EE-419 Module 1
EE-419 Module 1
EE-419 Module 1
• The invisible energy that constitutes the flow of electrons in a closed circuit to do work is called
‘electricity’.It is a form of energy that can be easily converted to any other form. Previously, it
was thought that electricity is a matter which flows through the circuit to do work. However,
now it has been established that electricity constitutes the flow of electrons in the circuit, and
in this process, a work is done. It is form of energy. The Greatest discoveries of man that come
from the Greek word “electron” which means amber. Electricity is all about electrons, which
are the fundamental cause of electricity.
• Static Electricity - involves electrons that are moved from one place to another, usually by
rubbing or brushing. Static Electricity is nothing but the contact between equal amount of
protons and electrons (positively and negatively charged subatomic particles). In order to make
this friction work the particles are supposed to be of opposite nature (+,-). If two same-kind
particles i.e. positive-positive or negative-negative, it would then be called as a ‘Non-friction.
• Current Electricity - involves the flow of electrons in a conductor. Current Electricity is a flow
of electric charge across an electrical field. This current is lead through a conductor. The
conductors are generally of two types, Good and Bad conductors. Good conductors are the
ones which let the electric charge flow through them (Copper wires) and the bad conductors
are the ones which resists the electric charge (Wood). The constant flow of electric charge
causes the conductor to heat up very often.
• Around 600 BC Greeks found that by rubbing a hard fossilized resin (Amber) against a fur cloth,
it would attract particles of straw. This strange effect remained a mystery for over 2000 years.
• Around 1600, William Gilbert, a physician who lived in London at the time of Queen Elizabeth I
and Shakespeare, studied magnetic phenomena and demonstrated that the Earth itself was a
huge magnet, by means of his "terrella" experiment. He also studied the attraction produced
when materials were rubbed, and named it the "electric" attraction. From that came the word
"electricity" and all others derived from it.
• Father of electricity
• The word “electricity” was coined by Gilbert, who based it on the Greek word for amber.
• In 1752, Franklin proved that lightning and the spark from amber were one and the same thing.
This story is a familiar one, in which Franklin fastened an iron spike to a silken kite, which he
flew during a thunderstorm, while holding the end of the kite string by an iron key. When
lightning flashed, a tiny spark jumped from the key to his wrist. The experiment proved
Franklin's theory, but was extremely dangerous - he could easily have been killed.
• In 1786, Luigi Galvani, an Italian professor of medicine, found that when the leg of a dead frog
was touched by a metal knife, the leg twitched violently. Galvani thought that the muscles of
the frog must contain electricity.
• By 1792, another Italian scientist, Alessandro Volta, disagreed: he realized that the main
factors in Galvani's discovery were the two different metals - the steel knife and the tin plate -
upon which the frog was lying. Volta showed that when moisture comes between two different
metals, electricity is created.
• This led him to invent the first electric battery, the voltaic pile, which he made from thin sheets
of copper and zinc separated by moist pasteboard.
• In this way, a new kind of electricity was discovered, electricity that flowed steadily like a
current of water instead of discharging itself in a single spark or shock.
• Volta showed that electricity could be made to travel from one place to another by wire,
thereby making an important contribution to the science of electricity. The unit of electrical
potential, the Volt, is named after him.
• The credit for generating electric current on a practical scale goes to the famous English
scientist, Michael Faraday. Faraday was greatly interested in the invention of the
electromagnet, but his brilliant mind took earlier experiments still further. If electricity could
produce magnetism, why couldn't magnetism produce electricity?
• In 1831, Faraday found the solution. Electricity could be produced through magnetism by
motion. He discovered that when a magnet was moved inside a coil of copper wire, a tiny
electric current flows through the wire. Of course, by today's standards, Faraday's electric
generator was crude (and provided only a small electric current), but he had discovered the first
method of generating electricity by means of motion in a magnetic field.
• Faraday also realized that the electric force is transmitted by an electric field.
• When Edison's generator was coupled with Watt's steam engine, large scale electricity
generation became a practical proposition. James Watt, the Scottish inventor of the steam
condensing engine, was born in 1736. His improvements to steam engines were patented over
a period of 15 years, starting in 1769 and his name was given to the electric unit of power, the
• Andre Marie Ampere, a French mathematician who devoted himself to the study of electricity
and magnetism, was the first to explain the electro-dynamic theory. A permanent memorial to
Ampere is the use of his name for the unit of electric current.
• George Simon Ohm, a German mathematician and physicist, was a college teacher in Cologne
when in 1827 he published, "The Galvanic Circuit Investigated Mathematically". His theories
were coldly received by German scientists, but his research was recognized in Britain and he
was awarded the Copley Medal in 1841. His name has been given to the unit of electrical
• Frictional Electricity is the least important of all methods for the production of electricity. It
can be produced by rubbing certain dissimilar materials together. One application of static
electricity is in a device used in atomic research called Van de Graaff generator.
• If a crystal made of this material is placed between two metal plates and pressure is exerted on
the plates, an electric charge will be develop but the amount of charge will depend on the
amount of pressure exerted.
• The amount of charge produced depends on the difference in temperature between junction
and the opposite ends of two wires. A greater temperature difference results in a greater
charge. Electricity is produced by heating the junction of a thermocouple.
D. Electricity Produced from Chemical Reaction
• The electricity is produced by light striking photosensitive materials. These materials release
electrons when excited by light under the right conditions. These releases of electrons are
called photoelectric effect.
• Electricity produced by relative movement of a magnet and a wire that result in the cutting of
lines of force. The amount of electricity produced will depend on:
a) the number of turns in coil
b) the speed with which relative motions of the coil and the
magnet take place
c) the strength of the magnet
• Electrons in the outer rings or shells of atoms are bound more loosely to the nucleus
• Such electrons tend to break free from the nucleus and wander around amongst other nearby
• Such electrons are called free electrons
• Smallest part that an element can be reduced to and still keeping the chemical properties of the
element. It is the smallest building block of matter.
• It is the smallest particle that a compound can be reduced to before it breaks down to its
• Negatively charged particles that revolve around the nucleus of an atom. Electron is one of the
lightest particles with a known mass.
• The mass of electron is about 9.11 x 10-31 kg.
In conductors, electric charges are free to move through the material. In insulators, they are not.
In conductors:
• Insulators on the other hand are the exact opposite of conductors. They are made of materials,
generally non- metals, that have very few or no “free electrons” float about within their basic
atom structure because the electrons in the outer valence shell are strongly attached by the
positively charge inner nucleus. So if a potential voltage is applied to the material no current
will flow as there are no electrons to move which gives these materials their insulating
• Examples of good insulators are marble, p.v.c plastics, rubber, glass ,oil, asphalt, fiberglass,
porcelain, ceramic, dry cotton, dry copper, dry wood, air, diamond, mica, textile fiber, and wax.
• Insulators play an important tool within electrical and electronics because without them
electrical circuit would short together and not work. For example, insulators made of glass or
porcelain are used for insulating and supporting overhead transmission cables while epoxy glass
resin materials are used to make printed circuit boards, PCB’s etc.
• Direct current (DC) is an electric current that is uni-directional, so the flow of charge is always
in the same direction. As opposed to alternating current, the direction and amperage of direct
currents do not change. It is used in many household electronics and in all devices that
use batteries. Anything that works with a battery works on DC.
Open Circuit- implies that the two terminals are points are externally disconnected, which is
equivalent to a resistance R=∞. This means that zero current can flow between the two terminals,
regardless of any voltage difference.
Short Circuit- implies that the two terminals are externally connected with resistance R=0, the same as
an ideal wire. This means there is zero voltage difference for any current value.
• An ammeter is an instrument used to measure current and must be connected in series with
the circuit.
• A voltmeter is an instrument used for measuring electric potential difference between two
points in an electric circuit. and must be connected in parallel with the part of the circuit whose
potential difference is required.
Charge is an electrical property of the atomic particles of which matter consists, measured in
Coulombs (C).
Q = Charge in Coulombs (C)
I = Current in Amperes (A)
t = time in seconds (s)
• Such movement of free electrons creates an electric current
• Materials with large numbers of free electrons are called electrical conductors. They conduct
electrical current.
• rate of flow of electron or electric charge through a conductor or circuit elements
• measured in amperes (A) or
Q = Charge in Coulombs (C)
I = Current in Amperes (A)
t = time in seconds (s)
We know that like-charges repel each other whereas unlike charges attract each other. To overcome
this force of attraction or repulsion, a certain amount of work or energy is required. When the charges
are moved, it is said that a potential difference exists and the work or energy per unit charge utilized in
this process is known as voltage or potential difference.
W = Work (joule)
Q = Charge (coulomb)
Power is the time rate of expending or absorbing energy, measured in watts (W) or . Watt is the
unit of Power.
P = electrical power (W)
V = voltage (V)
I = current (A)
R = resistance (Ω)
W = electrical energy (J)
P = electrical power (W)
t = time (s)
Kilowatt-hour (kW-hr)
• states that the voltage across a conductor is directly proportional to the current flowing
through it, provided all physical conditions and temperatures remain constant.
Voltage (V)
Current (I)
Resistance (R)
If the current does not change with time, but remains constant, we call it a direct
current (DC).
Conventional current flow: (a) positive current flow, (b) negative current flow
The three main effects of an electric current are:
(a) magnetic effect
(b) chemical effect
(c) heating effect
DC Voltage - commonly produce by batteries
A constant voltage is called DC voltage and is represented by V, whereas a sinusoidal time varying
voltage is called an AC voltage represented by v.
1. Active circuit elements – are capable of generating energy such as; generators, batteries,
operational amplifiers and etc. Most important active circuit elements are voltage and current
sources which deliver power to the circuit connected to them. There are two kinds of sources;
Independent sources and Dependent sources
a) Independent Voltage Source – characterized by terminal voltage and completely
independent of the current through it.
b) Independent current source – the current through it is completely independent of
the voltage across it.
c) Dependent or Controlled Source – in which the source quantity is determined by a
voltage or current existing some other location in the electric system under
2. Passive circuit elements – are not capable of generating energy such as; resistors, capacitors,
inductors and etc.
a) Resistor – The circuit element used to impede the flow of current or, more
specifically, the flow of electric charge is called resistor.
Resistance – the capacity of resistor to impede the flow of current or, more specifically,
the flow of electric charge is called resistance, expressed by R and measured in ohms
• Fixed value resistors – are the type of resistors which offers fixed amount of resistance in the
circuit. A fixed resistor cannot be changed as it is set a specific value.
• Variable Resistors – are the types of resistors in which the value of resistance is not fixed. We
can change the value of resistance in variable resistors.
• Carbon composition Resistor – Carbon composition resistors were used for over 100 years but
are rarely used today. They are large as compared to our general resistors. Carbon composition
resistors are made by mixing carbon granules with the help of binder which is a binding agent
and then converted into a small rod. The biggest advantage of these resistors is that they can
withstand high level of energy pulses. Although they have many disadvantages like big size,
noise, high negative temperature coefficient, and instability. Due to these disadvantages, this
type of resistors are not used today or rarely used. They can be used in RF loads.
• Carbon film Resistor - Carbon film resistors have the carbon film on the ceramic former and
they are covered with insulation coating material like epoxy (for protection). This type of
resistor is not used today as superior resistor technologies are available in lower cost. Carbon
film resistors are formed by cracking of hydrocarbons on a ceramic former which makes carbon
film on it. After that connection are added and a helix cut is given to adjust the value of
resistance. Helix cut is the smooth curve on the surface; this makes these resistors inductive
and makes them usable in RF applications. The helix curve is indicated as a trimming line. An
electrode cap is connected to the lead wire for closing the carbon film.
• Metal oxide film Resistor - This type of resistor is widely used today. They are far better than
the carbon film resistors. Here, metal oxides (metal film) like tin oxide are deposited on the
ceramic carrier. Then resistance is adjusted by using the trimming line. The resistance varies
depending upon the thickness of deposition and after that by helix curve. After that outer
covering is covered by an epoxy protection layer (insulation coating). These resistors have low
noise and can be supplied to much more close tolerance and thus make them far superior from
carbon film resistors. This type of resistors is used in almost all applications now.
• Wire Wound Resistor - Wire wound resistors are made by winding metal core (wire) on a
ceramic former. The ceramic former is used in costly wire wound resistor. This gives more
resistance than general. After winding wire, they are covered with vitreous or silicon enamel.
The whole material is tightened with electrode cap. This type of resistor is used for high power
• Variable Resistors - are mainly categorized on the basis of how the resistance value of adjusted.
Here, resistance value depends on the operator or other natural sources. They are mainly
classified as Potentiometer (abbreviated as Pot), Light dependent resistor, thermistors.
Potentiometers are the type of variable resistors. In potentiometer, there are three terminals
and a rotating shaft which when rotated changes the value of resistance.
• The resistance of electrical materials in terms of unit dimensions length and cross – sectional
• The amount of change of resistance in a material per unit change in temperature.
• The unit is ohm – circular mils per foot
R = Resistance
A = Cross-sectional area
The resistance is directly proportional to the conductor length.
ρ = Resistivity
The resistance is inversely proportional to the cross – sectional area.
L = Length
V = Volume
R1= initial resistance
R2= final resistance
T = inferred absolute temperature
t1 = initial temperature
t2 = final resistance
α = temperature coefficient of resistance
ΔT = t2 – t1
• In the process, the waste of the material is assumed negligible (efficiency is 100%), thus keeping the
volume to be constant all throughout the process.
• Manufacturers typically use a color band system known as the resister color code.
• Tolerance is the amount (in percent) by which the actual ohmic resistance can be different from the color
coded value
• Unit of conductance
• Named after the german engineer, Earnst Werner von Siemens (1816 -1892)
Conductivity (δ)
• reciprocal of resistivity