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1 . G E N ER A L

1 .1 Tit le

These Rules may be called. “Rules for Postgraduate Certificate and Postgraduate Diploma Programmes of NED
University of Engineering & Technology”.

1 .2 Co m m enc em en t

These Rules shall come into force with immediate effect.

1 .3 Na tu re o f Ce rt if ica t e / Di plo m a

Postgraduate Certificate (PGC) and Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) Programmes of the University shall be offered
by NED Academy and successful completion shall lead to the relevant Postgraduate Certificate or Postgraduate
Diploma as offered in discipline / relevant area of specialization.

1 .4 Na tu re o f Pro g ra m m e

A Postgraduate Certificate (PGC) or Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) Programme may be offered as the following
1. 4-month PGC
2. 6-month PGC
3. 10-month PGD
4. 1-year PGD
A programme may be offered as a Day Programme, Evening Programme or Weekend Programme or in multiple

1 .5 Cr iter ia a nd Pro ce du re f o r A dm i s sio n

i. The candidate should possess the following qualifications:

a) A graduate degree/ diploma with at least 14 years of education, including a minimum of two years
of education at the graduate/ diploma level (post intermediate/ equivalent education). Candidates
pursuing, at the time of admission, graduation/ diploma of more than two-year duration (post
intermediate/ equivalent education) may still apply provided that they have completed at least two
years of graduate/ diploma study with examination results.
b) A minimum of second division at graduate/ diploma level (a particular programme may have higher
requirement) from HEC recognized institution. In case, a candidate, at the time of seeking admission,
is in process of pursuing graduation/ diploma of more than two years, the to-date cumulative CGPA/
percentage of graduate/ diploma studies would be used to determine eligibility requirement.
(i) For technical programmes, relevant degree/ diploma and/or background may be required.
(ii) Other requirements may also be specified for a particular programme depending on the nature of a
ii. Admissions will be processed via NED Academy.
iii. Admissions shall be granted on the basis of merit. Merit list of successful candidates will be prepared in
accordance with criteria as under:
a) Meeting minimum admission criteria as approved for the particular PGC/ PGD programme
b) Graduation/ diploma result (to-date result for 14+ years of graduate degree/ diploma)
c) Interview of candidates or short-listed candidates under (a) and (b) above, if required.

1.5.1 Fee Structure

The following fee structure is applicable on students getting admitted in Spring 2022 and onwards
unless modified. All Fees is Non-Refundable.

Admission Fee : Rs.3,000
Course & Examination Fee for Hybrid Mode : Rs.22,000
Course & Examination Fee for Distance Learning Mode : Rs.33,000
Learning Mode Change Fee (from Hybrid to Distance Learning & Vice Versa) : Rs. 7,000
Re-Examination Fee : Rs.5,000
Paper Scrutiny Fee (Re-counting of sessional and final exam marks) : Rs.2,500
Re-Assessment Fee (Re-checking of sessional and final exam marks) : Rs.5,000

1 .6 M ed i um o f I n st r uct io n

Instructions in all classes and laboratories and all examinations written or oral shall be carried out in the English

1 .7 Pro g ra m m e A dm i n ist ra t io n

For smooth running of a PGC/ PGD programme, the following mechanism would be followed:

i. Each PGC/ PGD Programme would have a Focal Person who may be an internal faculty member/
officer or an external member (external to NED) as nominated by Concerned Department(s)/ Centre(s)/
HoD(s) or otherwise, with approval of DG Academy.
ii. The Focal Person would primarily be responsible for the following:
a. Providing recommendations for improvement in programme & course content.
b. Aligning the faculty and modules (courses)
c. Ensuring smooth and quality execution of the modules (courses)
d. Managing the assignment and execution of projects
e. Facilitating provision of training material (if necessary) to participants and a copy to NED
Academy for record
f. Ensuring that module (course) files are properly maintained by module teachers
g. Ensuring conductance of all modules within the specified time covering all specified contents
h. Facilitating arrangement of licensed software and/ or technical equipment for training and its
installation (if necessary)
i. Maintaining the standard of PGC/ PGD Programme
iii. The logistics and administrative support would be provided by NED Academy, which may be in liaison
with concerned Department(s)/ Centre(s).

2 . PG C / PG D St r uct ur e

The following will be the structures of PGC [4-month and 6-month] and PGD [10-month and 12-month]

PGC [4-month] PGC [6-month] PGD [10-month] PGD [12-month]

Total Duration 4 months 6 months 10 months 12 months

[16 weeks of [24 weeks of [40 weeks of teaching & [48 weeks of
teaching] teaching] Project] teaching & Project]
No. of Modules 2 3 5 6
[Coursework + Project] [2+0] [3+0] [4+1] [5+1]
Total Credit Hours 6 9 18 21
[Coursework + Project] [6+0] [9+0] [12+6] [15+6]

Credit/ Contact Hours Per 6 credit/ contact 6 credit/ contact 6 credit/ contact hours 6 credit/ contact
Week of Coursework hours hours hours

Credit/ Contact Hours Per N/A N/A 6 credit hours / 6 credit hours/
Week of Project 6 contact hours 6 contact hours
[during last 4 months] [during last 4
Module (Coursework) 8 weeks of teaching (6 credit/ contact hours per week) OR
Duration 16 weeks of teaching (6 credit/ contact hours per week)

Module (Project) Duration N/A N/A 16 weeks (6 credit hours/ 16 weeks

6 contact hours per (6 credit hours/
week) 6 contact hours per

3 . S CH E M E O F S TU D I E S

3 .1 G e nera l

i. PGC shall be of either six (6) credit hours or nine (9) credit hours, which will be specified in the
offering. Accordingly, a PGC shall consist of 2 modules (courses) of 3 credit hours each or 3 modules
(courses) of 3 credit hours each respectively.
ii. PGD shall be of either fifteen (15) credit hours or eighteen (18) credit hours, which will be specified in
the offering. Accordingly, a PGD shall consist of 4 modules (courses) of 3 credit hours each or 5
modules (courses) of 3 credit hours each respectively, and 1 project of 3 credit hours.
iii. Each module (course) shall be of 48 contact hours of teaching (minimum 45 contact hours required);
followed by a 3-hour course exam.
iv. A module (course) shall be conducted either in day, evenings or at weekends with 3-6 contact hours per
v. Any student enrolled in a separately offered PGC programme or enrolled in a PGD programme who
wishes to leave with a PGC instead of a PGD may complete all requirements in a minimum of 18
weeks [for 6 credit-hour PGC] or a minimum of 27 weeks [for 9 credit-hour PGC] and within a
maximum of 2 years including withdrawal; if any. The credit-hour requirement for a particular PGC
would be taken as defined in the PGC/ PGD offering.
vi. Any student enrolled in a PGD programme may complete all requirements in a minimum of 40 weeks
[for 15 credit-hour PGD] or a minimum of 48 weeks [for 18 credit-hour PGD] and within a maximum
of 4 years including withdrawal; if any. The credit-hour requirement for a particular PGD would be
taken as defined in the offering.

3 .2 A dm i ss io n i n a ny Mo du le

i. Admission in any module requires registration.

ii. Registration in a module for earning credit hours shall only be allowed provided that the student has
obtained at least 2.0 CGPA in the previous module(s) if any. Registration will be subject to the
following conditions:
a) Any student having lesser than 2.0 GPA/CGPA shall be allowed registration in a module for earning
credits subject to the condition that he/she shall remain on probation for the module.
b) The student shall be required to achieve at least 2.0 CGPA after completion of the module during
c) Any student who was on probation in any module and had not achieved at least 2.0 CGPA shall not be
allowed to earn new credits and would be required to repeat /improve earlier modules as and when
offered before proceeding forward.

3 .3 Ca nce lla t io n o f A d m is sio n

The admission of any such student will be cancelled if the student is:
i. Involved in any breach of discipline.

ii. Fails to register in a module without being officially allowed withdrawal from the Programme.
iii. Has been on probation in second as a well as third module of his/her studies and on completion of the
third module i.e. after taking the exams of first 3 modules fails to achieve at least 2.0 CGPA.

3 .4 W ith dra wa l f ro m P ro g ra m m e

A student, who is unable to continue his/her studies because of unavoidable circumstances on his/her part and
desires withdrawal from the PGC/ PGD Programme, should apply to DG Academy. In any case, withdrawal
shall only be allowed after student has successful maintained at least 50% attendance in the first module.

3 .5 Re- Adm is s io n i n t h e Pro g ra m m e

A student who has officially withdrawn from the PGC/ PGD Programme may be readmitted in the programme
provided that the period of absence together with period of study shall not exceed maximum permissible period.

3 .6 Ex a m ina t io n

3 .6 .1 Co nd uc t o f Ex a m i na t io n

i. There shall be sessional evaluation and a final examination for each module, as scheduled by the NED
ii. The maximum marks in each module shall be 100; distributed as 40 marks for the sessional work and
60 marks for the final examination, except for the Project module in which 100 marks will be allocated
based on practical performance.

3 .6 .2 C la ss At te nd a n ce

The students shall be expected to attend the classes regularly and submit the home-assignment(s) when
due. A candidate with less than 75 percent attendance in any module shall not be allowed to take the final
examination in that module.

3 .6 .3 G ra d e Po i nt A ve ra g e f o r co ur se s

The following grades / grade points with the equivalent marks shall be awarded to the students on the basis of
their performance in each module of study, including project.

Grade Grade Point Marks Remarks

A 4.0 88-100
A- 3.7 80-87
B+ 3.4 75-79
B 3.0 70-74
B- 2.7 67-69
C+ 2.4 64-66
C 2.0 60-63
C- 1.7 57-59
D+ 1.4 54-56
D 1.0 50-53
F 0.0 Below 50 Fail
I - - Incomplete
WU - - Unofficial Withdrawal
P - 50-100 Pass in non-credit module/
X - - Exempted

3.6.4 Grade Point Average for Final Project

Grade Grade Point Marks Remarks Grade Grade Point Marks Remarks
A 4 80 - 100 F 0 Below 50 Fail
B 3 67 – 79 I - - -
C 2 57 – 66 WU - - -
D 1 50 - 56 - - - -

3 .6 .4 : Ab s en ce f ro m Ex a m ina tio n

i. Any candidate, who fails to appear in the final examination of any module shall be awarded grade
‘WU’ in the module(s).
ii. If there is any documentary evidence or otherwise there is sufficient ground to justify absence of the
candidate accepted as such by the teacher and DG Academy, the grade WU in the module will be
changed to grade ‘I’.
iii. Such candidate shall be required to appear in the examination of the module as scheduled by DG
Academy; if the candidate fails to appear again, for any reason, he/she shall be awarded grade WU as
final grade in the module.
iv. A candidate receiving ‘WU’ final grade in a module will be awarded a Certificate of Participation by
NED Academy.

3 .6 .4 .1 : Re- Ex a m ina tio n / I- G ra d e Ex a m ina tio n

i. A candidate receiving ‘WU’ in final grade may apply for I-Grade Examination on prescribed performa.
ii. I-Grade Examination would be conducted as per announced schedule (usually 4 weeks after
commencement of next term) in the following term as approved by DG Academy.
iii. A candidate would only be given one opportunity to appear and pass the I-Grade Examination (after
being awarded I-Grade as per (i) above). If the candidate fails to appear in the re-examination, leaves
the I-Grade Examination without submitting his / her answer sheet or fails in the subject, s(he) will be
awarded ‘F’ grade on the subject and would have to repeat the course as and when offered/ registered.
iv. A candidate may also appear in I-Grade Examination with Final Examination of the subject if that
subject is offered in next term.

3 .6 .5 A ca d em ic P e rf o r m a nce

Academic performance shall be determined on the basis of:

i. Grade point average (GPA) to be calculated for each module completed.

A Certificate of Competence will be awarded by NED Academy to a candidate who successfully

completes a module (passes the module with a GPA of at least 2.0).

A Certificate of Participation will be awarded by NED Academy to a candidate who fulfills the module
attendance requirement but either is unable to achieve a GPA of at least 2.0 on the module or is unable
to appear in the module exam despite being allowed (including as per provision 3.6.4).

A Certificate of Participation may be replaced by a Certificate of Competence if a candidate is able to

pass the module as per the Grade Improvement provision outlined in section 3.6.6. of the Rules.

ii. Cumulative Grade point average (CGPA) to be calculated for all module completed in the PGC/ PGD

iii. GPA and CGPA shall be calculated as:

GPA or CGPA = Sum of (Credit Hours of Module x Grade Point of Module)

Total Credit Hours of All Modules Examined*
*Note: In above calculation, the denominator value includes count of module(s) with “F” grade as well

} 3 .6 .6 : Cha ng e o f G ra d e / I m p ro vem e n t

Registration in a module for change of grade/ improvement will be subject to the following conditions:
i. A module which the student is required to repeat for obtaining a passing grade or a module selected by
the student for improvement of his/her CGPA, including terminal CGPA.
ii. Better grade(s), if any, will be considered for determining GPA / CGPA
iii. Change of Grade can also be done after Scrutiny of Examination Paper based on candidate’s request
(on prescribed performa), re-counting of sessional and final exam marks by Course Examiner and
endorsement by Director CMPP/ DG Academy.
iv. Change of Grade can also be done after Re-Assessment based on candidate’s request (on prescribed
performa), re-checking of sessional and final exam marks by Course Examiner and endorsement by
Director CMPP/ DG Academy.

3 .6 . 7 : Co n ve rs io n o f P r o g ra m m e f ro m P GC to PGD o r V ice Ve rsa

i. A PGC may be converted into a PGD if applicable.

ii. A candidate enrolled in a PGD programme may exit after successfully completing the requirements of
a PGC as defined in the requirements specifications for the particular programme and may be awarded
as such.
iii. The conversion of PGC to PGD or vice versa would be as per provision within a particular programme
and would be recommended by the Focal Person and approved by DG Academy.

4 . PRO J E C T

Students enrolled in a PGD programme shall be required to undertake a Project which shall be administered as
i. Project shall be equivalent to three credit hours (six contact hours of engagement per week) and shall
be required to be completed within duration of four months
ii. Each student will also be assigned a Supervisor for guidance.
iii. Depending on the nature of topic for Project, PGD Focal Person shall recommend a Supervisor having
relevant experience /expertise in the area of the topic, to guide the student in the enquiry, analysis
and/or development work undertaken and its write up throughout the period of study. The approval of
the supervisor shall be given by DG Academy.
iv. The Supervisor shall be responsible for; a) initial definition/selection of the topic of the project and
plan of the project assigned to the candidate. b) overall monitoring and guidance, advising on writing
and other matters related to the project.
v. A candidate may be allowed by the Focal Person to submit Project Report in prescribed format only
a) Fulfilling all requirements as suggested by Supervisor
b) Pursuing Project work for at least 4 months
vi. A candidate who has fulfilled the conditions of Section 4(v) above shall submit three copies of the
Project Report for evaluation. The submission shall be done by the candidate via his/ her supervisor
within two weeks of completion of his/ her final module classes. Otherwise, either the candidate may
request the Focal Person for award of grade ‘I’ and extension of two months or withdrawal from the
Project (in the latter case, PGD would not be awarded; PGC may be awarded).
vii. The candidate shall be examined orally and will be awarded an opportunity to defend his/ her project
viii. DG Academy, on the recommendation of the Focal Person, shall nominate an Examiner’s Committee
comprising of at least two examiners including the Supervisor. Examiner (other than the supervisor)
may also be from outside the University. A larger bench of Examiner’s Committee, consisting of at

least 3 members, may alternately be formulated by DG Academy on the recommendation of the Focal
Person to assess the individual Projects of a group of candidates collectively.
ix. The Examiner’s Committee shall examine and grade the Project.
x. The evaluation of the Project shall be done in the following manner:
a) Requirement fulfilled without any corrections
b) Requirement fulfilled contingent to minor corrections
c) Requirement fulfilled contingent to major corrections
d) Fail
xi. In case of x(b) or x(c) above, the Examiner’s Committee shall indicate the gaps and time period for re-
submission. Re-submission time shall not be, in any case, more than 8 weeks from the date of oral
examination. Until such time, the Project result shall be withheld. Failure of the candidate to re-submit
within due time to the satisfaction of the Committee might result in ‘F’ Grade on the Project.
xii. After successfully defending the Project and fulfilling all project requirements to the satisfaction of the
Examiner’s Committee, the candidate shall submit three copies of the Project on a prescribed format to
the Focal Person.
xiii. The NED University of Engineering & Technology shall have the right to publish the Project or any
part thereof and/ or develop intellectual property out of the same – irrespective of whether or not the
project work is completed.


Any student who has fulfilled following conditions shall be eligible for the award of Postgraduate Certificate or
Postgraduate Diploma in the relevant field as applicable, as per the completion of requirements;
i. Passed all non-credit modules/ courses, if required.
ii. Passed all credit modules counted towards PGC/ PGD, including the Project module, with minimum
2.5 CGPA within specified time.
iii. Satisfactorily completed all other requirements

6 . Cr ed it o f P G C / PG D Mo d ule s t hro ug h A ca d em y in to Ma s ter’ s P ro g ra m m e

i. Applicants having passed PGC/ PGD modules through Academy of this University and have not
completed/ obtained their PGC/ PGD or have surrendered their PGC/ PGD may be considered for
transfer of credits in any relevant Master’s Programme of the University provided that they have
successfully been admitted in the relevant Master’s Programme of the University.
ii. Relevant modules completed in the last two calendar years with at least ‘B’ grade may be credited
towards CGPA in the Master’s Programme. However, maximum of four such modules (courses) shall
be credited if found equivalent.
iii. Equivalence will be determined by the concerned Department and approved by concerned Dean.
iv. In any case, a module (course) can only be credited either towards PGC/ PGD or the Master’s Degree
Programme of the University but not both.
v. Consequently, maximum period for completion of the Master’s Degree Programme may be reduced

Note: Necessary notification towards grant of transfer of credits shall be issued.

7 . Cr ed it o f Ma st e r’ s C o ur se s t o wa r d PG C/ P G D

i. An applicant who has successfully completed master’s degree course(s) of the University (through
NED Academy or as a master’s student of the University) may request for the course(s) to be credited
towards a relevant PGC/ PGD programme upon scrutiny and approval.
ii. Relevant courses completed in the last two calendar years with at least ‘C’ grade may be credited
towards PGC/ PGD. However, maximum of four such courses shall be credited if found equivalent.
iii. Equivalence will be jointly determined by the Focal Person & concerned Department and jointly
approved by concerned Dean & DG Academy.

iv. However, in such a case, the course(s) transferred could only be used towards PGC/ PGD or master’s
and multiple credit of the same course towards both the programmes of the University shall not be

8 . PG C / PG D Mo du le s a s El ect iv e Co u rs es i n Rel ev a nt Ma st er’ s P ro g ra m m e

A PGC/ PGD module if deemed suitable in terms of content and relevance by concerned Department may be
recommended to Academic Council via concerned Dean for approval of the module to be added as an elective
course in a relevant master’s degree of the University. The initiation of such request would come from the Focal
Person of the PGC/ PGD and would be recommended to the concerned Dean by DG Academy.

9 . G E N ER A L P RO V I S I O N

Rules and Regulations of the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Degree Programmes shall not be applicable to
any Postgraduate Certificate/ Diploma Programme unless otherwise specified by the appropriate authority.

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