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RBDG Man 032 0100 - Rams

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Design guidelines

RAMS Targets

The sole responsibility of this publication lies with the author.

The European Union is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
Design Guidelines
RAMS Targets

Table of Contents

Standards and specifications ................................................................................................................................................................... 3

Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5

Safety design criteria .................................................................................................................................................................................. 6

3.1. Safety methodology........................................................................................................................................................................ 6
3.2. Safety targets ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 6

RAM Design criteria ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 7

4.1. RAM Methodology ........................................................................................................................................................................... 7
4.2. RAM targets ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
The RAM targets shall be defined for the whole Rail Baltica transport system, which include operation and
maintenance of infrastructure and rolling stock. .................................................................................................................................. 7
Rail Baltica transport system ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
Rail Baltica infrastructure ............................................................................................................................................................... 8
Rail Baltica rolling stock .............................................................................................................................................................. 11

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Design Guidelines
RAMS Targets

Standards and specifications

Following standards and specifications shall be applied to RAMS:
- European Standards (EN for European Norms);
- European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC);
- International ISO standards.
Railway Applications - The Specification and Demonstration of
EN 50126:2017
Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS)
Railway Applications - The Specification and Demonstration of
EN 50126-1:2017 Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) - Part 1:
Basic Requirements and Generic Process
Railway Applications - The Specification and Demonstration of
EN 50126-2:2017 Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) - Part 1:
System approach to safety
Railway applications – Communications, Signalling and Processing
EN 50128:2011
Systems - Software for railway control and protection systems.
Railway Applications - Communication, Signalling and Processing
EN 50128:2011
Systems - Software for Railway Control And Protection Systems
Railway Applications - Communication, Signalling and Processing
EN 50129:2003
Systems - Safety Related Electronic Systems for Signalling
Railway applications – Fixed installations – Process, measures and
CLC/TS 50562:2018
demonstration of safety for electric traction systems.
Railway applications - Communication, signalling and processing
EN 50159:2010
systems - Safety-related communication in transmission systems.
Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic
EN 61508-1:2010
Safety-Related Systems - Part 1: General Requirements
Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic
Safety-Related Systems - Part 2: Requirements for
EN 61508-2:2010
Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic Safety-Related
Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic
EN 61508-3:2010
Safety-Related Systems - Part 3: Software Requirements
Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic
EN 61508-4:2010
Safety-Related Systems - Part 4: Definitions and Abbreviations
Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic
EN 61508-5:2010 Safety-Related Systems - Part 5: Examples of Methods For The
Determination Of Safety Integrity Levels
Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic
EN 61508-6:2010 Safety-Related Systems - Part 6: Guidelines on The Application Of
IEC 61508-2 And IEC 61508-3
Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic
EN 61508-7:2010 Safety-Related Systems - Part 7: Overview of Techniques And

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Design Guidelines
RAMS Targets

Mathematical expressions for reliability, availability, maintainability

EN 61703:2016
and maintenance support terms.

NFPA 130: 2014 Standard for Fixed Guideway Transit and Passenger Rail Systems.

NFPA 101:2015 Life Safety Code.

ISO 9000:2005 Quality management systems – Fundamentals and vocabulary.

ISO 9001:2008 Quality management systems – Requirements.

Software engineering - Guidelines for the application of ISO

ISO/IEC 90003:2004
9001:2000 to computer software.

ISO/IEC 60300 Dependability management

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Design Guidelines
RAMS Targets

This document defines the RAMS Design Criteria for the Rail Baltica railway.

One of its objectives is to meet the following RAMS high level requirements:
 The Design Guidelines shall determine Reliability Availability Maintainability and Safety targets
(RAMS) which must be achieved by the operating Rail Baltica railway;

 The Rail Baltica railway transport system shall be safe, secure, efficient, cost effective, robust,
reliable, durable and comfortable in all aspects, capable of delivering high standards of service
quality within the forecasted levels of capacity and employ modern technology with proven
performance characteristics;

 Performance and reliability shall be delivered at levels comparable to other leading international
railway infrastructure.

In order to ensure that the design and delivery of the Rail Baltica railway transport system complies with
the RAMS high level requirements; Design Guidelines shall give guidance to the designer teams on how to
consider the system dependability. The future Contractors will then be responsible for the RAMS
characteristics of their own systems and are also responsible for the RAMS characteristics of their systems

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Design Guidelines
RAMS Targets

Safety design criteria

3.1. Safety methodology
The scope of safety as considered in this document is System Safety meaning that items such as security
(vandalism, aggression, terrorism, etc.), occupational safety (staff safety during works), and operational
safety (staff safety during O&M) are not addressed here.
The Safety process for the Rail Baltica railway project shall be performed in compliance with the
international RAMS Standards EN 50126:2017, EN 50129:2003 and EN 50128:2011. All other Standards
listed in chapter 1 shall apply as relevant.
This safety process is based on the Development V-cycle shown in Appendix 1. It unfolds as follows:
 The Rail Baltica project, in compliance with the international RAMS Standards shall develop a
Design Preliminary Hazard Analysis based on its Preliminary Design identifying both Hazards and
the corresponding Safety Requirements.

 These Safety Requirements shall be passed to the Detailed Technical Design Contractors during
the Master Design development phase.

 These Safety Requirements shall be taken into account by the Contractors during the
development of their Detailed Technical Design.

 The Hazards and the corresponding Safety Requirements shall be followed-up throughout the
systems’ lifecycles until their closures using a Design Hazard Log.

Software safety functions within systems and subsystems must be implemented using the architecture,
methods, tools and technique defined in Standard IEC 62279/EN 50128.
EMC/EMI, Fire & Life Safety and Ergonomics are specific fields of expertise and the outputs of these studies
shall be taken as inputs to the RAMS studies addressed herein.

3.2. Safety targets

The safety targets shall be defined in this document at a further stage for the whole system when the
relevant studies are completed.
Then each system safety targets are to be set by the Contractors in compliance with these safety targets.
These targets can be either qualitative or quantitative.
Safety targets apply for all railway systems safety related. In particular, signalling systems shall be designed
with Safety Integrity Level 4 (SIL4).
No target shall be set for Civil Works. The risk contribution from Civil Works is considered to be negligible
on the assumption that the design and construction of Civil Works is in accordance with industry practice
and international standards.

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Design Guidelines
RAMS Targets

RAM Design criteria

4.1. RAM Methodology
The RAM process for the Project shall be performed in compliance with the international RAMS Standards
EN 50126:2017, EN 50129:2003 and EN 50128:2011. All other Standards listed in Chapter 1 shall apply as
This RAM process is based on the Development V-cycle. It unfolds as follows:
 The Rail Baltica project, in compliance with the international RAMS Standards shall develop a RAM
Verification Report based on its Preliminary Design ensuring that the apportionment of RAM
targets on various systems meet the overall RAM targets.

 These systems RAM targets shall be passed to the Detailed Technical Design Contractors during
the Master Design development phase.

 These systems RAM targets shall be taken into account by the Contractors during the
development of their Detailed Technical Design.

 The systems RAM targets and the corresponding overall RAM targets shall be followed-up during
the O&M phase using a RAM Demonstration Report.

4.2. RAM targets

The RAM targets shall be defined for the whole Rail Baltica transport system, which include
operation and maintenance of infrastructure and rolling stock.

Rail Baltica transport system

The RAM targets shall be defined for the whole Rail Baltica transport system, which include operation and
maintenance of infrastructure and rolling stock.
The Rail Baltica railway transport system design shall permit stable operations for each service that meet
the capacity and performance requirements at levels comparable to other leading international railway
infrastructure, but with a transport system availability level not less than 99.8%.
The targets must be understood as applicable criteria at the end of the guarantee periods of the different
sub-system, when target are reached and stabilised for every system. Demosmtration of RAM targets shall
be effective on a one year rolling period.

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Design Guidelines
RAMS Targets

Rail Baltica infrastructure

Operation Control Centre equipment

Component (including hardware and software) Availability Target Target MTBF

Visual Control Panel ≥ 99.99 % ≥ 100,000 hours
Server (without redundancy) ≥ 99.50 % ≥ 50,000 hours
Remote Terminal Unit (without redundancy) ≥ 99.50 % ≥ 50,000 hours
Workstation ≥ 99.00 % ≥ 40,000 hours
Printer ≥ 99.00 % ≥ 30,000 hours

Availability of the on-board ERTMS systems shall be at least 99.95% per system, per train.
Availability of the line side signalling, interlocking, train detection system etc. at any point on the line shall
be at least 99.98%.
Any electronic equipment part of the signalling system shall have a MTBF higher than 100,000 hours.
The MTTR for the signalling equipment shall be less than 1 hour

Non-traction Power Supply

The architecture shall comply with no disturbance with an “n-1” order which means any single failure shall
not impact train operation. The required availability shall be at least 99.999%.
The MTTR of non traction power supply systems shall be less than 2 hours.

Traction Power Supply

The architecture shall comply with no disturbance with an “n-1” order which means any single failure shall
not impact train operation. The required availability shall be at least 99.995%.
The Availability targets for the power supply system are defined at several levels:
 Availability of each High Voltage connection shall be at least 99.9999%.

 Availability of each Traction Power Sub-Station, Switching Post, Paralelling Post shall be at least

 Availability of Overhead contact line system shall be at least 99.999%.

 Availability of the low voltage power supply for control systems of traction power supply system
shall be at least 99.999%.

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Design Guidelines
RAMS Targets

The MTTR of traction power supply systems shall be less than 2 hours.

Multi-Service Network
The system architecture shall be designed in such a way a single failure of any component causes no
consequence on the transmission service.
The overall availability of the Multi-Service Network (for end to end users) shall be at least 99.999%.
MSN shall have at least a 99.99% availability for services provided to Safety-critical functions which roughly
means a 1h maximum unavailability per year.

Passenger Information System

The availability of the Passenger Information System shall be at least 99.98%.

Public Address System

The availability of the Public Address System shall be at least 99.98%.

Access Control System

The availability of the Access Control System shall be at least 99.95%.

Clock System
The availability of the Clock System shall be at least 99.99%.

Telephony System
The availability of the Telephony System shall be at least 99.99%.

Radio Communication System

The availability of the Radio Communication System shall be at least 99.99%.

Closed Circuit Television System

The availability of the Closed Circuit Television System shall be at least 99.99%.

Automatic Fare Collection

The overall availability of the Automatic Fare Collection system shall be at least 99.5%.

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Design Guidelines
RAMS Targets

Maintenance vehicles

Diesel locomotive
Reliability No more than one failure per year
Availability 97.5% after breakdowns and maintenance
Maintainability 90 % of all failures of an equipment shall be repaired in a maximum time of one
day (MTTR ≤ 24 hours)
Road-rail Vehicles
Reliability No more than two failures per year
Availability 95% after breakdowns and maintenance
Maintainability 90 % of all failures of an equipment shall be repaired in a maximum time of one
day (MTTR ≤ 24 hours)

The overall availability of the track system the shall be at least 99.9%.
Any track equipment shall have a MTBF of at least 300,000h and a MTTR less than 1h without including its
transport time on site.

Escalators and elevators

Availability of the escalators (one equipment) shall be at least 98%.
Availability of the elevators (one equipment) shall be at least 98%.

Availability of the Air Conditioning System shall be at least 99% in stations platform public area.

Electrical distribution
A single failure of the lighting shall not lead to the total loss of light in any public area.
The availability of the lighting system in each station shall be greater than 99.9%.
The MTTR of the lighting system shall be less than one hour.

Fire Protection
Availability of the Fire Detection System shall be at least 99.95% per unit. A unit includes the local fire alarm
panel with all its services.

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Design Guidelines
RAMS Targets

The MTBF of the Fire Fighting Pumps shall be at least 10,000 hours.

Smoke Management System:

Maintainability Reliability
Equipment MTTR MTBF Availability
(hours) (hours)
Axial fan 2 82,000 99.99%
Jet fan 2 82,000 99.99%
Minor failure: 8 99.99%
Fan motor bearings 100,000
Major failure: 48 99.95%
6 18,000 99.96%
(fire damper, balance damper, shutoff damper)

Tunnel Ventilation System and Dewatering

The following targets are set:

Item Reliability Maintainability Availability

Ventilation equipment MTBF > 5,000 hours MTTR < 2 hours 99.96 %

Dewatering pumps MTBF > 15,000 hours MTTR < 2 hours 99.98 %


Rail Baltica rolling stock

Rolling stock
Availability of Rolling Stock shall be defined in order to reach global Rail Baltica railway transport system.
Therefore, requirements shall be passed to the Railway Undertakings as a necessary condition to access
the infrastructure.
Availability is related to the trains in service at peak hours, and not to the whole fleet. Availability target for
trains in service at peak hours train shall be at least 99.95%.

The reliability targets for one train are set in terms of Mean Kilometres Between Failures (MKBF) as follows:
Delay on operation Target MKBF
0 to 5 min delay ≥ 20,000km
5 to 30 min delay ≥ 100,000km
More than 30 min delay ≥ 500,000km

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Design Guidelines
RAMS Targets

Train rescue ≥ 300,0000km


Rolling stock maintenance depot equipment

Availability of depot equipment shall be defined in order to reach global Rail Baltica railway transport
system. Therefore, requirements shall be passed to the entity responsible for train maintenance as a
necessary condition to allow the train mainatoned in the depots to access the infrastructure.
The availability of the rolling stock maintenance depot equipments shall be greater than 98%.
The MTTR of the rolling stock maintenance depot equipments shall be less than one hour.

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