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Create Position

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Create Position

March 2020
Title: Create Position
Functional Area: Staffing

Table of Contents
Create Position Business Process ................................................................................................. 3
Create Position ...................................................................................................................................... 5
Change Organization Assignments ..................................................................................................... 10
Assign Costing Allocation .................................................................................................................... 14
Create a Job Requisition...................................................................................................................... 17

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Title: Create Position
Functional Area: Staffing

Create Position Business Process

Business Process Overview
A position must be created when a new position is approved through the budget process or by the agency
under some authority.

The process steps in the Create Position business process are listed in the table below.

Process Steps Role Description

Initiate Create Position HR Coordinator Enter position details and restrictions.
Change Organization HR Coordinator Assign agency budget code and fund for the
Assignments position.
Agency Approvals HR Partner HR Director approval.
Appointing Authority Appointing Authority approval.
Agency Budget/Finance Agency budget approval.
DBM Approvals Central Class Partner DBM CAS approval.
Budget Administrator DBM OBA budget approval.
Assign Costing Allocation HR Coordinator Assign costing allocation for the position.
Create Job Requisition HR Coordinator Create a job requisition to make the position
available for recruitment in JobAps.

NOTE: Approval routing is based on the reason selected when initiating the business process.

Events and Reasons

Upon creating a new position in Workday, you will have to specify the reason for the position request.

Event Reason
Create Position Off-Cycle (BPW) Approval
Annual Budget
Temporary Worker
Non-Budgeted Permanent
Split a Position

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Title: Create Position
Functional Area: Staffing

Before you begin…

You will need the following information to complete the Create Position process:

 Supervisory Organization
 Title of job posting
 Availability Date or Earliest Hire Date
 Job Profile (Classification/Class Title)
 Location of position
 Time Type (full time/part time)
 Worker Type (employee/contingent worker)
 Worker Sub-Type (State/Regular, Contractual, Temporary, Intern, Vendor, etc.)
 Organizations (as required), including:
o Cost Center (Agency Budget Code and Pseudo Code)
o Fund
o Appointment
o Authorized By
o Background Check*
o Bargaining Status
o Budget Status
o Check Distribution Code*
o Compressed Work Week*
o Check Distribution Code*
o Essential Personnel*
o High Risk Job*
o Retirement System
o Telework*
o RSTARS Financial Agency
o RSTARS Subprogram
o RSTARS Program
o Authorized Percent

*Indicates an optional field. These fields should be entered when position requires the

NOTE: RSTARS budget information should obtained from your designated Budget and Finance

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Title: Create Position
Functional Area: Staffing

Create Position
The steps to initiate the Create Position process follow.


1. Type the name of the supervisory organization in the search field.

2. Click the Search icon.

3. Click the supervisory organization hyperlink.
Supervisory Organization Details

4. Click the Staffing tab.

5. Review position information (i.e., “unfilled” positions and/or positions actions in progress).
Determine if a position should be created.

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Title: Create Position
Functional Area: Staffing

Information: Position information that shows here includes:

 Positions without Job Requisitions: Indicates positions that have been created but
have not been filled (via JobAps recruitment or direct hire in Workday). These
positions displays as “unfilled”.
 In Progress Position Actions: Review Create Position events that have not been
completed in Workday.

6. To create a position, click the Related Actions and Preview button next to the supervisory
7. In the menu, hover over Staffing and then click Create Position.

Create Position

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Title: Create Position
Functional Area: Staffing

Create Position

8. Type or use the prompt to select the Position Request Reason.

9. Enter the Job Posting Title.

Information: This is the Working/Business Title you will see for the event. For example:
Accountant Fiscal Services.

10. Change the number of positions from "1", to another number, if applicable.
11. Use the Calendar icon to select the Availability Date.
12. Use the Calendar icon to select the Earliest Hire Date.

Caution: Do not enter a value in the Job Family field.

13. Type or use the prompt to select the Job Profile (Class Title).

Information: You can search in this field based on the abbreviations in the current Salary
Plan and in the Workday Job Catalog.

Information: The Job Description may populate based on what is entered for the Job
Profile. If it does not populate, it will have to be entered manually.

14. Type or use the prompt to select the Location.

15. Type or use the prompt to select the Time Type.
16. Type or use the prompt to select the Worker Type.
17. Type or use the prompt to select the Worker Sub-Type.

Caution: The Worker Type and Worker Sub-Type fields must correspond with the
Position Request Reason entered above.

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Title: Create Position
Functional Area: Staffing

Create Position: Qualifications

If you would like to make changes to the new positions qualification, select the tab.

19. Click the Add Row icon in the applicable section (i.e., Responsibilities and/or Work
Experience) to add qualifications.

Information: This information comes from the MS-22 Position Description form.

20. Click the Submit button. This will submit the position request and route to the next
step in workflow.
Tip: If you do not want to submit the request at this point, you can also click one of the
following buttons:

 Click Save for Later to save your changes but not submit.
 Click Cancel to cancel the process and start at another time.

Next Step: Change Organization Assignments

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Title: Create Position
Functional Area: Staffing

21. The next step in the process is Change Organization Assignments. Click the Open
button to start the next task in the business process.

Tip: After completing a task in the business process you can view the next step.
 Click the drop-down arrow next to Details and Process to expand the section.
 Click the Process tab to see the path that the process will take.
 See the Check the Status of a Business Process section of this guide for details on how to
view, access, or complete other tasks in the process.
22. The System Task is complete.

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Title: Create Position
Functional Area: Staffing

Change Organization Assignments

When a new position has been created, you must assign organizations to the position. This includes the
company, cost center, fund, and other applicable organization values.

NOTE: RSTARS budget/finance codes should be obtained from your designated Budget and Finance


Information: If you did not assign organizations directly after creating the position,
access this task from your Inbox. Look for a task that begins with “Assign Organizations:
Create Position:” The position name will be in the task description.

1. Complete the following fields:

Field Name Description Values

Company Required. This is company Enter value in Company.
name. Example: State of Maryland
Cost Center Required. Used for position Enter value in Cost Center.
budget reporting. They are a Example: 112233445566778
fifteen-digit number that combine
the agency code, program, sub-
program, and pseudo code used
in the State of Maryland
Appropriation/Budgetary Codes.
This field should be completed
for all Positions and will default
with a value.
Fund Required. Used to designate the Enter value in Fund.
primary funding type for the Example: 01 General
Position. This field should be
completed for all Positions and
will default with a value.
Appointment Optional. Used to designate if Enter value in Appointment.
the Position is a Special Example: Special Appointment
Appointment or Political Special
Appointment. This field should
only be completed if the Position
is either of these values.
Authorized By Required. Used to designate Enter value in Authorized By.
who authorized the creation of Example: 01 General Assembly
the Position. This field should be
completed for all Positions.
Authorized % Required. Used to designate the Enter value in Authorized %
headcount authorized for the Example: 100
Position. This field should be
completed for all Positions.
Background Check Optional. Used to designate if Enter value in Background
the Position requires a Check.
background check. This field Example: Background Check
should only be completed when Required
the Position requires a

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Title: Create Position
Functional Area: Staffing

Field Name Description Values

background check according to
the law or as approved by DBM.
Bargaining Status Required. Used to designate if Enter value in Bargaining
the Position participates in Status.
bargaining or not. This field Example: Yes or No
should be completed for all
Budget Status Required. Used to designate if Enter value in Budget Status.
the Position is budgeted through Example: Budgeted Position
Position Control. This field
should be completed for all
Check Distribution Code Optional. Used to designate the Enter value in Check
Check Distribution Code. This Distribution Code.
field is optional depending on Example: 001
whether the Agency utilizes
Check Distribution Codes
Compressed Work Week Optional. Used to designate if Enter value in Compressed
the Position is eligible for a Work Week.
Compressed Work Week. This Example: Eligible for
field should only be completed is Compressed Work Week
the Position is eligible for a
Compressed Work Week
Drug Sensitive Optional. Used to designate if Enter value in Drug Sensitive.
the Position requires a drug Example: Drug Sensitive
screen according to the Designation
personnel drug testing
regulations. This field should
only be completed when the
Position requires a drug screen.
Essential Personnel Optional. Used to designate if Enter value in Essential
the Position is identified as an Personnel.
essential worker. This field Example: Essential Personnel
should only be completed when
the Position is essential.
High Risk Job Optional. Used to designate if Enter value in High Risk Job.
the Position is identified as high Example: High Risk Job
risk. This field should only be
completed when the Position is
high risk
Retirement System Required. Used to designate the Enter value in Retirement
Retirement System associated System.
with the Position. This field Example: 00 Not Eligible
should be completed for all
Telework Optional. Used to designate if Enter value in Telework.
the Position is eligible for a Example: Eligible for Telework
Telework. This field should only
be completed is the Position is
eligible for Telework.
RSTARS Financial Agency Required. Used to identify the Enter value in RSTARS
RSTARS Financial Agency code. Financial Agency.
This field should be completed Example: B75
for all Positions, and the
information should be obtained

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Title: Create Position
Functional Area: Staffing

Field Name Description Values

from the Agency Budget Finance
RSTARS Subprograms Required. Used to identify the Enter value in RSTARS
RSTARS Subprogram. This field Subprograms.
should be completed for all Example: 7510
Positions, and the information
should be obtained from the
Agency Budget Finance Partner.

RSTARS Unit Required. Used to identify the Enter value in RSTARS Unit.
RSTARS Unit. This field should Example: B75801
be completed for all Positions,
and the information should be
obtained from the Agency
Budget Finance Partner.
RSTARS Program Required. Used to identify the Enter value in RSTARS Unit.
RSTARS Program. This field Example: 00
should be completed for all
Positions, and the information
should be obtained from the
Agency Budget Finance Partner.

NOTE: If you do not have RSTARS budget codes at the time you complete this page, they can be
entered later by searching for the position and using the related actions for the position. Select
Organizations and then, Change Organization Assignments.
2. Click the Submit button.

Tip: If you do not want to submit a task at this point, you can also click one of the
following buttons:

 Click Save for Later to save your changes but not submit.
 Click Cancel to cancel the process and start at another time.

Next Step: HR Partner Approval

Tip: After completing a task in the business process you can view the next step.
 Click the drop-down arrow next to Details and Process to expand the section.
 Click the Process tab to see the path that the process will take.
 See the Check the Status of a Business Process section of this guide for details on
how to view, access, or complete other tasks in the process.

3. The next step in the business process is HR Partner approval. Click the Done button.

4. The System Task is complete.

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Title: Create Position
Functional Area: Staffing

Assign Costing Allocation

After the position request has been approved, the costing allocation needs to be assigned before a job
requisition is created. This step only needs to be performed if allocation is not 100% in the default fund.

A “Costing Allocation for Create Position” task will be available in your Inbox. The Job Title for the position
is included in the task name.


1. Click the Inbox icon.

2. Or click the View Inbox hyperlink to view task details.

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Title: Create Position
Functional Area: Staffing

3. On the Actions tab, identify and click the "Costing Allocation for Create Position" task in the list.
The task will include the Job Title for the position.

4. Click the arrow to expand the view of the page.

5. Confirm that the task contains the right position. Then, click the Add button.

6. Use the Calendar icon to select the Start Date.

7. In the Worktags column, type or use the prompt to select the appropriate fund code.

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Title: Create Position
Functional Area: Staffing

8. In the Distribution Percent column, type the distribution percent.

Information: More than one fund can be entered by adding additional rows. The fund
information will come from Budget/Finance personnel. The Distribution Percent must add
up to 100%.
9. To add another fund, click the Add a New Row icon. Then enter the fund and distribution

10. Click the Submit button.

Tip: If you do not want to submit the request at this point, you can also click one of the
following buttons:

a. Click Save for Later to save your changes but not submit.
b. Click Cancel to cancel the process and start at another time.

12. The next task displays on a new page as "Create Job Requisition." To open the task, click the To
Do button.

Information: If you want to complete the Job Requisition at a later time, click the Done
button. The next step in the business process is for the job requisition to be created.

Tip: After completing a task in the business process you can view the next step.
 Click the drop-down arrow next to Details and Process to expand the section.
 Click the Process tab to see the path that the process will take.
 See the Check the Status of a Business Process section of this guide for details on how to
view, access, or complete other tasks in the process.

13. The System Task is complete.

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Title: Create Position
Functional Area: Staffing

Create a Job Requisition

After the position has been created and approved, the next step in the business process is Create Job
Requisition. There is an item in your Inbox to create a job requisition for the newly created position.

 Job requisitions are only completed when a recruitment is required in JobAps or if there is an
overlap in a position.
 You can also create a Job Requisition for existing vacancies that require a JobAps recruitment.
Search for the open position(s) on the SPMS View All Positions report. Use the related actions
menu for that position to select Job Change and then Create Job Requisition.
 Note that a Job Requisition in Workday is different than a Job Requisition in JobAps. The
Workday Job Requisition allows the position to be sent to JobAps as an available to fill position
through the daily integration. The JobAps Job Requisition is used by Agencies to set up all the
information regarding the recruitment process for that position in JobAps.


1. Click the Inbox icon.

2. Or click the View Inbox hyperlink to view task details.

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Title: Create Position
Functional Area: Staffing

3. On the Actions tab, click the “Create Job Requisition: Create Position" task for the position that
you created.

4. Type or use the prompt to select the Supervisory Organization where the position belongs.

5. Click the For Existing Position radio button.

6. Type or use the prompt to select the Existing Position. This is the position you created.

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Title: Create Position
Functional Area: Staffing

Create Job Requisition

9. Type or use the prompt to select the Worker Type. This should be the same worker type entered
for the position.

10. Click the OK button.

11. In the Recruiting Details section, click the Edit icon. Fields in this section will open to be
12. Type or use the prompt to select the JobAPs > JobAPs Recruitment Reas
13. Use the Calendar icon to select the Recruiting Start Date.

14. Use the Calendar icon to select the Target Hire Date.

15. Click the Next button.

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Functional Area: Staffing

16. Review the information on the Job page. Then, click the Next button.

17. Review the information on the Organizations page. Then, click the Next

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Title: Create Position
Functional Area: Staffing

18. No attachments are necessary. Click the Next button.

Information: The Summary page displays all information that you entered on the
previous pages.

19. Click the Submit button.

Tip: If you do not want to submit the request at this point, you can also click one of the
following buttons:

a. Click Save for Later to save your changes but not submit.
b. Click Cancel to cancel the process and start at another time.

20. The System Task is complete.

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