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KPMG Workday Optimization Support

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KPMG Workday Optimization and

Support Services
Transform your Workday solution from transactional to strategic with a framework for
continuous improvement.
The Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model has helped solve Optimization and Support Services provide a combination of
many of the technical issues associated with on-premise tactical and strategic services that enables organizations to
software. Users of cloud-based applications, such as Workday transition their enterprise solution from a transaction based
Financials and Human Capital Management, have attained tool into an enabler of strategic objectives.
important benefits such as a lower total cost of ownership and
These services can be tailored for specific client needs and include
more rapid deployment.
three phases: Initial Assessment, Execution, and Optimization.
However, these benefits are accompanied by new challenges.
Stage 1: The initial assessment
Organizations must manage the weekly service updates
During the initial assessment, KPMG looks at the following areas:
and biannual full product updates that are driven by Workday
and do this with limited product documentation or qualified • Stakeholder engagement
resources. They struggle to stay current with industry
• Operating model
practices and new features and may not be aware of their
system’s full capabilities. As a result, their enterprise solution • People
is simply a transactional tool with only baseline functionality, • Technology
unable to keep up with initiative and feature requests that
linger from one deployment to the next. All of this makes • Information
it difficult for organizations to realize the full value of their (data, analytics, and reporting)
Workday investment. • Process
KPMG Workday Optimization and Support Services • Governance and controls
KPMG LLP (KPMG) is helping Workday clients capture
In the assessment, KPMG may provide a thorough configuration
value from their investments in Workday. KPMG’s Workday
analysis, identify risks and opportunities, inventory the number of
integrations, and define the required improvements
to achieve business goals. The outcome is a set of
prioritized recommendations that form the plan for
STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3 the execution phase.
Stage 2: Execution plan
The business goals defined during the initial
assessment help build the execution plan for this
phase. The key optimization areas of stakeholder
Ad hoc Support engagement, operating model, people, technology,
• Comprehensive configuration • Business process modifications
analysis • Data cleanup activities information, process, and governance and control
• Identification of system risks and
• System administrator and super-user
knowledge transfer and enablement
Update Analysis
and Planning
Health Check
are again considered. The execution plan could
• Integration inventory and
technical analysis
• Integration cleanup and optimization include initiatives such as business process
• Dashboard, KPI, and advanced
• Full presentation of findings and
analytics development • Annual health check routine redesign or development of dashboards, KPIs, or
• Ongoing update review, fit analysis, and
• Identify improvements to achieve
business goals
uptake planning advanced analytics. Other elements of the plan
• Delivery of dashboards and advanced
• Develop and finalize execution plan analytics to executive leadership could focus on developing user group meetings or
• Continued knowledge transfer, system
administrator education, and super-user user feedback mechanisms. KPMG works closely
with the client to identify and prioritize the initiatives
AD HOC SUPPORT that will help them transition from a reactive culture
into a more strategic maintenance model.

KPMG Workday Optimization and Support Services

The KPMG advantage
As a leading provider of financial management
and human capital management services, KPMG
draws upon our extensive industry knowledge
and deep domain experience to help clients
understand how a Software‑as‑a‑Service (SaaS)
Annual health check Update analysis and planning Ad hoc support solution like Workday enables a competitive
• Comprehensive system health • Assistance with new feature • Ad hoc support capabilities advantage. KPMG’s alliance and experience
check delivered by certified fit/gap analysis and planning for general system with Workday’s SaaS solutions for managing
Workday consultants for uptake troubleshooting within
your contracted scope global businesses, along with tools and
• Customized recommendations • Product and custom
to improve performance, user integration testing support to • Assistance with report templates based on leading industry practices,
engagement, and optimize help ensure a smooth transition writing, business process help organizations capture value from their
configuration to new Workday release routing, and security issues
investments in Workday. By combining strong
• Proprietary tools and reports • Strategic planning for Workday • Resource support for
that enable diagnostic and platform and integration into business cycle events Workday technical capabilities with broad
compliance reporting broader IT plan process and organization experience, KPMG
provides wide-ranging services to help clients
achieve their goals, minimize resource ramp-up
time, and deliver continuous improvement across
the organization.
Stage 3: Maintain and optimize KPMG insight
Once the execution of the initiatives is complete KPMG The KPMG knowledge base of articles and publications
begins the third stage: optimization. Our certified Workday demonstrates our understanding of the complex business
consultants perform an annual system health check and challenges faced by companies around the world. Check out
provide customized recommendations to improve business our thought leadership at: http://www.kpmginstitutes.com/.
performance and user engagement and optimize configuration.
In addition, KPMG tools and reports provide diagnostic and
compliance reporting.
Next we help clients analyze and plan for regular semiannual KPMG: Specially qualified
updates by determining new features to adopt and the impacts • Named a Kennedy Vanguard leader in HR Transformation
of these changes. Testing of the solutions with a focus on consulting
custom integrations help ensure a smooth transition to new
• Global HR Center of Excellence
Workday releases. Most importantly, we assist with strategic
planning for the Workday platform and integration into the • Leading HCM practices with more than 500 HR veterans
client’s broader IT plan. in the United States.
Depending on the client’s needs we also offer support for • A leading implementer of the latest HCM software with
system troubleshooting, assistance with report writing, more than 150 HR Technology Transformations over the
past 10 years
business process routing, and security issues.
• Time-tested HR proprietary assets and capabilities
Throughout the optimization process, KPMG leverages our
resources with active experience with the latest Workday • Category leader in Business Technology Transformation1
release. Our certified Workday consultants include partner and Business Consulting2 services
product leads, delivery assurance consultants, and internal • Named a “major player” by IDC for Worldwide
functional leads that stay well-informed of Workday’s new Organizational and Change Consulting Services
features, product road maps, and industry practices. • Consistently ranked among the top four world’s best
outsourcing advisors
• Global team of more than 1,000 Shared Services and
Outsourcing Advisory professionals

Forrester Research

Some of the services described herein may not be permissible for KPMG audit clients and their affiliates.

Contact us
Keith Mattioli
Principal, Workday Practice Leader
T: +1 408-367-7609
E: kmattioli@kpmg.com

The information contained herein is of a general nature and is not intended to address the specific circumstances of any particular individual or entity.
kpmg.com © 2015 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated
February 2015
with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. The KPMG name, logo and
“cutting through complexity” are registered trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. NDPPS 337587

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