Astm G82
Astm G82
Astm G82
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
G82 − 98 (2014)
noble (electropositive). The potentials themselves (versus an series of bars displaying the range of potentials exhibited by
appropriate reference half-cell) are listed so that the potential the metal listed opposite each bar. Such a series is illustrated in
difference between metals in the series can be determined. This Fig. 1.
type of Galvanic Series has been put in graphical form as a
G82 − 98 (2014)
4.3.2 The second type of galvanic series is similar to the first factors being equal, and subject to the precautions in Section 5,
in that it lists the metals of interest in order of their corrosion this increased driving force frequently, although not always,
potentials. The actual potentials themselves are not specified, results in a greater degree of galvanic corrosion.
however. Thus, only the relative position of materials in the
series is known and not the magnitude of their potential 5. Precautions in the Use of a Galvanic Series
difference. Such a series is shown in Fig. 2. 5.1 The galvanic series should not be confused with the
4.4 Use of a Galvanic Series: electromotive force series, which, although of a similar appear-
4.4.1 Generally, upon coupling two metals in the Galvanic ance to the galvanic series, is based on standard electrodepo-
Series, the more active (electronegative) metal will have a tentials of elements and not on corrosion potentials of metals.
tendency to undergo increased corrosion while the more noble The electromotive force series should not be used for galvanic
(electropositive) metal will have a tendency to undergo re- corrosion prediction.
duced corrosion. 5.2 Each series is specific to the environment for which it
4.4.2 Usually, the further apart two metals are in the series, was compiled. For example, a series developed in a flowing
and thus the greater the potential difference between them, the ambient temperature seawater should not be used to predict the
greater is the driving force for galvanic corrosion. All other performance of galvanic couples in fresh water or in heated
5.3 Corrosion potentials can change with time and the
ACTIVE END Magnesium
(−) Magnesium Alloys
environment. These changes can affect the potential difference
↑ Zinc between the metals of interest and, in some cases, can reverse
| Galvanized Steel relative positions. It is thus imperative that the series used for
| Aluminum 1100
| Aluminum 6053
the prediction be obtained under similar conditions of exposure
| Alclad duration and electrolyte composition as the situation being
| Cadmium predicted.
| Aluminum 2024 (4.5 Cu, 1.5 Mg, 0.6 Mn)
| Mild Steel 5.4 Galvanic corrosion can occur between two identical
| Wrought Iron materials in different environments. The galvanic series gen-
| Cast Iron
| 13 % Chromium Stainless Steel erated herein cannot be applied to this situation.
| Type 410 (Active)
5.5 Use of a galvanic series provides qualitative prediction
| 18-8 Stainless Steel
| Type 304 (Active) of galvanic corrosion. It should not be used for quantitative
| 18-12-3 Stainless Steel predictions of galvanic corrosion rate. A more precise deter-
| Type 316 (Active)
| Lead-Tin Solders
mination of the effect of galvanic coupling can be obtained by
| Lead the measurement of the corrosion currents involved as outlined
| Tin in Guide G71.4,5
| Muntz Metal
| Manganese Bronze 5.6 Some published Galvanic Series, such as those in Fig. 16
| Naval Brass and Fig. 2, consider the possibility of there being more than
| Nickel (Active)
| 76 Ni-16 Cr-7 Fe alloy (Active) one potential range for the same material, depending on
| 60 Ni-30 Mo-6 Fe-1 Mn whether the material is in the active or the passive state.
| Yellow Brass Knowledge of conditions affecting passivity of these materials
| Admirality Brass
| Aluminum Brass is necessary to determine which potential range to use in a
| Red Brass particular application.
| Copper
| Silicon Bronze 5.7 Galvanic corrosion behavior is affected by many factors
| 70:30 Cupro Nickel besides corrosion potentials. These factors must also be con-
| G-Bronze
| M-Bronze
sidered in judging the performance of a galvanic couple. They
| Silver Solder include, but are not limited to, the following:
| Nickel (Passive) 5.7.1 Anode-to-cathode area ratio,
| 76 Ni-16 Cr-7 Fe
| Alloy (Passive)
5.7.2 Electrolyte conductivity,
| 67 Ni-33 Cu Alloy (Monel) 5.7.3 Distance between coupled metals,
| 13 % Chromium Stainless Steel 5.7.4 Shielding of metal surfaces by marine growth,
| Type 410 (Passive)
| Titanium
sediments, and so forth,
| 18-8 Stainless Steel 5.7.5 Localized electrolyte concentration changes in
| Type 304 (Passive) shielded areas, and
| 18-12-3 Stainless Steel
↓ Type 316 (Passive)
(+) Silver Brasunas, A., Editor, NACE Basic Corrosion Course, Chapter 3, NACE,
NOBLE or Graphite Houston, TX, 1970.
Baboian, R., “Electrochemical Techniques for Predicting Galvanic Corrosion,”
Platinum Galvanic and Pitting Corrosion-Field and Laboratory Studies, ASTM STP 576, Am.
Soc. Testing Mats., 1976, pp. 5–19.
FIG. 2 Galvanic Series of Various Metals Exposed to Seawater 6
LaQue, F. L., Marine Corrosion, Causes and Prevention, John Wiley and Sons,
(see Footnote 3) New York, NY, 1975.
G82 − 98 (2014)
5.7.6 Polarization characteristics of the metals involved. anticipated duration of exposure, should be selected. During
5.8 Some materials that are subject to chemical attack in exposure of the panels, their corrosion potential relative to the
alkaline solutions may suffer increased attack when made the reference half-cell will be measured periodically, using a
cathode in a galvanic couple due to generation of hydroxyl ions voltmeter.
by the cathodic reaction. Use of a galvanic series will not 6.3.1 The size of the panels, wire connections, and voltme-
predict this behavior. ter input resistance should be selected to preclude errors caused
by polarization of the panel material, any voltage drop in the
5.9 A more detailed discussion of the theory of galvanic wire, and polarization of the reference half-cell during the
corrosion prediction is presented in Appendix X1 and in ASTM potential measurement procedure.
STP 576.5 6.3.2 Exposure duration should be sufficiently long to be
6. Development of a Galvanic Series indicative of the anticipated service condition.
6.3.3 Potentials should be measured frequently enough to
6.1 The development of a Galvanic Series may be divided provide good indications of potential variability during
into several steps. First is the selection of the environment and exposure, as well as systematic potential shifts that may occur.
conditions of interest. During the exposures, the environment 6.3.4 If the intent is to simulate long-term service, the
and conditions should be as close as possible to service potential readings should show no systematic variation over the
conditions. A list of environmental factors and conditions that latter portion of the exposures which would preclude the
could affect open-circuit potentials follows. This is not in- accurate extrapolation of the data to the service times of
tended to be a complete listing, but it should serve as a guide interest.
to the types of factors that require consideration:
6.1.1 Temperature, 6.4 Information relevant to selecting environment and
6.1.2 Flow velocity, and materials, as well as to the mounting of specimens and taking
6.1.3 Electrolyte composition: data, may be found in Practice G71. Dissolved oxygen, 7. Report Salinity, Heavy-metal ions, 7.1 The report concerning the development of the galvanic Organic matter, including bacteria and marine series should include as much detailed information as possible,
growth, such as the following: Soluble corrosion products, 7.1.1 The metallurgical history of the metals tested, includ- pH, ing the factors listed in 6.2, Conductivity, 7.1.2 The size, shape, and surface preparation of panels Corrodents not part of the original environment (for before exposure, and the method used to hold the panels,
example, de-icing salts, fertilizers, and industrial effluents), and 7.1.3 The environment and conditions, including those Waterline effects. items listed in 6.1,
7.1.4 The equipment and procedure used for potential
6.2 The metals of interest are to be obtained and prepared measurements,
for exposure. The processing and surface condition of these 7.1.5 The exposure duration and potential measurement
metals should be as close as possible to the expected condition frequency,
of the metals used in service. A list of factors that could affect 7.1.6 The condition of panels after exposure, and type of
the potentials of the metals follows. This is not intended to be corrosion, and
a complete listing, but it should serve as a guide to the types of 7.1.7 A listing of the materials arranged in order of average
factors that require consideration: or steady-state corrosion potential over the time of interest.
6.2.1 Bulk composition, This list should follow the guidelines set forth in Practice G3.
6.2.2 Casting or wrought processing method, The measured corrosion potential for each material
6.2.3 Heat treatment, and may be listed beside that material in the form of an average or
6.2.4 Surface condition: steady-state value with or without a standard deviation or other Mill finish, error band as calculated by procedures in Practice G16, or in Degree of cold-work from surface preparation, the form of a total range of potentials. This information may be Corrosion product films, plotted in bar graph form. Prior electrochemical history-passive versus active, The final listing or graph should contain an indica-
and tion of the noble and active directions, and sufficient informa- Pits or shielded (crevice) areas. tion about the conditions under which the series was obtained
6.3 Panels of the materials of interest should have electrical to prevent misuse of the series for other environments and
wires attached, with the attachment points protected from the conditions.
electrolyte by coating of an appropriate nonconductive material
or by the panels being mounted such that the point of electrical 8. Keywords
connection is not in contact with the electrolyte. A reference 8.1 active; corrosion potential; galvanic corrosion; Galvanic
half-cell, which is stable in the environment of interest over the Series; noble; passive
G82 − 98 (2014)
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 The difference in electrochemical potential between potential is so displaced from the equilibrium potential that the
two or more dissimilar metals in electrical contact and in the reverse reactions occur at a negligible rate and do not influence
same electrolyte causes electron flow between them. Attack of the corrosion rate.
the more noble metal or metals is usually decreased, and
corrosion of the more active metal is usually increased. X1.5 In Fig. X1.1, the data indicate that iron will corrode at
a rate of about 0.4 mA/cm2 and will exhibit a potential of
X1.2 Under the influence of galvanic coupling, appreciable about −0.52 V versus the saturated calomel electrode (SCE).
polarization of the metals may occur, which may produce a
protective film on the metal surface or which may cause X1.6 When two different corroding metals are coupled
breakdown of an already existing protective film. This effect is electrically in the same electrolyte, both metals are polarized so
commonly observed with stainless steel. Thus, an overall that each corrodes at a new rate. Fig. X1.1 shows the corrosion
characterization of each metal in the galvanic couple is potentials and polarization parameters for uncoupled Metals A
necessary to evaluate the behavior of the metals in a particular and B. Metal A is more noble than Metal B in that the
corrosive environment. equilibrium potential is less negative. When the mixed poten-
tial theory is applied to the individual reactions (A/A+, H2/H+,
X1.3 Galvanic corrosion of metals can be treated by appli- B/B+, H2/H+), the uncoupled corrosion rates are icorr,A for
cation of the mixed potential theory first described by Wagner Metal A and icorr,B for Metal B. When equal areas of Metals A
and Traud.7 The theory is based on two simple hypotheses: (1) and B are coupled, the resultant mixed potential of the system
any electrochemical reaction can be divided into two or more Ecorr,AB is at the intersection where the total oxidation rate
oxidation or reduction reactions, and (2) there can be no net equals the total reduction rate. The rate of oxidation of the
accumulation of electrical charge during an electrochemical individual coupled metals is such that Metal A corrodes at a
reaction. reduced rate i'corr,A and Metal B corrodes at an increased rate
X1.4 Under the simplest circumstance, metallic corrosion
would involve only two reactions, oxidation and reduction. The X1.7 The information required to predict the corrosion
corrosion of iron in sulfuric acid (H2SO4) involves the anodic behavior of galvanically coupled Metals A and B is shown in
dissolution of iron and the evolution of hydrogen. This is Fig. X1.2. In addition to the anodic polarization curves for
demonstrated by the polarization curves for iron in 0.52 N Metals A and B, it is necessary to measure either the cathodic
H2SO4 in Fig. X1.1. The first hypothesis of the mixed potential polarization curves for these metals or the mixed potential of
theory is satisfied if one considers that each reaction has its the galvanic couple (Ecorr,AB) under actual environmental
own reversible potential and polarization parameters. The conditions, because the nature of the cathodic reactions can
second hypothesis, that the total rate of oxidation equals the have a marked influence on the mixed potential. The two
total rate of reduction, is only satisfied at the intersection Ecorr, electrodes are not always polarized equally (mixed control),
the corrosion of mixed potential. At this point the rate of iron and the coupled potential can shift to either a more negative
dissolution is equal to the rate of hydrogen evolution. The (cathodic control) or positive (anodic control) direction, as
shown in Fig. X1.3. In this figure the current iAB is the galvanic
Wagner, C., and Traud, W., Z. Elektrochem, Vol 44, 1938, p. 391. current which can be measured by a zero resistance ammeter.
G82 − 98 (2014)
FIG. X1.2 Corrosion Behavior of Galvanically Coupled Metals A and B in the Case of Charge Transfer Control (not diffusion limited)
G82 − 98 (2014)
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