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Module 14 Activity

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Module 14

Constructivism: Knowledge
Construction/Concept Learning

 Take the
Take the challenge yourself to attain the following learning outcomes:
 explain the role of constructivism in facilitating learning.
 describe strategies to promote knowledge construction.
 describe strategies to facilitate concept learning.


This Module discusses constructivism which was mentioned in the previous

modules of Piaget and Bruner. It is the distillation of most of the principles of cognitive

Advance Organizer


Charactersitic of
Views of Constructivism Organizing Knowldge


Social Constructivism


Read the quotation below:

“Teaching is not about filling up the
pail ;it is about lighting the fire”

-Williams Butler Yeats Treats

What concepts/ideas/images came to your mind when you read “Teaching as

filling up the pail”? Elaborate.

• The idea that came to my mind when I read teaching as filling up the pail is a
scenario in which theteaching process is the one that is dominating in the journey of learning.
This goes to show that thelearners are the receivers of information that the teachers would

What concept/ideas/images came to youyr mind when you read Teaching is about
lighting a fire”? Elaborate.

• Lighting a fire” begins a process that is expansive. It is extends and

spreads, not only within theindividual, but has the capacity to spread to others. The latter
analogy indicates that education has thecapacity to spread throughout life, families and
societies. Regardless of the monetary cost, the cost of anuneducated society is ignorance.


What do you think the quotation meant? What two kinds of teaching are being
referred to?

Education is not the mere accumulation of facts in your head (the "filling of a pail") but when it
occurs properly it is a process like a fire which once it starts, spreads rapidly. It not only
spreads to others but its spread within yourself. The more you learn the more you want to

1.Think of a topic related to our field of specialization.

2.Indicate how you can apply contructivism for your students to construct their own
understanding of the topic. The first one is partially done for you.

Topic:_ Momentum Concept in the Process of Knowledge _Grade/year level Grade 5

Contructivist Implications What I will do to teach the topic

 Have few key ideas. I will emphasize the following key


 Give varied examples. I will use interactive way of giving

examples which areintertwined to real
life situation

 Provide lots of opportinities for I will let them put hands on for them to

quality interaction. experience and find outthings by

themselves for a strong retention

 Hve lots of hands-on activities. More on experimentation, interaction and


Relate your topic to real life Real life problem solving. Such as

situations. explaining and solving someactivities that

are implicated in daily lives

Do not depend on the explanation More on experience where bare hands will

method all the time act and eyes will observe

Assessment Task/s

1. Explain the role of constuctivism in facilitating learning.

This theory function as facilitators whose role is to aid the student when it
comes to their ownunderstanding. It aims to make learners understand a few key ideas in
an in-depth manner, rather thantaking up so many topics superficially. Give varied examples.
Provide opportunities for experimentation.Provide lots of opportunities for quality interaction
2. Describe strategies to promote knowledge construction.

 Provide scaffolding - Instructors can open lessons with content that students already
know,or ask students to perform brief exercises like brainstorming that make the class’s
pooledknowledge public. Instructors can then gradually introduce new information,
allowing timefor making connections and clarifying issues to help students
build their conceptualframeworks.
 Visibly organize course content - To help students organize information in a logical
way,instructors can provide a roadmap or outline for each class, invite students to help
build aroadmap based on their knowledge and desired gains, and make explicit how
topics connectwith one another.

1. Describe strategies to facilitate concept learning.

Facilitate class, group, and one-on-one discussions and debates, Allow students tocall on one
another for answers, rather than the instructor. Ask questions that don'thave one single
answer. Leave it open-ended. Role-play different scenarios or playgames to illustrate lessons.
5-minute non-stop writing

Your 5-minute non-stop writing begins NOW!

From the Module on Constructivism: Knowledge

Construction/Concept Learning. I realized that…

It is very important to actually begin with strategies, thinking of concepts once you enter a room. From
that idea, as a teacher you will be fully armed to impart information to your information in a very
way. You are constructively ready in filling up the pail of the students same as through with
lighting their fires. For at the end of the day, it’s your duty to fully equipped students with different
strategies, __________________________________________________________
concepts and ideas on how to handle things especially when it comes to learning.

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