Release Notes CHARX Control Modular 1.2.1
Release Notes CHARX Control Modular 1.2.1
Release Notes CHARX Control Modular 1.2.1
Article Article-No.
Operator Note
Release 1.2.1, Status 22/07/2022 © PHOENIX CONTACT
1. General Remarks
This document describes the changes on the software of the charge controller CHARX control modular in
the product life cycle.
The actual controller software files can be downloaded at the product web site, e.g.
The firmware can be updated manually via the web-based management of the controller, for details please
read the manual, available at
Alternatively, the software can be updated remotely from a backend system via mobile communication and
the Open Charge Point Protocol OCPP. In this case, please supply your backend operator with the
respective software file.
The charge controller CHARX SEC-1000 can be updated via the CHARX SEC-1000 Configurator software,
available for download at
In case multiple charging controller are connected in one client server system, the software will be
automatically distributed to the connected server controller and connected extension modules.
The software of the charging controller is composed of several modules, which can be updated separately,
or within one full system update.
2. Table of Content
1. General Remarks.................................................................................................................................. 2
2. Table of Content .................................................................................................................................. 3
3. Overview of the software modules....................................................................................................... 4
3.1 Overview of the released software revisions................................................................................. 4
4. Release Notes by Application ............................................................................................................... 5
4.1 System ......................................................................................................................................... 5
4.2 System Monitor ............................................................................................................................ 7
4.3 Controller Agent ........................................................................................................................... 9
4.4 OCPP 1.6 .....................................................................................................................................10
4.5 Modbus Server ............................................................................................................................21
Modbus Server - V1.0.3 ...........................................................................................................................21
4.5 JupiCore ......................................................................................................................................22
4.6 Load Management ......................................................................................................................23
4.7 Webserver...................................................................................................................................26
4.8 Base Module Firmware................................................................................................................29
Table 3.1: Software modules running on the CHARX control modular controller
Application Function
System Monitor Supply of actual system data
Controller Agent Interface between different charging controller on the backplane bus and the
ethernet network
OCPP 1.6 OCPP 1.6J Backend-Communication
Modbus Client Connection to energy meter via Modbus TCP
Modbus Server Provides the Modbus TCP interface for remote control and monitoring of the
charging controller
JupiCore Data collection and handling between charging points and application
LoadManagement Local load management and current distribution
Webserver Web-based Management of the charging controller
Base module FW Firmware of the charging interface
Table 3.2: Release overview for the full system releases and application specific SW releases
System System Con- OCPP Modbus Modbus Jupi- Load- Web- Base
Monitor troller 1.6 Client Server Core Mgmt server Module
1.0.1 1.0.5 1.0.6 1.0.8 1.0.0 1.0.2 1.0.5 1.1.6 1.0.22 1.0.7
1.1.2 1.0.6 1.1.0 1.1.2 1.0.0 1.0.2 1.1.0 1.1.13 1.1.1 1.0.9
1.1.5 1.0.8 1.1.1 1.1.9 1.0.0 1.0.3 1.1.1 1.1.14 1.1.5 1.0.9
_RC1 _RC2
1.1.11 1.0.9 1.1.1 1.1.16 1.0.0 1.0.2 1.1.2 1.1.15 1.1.7 1.0.9
_RC4 _RC3 _RC1 _RC2 _RC5 _RC5
1.2.0 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
1.2.1 1.2.0 1.2.1 1.2.0 1.2.0 1.2.0 1.2.1 1.2.1 1.2.1 1.2.1
The “System” versions are released as complete packages with all software modules available at that time,
including the latest versions of the modules, according to the above table 3.2. Interim versions of certain
applications are only published without integration into a full system release.
4.1 System
For more information please have a look at the different agent versions
Known Limitations
New Functions Installed applications are also installed on connected client modules
Corrected Failures Improved boot time, Improved loading time for websites
and Optimizations The propagation of raucb-updates to client modules caused issues in some systems
New Functions
New Functions
Known Limitations
Corrected Failures
and Optimizations
Known Limitations
Corrected Failures
and Optimizations
Known Limitations
New Functions
Known Limitations
New Functions
Known Limitations
New Functions
Corrected Failures
and Optimizations
Known Limitations
New Functions Logging level changeable from OCPP-Backend side and WEB side with new
config key into the OCPP customer key list.
Minor changes into logging function to reduce messages from not
configured charging points.
Corrected Failures OCPP - SendLocalList without uid data tags deleted the internal
and Optimizations LocalAuthorizationList [FIX]
Corrected Failures OCPP - ClearChargingProfiles without payload data at request deleted all
and Optimizations saved charging profiles.
Installation ---
New Functions
New Functions
New Functions
New Functions
Corrected Failures
and Optimizations
New Functions
New Functions
Corrected Failures consume_handler was running endlessly (and did not register the
and Optimizations connection loss) [FIX]
introduce timeout for connect()
in one case connect() did not return [FIX]
Corrected Failures Store/reload OCPP Configuration key/value with data type boolean
and Optimizations
Known Limitations ---
New Functions
Corrected Failures BootNotification was not sent for ICCIDs with less than 20 digits [FIX]
and Optimizations Improve websocket connection timeout handling [FIX]
Ignoring related RFID reader at >FreeMode< function
Known Limitations ---
New Functions
Corrected Failures
and Optimizations
Known Limitations ---
New Functions
New Functions
New Functions
Installation ---
New Functions
New Functions
Corrected Failures Reboot after update switched unavailable connectors to available [FIX]
and Optimizations
Known Limitations ---
New Functions
Installation ---
New Functions
New Functions
4.5 JupiCore
Known Limitations
Corrected Failures
and Optimizations
Known Limitations
Known Limitations
New Functions
Corrected Failures Starting charging process with initial minimum charging current at a new
and Optimizations connected car.
Known Limitations
New Functions
Corrected Failures OPENSSL CRYPTOGRAPHY parameter set
and Optimizations
Known Limitations
New Functions
Corrected Failures Round current values at Loadmanagement WEB-Page to avoid float values
and Optimizations with too many digits [FIX]
Export configuration of application at startup to MQTT topics
KeepAlive interval is now 5 seconds
Known Limitations
New Functions
New Functions
Corrected Failures
and Optimizations
Known Limitations
New Functions waiting time increase for detect max charge current
Corrected Failures
and Optimizations
Known Limitations
Corrected Failures
and Optimizations
Known Limitations
New Functions -
Known Limitations
4.7 Webserver
New Functions Support EEM-AM157-70, Inepro and Carlo Gavazzi Energy meters
(in addition to
Webserver 1.1.8)
Corrected Failures Fixed switching between ev3000 to ev2000
and Optimizations Fixed rare case of 0 byte database (only seen during production)
Known Limitations
New Functions Operator can change phase rotation (no manufacturer required anymore)
(in addition to Support EEM-EM157-E
Webserver 1.2.0) New error translations for required cable check (if locking state cannot be
Corrected Failures Fix for digital_input_messages (introduced in Webserver 1.1.8), which
and Optimizations prevented saving other settings as operator
Known Limitations
Known Limitations
Dependencies to Delivered via ControllerAgent 1.2.0, Needs Webserver and Jupicore >= 1.2.0 to set
other SW Modules new MeterTypes
Installation Basemodule Firmware is always delivered via ControllerAgent, which means, you
Remarks need to install the ControllerAgent which automatically installs the new
Basemodule Firmware.
New Functions Supports MeterType Phoenix Contact AM157-70
Corrected Failures Corrected an Issue which caused the diode-check to not raise an error with missing
and Optimizations diodes
A negative power factor from the EEM357 was not displayed correctly
Known Limitations
Known Limitations