
diet. Even animals that are considered to grazing animals are extremely important in
be carnivores (foxes, bears) regularly maintaining the mix of species typical of
include large amounts of plant material in grassland. Without the many influences of
their diets. Conversely, animals often the grazers, the nature of the prairie
thought of as herbivores (mice, squirrels, changes. The relationship among sea
and seed- eating birds) regularly consume urchins, sea otters, and kelp forests
animals as a source of food. Parasites are suggests that sea otters are a keystone
also consumers that have a special way of species. Sea otters eat sea urchins, which
obtaining their food. Decomposers are eat kelp. A reduction in the number of
organisms that use nonliving organic otters results in an increase in the number
matter as a source of energy and raw of sea urchins. Increased numbers of sea
materials to build their bodies. Whenever urchins lead to heavy grazing of the kelp
an organism sheds a part of itself, excretes by sea urchins. When the amount of kelp
waste products, or dies, it provides a severely reduced, fish and many other
source of food for decomposers. Since animals that Iive within the kelp beds lose
decomposers carry on respiration, they are their habitat and biodiversity is
extremely important in recycling matter by significantly reduced.
converting organic matter to inorganic
Abiotic Components
material. Many small animals, fungi, and
bacteria fill this niche. The physical factors of the environment
(which are nonliving) have a major
influence on the life of organisms.
The abiotic components are of two types.
They are:
1. Climatic factors consist of
Temperature, rainfall and snow, wind,
light, humidity etc. The climate of an area
is the result of several factors such as
latitude, elevation, nearness to the sea, and
monsoon activities and ocean currents.
Temperature influences the rates of
Keystone Species biochemical reactions in plants, with the
Ecosystems typically consist of many reaction rates approximately doubling with
different species interacting with each every 10°C increase. Plant species require
other and their physical surroundings. a range of temperature to survive. Below a
However, some species have more central minimum temperature they are inactive,
roles than others. In recognition of this and above a maximum temperature
idea, ecologists have developed the biochemical reactions stop. Normally in
concept of keystone species many plants growth is possible above 6°C.
In areas with extremes of temperature,
A keystone species is one that has a such as the tundra and tropical deserts the
critical role to play in the maintenance of plants have mechanisms to adapt to such
specific ecosystems. In prairie ecosystems, conditions. Light levels decide the
magnitude of photosynthesis reactions. coarse gravel. The varying percentages of
Different plants have their characteristic each size range produce soils with
light requirements in respect of light different characteristics. Soil organic
intensity, duration and wavelength. Some matter is called humus that is formed by
plants, termed heliphytes, require high the decomposition of plant and animal
levels, whereas sciophytes can grow in matter. The rate of decay depends upon the
shady, low light conditions. Water is an nature of the material and the climate. Soil
essential factor for biochemical plant organisms carry out following three main
processes, including photosynthesis. Plants groups of processes.
growing on lands obtain their water
Decomposition of organic material: such
requirements from the soil through their
as plant and animal parts by bacteria,
roots by the osmosis process. Plants
fungi, actinomycetes and Earthworms.
called Hydrophytes grow in fresh water
Bacteria and fungi also breakdown soil
and they cannot withstand drought.
mineral matter generating nutrients.
Xerophytes survive long periods of
drought, and halophytes are able to A limiting factor is anything that
survive in saline water. Mesophytes constrains a population's size and slows or
require moderate conditions (neither stops it from growing. Some examples of
waterlogged nor drought) and are found limiting factors are biotic, like food, mates,
mainly in temperate areas. and competition with other organisms for
resources. Tolerance ranges for the abiotic
2. Edaphic factors or soil factors are pH,
environmental conditions.
mineral and organic matter in soil and
texture of soil. Soil is the major source of
nutrients and moisture in almost all the
land ecosystems. Soil is formed when a
rock weathers .The rocks brake down into
a collection of different inorganic or
mineral particles. The climate influences
the type and rate of the weathering of the
rocks as well as the nature of the
vegetation growing on it. Nutrients are
recycled in the soil by the plants and
animals in their life cycles of growth,
death and decomposition. Thus, humus
An ecological niche is the role and
material essential to soil fertility is
position a species has in its environment;
produced. Soil mineral matter is derived
how it meets its needs for food and shelter,
from the weathering of rock material.
how it survives, and how it reproduces. A
These consist of two types; stable primary
species' niche includes all of its
materials like quartz and various
interactions with the biotic and abiotic
secondary materials like clays and oxides
factors of its environment.
of Al and Fe.
Soil texture is the different size range of
mineral particles varying from fine clay to
A forest ecosystem consists of several
plants, animals and microorganisms that
Ecosystem homeostasis is equilibrium, or
live in coordination with the abiotic factors
a balance of the organisms in an
of the environment. Forests help in
ecosystem. This means the populations of
maintaining the temperature of the earth
species in the ecosystem are relatively
and are the major carbon sink.
stable. Over time, these populations will
change, but in the short term, they should Grassland Ecosystem
move up and down in cycles around an
In a grassland ecosystem, the vegetation is
average value.
dominated by grasses and herbs.
Types of Ecosystem Temperate grasslands, savanna grasslands
are some of the examples of grassland
An ecosystem can be as small as an oasis
in a desert, or as big as an ocean, spanning
thousands of miles. There are two types of Tundra Ecosystem
ecosystem: Terrestrial Ecosystem and
Tundra ecosystems are devoid of trees and
Aquatic Ecosystem.
are found in cold climates or where rainfall
Terrestrial Ecosystems is scarce. These are covered with snow for
most of the year. The ecosystem in the
Terrestrial ecosystems are exclusively
Arctic or mountain tops is tundra type.
land-based ecosystems. There are different
types of terrestrial ecosystems distributed Desert Ecosystem
around various geological zones. They are
Deserts are found throughout the world.
as follows:
These are regions with very little rainfall.
1. Forest Ecosystems The days are hot and the nights are cold.
Trophic Levels
Each step in the flow of energy through an
Marine Ecosystem ecosystem is known as a trophic level.
The marine ecosystem includes seas and Producers (plants, algae, and
oceans. These have a more substantial salt phytoplankton) constitute the first trophic
content and greater biodiversity in level, and first trophic level, and
comparison to the freshwater ecosystem. Herbivore’s constitute the second trophic
level. Carnivores that eat herbivores are
Lesson Proper for Week 3 the third trophic level, and carnivores at
eat other carnivores are the fourth trophic
Energy Flow through Ecosystems
level. Omnivores, parasites, and
An ecosystem is a stable, self-regulating scavengers occupy different trophic levels,
unit. This does not mean that an ecosystem depending on what they happen to be
is unchanging the organisms within it are eating at the time.
growing reproducing, dying and decaying.
In addition, an ecosystem must have a
continuous input of energy to retain its
stability. The only significant source of
energy for most ecosystems is sunlight.
Producers are the only organisms that are
capable of trapping solar energy through
the process of photosynthesis and making
it available to the ecosystem. The energy is
stored in the form of chemical bonds in
large organic molecules such as
carbohydrates (sugars, starches), fats, and
proteins. The energy stored in the
molecules of producers is transferred to
other organisms when the producers are
Energy, chemical elements, and some
compounds are transferred from creature
to creature along food chains.
Carbon Cycle
Oxygen cycle, circulation of oxygen in
All living things are composed of organic
various forms through nature. Free in the
molecules that contain atoms of the
air and dissolved in water, oxygen is
element that carbon. The carbon cycle
second only to nitrogen in abundance
includes the processes and pathways
among uncombined elements in the
involved in capturing inorganic
atmosphere. Plants and animals use
carbon-containing molecules, converting
oxygen to respire and return it to the air
and water as carbon dioxide (CO2). CO2
is then taken up by algae and terrestrial
green plants and converted into
carbohydrates during the process of
photosynthesis, oxygen being a
by-product. The waters of the world are
the main oxygen generators of the
biosphere; their algae are estimated to
replace about 90 percent of all oxygen
used. Oxygen is involved to some degree The phosphorus cycle
in all the other biogeochemical cycles. For
example, over time, detritus from living Phosphorus is a chemical element found
organisms transfers oxygen-containing on Earth in numerous compound forms,
compounds such as calcium carbonates such as the phosphate ion (PO43-), located
into the lithosphere. in water, soil and sediments. The quantities
of phosphorus in soil are generally small,
and this often limits plant growth. That is
why people often apply phosphate
fertilizers on farmland. Animals absorb
phosphates by eating plants or plant-eating
animals. The role of phosphorus in animals
and plants
Nitrogen cycle, circulation of nitrogen in
various forms through nature. Nitrogen, a Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for
component of proteins and nucleic acids, is animals and plants. It plays a critical role
essential to life on Earth. Although 78 in cell development and is a key
percent by volume of the atmosphere is component of molecules that store energy,
nitrogen gas, this abundant reservoir exists such as ATP (adenosine triphosphate),
in a form unusable by most organisms. DNA and lipids (fats and oils). Insufficient
Through a series of microbial phosphorus in the soil can result in a
transformations, however, nitrogen is decreased crop yield.
made available to plants, which in turn
The phosphorus cycle
ultimately sustain all animal life. The
steps, which are not altogether sequential, Phosphorus moves in a cycle through
fall into the following classifications: rocks, water, soil and sediments and
nitrogen fixation, nitrogen assimilation, organisms.
ammonification, nitrification, and
Here are the key steps of the phosphorus
Over time, rain and weathering cause
rocks to release phosphate ions and other
minerals. This inorganic phosphate is then
distributed in soils and water.
Plants take up inorganic phosphate from compounds. Organic The most
the soil. The plants may then be consumed well-known sulfur reducing bacteria are
by animals. Once in the plant or animal, those in the domain Archea, which are
the phosphate is incorporated into organic some of the oldest are forms of life on
molecules such as DNA. When the plant Earth. They are often extremophiles, living
or animal dies, it decays, and the organic in hot springs and thermal vents where
phosphate is returned to the soil. other organisms cannot live. Lots of
bacteria reduce small amounts of sulfates
Within the soil, organic forms of
to synthesize sulfur-containing cell
phosphate can be made available to plants
components; this is known as assimilatory
by bacteria that break down organic matter
sulfate reduction. By contrast, the sulfate-
to inorganic forms of phosphorus. This
reducing bacteria considered here reduce
process is known as mineralisation.
sulfate in large amounts to obtain energy
Phosphorus in soil can end up in and expel the resulting sulfide as waste.
waterways and eventually oceans. Once This process is known as dissimilatory
there, it can be incorporated into sediments sulfate known as reduction. In a sense,
over time. they breathe sulfate. Dissimilatory sulfate
Sulfur metabolic pathways for bacteria
have important medical implications. For
example, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (the
bacteria causings tuberculosis) and
Mycobacteriumn leprae (which causes
leoprosy) both utilize sulfur, so the sulfur
pathway is a target of drug development to
Sulfur Cycle
control these bacteria.
Sulfur is released from geologic sources
through the weathering of rocks. Once
sulfur is exposed to the air, i+ combines
with oxygen, and becomes sulfate
SO4Plants and microbes assimilate sulfate
and convert it into organic forms. As
animals consume plants, the sulfur is
moved through the food chain and released
when organisms die and decompose. Some 1. Mineralization of organic sulfur into
bacteria - for example Proteus, inorganic forms, such as hydrogen (HS),
Campylobacter, Pseudomonas and elemental sulfur, as
Salmonella - have the ability to reduce well as sulfide minerals.
sulfur, but can also use oxygen and other
terminal electron. Others, such as 2. Oxidation of. hydrogen sulfide, sulfide,
Desulfuromonas, use only sulfur. These and elemental sulfur (S) to sulfate
bacteria get their energy by reducing (SO42-).
elemental sulfur to hydrogen sulfide. They 3. Reduction of sulfate to sulfide.
may combine this reaction with the
oxidation of acetate, succinate, or other
4. Incorporation of sulfide into organic
compounds (including metal-containing
Lesson Proper for Week 5
● Uniform dispersion. In
uniform dispersion, individuals
of a population are spaced
more or less evenly. One
example of uniform dispersion
comes from plants that secrete
toxins to inhibit growth of
nearby individuals—a
Population Growth Rate- Total Change in
Population (N) phenomenon called allelopathy.