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Disjuntor Trip. A Vacuo 3AF

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3AG0 / 3AF0 Catalog HG 11.41

Outdoor Vacuum Circuit-Breakers
up to 40.5 kV Catalog HG 11.41 · 2002



Introduction 3
Typical uses 3
Features 3

Technical Data

3AG0 3AF0

Dimensions 4 and 5
Product range 5

Secondary Equipment

Operation 6
Accessories 6


General description 7
Maintenance, tests 7

© Siemens AG 2005

2 Siemens HG 11.41 · 2005

3AG0 /3AF0 Outdoor Vacuum Circuit-Breakers up to 40.5 kV


Introduction Typical uses Features

The Siemens outdoor vacuum Transformer substations and • Fully type-tested
circuit-breaker types 3AG0/ switching substations operated • Conforms to the latest IEC
3AF0 are structure-mounted, by: standards
easy-to-install outdoor vacuum • Automobile industry
circuit-breakers for use in • High electrical and mech-
12/17.5/36/40.5 kV systems. • Cement industry anical service life
They are porcelain-clad, • Chemical industry • No fire hazard
three-pole circuit-breakers
• Electrochemical plants • Suitable for auto-reclosing
fitted with reliable and well-
proven vacuum interrupters • Iron and steel works duty
from Siemens. Adequate phase • Lignite open-cast mines • Negligible maintenance
clearances and heights have • High reliability
been provided to meet the • Mining industry
standard safety requirements. • Petrochemical plants • Perfect harmony between
They are suitable for direct con- vacuum interrupter and
• Petroleum industry operating mechanism
nection to overhead lines.
• Pipeline installations • Inert gas filled pole assembly
The design of 3AG0/3AF0 in-
corporates a minimum number • Power supply utilities is available as an alternative
of moving parts and a simple • Rolling mills
assembly which ensures a long
electrical and mechanical ser- • Distribution network
vice life. It has all the advan- • Shipbuilding industry
tages inherent to the use of
• Textile, paper and food
vacuum interrupters, like low
drive and arc energy, light
weight, shock-proof perform-
ance and many more.


3AG01 3AF03 3AF01

Maximum ratings Maximum ratings Maximum ratings
12 kV /25 kA /1600 A 17.5 kV /25 kA /2000 A 40.5 kV /31.5 kA /2000 A

Siemens HG 11.41 · 2005 3

3AG0 /3AF0 Outdoor Vacuum Circuit-Breakers up to 40.5 kV

Technical Data

Type 3AG0144 4) 3AF0344 4) 3AF0144 4) 3AF0153 4) 3AF0154 4) 3AF0143 4)

Rated voltage, 12 kV 17.5 kV 36 kV 1) 36 kV 1) 36 kV 1) 36 kV 1)
frequency 50 or 60 Hz
Rated current 1600 A 2000 A 2000 A 1600 A 2000 A 1600 A
Rated power-frequency 28 kV 2) 42 kV 70 kV 2) 70 kV 2) 70 kV 2) 70 kV 2)
withstand voltage
Rated lightning impulse 75 kV 2) 95 kV 2) 170 kV 2) 170 kV 2) 170 kV 2) 170 kV 2)
withstand voltage (peak)
Rated short-circuit 25 kA 25 kA 25 kA 1) 31.5 kA 1) 31.5 kA 1) 25 kA 1)
breaking current
Rated short-circuit 63 kA 63 kA 62.5 kA 80 kA 80 kA 62.5 kA
making current (peak)
Rated short-time 25 kA, 3 s 25 kA, 3 s 25 kA, 3 s 31.5 kA, 3 s 31.5 kA, 3 s 25 kA, 3 s
withstand current
Rated operating O-0.3 s-CO-3 min-CO O-0.3 s-CO-3 min-CO
sequence O-0.3 s-CO-15 s-CO
Service conditions – 25 °C to + 55 °C 3)
Degree of protection IP 55
Approx. total weight 360 kg 360 kg 730 kg 730 kg 730 kg 730 kg
Notes: 1) 40.5 kV, 31.5 kA, 4 s on request. 4) Inert gas filled version
2) Higher withstand voltages on request. available as an option.
3) – 40 °C on request.

3AG0 3AF03

Dimensions Front view Side view

555 555
350 350 185 185 Item Description
A Interrupter assembly
B Vacuum interrupter
B E C Support insulator
D Top terminal
E Bottom terminal
F Operating mechanism housing
L Front
G Steel structure
H H Plexiglass for mechanical indications
3350 ±10

2560 ±10

K (ON-OFF indicator, spring charged

2960 ±10

2610 ±10

K K indicator, operation counter)

J J Gland plate for control cable
1790 ±10

K Earthing terminal


L Facility for padlock

M Terminal connector (optional)


Foundation plan Foundation detail Top/bottom terminal

1485 70 aluminium (D,E)
Foundation bolts
180 1265 are optional


M16 x 400 14 diam. (4x)





M16 (8x)

1625 20 40 20

Note: Extended structure for mounting instrument transformers can be provided as an option.

4 Siemens HG 11.41 · 2005

3AG0 /3AF0 Outdoor Vacuum Circuit-Breakers up to 40.5 kV

Technical Data

3AG0 3AF0
Product range

Circuit-breaker Circuit-breaker with Circuit-breaker with Circuit-breaker with

current transformer voltage transformer current transformer and
voltage transformer

Voltage Voltage
transformer transformer

Circuit- Circuit- Circuit- Circuit-



breaker breaker breaker breaker

Current Current
transformer transformer


Dimensions Front view Side view

725 725 223 223
470 470 Item Description
A Interrupter assembly
B Vacuum interrupter
B F C Support insulator
C D Base frame
E Top terminal
D P F Bottom terminal

L L G Operating mechanism housing

3660 ±10

H Steel structure
J Plexiglass for mechanical indications
3020 ±10

(ON-OFF indicator, spring charged

G Front indicator, operation counter)
1565 ±10

M K Gland plate for control cable

L Earthing terminal
K M Facility for padlock

1585 ±10

P Inspection window

1730 650
Foundation detail Top/bottom terminal
aluminium (E,F)
Foundation plan Foundation bolts 14 diam. (4x)
are optional

M16 x 400

M16 (8x)



350 75 75
20 40 20

Note: Extended structure for mounting instrument transformers can be provided as an option.

Siemens HG 11.41 · 2005 5

3AG0 /3AF0 Outdoor Vacuum Circuit-Breakers up to 40.5 kV

Secondary Equipment

Operation, accessories

Operating mechanism
The well-proven operating mechanisms
of indoor vacuum circuit-breakers
3AG0/3AF0 have been incorporated in
the outdoor vacuum circuit-breakers.
They are equipped with a motor spring
stored-energy operating mechanism.
The motor can be operated either by
AC or DC standard supply voltages.

• Integrated mechanical breaker
position indication CLOSED/OPEN,
spring charged indication and
mechanical counter
• Unambiguous assignment of actuat-
ing openings and control elements
to the corresponding breaker position
• All switching operations are from
front including cable termination
• Ergonomically favorable height of all
control elements from ground

Instrument transformers
On client’s requirement, the breakers
can be supplied with an extended
structure for mounting outdoor current
and voltage transformers on the

incoming and outgoing supply sides,
respectively. 3AF01 vacuum
The following accessories can
be provided:
• Auxiliary switch
(5NO+5NC or 11NO+11NC)
• Closing solenoid
(AC/DC voltages) Operating mechanism
• Tripping solenoid chamber of 3AG01
(gas filled version)
(AC/DC voltages)

Operating mechanism
chamber of 3AF01

6 Siemens HG 11.41 · 2005

3AG0 /3AF0 Outdoor Vacuum Circuit-Breakers up to 40.5 kV


General description Maintenance, Tests

Suitability Construction Arc quenching principle Maintenance
Siemens outdoor vacuum The vacuum interrupter is When the contacts separate, The Siemens outdoor
circuit-breakers are designed to mounted in a porcelain insula- the current to be interrupted vacuum circuit-breakers are
handle all switching duties that tor to form an interrupter as- initiates a metal-vapour arc practically maintenance-
occur in primary distribution sembly. For a cross-sectional discharge. Current continues free and need minimum
systems including rapid auto- view of a typical interrupter flowing through the metal- attention of operating per-
reclosing. The breakers are assembly of 36 kV, see below. vapour plasma until the next sonnel. Maintenance is
extremely reliable in service, Three such assemblies along current zero. The arc is then confined to merely clean-
require minimum maintenance with the bottom insulators are extinguished and the conduc- ing and lubricating of the
and have a long service life mounted on a baseframe tive metal vapour condenses operating mechanism.
due to the use of vacuum inter- which has a common operating on the metal surfaces within a Change of vacuum inter-
rupters. They can be used in all shaft. This assembly is mount- few microseconds. As a result, rupter is not foreseen
kinds of environments by virtue ed on a steel structure, intend- the dielectric strength between throughout the normal life
of their small size and weight, ed to locate the power termi- the contacts builds up very of a circuit-breaker in a dis-
low vibration operation and nals at a safe distance above rapidly. tribution system. Vacuum
they are unaffected by tem- the ground. The structure also The contacts are so designed interrupters are designed
perature or fire risks. encloses the operating mecha- that the self generated axial for 30,000 operations at
nism. All the control and actu- field causes the arc to remain rated current. Necessary
ating devices are installed in diffuse even at high currents. mechanical arrangement is
this mechanism housing. The This keeps the stress on the also provided to check the
circuit-breaker can be either contact surfaces uniform and presence of vacuum as a
operated electrically from a any local melting is avoided precommissioning and in
remote control room or locally when interrupting large cur- service check.
by hand. The necessary me- rents.
chanical indicating devices for Tests /Standards
ON/OFF indication, spring The use of special copper
chromium contacts ensures Siemens outdoor vacuum
charged indication and opera- circuit-breakers 3AG0/3AF0
tion counter are provided in that the chopping current is
less than 5 A. have been fully type-tested
the mechanism housing. Also and conform to the latest
mounted in the mechanism IEC standards.
housing are the special cage
clamp type terminal blocks for Seismic capacity
control cables when required.
The outdoor vacuum
circuit-breakers are design-
ed in accordance with
internationally accepted
requirements. Specific
confirmations on request.
Ventilation tube

Top aluminium flange

Porcelain insulator

Vacuum interrupter

Bottom aluminium flange


Current link Responsible for:

Switching rod Technical contents:
Siemens Ltd.
Kalwa Switchboard Works
Typical cross-sectional view Thane 400602
of a 36 kV pole India

Siemens HG 11.41 · 2005 7

If not stated otherwise on
the individual pages of this
catalog, we reserve the right
to include modifications, espe-
cially regarding the stated val-
ues, dimensions and weights.
Drawings are not binding.
All product designations used
are trademarks or product
names of Siemens AG or
other suppliers.
If not stated otherwise, all
dimensions in this catalog are
given in mm.
The information in this document
contains general descriptions of
the technical options available,
which do not always have to be
present in individual cases.
The required features should
therefore be specified in each
individual case at the time of
closing the contract.

For further details, please contact:

Siemens AG Siemens Ltd.
Power Transmission and Distribution Power Transmission and Distribution
Medium Voltage Division Medium Voltage Division
Department PTD M C S Kalwa Business Centre, PTD/EXP (International Sales)
Postfach 32 20 Thane Belapur Road
91050 Erlangen Thane 400 601
Germany India
Tel.: +49 9131 7 33678 Tel.: +91 22 27623635
Fax: +49 9131 7 34654 Fax: +91 22 27623723

www.siemens.com/medium-voltage-devices Printed in India

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