Belereaces: Chap. Rep
Belereaces: Chap. Rep
Belereaces: Chap. Rep
1 1 A.I.E.E. Relay Committee. 'Bibliography of Relay Literature', re-published
1927-39, 1940-43, 1944-46, 1947-49, 1950-52, 1953-54, 1955-56, 1957-58,
Transactions A.I.~.E., 60, 1941, pp. 1435-47; 63, 1944, pp. 705-709;
67, Part I, 1948, pp. 24-27; 70, Part I, 1951, pp. 247-250; 74, Part II,
1955, pp. 45-48; and 76, Part III, 1957, pp. 126-128; 78, Part III, 1959,
2 ADAMSON, C. 'Electronic Protection of Power Systems', Electrical Times,
London, Part I, June 20th, 1957; Part II, July 25th, 1957; Part III,
October 3rd, 1957; Part IV, November 7th, 1957; Part V, February 27th,
1958; Part VI, March 6th, 1958.
3 HOLM, J. G. 'Costs Study of 69-346 kV Overhead Power Transmission
Systems', Transactions A.I.E.E., 63,1944, pp. 406-422.
4 DAVIDSON, L. A and HINES, V. M. 'A Relay Designed to Meet Automatic
Reclosing Requirements of Ring Bus Station', Transactions A.I.E.E.
Paper, 60-1267.
2 5 NEHER, J. H. 'A Comprehensive Method for Determining the Performance
of Distance Relays', Electrical Engineering, 56, No.7, July, 1937, pp. 833-
844. Also Disc., ibid., No. 12, December, 1937, p. 1515.
3 6 SUITS, C. G. 'Non-linear Circuits for Relay Applicatiom', Electrical Engin-
eering, SO, December, 1931, pp. 763-765.
3 7 SUITS, C. G. 'Non-linear Circuits Applied to Relays', Electrical Engineering,
52, April, 1933, pp. 244-246.
7 8 CoRDRAY, R. E. and WARRINGTON, A. R. VAN C. 'The Mho Carrier Relaying
Scheme', Transactions A.I.E.E., 63,1944, pp. 228-235. Disc., p. 434.
9 WARRINGTON, A. R. VAN C. 'A Condensation of the Theory of Relays',
G. E. Review, 4, No.9, September, 1940.
2,6 10 HOARD, B. V. 'An Improved Polyphase Directional Relay', Transactions
A.I.E.E., 60, May, 1941, pp. 24-28. Disc., p. 633.
2 11 WARRINGTON, A. R. VAN C. 'Electronic Protective Relays', C.I.G.R.E.
(Paris), 69, Paper No. 325, 1954.
2,5 12 BERGSETII, F. R. 'An Electronic Distance Relay Using a Phase-Comparison
Principle', Transactions A.I.E.E., 73, 1954, p. 1276. Also 'A Transistorised
Distance Relays', Convention Paper, AI.E.E. Summer Convention,
San Francisco, June, 1956 (limited circulation).
5 13 ADAMSON, C. and WEDEPOHL, L. M. 'Power System Protection with Parti-
cular Reference to the Application of Junction Transistors to Distance
Relays', Proceedings I.E.E., 103, Part A, 1956, p. 379.
2,5 14 ADAMSON, C. and WEDEPOHL, L. M. 'A Dual-comparator Mho-type Distance
Relay Utilising Transistors', ibid., p. 509.
2, 5 15 BRATEN, J. L. and HoilL, H. 'A New High-speed Distance Relay', C.I.G.R.E.
(Paris), 67, Paper No. 307, 1950.
2 16 EDGELEY, R. K. and HAMILTON, F. L. 'The Application of Transductors
as Relays in Protective Gear', Proceedings I.E.E., 99, Part 11,1952, p. 297.
2,4 17 ScINNEMANN, W. K. and GLASSBURN, W. E. 'Principles of Induction-type
Relay Design', Transactions A.I.E.E., 72, Part III, 1953, pp. 23-27.
4 18 SoNNEMANN, W. K. 'A New Inverse Time Overcurrent Relay with Adjustable
Characteristics', Transactions A.I.E.E., 72, Part III, 1953, p. 360.
9 19 LEWIS, U. S. 'Design Features of a Modern Induction Pattern Overcurrent
Relay', G.E.C. Journal, 18, No.2, April, 1951.
2 20 KELLER, A C., WAGER, H. N., PEEK, R. L. and LooAN, M. A 'Design of
Relays', Bell Telephone Systems Technical Publications Monograph
No. 2180, 1954.
Protective Relays
4,9 21 GROSS, E. T. B. 'Sensitive Ground Relaying of a.c. Generators', Transactions
A.I.E.E., 71, 1952, paper No. 51-371.
2 22 RYDER, C., RUSHTON, J. and PEARCE, F. M. 'A Moving-coil Relay Applied
to Modern High-speed Protective Systems', Proceedings I.E.E., 100,
Part II, 1953, p. 261.
2 23 LAMN, U. 'The Transductor and its Applications', A.S.E.A. Journal, 16,
2, 10 24 LEYBURN, H. and LACKEY, C. H. W. 'Protection of Electrical Power Systems;
a Critical Review of Present Practice and Recent Progress', Proceedings
I.E.E., 98, Part 2, Feb. 1951, p. 47-66.
9 25 BIRD, D. E. and GOLD, L. B. S. 'Induction Motor Protection; a New Type
of Relay', Electrical Review (London), 137, July, 1945, pp. 60-67.
'Electronic Protective Relays', Transactions A.I.E.E., 67, Part III, 1948,
2A 27 LoVING (JR.), J. D. 'Electronic Relay Developments', ibid., 68, Part I, 1949,
8 28 ADAMSON, C. and TALKHAN, E. A. 'The Application of Transistors to Phase-
comparison Carrier Protection', Proceedings I.E.E., 106, Part A, No. 25,
February, 1959.
8 29 FEASTER, W. C. and SCHENEMAN, E. E. 'Applications of Transistors in
Power-line Carrier Relaying', Transactions A.I.E.E., 73, 1954, pp. 976-979.
8,9, 30 HODGKISS, J. W. 'The Behaviour of Current Transformers Subjected to
10,11 Transient Asymmetric Currents and their Effects on Protective Relays',
C.I.G.R.E. (Paris, 1960),72, Paper No. 329.
2 31 SOROTKA, V. T. 'Protective Relays Based on the Hall Effect', Elektrichestro,
1958, No. 11, pp. 68-71.
2,4,6 32 MCCoNNELL, A. J. 'A Single Element Polyphase Directional Relay', Trans-
actions A.I.E.E., 56, No.1, 1937, pp. 77-80 and 113; No.8, pp. 1025-1028.
4 33 SONNEMAN, W. K. 'A Study of Directional Element Connections for Phase
Relays', Transactions A.I.E.E., 69, Part II, 1950. Also Disc., ibid., pp.
4 34 BARNES, H. C. and MCCoNNELL, A. J. 'Some Utility Ground Relay Problems',
Transactions A.I.E.E., June, 1955.
4 35 Wn.soN, R. M. and CANNON, C. E. 'Fundamentals of Co-ordinating Fuses
and Relays', Electrical West., 87, July, 1941, pp. 30-31.
4 36 STEEB, G. 'Relay Inverse Time Characteristic Doubled', Electrical World,
118, October, 1942, p. 1484.
4 37 HUNT, L. F. 'Sensitive Ground Relay Protection for Complex Distribution
Circuits', Transactions A.I.E.E., 65, November, 1956, pp. 765-768;
disc., Supplement, 1946, pp. 1180-1181.
4 38 GRAYBEAL, T. D. 'Factors which Influence the Behaviour of Directional
Relays', Transactions A.I.E.E., 61, 1942, pp. 942-952.
4 39 MORRIS, W. C. 'Dual-polarised Directional Ground Relays', Distribution,
April, 1952, pp. 8-9.
4 40 PRATT, M. G., AUDLIN, L. J. and MCCoNNELL, A. J. 'New Relay Assures
Feeder Resumption After Outage', Electrical World, Part I, September
10th, 1949, pp. 99-103; Part II, September 24th, 1949, pp. 95-98.
5 41 WARRINGTON, A. R. VAN C. 'Reactance Relays Negligibly Affected by
Arc Impedance', Electrical World, 98, No. 12, September 19th, 1931,
pp. 502-505.
5 42 ZYDANOWICZ, J. 'Applications of the Idea of Steady State Impedance and
Admittance to the Construction of Diagrams intended for the Analysis
of the Operation of Distance and Directional Relays', C.J.G.R.E. Con-
ference, 1960, Paper No. 323.
5 43 WARRINGTON, A. R. VAN C. 'A New High Speed Reactance Relay', A.I.E.E.
Paper presented Summer Convention, June 20th, 1932. Abstract, Electrical
Engineering, 51, No.6, June, 1932, p. 410. Disc., Electrical Engineering,
52, No.4, April, 1933, pp. 248-252.
5 44 GOLDBOROUGH, A. L. and SMITH, R. M. 'A New Ground Distance Relay',
Electrical Engineering (Trallsactiolls A.I.E.E.), 55, No.6, June, 1936,
pp. 697-703. Disc., ibid., 55, No. 11, November, 1936, pp. 1255-1256.
5 45 WARRINGTON, A. R. VAN C. 'Protective Relaying for Long Transmission
Lines', Transac/iolls A.I.E.E., 62, June, 1943, pp. 261-268. Disc., June
Supplement, 1943, p. 427.
5 46 SONNEMANN, W. K., et al. 'Compensator Distancc Relaying', Trallsactions
A.I.E.E., June, 1958, 77, Part 3, pp. 372-388.
5 47 WARRINGTON, A. R. VAN C. 'Application of the Ohm and Mho Principles
to Protective Relays" Transactions A.I.E.E., 65, June, 1946, pp. 378-386.
Disc., June Supplement, 1946, pp. 490-491.
5 48 GUTMANN, H. 'Behaviour of Reactance Relays with Short-Circuits Fed from
Both Ends', E.T.Z., 1940, p. 514.
4 49 RAMSAUR, O. 'A New Approach to Cold Load Restoration', Eler-trical
World, October, 1952, pp. 101-103.
5 50 HAMILTON and ELLIS. 'The Performance of Distance Relays', Reyrolle Review,
1956, No. 166.
5 51 HUTCHINSON, R. M. 'The Mho Distance Relay', Trallsactions A.I.E.E., 65,
1945, pp. 353-360. .
6 52 DODDS, G. B. and MARTER, W. E. 'Rl:actance Relays Discriminate between
Load-Transfer Current and Fault Currents on 2,300-volt Station Service
Generator Bus', Transactiolls A.I.E.E., 71, Part III, 1952, pp. 1124--1128.
Disc., p. 1128.
5 53 SONNEMANN, W. K. 'A New Single-Phase-to-Ground Fault Detecting
Relay', Transactions A.I.E.E., 61, 1942, pp. 677-680. Disc., pp. 995-
5 54 STROM, A. P. 'Long 60 Cycle Arcs in Air', Transactions A.I.E.E., 65, 1946,
pp. 113-117. Disc., pp. 504--507.
5 55 GILKESON, C. L., JEANNE, P. A. and VAAGE, E. F. 'Power System Faults
to Ground'. Part II, 'Fault Resistance', Transactions A.I.E.E., 56, 1937,
pp. 428-433, 474.
5,9 56 MORRIS, W. C. 'One Slip Cycle Out-of-Step Relay Equipment', Transactions
A.I.E.E., 68, Part II, 1949, pp. 1246-1248.
5 57 LEWIS, W. A. and TIPPETT, L. S. 'Fundamental Basis for Distance Relaying
on Three-phase Systems', Transactions A.I.E.E., 66, 1947, pp. 694--709.
5 58 WARRINGTON, A. R. VAN C. 'Graphical Method for Estimating the Per-
formance of Distance Relaying during Faults and Power Swings', A.l.E.E.
Paper No. 49-154.
8 59 NOWICKI, J. R. 'Phase-operated Relay Using Transistors for Power System
Protection', Mullard Tech. Commun., 4, July, 1958, pp. 7-13.
2 60 WIDEROE, R. 'Thyratron Tubes in Relay Practice', Transactions A.I.E.E., 53,
June 16th, 1934, p. 872.
5 61 GOLDSBOROUGH, S. L. and LEWIS, W. A. 'A New High-speed Distance
Relay', A.I.E.E. Electrical Engineering, 51, March, 1932, pp. 157-160.
2 62 NEUGEBAUER, H. 'The Use of Rotating Coil Relays and Rectifiers in Pro-
tection', Elektrotechnische Zeitschri/t, August; 1950.
5 63 BIERMANNS, O. 'Schnelldistanzrelais flir Mittelspannungnetze', A.E.G. Mille-
5 64 GOLDSBOROUGH, S. L. and HILL, A. V. 'Relays and Breakers for High Speed
Single Pole Tripping and Reclosing', Transactions A.I.E.E., 61, 1942,
pp. 77-81. Disc., p. 429.
5 65 , The Effect of Coupling Capacitor Potential Devices on Protective Relay
Operation', Trallsactions A.I.E.E., 70, pp. 2089-2096.
6 66 WARRINGTON, A. R. VAN C. 'Control of Distance Relay Potential Con-
nections', A.I.E.E., Electrical Engineering, 53, 1934, pp. 206-213. Disc.,
pp. 465-466 and 617.
6 67 AUDLIN, L. J. and WARRINGTON, A. R. VAN C. 'Distance Relay Protection
for Subtransmission Lines made Economical', A.I.E.E. Paper No. 43-92,
May, 194.1.
Protective Relays
13 68 WARRINGTON, A. R. VAN C. 'Survey of Methods of Mounting Protective
Relays and Arrangements for their Testing and Maintenance', C.I.G.R.E.,
1955, Paper No. 334.
6 69 FEIST, P. K. 'An Analysis of Compensated Polyphase Relays Using the
Circle Diagram', Electrichestvo, 1957, No.9, pp. 31-35.
5 70 SALZMANN, A. 'Relaying for Rural Distribution Feeders', Electrical Times,
April 2nd, 1959, p. 529, and April 9th, 1959, p. 572.
4 71 SALZMANN, A. 'Co-ordination of Phase Fault Protection " Electrical Energy,
December, 1958, pp. 480-487.
11 72 JENKINS, B. D. 'Current Transformers for Protection Circuits', Electrical
Times, October 24th, 1957, and November 14th, 1957.
8 73 A.I.E.E. Relay Committee. 'Pilot-wire Circuits for Protective Relaying-
Experience and Practice, 1942-50', Transactions A.I.E.E., 72, Part Ill,
1953, pp. 331-336. Also Disc., p. 336.
7 74 TRAVER, O. C., AUCHINCLOSS, J. and BANCKER, E. H. 'Pilot Protection by
Power Directional Relays Using Carrier Current', G.E. Review, 35,
No. 11, November, 1932, pp. 566-570.
7 75 CHAIKIN, SAUL W. 'Mechanics of Electrical Contact Failure caused by
Surface Contamination', Electro-Technology, August, 1961.
8 76 NEHER, J. H. 'The Use of Communication Facilities in Transmission Line
Relaying', Transactions A.I.E.E., 52,1933, pp. 595-602.
8 77 CASSON, W. and LAST, F. H. 'Ultra High-speed Relays in the Fields of
Protection and Measurement', Proceedings I.E.E., 96, Part II, 1949,
pp. 50-56. .
8 78 HARDER, E. L. and BoSTWICK, M. A. 'A Single Element Differential Pilot-
wire Relay System', Electrical Journal, November, 1938, pp. 443-448.
8 79 NEHER, J. H. and MCCoNNELL, A. J. 'An Improved A-C Pilot Wire Relay',
Transactions A.I.E.E., 60, January, 1941, pp. 12-17.
8 80 FENWICK, W. and MARAIS, C. P. 'The Application of Pilot-wire Protection
to long 88 kV Transmission Lines, including intertripping', Transactions
South African I.E.E., 36, 1945, p. 60.
8 81 WARD, R. I. and GILMAN, D. W. 'Pilot-wire Relaying Utilizing the product
Differential Relay', Transactions A.I.E.E., 72, Part III, October, 1953,
p. 911, and Electrical Engineering, 73, February, 1954, pp. 137-142.
7 82 LEYLAND, S. C. and GOLDSBOROUGH, S. L. 'The Functions of Ground
Preference in Carrier Current Relay Schemes', A.I.E.E. Journal, March,
1944, p. 97.
8 83 ADAMSON, C. and TALKHAN, E. A. 'Selection of Relaying Quantities for
Differential Feeder Protection', Proceedings I.E.E., 107, Part A, No. 31,
February, 1960, pp. 37-47.
9 84 KINrrsKY, V. A. 'Relay Scheme Protects Generators', Electrical World,
October 3rd, 1960, pp. 44-45.
9 85 SONNEMANN, W. K. 'A High Speed Differential Relay for Generator Protec-
tion', Transactions A.I.E.E., 59, November, 1940, pp. 608-612. Disc.,
pp. 1250-1252.
9 86 MCCONNELL, A. J. 'A Generator Differential Relay', Transactions A.I.E.E.,
62, January, 1943, pp. 11-13. Disc., pp. 381-383.
9 87 A.I.E.E. Relay Sub-Committee. 'Protection of Power House AuxiIiaries',
Transactions A.I.E.E., 65, November, 1946, pp. 746-751. Disc., pp.
9 88 FOUNTAIN, L. L. 'Motoring Protection for A.C. Generators', Westinghouse
Engineer, 6, November, 1946, pp. 190-191.
10 89 STERNER, V. 'The Protection of Large Transformers', C.I.G.R.E., 1958,
Paper No. 348, and C.I.G.R.E., 1960, Paper No. 334.
10 90 BEAN, R. L. and CoLE, H. L. 'A Sudden Gas Pressure Relay for Trans-
former Protection', Transactions A.I.E.E., 72, Part III, 1953, pp. 480-
10 91 A.I.E.E. Relay Sub-Committee. 'Relay Protection of Power Transformers',
Transactions A.I.E.E., 66, 1947, pp. 911-916.
10 92 KUNGSHIRN, E. A., MOORE, H. R. and WENTZ, E. C. 'Detection of Faults
in Power Transformers', Transactions A.I.E.E., April 1957, 76, Part 3.
10 93 MADILL, J. T. 'Typical Transformer Faults and Gas Detector Relay Pro-
tection', Transactions A.I.E.E., 66, 1947, pp. 1052-1060.
8,9, 94 SEELEY, H. T. 'Effect of Residual Magnetism on Differential Current Relays',
10,11 Transactions A.I.E.E., 2, 1943, pp. 164-169.
7 95 NEHER, J. H. 'D.C. Pilot Loop Protects 66 kV Cable Circuits', Electrical
World, 101, March 25th, 1933, pp. 384-387.
10 96 DIETSCH, c., HENRIET P. and LARRUE, C. 'Simplified Devices for the
Protection of Extra High-voltage Transformers and Results of their
Application', C.I.G.R.E., 1950, Paper No. 342.
10 97 JEAN-RICHARD, CHARLES. 'Thermal Protection of Transformers', C.I.G.R.E.,
1950, Paper No. 309.
8 98 PATRICKSON, J. B. 'Solkor-R Pilot Wire Protection', Reyrolles Pamphlet
No. 1296.
10 99 BROWN, J. E. and EVISON, J. N. 'A Transistorised V.F. lntertripping System
for Power Line Protection', Electrical Journal, October, 1960.
10 100 BERTULA, G. 'Enhanced Transformer Protection through Inrush-proof
Ratio Differential Relays', Brown Boveri Review, 32, 1945, p. 129.
9 101 NEWCOMBE, R. W. 'Electrical Protection of Large Generator Units', The
Electrical Journal, 22 May, 1959.
10 102 SPIESS, H. 'Ein Neues, Einschaltsicheres Differentialstrornrelais filr Trans-
formatoren', Bulletin Oerlikon, No. 306, 1954, p. 84.
10 103 GRUND MARK, B. 'The Lightning Arresters Protecting the Harspranget Plant,
Sweden', A.S.E.A. Journal, 1953, Nos. 7-8.
6 104 BALDWIN, C. J. and GOFFARD, B. N. 'An Analysis of Polyphase Directional
Relay Torques', Transactions A.I.E.E., 72, Part III, 1953, pp. 752-
13 105 WARRINGTON, A. R. VAN C. 'Reduction of Maintenance Time for Protective
Relays by Simplification of Design and Test Methods', C.I.G.R.E., Paris,
May 12th-22nd, 1954, Report No. 330.
12 106 WARRINGTON, A. R. VAN C. 'Back-up Protection', C.I.G.R.E., Paris, 1960,
Report No. 334, Section III.
12 107 KENNEDY, L. F. and MCCONNELL, A. J. 'An Appraisal of Remote and Local
Back-up Relaying', Conferences Paper A.I.E.E., Paper No. 57-560.
6 108 LoSEV, S. B. and CHERMAN, A. B. 'Study of 3-phase Directional Impedance
Relays under Short Circuit Conditions'.
2 109 FABRIKANT, V. L. 'Relays Based on Semiconductors', Elektrichestvo, No.7,
1958, pp. 41-45.
11 110 NEWCOMBE, R. W. 'The Development of Bus Bar Protection', The English
Electric Journal, 14, No.6, June, 1956.
11 III REID, I. A. 'Busbar Protection', Electrical Review, June 7th, 1957, pp.
11 li2 RUSHTON, J. 'Bus Bar Protection', Electrical Review, December 27th, 1957,
pp. 1156--1159.
11 113 HARDER, E. L., WENTZ, E. C., SONNEMANN, W. K. and KLEMMER, E. H.
'Linear Couplers for Bus Protection', Transactions A.I.E.E., 61, May,
1942, pp. 241-248. Disc., June Supplement, 1942, p. 463.
9 114 MASON, C. R. 'A New Loss of Excitation Relay for Synchronous Genera-
tors', Tra1lsactio1ls A.I.E.E., 68, 1949, pp. 1240-1245. .
8 115 MCCONNELL, A. J., CRAMER, T. A. and SEELEY, H. T. 'Phase Comparison
Carrier Current Protection', Transactions A.I.E.E., 64, 1945, pp. 225-233.
Disc., Supplement, 1945.
13 116 ADAMS, A. W. 'Some Aspects of Testing Related to Meters, Relays and
Instruments', The English Electric Journal, Vol. 15, No.6, June 1958.
5 117 GUTMANN, H. 'The SD-14 High-speed Impedance Relay with Associated
Current Transformers', E.T.Z.
4 118 KREEKON, N. and POWCHROSKI, D. W. 'A New Static Overcurrent Relay'
Allis-Chalmers Review, April, 1960.
Protective Relays
8 119 HALMAN et al. 'A New Carrier Relaying System', Transactions A.I.E.E.,
63, 1944, pp. 568-572.
9 120 MORRIS, W. C. and GOFF, L. E. 'A Negative Sequence Overcurrent Relay
for Generator Protective', Transactions A.I.E.E., 72, Part III, 1953,
pp. 615-621.
9 121 BARKLE, J. E. and GLASSBURN, W. E. 'Protection of Generators Against
Unbalanced Currents', ibid., pp. 282-286.
9 122 GROSS, E. T. B. and LE VISCONTE, L. B. 'Back-up Protection for Generators',
ibid., pp. 585-592.
9 123 SEELEY, H. T. 'A Compensated Automatic Synchroniser', Transactions
A.I.E.E., 53, 1934, pp. 960-968.
10 124 KENNEDY, L. F. and HAYWARD, C. D. 'Harmonic Restrained Relays for
Differential Protection', Transactions A.I.E.E., 57, 1938, pp. 262-271.
10 125 HAYWARD, C. D. 'Prolonged Inrush Currents with Parallel Transformers
affect Differential Relaying', Transactions A.I.E.E., 60, 1941, pp. 1096-
1101. Disc., pp. 1305-1312.
11 126 ONYEMELUKERE, C. 'Differential Protection: Notes on Theory and Practice'
Electrical Times, December 24th, 1959.
11 127 SEELEY, H. T. and VON ROESCHLAUB, F. 'Instantaneous Bus Protection
Using Bushing Current Transformers', Transactions A.I.E.E., 67, 1948,
13 128 WARRINGTON, A. R. VAN C. 'Portable Equipment Speeds Relay Test',
Elec. World, 107, February, 1937, p. 764.
2,5,14 129 ADAMS, A. W. and BERGSETH, F. R. 'A Simplified Unit for Distance
Relaying', Transactions A.I.E.E., 72, Part III, 1953, fJp. 996-998.
8 130 NEHER, J. H. 'A New Approach to the Pilot Wire Protection of Transmission
Lines, using Leased Pilot Wires having relatively Long Electrical Charac-
teristics', A.I.E.E. Paper No. 60-155, Power Apparatus and Systems,
June, 1960, pp. 245-252.
2,5,7 131 SEELEY, H. T. and KIss, M. A. 'All Electronic One Cycle Carrier Relaying
System', Power Apparatus and Systems, A.I.E.E., April, 1954, pp. 161-195,
together with three other papers on the same subject by Messrs. Barnes,
H. C. and Kennedy, L. F., Hodges, M. E. and Macpherson, R. H.,
Price, W. S. and Cordray, R. E.
2,5 132 BARLOW, H. E. M. 'An Experimental Impedance Relay using the Hall
Effect in a Semi-conductor', I.E.E. Paper No. 3136M, February,
6 133 SALZMANN, A. 'Cross Country Faults seen by Protective Relays in Resonant
Neutral Earthed Transmission Systems', Electrical Energy, 1, No. 16,
December, 1957, pp. 494-500.
5 134 GOLDSBOROUGH, S. L. 'A Distance Relay with Adjustable Phase-angle
Discrimination', Transactions A.I.E.E., 63, 1944, pp. 835-838.
2, 5 135 MULLER, M., et al. 'Protection of E.H.V. Systems, Tl\king into Account
Single-phase Automatic Reclosure on Very Long Lines', Brown-Boveri
Review, 45, No.6, June, 1958, p. 243.
10 136 A.I.E.E. Committee. 'Report on Transformer Magnetising Inrush Currents
and its Effect on Relaying and Air Switch Operation', Transactions
A.I.E.E., 70, Part II, 1951, p. 1730.
10 137 ROCKEFELLER, G. P., et af. 'Magnetising Inrush Phenomena in Transformer
Banks', Transactions A.I.E.E., 77, 'Power Apparatus and Systems', October,
1958, p. 884.
10 138 BLUME, L. F. and CAMILLI et al. 'Transformer Magnetising Inrush Currents
and its Influence on System Operation', Transactions A.I.E.E., 63, 1944,
10 139 WELLINGS, J. G. and MATHEWS, P. 'Instantaneous Magnetic Balance Pro-
tection for Power Transformers', B.T.H. Activities, 191, 1946, p. 30.
g 140 RUSHTON, J. 'The Fundamental Characteristics of Pilot-Wire Differential
Protection Systems', Proceedings 1.E.E., 108, Part A, No. 41, October,
8 141 MORETON, P. L. and NELLIST, B. D., 'Printed Disc Inverse Time Overcurrent
Relay', I.E.E. Proc. May, 1965 p. 1000.
142 WAGNER, C. F. and EVANS, R. D. Symmetrical Components, McGraw-Hill
Book Co., 1933.
143 MASON, C. R. The Art and Science of Protective Relaying, John Wiley Inc.,
144 ATABEKOV, G. I. The Relay Protection of H. V. Networks, Pergamon Press,
145 PIPES, L. A. Applied Mathematics for Engineers and Physicists, McGraw-Hill
Book Co., 1946.
2 146 PECK, R. L. and WAGAR, H. N. Switching Relay Design, van Nostrand,
New York.
147 MATHEWS, P. Protective Current Transformers and Circuits, Chapman &
Hall Ltd., 1955.
10 148 BLUME, L. F., et al. Transformer Engineering, John Wiley Inc., 1938.
9 149 CoNCORDIA, C. Synchronous Machines, John Wiley Inc.
150 HENRlET, P. Foncionnement et Protection des Reseaux de Transport d'Elec-
trieite, Gauthier-Villars et Cie, Paris, 1958.
151 Federal.Telephone Radio Corp., New York, N.Y. Reference Data for Radio
152 The Royal Signals Manual of Military Publications. Handbook of Line
153 Johnson and Phillips Ltd. The J. & P. Switchgear Book, 5th edition.
154 KAUFMANN, M. The Protective Gear Handbook, Pitman & Co. Ltd.
155 KIMBARK, E. W. 'Power System Stability' Vols. 1 and 2, John Wiley & Sons
Inc. New York.
Pages Sections
318 A.C. pilot relaying 8.1
183 A.C. tripping ... 4.6
114, 196, 209 Admittance relays 3.2.6, 5.1.1(c), 5.2.2
102, 118, 121 Amplitude comparators 3.1.2, 3.3.1, 3.4.1
210 Angle impedance relays 5.2.3
226 Application of distance 5.4
151 Application of time current 4.2
441 Arc initiation .. . 13.1.1
198 Arc resistance .. . 5.1.3
109 Attenuation constant; compensation 3.2.3(a)
29, 47 Attracted armature relays 2.3.1, 2.4.4
17, 266 Auto reclosing ... 1.9,5.9
74 Back-stops 2.6.2
15,426,431 Back-up relaying 1.8, 11.5, 12.3
49 Balanced beam unit 2.4.5
107 Balanced current relays 3.2.2
111, 328 Balanced voltage pilot scheme 3.2.3(c),8.4.3
363 Bearing failure ... 9.1.3(e)
74 Bearings 2.6.1
106, 377, 390 Biassed differential relay 3.2,9.4.2,10.4.2
234 Blinders ... 5.4.7
307 Blocking pilot ... 7.3.2
79 Bounce-proof contacts 2.6.4
436 Breaker back-up 12.4.2
382 Buchholz relay ... 10.3.1
23 Burdens on c.t's p.t's ... 1.13.1, 1.13.2
232,413 Bus protection ... 5.4.5,11.1
109, 327 Capacitance of pilot wires 3.2,8.4.1
311 Carrier acceleration ... 7.3.3
304, 338 Carrier relaying 7.3,8.11
316 Carrier signal checking 7.4
87 Cases ... 2.7
26, 103 Characteristics of relays 2.2,3.1.3
18 Circuit breaker control 1.10.1
108, 133, 324 Circulating current pilot 1:2.3,3.7.3,8.4.1
21 Oassification of relay schemes 1.12
85 Coil design 2.6.9
248, 440 Commissioning 5.5.8,13.1
99, 117 Comparators ... 3.1,3.3
243,285 Compensators (voltage) 5.5.5,6.8
209 Conductance relays ... 5.2.2
86 Connections (electrical) 2.6.10
25 Construction factors ... 2.1.2
27, 38 Construction of measuring units 2.3,2.4
66 Construction of timing units ... 2.5
75 Contacts 2.6.3
448 Contact cleaners 13.5
225, 226 Contact co-ordination 5.3.4
81 Contact pressure augmentation 2.6.6
95 Corrosion 2.10.2
265 Cross-country faults ... 5.8
107 Current balance relays 3.2.1
106 Current differential relays 3.2.1
375 Current transformers ... 9.4
437 C.T. back-up ... 12.4.3
421 C.Ts. without iron 11.2.3
405 D.C. biased differential 10.5.S(e)
147, 204 D.C. offset current 4.1.6, 5.1.4
299 D.C. pilot relaying 7.1
Pages Sections
66, 142 Definite time relay 2.5,4.1.1
5 Definitions 1.3
74 Design details ... 2.6
304 Directional comparison carrier 7.3
168 Direction control 4.5.1
113, 167 Directional relays 3.2.5,4.5
191 Distance measurement 5.1.1
20,102 Duality ... 1.11,3.1.2
183 Dual polarisation 4.5.4
84 Dust-proofing ... 2.6.7
175, 387 Earth fault relay 4.5.2, 10.4.1
15,91 Economics of relaying 1.7,2.8
451 Electrical tests ... 13.10
31,63 Electronic relays 2.3.5, 2.4.11
72 Electronic time delay ... 2.5.6
161, 244 Error limits 4.3,5.5.5
148 Extremely inverse current relays 4.1.6
2 Faults: Causes of 1.1
441 Initiation of test 13.1.1
198 Resistance of ... 5.1.3
94 Finishes ... 2.10
18,93 Flag indicators ... 1.10.2,2.9
423 Frame leakage protection 11.3
263,371 Fuse blowing ... 5.7.2, 9.2.3
148, 158 Fuse co-ordination 4.1.7, 4.2.6
448 Gap cleaners ... 13.5.2
448 Gap gauges 13.5.3
382 Gas actuated relays 10.3
348 Generator faults 9.1.1
249 Ground distance relays 5.5.9
175 Ground faults ... 4.5.2
311 Ground preference
65 Hall Effect 2.4.13
403 Harmonic restraint 10.5.5(b)
356,408 Heating (over) ... 9.1.1(c), 10.6
192, 210, 227 Impedance relays 5.1.1(a), 5.2.3, 5.4.3
68 Inertia method of delay 2.5.1(c)
31,41, 255 Induction cup .. . 2.3.3, 2.4.2, 5.6.2
31,40,321 Induction dij;c .. . 2.3.2,2.4.1,8.3
42, 96 Induction torque theory 2.4.3,2.11
146, 158 Instantaneous O.C. relay 4.1.6,4.2.4
444 Insulation tests 13.2.1
365 Interlocked A.C. protection ... 9.1.3(b)
311,410 Intertripping ... 7.3.3, 10.8.1
354 Interturn faults 9.1.1(b)
142, 156 Inverse time relays 4.1.2,4.2.5
126 Inversion chart for complex quantities 3.5
421 Ironless c.t's. . .. 11.2.3
74 Jewel bearing ... 2.6.1
414 Kirchoff's Law 11.1
285 K-Dar ... 6.8
378 Lead resistance to c.t's 9.4.3
204 Likelihood of transients 5.1.4(b)
214 Limitations of distance relays 5.3
108, 323, 336 Limitations of pilot wire relays 3.2.3, 8.4, 8.8
421 Linear couplers 11.2.3
243, 285 Line drop compensators 5.5.5,6.8
304 Line traps 7.3
432 Local back-up ... 12.4
106 Longitudinal differential 3.2.1
362 Loss of field 9.1.3(c)
207, 263, 438 Loss of potential 5.1.4(c), 572, 12.4.4
Pages Sections
363 Loss of synchronism ... 9.1.3(d)
243, 262 Low tension current and potential 5.5.5,5.7.1
37,60 Magnetic amplifier relays 2.3.8, 2.4.9
68 Magnetic damping
246, 395 Magnetising inrush 5.5.6,10.5
459 Manufacturers' tests ... 13.11
27,252 Measuring units 2.3,5.6
67 Mechanical damping ... 2.5.1
84 Mechanical stability 2.6.8
450 Mechanical tests 13.9
69 Mercury timers 2.5.2
96 Metal whiskers 2.10.3
208 Modified impedance 5.2.1
115, 196 Mho relay 3.2.7, 5.1.1(c)
369 Motor faults ... 9.2
362 Motoring 9.1.3(b)
70 Motor operated timer ... 2.5.4
51 Moving coil unit 2.4.6
54 Moving iron unit 2.4.7
250 Mutual induction (overhead lines) 5.5.9
358, 371 Negative sequence relays 9.1.2(c), 9.2.3
338 Neutralising transformers 8.10
128 Non-linear resonance ... 3.6.1
116, 211 Offset mho relays 3.2.8, 5.2.4
371 Open-phase 9.2.3
18,93 Operation indicators 1.10.2,2.9
233 Out-of-step blocking 5.4.6
234 Out-of-step tripping 5.4.8
141 Overcurrent relays 4.1
147,204 Overreach 4.1.6, 5.1.4(b)
362 Overspeed 9.1.3(a)
451 Overtravel 13.10.1
357 Overvoltage 9. 1.1(d)
261 Performance curves (distance relay) 5.6.7
265 Petersen coil ... 5.8
338 Phase comparison carrier 8.11
283 Phase selector ... 6.6
108, 299, 319 Pilot wire relays 3.2.3,7.2,8.2
337 Pilot supervision 8.9
67 Pneumatic damping 2.5.1(b)
168, 176 Polarisation 4.5.1, 4.5.2
172 Polyphase directional relay 4.5.1(d)
284 Polyphase distance relay 6.7
243 Potential drop compensators ... 5.5.5
207, 363,438 Potential, loss of supply 5.1.4(c), 5.7.2, 12.4.4
262 Potential supply 5.7.1
148 Power rectifier protection 4.1.7
375 Power station auxiliaries 9.3
198 Power swings 5.1.3
442 Primary injection test ... 13.1.2
106,132 Product restraint 3.2.1,3.7.2
184 Radial line protection ... 4.7
214 Ratings: distance relays 5.3
166 overcurrent relays 4.4
114, 194 Reactance relays 3.2.6, 5.1.1(b)
310 Receiver relay ... 7.3.1(b)
17,266 Reclosing 1.9,5.9
37,56 Rectifier bridge comparator ... 2.3.7,2.4.8
148 Rectifier protection 4.1.7
434 Relay back-up ... 12.4.1
25,430 Reliability 2.1.3,12.2
430 Remote back-up 12.3
311,409 Remote tripping 7.3.3,10.8
Pages Sections
177 Residual tripping relays 4.5.2
127 Resonance 3.6
72 Resonance time delay ... 2.5.5(d)
181 Restricted earth protection 4.5.2
239,431 Reversed third zone 5.5.3,12.3
357 Rotor faults 9.1.2
104 R-X diagram ... 3.1.3
450 Safety measures 13.7
18 Seal-in relays ... 1.10.2
13, 141 Selectivity 1.6,4.1
51,53 Sensitive relays 2.4.6,2.4.7
258 Sensitive tripping devices 5.6.5
42 Shaded-pole principle ... 2.4.3
84 Shock-proof relays 2.6.8
226 Single-step distance relay 5.4.1
268 Single pole reC\osing ... 5.9.4
265 Simultaneous ground faults 5.8
80 Spark-quenching circuits 2.6.5
426 Split bus protection 11.6
376 Stabilising resistance 9.4:1
343 Starting network 8.11.2(h)
224,283 Starting units ... 5.3.4,6.6
348 Stator faults 9.1.1
154 Stranded Coil ... 4.2.3
385 Sudden pressure relays 10.3.2
332 Summation C.t. (pilot) 8.7
341 Summation network ... 8. 11.2(a)
337, 427 Supervision circuits 8.9,11.7
276 Switched distance relays 6.2
202 System stability 5.1.3(c)
161 Tap error 4.3
18 Targets ... 1.10.2
69 Thermal delay ... 2.5.3
31, 62,408 Thermal relays ... 2.3.4, 2.4.10, 10.6
227 Three-step distance relays 5.4.3
66 Time delay methods 2.5
197 Time steps 5.1.2
26,117 Torque equations 2.2,3.3
447 Tools 13.5
311,409 Transferred tripping 7.3.3,10.8
390 Transformer differential protection ... 10.4.2
203 Transients 5.1.4
34,64 Transistor relays 2.3.6, 2.4.12
73 Transistor timer
106 Transverse differential 3.2.1
428 Tripping check ... 11.8
95 Tropicalisation ... 2.10.1
371 Unbalanced currents ... 9.2.3
372 Under-frequency 9.2.4
372 Undervoltage ... 9.2.4
117 Universal torque equations 3.3
7 Vector conventions 1.3.2
417 Voltage differential relays 11.2.2
364 Voltage regulator 9.1.3(g)
198 Warrington's law for power arcs 5.1.3(a)
96 Whiskers (metal) 2.10.3
104 X-R diagram ... 3.1.3
242 Y-f':,. transformation 5.5.4
269,270 Zero sequence compensation ... 5.10.1, 5.10.2
182 Zero sequence power relays '" 4.5.3