An operating system acts as an interface between the user and computer hardware, controlling program execution and managing memory, processors, devices, files, security, and system performance. There are several types of operating systems including real-time, single-user single-task, single-user multi-tasking, and multi-user operating systems. Windows 95 introduced plug and play functionality and improved compatibility while Windows 98 contained bug fixes and added USB support and multiple monitor functionality. Windows XP enabled working with many programs simultaneously and included features like fast user switching, a simplified interface, and Windows Media Player.
An operating system acts as an interface between the user and computer hardware, controlling program execution and managing memory, processors, devices, files, security, and system performance. There are several types of operating systems including real-time, single-user single-task, single-user multi-tasking, and multi-user operating systems. Windows 95 introduced plug and play functionality and improved compatibility while Windows 98 contained bug fixes and added USB support and multiple monitor functionality. Windows XP enabled working with many programs simultaneously and included features like fast user switching, a simplified interface, and Windows Media Player.
An operating system acts as an interface between the user and computer hardware, controlling program execution and managing memory, processors, devices, files, security, and system performance. There are several types of operating systems including real-time, single-user single-task, single-user multi-tasking, and multi-user operating systems. Windows 95 introduced plug and play functionality and improved compatibility while Windows 98 contained bug fixes and added USB support and multiple monitor functionality. Windows XP enabled working with many programs simultaneously and included features like fast user switching, a simplified interface, and Windows Media Player.
An operating system acts as an interface between the user and computer hardware, controlling program execution and managing memory, processors, devices, files, security, and system performance. There are several types of operating systems including real-time, single-user single-task, single-user multi-tasking, and multi-user operating systems. Windows 95 introduced plug and play functionality and improved compatibility while Windows 98 contained bug fixes and added USB support and multiple monitor functionality. Windows XP enabled working with many programs simultaneously and included features like fast user switching, a simplified interface, and Windows Media Player.
An operating system is a program that acts as an interface between the user and the computer hardware and controls the execution of all kinds of programs. Following are some of important functions of an operating System. • Memory Management • Processor Management • Device Management • File Management • Security • Control over system performance • Error detecting aids • Coordination between other software and users TYPES OF OPERATING SYSTEM • Real-time operating system (RTOS) - Real-time operating systems are used to control machinery, scientific instruments and industrial systems. An RTOS typically has very little user-interface capability, and no end-user utilities, since the system will be a "sealed box" when delivered for use. A very important part of an RTOS is managing the resources of the computer so that a particular operation executes in precisely the same amount of time, every time it occurs. In a complex machine, having a part move more quickly just because system resources are available may be just as catastrophic as having it not move at all because the system is busy. • Single-user, single task - As the name implies, this operating system is designed to manage the computer so that one user can effectively do one thing at a time. The Palm OS for Palm handheld computers is a good example of a modern single-user, single-task operating system. • Single-user, multi-tasking - This is the type of operating system most people use on their desktop and laptop computers today. Microsoft's Windows and Apple's MacOS platforms are both examples of operating systems that will let a single user have several programs in operation at the same time. For example, it's entirely possible for a Windows user to be writing a note in a word processor while downloading a file from the Internet while printing the text of an e- mail message. • Multi-user - A multi-user operating system allows many different users to take advantage of the computer's resources simultaneously. The operating system must make sure that the requirements of the various users are balanced, and that each of the programs they are using has sufficient and separate resources so that a problem with one user doesn't affect the entire community of users. Unix, VMS and mainframe operating systems, such as MVS, are examples of multi-user operating systems. Window 95
The new Windows operating system with the
internal version 4.0 is the successor of Windows 3.11 and brings a completely new design of the interface and of the kernel with it. 32-bit applications are supported fully, DOS applications can also virtually be used now in a DOS box, furthermore 16-bits of programs are supported. Windows 95 to ME still needs DOS for the loading up program and for the DOS box. New hardware is comfortably recognized by plug and play, the memory management was developed further considerably. Features • plug and play, high number of device drivers • high compatibility to DOS, Windows 3.x • high number of software • no multiprocessing • low local/network security • old system architecture (16-bit software compatibility) • badly scalable Window 98 Microsoft announced with this new system software Version 4.10 the revised version of Windows 95. The operating system Windows 98 contains as innovation mainly detail improvements and bug fixes. The hardware component is enhanced with USB support improved and the operation of several monitors is possible now. Windows 98 is prepared for DVD movies, for the view of DVD Movies a separate software must be installed. Features • Multitasking: You can crash several programs all at once. No waiting! • Built-in Networking: You can crash several PC`s all at once. No need to buy Novell Personal Netware or LANtastic to crash. • Microsoft Network: Connect with other Windows 98 users and talk about your crash experiences. Support groups in different cities will be organized. • PnP: Plug and Pray (that it works) • Multimedia: Experience the immense sight and sound of crashing. • Compatible with existing software: It will also crash your existing software. • User-Friendly: Picture of clouds • State of the Art: Pay for Bill`s next bid for a work of art. • Macintosh-like: It took Microsoft 14 years and it`s not even original. • Online Registration: Dial into Microsoft and let them snoop around your hard drive. This will guarantee you a place in Microsoft`s files for the rest of your life. • MS Plus: More money for Bill`s plus side. • Optimize: It will increase the utilization of your hard drive and CPU so much so that you`ll end up upgrading your system. See "Increased Productivity". • Increased Productivity: You will need to increase your budget to buy more products like RAM and Hard Drives. Better yet, get a new computer! That`s productivity. Window XP • Windows XP is a computer operating system and graphical user interface (GUI), which enables you to work with a wide variety of programs on your computer, often simultaneously. Windows XP is itself a special computer program that communicates your instructions to the actual computer hardware, and displays the results. Features of Windows XP • Standard features of Windows XP - Home and Professional • Fast user switching • Network assistant • Remote control for the diagnosis (Remote assistant) • Simplified user interface • Windows Media Player • Internet Explorer 6.0 • Windows Movie Maker