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Abdul Khadar Aneesh. a

Srinivas University


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Internship Report



2019 – 2022


I, SAHIL M RAI hereby declare that the internship report entitled “A STUDY ON
LIMITED” has been prepared by me under the guidance of PROF. VINUTHA H K,
UNIVERSITY affiliated to Srinivas University, in partial fulfilment of the
requirements for the award of the BACHELOR DEGREE IN BUSINESS
ADMINISTRATION during the year of 2021-2022.

I have undergone a summer internship for a period of 3 months. I further declared that
this report is based on the original study undertaken by me and has not been submitted
of any degree or to any other institution.

Approval Sheet

Internship report
Supervisor : PROF. VINUTHA H K

Signature :
Designation : Assistant Professor
Institute of Management and Commerce

External Examiner
Signature :
Name :
Designation :

Signature :
Designation : Dean, Institute of Management and Commerce

This is to certify the project report titled “A STUDY ON SALESMANSHIP”

ADMINISTRATION is a record of original and independent work carried out
by Mr. SAHIL M RAI, a student at SRINIVAS UNIVERSITY under my
provision and guidance. This has not too been previously submitted for the award
of any degree, post-graduation degree or diploma of any other universities.



This is to certify that Mr. SAHIL M RAI, is a bonafide student of BBA final
semester of (2019 – 2022 batches), at SRINIVAS UNIVERSITY, Institute of
Management and Commerce, Pandeshwar, City Campus, Mangalore. This
Internship report titled “A STUDY ON SALESMANSHIP WITH
prepared by her in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the
supervision of Prof. VINUTHA H K, Faculty, of this institute.




I, Mr. SAHIL M RAI express my sincere thanks and gratitude to all those who have
directlyor indirectly helped me to complete my Internship Report successfully.

This project work is completed with an immense amount of commitment, advice,

encouragement, and guidance of the people whom I could personally acknowledge.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to DR. P S AITHAL, Vice Chancellor,

SRINIVAS UNIVERSITY, MANGALORE, for his active support and guidance during
the course of my studies at this Institute.

I am greatly indebted to PROF. KEERTHAN RAJ, Dean, Institute of Management

and Commerce, Srinivas University for her encouragement for preparing this Project

I am also grateful to PROF. A.K. ANEESH, Course Coordinator, Institute of

Management and Commerce, Srinivas University for his support for preparing this
Project work.

I am also thankful to PROF. VINUTHA H K, Guide, Institute of Management and

Commerce, Srinivas University for her kind cooperation, help, guidance,
encouragement supervision, and feed backs which enabled me to prepare a well-
executed report.

Then I especially want to acknowledge MANDOVI MOTORS PRIVATE

LIMITED, MANGALORE for their support, guidance, and patience Without their
kind supervision, preparing this report would be very difficult. I am also thankful to
them for providing me all the relevant, and available information to have a clear aspect
on the subjects. They provide me the guidance and counselling during my entire
internship program. Their continuous and well- thought feed backs which enabled me
to make this report a Comprehensive One.

I take this opportunity to extend thanks to all who have helped me and encouraged me
throughout in bringing the best of this project.


The internship was concentrated on the car sales. At the beginning of the internship l
had several queries in my mind regarding the different technologies used in Maruti
Suzuki and what skills are needed in organization. During my internship several queries
are cleared by doing some activities. The objective of this internship is to gather
information about the sales and the major-minor problem that can be observed in day
to day life. In the showroom, I have learnt the rules and instruction which helps me in
understanding while interacting with customers. So, this internship was a great
experience. I found out how much I am strong in automobile field. I gained new
knowledge and skills and met many new people. I achieved many of my learning goals.
I got insight into the work of an organization. The financing is an important factor and
forces to be flexible in attitude and approach. I learned more about dealing with the
customers. Working together with the different background peoples and by education
these threats have to be approached to succeed in my internship the sharing of
knowledge, ideas and opinions is of importance. There is still a lot of discover and other
methods can be improved. At last this internship has given me new insights and
motivation to work hard to achieve the goals and target on time.
This Research Report is based on automobile sector as the automobile sector is growing
at a very good pace. The reason behind selecting MARUTI SUZUKI is that it is one of
the India’s leading automaker, offering a full range of models. The report title is “The
study on Salesmanship with special references to Mandovi Motors Private Limited”.
Due to the limited resources and time constraints, only 23 sample sizes was taken and
data is selected from the customers of Mangalore city only. The research was conducted
through collection of primary and secondary data. Secondary data was collected
through various websites, automobile magazines and other reliable sources. Primary
data was collected through a well framed questionnaire of which later a detailed
analysis was done using various statistical IT tools like MS Word and MS Excel.
Getting a new customer is difficult, and then retaining a current customer is more
difficult. It is estimated that the cost of attracting a new customer is five times the cost
of retaining current customer. It requires a good deal of efforts to induce satisfied
customer to switch away from their current preference. Mandovi Motors Private
Limited has a very good market share in the Mangalore. The company is offering good
services which are reflected on the satisfaction of the customer. Majority of the
customers are satisfied with the performance and the facilities provided by the Mandovi
Motors Private Limited. Hence a detailed study at the salesmanship and various
facilities adopted by Maruti Suzuki and Mandovi Motors Private Limited gives
customers excellent opportunity to be benefited from it.













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INDIAN AUTOMOBILE HISTORY During the 1920s, cars exhibited design

refinement such as pressed-steel wheels, and four wheel brakes. The origin of
automobile is not certain. In this section of automobile history, we will only discuss
about the phases of automobile in the development and modernization process since the
first car was shipped to India. We will start automotive history from the point of time.
The automobile industry has changed the way people live and work. The earliest of
modern cars was manufactured in the year 1895. Shortly the first appearance of the car
followed in India. As the century turned, three cars were imported in Mumbai (India).
Within decade there were total of 1025 cars in the city.
The dawn of automobile actually goes back to 4000 years when the first wheel was
used for transportation in India. In the beginning of 15th century Portuguese arrived in
China and the interaction of the two cultures led to a variety of new technologies,
including the creation of a wheel that turned under its own power. By 1600s small
steam-powered engine models was developed, but it took another century before a full-
sized engine-powered vehicle was created. The actual horseless carriage was
introduced in the year 1893 by brothers Charles and Frank Duryea. It was the first
internal-combustion motor car of America, and it was followed by Henry Ford’s first
experimental car that same year.

One of the highest-rated early luxury automobiles was the 1909 Rolls-Royce Silver
Ghost that featured a quiet 6-cylinder engine, leather interior, folding windscreens and
hood, and an aluminum body. It was usually driven by chauffeurs and emphasis was on
comfort and style rather than speed. During the 1920s, the cars exhibited design
refinements such as balloon tires, pressed-steel wheels, and four-wheel brakes. Graham
Paige OC Phaeton of 1929 featured an 8-cylinder engine and an aluminum body. The
1937 Pontiac De Luxe sedan had roomy interior and rear-hinged back door that suited
more to the needs of families. In 1930s, vehicles were less boxy and more streamlined
than their predecessors. The 1940s saw features like automatic transmission, sealed-
beam headlights, and tubeless tires. The year 1957 brought powerful high-performance
cars such as Mercedes-Benz 300 SL. It was built on compact and stylized lines, and

was capable of 230kmh (144moh). This was the Indian automobile history, and today
modern cars are generally light, aero-dynamically shaped, and compact. In India there
are 100 people per vehicle, while this figure is 82 in China. It is expected that Indian
automobile industry will achieve mass motorization status. The high growth in the
Indian economy has resulted in many foreign car manufacturers entering the Indian
market. Rolls Royce, Bentley and Maybach are examples of the few high end
automobile manufacturers to enter India in the recent years. Chennai is the automobile
capital in India. It has a lot of foreign direct investment in automobile industry. Chennai
is often called as the ‘Detroit of Asia’. The Indian automobile industry has matured
over the years and is now highly competitive with major Japanese, Korean, European
and Indian companies all holding significant market shares. In addition to foreign
models like the Hyundai Santro and the Ford Escort various indigenous cars like the
Tata Indica and the Mahindra and Mahindra SUV, the Scorpio are also popular. These
cars exported to the markets worldwide. An electric car is also manufactured by a local
company, REVA. Tata Motors plans to produce the world’s first air poured in
partnership with MDI of France.

The passenger vehicle sales in Indian crossed the one million mark in 2005. This
segment grows at 10-15% annually. Around 85% of the cars sold in India are financed
as against the global overage of 70%. In neighboring China, only 15-20% vehicles are
financed. There are only three cars in India for 1000 people in the United States.
Goldman Sachs has predicted that India will have the maximum number of cars on the
planet by 2050 overtaking the United States. A well developed transport network
indicates a well developed economy. For rapid developed a well-developed and well-
knit transportation system is essential. As Indian’s transport network is developing at a
fast pace, Automobile Industry is growing too. Also, the industry has strongly
background and forward linkages and hence provides employment to a large section of
the population. Thus the role of Automobile Industry cannot be overlooked in Indian
Economy. All kinds of vehicle are produced by the Automobile Industry. It includes
the manufacture of trucks, buses, passenger, cars, defense vehicles, two wheelers etc.
The industry can be broadly divided into the cars manufacturing, two wheelers
manufacturing and heavy vehicle manufacturing units.


Literature review which covers way for an understanding of the areas of research which
is already undertaken on the potential areas which are yet to be covered. In this way an
attempt has made to a brief survey of the work already undertaken on the field of
salesmanship and their performance in automobile sector.

Ronald J Cress (1973)

The author have identified that the project described offers an approach to providing
occupational skills to socially and educationally handicapped youth, specifically the
skills necessary for a service station attendant in driveway salesmanship and auto care.
The 10-page evaluation report presents project goals and objectives with evaluation
data (represented graphically) and evaluator's comments, and proposed modifications
and additions for the following year. The six tests used in evaluating the learners'
acquisition of skills consonent with the project's objectives are appended.

Harper & Brothers, (1922)

The author have identified that The psychology of salesmanship is chiefly concerned
with two things—the mental equipment of the salesman and the interaction between the
salesman and the buyer. A proper understanding of these two things has been found by
successful salesmen to be of unusual advantage in their work. By the mental equipment
of the salesman is understood (1) his knowledge of his goods,(2) his attitude toward his
work, and (3) the methods by which he aims to effect a sale. This chapter briefly
considers these three factors in order

Harry D Kitson(1922)

The author have identified that Reports the results obtained from a study of 600
salesmen selling staple and specialty products. The salesmen were ranked by their
salesmanagers according to the commissions they earned during one year, and were
then divided into three equal groups, high, intermediate, and low. Comparisons were

made between selling ability and the factors height and weight. Correlation coefficients
showed no significant relationships to exist

Ling Chen, Yue-Ping Zhou, Da-Ren He(2007)

The author have identified and empirically investigated the top electronic company
salesmanship network. In the network the vertices are defined as companies, two
vertices are connected by an edge when they sale a common product. A product is
defined as an act. The total sale income is defined as the vertex weight. Some statistical
properties have been obtained. Among the properties, weight properties are more
interesting. The cumulative vertex weight distribution shows a power law, the
relationship between the averaged weight of the vertices, which have the same

Martin Lowe(1959) The author have identified that Many American exporters are
failing to realize the full potential for their products in Latin America because they are
neglecting a key factor in the sales picture--the salesmen on the spot.

Michel Villette(2001)

In this article,an abridged, commentated version of a diary kept by Lissia B. during her
internship in a hypermarket specialising in sporting goods. It is the diary of a novice
salesperson, describing her relations with customers, colleagues and managers, and
above all, the actual job of selling. It shows how this young graduate attempts to adjust
to the difficult economic situation of the years 1992-1998 and, in particular, how one
must transform oneself in order to sell and sell successfully.

Annette N Shelby(1980)

The author have identified that The concept of team teaching salesmanship
demonstrates theoretical and practical relationships between speech communication
and salesmanship. The challenge of maintaining intellectual integrity it the high risk,
results-oriented environment of sales is met through attention to four major topic'areas:
the purpose of the communication, the salesman as source, the sales message* and the
prospect as receiver. These topic areas are developed first from a theoretical perspective

through lectures, examples from case studies and critical incidents, assigned readings,
and application exercises. Students are encouraged to" learn" the theory not se much
for its own sake as for its practical application. This integrated approach to the art of
persuasion reinforces the common theoretical base shared by the disciplines and applies
these principles to believable," real world', situations.(RL)


The author have identified that Personal Efficiency, Applied Salesmanship, and Sales
Administration by Irving R. Allen . In the first part of the book the author discusses
four problems of salesmanship. In the second part of the boo, the author discusses sales
administration.(PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved)
Deception as competence: The effect of occupation on ethical judgment and behaviour

Brian C Gunia, Emma Edelman Levine(2016)

The author have identified that Existing research assumes that deception undermines a
person’s trustworthiness and career prospects. Yet, in some occupations, deception
persists, and deceptive individuals seem to advance. The current research unpacks this
puzzle by exploring how deception is perceived and enacted across occupations.
Integrating research on trust, negotiations, and occupational stereotypes, we predict that
deception signals salesmanship, which signals competence and competence-based
trustworthiness in occupations thought to rely on salesmanship. As a result, individuals
aspiring to join high-salesmanship occupations actually engage in elevated levels of
deception. Four multi-method, multi-sample studies demonstrate that occupations
systematically vary in perceived salesmanship , that deception is seen as more
competent and worthy of competence-based trust in high- (e.g., advertising, investment
banking) than low- salesmanship occupations (e.g., accounting, non-profit), and that
deception thus emerges more frequently in high-salesmanship occupations. In addition
to suggesting interventions that could curb deception, these results extend theory in
several ways, particularly by documenting occupational variation in perceptions of trust
and deception.


The author have identified that To win more sales, don’t talk only to the people who
use your products or services, the below-the-line (BTL) buyers. Make your presentation
directly address the priorities of the senior executives, the above-the-line (ATL) buyers,
who make purchasing decisions at your prospect firms. Your firm’s marketing
department probably developed marketing materials for BTL buyers. These materials
tout your products and services’ features and benefits. But above-the-line buyers don’t
care about features and benefits. They have bigger concerns than how your product
helps lower-level people in their companies. ATL buyers don’t care who you are, who
your firm is or what it does. BTL buyers may want this information, but ATL buyers
aren’t interested.

HarperCollins Leadership, 2021

The author have identified that Amazing high-tech developments, including vast
automation, routinely appear today in B2B sales. A staggering 70% of B2B sales
processes are capable of being automated, a percentage that will increase in the future.
Sales reps who fail to stay current with today’s high-tech advances risk losing their
jobs. To stay commercially viable, reps must master sales data, AI and sales technology.
Additionally, they should develop or enhance their knowledge and expertise in
computer science, math and applied statistics – as well as in the use of spreadsheets.

Kogan Page, 2020 The author have identified that Sales has a venerable, colorful
history with profound societal implications. Selling has been around pretty much
forever. Archeologists uncovered reliable evidence of trade in Southwest Asia dating
back to 17000 BC. Zhang Qian, a Han Dynasty commercial pioneer in the court of
Emperor Wu, traveled on ambitious trade missions throughout the Mediterranean and
to India in the first and second centuries BC. He initiated the Silk Road, the ancient
world’s main trading route connecting East and West.

1.3 SALE

Sale is the pinnacle activity involved in selling products or services in return for money
or other compensation. It is an act of completion of a commercial activity. The “deal is
closed”, means the customer has consented to the proposed product or service by

making full or partial payment (as in case of installments) to the seller. Sale is
completed by the seller, the owner of the goods. It starts with consent (or agreement) to
an acquisition or appropriation or request followed by the passing of title (property or
ownership) in the item and the application and due settlement of a price, the obligation
for which arises due to the seller’s requirement to pass ownership, being a price the
seller is happy to part with ownership of or any claim upon the item. The purchaser,
though a party to the sale, does not execute the sale, only theseller does that. To be
precise the sale completes prior to the payment and gives rise to the obligation of
payment. If the seller completes the first two above stages (consent and passing
ownership) of the sale prior to settlement of the price the Marketing and sales are very
different, but have the same goal. Marketing improves the selling environment and
plays a very important role in sales. If the marketing department generates a potential
customers list, it can be beneficial for sales. The marketing department’s goal is to
increase the number of interactions between potential customers and the sales team
using promotional techniques such as advertising, sales promotion, publicity, and
public relations, creating new sales channels, or creating new products (new product
development), among other things.

In most large corporations, the marketing department is structured in a similar fashion

to the sales department and the managers of these teams must coordinate efforts in order
to drive profits and business success. For example, an “inbound” focused campaign
seeks to drive more customers sale is still valid and gives rise to an obligation to pay.
“through the door” giving the sales department a better chance of selling their product
to the consumer. A good marketing program would address any potential downsides as

The Sales department’s goal would be to improve the interaction between the customer
and the sales facility or mechanism (example, web site) and/or salesperson. Sales
management would break down the selling process and then increase the effectiveness
of the discreet processes as well as the interaction between processes. For example, in
many out-bound sales environments, the typical process is out bound calling, the sales
pitch, handling objections, opportunity identification, and the close. Each step of the
process has sales-related issues, skills, and training needs as well as marketing solutions
to improve each discrete step, as well as the whole process.

One further common complication of marketing involves the inability to measure
results for a great deal of marketing initiatives. In essence, many marketing and
advertising executives often lose sight of the objective of sales/ revenue/profit, as they
focus on establishing a creative/innovative program, without concern for the top or
bottom lines. Such is a fundamental pitfall of marketing for marketing’s sake.

Many companies find it challenging to get marketing and sales on the same page. Both
departments are different in nature, but handle very similar concepts and have to work
together for sales to be successful. Building a good relationship between the two that
encourages communication can be the key to success even in a down economy.

Some sales authors and consultants contend that an expertly planned and executed
marketing strategy may negate the need for outside sales entirely.

They suggest that by effectively bringing more customers “through the door”and
enticing them to contact you, sales organizations can dramatically improve their results,
efficiency, profitability, and allow salespeople to provide a drastically higher level of
customer service and satisfaction, instead of spending the majority of their working
hours searching for someone to sell to.

While this theory is present in a few marketing consulting companies the practical and
realistic application of this principle has not been widely proven in the market and sales
forces worldwide continue to be responsible for developing business as well as closing

Some marketing consulting firms postulate that each selling opportunity at each
enterprise lies on a continuum of numbers of people involved, necessary degree of face-
to-face interaction, overhead, and through-put time, to name a few dimensions. The
number of people involved in actual face-to-face selling at, say, a clothing store is
probably vastly different than at an online book-seller.

Salesmanship today covers a wide range of activities and constitutes an integral part of
management. It also offers wide scope for development in future. In fact, modern
salesmanship is growing on scientific lines, day by day.

Time is not far when a salesman will be in a position to dictate to the producers of goods
and services, what, when and how much to produce for sale in the market. This lesson
will help you to understand meaning of salesmanship, its feature, importance and scope.

Salesmanship is one of the skills used in personal selling, as defined by Stroh, “it is a
direct, face-to-face, seller-to-buyer influence which can communicate the facts
necessary for marketing a buying decision; or it can utilize the psychology of persuasion
to encourage the formation of a buying decision”

The broad purpose of marketing is to bring a firm’s products into contact with markets
and to effect profitable exchanges of products for money. The purpose of personal
selling is to bring the right products into contact with the right customers, and make
ownership transfer.

Salesmanship is seller-initiated effort that provides prospective buyers with information

and motivates or persuades them to make favourable buying decisions concerning the
seller’s products or service. The salesman of today has to react and interact in any
different ways to many different people.

Apart from the knowledge of the product, a salesperson has to be a psychologist with
one prospect, a human computer with another, an adviser with another, and at the same
time a friend with some buyers. Salespersons must adjust their personalities on every

Salesmanship may be implemented not only through personal selling but through
advertising. Thus, advertising has been described as “salesmanship in print.”

Salesmanship is the art of influencing or persuading people to do what sales

representative wants them to do. For instance, contractors, teachers, ministers, authors,
politicians, industrial engineers etc., practice the art of influencing others to do what
they want them to do. Every man is a salesman in his own walks of life.

Selling Function

Buying and selling functions are two sides of the same coin; one cannot exist without
the other. Thus, for every purchase made, there is a corresponding sale and vice-versa.
These two marketing functions of purchase and sales have been commonly described
as functions of exchange. It is more than an economic activity. Every time a product is
offered for sale in the market and a service is made available by salesperson to add
benefit to the product for the consumers. The product is able to fill in a need or a want;
in return the seller is able to serve his own self-interest by leading more sales and more
profits for him.

A seller cannot generate sales without different salesperson performing their roles at
different stages of consumer buying process. Various selling functions performed are:

1. Order Takers: Sales person who mainly seek repeat sales. They book customer orders
and pass on the information to relevant people in the company. They are expected to be

accurate. They are also expected to have information about when the order has been
booked and when will it be delivered to customers. They have to track the delivery date
of product and should be able to assist customer for the same. Order takers are of two
type’s i.e. Inside order taker and field order taker.

a) Inside Order Taker: They are a part of sales office and receive sales order from
different sources like phone, mail and internet. Sales persons in retail stores are also
inside order takers.

b) Field order Taker: When a customer is not interacting in the retail store, rather the
order is placed when the salesperson has met you outside or in the field and taken order
is field order taker. The buyer relies and becomes dependent on field order taker to
place orders periodically.

2. Order Creators: The prime objective of order creator is to convince customers to buy
the company’s products. The salesperson needs to understand customer’s requirements
and convince him that his company’s products serve his requirements best.

a) Missionary Salespeople: They are employed by manufacturers to sell their product

to retailers. Once the retailers are convinced they place the orders to wholesalers which
ultimately lead to company’s sale. In some pharmaceutical and building industry, the
manufacturer hires medical representatives and architects. Medical representatives
calling on doctors cannot make a direct sale since the doctor does not buy drugs but
prescribes them for patients. Architects also act as specifies rather than buyers. In these
situations, the selling task is to educate and build goodwill for the company.

3. Order Getters: An order getter persuades a customer to make a purchase. He is a

frontline salesperson, and is in a typical selling job. He is supported by technical
support staff and merchandisers.

i. New business Salespeople: The selling tasks are to win new businesses by identifying
and selling to prospects. These salespersons should maintain good relations with current
customers who can provide leads. They should also be prepared to make a lot of cold
calls and visits.

ii. Consumer Sales people: They sell to individual customer’s products and services
such as cars, insurance. These salespeople have to be sensitive to customers’ time and
they should not be insistent even when customers have declined to buy. Sensing that a
customer does not want the product is as important as sensing that he may want the
company’s product. A consumer salesperson should be always wary of putting off the
customers by being too persistent. Exemplary behaviour is imperative for consumer

iii. Technical Support Salespeople: Where a product is highly technical and the
negotiations are complex, a salesperson may be supported by product and financial
specialists who can provide the detailed technical and financial information required by
customers. This may be on-going as part of a key account team or on a temporary basis
with the specialist being called into the selling situation whenever required.

iv. Merchandisers: Merchandisers advise on product display in stores, implement

sales promotions, check stock levels and maintain contact with store managers. They
provide support to the sales function in retail and wholesale selling. Salespeople
serving individual outlets are supported by merchandisers.

Characteristics of a Successful Salesman There are a few natural skills that are of
great benefit if they already exist within those that want to be successful in sales.
Without these, success will take a longer time but it can still be achieved. If there is
no desire and dedication to learning or developing these skills, then the selling will be
much more difficult and often very stressful.

1. Effective Communicator: Communication covers a lot of territory. Sales is all about

talking to people and making then understand your thoughts. At times sales people
need to speak in the local language in order to make customers understand properly.

2. Ability to Listen: A salesperson has to balance the act of talking and listening. If he
does not properly listen, how would he respond back. So a salesperson has to be a
good listener.

3. Inquisitive: Salespeople are naturally inquisitive and know that in order to isolate
what the real need or desire is in the buyer, they need to ask questions that will lead
them to the answer. They naturally ask questions because they have a desire to help
solve their problem. 4. Problem Solver: Another natural skill is the desire and ability to
solve problems. Great sales people are always solving problems. The ability to know
what the buyer's problem is and offering suggestions that will effectively solve the
problem with respect to what products or services we sell, and generally results in a

5. Well Organized: Sales people have a keen ability to break things down into smaller
steps and organize a plan of action. They know how to analyze what their goal is and
in what order the steps need to be in order to reach that goal.

6. Self-Starter and Self-Finisher: A successful sales person moves forward on their own.
They never need anyone to tell them when it is time to go to work because they know
that if they do not work they will not earn. They are also very persistent to finish what
they 25 start. They achieve their goals, even if they are small ones.

7. Positive Self Image: Having the attitude that they can do just about anything that they
put their mind to is usually very common among sales people. They do not cower from
meeting or talking to people or trying something new. They rarely allow negatives that
are either spoken to them or about them to effect what they are trying to accomplish
because they know who they are and what they are capable of doing.

8. Well Mannered and Courteous: Sales people are very well mannered. One may not
realize it, but good manners are a way of showing respect to others. People are attracted
to those that respect them and mutual respect is fundamental in building lasting
relationships with people, including buyers. Qualities of a Sales Person With particular
reference to Consumer Service Selling as a career there are two basic qualities of a good
salesperson namely, empathy and persuasion.

Some of other qualities of a good salesperson are as follows:

1. Physical Quality: A salesperson should have a good appearance and an impressive

personality. He should also have a sound health he might be required to travel a lot.

2. Mental Quality: A good salesperson should possess certain mental qualities like
imagination, initiative, self confidence, sharp memory; alertness, etc. He should be able
to understand the need and preferences of the customer.

3. Integrity of Character: He should possess the qualities of honesty and integrity. He

is to gain the confidence of the customer. He should be loyal to the employer as well as
to the customer. As he is face-off of the company so he should hold a strong character.

4. Knowledge of the product and the company: He should be able to explain each and
every aspect of the product i.e. its qualities, how to use it, what precautions to be taken,
etc and the company he is representing.

5. Good behavior: A salesman should be cooperative and courteous. Good behavior

enables one to win the confidence of the customers.

6. Ability to Persuade: A good salesperson should be good in conversation so that he

can engage the person he is attending. He should be able to convince him and create
the desire in mind to possess the commodity. Very few products of any type actually
sell themselves. They must be sold. Salespersons must have the ability to get people to
agree. There are situations when persuasiveness may vary keeping in view the
consumer’s response.

7. Flexibility: A salesperson has to be flexible in many ways. There is no fixed way of

convincing the customer, a sales person has to be flexible. A good salesperson is able
to adapt himself or herself to a variety of customers. Each contact may require adapting
the sales talk, speech habits and even appearance. The timings need to be flexible as
per the requirement of customer.

8. Ability to estimate customer’s needs and desires: He or she is alert and quickly
determines what the customer wants and the best way to sell.

9. Ambition: He or she likes to do a good job and is interested in getting ahead with the

10. Appearance: Appearance means a lot today and the successful salesperson is neat
and organised. He or she presents himself or herself well in person. Also, he or she
keeps his or her desk, books and manuals neat and ready for use.

11. Business Sense: He or she understands that you are in business to make a profit and
quickly learns the ins - and - outs of the organisation.

12. Courtesy: He or she reveals a sincere desire to help customers and treats them as
guests even when he or she visits their places of business.

13. Creativeness: Imagination, vision and the ability to create ideas make a salesperson

14. Curiosity: He or she wants to learn all he or she can about his or her products and

15. Enthusiasm: There is nothing that can drain away a prospect’s buying interest more
than a half-dead salesperson. Dullness should be left at home. A salesperson must
radiate enthusiasm during and after the sales call.

16. Figure Sense: He or she should have the mathematical ability to figure and fill up
order form correctly and to make the necessary reports.

17. Friendliness : A salesperson should be able to make people like him or her and he
or she must like to meet people

18. Handwriting: He or she must write legibly so that his or her paper work can be
readily understood by his or her office people and by his or her customers.

19. Health: Good health generates energy and energy is needed to sell. Poor health
prevents many salespersons from fulfilling their potentials.

23. Interest in job: He or she likes selling and working for the company.

24. Motivation: He or she must have more than just an interest is selling. Psychologists
have found certain predominant patterns in people who have become really successful
salesperson. They live in the present and not in the future. They do want power over
others and prefer not to work under close supervision.

25. Originality: He or she is constantly searching for new ideas to be used in selling the
products and suggests better ways of doing things.

26. Persuasiveness: Very few products of any type actually sell themselves. They must
be sold. Salesperson must have the ability to get people to agree. There are situations
when persuasiveness may vary keeping in view the consumer’s response.

27. Positive: His or her maturity is reflected in his or her behavior. He or she should be
positive, confident, energetic and business like. He or she should be able to demonstrate
to the customers that he or she knows what he or she is talking about.

28. Self-control: He or she can handle difficult people and situations calmly.

29. Self-starter: They are self motivated. These salespersons work without constant
supervision and is able to make decisions on his or her own.

30. Speech: He or she can speak clearly and maturely in a natural tone. He or she can
emphasize sales points with sincerity and friendliness


The basic features of salesmanship are as follows:-

a. Salesmanship involves persuasion of customers

A salesman has the ability to convince the people to buy his product. It essentially
involves the ability to influence or persuade people to buy a product or service. In fact,
persuasion is the soul of modern salesmanship. Gone are the days when a sale was
forced on the customers. Modern salesmanship does not rely on pressure tactics or
compulsion to clinch a sale. The customer is led to a favourable buying decision through
careful and imaginative handling.

The salesman necessarily creates a favourable impression on the prospective buyer’s

mind by presenting the benefits associated with the product or service being offered for

b. Salesmanship involves winning buyer’s confidence

Modern salesmanship aims at educating the customer and providing a solution to his
problems. This helps in winning his confidence. It aims at winning the confidence of
the buyers by persuading and educating them about the availability of products and
services, their special features and their utility in satisfying their respective needs.

c. Salesmanship involves providing information

Salesmanship is an educative process. It tells customer the ways in which they can
satisfy their needs. Salesman provides information about products available, their broad
features and their uses and utility to the customers.

d. Salesmanship aims at mutual benefit

Salesmanship is a two way process. It results in benefits not only to the sellers but also
to the buyers. It helps in solving the problems of the buyers and satisfying their needs.
Customer satisfaction leads to increase in profitable sales volume for the salesman.

e. Salesmanship creates satisfied customers

Salesmanship in modern days aims at creating satisfied customers, rather than just
profit-generating sales. In any marketing transaction, a sale once made would indicate
the end of the process. However, once there is a satisfiedcustomer, it is the beginning
of long lasting relationship which can create man more sales in future. Therefore,
modern salesmanship always aims at creating satisfied customers who will most likely
purchase his goods and services as and when necessary.

Identification of sales presentation methods Salespeople must know the various

methods (or strategies) used for making a sales presentation.

These are:

 Stimulus response method

 Formula method,

 Need – Satisfaction method

 Features Advantages Benefits Selling (FABS)

 Team selling method

 Relationship Selling Stimulus response method:

It is also called as canned approach, a memorized sales presentation, or a prepared sales

presentation. This method believes that if a salesperson makes the right sales
presentation i.e., stimuli, he can obtain a positive response from the prospect. In this
method the salesperson does most of the talking. Without enquiring the needs of the
prospect, the salesperson lists out all the features of the product and asks the prospect

to purchase the product. If the prospect fails to buy, repeated attempts are made to sell
the product. This method is predominantly used by telemarketing people, door-to-door
salesperson. It is also employed to train new salespeople, when the time for sales
presentation is short, and the product is non-technical. However, this process is
ineffective for complicated or urbane prospects. The major error in this method is that
the sales person does not understand the needs of the prospect by asking him questions
and listening but rather provides information about the product features and benefits,
which may not be important to the buyer. Formula method: This method is also based
on stimulus response thinking and is also known as ‘formulated approach’ or ‘mental
states selling’. The sales person believes that most buyers can be led through mental
states or steps in the buying process and hence uses a well-known formula. It has four
stages: Attention, Interest, Desires, and Action (AIDA) Attention. The sales agent plans
the sales talk by first securing the attention of the prospect by making positive
comments about the prospect or the prospect’s business. Favorable first impression is
also created by attire and cheerful disposition. The objective of initial meeting is to put
the prospect in a open state of mind. It is always advisable for a salesperson to take a
prior appointment with the prospect and devote the first few minutes to make the
prospect comfortable by choosing the right opening lines. Interest. The salesperson
leads the prospect’s mind to the next stage of securing the interest. In other words, the
salesperson identifies the features of the product or services that appeal or attract the
prospect the most. Different methods are used to unearth the prospect’s interest or
appeal. On certain occasions salespeople may also carry a sample of the product, or the
product, if it is not bulky, for showing or demonstrating to a customer. Some might
send mailers; carry visual aids like CD, the product leaflet, or the product photographs.
Successful salespeople ask related questions to understand the buyer’s needs or
problems as well as to identify the strongest appeal or interest. Desire: The objective in
this phase is to awaken feelings in the prospect of wanting to experience the product or
the service. The salesperson carries on with the sales presentation and demonstrates to
the prospect how his/her product or service can solve the buyer’s problem. In this
process, the buyer may raise some objections, which need to be addressed
appropriately. At certain times, salespeople face the problem of external interruptions
like prospects getting busy on phone calls. In such cases, it is advisable that the
salesperson recapitulates what has been said earlier and goes on to continue the sales
presentation. Action: The action, in this stage, means buying the product/service. Some

salespeople use trial close to test whether the prospect is ready to buy. If the prospect
agrees to purchase, then the salesperson invites for the order. If the prospect disagrees,
the salesperson continues with the presentation to convince the prospect about his/her
proposal. The advantage of this method is that the salesperson has to plan the sales
presentation and understand the customer’s mental stages. The disadvantage is that if
the customer’s needs are not understood and the method is less effective. Need-
satisfaction method: This method is most challenging and a creative form of selling. It
is an interactive sales presentation, and different from the previous two methods. The
salesperson starts with understanding the buyer’s (or the prospects’) needs’ by asking
situational, problem recognition, problem impact, solution value, and confirmation
questions. After thoroughly understanding or investigating the needs/problems of the
buyer, the salesperson gives a written proposal or gives a sales presentation to depict
how his/her product or service can provide solution to the buyer’s problem better than
that of a competitor The diagram below shows the step by step process of need
satisfaction selling:

1. Open: At this stage the salesperson opens his presentation to the prospect to begin
the selling process.

2. Probe: In this stage the salesperson invites questions from the prospect and
understands his needs completely.

3. Support: The salesperson supports the needs of the prospect and further tries to
identify unstated needs too.

4. Close: The salesperson offers a value proposition to the prospect which might satisfy
his needs and closes the transaction. The method is beneficial when the sales person
convinces the prospect effectively and it results in the prospect buying the product. This
approach can also help in building customer trust and loyalty. For Example: Tata Sky
Set Top Box Providers follow the need satisfaction approach. They have various
packages so as to meet the needs of varied customers. The packages can be obtained
through recharge on a daily, monthly or annual basis. The customers also have a choice
in selecting the channels they intend to view and pay accordingly. Features Advantages
Benefits Selling (FABS): The salesperson tries to integrate all the features of the
product/service to an advantage or a benefit which in turn are considered important by
the customer. The prospects normally ignore about the products or services offered to

them even when the product or service might be the best match to their needs. They
keep ignoring the product or service till the time they find one with explicitly known
benefits or advantages to themselves. Thus, FABS also assists in increasing the
effectiveness of the advertising message. The three important components of this
selling technique are:

 Features: The salesperson describes the features or characteristics of the product,

service, or market offering. For example: An important feature of a sleeping bag is – 2
inch insulation layer 7

 Advantages: The salesperson describes how the feature can help or give advantage to
the prospect. For example: The 2 inch insulation layer helps in retaining the body heat
during nights an advantage of the sleeping bag.

 Benefits: The salesman then describes how the feature or advantage meets a clear and
detailed need expressed by the prospect. When a prospect states the benefit, it becomes
a powerful statement that can be used by the sales person effectively for making a sale

 For example: The sleeping bag’s 2 inch insulation layer will help a customer to sleep
comfortably at night, when the he/she goes on camping. Thus, they can have a sound
sleep and be ready for fun activities everyday. Team Selling Method: Team selling
involves using multi-person sales teams to deal with multi-person buying centres of
their customers. A team approach permits for continuous learning as the members can
work together and identify the flaws during the presentation process. They can also
identify the features that can be added to the sales pitch. For example: A software
company X, has to sell software to a bank, in this the team will involve people
responsible for installation, automation, technical support for customers etc.
Relationship Selling Method: Relationship Selling is about building a friendship or
relationship with the prospects and listening to their needs. It is built when the sales
person shows care, earns their trust and confidence. Knowing the needs and finding out
their secret fears can assist in finding solutions for them that are exactly on-target with
their needs and build an even stronger relationship. With a relationship in place,
working out details is easy while they may turn into obstacles if one does not share a
cordial relationship. In relationship selling, the sales person becomes a form of support
for the clients. The services or products become something they depend on, and if the

products of the company suit their needs they respond with additional offers. It is a
boon to the companies who operate in competitive markets.


It is a presentation where the presentation script is written after thoroughly

understanding the product and the requirements of the customer. It is also tested before
finally rolling it out. Every salesperson must memorize it and follow the script of the
presentation in the prescribed order. This is most often used in non-technical products
like pharmaceuticals, telephonic selling and door to door selling of products. The
common problem with this technique is that the prospect views it as high pressure
selling as he has limited participation and therefore postpones taking a purchase

2. PLANNED PRESENTATION:The presentation is carefully planned and organized

and has a personal touch while the individual is making the presentation. The
organization provides a basic format or procedure for making the presentation and the
individual sales person then writes the script which includes description and
illustrations. This method includes more conversational form and every sales person
adds creativity to make it less monotonous. It also provides an opportunity to interact
with the prospect and clear his doubts.

3. AUDIO-VISUAL PRESENTATIONS:The presentations are made with the help of

audio visual aids like charts, slides, video films, computer based presentations which
depict the actual use of the product. It is felt that people understand the concept/ product
better andretain information when they see and hear in comparison to just listening or
seeing the product. Hence theaudio-visual tools are more popular. The sales person
takes a back seat and prospect’s attention is focused on the information provided
through these audio-visual aids. They are widely used by advertising firms, software
companies, real estate companies to name a few.

4. PROBLEM SOLVING PRESENTATION: This type of presentation includes two

stages. The first stag is to understand the needs of the individual prospect and the second
includes offering a solution. Commonly used in the insurance sector where based on
the requirements or needs of the prospect a specific policy is suggested. The same can

be seen in the case of automobile purchase too. Sales persons employ this method for
high technology products. The sales person selects the appropriate method based on the
customer and product requirements.


1. FACE-TO-FACE: It provides an opportunity to interact with the customers/

prospects in person. It helps in building trust and strengthens bond between the
salesperson/organization and the customer/prospect.

2. ENGAGEMENT: It aids in engaging the audience. The audio-visual aids can help in
gaining the attention of the audience and create a larger impact than just speaking,
enhancing the level of engagement.

3. FLEXIBILITY: The presentation provides an opportunity to alter the content and

customize it for different audiences. The requirements of the client can be taken note
of and the presentation can be modified accordingly.

4. CONSISTENCY: It helps in ensuring consistency even when different sales persons

communicate information to the customers/prospects. The presentation provides a basic
structured framework for interacting with customers regarding products or services. It
also helps the presenter in emphasizing on the essential features/points.

5. VERSATILITY: The presentation can be used in various types of presentation be it

in the face-to-face meeting, large meeting or Webinars. The content can be the same
but it can be delivered at various platforms either to individuals or in a group


features of good presentation. They are:

1. Arousing interest

2. Prompt presentation

3. Clarity presentation

4. Displaying approvals and quantity and quality

5. Demonstration

6. Appealing to Senses

7. Conducting Tests

8. Handling goods

1. Arousing Interests At the start the salesman has to arouse the interest of the customer.
He can describe the special features of the products i.e. durability, composition, etc. so
as to arouse the interest of the customer about the product. Generally articles in vibrant
colors and attractive shapes and sizes attract customers more. However, to arouse the
interest of the customers, the salesman should emphasize on the distinct features of the
products called unique sales propositions (USP).

2. Prompt Presentation The salesman should always be prompt and alert. He should be
prompt in presenting the goods to the customers who indicate his eagerness and
willingness to serve. Such an attitude of the salesman creates a positive impression in
the minds of the customers and their response is instant and favorable. The salesman
can be quick and smart, provided, he has complete product knowledge.

3. Clarity Presentation The salesman’s presentation should be clear and complete in all
aspects so as to win the confidence of the customers. A high level of clarity in the sales
presentation removes all possible doubts about the product from the minds of the
prospects. A lucid and elaborate presentation does not allow the prospect to think about
the competitive products. The salesman, therefore, should explain the use and operation
of the product along with its price, durability, benefit and special features, if any. In
case of bulky articles, presentation can be done through models and pictures. At times,
the customers should be allowed to touch and feel the product themselves. This
enhances the confidence of prospects. For example, in case of eatable like fruits, sweets,
biscuits, etc. small portions or free samples are given to the prospects for taste so that
they can satisfy themselves about the quality of these products.

4. Displaying Appropriate Quality and Quantity The salesman must show the
appropriate goods of exact size and quality as desired by the customers. Sometimes,
customers ask about a particular brand or quality of an article. An efficient salesman
always displays the brand or quality of an article the consumer wants. Sufficient variety
of goods when shown to customer will enable him to make his choice out of them. It

should be noted that showing too many varieties can create confusion and showing too
few varieties may not be sufficient to convince the customers.

5. Demonstration The salesman can attract the interest and arouse the desire of the
customer in a better manner if he demonstrates or shows the features of the product to
the customers. Proper demonstration definitely creates a favorable impression in the
minds of the customers because demonstration is an important feature of a good
presentation. By demonstration, the interests of the customer increase considerably
because oral presentation at times fails to convince the prospect properly. Therefore, to
convince the customer effectively the sales person can effectively, dramatize the
demonstration of the product. The dramatic demonstration of the product or service
remains very effective and impressive and the customer remembers and understands
such messages for a long time.

6. Appealing to Senses It is essential on the part of the salesman to see that the way he
presents should be appealing to any one or more of the five senses i.e., sight, touch
hearing, smell and taste. A demonstration should appeal directly to all or some of these
senses of the customers and ultimately creates a desire to possess them. In case of
consumables, it can be seen, touched, smelt and tasted. Once the product is found to be
appealing to one or more senses of the customers, it can easily be sold.

7. Conducting Tests Tests conducting on the products increase the confidence level of
the prospects considerably. The salesman can suggest various common tests of the
product to prove its claim and superiority.

8. Handling Goods Action speaks more than words. Therefore, the salesman should
handle the product himself as well as allow the prospects to handle the product.
Prospective buyers may have a strong desire to handle the product before the actual
purchase is made. This is universally true. By handling the product himself, the prospect
ensures that the product is worth processing and worth in price and claims. By allowing
the customer to handle the product, the salesman appeals to the sense of touch and sight


Salesmanship is an indispensable technique of promotion. The importance of personal

selling may be described under the following heads:


A salesman acts as a friend and guide to consumers. He informs them of new products
and new uses of existing products. He helps them in choosing products, which match
their needs and incomes. A salesman guides the customers in buying products that will
provide maximum satisfaction.


They help in the creation of demand for new products and in the extension of markets
for existing ones. Through personal selling, a businessman can not only inform
customers of his products but can know their tastes, attitudes and behaviour. Such
information is helpful in the design and development of products that match market
demand. By creating large scale and regular demand, salesmanship makes planned and
regular mass production possible.

Salesmen help to build up a favourable corporate image necessary to secure repeat



Salesmanship helps to expand employment and income of a country through large and
rapid sales turnover. Salesmen provide marketing information to producers so that
consumers can get new and better products.

Salesmen perform several non-selling tasks, e.g., after sale service, meeting complaints,
conducting marketing research, providing credit information, delivering goods,
collecting payments, etc. Salesmen help minimize price fluctuations and trade cycles
by matching demand and supply.

Some of the importance can be summarized as follows

1. Salesmanship helps to create demand for new products or new brands.

It influences to change in patronage from one source of supply to another which results
concentration of purchases of specific product.

2. As it wins the buyer’s confidence so it helps to make regular and permanent


3. The person who is engaged in convincing the public about the desirability of a
specific product is called a salesman. He informs the customers about the usefulness of
commodity with a view to inducing him to buy the goods.

4. He establishes the goodwill of firm in the market. So the sales volume may easily be

5. He constantly observes the fashion, taste, like and dislike of customers and informs
the producer about their choice.

6. He helps to establish close relationship between the manufacturer and consumer.

The Art of Salesmanship

As Art is a science applied, it involves actual doing. It is the practical application of

knowledge or natural ability. One might have a broad knowledge of the science of
medicine and possess, or develop, but indifferent ability in applying it. It may be said,
speaking generally, that knowledge of a science is gained by study; proficiency in an
art by practice.

Knowledge of selling principles alone is not sufficient. Actual practice in their

application is necessary. But knowledge of principles will enable one to get his selling
ability into action more quickly and make of him a better salesman than he otherwise
could hope to be. The art of salesmanship may be defined as the ‘ability to apply
fundamental selling principles to the circumstances of the individual selling situation’.

The Science of Salesmanship

Selling is definitely an Art. But Art is an applied Science. It is the practical application
of knowledge or natural ability. It is possible to make a study of the sales process and
the experience and methods of successful salesmen. Because of the many immeasurable
human elements involved, it will always remain, to some degree, an inexact science.

Mathematics, physics, chemistry are regarded as science. Salesmanship may also be

considered as science on the basis that salesmanship is a specialised knowledge that has
its own standards, principles and theories. It has already developed a systematized
knowledge of its own like the other subjects of science. However, these rules and
principles cannot be applied to each and every one in the world since all human beings
are not equal. No doubt, although a majority of the customers can be convinced by a

particular line of approach and behaviour of the salesman, the same cannot be applied
to all customers and it may not be successful in each and every case. This is so because
the process of handling customers can never be reduced to unchangeable laws and rigid
principles. Thus, salesmanship is not exact science like physics or mathematics. It is
science based on human psychology. It can be considered as science like sociology or

Therefore, the term Salesmanship includes both knowledge of fundamental selling

principles and the ability to apply them in the actual making of sales. It comprehends
both the science and the art.

1.7 Salesmanship: A Profession

According to the Concise Oxford Dictionary, ‘a profession is a “vocation, especially

one that involves any branch of learning or science”. Profession may be defined as an
employment mechanical but requiring some degree of skill.

Most often the question is raised whether salesmanship is a profession or not. In order
to ascertain the same, the basic characteristics of profession should be discussed in
detail. A profession has the following characteristics:

who prefer to enter the profession.

established and accepted code of ethics.

words, principle of service first and profit last, must exist.

If the above characteristics of profession are examined for salesmanship, it can be seen
that it has yet to become a true profession like law, medicine, etc. Salesmanship, like
other professions, is yet to have a ready-made knowledge for application in each and
every situation. Skill and technique applied by a salesman to clinch a sale varies from

person to person and with place and time. A particular selling method and technique
cannot claim to have a command over all possible selling methods and techniques.
Therefore, salesmanship cannot unhesitantly be called a profession. A great deal of
effort and perfection is needed before salesmanship achieves the status of true
profession. It is, however, capable of growing into a profession with substantial
development of knowledge.


In the modern day world, distribution system is a complex as well as difficult process.
With the vast expansion of business and commerce and increasing competition,
establishment of link between the manufacturer and the consumers has become very
essential. Successful and profitable operations of business enterprises depend to a great
extent on the creation of such a connection. In the process of maintaining the link
between the manufacturer, seller and the consumers, salesmanship plays a vital and
significant role.

In the earlier days, manufacturing activities were undertaken relatively on a small scale
and accordingly distribution network was spread over a small area. Goods were
produced either only after receiving the orders or for which sufficient demand existed.
Such a high demand, less supply situation was quite convenient to the manufacturers to
sell their goods and services.

Further, there existed little or no competition in those days. Therefore, salesmanship

during those days was of little use for the manufacturers and sellers.

After industrial revolution, production activities started being undertaken on a fairly

large scale and mostly in anticipation of demand. Consequently, greater efforts became
essential on the part of the sellers to create demand.

With the substantial increase in the volume, the business territory also expanded and
spread to national and international levels. Distribution also became quite complicated
because of stiff competition among producers of similar and identical products.
Therefore, the producers and the distributors needed the skill and persuasive ability of
efficient sales force in order to sell their products and services in the market. In fact,

distribution of products and services in today’s competitive as well as ever expanding
market is impossible without modern salesmanship and publicity.

Today salesmanship holds a key position in the business world of manufacturing and
distribution. As facts stand today, salesmanship is universally accepted as an essential
today, might not have been there but for the efforts of the salesman. One can easily
examine the utility of salesmanship to producers, society, consumers, government and
the salesmen himself.

Salesmanship also benefits the Salesmen considerably. It is now viewed as a lucrative

career and an attractive source of employment for many people. Salesmanship as a
career is highly remunerative. Generally a salesman is paid monthly salary and
commission which is linked with sales volume. Any increase in sales ultimately
increases the commission of the salesman. A sincere and hardworking salesman
therefore can increase his commission by incremental sales. The salesman has the
opportunity of learning business methods and practices from close quarters. Later, if he
wishes, he can set up a business of his own on the basis of his experience in selling and
knowledge of the business. A travelling salesman enjoys the opportunity of the outside
world, resulting in developing one’s personality. It makes an individual dynamic,
resourceful, self-confident, social, cheerful and broadens his outlook.

Salesmanship is a skill which is in continuous demand throughout the world. Thus,

salesmanship skills are universally acceptable.


The Challenge Selling automobiles is a highly competitive business but when you are
a salesman working at just one of six Ford Dealerships, all within a 20-mile radius, the
pressure is really on! Customers are increasingly savvy and with six dealerships from
which to choose, just getting an opportunity to get in front of a potential buyer is an
almost insurmountable challenge.

The Solution

With 80% of all car buyers doing their research and due diligence on the Internet prior
to any purchase, it just makes sense that to be competitive a salesman needs to have an
effective presence there. Video communications are proven to garner greater results
than text or static pictures and the multiple, easy-to-use streaming video products

available through helloWorld Studio, offers a cost-effective solution to meeting this


presentations to fit the

needs and behavior of the individual customers.

questions of his

the commodity
interest and goals.

potential to pay for

the product or not.


Get to Know the Customer

Even with the most robust business plans, it’s the customers who make the rules. They
drive brand equity through their various perceptions and journeys. And that means
companies must be closely attuned to their customer base if they want their brand to

Similarly, the ability to understand the wants and needs of different groups of people is
useful in any job. Marketing teaches that customer/employee/stakeholder/patient
insight is a large factor in determining success.

Learn How to Captivate

Perceptions of truth largely dictate the decision-making process for many consumers.
Marketing allows the opportunity to examine that process alongside the intricacies of
design, promotion, and branding.

Consumers make purchases based on how products and services are packaged. It is not
a decision based on truth, but rather the perception of truth. The ability to influence

decision and buying habits is a useful skill, even outside of a conventional marketing

Read and Understand Data

Marketing teaches valuable skills in data interpretation. Though not always stated as a
job function, many companies delight in having candidates who know how to read data.

Marketing experience, even if it’s just a course or two, can lend to foundational
knowledge in data interpretation and analytics. This exposure can then be used in any
job that relies on customer feedback, data, or metrics to inform success. No matter what
the field or industry, the ability to read and understand data is integral to making
strategic decisions.

Deal With People

Marketing explores human interaction as an important function of a business. Not only

are marketers tasked with understanding customer experiences, but they are also
expected to know how to communicate with diverse audiences with varying levels of
cooperation. In other words, marketing imparts communication tactics that are useful
in dealing with different groups of people. So, whether it’s a doctor in a hospital or a
lawyer in an office, understanding how to communicate with different people is
invaluable in the workplace.

Gain Awareness

Marketers stay in the know because awareness keeps them close to their customers.
That insatiable drive for mindfulness can prove useful in any career, most especially
where close relationships determine success. Marketing examines relationships from
both the standpoint of the business and the customer. This dual perspective is the key
to making insightful decisions.


The nature of the project work has been descriptive as no hypothesis, is taken to be
tested. Though the conclusions drawn could be taken as the hypothesis and further
tested by the research work undertaken in the relevant field. The reason for choosing
the descriptive research design is the fact the project report has been primarily based

upon the secondary sources of data and whose authenticity could be assured of. The
reluctance of the company's personnel in parting with much of information led the
project report to be based substantially on the secondary source of data. The sources of
data used in data collection are the following: Primary sources: In order to gather
information about the various products of Shree Hyundai, I personally visited a number
of Showrooms and collected data pertaining to the prices of the cars offered. The market
visits were useful in knowing the comparative prices and quality of the offered brands
vice-versa the competitive brands. Details regarding the delivery of the cars were
collected and I also inquired about the various sales promotion schemes followed by
the three car showrooms in Bokaro . By interviewing these dealers valuable information
was collected. I inquired from them about their marketing advertising and sales
strategies. 65 Secondary sources: Information was collected from secondary sources
such as customer survey, newspapers advertisements, Automobile newsletters, etc.
Beside these the use of Internet was also made in collecting relevant information. The
data collected from the above mentioned sources has been adequately structured and
used at appropriate places in the report.

The information gathered included:

Their annual reports.
 Press clippings.
News releases.
 Exchange schemes.
Loan fair.

The task of data collection begins after a research problem has been defined and
research design has been chalked out while decided about the method of data collection
to be used for the study we must know that there are basically two types of data Primary
data and Secondary data. In the present study only secondary data has been

Secondary Data: The data collected for the project undertaken gives the information
about the sales measures and practice applied for selling the goods. The data has been
allocated from various information channels like company’s websites –about the
products and offers & different strategies, business magazines, news websites etc.

The data has been taken from two sources:

 Primary data source

The primary data source has been collected through questionnaire by Personally
interviewing each respondent on a number of queries structured in a questionnaire.

 Secondary data source

Secondary data was collected from following sources Prior research reports Websites
Books Newspaper Personal consultation

1.13. SCOPE

The scope of salesmanship is very vast and is not confined merely to selling goods to
customers. The scope of salesmanship has got no limit. It is a skill which is essential
in every sphere of activity. In deep sense, every one of us is a salesman. Whenever a
person convinces another person of the truth and correctness of his point of view and
wins his support, he acts as a salesman. In this sense, a diplomat or a professor or a
lawyer can act as a salesman, though this type of salesmanship is intangible. Thus,
salesmanship is not restricted to selling alone. The skill is applicable to a number of
diverse situations. Salesmanship in its higher levels includes the subject-matter of
product knowledge, knowledge of customers, training and control of salesman,
organization and management of sales departments, etc. Advertising and publicity are
integral part of sale because they help in popularizing the products and services.

Thus, salesmanship has been developed from a mere selling activity to specialized
science and art. It covers today a wide arrange of activities and offers wide scope for
development in future.



Shree Aroor Sripathi Rao is the guiding spirit behind Mandovi Motors Private Limited.
His skills in the enterprise were supported by a visionary positioning trail in the
automotive field in his hometown of Mangalore. The credit for the sustained
development of the government of the organization and building up of its sales and
service until to its founders who steered the firm to demerits of thought his sound
business The organization and meticulous attention of detail. His charismatic
personality profound knowledge of the market and products together with his foresight
has been instrumental in making this remarkable progress possible. He was a
philanthropist and a dynamic leader with steadfast principles who garnered fame as
most outstanding of his genre.

Mandovi Motors Private Limited is the First and Largest Dealership of Maruti Suzuki
Cars in Karnataka, having started its operations in 1984 at Bangalore. Its parent
company has nearly 100 years of experience in the Automotive Industry. The company
has a strong culture of excellence in everything that it does. In it’s nearly 37 years of
dealership business, the name ‘Mandovi’ is invariably identified with Maruti Suzuki
and it is also ranked as one among the best in performance. Mandovi Motors private
limited believes in customer satisfaction and constantly aims to enhance its quality
standards to achieve perfection. This has helped it earn tremendous loyalty from
Customers, resulting in a large percentage of its business coming through references
from the existing Customers.
The showrooms are located in a convenient location with the state-of-the-art
equipments with the key focus on quality and customer delight. The Service Centres
are enabled with skilled personnel, who can efficiently attend the repairs for the entire
range of Maruti Suzuki cars sold in Karnataka. Also, they are well equipped to provide
excellent after sales service with facilities like pickup and drop services.
The success of the Mandovi Motors would not have been possible without the support
of the valuable customers. Mandovi Motors Private Limited takes this opportunity to

thank all the customers for showering them with their graceful support. Mandovi
Motors Private Limited commits to grab every opportunity to contribute excellence
and customer happiness.

2.1 Brief history

Mandovi motors was established in 1963 as a Volkswagen spare and service dealership.
They were appointed as dealers for Suvege mopeds at Bangalore in 1965. After that
Maruti Udyog limited appointed Mandovi motors as dealers for Mandovi motors as
dealer for Maruti vehicles in the year 1983. Mr. Aroor Kishore Rao is the CMD of the
company. Mr. Aroor Ashok Rao is the MD of the company and Mr. Aroor Sanjay Rao
is the Director of the company.
Mandovi Motors Private Limited is one of the top Maruti dealers in India. They are the
first authorised dealer for Maruti in Karnataka and commands their operations at
Bangalore on 14 th June 1984. Mandovi Motors Private Limited also started Maruti
Suzuki authorised dealership at Mysore in 1986 and later in 1989 at Mangalore.
Mandovi motors private limited has over 2500 employees and the company is certified
as ISO- 9001/2000 for its quality system by a AIB International Limited, Brussels an
accredited body from Belgium.

Mandovi VISION
Surpassing customer expectations delighting the customer & to be India's topmost
leading for MSIL.
Mandovi Motors pledge to make quality a way of life through a commitment to
continual improvement in customer satisfaction & adhering to the quality management

As the year on, the employee’s are being to report on the program toward accomplishing
their goals.
The reporting system is typical of two types. Most supervisors have a written form of
MIS. Another form of MIS is the department meeting.

Typically employee’s of Mandovi Motors Private Limited, day-wise activity will start
with a daily meeting with their colleagues in which they discuss, principally what
transpired the previous day and the plan for the day vis-a-vars the target for the month.
These meetings give them a unique opportunity to undertake to develop as an
Executive. Education does not stop with college.
Employee’s also have daily, weekly and monthly meetings that deal with the
functioning of the department.

• Sales showroom at Lavalle Road
• Sales showroom at Wheelers Road
• Sales showroom at Basaveshwara Nagara
• Workshop & sales information center at Wilson Garden
• Workshop, True & sales Information center at Vijayanagar
• Stockyard at Nagar Bangalore
• Workshop & sales information center at Yashwantpur
• Workshop, true value, sales, information center & MDS center at JP Nagar
• Workshop & body repair at Yashvantpur Bangalore
• Workshop & body repair at NS Palya
 Sales showroom and workshop at Krs road.
 Workshop at Hunsur road Mysore.
 Stockyard and body repair at Hunsur road Mysore.
 True value at Hunsur road Mysore.
 Workshop and sales information centre at Bannus Rd, Siddartha layout Mysore.
 Workshop and E-outlet at Mandya.
 Workshop and sales information centre at Gonikoppa.
 MDS at Saraswatipuram.
 E-outlet at Chamarajanagar.

• Putting the new employees at ease
• Briefing them of the nature of work
• Greeting interest in his/her job and the company

• Providing basic information about working arrangement
• Indicating the standards of performance and behaviour expected of him/her
• Greeting the feeling of social security

Dress code & Code of conduct

The basic expectation is that the employee’s will be neatly and conservatively attired
in the uniform provided by the company and most Convey an image of competing,
diligence and sincerity of approach to the customers.
Right from the top all members of the company will be the provided uniform & added
to their sales members shall wear a tie.
In an employee’s experience, they will perceive the subtle difference in attitudes when
they wear a loud uniform. The cloth must say I am here to do the job properly,
efficiently and to the company. The audience treat everyone as they would like to be
treated themselves. Civility and politeness are the traits of an evolved human being.

Companies culture and philosophy

Growth of Mandovi motors group of company is based on specific cultural values
business philosophies and patterns not formally found in an average company. The
foundation of Mandovi is based on hard work sincerity integrity and commitment. A
great deal of personal sacrifice by many right from the top has made Mandovi what it
is today. Employee’s will continue to remain so as faith in these trades. Adherence and
respect to management systems procedures and policies buy one and all and compliance
with the same in letter and spirit.
Every employee is given a tall ladder to claim. Opportunities are being continuously
created for employee to contribute ideas as far as possible promotions are given in such
that employee who have convincingly exhibited their innovative spirit and fulfilled
assignments and achieve targets. It is believed that every human being is prone to make
mistakes but as they are not repeated and there is no negative motive and attempts are
made to correct them this company will be tolerant towards them. But those who hide
mistakes cover up and pass on the blame to others cannot rise in the company.
Hard and dedicated work is the Key to success anywhere and often takes precedence
over average intelligence. This is to be noted.

Targets and goals
Every member in the company has targets. In case the target cannot be quantified for
example accounts, customer back office and HR goals are set. The purpose of this is
twofold first if they have a goal they can begin to plan and organise second both
employee and their supervisor are unambitious about what they are setting out to do so
your appraisal can be done with clarity therefore you must find out what their target
goal is before they begin.

What is expected from the Employee

When the employee is settled he can trump in a selection procedure beating personal
people along the way. The interviews are head expects that you will and help the
department achieve perform excellence. Employee’s are a part of the team that
competes against other company in the marketplace. The company counts on
employee’s effort to beat the competition but let go one step at a time.

What are Mandovi motors famous for. What will an employee tell to the public?
Mandovi motors is best known for its sales and service network switches widespread
across Bangalore Mangalore and Mysore. Mandovi is a model leader to its competitors
and a big brand name with all over 3 decades of experience with Maruti Suzuki India
limited. The customers trust has only increased with growing years thanks to our
dedicated staff service stability and transparency.

Mandovi motors business concept

Mandovi are proud of their young involved and dedicated team of employee with an
average of 30 years. Mandovi has always looked upon new ventures and has always
been aiming to scale number heights to break records.
Mandovi are proud of their management philosophy of providing an creative and
challenging work environment to employees whereby they have rise from the ranks
providing motivation and example to others to come up in the ladder and are proud of
their company being With employees representing various religion caste creed
language and states of origin we are proud of our company spread and its activities
making us the Largest automobile dealer in the state.

 The Aroor family business was started in the year 1929 by late Aroor
Laxminarayana Rao with a fleet of public transport vehicles.
 Mandovi Motors - First Maruti dealer in Karnataka commenced operations on
14th June 1984 at Bangalore.
 Expanded Maruti dealership operations to Mysore in 1986 & Mangalore in
 Exclusive Body Repair workshop opened at Bangalore and Mysore in 1994 and
 Body Repair Workshop facility at Bangalore was created during 2005.
 Exclusive facility for PDI and Stockyard created for parking over 500 vehicles
at Bangalore in 1996.
 Awarded ISO-9001 certification in recognition of its High standards at
Bangalore during 1997. Subsequently in 2003 Mangalore & Mysore was
awarded ISO-9001.
 Widespread sales and after sales network in Karnataka with 5 showrooms & 24
 The first Automobile dealer in South India to deliver One Lakh cars. One new
car is delivered every 12 minutes from Mandovi Motors.
 Awarded deligent and prompt Tax Payers by Commercial Tax Department of
Karnataka during Golden Jubilee of Independence in 1996-97. One car gets
rolled out every Minute from our workshops. First dealer to commence True
Value operations in India in 2001. Commenced True Value operations in
Mysore and Mangalore during 2003. Exclusive Maruti Insurance division sells
over 4000 policies per month.
 Unique distinction of being the Largest Automobile Dealer in South India –
Highest Sales volume since inception till Mar 08.
Only Dealer in Karnataka selling over 1000 cars per Month.
Only Dealer in the state to service over 19000 cars per Month,
Only Dealer in Karnataka to have more than 2550 Employees.
Consistently No.1 dealer in Bangalore and Karnataka for the last 28 years and has
maintained its No. 1 slot in both sales and service since inception, in the country.
Second showroom at Wheelers Road, Bangalore started during 2004. Awarded No.1

Name plate in All India Non Metro-CSI survey in Mangalore during 2006. Maruti
Driving School facility at Mysore was created during 2008. Awarded All India No.3
position & 5-star rating for Balmatta Workshop, Mangalore during 2008. Silver Jubilee
workshop facility at Bangalore was created during June 2009. Awarded NSIC-CRISIL
rating of SE 1B which indicates "Highest performance capability and Moderate
Financial Strength" on April 2009. 3rd Showroom at Basaveshwara Nagar, Bangalore
started in the year 2012.
Awarded All India Level "Best HR Practices" in the year 2010-11 & 2011-12.
Royal Platinum Dealer from the past 3 years in a row. True Value Bangalore Awarded
Best Overall Performance in Karnataka for the year 11-12. Awarded as All India
"Highest Pre-own car sales" in the year 2011 -12. Mysore True Value Awarded as" Best
Up Country CI & Display Award " in the year 2012. Mangalore True Value Awarded
as "Highest Evaluation Vs Retail Award in the year 2012.


CSR - Corporate Social Responsibility is a part of social responsibility that any
organization owes to the society and through which the organization can get a good
brand Image. Mandovi Motors Private Limited has also contributed towards this
concern by the following good work
Advertisement related to Road Safety
° Bus Shelters for general public at various places.
Signal boards for RT at different parts of Mysore.
& Campus interview at colleges (ITI, Diploma etc)
° Job Fair - A way in which the company provides an opportunity in giving employment
to the unemployed
On the Job Training for IT students
• Project for students of various professions
• Eco-friendly Green workshops.
• Blood donation camps.
• Fund raising for Natural calamities.

The work culture is an inborn quality to sustain total customer satisfaction in longer run
of the business and expects the same from our newly joined members of the Mandovi
The company expects that the following decorum is maintained:
Adhering to work place norms, discipline, rules & regulations.
Adhering to timings of the company.
Maintaining customer friendly attitude.
Non-discriminatinq attitude.
Being friendly with Co-workers.
Confidentiality in maintaining company's affairs.
Using decent language.
No smoking in Work zone.
Wearing protective gears where ever necessary.
Following healthy practices such as keeping work place neat, switching off lights
computers & other electrical equipments when not necessary.
Avoiding wastage of any kind.
Attending all business calls promptly.


Fixed Pay / Gross Salary: The Gross or fixed salary has got break ups such as Basic,
DA and Conveyance.
Deductions: On a gross salary we will have a standard deductions like ESI, PF,
professional tax, TDS etc as per the laws and ceiling limits.
Variable Pay: This is paid monthly over and above the fixed Salary. Target based
Incentives are announced by the management from time to time to all operations and
Perks & Benefits (As applicable & As per their cadre)
• Petrol Allowance
• Company Vehicle • Mobile Allowances
•Gratuity as per Law
Working Tools
Laptops (As per their cadre)

Uniforms - Will be issued time to time in all the locations and should be worn without

1. Joining Formalities - New Members are required to submit without fail certain
documents and details as prescribed in the offer letter/ letter of Intent.4 passport size
and 1 stamp size photos, certificate showing the education, Experience Certificates,
> residential address proof, Relieving letter and salary slip of previous employment and
medical fitness certificate, reference letter.
2. Employee Kit - To get adjusted to the work and to learn the business process in a
smooth way employee kit is given to the Employee. Certain set of handbooks, uniforms
Identity card, stationeries, code of conduct etc are some of its contents,
3. Compensation - Salary is paid on or before 7th of each month. Salary break ups are
briefed in the letter of appointment. For employee's knowledge about his/her pay
system, break ups have been added along with the Letter of appointment /Letter of
Intent. Leave can be availed only with prior permission. An employee can avail earned
leave of 18 days and CL of 12 days only after confirmation and 1 year of service. Apart
from above, 5 national General Holidays and 5 festival holidays are given.
4. Identity Cards - is issued to all employees and will be valid upto 3 years. In case of
loss of ID cards, the same should be reported to the HR Dept.
5. Probation- Every newly joined employee is kept on probation for a minimum period
of 10 months to maximum of 2 years.
6. Dress Code - Every confirmed employee is provided uniform which should be worn
from 3rd month of joining as per company rules.
7. Transfer Policy - Based on business requirement the employee transfer is processed
through management decision. Employee service will be transferred to any
branch/department of M/s Mandovi Motors Pvt Ltd, anywhere in Karnataka due to
exigencies of work and also to its Sister Concerns if required.
8. Communication - Communication in the organization is based on the following:
• Daily/ Weekly / Monthly meetings
• Notice Boards
• Circulars

Mails/ Telephones
• Mandovi Happening, an in-house magazine.

9. Employee Welfare
celebrations at workplace - Birthdays of employees are celebrated on a particular day
of the respective month at different units.
• Suggestion scheme - A suggestion box is located at each unit. Here the employee can
give his/her suggestion which will be evaluated by a panel of evaluators, who will in
turn verify and reward them suitably.

- Mandovi Annual Day in all locations - Annual day is celebrated yearly once to
celebrate & felicitate the employees for get together as a family. We review ourselves
and we award the top performers who have contributed the whole year.

• Festival advance/Salary advance & Loans - Is given to the confirmed employees based
on certain criteria once in a financial year which will be recovered on EMI basis for
particular number of months.

- Meritorial award to employees children for academic excellence - This is given to

children of confirmed employees who excel in their academics (X & XIl standards). It
applies to only one child per year and if both the parents are employee of Mandovi then
only one of them can claim this award.

• Accident Insurance (Nagarika Suraksha): This policy covers emergency situations,

specially Accidents which may occur either in company or outside of the company.

• Group Mediclaim policy (HUM-TUM): Scheme for employees & their family
members where an employee needs to pay 50% of the premium and the rest 50% is
borne by the management if the salary is less than Rs 21,000 and an employee needs to
pay 30% of the premium and the rest 70% is borne by the management if the employee’s
salary is more than Rs 21,000.
• HUM TUM SAATH SAATH (Low Performer's Counselling) - One on one with the
employee: This is done in order to motivate the employees who are showing low

performance in their job. A maximum time is given & training imparted to the
employees to improve their performance.
• Performance based reward scheme - The Top Performers in various categories are
rewarded from time to time. This reward includes Certificate/Momento, and it is
personally presented by MD.
• Quarterly internal Magazine-Mandovi Happening - Mandovi happening is an
internally based Quarterly magazine which gives insight of things happening in &
outside Mandovi. An Initiative by HR Dept. Which covers entire Mandovi & is a source
of communication with its family.
• Counselling - is done to certain employees who are either identified by Departmental
Head or the HR Manager. Employees can also approach the HR Manager voluntarily
and things are kept very confidential.
• Gratuity - This is applicable as per law. An employee who has completed 5 continuous
years of service in the organization is eligible to get gratuity.
• Grievance Handling - Grievance is handled by the HR Manager through certain
defined procedure and grievance handling cell is constituted to attend the aggrieved at
the earliest. The report of the same should be submitted with observations to the CEO,
10. Performance Management System
It is a method of evaluating the performance of an employee in a proper manner to give
a proper growth in respect to responsibilities, positions and compensations as well.
Based on his/her achievement, promotion/increment/rewards will be given in a suitable
way. It identifies areas of improvement & facilitates for training, improves performance
& transparency in the management system. In Mandovi PMS is done as Half yearly
review & Annual review.
• KRA's - Key Results Areas are critical areas where employee is expected to perform
based on given goals. Core functions like Sales, Service, True Value & Insurance
personnel's are quantifiable & are evaluated by the Department Head, immediate
supervisor & the HR Manager. Other supporting staff are evaluated by their immediate
11. Exit Interview - Is done to those employees who retire or resign from the company.
Employee will need to fill the Exit interview form, to understand the reasons for
separation and get some suggestions for improvement. Also no due form needs to be
signed by concerned departmental heads and submitted to the HR Manager.

12. Training - Is given to employees to enhance his/her performance, efficiency in the
job, to keep abreast with the latest technology, market condition & to retain the existing
manpower. Basically the training given are of two types:
• In house Training - Is an internally organised training by certain experience based
trainers of the company on various aspects related to job skills and upgradation of
performance of the Employee.
• MSIL Training - Is an external training done by MSIL of different kinds to the
Employees of Sales, Service and POC Departments.
Every employee nominated for the training should attend it compulsorily & get the
training card signed by concerned trainer or else the employee will be liable for
necessary disciplinary actions. Employee should wear uniform or formal dress & reach
the training venue 15 minutes before training session.
13. Personalizing the human resource department -
Make sure you receive, read and return the acknowledged copy of your appointment
letter. This deals generally with the rules and regulations. The HR Department is the
second channel of communication open to you, besides your departmental head. It helps
to discuss your problems (if any) with Your HR Manger/Head. He/She can guide and
correct you particularly during your early years.


Every morning when employee’s come to the office there is an Electronic Card
Punching. It signifies that an employee is present.


Call the office and leave a word with the HR Department and your department head.
Indicate when an employee is expected to be in. If telephonic intimation is difficult then
one should send a mail or fax.


If an employee leaves the office during the day, it must be done with the consent of
their superior. For official work there is movement register to enter employee’s name,

contact address (person) and telephone number in case one has to be contacted during
the day.


Mandovi Motors Private Limited sell’s the entire product range of Maruti Suzuki India
Limited. The selling process even includes marketing as well. This process is basically
3 interrelated broad based process
1. Pre-Sales
2. Sales
3. Post Sales

1. Pre-Sales: Pre-sales consists of activities which are done before the actual sale of the
car. Enquiries may come in any form such as Walk-in, Telephonic, referrals, events,
Advertisements etc. It has got a systematic tracking system which is Dealer
Management System (DMS) based. As soon as the enquiries have been made the
Customers should be followed up and test drives should be offered within specified
Product demonstration should be done in order to sell the car and help the prospective
customers to know more about its features and buy it.
2. Sales: Sales process starts as soon as the customer books his vehicle with the
dealership and takes delivery of his vehicle. It has got two sub Process
a) Pre Delivery

a) Pre Delivery:- This process is further classified into several activities such as enquiry
tracking, order booking and finance process. The date & time of delivery is discussed
with the customer and finalised. To ensure vehicle is as per order, getting ready with
the paper works and making sure that everything is ready before the delivery of the
vehicle as per the stock.

b) Delivery:- The delivery of vehicle is the most critical part. The Pre-Delivery
Inspection needs to be done and the vehicle should be fitted with the number plates

after registration. Accessories should be fitted and final polishing of the car should be
done with decoration. The DSE who sold the vehicle and Service advisor should be
present at the time of Delivery.

3. Post Sales : Once the car is delivered, the customer should be provided with Post
Sales Follow up Card(PSF) and Sales Satisfaction Index (SSI) Card. Within 72 hours
of delivery feedback should be taken from the customer to find out whether the
customer is satisfied with the process of sales. If it's a negative feedback the complaint
should be resolved and satisfaction note is to be obtained. On 20th day of sale of vehicle
the DSE needs to visit the customer.

2.3.2 Sales Support Activity

Maruti Finance
Maruti has started finance in tie up with Banks/nbfcs like SBI, SUNDARAM, HDFC,
KOTAK, ICICI, Axis Bank etc are the major players. MSIL promotes their aligned
partners by giving subventions, interest is calculated on diminishing rate, repayment is
done as equated monthly installment, depending on the tenure.

Maruti Insurance: Comprehensive insurance and third party insurance is available.

Comprehensive policy is a must for vehicle under hire purchase/finance. Package
policy covers everything i.e, Earthquake, flood, theft, riot etc. But under third party
insurance policy the claim will only be applicable to the third person or property of the
third party which damage was due to the insured. In this case the insured will not be
eligible to claim for his personal property, losses & damages to his vehicle.

Extended Warranty: This warranty offers total peace, of mind for customer up to
4year/80000 kms. This is a mechanical & electrical breakdown warranty designed to
protect towards the cost of repairs/ replacement of any parts covered in the Extender
warranty booklet including free labour. This policy commences at the expiry of the
standard warranty period.

Maruti Suzuki Genuine Accessories (MSGA) & Non-Maruti Suzuki Genuine
Accessories are the essential fitting which every vehicles require, they include Floor

mats, Mud flaps & Steering cover. Other popular items are seat covers, side molding,
sun control films, music system, anti theft systems, wheel cover, anti rust coatings, alloy
wheels etc. Fitting charges & sales tax will be applicable to some of the items.

This is the used car division for exchange of vehicles & sale of Used vehicles. This
division helps customer to sell their existing vehicle and purchase a new Maruti. These
exchanged vehicles are refurbished and then sold in the market with warranty as Maruti
certifies vehicle
• Transparent evaluation gets you the right price.
• Hassle free payments.
• Assurance that your car goes into the right hands.
• Attractive exchange options.

Mandovi Motors Private Limited services all products of Maruti Suzuki India Limited.
It has 16 workshops including body repair. The service is usually defined as inspecting
of the vehicle, doing the regular maintenance work and repair/replace the faulty parts
of the vehicles as follows:-
a) Periodic Maintenance:- Replacing wear and tear items at a specific periodic intervals.
b) Preventive Maintenance :- Find the faulty and future troubling parts - repairing &
replacing them to avoid future major problems.
c) Accident repair :- Repairs such as Dents, Damages, Painting, Replacements due to
The main objective of any service centre is customer satisfaction and to attend all MSIL
products in a systematic and professional manner. A high quality of service, reception
and behaviour elevates the customer. In order to achieve the above the following
features needs to be incorporated in each workshop.
Reliability - Service provided should show the technical competency of the employee
which leads to reliable services.
Speed - Availability of required equipments to repair the vehicles and ensuring the
standard inspection procedures increases efficiency and speed of service.
Convenience - The comfortability of services such as pick up and drop etc will make
customers more satisfied.

- Charge the labour according to Maruti standard norms to be more economical
Politeness - Being polite and courteous is more appreciated by customers.
Faith - Transparency in services and charges being made will increase the faith of the
customers towards the service station.


Career Growth at Mandovi Motors is a comprehensive career planning, development
and management program that helps the organization & employees to develop, evaluate
assign and retain employees by engaging them in a structured process.
Today's work environment demands that we become faster and more flexible in
anticipating and exceeding the needs of our customers and employees. Creating a high
performance culture built on continuous learning will help Mandovi Motors achieve
business growth for the company and professional growth for the employees. Mandovi
Motors is a learning organization committed to continuous improvement. It's a
philosophy that says that "learning is a part of every employee's job every day.


At Mandovi Motors we are driven by our core values that define the enduring character
of our organizations. Our core values keeps us focused to the common goal and help us
in bringing remarkable benefits to our associates and employee. We believe that the
benefits we provide to an individual today will bring greater benefits tomorrow.
We ensure that your career with Mandovi Motors combines professional growth and
enjoyment and you will feel proud of the organization.


Working at Mandovi Motors is often challenging, where the employee’s face diverse
customers every day. However the employee’s celebrate their work and people at
Mandovi Motors Private Limitied and enjoy a vibrant lifestyle. Employee’s combine
work with fun to ensure that Mandovi Motors employees are hard workers who also
play hard.

Mandovi Motors private limited has a professional work culture where talents are
identified and acknowledged. It have created the environment where its employees get
the right platform to enjoy maximum growth, Our compensation incentive structures
are designed to attract, motivate, recognize and retain the best of the talents in the
industry. Mandovi Motors goes every way to recognize outstanding performances and
we have attractive compensation structure and performances of basic incentives.


Knowledge is the primary driving force of the service industry. Mandovi Motors private
limited believe that an organization with a skilled human capital can have an edge in
this highly competitive industry. Mandovi Motors realize the necessity of developing
and upgrading knowledge. It sends its employees to training programs that would help
them in their career growth. At Mandovi Motors apart from regular and mandatory
training programs, several internal training programs that enables employees to take
more challenging roles are organized.


At Mandovi Motors the periodic performance of the professionals are regularly
evaluated to provide them the best career growth and compensation package. Mandovi
Motors values every initiative that the employees take for the benefit and growth of the
company. Depending on their performance and extraordinary efforts, we suitably
reward them at every step.


1. Sales Manager
The captain of the ship is the sales manager. A proficient salesperson to start, the
manager provides leadership to the sales team. They keep track of sales quotas and
goals. When a spot opens up for a new team member, they hire them. They empower
the sales team to work hard and hit quotas.The sales manager writes work schedules
and corresponds with Human Resources. If they aren’t the owner themselves, they also
work closely with the dealership owner.

2. Finance Manager
After deciding to buy a car from a salesperson, they’ll likely hand you off to a finance
manager. Different dealerships give them different titles. Their job is to up-sell other
products and services and get the financial paperwork done.The finance manager might

encourage the buyer to also buy rust-proofing. They could have insurance sold through
the dealership. Winter tires, trunk nets, and other accessories could get promoted.

3. Customer Service Representative

Every dealership should have a pleasant, smiling face greeting the customers. It could
be a receptionist, a greeter, or a concierge.Their job is to facilitate the buyer’s journey.
Does the person want to see a salesperson now? Do they want a specific sales employee
to work with them?The receptionist books appointments, answers the phone and works
on sales paperwork. First and foremost, they ensure the customer has a positive

4. Car Detailer
Some cars sit on the lot for weeks or months before getting sold. That means they’ve
endured months of rain, snow, and other bad weather conditions.After a sale, but before
the car gets picked up, it needs detailing.Most dealerships will have a car detailer in-
house or nearby to clean cars. They could clean cars still on the lot for sale, too. Their
job is all about making the product look great for the customer.

5. Lot Manager
Large dealership lots usually rely on a lot manager to organize it. The lot manager
returns cars to their place after test drives.When new inventory comes in, they park it
in the correct spot.Parking well is a huge asset to dealerships. It affects the professional
appearance of the business. Cars in the lot need to get parked identically across the

6. Property Maintenance
Curb appeal is important to successful dealerships. Customers care how a business
looks outside because it forms their first impression.
Large dealerships will hire a handyman and/or property maintenance person. They take
care of snow removal, lawn care, and building maintenance. They may also hire the
cleaning team to ensure the inside of the dealership stays clean. Small and independent
dealerships are less likely to have these roles. With bigger franchise names comes a
bigger budget to spend on employees.

7. HR Consultant
Who ensures the other employees get paid, show up, and are happy? The Human
Resources consultant handles all employee-related tasks. In a car dealership, this will
often include facilitating health and safety training. They ensure new employees have
a desk and login code. They provide orientation to new employees. If employees have
complaints or concerns, they can discuss them with HR. The consultant
sometimes works on company culture and engagement. They might plan weekly or
monthly events that are fun for the whole team.The consultant often works closely with
the sales manager and dealership owner.

8. Service Technicians
Some dealerships have their own Parts & Service Departments. This is especially
common for franchised dealerships. Service Departments employ many people.
There’re the technicians, the appointment setters, and the shuttle drivers. Most Service
Departments have a manager who schedules and leads the other employees.
Technicians usually have formal education in auto mechanics. Some of the employees
are in apprenticeship programs getting on the job training.

9. Parts Technicians
If there’s a Service Department, there might also be a Parts Department. Franchised
dealerships want customers to buy parts from their brand, not aftermarket sellers. In the
Parts Department, there are parts sales representatives and technicians. You might also
find tire-pushers. These employees work during snow tire season to literally move
tires. The Parts Department works closely with the Service Department. If there’s a
recall, the service manager might need them to order the right replacement parts. Like
the Service Department, the Parts Department will likely have a manager. In smaller
dealerships, the two management positions are done by the same person.

10. Salespeople
Lastly, the front face of the car dealership is the salespeople. They’re the ones you
expect to see in the showroom. It’s their job to sell you a car. The salespeople must
know everything about their product. To sell it well, they must also be personable and
persuasive. No one likes a pushy, aggressive sales person. There’s certainly an art to
selling cars. You must be able to read the customer when they walk in and anticipate

what they need. Communication is key. Once you have the customer’s interest, don’t
lose it. Salespeople take the customer through the buying process from start until close.


Sales Force
India is a car culture. As kids we play with toy versions or motor around in small plastic
replicas. As teens, we count down the days until we can get our license and then hope
mom and dad will loan us their cars—or, even better, gift us with one of our own. And
buying a first car is an important rite of passage into adulthood for many people.

Savvy car dealership owners know this and pick their sales force accordingly to ensure
the process is more enjoyable than it is stressful. A good car salesperson is of course
well-versed in a vehicle's technical aspects. They also need to be able to "read" their
potential customers and, if necessary, be prepared to give them a pitch that appeals to

Finance Department

Once the customer settles on a purchase, they'll need to figure out how to pay for it.
That's where the dealership's finance department comes in. Most dealerships have
several employees, known as finance managers, who help customers arrange an auto
loan. Finance managers are well-versed in all aspects of car lending, so even first-time
buyers with low credit scores should be able to make a deal. Depending on the needs

of the customer, the finance managers are also responsible for up-selling add-ons such
as rust-proofing, special paint coatings, or extra protections for interior surfaces.

Accounting and Billing

There's plenty of paperwork involved in selling a car, most of which is handled by the
accounting or billing department. These folks are trained to keep track of everything
from sales deals to service and repair bills. They also process all warranty claims. Those
who work in accounting and billing rarely interact with customers directly
(receptionists and customer-service specialists do that), so it's more important that they
hone their bookkeeping, accounting, and math skills, rather than their sales savvy.

Service Department

Establishing and maintaining a service department, often referred to as the dealership's

fixed operations, is crucial to a successful operation. This department consists of the
technicians who perform repairs, the service advisors who assist customers and sell
maintenance packages, and porters who prep just-sold vehicles for delivery. At some
stores, porters also wash cars once repairs are completed. And some dealerships employ
drivers to pick up and shuttle customers to and from work or home, or to shuttle
customers' cars to their homes after repairs are complete. High-end dealers offer loaner
cars, and employees in the service department might manage that program as well. Tied
to the service department is the parts department, which stocks and sells parts and
accessories for the service department and for retail sales.

Together, these various departments make up the car dealership as a whole. Those who
own and operate their own lots would do well to acquaint themselves with the
operations of each.

2.5 Maruti Suzuki India Limited
Maruti Suzuki India Limited, formerly known as Maruti Udyog Limited, is an
Indian automobile manufacturer, based in New Delhi. It was founded in 24 February
1981 however it commenced the production of automobiles a year later in 1983. As of
April 2022 Maruti Suzuki has a market share of 41.63 percent in the Indian passenger
car market.

Logo of Maruti Udyog

Maruti Udyog Limited was founded by the Government of India on 24 Jan 1981 with
Suzuki Motor Corporation as a minor partner. The first manufacturing factory of Maruti
was established in the year 1983.
2.5.1 Chronology

Affiliation with Suzuki

In 1982, a license and joint venture agreement (JVA) was signed between Maruti
Udyog Ltd., and Suzuki of Japan. At first, Maruti Suzuki was mainly an importer of
cars. In India's closed market, Maruti received the right to import 2 fully built-up Suzuki
in the first two years, and even after that, the early goal was to use only 33% indigenous
parts. This upset the local manufacturers considerably. There were some concerns that
the Indian market was too small to absorb the comparatively large production planned
by Maruti Suzuki, with the government even considering adjusting the petrol tax and
lowering the excise duty in order to boost sales. Local production commenced in
December 1983 with the introduction of the SS30/SS40 Suzuki Fronte/Alto-
based Maruti 800. In 1984, the Maruti Van with the same three-cylinder engine as the
800 was released and the installed capacity of the plant in Gurgaon reached 40,000
In 1985, the Suzuki SJ410-based Gypsy, a 970 cc 4WD off-road vehicle, was launched.
In 1986, the original 800 was replaced by an all-new model of the 796 cc
hatchback Suzuki Alto (SS80) and the 100,000th vehicle was produced by the
company. In 1987, the company started exporting to western markets, when a lot of 500

cars were sent to Hungary. By 1988, the capacity of the Gurgaon plant was increased
to 100,000 units per annum.

2.5.2 Market liberalisation

In 1989, the Maruti 1000 was introduced and the 970 cc, three-box was India's first
contemporary sedan. By 1991, 65 percent of the components, for all vehicles produced,
were indigenized. After liberalization of the Indian economy in 1991, Suzuki increased
its stake in Maruti to 50 percent, making the company a 50-50 joint venture with the
government of India as the other stake holder.
In 1993, the Zen, a 993 cc engined hatchback was launched and in 1994 the
1,298 cc Esteem sedan was introduced. Maruti produced its 1 millionth vehicle since
the commencement of production in 1994. Maruti's second plant was opened with
annual capacity reaching 200,000 units. Maruti launched a 24-hour emergency on-road
vehicle service. In 1998, the new Maruti 800 was released, being the first change in
design since 1986. Zen D, a 1,527 cc diesel hatchback, and Maruti's first diesel vehicle,
and a redesigned Omni were introduced. In 1999, the 1.6-litre Maruti Baleno three-box
sedan and Wagon R were also launched.
In 2000, Maruti became the first car company in India to launch a call center for internal
and customer services. The new Alto model was released. In 2001, Maruti True Value,
selling and buying used cars was launched. In October of the same year the Maruti
Versa was launched. In 2002, Esteem Diesel was introduced. Two new subsidiaries
were also started: Maruti Insurance Distributor Services and Maruti Insurance Brokers
Limited. Suzuki Motor Corporation increased its stake in Maruti to 54.2 per cent.
In 2003, the new Suzuki Grand Vitara XL-7 was introduced while the Zen and the
Wagon R were upgraded and redesigned. The four millionth Maruti vehicle was built
and they entered into a partnership with the State Bank of India. Maruti Udyog Ltd.
was listed on BSE and NSE after a public issue, which was oversubscribed tenfold. In
2004, the Alto became India's best selling car overtaking the Maruti 800 after nearly
two decades. The five-seater Versa 5-seater, a new variant, was created while the
Esteem was re-launched. Maruti Udyog closed the financial year 2003–04 with an
annual sale of 472,122 units, the highest ever since the company began operations and
the fiftieth lakh (5 millionth) car rolled out in April 2005. The 1.3-litre Suzuki Swift
five-door hatchback was introduced in 2005.

In 2006 Suzuki and Maruti set up another joint venture, "Maruti Suzuki Automobiles
India", to build two new manufacturing plants, one for vehicles and one for
engines. Cleaner cars were also introduced, with several new models meeting the
new Bharat Stage III emission standards. In February 2012, Maruti Suzuki sold its ten
millionth vehicle in India. In July 2014 it had a market share of more 45%. In May
2015, the company produced its fifteen millionth vehicle in India, a Swift Dzire.
On 25 April 2019, Maruti Suzuki announced that it would phase out production
of diesel cars by 1 April 2020, when the Bharat Stage VI emission standards come into
effect. The new standards would require a significant investment from the company to
upgrade its existing diesel engines to comply with the more stringent emission
standards. Chairman R.C. Bhargava stated, "We have taken this decision so that in 2022
we are able to meet the corporate average fuel efficiency (CAFE) norms and higher
share of CNG vehicles will help us comply with the norms. I hope the union
government's policies will help grow the market for CNG vehicles." Diesel cars
accounted for about 23 percent of Maruti Suzuki's annual sales.
The company plans to launch its first electric car in the second half of 2021, the Maruti
Suzuki WagonR Electric and a test mule of the same has been spotted several times
Joint venture related issues
Relationship between the Government of India, under the United Front (India) coalition
and Suzuki Motor Corporation over the joint venture was a point of heated debate in
the Indian media until Suzuki Motor Corporation gained the controlling stake. This
highly profitable joint venture that had a near monopolistic trade in the Indian
automobile market and the nature of the partnership built up till then was the underlying
reason for most issues. The success of the joint venture led Suzuki to increase its equity
from 26% to 40% in 1987, and to 50% in 1992, and further to 56.21% as of 2013. In
1982, both the venture partners entered into an agreement to nominate their candidate
for the post of Managing Director and every Managing Director would have a tenure
of five years.
Manufacturing facilities
Maruti Suzuki has two manufacturing facilities in Haryana (Gurgaon and Manesar),
and one manufacturing complex in Gujarat wholly-owned by parent
company Suzuki which supplies its entire production to Maruti Suzuki. All
manufacturing facilities have a combined production capacity of 2,250,000 vehicles

annually (1.5 million from Maruti Suzuki's two plants and 750,000 from Suzuki Motor
The Gurgaon manufacturing facility has three fully integrated manufacturing plants and
is spread over 300 acres (1.2 km2). The Gurgaon facilities also manufacture 240,000 K-
Series engines annually. The Gurgaon facility manufactures the Alto
800, WagonR, Ertiga, XL6, S-Cross, Vitara Brezza, Ignis and Eeco. The Gurgaon
facility also assembles the Jimny starting from January 2021 solely for export markets.
It was reported the Indian-assembled Jimny will be exported to African markets and
countries in the Middle East.[23]
The Manesar manufacturing plant was inaugurated in February 2007 and is spread over
600 acres (2.4 km2). Initially it had a production capacity of 100,000 vehicles annually
but this was increased to 300,000 vehicles annually in October 2008. The production
capacity was further increased by 250,000 vehicles taking total production capacity to
800,000 vehicles annually. The Manesar plant produces
the Alto, Swift, Ciaz, Baleno and Celerio. On 25 June 2012, Haryana State Industries
and Infrastructure Development Corporation demanded Maruti Suzuki to pay an
additional Rs 235 crore for enhanced land acquisition for its Haryana plant expansion.
The agency reminded Maruti that failure to pay the amount would lead to further
proceedings and vacating the enhanced land acquisition.
In 2012, the company decided to merge Suzuki Powertrain India Limited (SPIL) with
itself. SPIL was started as a JV by Suzuki Motor Corp. along with Maruti Suzuki. It has
the facilities available for manufacturing diesel engines and transmissions. The demand
for transmissions for all Maruti Suzuki cars is met by the production from SPIL.
In 2017, the new Suzuki Motor Gujarat facility was opened. This third facility is not
owned by Maruti Suzuki, but instead wholly owned by Suzuki Motor Corporation.
Despite that, the plant supplied vehicles to Maruti without any additional cost. Located
in Hansalpur, Ahmedabad, the plant has the total annual capacity of 750,000 units.
In November 2021 Maruti Suzuki announce to set up a big plant in IMT Kharkhoda in
Sonipat district across 900 acres with a investment of 18000 crore.
Haryana State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation gives 900 acres
of land to Maruti Suzuki for setting up a new plant in Industrial Model Township
at Kharkhoda, Haryana.


Since its founding in 1983, Maruti Udyog Limited has experienced problems with its
labour force. The Indian labour it hired readily accepted Japanese work culture and the
modern manufacturing process. In 1997, there was a change in ownership, and Maruti
became predominantly government controlled. Shortly thereafter, conflict between
the United Front Government and Suzuki started. In 2000, a major industrial relations
issue began and employees of Maruti went on an indefinite strike, demanding among
other things, major revisions to their wages, incentives and pensions.
Employees used slowdown in October 2000, to press a revision to their incentive-linked
pay. In parallel, after elections and a new central government led by NDA alliance,
India pursued a disinvestment policy. Along with many other government owned
companies, the new administration proposed to sell part of its stake in Maruti Suzuki in
a public offering. The worker's union opposed this sell-off plan on the grounds that the
company will lose a major business advantage of being subsidised by the Government,
and the union has better protection while the company remains in control of the
The standoff between the union and the management continued through 2001. The
management refused union demands citing increased competition and lower margins.
The central government privatized Maruti in 2002 and Suzuki became the majority
owner of Maruti Udyog Limited.


On 18 July 2012, Maruti's Manesar plant was hit by violence. According to Maruti
management, the production workers attacked supervisors and started a fire that killed
company's General Manager of Human Resources Avineesh Dev and injured 100 other
managers, including two Japanese expatriates. The workers also allegedly injured nine
policemen. However Maruti Suzuki Workers Union (MSWU) President Sam Meher
alleged that management ordered 300 hired security guards to attack the workforce
during the violence. The incident is the worst-ever for Suzuki since the company began
operations in India in 1983.
Since April 2012, the Manesar union had demanded a three-fold increase in basic
salary, a monthly conveyance allowance of ₹10,000, a laundry allowance of ₹3,000,
a gift with every new car launch, and a house for every worker who wants one, or
cheaper home loans for those who want to build their own houses. According to the

comments to a low-caste worker, Jiya Lal. These claims were denied by the company
and the police. Maruti said the unrest began, not over wage discussions, but after the
workers' union demanded the reinstatement of Jiya Lal who had been suspended for
allegedly beating a supervisor. The workers claim harsh working conditions and
extensive hiring of low-paid contract workers which are paid about $126 a month, about
half the minimum wage of permanent employees. On 27 June 2013, an international
delegation from the International Commission for Labor Rights (ICLR) released
a report alleging serious violations of the industrial right of workers by the Maruti
Suzuki management. Company executives denied harsh conditions and claim they hired
entry-level workers on contracts and made them permanent as they gained
experience. Maruti employees currently earn allowances in addition to their base wage.
The police, in its First Information Report (FIR), claimed on 21 July that Manesar
violence is the result of a planned violence by a section of workers and union leaders
and arrested 91 people. Maruti Suzuki in its statement on the unrest, announced that all
work at the Manesar plant has been suspended indefinitely. The shut down of Manesar
plant is leading to a loss of about Rs 75 crore per day. On 21 July 2012, citing safety
concerns, the company announced a lockout under The Industrial Disputes Act,
1947 pending results of an inquiry the company has requested of the Haryana
government into the causes of the disorder. Under the provisions of The Industrial
Disputes Act for wages, the report claimed, employees are expected to be paid for the
duration of the lockout. On 26 July 2012, Maruti announced employees would not be
paid for the period of lock-out in accordance with Indian labour laws. The company
further announced that it will stop using contract workers by March 2013. The report
claimed the salary difference between contract workers and permanent workers has
been much smaller than initial media reports – the contract worker at Maruti received
about ₹ 11,500 per month, while a permanent worker received about ₹12,500 a month
at start, which increased in three years to ₹21,000-22,000 per month. In a separate
report, a contractor who was providing contract employees to Maruti claimed the
company gave its contract employees the best wage, allowances and benefits package
in the region.
Shinzo Nakanishi, managing director and chief executive of Maruti Suzuki India, said
this type of violence has never happened in Suzuki Motor Corp's global operations in
Hungary, Indonesia, Spain, Pakistan, Thailand, Malaysia, China and the Philippines.
Nakanishi apologised to affected workers on behalf of the company, and in press

interview requested the central and Haryana state governments to help stop further
violence by legislating decisive rules to restore corporate confidence amid emergence
of this new 'militant workforce' in Indian factories. He announced, "we are going to de-
recognise Maruti Suzuki Workers' Union and dismiss all workers named in connection
with the incident. We will not compromise at all in such instances of barbaric,
unprovoked violence." He also announced Maruti plans to continue manufacturing in
Manesar, that Gujarat was an expansion opportunity and not an alternative to Manesar.
The company dismissed 500 workers accused of causing the violence and re-opened
the plant on 21 August, saying it would produce 150 vehicles on the first day, less than
10% of its capacity. Analysts said that the shutdown was costing the company 1 billion
rupees ($18 million) a day and costing the company market share. In July 2013, the
workers went on hunger strike to protest the continuing jailing of their colleagues and
launched an online campaign to support their demands.
A total of 148 workers were charged with the murder of Human Resources Manager
Avineesh Dev. The court dismissed charges against 117 of the workers. On 17 March
2017, 31 workers were found guilty of variety of offences. 18 were convicted on
charges of rioting, trespassing, causing hurt and other related offences under Indian
Penal Code sections. The remaining 13 workers were sentenced to life in imprisonment
after being found guilty of the murder of General Manager of Human Resources
Avineesh Dev. Twelve of the thirteen sentenced were office-bearers of the Maruti
Suzuki Workers Union at the time of the alleged offences. The prosecution had sought
the death penalty for the thirteen.
Both prosecution and defence have announced they will appeal against the sentences.
Defence counsel Vrinda Grover stated, "We will file appeals against all convictions in
the HC. The evidence, as it stands, cannot withstand legal scrutiny. There is no evidence
to link these workers to the murder. The 13 who have been convicted, it’s important to
remember that they were the leaders of the union. Therefore, it is clear that this is
targeted framing of these persons. We hope for justice in the superior court".
The Maruti Suzuki Workers Union is continuing to organise industrial action and
protests calling for the workers to be released and criticising the judgement and
sentences an unjust. An international appeal for the release of the workers has been
made by the International Committee for the Fourth International (ICFI) and other
organisations such as the Peoples Alliance for Democracy and Secularism.

Current model
Model Indian
Update outlet
introd Introduction


Alto 2000 2012 2019 Arena


Baleno 2015 2022 — NEXA


Celerio 2014 2021 — Arena

Ignis 2017 2017 2019 NEXA

S-Presso 2019 2019 — Arena

Swift 2005 2017 2020 Arena

Wagon R 2000 2019 — Arena


Ciaz 2014 2014 2018 (2017–

Dzire 2008 2018 2021 Arena


SX4 S-Cross 2015 2015 2018 NEXA

2016 2016 2020 Arena

EECO Eeco 2010 2010 — Suzuki

Ertiga 2012 2018 — Arena

XL6 2019 2019 — NEXA

Model Released Discontinued Image

800 1983 2014

Omni 1984 2019

Gypsy E 1985 2000

Gypsy King 1985 2017

1000 1990 2000

Zen 1993 2006

Esteem 1994 2007

Baleno 1999 2006

Baleno Altura 2000 2006

Versa 2001 2010

Grand Vitara XL-7

2003 2007

Grand Vitara
2007 2014

Zen Estilo 2007 2013

SX4 2007 2014

A-star 2008 2014

Swift Dzire 2008 2017

Ritz 2008 2016

Alto K10 2010 2020

2011 2014

Baleno RS 2017 2020


Maruti Suzuki has 3,598 sales outlets across 1,861 cities in India. The company aims
to increase its sales network to 4,000 outlets by 2020. It has 3,792 service stations across
1,861 cities throughout India. Maruti's dealership network is larger than that of enough
known companies combined. Service is a major revenue generator of the company.
Most of the service stations are managed on franchise basis, where Maruti Suzuki trains
the local staff. Also, The Express Service stations exist, sending across their repair man
to the vehicle if it is away from a normal service center.

2.5.6 NEXA
In 2015, Maruti Suzuki launched NEXA, a new dealership network for its premium
cars which stands for New Exclusive Automotive Experience.
Maruti Suzuki currently sells the Baleno, S-Cross, XL6, Ciaz and Ignis through NEXA
outlets. S-Cross was the first car to be sold through NEXA outlets. Several new models
will be added to both channels as part of the company's medium term goal of 2 million
annual sales by 2020. The company recently achieved a milestone of selling 1.5 million
cars from over 350 dealerships across the country and is the third largest automobile
retail channel of India.

Launched in 2002 Maruti Suzuki provides vehicle insurance to its customers with the
help of the National Insurance Company, Bajaj Allianz, New India Assurance and
Royal Sundaram. The service was set up the company with the inception of two
subsidiaries Maruti Insurance Distributors Services Pvt. Ltd and Maruti Insurance
Brokers Pvt. Limited
This service started as a benefit or value addition to customers and was able to ramp up
easily. By December 2005 they were able to sell more than two million insurance
policies since its inception.


To promote its bottom line growth, Maruti Suzuki launched Maruti Finance in January
2002. Prior to the start of this service Maruti Suzuki had started two joint ventures
Citicorp Maruti and Maruti Countrywide with Citi Group and GE Countrywide
respectively to assist its client in securing loan. Maruti Suzuki tied up with ABN Amro
Bank, HDFC Bank, ICICI Limited, Kotak Mahindra, Standard Chartered Bank, and
Sundaram to start this venture including its strategic partners in car finance. Again the
company entered into a strategic partnership with SBI in March 2003.Since March
2003, Maruti has sold over 12,000 vehicles through SBI-Maruti Finance. SBI-Maruti
Finance is currently available in 166 cities across India.
Citicorp Maruti Finance Limited is a joint venture between Citicorp Finance India and
Maruti Udyog Limited its primary business stated by the company is "hire-purchase
financing of Maruti Suzuki vehicles". Citi Finance India Limited is a wholly owned
subsidiary of Citibank Overseas Investment Corporation, Delaware, which in turn is a
100% wholly owned subsidiary of Citibank N.A. Citi Finance India Limited holds 74%
of the stake and Maruti Suzuki holds the remaining 26%. GE Capital, HDFC and Maruti
Suzuki came together in 1995 to form Maruti Countrywide. Maruti claims that its
finance program offers most competitive interest rates to its customers, which are lower
by 0.25% to 0.5% from the market rates.


Maruti True service offered by Maruti Suzuki to its customers. It is a market place for
used Maruti Suzuki Vehicles. One can buy, sell or exchange used Maruti or non-Maruti

vehicles with the help of this service in India. As of April 2022 there are 1,252 outlets
across 942 cities.


N2N is the short form of End to End Fleet Management and provides lease and fleet
management to corporates. Clients who have signed up of this service include Gas
Authority of India Ltd, DuPont, Reckitt Benckiser, Doordarshan, Singer India, National
Stock Exchange of India and Transworld. This fleet management service include
Leasing, Maintenance, Convenience services and Remarketing.


Many of the auto component companies, other than Maruti Suzuki, started to offer
compatible components and accessories. This caused a serious threat and loss of
revenue to Maruti Suzuki. Maruti Suzuki started a new initiative under the brand
name Maruti Genuine Accessories to offer accessories like alloy wheels, body cover,
carpets, door visors, fog lamps, stereo systems, seat covers and other car care products.
These products are sold through dealer outlets and authorized service stations
throughout India.

Report on the Audit of the Standalone Financial Statements Opinion

Balance Sheet as on 31 March, 2022, and the Statement of Profit and Loss (including
Other Comprehensive Income), the Cash Flow Statement and the Statement of Changes
in Equity for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and
other explanatory information. In its opinion and to the best of their information and
according to the explanations given, the aforesaid standalone financial statements give
the information required by the Companies Act, 2013 (“the Act”) in the manner so
required and give a true and fair view in conformity with the [Indian Accounting
Standards prescribed under section 133 of the Act read with the Companies (Indian
Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015, as amended, (“Ind AS”) and other accounting
principles generally accepted in India, of the state of affairs of the Company as at 31
March, 2022, and its profit total comprehensive income, its cash flows and the changes
in equity for the year ended on that date. Basis for Opinion it has conducted the audit
of the standalone financial statements in accordance with the Standards on Auditing
specified under section 143(10) of the Act (SAs). Its responsibilities under those

Standards are further described in the Auditor’s Responsibility for the Audit of the
Standalone Financial Statements section of our report. are independent of the Company
in accordance with the Code of Ethics issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants
of India (ICAI) together with the ethical requirements that are relevant to our audit of
the standalone financial statements under the provisions of the Act and the Rules made
thereunder, and they have fulfilled the other ethical responsibilities in accordance with
these requirements and the ICAI’s Code of Ethics. The company believes that the audit
evidence obtained, is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion
on the standalone financial statements. Key Audit Matters Key audit matters are those
matters that, in professional judgment, were of most significance in the audit of the
standalone financial statements of the current period. These matters were addressed in
the context of audit of the standalone financial statements as a whole, and in forming
the opinion thereon, and they do not provide a separate opinion on these matters. It has
determined the matters described below to be the key audit matters to be communicated
in our report. Sr. No. Key Audit Matter Auditor’s Response 1 Evaluation of uncertain
tax positions relating to Income taxes and Excise duty The Company has material
uncertain tax positions including matters under disputes relating to Income taxes.
Further, the Company has matters under litigation relating to Excise duty. These matters
involve significant management judgement to determine the possible outcome of
disputes. Refer note 2.4 and 37 (i) and (iii) of the financial statements. Principal audit
procedures performed:

a) It evaluated the design and implementation of internal controls and tested the
operating effectiveness of controls for estimation of the amount of financial impact and
outcome of Income Tax and Excise duty litigations and claims and consequent
recording /disclosure in the financial statements.
b) It has obtained details of Income tax and Excise duty assessment orders and
management’s evaluation of those assessment orders and performed the following
procedures : - It has verified the arithmetical accuracy of the computation prepared by
management based on Income Tax and Excise Orders received to determine the
financial impact of the matters under dispute and consequent recording/disclosure in
the financial statements. – It has involved the tax specialists to challenge the
management’s underlying assumptions in estimating the financial impact and the

possible outcome of the litigations and disputes after considering the legal precedence
and other rulings.
c) It has assessed the accounting principles applied by the Company to measure and
disclose the financial impact of these litigations in accordance with the Indian
Accounting Standards, applicable regulatory financial reporting framework and other
accounting principles generally accepted in India Information Other than the Financial
Statements and Auditor’s Report Thereon. The Company’s Board of Directors is
responsible for the other information. The other information comprises the information
included in the Management Discussion and Analysis, Board’s Report including
Annexures to Board’s Report and Corporate Governance Report, but does not include
standalone financial statements and our auditor’s report thereon.
• The opinion on the standalone financial statements does not cover the other
information and they do not express any form of assurance conclusion thereon
• In connection with the audit of the standalone financial statements, the responsibility
is to read the other information and, in doing so, consider whether the other information
is materially inconsistent with the standalone financial statements or the knowledge
obtained during the course of our audit or otherwise appears to be materially misstated.
•Board of Directors is responsible for the matters stated in section 134(5) of the Act
with respect to the preparation of these standalone financial statements that give a true
and fair view of the financial position, financial performance including other
comprehensive income, cash flows and changes in equity of the Company in
accordance with the other accounting principles generally accepted in India. This
responsibility also includes maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance
with the provisions of the Act for safeguarding the assets of the Company and for
preventing and detecting frauds and other irregularities selection and application of
appropriate accounting policies; making judgments and estimates that are reasonable
and prudent; and design, implementation and maintenance of adequate internal
financial controls, that were operating effectively for ensuring the accuracy and
completeness of the accounting records, relevant to the preparation and presentation of
the standalone financial statement that give a true and fair view and are free from
material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. In preparing the standalone
financial statements, management is responsible for assessing the Company’s ability to
continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern
and using the going concern basis of accounting unless management either intends to

liquidate the Company or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do
so. Those Board of Directors are also responsible for overseeing the Company’s
financial reporting process. Auditor’s Responsibility for the Audit of the Standalone
Financial Statements and objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether
the standalone financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement,
whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes its opinion.
Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit
conducted in accordance with SAs will always detect a material misstatement when it
exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if,
individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the
economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these standalone financial statements.
As part of an audit in accordance with SAs, exercise professional judgment and
maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit.
Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the standalone financial
statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures
responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to
provide a basis for opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting
from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion,
forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.
Obtain an understanding of internal financial control relevant to the audit in order to
design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances. Under section
143(3)(i) of the Act, they are also responsible for expressing our opinion on whether
the Company has adequate internal financial controls system in place and the operating
effectiveness of such controls.
Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of
accounting estimates and related disclosures made by the management.
Conclude on the appropriateness of management’s use of the going concern basis of
accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty
exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Company’s
ability to continue as a going concern. If they conclude that a material uncertainty
exists, it is required to draw attention in our auditor’s report to the related disclosures
in the standalone financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify
our opinion. The conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of

auditor’s report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Company to cease
to continue as a going concern.
Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the standalone financial
statements, including the disclosures, and whether the standalone financial statements
represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair


The Report is based on the Integrated Reporting Framework (referred to as the
framework) developed by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC). The
financial information presented in this Report complies with financial and statutory data
requirements of the Companies Act, 2013 (including the rules made thereunder), Indian
Accounting Standards, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations
and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, and the Secretarial Standards. The
non-financial information presented in this Report is based on the Global Reporting
Initiative (GRI) standards. Additionally, the Report aligns with the ‘Ten Principles of
the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)’ and the National Voluntary Guidelines
on Social, Environmental and Economic (NVG-SEE) Responsibilities of Businesses in
India issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India.


The ‘reporting period’ is from 1st April 2020 to 31st March 2021. The Report covers
the manufacturing facilities at Gurugram and Manesar, Research & Development
(R&D) facilities at Gurugram and Rohtak, Head Office at New Delhi, regional, zonal
and area offices across India, sales and distribution facilities and stockyards. Joint
ventures and subsidiaries are excluded. There was no significant change in scope and
boundary of the non-financial disclosures from the previous reporting period. The
calculation methodologies conform to globally accepted standards, while assumptions,
exclusions and restatements are clearly stated wherever applicable.


Maruti Suzuki engages their stakeholders regularly and responding to their concerns is
important for us. Their concerns are captured through our materiality assessment
process and various other channels. It presents information on these topics of interest

for our stakeholders through this report. Independent Assurance The financial
information in this report has undergone independent assurance by Deloitte Haskins &
Sells LLP. Some of the key non-financial disclosures have been independently verified
by DNV.





3.1 Duration of Internship:

01 January 2022- 31 March 2022

Time- 9:45 AM – 6:30 PM

3.2 Department Assigned:

 Sales needs department

 Car Sales department

3.3 Job responsibility: I used to work in a variety of departments at Mandovi Motors

Private Limited. My job responsibility was to collect all the necessary documents
from the customers and submit it to the sales need department and upload in DMS
software. In the car sales department my responsibility was to assist my senior in
making a car sale.

An internship is a program in which a student gets their first taste of corporate life. I
was assigned as an intern in Sales Division. My report is on the “Salesmanship” with
reference to Mandovi Motors Private Limited. This report is prepared on the basis of
my three-month practical experience at Mandovi Motors Private Limited. This
internship program helped me to learn about the practical scenario of a Car Dealership

I have completed my internship in the Mandovi Motors Private Limited sales section.

I have worked under the supervision of my HR manager who guided me about the
company’s work procedure and introduced me to all the employees in the showroom.
As my internship was in the regional office of Mandovi Motors Private Limited I got a
chance to have a look at how large car dealership works and keep their customers happy
and satisfied. The regional office had all the facilities that one could expect from any
Maruti Suzuki car dealership and I got the advantage to look at how most of the sales
executives work and swiftly deal with the processes needed for a customer right from

the customer enters the showroom to have a look at the car to the day he takes his brand
new car out of the showroom. Even after the car delivery, the work of a sales executive
does not end there in reality it is more of a professional bond between the customer and
the sales executive which goes on for years.

The regional office has a really big showroom space with really nice and top-notch
interiors with a huge floor for showcasing almost all cars of different variants. The
showroom is fully air-conditioned and attractive. At all times at least 4-5 staff are
standing by to assist the customer courteously and professionally.

In the first week, I noticed how all the staff is neatly dressed and well-groomed to attend
to the customers and please them with different sets of uniforms given to the sales team
and the other type of uniforms given to the sales needs team. All the staff inside the
showroom are always busy with dealing and handling customers as Suzuki dealerships
always tend to be busy due to the trust factor which the brand has created over time.
With this, there is a lot of responsibility given to each of the employees as no business
wants to lose their customers due to poor interaction with them. The staff makes sure
that no customer feels left out or ignored at any cost.

The customers are served water bottles by the receptionist and are served with hot
tea/coffee, and juice according to their taste and preference. After this, the customers
are assigned their sales executive according to the showroom's schedule. Some
customers already know their sales executive due to their old car purchase through them
or know them through a common friend, family, or colleague who has referred the
particular sales executive because of their good service and hospitality.

The showroom is located in the centre of the city makes a lot of customers visit
whenever there is a new car launched by Maruti Suzuki. During my internship, the new
Celerio was launched and there were a lot of inquiries in the showroom regarding the
price point, variants, engine specs, etc.

The internship program started with the induction program which was arranged for me
by my HR manager Mr. Rajesh Bhat after briefing most of the terms and conditions
which were to be respected and followed to work in the dealership. The Induction
program was given to me and my intern colleague by Mr. Denzil Wilson Pinto. Mr.
Denzil is the In-house trainer for Mandovi motors and the Assistant Manager on the
digital desk with a great experience in the automobile career. In this process, I have

explained the work schedule and targets one had to achieve over a while. Selling cars
is a special thing as it is one of the most expensive materialistic things which one buys
and we had to be sure that this special experience of his shall be taken to next level by
giving him top-notch services and assist and guide him\her in the right path so that they
can be satisfied and happy with their purchase for years and he comes back to us as a
repeat customer whenever he finds a need to buy one. I was explained the way how to
deal with different kinds of customers and so was I not allowed to deal with customers
from day one as it required a lot of things to be known and to understand customers'
mindsets. The first week was mainly the observation of the work going on in the
showroom premises and meeting and observing the programming of each section of the
sales needs team.

Meeting different sales personnel to understand what are the actual workload and
pressure that they go through every month to achieve their sales targets.

As my role was not to talk to customers directly in the first week itself I took a lot of
opportunities to look into the actual workforce that goes on in the back office as well.

The cooperation from the management side was very good and overwhelming. They
never made me feel like n intern and provided full respect and answered all my queries
with a smile.

The major training of the product portfolio was explained about the key highlights of
Maruti Suzuki cars is their fuel efficiency which is class-leading in all the categories of
cars that are available in the market.

This majority makes up the lack of diesel cars in the portfolio and the low cost of petrol
cars ownership is one of the other main plus points which leads customers even with
the higher running opting for Suzuki petrol’s and so are the sales executives have been
trained if a customer enquires for a diesel vehicle.

The company has smartly launched a calculator which mentions the recovery of the
money spent upwards for the diesel engine and what kilometer the customer has to run
the car to recover the amount in the form of lower running cost. We are also advised to
deal with different types of customers mainly known as cold customers and warm

As an intern, I was said about the frustrated customers as well and one should always
be open to any kind of feedback given by the customers and positively take that and
improve ourselves in what we do and perform. Feedbacks are always important for a
dealership and the customer must feel that the feedback given by him has been followed

In Mandovi motors, the percentage of negative feedback given by the customer is

negligible compared to the positive ones as the customer satisfaction of the dealership
is very high and it changes month on month and is measured by 150 points in which
Mandovi Motors score 148 points out of 150 which speaks for itself in terms of
customer satisfaction.

The Company's skill development programs are designed to help young people gain
industry-relevant skills and prepare them for future employment prospects.

Mechanic Motor Vehicle, Mechanic Auto Body Painting, Electrician, Welder,

Mechanic Diesel Engine, Mechanic Auto Body Repair, and Fitter are among the
training courses offered by the institutes in the field of vehicle manufacture,
maintenance, and servicing. The National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) has
approved these programs, and METI, Japan has accredited the institute which features
include a mini-vehicle assembly line, engine assembly line, safety lab, virtual welding
simulators, and spot-welding equipment, all of which provide students with hands-on
training to prepare them for the workplace.

Customers are well-connected to the company, and it knows their demands. The
Company's strength resides in its capacity to provide India with appropriate 'Products,
Technologies, and Services.' The Indian customer is distinct in that he or she expects
high-end features in a smaller vehicle.

This is where Suzuki Motor Corporation's (SMC) unique expertise of designing feature-
rich, environmentally friendly goods of world-class quality at an accessible price comes
in handy in providing the product that customers want. The skilled and enthusiastic

The Company's ability to be nimble in difficult times and emerge stronger is due to its
dedicated personnel.

The Company was established with a vision of selling affordable cars. Right from its
commencement, the Company’s emphasis was on developing cost-finagled products to

feed to the requirements of Indians. The Company’s capability to understand the stated
and unstated requirements of guests and its client-centric approach towards decisions
timber led to the inviting acceptance of its products in the request. In the moment’s
largely connected and digital world, client preferences are changing fleetly. The new-
age client, indeed when buying a low-price- member auto, expects superior styling and
technology, generally offered in high-end, as well as an excellent buying experience.

With the expansion of the frugality, India is getting a large request, where
manufacturers assiduity players can contend to the great of their capacities. The
competitive geography is anticipated to change in the times to come. The Company
forcefully believes that the car assiduity is witnessing transformative changes not only
because of regulation but also because of arising technologies. The developed machine
requests are formerly witnessing changes similar to independent mobility, and electric
vehicle technologies. still, the time and cost of developing Led by the COVID- 19
epidemic, client buying habits are changing.

Now, digital deals have Come a new way of life for the client. The original trends
suggest that the consumer interest is shifting towards particular transportation. Also,
the client preference for CNG technology vehicles is adding significantly. The increase
in CNG network over the last two times and the Government’s commitment to further
ameliorate the CNG network across the country will lead to an increase in demand for
CNG- run vehicles. Preference towards SUV is seen to be a next big booming category.

I was explained about all the cars which are currently available for sale through Maruti
Suzuki’s Arena platform. This involves 9 cars that are sold through the Arena platform
and 5 cars which are sold through the Nexa dealerships.

The cars sold are Alto, S-Presso, Eeco, Wagon R, Celerio, Swift, Dzire, Ertiga, Vitara

All the cars mentioned above are available for private use and come only with the option
of a petrol or CNG variants with no sale of diesel engines after the BS6 norms.

Alto is a household name and is one of the most sold cars ever in the history of the
Indian automobile market. The car comes at a starting price of Rs 3,25,000 ex
showroom for the STD variant and and the range topping VXI plus variant is priced at
Rs 4,41,500 ex showroom. The car is also available with a CNG option, which is priced

at Rs4,89,000 ex showroom and Rs5,03,000 ex showroom. The fuel efficiency of this
car is rated at 31.58km/kg for CNG models and 22.05kmpl for the petrol only models.

The next car sold in the range is the S Presso. The car is designed to be an urban SUV
at an affordable price tag. The car is taller wider and has more ground clearance than
the Alto K10 which it is replaced with. The formula of an urban SUV with compact
dimensions have clearly been a massive hit in the market. The prices for this car starts
at an ex-showroom Rs3,85,500 for the STD variant and Rs5,64,000 for the VXI(O)
CNG variant. The fuel efficiency for this car is rated at 31.19km/kg for the CNG model,
21.7kmpl for the petro AMT, and 21.53kmpl for the petrol manual models.

The third car which comes in the Suzuki stable is the Eeco which is usually used in a
commercial and is also a very famous car for the transporters due to the space and
practicality of this vehicle and at the price point in which the car is for sale. The price
for this car starts at Rs4,53,170 ex-showroom for the 5 STR STD (O) and goes up to
Rs5,94,200 for the 5 STR AC(O) CNG. The fuel efficiency is rated at 20.88kg/km for
the CNG and 16.11kmpl for the manual version.

Celerio is one of the cars in the stable which normalized the automatics among the
Suzuki buyers by the introduction of the AMT variants in almost all the variants of the
car and not just limited to the top-end models as was the case with other Maruti cars in
the stable during its launch. Now the new generation of the car is released while I was
performing my internship and it the car got an overwhelming response from the
customers in the dealerships regarding the inquiries related to various aspects. The price
of the car starts with an ex-showroom price of Rs 5,25,000 for the LXI grade and goes
all the way up to Rs7,00,000 for the range-topping ZXI plus AMT variant. The main
USP of this car is its fuel efficiency of 26.23KMPL which attracts a lot of eyeballs at a
time when fuel prices are over 100rs a liter.

Wagon R being the next car offered price-wise is one of the sales chart-topping cars for
the Maruti Suzuki for a very long term. The car is considered to be a massive hit among
middle-class households due to its easy ingress and egress position. The tall boy design
makes sure that the passengers get abundant space inside the cabin and feel spacious.
The prices of this car start from Rs5,47,500 ex-showroom for the LXI 1.0 and go all
the way up to Rs7,20,000 for the ZXI plus 1.2 AGS dual-tone. The car is offered in two

engine options 1.0 and 1.2. CNG is offered in the 1.0L engine and AGS technology is
available in both the engine option.,

Swift is one of the most famous hatchbacks sold in the country and has emerged as a
highly successful product from the day of its launch to date. The car is priced at
Rs5,91,900 ex-showroom and goes all the way up to Rs8,85,000 for the top-end ZXI
plus AMT dual-tone variant. The fuel efficiency of this car is 27.76KMPL for the
manual and 23.2KMPL for the AMT version.

Dzire is another successful product from Maruti Suzuki and holds the No1 position in
the sales chart among all its competitors. The car excels on more boot and rear-seat
space compared to the swift on which the car is based. The price of this car starts from
Rs 6,24,000 ex-showroom for the LXI variant and goes all the way up to Rs9,17,500
for the top-spec ZXI plus AGS version. The car also comes with a factory-fitted CNG
option in the VXI and ZXI grades. The fuel efficiency of this car is 24.12 for the AMT
and 23.26 for the manual version.

Vitara Brezza is the sub-4-meter offering from the carmaker and has been a very
popular car in the compact SUV space. The car is known for its high ground clearance
and SUV stance. The price of this car starts from Rs 7,84,000 ex-showroom and goes
all the way up to Rs11,49,000 for the top-end ZXI plus AT Dual-tone variant. The fuel
efficiency of this car is rated at 18.76KMPL for the petrol automatic and 17.03 for the
manual variants.

Ertiga is one of the lone 7-seater MPV in the Arena channel and is been a great success
since the time the car has been launched in the Indian market. The need for a 7-seater
car is been fulfilled by this car. The price of this car starts from Rs8,35,000 ex-
showroom for the LXI trim and Rs12,79,000 for the ZXI plus AT variant. The fuel
efficiency of this car is 26.11km/kg for the CNG,20.51kmpl for the manual, and
20.3kmpl for the automatic variant.

I was explained about the points which are very crucial while a customer is opting or is
trying to choose the car for himself or his family. The USP of each product was


3.4.1 ALTO

 Low cost of maintenance

 High fuel efficiency

 The benefits of this car are usually compared with the bike

 Most reliable car in the segment

 Compact dimensions with the option of AMT transmission

 It is pitched as an excellent city car for a customer who is already owning a

bigger car

3.4.2 S PRESSO

 Advertised as an urban compact SUV

 High ground clearance

 Tall dimension with good headroom

 High seating position

 Touchscreen head unit with Android Auto and Apple car play

 Availability of a CNG option that lowers running costs for customers with high
daily usage

3.4.3 EECO

 Excellent Luggage carrying capacity

 Pitched as a vehicle that is highly usable for commercial purposes

 Availability of a CNG option to reduce running cost


 Smart looking car with a fresh new generation

 Easy to drive

 One of the most fuel-efficient petrol cars sold in the country

 Upgraded K10C engine with better driveability and better cabin insulation

3.4.5 WAGON R

 Tallboy looks

 Spacious interiors

 Availability of two different engines both with the option of an AMT gearbox

 Good all-round visibility

 340-liter boot

3.4.6 SWIFT

 Attractive and sporty looks

 Fun to drive car

 Good handling and on-road behaviour

 Excellent resale value

 Most fuel-efficient petrol cars in the segment

3.4.7 DZIRE

 Boot space of 378litres

 Spacious interior with good legroom

 Well-tuned suspension for ride quality and comfort

 Airy cabin with dual-tone interior

 Most successful and most sold compact sedans to date


 SUV looks with a high riding stance

 Smooth 1.5L Petrol engine

 16-inch wheels with good ground clearance

 Excellent storage space with dual glovebox

 The torque converter gearbox offers smooth and effortless gear shifting

3.4.9 ERTIGA

 3-row seating arrangement to move 7 people at once

 A great option for customers with large families

 6-speed Torque Converter gearbox with paddle shifters

 Most value for money 7 seater MPV in the market

 Availability of a CNG option

This made me feel confident while facing a customer while they addressing their
needs, wants and requirements. The key points that were demoed to me made sure I
sell the right car in the right variant and fuel option to the right customer.

As there a lot of variants spread in the product portfolio and line up I was given enough
time to learn and understand those as there should be no scope of error while
addressing the same to the actual customers.

It is seen that all the car sold by Maruti Suzuki including both the Nexa and Arena
range offers a good variety of customization as well through a digital platform called
as I Create for Arena and Nexa Create for Nexa platforms. These are websites where
a customer can choose the car and select his variant and add accessories along with a
3D preview of the car. The accessories prices are also mentioned in the website but
the fitting charges are charged separately at dealership levels. The new Arena platform
also has a big screen embedded to the accessories department where one can choose
and pick and preview it and see if the particular part or accessory suits his car and take
a call on it.


The concept of Arena was explained. This was one of the huge step in ages that Maruti
Suzuki had innovated in the last 10 years towards the renovation of its showrooms
completely to bring uniformity among all of its dealer partners.

The arena is a new platform where Maruti Suzuki has completely revamped their
showrooms and has digitalized it with new-age tech used and given to the salesmen.

Maruti Suzuki Arena has a contemporary design and a welcoming atmosphere. Maruti
has adopted digital technologies to make the process of buying and customizing
automobiles more efficient. Maruti Suzuki ARENA, NEXA, Commercial, and True
Value are now the company's four distinct retail channels Customers may now hire their
cars or personalize them using a brand new website.

The Arena showrooms' navigation interface allows potential purchasers to browse

everything on offer. Customers can register for smooth transaction processing using the
Maruti Suzuki Arena Navigation Portal. Through interactive Product Vision touch
screens in the showroom, they may explore the full product selection.

Customers can electronically customize cars by mixing and matching accessories in a

separate Personalisation Zone with car configurators. Relationship managers will
benefit from technology as well, as they will be able to demonstrate to consumers the
vast selection of Maruti Suzuki models and variants using tablets and an app.

The information on the tab will allow Relationship Managers to respond to consumer
inquiries quickly. There's also a cafe and an Owners Lounge in the showrooms, which
Maruti refers to as the 'Coffee Consultation Area.

Mandovi Motors Private Limited has invested 2.65cr for the renovation of their
showroom into the Arena concept. With this concept and the investment made the
company expects a higher yearly sales figure of 5,000 cars per year. With this concept
in place the company now has an higher walk in customer base of 58% compared to the
23% last year.

The investment made to the regional office made it look amazing and the wow factor
made the workplace look like a better place to be in.

Mandovi Motors biggest competitor in the town Bharat Autocars had adopted this well
before a year so it was Mandovi Motors turn to make the showroom better so that they
are not left behind any of its competitors.


Maruti Suzuki cars are usually the highest demanded cars in India with majority of the
market share but it is very important for a dealership to hire a sales executive as to fulfill
their requirement of selling from the available stock in the stockyard. Customer
cancellation at Mandovi Motors is quite low but it is to be seen that the cars that have
been cancelled at the last minute i.e, once the car has reached the warehouse the
dealerships responsibility increases and the sales executives have to try their best to sell
this car as their first priority. This duty becomes difficult for a dealership during year
ends or if a new facelift of the available vehicle has already been showcased or launched
officially. In this case the dealership has to suffer and dip their profit margins and
provide discounts to the customer. These kinds of customers are usually seen
negotiating a high number compared to the originally offered price reduction.


References play a very major role in the sales section. I have seen customer who arrive
at the showroom through references already have trust across the dealership and its
product. In order to get the references, it is always important to treat customer in a good
way. It is seen that even if a customer has visited randomly to a showroom without any
intention of buying a car it is important to make him feel special and a sales executive
to make him knowledgeable about the car so that he can refer it to someone he knows
who is in process or are going to purchase the car in future.


A customer can be addressed in a variety of ways. Basic courtesy goes a long way, such
as greeting the individual, giving a seat, and so on. We were even instructed on how to
use the phone. A good education is very important while dealing with customers. The
most crucial lesson I learned about dealing with customers was HONESTY. Yes, you
might end up in a soup now and again, but it's always better to be upfront with your
customers. At first, he or she may be angry with you, but later on, he or she will
appreciate your honesty. Listening to customers also plays a very important role in the

car sales business. Customers do not all come looking for a certain car; yet, the majority
of them require one.

Usually there are a mixed type of customers visiting the showroom from different
backgrounds. It is always important for a sales executive to know whom he is attending
to. Clients belong to different categories. I have seen customers who take out a lot of
time out of the day to finalise the deals whereas there are also customers who are often
busy and demand all the documents to be mailed to them instead of them collecting it
manually. These type of customers are usually corporates who often have a buys and
fixed schedule. They even prefer taking test drive in and around their office and only
visit the showroom during the time of delivery.

There is also a lot of misconception that farmers do not buy high end cars and only need
utilitarian vehicles is not correct. In my internship I have seen agriculturists enquiring
higher end Suzuki products and preferring them instead of the utilitarian or entry level


Selling a car to a government department is completely different from the sale of a

vehicle to a private buyer. The main difference is in the payment form which is to be
paid to the dealership account straight from the government. Government officials
require cars. Different departments need different types of vehicles which should
suffice their needs. The requirement of car that a police department needs is completely
different from a car that a vice-chancellor needs or a Municipal commissioner. The
road tax for some of these government cars are dispensation. These vehicles have a
different series of registration and has whiteboard number plates. These are generally
registered on the names of the post of offices for which the car has been bought by the
government. In Mandovi, Motors Ertiga is sold as a fleet to Police officials and Dzire
is sold for government officials belonging to different departments. However, the
process is pretty long-winded. There are also discounts offered but the level and tune
of discounts are usually provided and decided by the company. The negotiation part is
now different from the older system and takes place through the website of the
government from the Sales and Disposal authority of Karnataka.

The new website acts like any other e commerce website and is easier to handle
compared to the traditional way of submitting by hand written documents. The
biggest chain in this is the fact that veritably many of the departments will do the
buyer enrolment themselves. They will ask us to create an account for them on the
portal and place an order for them. However, because it is certified by the office staff's
Aadhaar card, it comes with a slew of issues. You need the representative for receiving
the goods, then a senior to authenticate the purchase and finally a finance / accounts
person to release payment. The schedule is not difficult but one has to ensure that all
the conditions are fulfilled in advance before going forward to the last step.


Mandovi Motors used to host car swap meets on specific days. On my seventh week of
internship I got a chance to go along senior sales executives for special events that were
organised. Each sales executive was set a goal of completing one evaluation (not a
booking or sale, simply getting the customer). This may not seem like a lot, but when
there are over 50 salespeople in a single dealership, we get 50 consumers.

On these days, the showroom is filled with a pleasant environment, with trendy music
playing and clients participating in activities.

Occasionally, the corporation will launch a scheme for public sector employees, bank
employees, teachers, and doctors, among others. One demo car, along with flyers,
brochures, and a portable banner, is taken to a residential complex or an office campus,
for example, to effectively promote such plans. The majority of these will necessitate
prior authorization. It is beneficial in such situations. It is always good for a sales
executive if the programme is conducted indoors.

Mandovi Motors does events in malls all throughout town from time to time. Apart
from the large amount of inquiries received at the Maruti stall/pavilion, some of the
questions that sales executive receive are rather amusing, particularly those that include
comparisons. The majority of people will inquire about the fuel economy first, then the
price. Customers in rural areas will favour petrol models solely, regardless of their
annual mileage.

On a typical weekend at the mall, 150-200 inquiries are received, and one must be
available from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. On the first day, arrive early to secure a parking spot
inside the mall. The ramp / entrance to the mall is frequently not what you were
expecting. Getting the vehicles inside takes some time and effort. This goes on for a
week or until the time the advertising contract is completed.


My internship in the sales field explained to me the points which are included in the On
Road Price of a car. Most of the customers visiting the dealership do not have an idea
of the accurate road price of the particular variant of a particular vehicle. The
advertisement through which they have seen the car always carries an ex-showroom
price of the entry-level variant. To make sure that a customer is not confused we must
explain why the on-road price of the car is different from the one showcased in the
advertisement. This happens mostly to the customers who have no previous experience
of buying a car or have never bought a brand new car.

The components included in the price list that is added to the ex-showroom prices of
the car are:










Being a sales intern it was my duty to explain all these terms clearly and carefully so
that the customer understands for what aspect he/she is paying from their hard-earned

TCS in simple terms is the Tax Collected at Source from the customer buying the car
and is deposited to tax authorities under section 206C. There is no TCS for cars whose
price is below Rs9,99,999 ex-showroom and 1% of the ex-showroom value is deducted
for cars costing more than Rs9,99,999.

Road tax is the amount that is calculated on the ex-showroom price of the car. Road tx
varies from state to state. This is where customers get confused as to why the same car
in the other state costs lower than Karnataka.

Registration expenses are the expenses that are taken by a customer to register his/her
car and all the responsibility is taken by the dealership it makes sure that the customer
does need not to visit the RTO office for the registration of the car.

Insurance is a mandatory item that has to be purchased while purchasing a vehicle.

Maruti Suzuki has tie-ups with many companies under the Maruti Insurance program.
The insurance that is mentioned contains Zero dep, RTI, Engine protection, Key
protection, Roadside Assistance, and Consumables and is offered for 1 year OD and 3
years Third party.

An extended warranty is an option for the customer to choose but is always

recommended as it covers almost all the risks that are caused due to the manufacturing
defect of a vehicle at a small price. The extended warranty is offered for
4years/80,000kms or 5years/1,00,000kms.

Fastag is charged at Rs500. This is applied to the windshield of the car before the time
of delivery.

The basic accessories kit is a bundle of accessories that are included in a package with
a discount. These accessories include a registration number plate frame, Mud Flaps,
Perfume, Divine Idol, and Basic Mats.

Suzuki connect is the device that is connected to the car which enables constant tracking
of the car and helps owners to know their cars statistics like average speed, fuel
efficiency, hard braking, and many other real-time updates.



Test drive is a very important part of the car buying process as the customer should feel
and experience the car completely before investing his hard-earned money. The primary
aim of the test drive is to give customers a first-hand experience of how a car performs
in the real world and to know more about the car like interior space, features, ride
quality, handling, steering feedback, gearshift quality, noise vibration and harshness of
the engine. With all the parameters checked by the customer and their family, If
satisfied with the car fully there are high chances of the customer booking the car. A
customer has to be given multiple test drives in case he demands one. Usually, the
customer while coming to the showroom for the first time does not get his family so a
salesman needs to take the car to their home to show that the entire family gets to know
and feel the car. As a salesman, I must explain all the driving Related aspects during
the test drive as it cannot be explained theoretically and one has to experience it
practically. It is very commonly noted that during a test drive the customer usually
compares the car to his previous ride and it is our responsibility to make sure to guide
him about the differences and new technology that has been used compared to their
previous car


The brochure is a very important leaflet that is been provided to the customer. It
contains all the necessary information about the car including details regarding the
specifications, color options, variant spread, dimensions, etc. it is a colored book
consisting of several colored photographs of the car shot at the best angle by the
company and highlights all the top-end features of the car to make it look attractive and
stylish. The brochure is nowadays sent on the mobile phone as E-Brochure too.


Most of the customers purchase their cars through financing options that are provided
by various banks. In Maruti Finance a customer gets a completely hassle-free
experience and easy sanction of loans even without the customer having a bank account
in that particular branch. The documents are collected by the assigned salesman from

the customer's house/office which is convenient and has to sign the documents during
the time of delivery. With this, the customer need not go and visit the bank for loan
requests and approvals hence saving a customer precious time.


A salesman’s job is to explain to his customers why an extended warranty is important

for a car. The salesman's job is to explain to his customer what an extended warranty
means And why one has to pay a certain amount to extend his warranty. The standard
warranty that a car gets in the Maruti Suzuki range it’s 2 years and 40,000 kilometre.
The extended warranty goes one step further by providing warranty options from 3
years to 5 years and 60,000 kilometers to 1,00,000 kilometers respectively. An extended
warranty is a very important part of making car ownership peaceful and pleasurable.
The high-value parts are covered under an extended warranty. Some of these are high-
pressure pump, compressor, ECM, turbocharger assembly, engine, self-assembly,
steering assembly, strut, etc. The extended warranty program also increases the resale
value of your car in case of a customer selling his car before the expiry of his warranty.

There are 3 plans for the extension of the warranty

Extended warranty gold which covers up to 3 years and 60,000 kilometers

Extended warranty platinum which covers still 4 years and 80,000 kilometers

Extended warranty royal platinum which is valid for 5 years and 1,00,000 kilometers.

The extended warranty program is best selected when the car is bought brand new. In
case of a customer does not choose the extended warranty program during the time of
delivery he has a choice of extending the warranty before 2 years or 40,000 kilometers.
The car can be serviced in any authorized Maruti Suzuki dealership across India.



I got a chance to work and observe all the departments which are related to the sales
and I was explained how the job is being done in the individual departments.

3.13.1 BOOKING

The process of booking starts with creating an inquiry-making car where all the details
of the chosen model are mentioned and the final booking docket is been created along
with a separate customer copy containing information about the car model which the
customer has chosen. The payment of the booking amount can be done through cheque,
cash, NEFT, and UPI payment.


After the process of booking the next step is to check the stock so that the customer gets
an idea of when the car is getting delivered to him. The said model by the customer is
been Checked in the dealership inventory(stockyard) or if the car is already in transit.
In case of the car is not available in both these cases the dealership then checks the
inventory of its sister concerns or other branches. In case of a car not getting procured
the dealership then has to put a fresh order of the particular car.

3.13.3 BILLING

The process of billing a car includes the loan procurement from the banks and the offers
applicable for the customer is been added in terms of monsoon offers, consumer offers,
exchange bonuses, loyalty bonuses, etc. The final billing amount is subject to the price
applicable during the time of delivery and not the price which was mentioned during
the booking of the vehicle.


The vehicle is allotted from the main stockyard and is transported from Delhi to
Bangalore to Mandovi motors after knowing if there are any changes to be made to the
booking. Once the car is prepared for dispatch the chassis number is also allotted and
the down payment plus dealership Payment is been made to the MSIL.


If the cars are transported through trains it will take 15 days for the train to arrive from
Delhi to Bangalore and 9 days respectively if it is transported through trailers. Some of
the transportation services opted for are APL logistics, Oriental carriers ltd, Joshi Infra
Ltd, Adani NYK ltd, etc.

Given the logistical and personnel obstacles, as well as the environmental implications
of long-haul road transport, the percentage of vehicles dispatched via rail is constantly
increasing. The company dispatches autos to dealer locations around the country and to
export gateway ports using specifically constructed rakes that it owns. 188,656
automobiles were carried by rail in FY 2020-21, accounting for over 13% of all vehicles

Rail transportation was used. Pune and Coimbatore, two new railway dispatch
destinations, have been operationalized, bringing the total number of destinations to 15.
The Company is building railway sidings at its Manesar plant and Gujarat sales and
distribution centre to increase dispatch volumes, which are slated to be finished by


The main aim of customer care is to manage the booking calling and taking
confirmations with procurement of the e-mail address and postal information of the
customer. To know the payment amounts, delivery timelines, and calling the customer
after the delivery for documentation confirmation after 15 days of delivery and calls for
RTO procedures mainly related to RC.


There are reward points given to the customer on choosing the Maruti insurance,
extended warranty, genuine accessories, service, and referrals. The rewards are
provided in the form of points which can be redeemed during the purchase of
accessories or car service.


The car is been delivered to the customer once the car arrives in the stockyard and The
car is delivered with a temporary registration or permanent registration in the case of
temporary registration the requirements form 21 and form 18. Once this formality is
done the Customer gets the receipt of all the payments he has done for the car The
customer gets the car with a key and a cake cutting ceremony is being conducted in the
showroom. At last, gets the gate pass through which he can take the car out of the
showroom. Without valid insurance, a customer cannot take the car outside the

showroom. The bank loan receipts are safely stored in the showroom and in case of the
bank requirement, a single key is being handed over to the bank through the post.


The customer has the option to choose between temporary registration and permanent
registration. The registration is being done through the government site known as
Vahan. Once the final billing is done and the valid insurance is being created the next
step is the road tax payment in the Vaahan app. In the case of a customer's choice for
temporary registration, he cannot run the car for more than 28 days with the temporary
registration. In case of the expiry of temporary registration, the customer has to pay a
one percent penalty of the road tax for violating the traffic rules and a 10% penalty for
breaking the traffic rules if he does not register the car for more than one month. In the
case of a private vehicle, the road tax is paid for a lifetime. In the case of a taxi vehicle,
the road tax has to be renewed yearly. In the case of an ambulance which the dealerships
sell is Eeco The road tax amount happens to be 1700 rupees per year. In the case of a
non- ambulance then the road tax paid is 4760Rs yearly. The customer can also choose
a variety of fancy numbers where he has to pay an extra amount for the respective
number. The customer has the option to choose the running digits or choose any of his
choice numbers and the amount varies on that particular number. In case of a car is
being delivered a customer who wants to register the car in the other state gets a
temporary registration certificate from the state where he wants to register the car
Through which he can drive the car to his place and then get the car permanently


The concept of Fastag is being introduced by the Government of India to avoid the long
queues that people face on the highway which does not solve the purpose of making
the highways. The fast tag is being issued by various banks and Mandovi motors it is
partnered with 15 banks where they provide Fastag to the customers at a price of rupees
500. The customer has to provide valid ID proof and the details of the car will be
uploaded to the dealership itself. After this process, the fast tag is stuck to the front
windshield where the tool scanner can easily identify this Fastag. The fast tag should
be recharged online or near the toll plazas.


The order booking form generates an ID and also the sales order booking. In case of
any changes or cancellations, it is mentioned in the order booking form. The booking
format includes the inquiry form the pre-booking details and the vehicle code.


Marathi insurance is partnered with 15 different insurance companies with an option

for the customer to choose from any of these 15 different insurance companies
according to his comfort. The unique factor about the Maruti insurance is the facility of
providing its customer absolute Peace of Mind in case of an unfortunate incident
Through the facilities of providing a cashless claim facility, towing facilities which is
free of cost up to rupees 1500, there is no extra salvage cost and all the parts used are
from Maruti genuine parts and the customer can service his car or get an insurance
claim from any of the Maruti dealer throughout India.

There are two types of insurance namely comprehensive and 3rd party. Comprehensive
insurance is a type of insurance where the customer gets their damage insurance as well
as a 3rd party insurance. All the damages that have been to the car can be claimed in
the comprehensive insurance. In the case of a 3rd party insurance, the customer cannot
claim any damage that has been to his car but can only claim in case of an injury to a
third person or in case of compensation that is been damaged because of the accident.
Third-party claims can only be done after the court proceedings.

There are many add-ons covered to the comprehensive insurance Such as a zero dep
policy which is commonly known as a bumper-to-bumper policy as the customer gets
100% of the claims even if there is damage to the plastic part of the car. There is also a
provision of engine protection by the insurance company in case of an engine damaged
due to starting of a car in a flood situation or the engine failure due to an underbody hit
due to the driver's negligence. The next add-on is returned to the invoice which means
in case of a total loss of a car the customer gets the full pack showroom price that he
had paid during the purchase of the car. There is a consumable addon which includes
all the consumables used which are below rupees 50 with discovering the customer
need not pay for the consumables. Key protection is also been provided by the insurance
in case of a key lost by a consumer The customer gets a new key for free of cost with
this add-on in case of losing his key. To have customers complete Peace of Mind Maruti

Suzuki insurance also provides roadside assistance to the customers in case of a
breakdown and the car is not running. Expert technicians from the Maruti Suzuki from
the nearest dealership will be arriving at the customer's location and will provide further
updates on whether the car can be rectified on the spot or the car has to be towed to the
showroom for further investigation.

A sales executive must always be prompt and punctual to his work. All the topics
related to a sales executive was explained and was put forward by me while doing actual
sales with customers.



Monthly targets are the targets given to the salesperson which have to be achieved
within the given month and respective time frame. The extra incentives that the
salesperson gets are purely related to the total sales he does. To keep up with the
monthly targets salesperson always make sure that he keeps his desired sales target
more than what is to be sold to achieve the target. With this process in mind a
salesperson to achieve sales as possible within a particular time frame. For example, if
the sales target for a salesperson is to sell 20 cars a month then it’s always better for
him to assume it as 25 to 30 cars a month to show that he can at least achieve to sell 22
to 23 cars which is still more than what is the base sale monthly target. To make sure
that he gets a greater incentive he always tries to sell the vehicle which has more
Commission attached to it. But this is not always possible as all the customers are not
comfortable buying the models which the salesperson suggests so the salesperson has
to make sure that he does not force or push the customer which would lead to a negative
impact on them not buying a car from the particular dealership.



It is always important to create a good relationship with the customer not only because
the salesperson wants to sell the particular car but also to make sure that the customer

refers him to his friend's family colleague or to his/dear ones to purchase a particular
car from them. Maintaining a good relationship with the customer always depends on
how well a customer is treated right from him stepping into the showroom. A customer
should always feel that he is being treated well and the role of the salesperson is to solve
all his queries And make sure that he is not confused About the product that he is or
shall buy in the future. A good relationship also means a salesperson going a step ahead
of other than his sales to make sure that the car customer has purchased is serviced


The best part of working as an sales intern is two get and know about different people
who visited the showroom. Different people have different requirements and there are
hardly any cases where two customers are similar to each other. With different
customers being different in their characteristics it is always important for a salesperson
to make sure that they are shown the vehicles which are needed by them. Interacting
with new people makes a salesperson more knowledgeable and adds to his experience
of dealing with him and knowing more about what he does. There should always be a
line that should be drawn while asking a customer their personal information.



Being posted in a Suzuki showroom all the models which are in production are one of
the most demanded models in the market and hence none of the products is very
difficult to sell. With each car having its own USPS it all depends on what kind of
customer wants and expects his new vehicle to have. In most of the cases that are seen
in the showroom, the Alto 800 is the model that is bought by 90% of first-time buyers.
One of the major reasons for this is the price point at which this car is available and the
reasonable maintenance cost is also another factor why most first-time car buyers prefer
buying an Alto as their first car.

I have also seen customers buying Ertiga despite its high price tag easily as there is a
lack of proper family 7 seater vehicles in the market at the price point which the Ertiga

retails at in the market. There were competition vehicles launched by Mahindra and
Nissan but none of them failed to eat into the market share of the Ertiga.

Swift and its sedan sibling the Dzire is also a very easy model to sell as there is plenty
of demand for this vehicle and commands a good waiting period. Swift is preferred by
the young millennials and Dzire is usually preferred by the middle-aged customers but
I have also seen this happening in vice versa.


Each customer has their character and hence notes to customers are similar in most
cases. There is various kind of customers who visit a Suzuki showroom including the
20-year-old to a senior citizen. With the wide range of products that the Maruti Suzuki
has to offer it attracts a lot of customers belonging to different age groups. The
differences in a customer can be seen by the set of requirements he wants in his new
purchase. Some people expect a lot of features and at the same time, some people think
that having more features has no use to them. The set of customers who buy a
commercial vehicle is completely different from the private vehicle buyers. With each
customer having his budget frame it becomes easier for a salesperson to guide them to
a product that suits their requirements and budget. With Maruti Suzuki, there is a wide
range of products that differs from different budgets starting from 4.5 lakh rupees for
an Alto 800 to 14,80000 rupees for the top-spec Vitara Brezza Zxi plus automatic. The
customers in today’s date also prefer having an automatic gearbox in their car compared
to a traditional manual gearbox But there are also a majority of customers who still
prefer buying a manual over the automatic and save money.


Maruti Suzuki always alerts a particular target to the different showrooms per year. The
sales target is always given for one year which is then further divided into months by
their respective dealer partners. With the sales target known to each salesperson, they
need to achieve their targets well in advance or case of a complete shutdown of the
showroom due to some of the major reasons like COVID-19 then the dealership has
two achieve the sales target of the month where the showrooms had been closed the

next month. Achieving sales targets always means more incentives to a salesperson. A
salesperson can make a sale he’s been rewarded by a particular amount which is present
according to the model make variant color and the availability of them in the stockyard.
More incentives are given when a salesperson tries to sell a leftover December stock in
the new year January. With Maruti Suzuki being India’s number one selling car brand
this is not a usual site where the car sits in the stockyard for months.


Discounts are a tricky part that a dealership and the company make to attract themselves
in the eyes of the customer. Many customers get attracted by the name of discounts
which makes them save some amount of money during their car purchase. Discounts
are usually not given for a high-selling volume product and are only given to the models
that are slow sellers compared to other products sitting on the showroom floor. The
salesperson usually tries to communicate the discount offers to their customers through
WhatsApp messages and uploading status in their WhatsApp show that potential
customers get notified and attracted towards the deal. The warm customers our been
informed through a phone call as they are most likely to purchase within the next 15
days. The salesperson also drops a message for the customers who had just enquired
him about the product.



With both the arena and Nexa dealership run by the same company and the same
dealership in Mangalore, it becomes difficult for the salesman to convince people to
buy the car from the arena. The main differentiating factor here which the salesman
informs the potential buyer is the price difference and the interest saved on the loan
amount for purchasing a car through the arena. The salesman also tries to convince the
customer by mentioning all the advantages of the car that is being sold in the arena
compared to the one in the Nexa and mentions the extra cost of maintenance that comes
with nexa cars.


It is an important part in the job of a sales executive. New cars are always a very hot
topic and there is already a lot of hype created by the manufacturer about the car by
showing camo images, masked images of the cars, showing teasers and then finally a
full fledged advertisements showing the car completely. Customers often wait for a new
car to be realesed as there are very few people who are not interested in a new product
and are ready to buy a old product.

During my internship there were three new car launches.

Celerio was launched in an all new generation sporting a completely different body
style including the platform, interior, exterior etc. there were a lot of customers who
visited the showroom on the day of the cars launch in Mandovi Motors.

Wagon R facelift was launched with a new top spec ZXI+ trim which included two new
dual tone shades and a gunmetal finish R14 alloy wheels which made the car
aesthetically better than the outgoing car.

Ertiga was also launched during my internship with an all-new grill, modified bumpers,
a new automatic gearbox and a change in the smart play infotainment system was also
seen. The prices of the Ertiga was increased and is now currently the flagship model in
the Maruti Suzuki Arena platform until the new Brezza is launched which is due for a
generation change around the end of July 2022.


Upselling is not a usual site as customers today are informed and do not want their
decision to be changed. There are chances for a salesman to upsell when he gets to
know about the budget of a particular customer and his lifestyle. The art of a salesman
makes sure that he gets to know the customers buying power and his likes and if he is
ready to spend the extra amount to purchase a car next variant or if he sees value in a
car that belongs to the next segment. A salesman tries to explain to him the extra
features that come with different models to justify the price difference between the two.


In today's world selling a car includes a long waiting period due to the semiconductor
shortage. This has become a major issue not only for Maruti Suzuki but for all the
manufacturers across the globe irrespective of the brand. Keeping these things in mind
I had to be mindful while attending to any customer questions related to the waiting
period. Due to the unprecedented times of Covid 19 and the sudden shutting down of
the manufacturing plants, it is very difficult for a salesman to have a particular and
definite answer to the question about the waiting period. We have seen that cars with
fewer features need very less semiconductors and cars like the Alto and Eeco are the
least ones in the showroom with semiconductor issues and cars like the Ertiga, Swift,
Dzire, and Brezza are the ones with a high waiting period.


This is something that cannot be avoided by any manufacturer. Price overlapping is

common and there can be some cannibalization among the portfolio. The top-end
models of one car might overlap with the base or mid variant of the car which is one
segment higher. To make sure to sell all the cars in the portfolio the salesman should
identify the customer's needs and should try to suggest the car which fits their bill


Maruti driving school is introduced for the main purpose of having all the facilities
provided right from a person learning how to drive to the person servicing his car all
under one roof. Maruti driving school differentiates itself from other driving schools
through its unique features like simulator learning where the students are given 5
simulator classes to understand the road condition well in advance before driving the
car on the actual roads. Maruti driving school also offers 10 road classes of one hour
each which is unique as all the competition provides on-road classes only for 30
minutes. There is a demo class in between These sessions where the students are shown
new cars and their features and functionality of them. Through this method, the Maruti
driving school Also attracts and markets their new cars to these new drivers. There are

four theory classes given to the students before the learner's license test to understand
all the road symbols and signs.

During my internship process I got to know some of the main and key things that
customers liked about the Maruti Suzuki products. Factors that influence buying
behaviour of customers while were explained was seen during the actual sales process.

Maruti Suzuki is always known to be a trustworthy brand among consumers. The

customers of the Maruti Suzuki are the ones whose main criteria while buying a car is
the reliability factor, and serviceability with the wide range of service networks
available across the country. The customers of the Maruti Suzuki brand often look at it
as a reliable, fuel-efficient, and value for money brand. The resale value of a Maruti
Suzuki car is unmatched among any other cars in any of the competing brands. The
Peace of Mind that the car offers throughout the ownership is unmatched and that is
one of the prime reasons why there are a lot of repeat customers who opt for Maruti
Suzuki cars and do not consider any of the other brands available in the market.


As it was explained to me in the initial days of my internship about the car sold in the
Maruti Suzuki Arena range it was seen that the company caters to a large audience with
different variety of cars with different engines and body styles. There is a Maruti Suzuki
car available for everyone between the price range of Rs 3,25,000 to Rs 12,79,000 ex-
showroom . Maruti Suzuki arena range offers compact hatchback, mini SUV, MPV,
MUV, compact sedan, premium hatchback, and sub 4 meter SUV. The mindset of the
customers is usually clear about the body style and design which suits them
accordingly. The style and design of the Maruti cars are such that it attracts a lot of
eyeballs with their unique styling and proposition. The design of the car is made after
a lot of R and D and through a lot of designers involved throughout the globe. The
designs are aerodynamic and enhance the performance, stability, and fuel efficiency of
the car.

Some of the major things that add up to the style quotient of a car are the unique LED
daytime running lamps, diamond-cut alloy wheels, LED tail lamps, instrument clusters,
360-degree cameras, etc.


Maruti Suzuki cars are referred to be one of the most comfortable cars in terms of
driving as well as for the chauffeur-driven. The driving comfort adds up to the pleasure
that the owner and his family experience during the day today drives as well as during
long road trips. One of the major things that enhances the driving comfort is the brilliant
suspension setup that is set on all Maruti Suzuki cars. The light clutch and gearbox
combination make sure that the owner does not feel tired even in city traffic conditions.
The seats have ample cushioning and lumbar support so that the driver and the
passengers are comfortable inside the car.


The pickup and performance of all three cars sold in Maruti Suzuki are rated high
among all the customers. Maruti Suzuki offers three types of petrol engines in its

K10, K12, and K15 are the engines that are on offer.

K10B and K10C are two tunes of the K10 engine.

K10B is offered in the S-Presso and K10C is offered in Celerio and WagonR (1L).

This marks the entrylevel range of cars sold in Maruti Suzuki platform. The engines
here are usually designed for maximum fuel efficiency and are less performance
oriented. During my internship I have seen customers choosing cars equipped with
these engines to achieve maximum fuel economy and have a fuss free ownership
experience as the running repair cost of these engines are extremely low and not not
very high on technology compared to the other range which makes maintaining cars at
a very low cost of ownership. The carbon footprint from these engines are very low too.

K12N and K12M are the two tunes of the K12 engine.

K12N is offered in the Dzire, Swift, Baleno & WagonR (1.2L), and K12M is offered in
the Ignis (NEXA product)

This marks the middle range of engine category offered in the Maruti Suzuki range.
These engines are a mix of fuel efficiency as well as offer good power figures for

effortless driving with higher range of torque which helps owners to pull the car
smoothly even in city stop go traffic. These are four cylinder engines. I have seen
customers who generally upgrade from the entry level Maruti Suzuki cars are attracted
by the low noise vibration and harshness levels.

K15B and K15B are the two tunes of K15 engine

K15B is offered in Ertiga and XL6(NEXA) and K15C is offered in Vitara Brezza
(Manual Transmission).

This marks the top end range of engines that Maruti Suzuki has to offer and is the most
powerful engine which is on sale in todays date. Thses engines are 1,500CC and
produces 104bhp and 136Nm of torque. The customers choosing these engines are
generally the ones upgrading from 1,200CC engines who are in search of a bigger
vehicle with more power and torque figures compared to their previously owned
vehicles. The fuel efficiency of these engines are not the best compared to other engines
in the lineup but when compared to the other brandscars of similar price these offer’s
the best fuel efficiency.


After working in the sales needs department I was again placed in the sales department
as an assistant to Mr Sandeep Poojary who was the Senior Sales executive with over 12
years of experience in the field of sales in Mandovi Motors.

The typical day at the workplace started with the meeting before the arrival of the
customers and about the targets which one has achieved and the pending ones were
reminded by the group leaders and the incentives per cars are reminded by them to
boost confidence and to encourage everyone.

This week I got an opportunity to handle a walk in customer. This customer had visited
by reference that had given to him through his relative who had purchased a Ertiga from
Mandovi Motors. This customer was interested in the Alto and had booked the car even
without a test drive. The customer had chosen the LXI trim which was luckily ready in
stck and was delivered to him the same week once the official formalities and funds
were deposited to the dealership.

An old reference of Mr Sandeep had requested for a home test drive of Brezza in
vamanjoor and we promptly attended him at the same time which was requested by
him. The customer had many queries and after a span of 30 minutes of test drive the
customer calls back and sends the booking amount online. The variant chosen by him
was VXI automatic which was not available in stock and we had to orded a fresh
demand from the factory.

The sales executives, even after having a serious competition with one another are seen
to be friendly with each other and work together with no arguments or fights among
each other.

I got a chance to deliver a December make Swift VXI which was unsold and was in the
inventory to a retired senior citizen. Interacting with him was a completely different
experience and got a lot to learn from him during the sale process.

Eeco vehicle from the 2021 December lot was also lying unsold in the inventory and
the company had pressurised sales executive to sell the vehicle as soon as possible by
offering a lot of consumer offers and attractive finance options. The car was sold to
KMC Mangalore as they had an urgent requirement of a economical seven seater
vehicle to pick up and drop their staff.

A customer had come after selling his Ritz to the true value section. His requirement
was a Dzire in ZXI trim. The model being very popular and highly demanding it was
difficult to source the car and finally had to place an order and deliver the car after 20

In the meantime i have also managed to deliver three Swift and two Dzires which were
booked in the first week of January. All the five cars which were sold belonged to
different trim levels with Swift being sold in ZXI+,ZXI and LXI trim and Dzire sold in

During my internship the New updated Ertiga was due for a facelift and all the three
customers who had booked the same were waiting for the prices to be announced and
had a special request of not to allot the pre facelift models for them. The new Ertiga
was launched and due to the prebookings done by the customer they were eligible to
buy the first lot of Ertiga which had arrived at the stockyard. This was the first time I
have sold a car with 6 speed torque converter gearbox.

I have only managed to sell a single CNG car that is the Alto 800 LXI optional. Due to
the poor response of CNG cars in Mangalore and lack of CNG bunks it is very difficult
as a sales executive to sell a CNG car especially when the fuel efficiency from a petrol
powered engine is good. It is always a big question for customers with low running as
to why spend an extra lac for CNG cars.

The new Celerio had just launched during my internship and the hype that Maruti had
created during the launch made us very busy as there were a lot of walk-in customers
who were interested in the car. I had received three bookings for the same. Two
customers were very particular about the top most spec of the car whereas the other
customer wanted the base variant of the car.

Maruti’s new formula of urban SUV has surely remarked a great impression on the
sales number as well as in the minds of the customers. I had received two S Presso
during my internship out of which one was the VXI manual and the other was VXI

Wagon R facelift was also launched during my internship and I got two bookings one
was for the 1.0 VXI and the other was for the 1.2 ZXI manual. Both the customers were
allotted the car in the first lot itself as they had done pre-bookings before the car was
officially launched.


True value is the official used car sell and purchase platform for Maruti Suzuki.

There are many customers who visit showroom right after getting their car valuated at
the True Value. These are the customers who are already a part of the Maruti Suzuki
family and are well confident about the products sold by them. These customers are
treated well y giving them the first priority during the car availability issues and are
also given an an exchange bonus. These customers are highly profitable for the
dealership as the dealer earns a profit by selling the customers old vehicle as well as
earn profit by selling the new vehicle.

There are also instances where a customer wanted to buy a used car from True Value
buys a brand new vehicle after matching the given quotations. Used car loan interest

rates are generally double that of a new car. This is one of the reason why a customer
choses to buy a brand new vehicle.

For instance, a used Ignis costs 5lac whereas a new S-Presso will cost slightly more.
The sales executives are trained well to make customers aware and turn a prospective
used car buyer to try out a brand new vehicle.


A sales manager must have a lot of patience. You just cannot afford to be impolite to
your clients. Clients must be given time to trust you and your items. & as a trainee, I
learned that patience is the most important skill for being owned.

As a trainee salesperson, I am required to interact with a variety of consumers and
clients from varied backgrounds. This has taught me how to deal with consumers with
various needs. Because a salesperson's pitch and tone are crucial in persuading a
consumer, this era has aided me in becoming a better communicator.


As an intern I found that the team work is very important and is always better than a
individual work. The ideas and the execution becomes better when we work as a team
with equal contribution and participation of all the individuals.


Not only was I able to gain self-management and accountability skills throughout the
internship, but I was also able to grow myself and communicate with people.

Customers should not be kept in the dark about anything. Transparency is necessary to
avoid problems in the future. Explain only what your product has to offer.

A salesperson must be aware of this, how to adapt his sales approach to the needs of
the client do not limit yourself to a single plan or concept. Learn to make quick

decisions based on the circumstances and should adjust with the times. Salespeople
should not be overly rigorous and demanding.

Being late for meetings produces a negative impression in the minds of clients,
therefore salespeople must value their time. Making consumers wait is a sin unless and
until there is an emergency. Start a little earlier to ensure that you arrive at meetings on
schedule. As a trainee, I had the opportunity to learn the ‘time value’.

During my trainee phase, I received Customer-centricity is critical for a sales manager.
Identify the customers needs and requirements. Don't just force things on him.
Customers require individuals representing the sales sector to be sensitive and kind.


My overall internship experience has been great in Mandovi Motors Private Limited.
Internship process included a lot of challenges and a lot of work related commitments
given to various customer who had booked the car through me with the assistance of
my senior Mr Sandeep Poojary. Working with him was a great experience as he is the
best sales executive in Manadovi Motors with a track record of highest sales created
ever by a sales executive in the history of Mandovi Motors.

The staff in the showroom were very helpful and never made me feel like an intern. The
guidance given by the assistant H.R at the beginning was great and he was supportive
throught the entire my internship.

The induction program by Mr Denzil Wilson Pinto made me understand the

organization in a better way and got to learn a lot about the digital marketing which is
an absolute necessity in todays date to make an affective sale.

I have not only learnt about the work that has to be done but have also got to learn a lot
of valuable life skills.

Meeting different set of customers made me understand their work culture and
traditions and I was very happy to serve them from the best of my knowledge.

My sales executive team was very supportive and helpful. I would happily join here as
an permanent employee after my studies.

The HR of the Mandovi was well satisfied by my work as an intern and was happy to
make me a part of the sales referral program.

I was asked to submit my internship report copy to the company which was checked by
the HR and a three month internship certificate along with my attendance certificate
was haded over to me.






 More than 100 years of experience in automobile field
 NO.1 Maruti Suzuki dealer in the state
 Showroom space of 860 square feet reserved for display cars.
 Well known Aroor family before independence
 High working capital consisting of 698 employees
 Regional office consisting of 240 + 120 employees
 Business transparency
 Prompt remitters


 No opportunity for expansion in regional office

 Lack of space in the regional office leads to congestion in parking
 Lack of diesel cars in the portfolio.
 No D segment cars available in the portfolio. There is a high opportunity of
Mandovi motors losing customers who want to upgrade their already existing
flagship Suzuki car with a superior car.
 Lack of turbo petrol engines compared to competition cars.

 Digitalization of showroom
 Increase in the number of workshops for every 24 kilometres
 Introduction of a hero car platform in the showroom.
 Introduction of a Mandovi Motors mobile application for ease of

 Competition from 4 other major Maruti Suzuki dealers in the state.
 Bharat Autocar private limited is located not too far from Mandovi motors
 Lack of diesel cars in the Maruti Suzuki portfolio might result in customers
choosing cars of other brands hence Mandovi motors loses have a potential

 Competition car brand showrooms available in Mangalore like Hyundai, Tata,
Kia, Volkswagen, Skoda, Mahindra, Renualt etc
 Reputed used car dealers like Cars 24, OLX autos affect the sales of Maruti
True Value.




21-35 years 8 34.78
36-45 years 6 26.08
46-59 years 7 30.43
ABOVE 60 years 2 8.69
TOTAL 23 100






40 34.78
20 8.69

21-35 years 36-45 years 46-59 years ABOVE 60 years TOTAL


Table no.4.1 shows that out of 23 respondents 34.78% of the respondents are belonging
to the age group of 21-35 years. 26.08% of them are from the age group of 36-45 years,
30.43% of the respondents are belonging to the age group of 46-59 years and the rest
of the8.69% of the respondents are above 60 years.



MALE 20 86.95

FEMALE 3 13.04


TOTAL 23 100





20 13.04


Table no.4.2 shows that out of 23 respondents 86.95% of the respondents are male.
13.04% of the respondents are female.


BELOW 5,00,000 5 21.73

5,00,000-10,00,000 3 13.04

11,00,000-20,00,000 9 39.13

ABOVE 20,00,000 6 26.08

TOTAL 23 100



120 100
40 21.73 26.08
20 13.04


Table no.4.3 shows that out of 23 respondents 21.73% of the respondent's annual
income Is below Rs.5,00,000 13.04% of the respondents annual income is between
Rs5,00,000 to Rs.10,00,000. 39.13% of the respondents annual income is between
Rs.11,00,000 to Rs.20,00,000. remaining 26.08% belonging to the income group of
Above Rs20,00,000.

SALARIED 10 43.47
NRI 3 13.04
RETIRED 2 8.69
TOTAL 23 100





40 34.78

20 13.04



Table no.4.4 shows that 47.43% of the respondents are salaried. 34.78% of the
respondents are self employed 13.04% are NRIs, and the remaining 8.69% of the
respondents are retired.

YES 16 69.56
NO 7 30.43
TOTAL 23 100





80 69.56


40 30.43




Table no.4.5 shows that 69.56% of the respondents have taken test drive and rest of
the 30.43% of them have not taken the test drive.

YES 5 21.74
NO 18 78.26
TOTAL 23 100









Table no.4.6 shows that 21.74% of the respondents have demanded for hard copy
brochure and rest of the 78.26% of them have not demanded for hard copy brochure.

OTHER 2 8.69
TOTAL 23 100


100 91.3




20 8.69



Table no.4.7 shows that 91.30% of the respondents have opted for Maruti Insurance
and the rest 8.69% of them have chosen non Maruti Insurance.

BANK LOAN 21 91.30
TOTAL 23 100



100 91.3




20 8.69


Table no.4.8 shoes that 91.30% of the respondents have bought the car through car
loan and the rest 8.69% of them have bought the car through cash purchase.

3YEAR/60,000KMS 7 15.78
4YEAR/80,000KMS 5 26.31
5YEAR/1,00,000KMS 11 57.89
TOTAL 23 100






3YEAR/60,000KMS 4YEAR/80,000KMS 5YEAR/1,00,000KMS TOTAL


Table no.4.9 shows that 15.78% of the respondents have opted for 3 year/60,000kms
extended warranty,26.31% of them have opted for 4year/80,000kms warranty and the
rest 57.89% of them have opted for full 5 year/1,00,000kms warranty package.

LXI 4 17.39
VXI 8 34.78
VXI+ 2 8.69
ZXI 4 17.39
ZXI+ 5 21.74
TOTAL 23 100




17.39 17.39 21.74
20 8.69


Table no.4.10 shows that 17.39% of the respondents have chosen LXI, 34.78% of
them have chosen VXI, 8.69% of them have chosen VXI+, 17.39% of them have
chosen ZXI and the rest 21.74% of them have chosen ZXI+ variant.

MANUAL 16 69.56
TOTAL 23 100



80 69.56


40 30.43




Table no.4.11 shows that 69.56% of the respondents have chosen for manual gearbox
and the rest 30.47% of them have chosen cars equipped with automatic gearbox.



PETROL 21 91.30
TOTAL 23 100


100 91.3




20 8.69



Table no.4.12 shows that 91.30% of the respondents have chosen petrol car and the
rest 8.69% of them have chosen petrol+CNG fuel option.

SINGLE TONE 19 82.60
DUAL TONE 4 17.39
TOTAL 23 100







Table no.4.13 shows that 82.60% of the respondents have opted for single tone paint
scheme and 17.39% of them have chosen for dual tone paint.

FIRST TIME 6 26.08
TOTAL 23 100



80 73.91


40 26.08



Table no.4.14 shows that 82.60% of the respondents have opted for single tone paint
scheme and 17.39% of them have chosen for dual tone paint.






The primary aim of this study is to know the various methods of creating a sale and
enhancing opportunities in the field of sales. The requirements to make an effective sale
is known through this Internship opportunity. Internship in sales management gave me
an opportunity to face the customers and interact with them in a practical scenario. All
the suggestions and feedback given by the customer are very important and holds great
value in the eyes of a salesman to grow and enhance his career. The survey is completed.
The data gathered from the customers are using a variety of data collecting techniques
and approaches. The collected data is then examined, and the conclusions are drawn as
a result of this study. After considering the findings, the remedy for the problems has
been presented. According to the research, the majority of the Mandovi Motors clientele
are satisfied. The findings and recommendations will undoubtedly aid in the execution
and enforcement of its objectives in the best interest of its customers.

The company’s products has a very high demand in the Indian market and is considered
to be the No.1 carmaker of the country as far as sales figures are concerned. This is the
reason why the dealership is highly profitable and due to the high sales and demand the
dealership has given a lot of opportunity to the growing talents in terms of employment
and also the betterment of the society through their CSR activities. the dealership makes
sure that each employee gets a fair chance in proving themselves the best and to get
promoted to various higher levels. The employee also gets an apology and there is a
very low chances of him/her getting fired from the company in case the mistake done
by them is not deliberate or a crime. At Mandovi it is believed that an employee must
accept the mistake and should not pass the blame on to others. The work load on the
dealership is extremely high and employees must balance the work cycle accordingly.
Due to the high sales and service in the dealership it is seen that it is very important to
track down all the perfectly and the errors seen in the work is next to zero in the
dealership. It is noted that all the customers coming from any background is treated
well and no discrimination is been shown by any employee of the company.

The employee satisfaction is excellent and people enjoy working at Mandovi Motors.
The work environment despite being busy is free of politics and zero toxicity among
employee’s. Being one of the oldest names in the industry and the experience it is very
difficult for others to match up to the business of Mandovi Motors and the trust and
transparency that the brand has created over these years.


 Majority of the respondents were happy to suggest the car to their known ones.
 All the customers who I met bought the car due to the known legacy and history of
the Maruti Suzuki.
 Majority of the sub 10lac rupee car buyer enters the Maruti Suzuki dealership
compared to any other known automobile manufacturer.
 Most of the customers feel that the price to value ratio in Maruti Suzuki cars are the
best compared to any other brand.
 Maximum number of respondents prefer White as their primary choice while
booking the car.
 Majority of the customers say that the reliability factor is what drives them to be a
repeat buyer of the Maruti Suzuki product.
 Maintenance cost of the car is considered to be the lowest compared to any other
competition brand.
 Majority of the customers trust Mandovi Motors be it in sales or service
 Customer retention in Mandovi Motors is really high as customers are extremely
satisfied by the services provided by the dealership.
 Dual tone paint scheme option is not very popular option in the Maruti Suzuki as
most of the customers still prefer to opt for single tone color.
 Automatics are preferred more by the first time car buyers, ladies and NRI’s.
 Booking cancellation ratio by a customer in Mandovi Motors is very low.
 CNG option is preferred more by the taxi users for lower running costs.
 Ertiga has the highest waiting period among other cars in the portfolio.
 Cars like the Alto and S Presso are mostly bought by first time car buyers or in some
case bought by repeat customer for their city runabouts.
 All the customers whom I met bought the car through loan.

 Repeat customers who own a Maruti Suzuki car prefer to exchange their car through
Maruti True Value program foe hassle free documentation and earn exchange bonus
on their new purchase.
 Majority of the buyers opt for installation of seat covers trough Maruti Genuine
accessories before taking delivery of their car.
 Majority of the customers come with their family on the day of their car delivery.
 Majority of the respondents do not demand for a self PDI in the stockyard.
 Majority of the customers do not opt for single digit VIP numbers.


 The car delivery program could be made more special by the dealership by covering
the car in a satin cloth and then the family uncover it during the car delivery.
 The parking space for the customer is very tight and narrow. A valet parking
program would solve this problem.
 A real world photograph of the all the cars in all the paint schemes should be kept
in place with dealership for the better understanding of the color as the shade seen
in the animated car in the website is slightly off from the rear shade of the car.
 5 year extended warranty with 50,000kms,75,000kms should also be introduced as
there are a lot of customers whose running is not more than 10,000kms a year.


 D.A. Aaker, (1996 ) Building Strong Brands, New York : Free Press
 C. Anderson , ( 2006 3 The Lons Tail: Why the Future of Business is Selling
Less of More. New York : Hyperior
 A Arain, A Allen 2021 Satisfaction susantecd. People Manarcmeat. vol. S. No.
21. 40-42
 Ashby, Fand Pell, A (2001 ) Embracing Excellence. Harlow, Essex : Prentice
 B.T. Gale , [1994] Manaing Customer Value. New York : The Free Press
 Mike Schultz, John E. Doerr (2014 )Insight selling. London : Bloomsbury
 Grey. R ( 2003 ) Brand benefits of loyalty incentives. Marketing UK


 https://cbseacademic.nic.in/web_material/Curriculum20/publication/srse
 https://www.shareyouressays.com/essays/short-essay-on-scope-of-
 http://www.himpub.com/documents/Chapter875.pdf
 https://www.slideshare.net/saurabhkumarlohal/marketing-strategy-of-
 https://www.academia.edu/31249550/a_internship_report_of_automobil
 https://mandovi.in/mangalore/
 https://www.marutisuzuki.com/channels/arena/all-cars
 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maruti_Suzuki 

Chapter 7




I, Sahil M Rai the student of Srinivas University Institute of Management and

Commerce, doing an internship in MANDOVI MOTORS PRIVATE LIMITED.
I would be highly appreciated and also thankful if you could help me by providing your
valuable remarks on following questions. I assure you of confidentiality of
the input you provide to me.
Name of Respondent:

1. What is your age ?

A. 21-35 years
B. 36-45 years
C. 45-59 years
D. Above 60 years

2. What gender do you identify as ?

A. Male
B. Female
C. Transgender

3.What is your annual household income ?

A. Below 5,00,000
B. 5,00,000-10,00,000
C. 11,00,000-20,00,000
D. Above 20,00,000

4.What is your employment status ?

A. Salaried
B. Self employed
D. Retired
5.Have you availed the test drive facility ?

A. Yes
B. No
6. Did you demand for a hard copy print brochure ?

A. Yes
B. No
7. What mode of insurance did you opt for ?

A. Maruti Insurance
B. Outsoucing
8.What was your mode of payment ?

A. Bank Loan
B. Cash purchase
9.Which extended warranty option did you choose from Maruti Suzuki ?

A. 3 year/60,000 kms
B. 4year/80,000kms
C. 5year/1,00,000kms
10.What was your preferred variant while purchasing the car ?

11. Which gearbox do you prefer while buying a car ?

A. Manual
B. Automatic

12. What fuel option do you prefer ?

A. Petrol
B. Petrol+CNG

13.What type of paint scheme did you choose ?

A. Single tone
B. Dual tone

14. Which category of customer do you fall in ?

A. Repeat customer
B. First time customer


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