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Eval2 Questionnaire

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CP: 09164618841 / Landline: (036) 267 – 7343 / Email: anss.greg@gmail.com / Facebook: Greg Garcotech


SUBJECT: HYDRAULICS AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING 12. The effective pressure (kPa) at the mid-height of the clay layer after
PASSING: 70% TIME LIMIT: 4 HOURS the lowering of the water table
a. 261.4 c. 236.8
SET A b. 277.3 d. 297.4

Situation (1-3). Dry soil is mixed with 16% by weight with water and then 13. The effective pressure (kPa) at the mid-height of the clay layer when
compacted. The moist soil has a volume of 0.001 m^3 and a mass of 1.6 the water table is at the clay surface and assuming that all sand has the
kg. The soil solids have specific gravity of 2.72. Solve same degree of saturation
a. 314.7 c. 347.3
1. The dry unit weight of the soil (kN/m^3) b. 425.2 d. 369.8
a. 9.63 c. 17.36
b. 13.53 d. 1278 14. One of the following is not a characteristic of cohesionless soil.
a. easy to compact
2. Void ratio of the soil in percent b. high shear strength
a. 97.27 c. 96.25 c. practically impermeable
b. 96.12 d. 90.44 d. prone to settlement under vibratory load

3. Degree of saturation of the soil in percent 15. When water table rises, what is its effect on effective stress?
a. 56.74 c. 44.74 a. remain the same c. increase
b. 30.11 d. 41.33 b. become zero d. decrease

Situation (4-6) A gravity well penetrates 15 m below the static water Situation (16-18). The square footing shown in Figure 1 carries a load of
table. After 24 hours of pumping at constant rate of 52 li/s, the water 3500 kN. Assume that the stress below the footing is distributed at a slope
table in two observation wells located 25 m and 65 m from the well of 1H:2V. The clay layer is over consolidated with OCR = 2.
showed drawdown of 1.5 m and 0.8 m respectively. Determine
16. Determine the effective stress at the mid-height of the clay layer
4. Nearest value to the pumping rate in cu m /day. (kPa).
a. 4685 c. 4157 a. 40.45 c. 48.54
b. 4493 d. 3876 b. 43.56 d. 52.12

5. the nearest value of the coefficient of permeability of the soil in m/day. 17. Determine the increase in pressure at the mid-height of the clay layer
a. 68.52 c. 70.47 (kPa).
b. 76.33 d. 76.54 a. 174 c. 152
b. 198 d. 121
6. the nearest value of the transmissivity of the soil layer, in m^2/day.
a. 1057 c. 921 18. Determine the settlement of the over consolidated clay layer (mm).
b. 905 d. 975 a. 78.3 c. 63.3
b. 69.4 d. 56.7
7. In laboratory test of determining the maximum dry density of a soil, if
the compaction pressure is increased, the maximum dry density will 19. An unconfined compression test was conducted on a sample of clay
a. remain the same c. increase having a diameter of 50 mm. The failure load was recorded at 250 N. The
b. become zero d. decrease cohesion strength of the clay in kPa
a. 45 c. 63.7
Situation (8-10). The results of triaxial test on a cohesive soil is as follows: b. 127.0 d. 101.0
Maximum axial stress = 220 kPa
Deviator stress = 140 kPa 20. Evaluate the resisting capacity against axial load due to skin friction of
Angle of shearing resistance = 21 a wooden pile embedded into a layer of plastic clay (kN) given the
following conditions:
8. Compute for the value of the confining pressure (kPa) Size of pile=0.3 m square
a. 90 c. 80 Depth of penetration into the clay layer=10 m
b. 70 d. 75 Unconfined compression strength of clay=110 kPa
a. 617 c. 368
9. What is the cohesion of the soil (kPa). b. 660 d. 974.5
a. 19.6 c. 18.5
b. 20.2 d. 17.4 Situation (21-23). A group of friction piles is shown in Figure 2. The total
load on the piles less the soil displaced by the footing is 1900 kN. L1 = 1.2
10. What is the shearing stress at failure plane (kPa). m, L2 = 1.2 m, L=9 m, t = 17 m, qu = 180 kPa, FS = 3.
a. 65.35 c. 62.23
b. 68.32 d. 70.45 21. Compute for the overburden pressure at the mid-height of the
consolidating clay layer (kPa).
Situation (11-13) A 7.6 m thick clay layer is underlain by 15.2 m of sand to a. 123.92 c. 154.98
the ground. The water table is level with the ground surface. The b. 121.43 d. 132.13
saturated unit weight of sand is 21.2 kN/m^3 and its dry unit weight is
18.2 kN/m^3. The saturated unit weight of clay is 18.8 kN/m^3. The water 22. Compute for the compression index of the clay.
table is lowered to 7.6 m below the ground and the sand above the water a. 0.247 c. 0.156
table have a degree of saturation decreased by 20%. Solve b. 0.365 d. 0.421

11. The effective pressure (kPa) at the mid-height of the clay layer before 23. What is the approximate settlement of the foundation (mm)?
the lowering of the water table a. 135 c. 102
a. 207.3 c. 256.4 b. 156 d. 176
b. 324.3 d. 393.7

g. rasco, ce, rmp, ree

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CP: 09164618841 / Landline: (036) 267 – 7343 / Email: anss.greg@gmail.com / Facebook: Greg Garcotech


Situation (24-26). The following are the result of two direct shear test on Situation (34-36). A 4-m diameter circular footing is supporting a water
a normally consolidated clay: tank. The total weight of the footing, tank and its content is 1.60 MN.
Given the Boussinesq’s equation:
Diameter of specimen = 50 mm
Test No. Normal Shear Force at
Force P (N) Failure, V (N) Where IB = 1 – 1/N
1 265 130 N = [(R/z)^2 + 1]^(3/2)
2 410 185
34. Determine the pressure at the base of the footing (kPa)
Evaluate: a. 127.3 c. 136.9
b. 114.8 d. 142.8
24. The angle of internal friction (degrees)
a. 28.5 c. 20.8 35. Using the Boussinesq’s equation, what is the increase in pressure at a
b. 30.6 d. 22.4 depth of 4 m below the base of the footing (kPa)?
a. 36.2 c. 30.7
25. The cohesion of the soil (kPa) b. 32.5 d. 28.4
a. 18.54 c. 16.32
b. 10.24 d. 15.02 36. Using the Boussinesq’s equation, at what depth below the base of
footing is the increase in pressure equal to 1/6 of the pressure at the base
26. What normal force will cause failure when the shear force is 124 kN? of footing?
a. 249.2 c. 217.5 a. 5.56 c. 5.89
b. 126.9 d. 187.4 b. 6.32 d. 4.89

Situation (27-29). A square footing 2 m on a side and 1.2 m below the Situation (37-39). A clay sample has a plastic limit of 12% and liquid limit
ground surface for which the bulk unit weight of the soil is 20 kN/m^3. of 65%.
The soil is cohesionless and the angle of internal friction is 25. Consider
the condition of general shear and use Terzaghi’s Equation for square 37. Which of the following is a measure of these limits?
footing. Use Nc = 25.13, Nq = 12.72, Ny = 8.34 a. liquidity index c. plasticity index
b. water content d. shrinkage index
27. Compute the contribution of the depth of embedment to the bearing
strength (kPa). 38. Determine the plasticity index of the clay.
a. 165.8 c. 305.3 a. 53% c. 50%
b. 133.4 d. 326.9 b. 56% d. 60%

28. Compute the contribution of footing dimension embedment to the 39. Determine the liquidity index if the natural moisture content is 40%.
bearing strength (kPa). a. 0.475 c. 0.528
a. 133.4 c. 326.9 b. 0.338 d. 0.635
b. 305.3 d. 165.8
40. A 10-mm thick soil sample has a void ratio of 1.8. If its void ratio is
29. Evaluate the capacity of the footing using a factor of safety of 3. decreased to one-half, what would be its new thickness (mm)?
a. 625 c. 585 a. 6.79 c. 4.36
b. 512 d. 687 b. 5.00 d. 8.52

30. An unconfined compression test was conducted on a sample of clay Situation (41-43). One cubic meter of wet soil weighs 18.5 kN. If Gs = 2.70
having a diameter of 50 mm. The failure load was recorded at 250 N. The and water content is 24.5%, determine the following.
cohesion strength of the clay in kPa
a. 45 c. 63.7 41. The void ratio
b. 127.0 d. 101.0 a. 0.837 c. 0.638
b. 0.783 d. 0.863
Situation (31-33). A 7- m high vertical retaining wall retains soil with the
following properties: 42. The dry unit weight (kN/m^3)
Gs = 2.72 a. 15.24 c. 13.47
e = 0.65 b. 14.86 d. 16.58
angle of internal shearing resistance = 26
43. the degree of saturation
31. Determine the total active pressure (per meter length of the wall) a. 84.54% c. 89.67%
when the water table is the top of the wall (kN) b. 80.47% d. 78.54%
a. 338.17 c. 302.47
b. 365.85 d. 452.32 Situation (44-46). A confined aquifer is recharged by a continuous supply
of water from the certain source. The hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer
32. Determine the total active pressure (per meter length of the wall) is 35 m/day with a porosity of 25%. The piezometric (head) surface in the
when the water table drops to a depth of 3 m from the top of the wall two observation wells 1 000 m apart are at elevation 75 m and 65 m
and assuming that the soil above the water table is dry. respectively from the common datum. The aquifer has an average
a. 185.47 c. 256.33 thickness of 4 m and an average width of 4 km. Determine
b. 286.33 d. 214.61
44. nearest value to the rate of flow of water through the aquifer, in cu.
33. Determine the total active pressure (per meter length of the wall) m per day.
when the water table is at the base of wall, and the soil above the water a. 5500 c. 5200
table has moisture content of 12%. b. 5600 d. 5800
a. 196.33 c. 173.27
b. 135.34 d. 152.47
g. rasco, ce, rmp, ree
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CP: 09164618841 / Landline: (036) 267 – 7343 / Email: anss.greg@gmail.com / Facebook: Greg Garcotech


45. nearest value of the seepage velocity in m/day

a. 1.4 c. 1.3
b. 1.5 d. 1.2

46. nearest value of the time of travel from the head of aquifer to a point
4 km downstream in days
a. 2667 c. 3077
b. 2857 d. 3333

Situation (47-49). A pile group consist of 9 piles arranged in 3 x 3

formation. Each pile is 320 mm in dia, 15 m long and spaced 0.85 m on
centers. Determine

47. the allowable load (kN) of the pile group considering individual action.
Use Nc = 9, qu = 150 kPa, FS = 3.
a. 3642 c. 3556
b. 4078 d. 3875

48. allowable load (kN) of the pile group considering group action.
a. 3175 c. 3447
b. 3645 d. 3997

49. Determine the minimum spacing (mm) of piles to achieve 100%

a. 1012 c. 914
b. 971 d. 886

50. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a cohesionless soil?

a. easy to compact
b. high shear strength
c. prone to settlement due to vibrating load
d. practically impermeable
Figure 2

Figure 1

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CP: 09164618841 / Landline: (036) 267 – 7343 / Email: anss.greg@gmail.com / Facebook: Greg Garcotech


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