Construction and Building Materials: F.N. Okoye, J. Durgaprasad, N.B. Singh
Construction and Building Materials: F.N. Okoye, J. Durgaprasad, N.B. Singh
Construction and Building Materials: F.N. Okoye, J. Durgaprasad, N.B. Singh
h i g h l i g h t s
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Five geopolymer concrete mixes were casted using Fly ash, Kaolin, sodium hydroxide, potassium
Received 5 March 2015 hydroxide, sodium silicate and aggregates. Portland cement concrete (M30) was used as a reference sam-
Received in revised form 18 July 2015 ple. The effect of temperature, sodium and potassium hydroxides and different superplasticizers on the
Accepted 4 August 2015
compressive strength was studied. Portland cement concrete with the same mixture proportion was also
Available online 2 September 2015
casted as control. A total of 245 cubes of 100 mm 100 mm were crushed including the trial experi-
ments. The cubes were cured in oven at different temperatures (40 °C, 60 °C, 80 °C, 100 °C and 120 °C).
The results have shown that the compressive strengths increased with increasing temperature, curing
time and type of alkali activators. Naphthalene sulfonate based superplasticizer performed better than
Concrete other superplasticizers. The compressive strength in the presence of 1.0% Naphthalene sulfonate
Kaolin superplasticizer was found 23.3% and 30.9% higher than in the presence of Melamine–formaldehyde
Fly ash and Polycarboxylate ester respectively. Mechanism of strength development has been discussed.
Compressive strength Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
⇑ Corresponding author. Low calcium Fly ash conforming to the requirements of ASTM C618 (Class F)
E-mail addresses: (F.N. Okoye), nbsingh43@gmail. and Kaolin were used in this investigation. Commercially available Kaolin and the
com (N.B. Singh). Fly ash obtained from National Power Station, Dadri, Uttar Pradesh, India, were
0950-0618/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
686 F.N. Okoye et al. / Construction and Building Materials 98 (2015) 685–691
used during the experiments. OPC was used for making OPC concrete for comparing Table 3
the compressive strengths of geopolymer concretes. The chemical compositions of Physical properties of gravels and sand.
OPC, Fly ash and Kaolin are given in Table 1. Coarse aggregates of sizes 20 mm and
10 mm and river sand as fine aggregate were used. Sieve analyses were performed Sample Sp. Gravity Water absorption (%) Fineness modulus
to determine the particle size distribution as per BS 812, Part1, 1975 and given in 20 mm aggregate 2.5 0.17 2.7
Table 2. Physical properties of gravels and sand are given in Table 3. Distilled water 10 mm aggregate 2.4 0.87 2.8
was used in all the experiments. Naphthalene sulfonate (N.S), Malamine–formalde- Sand 2.6 – 2.1
hyde (GN-51) and Polycarboxylate ester (Chryso-730) based superplasticizers were
used as admixtures. The alkali activators used were solutions of sodium hydroxide,
potassium hydroxide and sodium silicate. 2.4. Casting of geopolymer concrete mixes
The conventional techniques used in OPC concrete were adopted. First fine and
2.2. Preparation of alkalies coarse aggregates were saturated surface dry (SSD) and then mixed together in
600 mm 900 mm mixing pan for about 3 min. The alkali solution was mixed with
Solutions of sodium and potassium hydroxides (14 M each) were prepared superplasticizer and then added to the dry materials and mixing continued for
separately. The solutions prepared were left for 24 h before mixing with sodium 2 min. The whole mixture was then transferred into a tilting type drum concrete
silicate. The mixtures of sodium hydroxide/potassium hydroxide and sodium mixer and mixing continued for 3–5 min. The fresh geopolymer concrete formed
silicate solutions were left for 1 day and then used for geopolymerization process. pellets when homogeneously mixed in a drum concrete mixer and were very stiff
in consistency as far as workability was concerned; however, adequate compaction
2.3. Mix proportion of geopolymer concrete was achieved. The mixture was casted in a 100 mm 100 mm steel mold in three
layers, and each layer given 60 strokes with 20 mm compacting rod. Eight cubes
The geopolymer concrete was prepared by conventional method as OPC were casted for each mix beside the trial mixes. The casted samples were left in
concrete. Since the density of geopolymer concrete is almost equal to that of OPC the laboratory at room temperature for 48 h (Fig. 1).
concrete (2400 kg/m3), aggregates also occupy 75–80% by mass in geopolymer con-
cretes [15]. In the present mix design of geopolymer concrete, coarse and fine 2.5. Curing of geopolymer concrete
aggregates were taken as 77% by mass of the entire mixture. Fine aggregates were
30% by mass of the total aggregates. The ratio of sodium silicate to sodium hydrox- The process of polymerization requires high temperature and in order to know
ide solution was kept 2.5. 14 M NaOH solution was used. To improve the workabil- the optimum curing temperature Mix4 after demolding was heated at different
ity of fresh geopolymer mix, Naphthalene sulfonate based superplasticizer was temperatures for 72 h. After demolding, all the samples (Mix1, Mix2, Mix3, Mix4
used in all the mixes. In order to compare the effectiveness of different superplas- and Mix5) were transferred in the oven for heat curing at 100 °C for 72 h. The
ticizers on compressive strength of geopolymer concrete, different doses of super- samples were then left at room temperature after curing until the day of testing.
plasticizers (Naphthalene sulfonate, Malamine–formaldehyde and Polycarboxylate
ester based superplasticizers) were added separately to Mix4 and compressive 2.6. Effect of KOH on compressive strength
strengths were measured. Six mixes were made. Amounts of fine and coarse aggre-
gates, superplasticizers and alkali were kept constant while Fly ash was partly Mix5 given in Table 4 was prepared by using 14 M KOH in place of 14 M NaOH
replaced by Kaolin as given in Table 4. Four mixes Mix1, Mix2, Mix3 and Mix4 of and the compressive strengths were determined at different intervals of time as in
geopolymer concretes using NaOH were prepared and their compositions are given the presence of NaOH.
in Table 4. Fifth Mix designated as Mix5 was also prepared by using KOH (14 M)
instead of NaOH. A control mix with Portland cement (M30) was prepared in order
2.7. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectral studies
to compare with those of geopolymer concretes. The detailed mix design of
geopolymer concrete mixes is given in Table 4.
FTIR spectra were recorded in KBr phase in the frequency range 400–
4000 cm 1.
Table 1
2.8. TG/DTG/DTA studies
Chemical composition of OPC, Fly ash and Kaolin.
Constituents Composition (%) TG/DTG/DTA of geopolymer cements were recorded from room temperature to
800 °C in N2 atmosphere at a heating rate of 10 °C/min.
OPC Fly ash Kaolin
Loss on ignition 2.48 3.79 13.97 2.9. SEM studies
Silicon oxide (SiO2) 19.01 50.7 45.3
Calcium oxide (CaO) 66.89 2.38 0.05 SEM pictures of Mix1 were recorded with Quanta FEG 250 ESEM instrument.
Magnesium oxide (MgO) 0.81 1.39 0.25
Phosphate (P2O5) 0.08 – –
Sodium oxide (Na2O) 0.09 0.84 0.27 3. Results and discussion
Potassium oxide (K2O) 1.17 2.40 0.44
Manganese oxide (MnO) 0.19 – – 3.1. FTIR studies
Aluminum oxide (Al2O3) 4.68 28.80 38.38
Iron oxide (Fe2O3) 3.20 8.80 0.30
In order to confirm the formation of geopolymer, FTIR spectra
were recorded (Fig. 2). A strong peak at 1000 cm 1 in all the three
samples is associated with Al–O and Si–O asymmetric stretching
Table 2
Sieve analysis of aggregates. vibrations, characteristic of geopolymerization [16] and the pres-
ence of a zeolitic precursor (amorphous aluminosilicate network
BS sieve size (mm) Percentage passing of aggregates of different size
structure) [17]. A broad band in the region 3400–3600 may be
20 mm 10 mm Fine aggregates due to stretching vibrations of OH groups from the water mole-
(aggregate) (aggregate) (aggregate)
cules. The amorphous nature of the geopolymer is affected by
25 100 100 – the type of alkali cation [17,18]. It is well known that variation in
20 95.6 94.8 –
the ratio SiO2/Na2O significantly modifies the degree of polymer-
12.5 26.4 19.1 –
10 6.2 4.4 –
ization of the dissolved species in an alkaline silicate solution
4.75 0.5 0 100 [18,19]. This plays a significant role in determining the structure
2.36 – – 98.95 and properties of geopolymer gels.
1.18 – – 84.65
0.60 – – 59.5
0.30 – – 34.1
3.2. Thermal studies
0.15 – – 2.5
Pan In order to know the thermal stability of geopolymers, TG/DTG/
DTA studies were made (Fig. 3). The weight loss starts at around
F.N. Okoye et al. / Construction and Building Materials 98 (2015) 685–691 687
Table 4
Mix proportion of geopolymer concrete.
FA – Fly ash, SS – sodium silicate, SP – superplasticizers, ALK – alkaline, W/S – water/solid ratio.
Fig. 7. Effect of partial replacement of Fly ash with Kaolin on compressive strength
of geopolymer concrete. (Remove OPC concrete from the figure.)
4. Conclusions
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