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Grade 8 DLL Health 1

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A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of human sexuality and managing sexuality related issues for a healthy life
B. Performance Standard The learner appropriately manages sexually-related issues through responsible and informed decisions
C. Learning Competencies/ The learners relate the The learners identify the different issues/concerns The learners apply decision-
Objectives importance of sexuality of teenagers (i.e., identity crisis) and the need for making skills in managing
to family health H8FH- support and understanding of the family. (H8FH- sexuality-related issues
Ic-d-21 Ie-g-22) (H8FH-Ih-23)

II. CONTENTS Managing Sexuality – Related

Sexuality and Family Teenage Concerns
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material
 Enjoy Life with P.E.  Reproductive Health . A&E. NFE Accreditation  Reproductive Health . A&E.
and Health, Agripino and Equivalency Learning Material. DepED. NFE Accreditation and
G. Darilag and 2001. pp.7. Equivalency Learning Material.
3. Textbook pages Lordinio A. Vergara,  2. A Guidance Manual On the Growing Filipino DepED..2001. pp.7-8.
page 153 - 156 Adolescent III. DepED. Module 3 1995. pp.72-  A Guidance Manual On the
73. Growing Filipino Adolescent
III. DepED. 1995. pp.74-75.
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
A. Reviewing Previous Ask the students about The teacher will post The teacher will ask the Ask the students the following
Lesson Or Presenting New their family. Ask the the following words on students on how their questions:
Lessons following questions: the board: family helped in their
 School/Education decision making.  In dealing with teenage
 How many are you in  Family (5 min) issues and concern, do you
the family?  Identity seek the help of your family
 How many siblings do  Self – Worth  How do you come up with
you have?  Goals/Dreams your decisions?
 Are your parents  What are your bases in
together? Ask this question: decision making?
 Are both of your  As a teenager, how (5 min)
parents working? did the following
 Are you aspects of life affect
comfortable/satisfied your decision
with your family set making and
up? growth?
(10 min)
Keep records of the
students’ answers.
(5 min)
B. Establishing A Purpose Ask the students for the The teacher will show a Ask the students to read the
For The Lesson role of the following video entitle “TV story entitled “The Lady or the
persons in their family: Patrol: Pagtaas ng kaso Tiger?,” a story about a king
ng teenage who has a peculiar method of
 Mother pregnancy”, the video putting criminals on trial. They’re
 Father will show the cause placed in an arena and allowed
 Older Brother and and effect of to pick between two doors.
Sister pregnancy in the Behind one is a beautiful woman;
 Younger Siblings Philippines. behind the other, a hungry tiger.
 You
(5 mins) Ask the following After they read the story, ask the
questions: following questions:
 What was your reaction after
 What was your you read the story?
reaction to the  Was the king just or abusive
video? with such way of punishing
 What could be the the criminals?
reason for the rising  What was the moral of the
cases of teenage story? Can you relate it to
pregnancy? your daily living? How would
 What could be the you end the story? Did the
solution to this tiger come out of that door,
issue? or was it the lady who came
(15 min) out?

(See Attachment)

(5 min)
C. Presenting Examples / Visualize and Learn. Analysis. Read and Analysis. Read and analyze the
Instances Of The New Visualize a scenario of a analyze the give given article.
Lesson typical Filipino family. article:
Analyze and enumerate One of your closest friends tells
the roles being played by Your classmates are his/her problem and asks for
the male members of the going to a party this your support. He got his
family (grandfather, weekend, this is the girlfriend pregnant / she got
father, male siblings) and first time that you are pregnant.
the female members of asked to attend by a Ask the following questions:
the family (grandmother, friend but then you
mother, female siblings). discern that your  How will you help your friend
parents will not face the situation?
Ask the following approve it. You don’t  What should your friend
questions: want to make your consider in making his/her
 Analyze and discuss friends angry by not decisions?
with your classmates going, but you also (5 min)
the strengths and don’t want to get in
weaknesses of the trouble with your
accepted roles of parents. Determine
men and women in what decision you
the past. should make.
 Which gender takes
on which role in the Ask the following
present day? questions:
 How can you say that  What decision you
a particular gender should make?
role conforms to the  What things you
standard of the should consider?
society? (15 min)
(5 min)
D. Discussing New Concepts Discuss and relate the Discuss the different Teacher will lead discussion on
And Practicing New Skills importance of sexuality issues/concerns of decision-making skills in
#1 to family health. teenagers (i.e., identity managing sexuality-related
(10 min) crisis) and the need for issues.
support and (10 min)
understanding of the
(20 min)
E. Discussing New Concepts Continuation of the
And Practicing New Skills discussion if not
#2 completed from the
yesterday’s class.
(5 min)

F. Developing Mastery Group Activity. Ask the Group Activity. Ask the Role Playing. Ask them to
(Leads To Formative students to perform a students to perform the prepare a role play on how they
Assessment 3) role play about their ideal following teenage issue can apply the following steps in
family. and will show how their decision making:
family influenced them
After the role play, ask in their decision making.  Determine the problem
the following questions: These are the teenage  Explore the alternatives
 Why did you come up issues:  Consider the consequences
that ideal family?  Identity crisis  Identify your values
 Is it possible to have  Sexual identity and  Decide
that kind of family? Sexual behaviors  Evaluate
 Is your own family  Pre-marital sex
similar with your ideal  Teenage Evaluate the Role Play by using
one? What are the pregnancies the Rubrics attached (See
differences?  Abortion Attachment)
(15 min)
Evaluate the Role Play by After the role play ask
using the Rubrics the following questions:
attached (See  How did the family
Attachment) help the lead actor
in making such
(20 min) decision?
 Does it show respect
for the person and
 Does the decision
follow norms and
standards of society?
(25 min)
G. Finding Practical Ask the students on what Ask the students to list Ask the students to list down and
Applications Of The are the ideal down at least 5 share their own ways on how
Concepts And Skills In characteristics of a importance of family in come up with a decision. (5 min)
Daily Living healthy family. List at dealing teenage
least 5. (5 min) concerns/issues. (5 min)

H. Making Generalizations As you analyze the Our decisions A decision is a choice you make
And Abstractions About significance of sexuality related to your sexual or act upon. A good decision is a
The Lesson to family health, ask behaviors affect us and decision in which you have
yourself the following other now or later in carefully considered the outcome
questions: your life. These sexual of each choice. To accept personal
 Do I periodically behaviors may be responsibility is to accept how
evaluate my sexual toward us, your family, your decisions may affect you and
health? your friends, or other other people.
 Am I making good people. Decision-making skills will help
decisions? Thus, what we you make decisions based on your
 Am I setting and choose to do, and how needs and desires. At the same
meeting my goals? we behave, should be time, it helps you to resist peer
 Do I use refusal skills guided by family, social pressure Decision-making skills
when I need to? and spiritual standards, must be practiced and exercised in
 Am I communicating and should be based on resolving issues and concerns
my feelings and decision-making steps about sexuality. At the end, you
expectations? or procedures. have to understand gender and
(5 min) (10 min) human sexuality with a lesson in
(5 min)
I. Evaluating Learning Two to 5 sentences, Discuss the cause and Give a personal experience
answer the following effects of the following where you applied the steps in
questions: teenage concerns and decision making. Explain each
 How can you issues: briefly.
maintain a happy  Identity crisis (5 min)
family?  Sexual identity and
 As a son/daughter, Sexual behaviors
what can you  Pre-marital sex
contribute to make  Teenage
your family healthy? pregnancies
(5 min)  Abortion

How did your family

help in dealing with it?
(10 mins)
J. Additional Activities For
Application And
K. Assignment Make a research on Make a research on how
problems or issues your to achieve a wise
encounter on sexuality as decision.
a teenager?

A. No. of Learners Who
Earned 80% In The
B. No. Of Learners Who
Require Additional For
Remediation Who Scored
Below 80%
C. Did The Remedial Lessons
Work? No. Of Learners
Who Have Caught Up
With The Lesson.
D. No. Of Learners Who
Continue To Require
E. Which Of My Strategies
Worked Well? Why Did
These Work?
F. What Difficulties Did I
Encounter Which My
Principal Or Supervisor
Helped Me Solved?
G. What Innovation Or
Localized Materials Did I
Use / Discover Which I
Wish To Share With Other

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