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Process of Environment Audit

The Honorable High Court of Gujarat introduced the Environmental Audit Scheme in its order dated 20/12/1996 with a view to: Enforcing discipline amongst the industries Arming GPCB as well as the Association of industries in the concerned areas with the necessary information and Doing regular monitoring of different industries scattered in entire state of Gujarat from different aspects/angles.

Applicability of the Scheme: (a) This Scheme shall apply to all the industrial units manufacturing and/or processing any one or more of the products mentioned in Schedule I and/or Schedule II to this Scheme, and situated in the State of Gujarat. (b) Any product the manufacture of which consumes the same or substantially the same raw materials consumed for the manufacture of any of the aforesaid mentioned items/products is same or substantially similar; shall also be considered to be a specified product within the meaning of this Scheme. (c) An industrial unit which is manufacturing or processing any of the specified products under orders of trial production (whether passed by Hon. Court or any authority) is also covered by this Scheme. (d) All common facilities i.e. CETPs /TSDFs etc of the state. (e) All other industries manufacturing products which are included by the Board in Schedule I or Schedule II

LIST OF AUDITORS: At present there are two categories of Environmental Auditors : Schedule I and Schedule II auditors. a) A list consisting Schedule I auditors is annexed as annexure-D and list consisting the Schedule II auditors is annexed as annexure-E. b) Schedule I auditors have can carry out environmental audit for common facilities and industries falling in Schedule I & II of High Court order dated 13-3-97; while Schedule II auditor have to carry out environmental audit of industries falling in Schedule II only of High Court order dated 13-3-97.

Environmental Audit procedure encompasses Pre-Audit Activities, Activities on Site and Post-Audit Activities

Pre-Audit Activities
Obtain preliminary Information through Questionnaire survey Review and identify main Areas of consideration Prepare audit team Organize resources Develop visit programme Allocate specific task to team members

Engineer s

Activities on Site
Interviews with cross section of staff Verification of records of the company Field inspection Material Balance determine process inputs, record waste usage and of recycle/reuse determine process inputs, quantify products/by products, account for waste water, emission and solid/hazardous waste incorporate data on process flow sheets, derive material balance and water balance Waste Flow identify waste flow lines obtain details of pre treatment obtain details of disposal Monitoring & Analysis design monitoring network for sampling wastewater, solid waste, performance study of treatment facilities and the receiving environment identify parameters for analysis



determine type and frequency of sampling

analyze samples

Scientist & Microbiologist

Concluding Session

draft report preparation presentation of draft report and discussion with the management


Post-Audit Activities
Syntheses evaluate performance & adequacy of the waste treatment facilities identify the problems related to waste generation, treatment and disposal segregate waste and identify waste reduction measures Evaluation the technical and attitudinal capabilities of staff formulate recommendations for the best practicable waste management

final report preparation with recommendations

action plans with time frame for implementation

follow - up

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