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Manual 5 October 2020

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Guidelines for the Manufacture and Construction of

Manual 5 – October 2020
Published by

Southern African Bitumen Association (Sabita)

Postnet Suite 56, Private Bag X21

Howard Place, 7450, South Africa

Tel: +27 21 531 2718

Email: info@sabita.co.za

ISBN 978-1-874968-77-1

Copyright © 2020 Sabita


Considerable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information contained in this
publication. However, neither Sabita nor any of its members can accept liability for any loss, damage or injury
whatsoever resulting from the use of this information. The content of this publication does not necessarily
represent the views of any members of Sabita.

Copyright notice: This document and the contents of these pages are the Southern African Bitumen Association
(Sabita). This document is made available to Members of Sabita as a service and is intended for the sole use of
such Members, who may reproduce this document in whole or in part for the purpose of implementation of the
systems described herein. All other rights are reserved. Any other use requires the prior written permission of

Manual 1 Technical guidelines: Construction of bitumen rubber seals
Manual 2 Bituminous binders for road construction and maintenance (under review)
Manual 3 (Withdrawn)
Manual 4 (Withdrawn)
Manual 5 Guidelines for the manufacture and construction of asphalt
Manual 6 (Withdrawn)
Manual 7 SurperSurf – Economic warrants for surfacing roads
Manual 8 Guidelines for the safe and responsible handling of bituminous products
Manual 9 (Withdrawn)
Manual 10 Bituminous surfacing for low volume roads and temporary deviations
Manual 11 (Withdrawn)
Manual 12 Labour Absorptive methods in road construction using bituminous materials
Manual 13 LAMBs – The design and use of large aggregate mixes for bases
Manual 14 (Superseded by TG2)
Manual 15 (Withdrawn)
Manual 16 (Withdrawn)
Manual 17 Porous asphalt mixes: Design and use
Manual 18 Appropriate standards for the use of sand asphalt
Guidelines for the design, manufacture and construction of bitumen rubber asphalt
Manual 19
wearing courses
Manual 20 Sealing of active cracks in road pavements
Manual 21 (Superseded by TG2)
Manual 22 Hot mix paving in adverse weather
Manual 23 Code of practice: Loading bitumen at refineries
Manual 24 User guide for the design of asphalt mixes (currently being developed)
Code of practice: Transportation, off-loading and storage of bitumen and bituminous
Manual 25
Manual 26 Interim guidelines for primes and stone pre-coating fluids
Manual 27 Guidelines for thin hot mix asphalt wearing courses on residential streets
Manual 28 Best practice for the design and construction of slurry seals
Manual 29 Guide to the safe use of solvents in a bituminous products laboratory
Manual 30 A guide to the selection of bituminous binders for road construction
Manual 31 Guidelines for calibrating a binder distributor to ensure satisfactory performance
Manual 32 Best practice guideline and specification for warm mix asphalt
Manual 33 Design procedure for high modulus asphalt (EME)
Manual 34 (A) Guidelines to the transportation of bitumen and (B) Bitumen spill protocol (booklets)
Manual 35 /
Design and use of Asphalt in Road Pavements
Manual 36 /
Use of Reclaimed Asphalt in the Production of Asphalt
Manual 37 Sampling Methods for road construction materials (currently being developed)
A Health and Safety Guide for material testing laboratories in the road construction
Manual 38
Manual 39 Laboratory testing protocols for binders and asphalt
Manual 40 /
Design and construction of surfacing seals


TG 1 The use of modified binders in road construction

TG 2 Bitumen stabilised materials
TG 3 Asphalt reinforcement for road condition


DVD 100 Test methods for bituminous products

DVD 200 Training guide for the construction and repair of bituminous surfacing by hand
DVD 300 Manufacture, paving and compaction of hot mix asphalt
DVD 410 The safe handling of bitumen
DVD 420 Treatment of bitumen burns
DVD 430 Working safely with bitumen
DVD 440 Firefighting in the bituminous products industry
DVD 450 Safe loading and off-loading of bitumen

Asphalt defined 9
Manual layout 10
A1.1 Principles of mix design 11
A1.2 Production mix design and approval process 11
B1.1 Aggregates 16
B1.2 Reclaimed asphalt 17
B1.3 Bituminous binders 17
B1.4 Active fillers 18
B1.5 Binder modifiers 18
C1.1 Mixing plant types 19
C1.2 Plant components and their functions 22
C1.3 Plant operation 30
D1.1 Hot storage 34
D1.2 Transport to site 34
E1.1 Constitution of the republic of south africa act 38
E1.2 Conservation of agricultural resources act 38
E1.3 Environmental conservation act 38
E1.4 Explosives act 39
E1.5 Mineral and petroleum resources development act 39
E1.6 National environmental management act (nema) 39
E1.7 Nem: air quality act 39
E1.8 Nem: biodiversity act 40
E1.9 Nem: integrated coastal management act 40
E1.10 Nem: protected areas act 40
E1.11 Nem: waste act 40

E1.12 National road traffic act 40
E1.13 National water act 41
E1.14 Occupational health and safety act 41
E3.1 General introduction 42
E3.2 Specific health, safety and environmental requirements 42
E3.3 Relevant regulations 43
E3.4 Best practice guidance 43
E3.5 Concluding remarks 43
F2.1 Site measurement and checking of existing grade conditions to include 45
F2.2 Configuration of the paver and level control system 46
F2.3 Other plant requirements 46
F2.4 Material delivery to the paver 46
F2.5 Project requirements 46
F2.6 Quality assurance 46
F2.7 Paving site conditions 46
F2.8 Daily checks on plant 47
F3.1 Surface preparation operations 47
F3.2 Priming of substrate 48
F3.3 Bond coat 48
F5.1 Material transfer-vehicle 49
F5.2 In-situ asphalt heating devices 50
F5.3 Plant operating systems 50
F5.4 Paver & roller operation systems 50
G1.1 The paver 51
G1.2 Paver operation 53
G2.1 Automatic screed level controls 57
G2.2 Automatic pave level control equipment 57
G2.3 Selection of sensor type 62
G2.4 Loose versus compacted mat thickness and differential compaction 64
G2.5 General guidelines 65

G4.1 Granular layer preparation for new asphalt pavements 66
G4.2 Preparation of existing asphalt surfacing for overlays 66
G4.3 Preparation of concrete surfacings for asphalt overlays 67
G4.4 Paving for good riding quality 68
H1.1 Breakdown rolling (140°c – 110°c range) 71
H1.2 Intermediate rolling (120°c – 80°c range)* 71
H1.3 Finish rolling (90°c – 60°c range)* 71
H2.1 Breakdown rolling 71
H2.2 Intermediate rolling 71
H2.3 Finish rolling 72
H2.4 Special situations 72
H9.1 Finishing of the paved lane against an existing mat (unstepped) 80
H9.2 Finishing off the paved lane with a taper 81
H9.3 Preparation of the joint before paving 82
H9.4 Resuming paving at a prepared transfer joint 83
H10 EDGES 84
H11.1 Surface finish 84
H11.2 Surface tolerances 84
H11.3 Opening to traffic 85
H12.1 Static steel drum rollers 85
H12.2 Vibratory tandem rollers 85
H12.3 Oscillatory rollers 86
H12.4 Pneumatic tyre rollers (ptr’s) 87
H14.1 Purpose of manual 22 88
H14.2 Rapid cooling 89
H14.3 Recommended practice 90

Process control 93
Acceptance control 93
Independent assurance 94
Aggregates 94
Binders 94
Mixtures 94
Field Control of Placement 95
Risks 95
Ensuring a continuous supply of asphalt to the construction site 98
Fleet-demand principles 99
Tract and trace systems on the market 99
A Trouble Shooting Guide for Hot Mix Asphalt Paving 101

This 5th edition of Manual 5 of October 2020 has been revised to take account of recent developments in the
design of asphalt as reflected in Sabita Manuals 35 and 24, which will impact on the management and execution
of the construction of asphalt layers.

Also included is a troubleshooting guide for identifying problems, finding reasons for their occurrence and means
of avoiding them or rectifying the consequences. This is a comprehensive guide, which was compiled by the late
Julian Wise and generously shared by Martin & East (Pty) Ltd.

While it is not practicable to cover the extensive field of asphalt manufacture and construction comprehensively,
the content has been expanded to present a section on legal requirements and prescriptions to ensure
sustainable practice and safety in the production of asphalt roads and airfields.

This manual was revised with the valuable guidance of the following members of the Sabita task group
especially convened for the task:
Jonathan Pearce – Martin and East (Convenor)
Krishna Naidoo – SANRAL
Seirgei Miller – University of Twente
Herman Marais – Much Asphalt
Wynand Nortje – Shisalanga Construction
Julius Komba – CSIR
Willem du Toit – WSP
Steph Bredenhann – SANRAL
Pieter Molenaar – RHDHV
Mahendren Manicum – Naidu Consulting
Pieter Myburgh – Consultant

Anton Ferreira – Lifeguard Safety Solutions

The purpose of this manual is to define and describe, from a practical perspective, the principles and best
practice procedures applicable to the production and placement of asphalt. The manual is prepared specifically
for use by site engineers, asphalt manufacturers, asphalt paving contractors, design engineers and technical
personnel engaged in quality assurance programs.

While effectiveness in the design of asphalt is covered extensively in Sabita Manuals 35 and 24, these newly
developed procedures would be of limited benefit unless asphalt layers are constructed with due care to ensure
that, after completion of construction, the layer is of adequate thickness, sufficiently dense, true to line and
level and proportioned correctly in terms of its component materials. The focus of this manual is to assemble
and disseminate knowledge and experience of involved personnel to achieve these goals.

The term asphalt is generally used to describe a variety of mixtures of aggregate, bitumen and mineral filler
produced at an elevated temperature in an asphalt plant. Asphalt layers are designed to contribute to the
structural capacity of the pavement, and / or improve functionality (e.g. riding surface texture, evenness) and
ensuring durability of the layer so as to perform satisfactorily over an extended period. Asphalt mixes are
primarily classified into two main categories based on aggregate packing:
• Sand-skeleton; or
• Stone-skeleton types

In sand-skeleton mixes, the loads are mainly carried by a mastic consisting of the finer aggregate fraction and
bituminous binder, with the larger fractions providing bulk and replacing a proportion of the finer aggregate

In stone skeleton mixes the loads on the layer are carried by an interlocking matrix of the coarser aggregate
fraction. For this matrix to be achieved, the voids between the coarser aggregate fractions are not over-filled
by the mastic so as not to push the coarser aggregates apart.

Establishing the aggregate packing characteristics of the mix is a critical choice to be made for mix type selection.

In Manual 35 the practice of mix selection on the basis of particular grading envelopes has been discontinued
and replaced by the adoption of a particular mix type (as described above). The reason for doing so is that
gradings per se do not necessarily assure optimal aggregate proportioning. Aggregate gradings are, however,
useful where mix designs are established and standardised for particular source materials and applications.
Hence, gradings (together with aggregates shape and texture) are key to quality assurance procedures to ensure
that mixes being laid on roads are representative of the materials used during the laboratory design process in
the correct proportions and, consequently, can be expected to meet performance requirements.

Some mix types, classified in terms of grading characteristics are shown in Figure 1.

Continuous-graded (or dense-graded) mixes can be further subdivided into stone-skeleton (coarse) and sand-
skeleton (fine) mixes, where the load is carried on the stone matrix and sand matrix respectively.

Open-graded mixes have high void contents and permit free drainage of surface water and have good road noise
absorbing properties. Ultra-thin and thin friction courses are included in this category.

Gap-graded mixes comprise both conventional gap-graded asphalt mixes and stone-mastic asphalt (SMA) mixes.
SMA’s are typically stone skeleton mixes, whereas conventional gap-graded mixes are of the sand-skeleton type.

Figure 1: Grading Descriptions

This Manual comprises the following sections:
• Section A – Mix design process;
• Section B – Component materials
• Section C: Quality systems and specialised manufacturing and construction topics
• Section D – Materials handling
• Section E – Procedural and legal requirements for asphalt manufacture
• Section F – Construction management
• Section G – Paving
• Section H – Compaction
• Section I – Quality assurance

In each section guidance is given on procedures, techniques, plant and equipment to optimise the process of
ensuring that correct and safe practices are carried out with the ultimate aim of providing an asphalt layer that
will perform as expected.

The aim of all asphalt design procedures is to establish the mix in terms of composition, behaviour and
performance characteristics to ensure that specified functional and structural performance criteria can be
realised during the manufacturing and paving process. In order to ensure that a mix can endure the rigours of
its service life-cycle, it goes through a mix design optimisation process. This mix design process comprises a
staged approach of optimisation and approvals which eventually will culminate in the production of an asphalt
mix that meets the established performance expectations.

Through this process of design and optimisation, the mix is considered for staged approval/acceptance at various
steps in the process.


The principles of asphalt mix design are covered in various manuals, notably Sabita Manual 35. The first phase
of the design process is the development of performance and specification requirements that are determined
by the pavement engineer to meet the pavement structural design criteria.

The first iteration of the mix design to meet the stated requirements is done in a laboratory in a manner that
endeavours to simulate project-specific manufacturing, transport, construction and service conditions, which
include geographic locations and seasonal climatic variation and the plant type, setup and functionality.
However, simulated laboratory conditions will not emulate actual project-specific circumstances completely and
this aspect needs to be addressed in the mix optimisation process.

It is essential for asphalt manufacturers to have knowledge of the engineering demands on the performance of
asphalt products and how compositional and volumetric mix principles are mobilised to meet performance
characteristics implied in exacting engineering specifications. Equally, it is essential for asphalt manufacturers
to be familiar with the workings of asphalt plants particularly in respect of how mechanical, thermal and
hydraulic characteristics impact on the mixing of the asphalt as well as its mixed properties and service life

Current asphalt design methods make use of a range of aggregate and binder specifications, in conjunction with
a range of volumetric or spatial composition principles (e.g. those derived from Gyratory compaction procedures
or the Bailey Method) to facilitate the attainment of the desired engineering properties and performance
characteristics. Key to this optimisation process is a clear understanding of the packing characteristics of the mix
components as well as the simulation, in the laboratory, of compaction initially attained under suitable field
compaction procedures. It is also necessary to understand the equilibrium density attained under the influence
of traffic. Ultimately the design process should culminate in the development of a project mix design which will
determine the composition of the mix to be laid on the project.

Various degrees of complexity as regards mix properties or performance criteria are specified for various
applications. Typical properties employed for dense mixes to ensure adequate product performance, durability
and constructability are dealt with in Sabita Manual 24: User Guide for the Design of Asphalt Mixes and covered
comprehensively in Sabita Manual 35: Design and Use of Asphalt in Road Pavements.


A comprehensive production mix design process ensures that target engineering properties and performance
characteristics are consistently met with raw materials that are representative of those used in the approved
mix design.

If at any time it becomes evident that the asphalt being produced consists of component materials no longer
representative of those used in the current project mix design, a review of the mix design should follow without
delay. Such a review process may result in the adjustment of the relative proportions of the components to
meet the predetermined engineering properties and / or mix performance characteristics. Continually ensuring
that the mix produced meets the specification and performance parameters, is of critical importance in the
overall quality management process.

The process of optimisation and finalising a project mix design to meet contractual obligations can be
summarised in the following steps:
• The asphalt mix designer meets with the pavement engineer, client (as may be represented on a particular
site), asphalt manufacturer and asphalt paver to fully understand the pavement design, scope of works,
specifications, materials to be used, asphalt plant set-up and capabilities, mix economics as well as the paving
and of compaction equipment array.
• The asphalt mix designer undertakes the laboratory mix design with these inputs and guided by the relevant
manuals such as Sabita Manual 35, as may be applicable.
• The laboratory mix design is proposed by the asphalt mix designer for consideration by the asphalt
manufacturer and asphalt paver for consideration, optimisation and acceptance.
• The latest edition of SABITA Manual 35 must be consulted when carrying out the design and plant trial of the
mix. It is noted that Manual 35-linked D3 Asphalt Mix Design form has been updated to provide for the
incorporation of Performance Grade (PG) classification and the Bailey Method of aggregate packing.
• The accepted laboratory mix design is then proposed by the legally obligated party to the client / pavement
engineer for acceptance.
• Following consideration and addressing of queries from the pavement engineer by the proposer, and
acceptance of matters addressed, the pavement engineer may accept the laboratory mix design that the
asphalt manufacturer may consider for trial mix manufacturing.
• Before production of the trial plant mix, the manufacturing plant has to be checked, calibrated and accepted
for mechanical, thermal, safety, environmental, electrical and electronic compliance. During this stage of
plant calibration, a dry aggregate run is followed by a mix manufactured at optimum bitumen content
following which tests of aggregate grading and bituminous binder content and properties are carried out.
• Following calibration of the plant and acceptable material components and quality, full-scale plant trials are
undertaken. The plant trial is essential for demonstrating that the asphalt plant can produce a consistent mix
as per the agreed design
• In full-scale plant trials, batches of 10 to 20 tonnes of asphalt are manufactured with bitumen contents being
at optimum plus and minus 0.5% for testing. The efficient operation of the plant is also assessed.
• The plant mix and its components are tested to check for comparison with the laboratory mix design and
specification compliance criteria. Transport and construction needs are also assessed.
• The optimum target binder content is then analysed against the laboratory mix design optimum and adjusted
to take into considerations conditions that the mix are exposed to in the plant.
• Should the lab mix design optimum target binder content be adjusted based on the above analysis, the mix
should be run at this adjusted target and then tested for mix compliance with the specifications.
• The plant may also be checked and calibrated again.
• After all is found in compliance with the specification, the mix design with the possibility of adjusted target
binder content, is proposed for the paving trial.
• Before the paving trial can be undertaken, the plant and equipment have to be checked for compliance and
the paving team for competence.
• A paving trial is to assess the workability of the mix, compliance of the paved mat with expectations in terms
of functionality, thickness, joints, texture and to establish a quality reference. Furthermore, it should be

established whether transport of the mix proceeds smoothly, that the paving crew is experienced and capable
of paving to specification and that all plant is reliable and in good condition. Any problems relating to the
construction and constructability of the layer must be immediately rectified. A high level of monitoring,
including photographic records, visual assessments and data recording and testing will be required to ensure
that the process can be replicated to meet the project specification. Once the paving trial has been
successfully completed, there must be no deviations from the procedures or changes in plant, unless there is
full agreement from the employer and / or the engineer. A paving trial flow chart is presented below in Figure
• A minimum of 50 tonnes of paving trial mix per binder content, at optimum binder content plus and minus
0.3%, is manufactured, transported and paved.
• The mix is observed during transport for properties like coating, bitumen drain down, mix segregation, rate
of cooling, differential cooling (outside crust) and mix balling.
• The paved mat is monitored during paving for possible drag shear cracking, knitted uniformity of surface,
segregation, balling both over the cross-section and area as well as rate of cooling.
• The mix is observed during rolling for shear cracking (by incorrect rolling) mat creep, mix tenderness, bitumen
migration, mix segregation as well as the rate of cooling.
• The paved mix is then tested for compliance with plant mix parameters as well as specifications.
• Following an analysis of the observations the paving train arrangement and operations are adjusted, if
• The target binder content is also reviewed for possible adjustment for the start of routine production.
• Once all issues have been resolved, this mix is proposed by the obligated contracting party to the client for
• This mix is then produced for 3 to 4 days, checked for consistency of compliance with the specifications.
• The mean values of properties of mixes complying with the specifications are then used to set the working
mix targets and tolerances. The revised tolerances windows are tested for specification compliance using
laboratory mix design trend analysis and projections
• Following possible adjustments for consistency, the mix design is proposed for final acceptance.
• Following this, the mix is ready for routine production.

Figure 2: Paving Trial Flow Chart

The 3-page Check List, given in Table 11 of Chapter 12, Section 4 of SAPEM, must be completed by the engineer,
together with the contractor, at the paving trial. Any deviations are to be corrected and if there is doubt
regarding any aspect of the trial, a fresh trial may be called for. Check 1: Paver, as well as Checks 9 to 12 relating
to the rollers, hand tools and haulage vehicles, must be used for each day’s production and signed off by the
contractor and the engineer’s representative. A typical process flow diagram with timetable and responsible
parties is detailed in Figure 3.

Parties to be
Suggested Timetable
Process consulted by

Mix design meeting:

Contractor &
Within two weeks of • Assess specifications, available resources and test facilities;
contract award • Determine provisional aggregate sources, binder, grading proportions and
volumetric properties.

Assessment of volumetric properties

• Perform laboratory assessments of volumetric properties on selected
Five weeks before start Engineer &
• Select optimum mix composition based on initial laboratory assessment;
of production (2 weeks) Design
• Fine-tune mix composition and volumetrics and test with a production run;
• Adjust mix composition based on the production run outputs and set targets
(e.g. voids, binder content and grading) for performance assessment.

Performance assessment Contract

• Evaluate compliance with specified performance characteristics of plant Engineer &
Five weeks before start
samples; Specialised
of production (2 weeks)
• Optimise or redesign mix based on outcomes; Testing
• Submit mix design for approval. Laboratory

Trial section assessment

• Assess constructability (40 tons run, minimum);
Contractor &
One week before start • Check performance related properties of field samples;
of production (4 days) • Establish compaction effort required and appropriate rolling pattern;
• Compare and, if necessary, resolve differences between results on field and
laboratory samples.

Finalisation of production mix properties

• Select volumetric and compositional targets for production;
At least three days • Set tolerances for process and acceptance control; Contractor &
before start of • Submit process and acceptance control statement on production and Contract
production construction temperatures, rolling techniques and plan; Engineers
• Submit final mix parameters for acceptance control to the client’s

Initial production assessment:

First three production • Examine the results of three lots; re-assess mix composition and establish
whether any fine-tuning of mix proportions or properties is needed; Contractor
• If necessary, re-submit these for process- and acceptance control purposes.

Production Control:
• Monitor volumetric and compositional properties of the mix on a daily basis
for compliance with the project mix tolerances;
• Frequently monitor binder properties and performance characteristics of
Throughout production Engineer &
the mix to ensure that design objectives are consistently being met;
• If meaningful changes in mix characteristics are evident, reassess
performance characteristics and make the necessary adjustments to the
composition and volumetric properties of the mix.

Figure 3: Flow Diagram for Optimal Mix Design Process

Raw materials used in asphalt manufacture include aggregate (usually crushed stone, although natural sand is
sometimes used), inert or active filler (cement, hydrated lime, PFA) and a bituminous binder. Sometimes
bitumen may contain additives and / or modified (with e.g. rubber crumbs, hydrocarbons and polymers).
Increasingly manufactured aggregate (steel and chrome slag) as well as reclaimed asphalt from existing road
pavements are used.


The selection process and specification of aggregates is thoroughly discussed in Sabita Manual 35: Design and
Use of Asphalt in Road Pavements. In considering suitable sources of aggregate there are a number of factors
to take into account, other than those pertaining to the quality and cost of the aggregate, such as:
• Consistency at source before and during production.
• Capacity to supply the required quantities during full production.
• Distance from asphalt plant.
• Community effect on Quarry or source.
• Capability and capacity to supply the appropriate class of aggregate.

Once a source that can comply with above requirements has been identified, certain measures can be taken to
prevent disruptions such as:
• Entering into supply agreements with guaranteed volume and quality targets.
• Regular communication meetings to ensure suppliers are kept informed on supply requirements.
• Performing back up designs with alternative aggregates for high demand periods where aggregate shortages
may occur.

(a) Stockpiles
The process of quality control of asphalt begins with the aggregate stockpiles, irrespective of the type of
manufacturing plant. Proper receiving and stockpiling procedures are crucially important to limit variation in
aggregate and, hence, consistency of mix quality.

Stockpiling management should incorporate the following practices to ensure uniformity and to minimise
segregation and contamination:
• The stockpile base should be clean, dry and stable, and should not be allowed to become contaminated
with dust, mud or grass. The base should be sloped to allow free drainage;
• The stockpile should be built in horizontal (or gently sloping) layers. It may be cost-effective in terms of
energy savings to protect the materials in the stockpiles from excess moisture by means of covers or a roof
especially the finer fractions like crushed dust and sands;
• Stockpiles of the various aggregate sizes or types should be kept separate at all times, by barriers if
• Care should be taken to minimise segregation during both the stockpiling and loading processes. Loading
should take place on the entire face of the stockpile, perpendicular to the direction of aggregate flow.

All sampling and testing of materials should be performed by technicians suitably qualified to carry out the
required testing correctly, and at the required frequency. Test reports should be submitted to the responsible
person on completion.


In the interests of sustainable practice, reclaimed asphalt (RA) is becoming an increasingly valuable resource for
the production of asphalt. RA contains both aggregates and bitumen, and its use can lead to cost savings and
reduced reliance on non-renewable material resources. The use of RA is thoroughly explained in Sabita Manual
36 / TRH 21: Use of Reclaimed Asphalt in the Production of Asphalt.


Bitumen must comply with the current edition of SANS 4001:BT1: Penetration grade bitumens. While the
current specifications listed are still relevant, some clients may specify a performance graded (PG) binder for the
manufacture of asphalt, as set out in the SABS technical specification SATS 3208: Performance Grade (PG)
specifications for bitumen in South Africa.

(a) Handing
Guidance on legal compliance in the transport of bituminous binders is covered comprehensively in Sabita
Manual 34: Guidelines to legislation on the transportation of bitumen and Bitumen spill protocol.

For modified binders the reader is referred to TG1, Technical Guideline: The use of modified bituminous binders
in road construction which stipulates that some form of mixing and circulation is necessary to maintain
homogeneity of all modified binder types while stored. In addition, to prevent the development of any “hot
spots” within the product or possible segregation, a circulation/stirring system should be in place, even for short
periods of storage on site.

Safety procedures during loading and offloading of bituminous binders are presented in Sabita Manual 25: Code
of Practice: Transportation, off-loading and storage of bitumen and bituminous products.

The Occupational, Health and Safety Act (Act No. 85 of 1993) lists the responsibilities of employers and
employees to safeguard the health and safety of employees in the workplace, and those likely to be affected by
their activities. The chief executive officer of the company has overall responsibility and accountability for health
and safety on the terrains or sites occupied by the company. (See Section E1.14 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND

(b) Sampling and testing

As the responsibility for product quality passes from the haulier or consignor to the consignee at the point of
offloading, correct sampling techniques and testing are essential components of the quality management

SANS specifications require that sampling of bitumen and bitumen emulsions be carried out in accordance with
ASTM Method D140. Additional aspects of sampling procedures are covered in TMH5: Sampling methods for
road construction materials. The procedures for sampling at various operational situations are comprehensively
covered in the Sabita Manual 25: Code of practice: Transportation, off-loading and storage of bitumen and
bituminous products.

Samples should be collected in new or clean containers and marked with an indelible marker with all the relevant
information pertaining to the source of the binder, transaction information, temperature and the name of the
person taking the sample.

The sample volume should be such so as to retain at least 1 litre of the binder after testing. This will enable
further testing should that become necessary. It is recommended that retained samples be kept for at least six
months in a manner that will enable rapid retrieval when required.

In the interests of safety, sampling should only take place through a sampling valve between the discharge pump
and the receiving tank or, if this is not available, through a sampling valve situated on the tanker and NOT from
the top of the tanker or delivery hoses.


Fillers used in the manufacture of asphalt (such as rock dust, cement, lime) must comply with the current
editions of the relevant SABS specifications.

(a) Storage
Since filler must be kept dry, storage silos should be adequately sealed. Bagged filler must be protected from
the elements.

The filler delivery system to the mixing plant must be adequately sealed and checked for ingress of moisture and
escape of filler into the air.

b) Sampling and testing

Each delivery of filler should be accompanied by a certificate of compliance with the relevant SANS specification
for grading.


Modifiers have varying storage and handling requirements. Recommended handling and storage procedures
and temperature to ensure product compliance with the specification should be provided by the manufacturer.

Granulated rubber for use in asphalt mixes is usually supplied in bags. Storage and sampling is covered in Sabita
Manual 19: Technical guidelines for bitumen-rubber asphalt.

For other binder modifiers see details provided in the Sabita publication TG1, Technical Guideline: The use of
modified bituminous binders in road construction. It is also recommended that storage and sampling be carried
out in accordance with supplier’s specifications and generally acceptable engineering practice.

An asphalt plant typically comprises a factory-like layout of various installations and operations that merge to
manufacture asphalt. The broad operations include processing and storage of raw materials, transfer and feed
of raw materials in prescribed proportions, heating of materials, mixing of materials, storage of manufactured
asphalt and dispatch of manufactured asphalt.

Emissions management, although carried out separately during a number of operations, times and locations can
also be considered as an extensive, separate operation of an asphalt plant.

Support operations like quality management laboratories, control mechanisms, mechanical workshops,
administration and dispatch are equally important and also form part of the factory. Each operation uses
components of plant (mechanical, electrical), labour and materials.

Traditionally, asphalt plants have been primarily differentiated by the raw materials mixing processes, these
being batch mixing and continuous mixing. These have endured, however, other differentiators have gained
prominence as technologies have improved and widened the scope of operations. These now include the
proportion of and manner in which RA can be accommodated, heating and heat energy management abilities,
level of mobility (from stationary or fixed to completely mobile and further differentiation by the speed of
collapsing and re-erection).

Plants vary in size and may be mobile or stationary. A mobile plant is one which can readily be detached into
components and transported to another site where it can be re-erected. Differentiation in the past between the
capabilities of stationary and mobile plants has all but disappeared with both now having similar capabilities.

Operational elements common to all types of asphalt plants are:

• drying and heating of aggregate
• proportioning the components (aggregate, filler and binder)
• blending of components


Two of the main types, differentiated by the mixing processes and procedures will be discussed being:
• Batch type – components (aggregate, mineral filler) are dried, heated and weigh-batched per size fraction
and then added into a ‘pug mill” where the appropriate mass of binder is introduced and all components
mixed to form a batch;
• Continuous or drum mix type – components (aggregate, mineral filler) are dried, heated and mixed with
binder continuously in a drum.

(a) Batch mix plant

The basic process by which the component materials flow in and the product flows out of a typical batch can be
described as follows:
• Aggregates are dawn from storage or stockpiles into cold feed bins of individual aggregate fractions.
• From the cold feed bins, the aggregates, in the correct proportions, are transported into a rotary drier, by a
speed calibrated conveyor belt. Generally, the rate of feed of the aggregates and the amount of fuel that is
burnt in the drier are variable and is adjusted based on aggregate temperature and moisture content as well
as the energy that the fuel contains.

• In the rotating the drier, a series of metal flights circulate the aggregates, through lifting and releasing it
through the burner flame and hot gasses, thereby drying and heating the aggregates to the required
• The heated aggregates are fed into a hot elevator, and then onto a screening unit which separates the
aggregates into different sized fractions and stored into hot bins. The dust and hot gas from the aggregate
drying process are vented into the dust extraction system. Certain modern plants are recirculating the
exhausted hot gas back within the system or using it to heat other component materials including reclaimed
• The aggregates and mineral filler (when used) are drawn from each hot bin to match the job-mix formula,
and fed into the weigh hopper. Generally, in a batch plant, the aggregate proportioning is controlled at hot
bins, although it should be noted that correct proportioning at the cold feed system, is critically important
to achieving balanced proportioning in the hot bins.
• Bitumen, heated to the requisite temperature, is stored in tanks and the required amount is pumped into
“weigh-pot” through heat-insulated pipes. The amount of bitumen stored in the weigh-pot before being
released into the pug-mill is relative to the required binder content of the mix. It is essential to keep the
binder within the specified temperature range for storage, pumping and manufacturing to ensure proper
delivery and coating of the aggregates.
• The aggregates are transferred into pug mill in a controlled amount and mixed, following which the binder
is introduced to the pug mill and thoroughly mixed with aggregates.
• After mixing each batch, the product is transferred by a conveyor belt to hot storage silos, or loaded directly
into a truck and hauled to the paving site.

Figure 4 illustrates the sequence of the operation of a typical batch plant. Also shown is the typical conversion
detail used to feed reclaimed asphalt, by adding the material to be recycled (RA) into the weigh hopper. Details
of the mix tower are depicted in Figure 5.

Where aggregate gradations are consistent and the cold feed calibration system is in good order, the screening
unit may be bypassed. In this case the mix composition is controlled directly from the cold feed, as for a drum

Figure 4: Batch Plant with RA Hopper

Figure 5: Batch Mix Plant Tower Detail

(b) Continuous or drum mix plant

A typical continuous mixing plant, the drum mixer, relies on volumetrically proportioned delivery of aggregate
and other additives from the cold feed unit and volumetric delivery of binder. These materials then combine in
the heating drum to give the specified products.

A simplified diagram of a typical continuous mixing plant is shown in Figure 6. Also illustrated in this figure are
the modifications for reclaimed asphalt (RA) feeding. The key modules include:

• A burner situated at the cold feed end of the dryer-drum;

• Binder feed from the back end of the dryer-drum mixer;

• Feed for RA into the midpoint of the dryer-drum mixer.

Figure 6: Continuous / Drum Mixer

Various specially adapted continuous mixers exist worldwide. One such type is the counter flow drum, where
the burner is positioned at the end of the drum opposite the aggregate entry point. The aggregate is dried and
heated in the drying drum section. Mixing with binder and filler takes place in the separate mixing drum section.
Another variation, called the double drum plant, combines these two actions in one drum, with the inside drum
used for heating and the outside for mixing.


Details of the various components of asphalt plant types and their functions are described below:

(a) Cold feed system

For all plant types to yield a uniformly acceptable end product, all input materials need to be accurately
proportioned. The importance of feeding each aggregate size to the dryer at the correct rate of flow cannot,
therefore, be over-emphasised. For this purpose, plants are equipped with cold feed units capable of correct
proportioning of the cold (and usually moist) aggregate fractions being fed to the dryer. A typical unit is shown
in Figure 7.

Figure 7: Typical Cold Feed Unit

Cold feed bins are generally fed by means of front-end loaders from the stockpiles. Segregation should be
prevented at all times.

Feed units are placed under each cold feed compartment. These units are designed to give a uniform flow of
material on to the conveyor belt. Units are calibrated so that the flow rate can be controlled.

There are various types of feeders, the most popular being the continuous belt feeder shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8: Typical Cold Feed Belt Feeder

In batch plants excessive feed can overload the screens (if used), causing carry-over of finer aggregate into the
coarser aggregate bins. Erratic feeding causes some hot bins to overfill while starving others, leading to:
• Aggregate layers of varying size in the hot bins, especially the fine aggregate bins, resulting in alternating rich
and lean batches;
• Overloaded dust collection systems;
• Reduced dryer draught.

In drum mix plants, aggregate is weighed before drying. Since the material may contain an appreciable amount
of moisture that will influence the aggregate mass, accurate measurement of aggregate moisture content is
important. From the measurement, adjustments can be made to the automatic binder metering system to
ensure that the amount of binder delivered to the drum is correct for the amount of dry aggregate.

To ensure a uniform flow of material from well-managed stockpiles, the following points should be adhered to:
• Feeder gates should be accurately calibrated and correctly set;
• Gates should be kept free of obstructions. Use of a grizzly over the cold feed compartments will reduce the
likelihood of large stones causing obstructions;
• Prevent arching or packing of fine aggregate in the compartments. Correct use of vibrators will eliminate
this problem.

(b) The dryer

The conventional dryer shown in Figure 9 is a revolving cylinder 1-3m in diameter and 4.5-12m long, in which
aggregate is dried and heated by a burner and, in the case of drum mixers, mixed with binders.

Inside the dryer steel lifters called “flights” are arranged to ensure circulation and proper drying of the
aggregate. As the dryer rotates these flights lift the aggregate and drop it through the burner flame and hot
gases as illustrated in Figure 10.

Figure 9: Dryer

Figure 10: Flights in Dryer

The slope of the dryer drum, its speed of rotation, diameter and length, together with the way the flights are
arranged, all combine to control how long the aggregate takes to pass through the drum.

The dryer performs two functions:

• It vaporises and removes any moisture in the aggregate;
• It heats the aggregate to the required mixing temperature.

(d) RA split feed system

To counter undesirable emissions, split-feed systems – in which the RA is fed to the drum mixer separately from
the new aggregate – are now commonly employed to produce asphalt mixes containing reclaimed asphalt.

With a split-feed system the virgin aggregate is delivered to the burner end of the drum-mix plant in a
conventional manner. The RA is delivered into a separate entry point near the midpoint of the drum length, as
shown earlier in Figure 11.

Figure 11: Drum Mix Plant with RA Feed and Coater

A variety of designs are employed for the intake system used to introduce the RA into the drum. Typically, the
drum has a series of ports, or entry chutes, cut into the shell to allow the RA to be introduced from the charging
conveyor as the drum turns. At the point at which the RA enters the shell, a short length of the flights is often
removed or configured so that the asphalt-coated material can easily be blended with the virgin aggregate.
Heating of the RA begins as soon as it enters the port and as the combined aggregate is picked up by the flights,
heating and drying of the blend continues.

When RA is charged into the drum at its midpoint, the feed of virgin aggregate at the burner end is lessened,
thereby reducing the concentration of aggregate in the veil upstream of the RA entry point. Consequently, the
amount of heat transfer to the virgin aggregate is decreased. As a result, the temperature of the gases at the
contact point with the RA is higher, and there is an increased probability of damaging the asphalt coating on the
RA. This problem increases in severity as the proportion of RA used in the recycled mix increases and the amount
of new aggregate decreases accordingly. Methods for reducing the exhaust gas temperature involve increasing
the concentration of virgin aggregates in the veil upstream of the RA entry point, as well as raising the
temperature of the RA before it comes into contact with the heated new aggregate.

Normally, for asphalt mixes with RA binder replacement proportions of more than 15%, a split-feed system is
used to minimise hydrocarbon emissions, depending on the adequacy of the veil of new aggregate inside the
drum and the discharge temperature of the mix. As the percentage of RA rises and the moisture content of the
RA increases, there is a greater potential for emission problems. When the amount of RA used exceeds 30% RA
binder replacement, special consideration needs to be given to the plant type to ensure adequate heat transfer
from the exhaust gases to the virgin aggregate before those gases come in contact with the RA.

(c) Dust extractors and collectors

All plants must conform to the applicable environmental protection laws, specifically the National Environmental
Management: Air Quality Act No 39 of 2004. Although most plant operators do not have the sophisticated
equipment to monitor emissions daily, specialist consultants are available to do so.

Dust collection equipment is connected to the dryer unit to meet anti-air-pollution requirements, and, in some
cases, to provide filler for use in the asphalt being produced.

Stack emission other than a plume of steam is an indication that the burner is set incorrectly and unburned fuel
is causing smoke emissions from the stack, or dust collection is inefficient, in which case dust is discharged from
the stack. Such deficiencies should be attended to as a matter of urgency.

Three types of dust collectors are commonly used – cyclones, wet scrubbers and filler bag houses as shown in
Figure 12.

Figure 12: Dust Collection Systems

Cyclone dust collector

Cyclone dust collectors operate on the principle of centrifugal separation. The exhaust gas and dust from the
dryer is sucked into the cyclone where it spirals, throwing the dust particles against the wall of the container
from where they slide downwards to the collection point (see Figure 12 #1 above).

Bag houses

A bag house is a large metal housing containing hundreds of synthetic, heat-resistant fabric bags, usually
silicone-treated to increase their ability to collect very fine particles of dust. A typical installation, shown in Figure
12 #2, functions much in the same way as a vacuum cleaner. A large fan creates suction within the housing,
which draws in dirty gas and filters it through the fabric of the bags.

Wet scrubbers

A wet scrubber entraps dust particles in water droplets and removes them from the exhaust gases. This is done
by breaking up the water into small droplets and bringing them into a direct contact with the dust-laden gases.
As Figure 12 #3 illustrates, gases from the dryer are introduced into a chamber through one inlet while water is
sprayed into the chamber from nozzles around the periphery. Most wet scrubbers are used in combination with
a centrifugal collector which collects coarser material while the wet scrubber removes the fines.

(d) Screens (batch plants only)

Screens are sometimes used in batch mixing plants. Aggregates, having been heated and dried, are carried by
the hot elevator – usually an enclosed bucket conveyor – to the screen unit where vibrating screens separate
the aggregates into specific sizes. To perform this function properly, the total screen area should be large enough
to handle the total amount of feed delivered, and must be in balance with the capacity of both dryer and pug
mill. The use of this system in modern-day production in South African practice is reserved for highly variable
aggregate sources.

(e) Hot bins (batch plants only)

Hot bins are used for the temporary storage, prior to introduction into the weigh hopper, of the heated and
screened aggregates in the various sizes required. Each bin is an individual compartment or a segment of a large
compartment. The partitions between the compartments must be tight, free from wear holes and high enough
to prevent aggregate spillage into an adjacent compartment.

A properly sized hot-bin installation should be large enough to hold enough material of each size to permit the
mixer to operate at full capacity.

(f) Weigh hopper (batch plants only)

Aggregates are withdrawn from the hot bins and deposited into the weigh hopper, which is suspended from
scale beams that weigh the cumulative amounts of aggregate contained. Figure 13 illustrates how the
cumulative scale settings are used to control the proportion of aggregates drawn from each bin.

Figure 13: Cumulative Weighing of Aggregate

The overall efficiency of the mixing process depends on the accuracy of the scales. Hence, they should be
checked daily and serviced regularly.

(g) Binder meters

Batch plants
Aggregate deposited into the plant’s pug mill from the weigh hopper is blended with the correct proportion of
binder. In a typical plant system, the quantity of binder to be introduced is weighed separately in a weigh pot
before being introduced into the pug mill. When the required mass of binder has been pumped into the weigh
pot, a three-way valve in the ring-line bitumen feed system closes off the link to the weigh pot (See Figure 14).
The binder in the weigh pot is then pumped through spray bars into the pug mill.

Figure 14: Binder Metering

Since binder accumulates on the sides of the weigh pot during operation, the tare mass should be checked
regularly for accuracy.

Drum mixers
In a drum mixer, the binder is added to the aggregate inside the dryer drum.

Binder metering and delivery is a continuous mechanical proportioning system locked with the aggregate weigh
system to ensure the correct binder content of the mix. The mass of aggregate being transported into the
dryer/mixer, as measured by a sensor under the aggregate conveyor, determines the quantity of binder
delivered into the drum (see Figure 15).

Figure 15: Binder Metering System (drum mixer)

(h) Pug mill (batch plants only)

The chamber in which the binder and aggregates are mixed in a batch plant is called pug mill. A twin-shaft mixer
is used in virtually all modern asphalt plants, consisting of a lined mixing chamber with two horizontal shafts on
which several paddle shanks, each with two paddle tips, are mounted. The paddle tips are adjustable and easily

The paddles must be set to ensure that there are no “dead areas”, i.e. zones where material can accumulate out
of reach of the paddles and thus not be thoroughly mixed. Worn or broken paddles should be adjusted or
replaced before the plant start-up.

Figure 16 shows an over-filled pug mill, an under-filled pug mill (both of which will prevent compliance with
specification) and a pug mill filled correctly.

Figure 16: Pug Mill Capacity

(i) Control cabin

The control cabin normally contains all controls
necessary to activate, shut-down or adjust plant
operations, and all the dials and indicators
necessary to monitor the manufacturing process.

The cabin should afford the operator a clear view of the

entire plant and ancillary operations.

(j) Introduction of filler and other additives:

Mineral filler, either extracted from the heated, dried aggregate, or active filler, or a combination of the two,
can be fed back to the aggregate blend, in controlled proportions in the following ways or combinations thereof:
• Directly to the mix, in which case the active filler portion would require weighing;
• Directly from the primary collector (full amount);
• From secondary collector (e.g. baghouse) by metered amount as required.

Filler addition methods for extracted and imported filler (lime, cement, rock flour) for various plant types are as
• Batch Plants: weighed and fed into pug mill;

• Drum Plants: blown into mixing section of drum i.e. the binder addition zone, in such a way as to prevent
loss thereof in the exhaust gas stream.1

Lighter additives, such as cellulose fibre and polyamine introduced as follows:
• Batch Plants: pre-packed and introduced into the pug mill at the start of the dry-mix cycle;
• Drum Plant: continuous feed (similar as for filler above).

Binder modifiers
See section B1.5 BINDER MODIFIERS.


Asphalt plant operations differ significantly between batch plants and continuous mix plants.

(a) Batch plants

Modern batch plants can be operated in three modes:
• Manual;
• Semi-Automatic;
• Automatic.

In manual mode, each phase of batching is performed by manipulating an electric switch or button. These
activate pneumatic, hydraulic or electric power systems for weighing, mixing and discharge.

In semi-automatic mode, several batching functions are accomplished automatically. These generally include
the operation of the weigh hopper discharge gate, binder weigh bucket, wet mixing and the pug mill discharge
gate in the correct sequence.

In fully automatic mode the plant is almost completely self-acting. Once mix proportions and timers have been
set and plant operation begun, the plant machinery repeats the weighing and mixing cycle until the operator
stops it or until the shortage of material or some other unforeseen event causes the plant controls to halt

A typical batch plant cycle is illustrated in Figure 17.

Significant quantities of dust are entrapped in the mixture during the coating process. The coating zone is essentially a
primary collector and can significantly reduce the dust in the system gas.

Figure 17: Batch Plant Cycle

Optimal mixing cycles are between 45 – 50 seconds, of which the wet mixing times are 30 – 35 seconds to ensure
adequate coating of the aggregate. The mixing times may have to be increased if additives such as bitumen
modifiers or cellulose fibres are added. Too long a mixing cycle can result in excessive binder ageing.

(b) Continuous mix plants

To ensure consistency of mix proportions that meet the specified requirements the following equipment
controls are required:
• Separate cold feed controls for each aggregate size;
• Automatic continuous aggregate weighing system;
• Interlocking controls of aggregate cold feed and binder delivery to the drum;
• Automatic burner controls;
• A primary dust collector system capable of feeding collected material back into the system or to waste.

When operating a drum mixer, regular monitoring of aggregate grading and moisture content is extremely
important. This is because the final mix grading is wholly determined by the grading of the individual fractions,
and the specified binder content is based on the dry mass of aggregate while the sensors are measuring the
mass of moist aggregate. Excess moisture in the aggregate can adversely affect the mix.

Excess moisture will also result in increased energy consumption - each percentage point increase in moisture
content can increase heating fuel costs by up to 12%.

The plant should, therefore, be equipped with devices to obtain representative samples of each cold feed unit
and the total cold feed. Such a device – a sampling chute fitted at the head of the cold feed conveyor belt is
shown in Figure 18.

Figure 18: Cold Feed Sampling Device

(c) Temperature control

Since the aggregate makes up about 94% of the total mass of the mix, the temperature of the aggregate controls
the temperature of the mixture. Normally a mixing temperature is determined by binder viscosity for adequate
coating of the aggregates and to facilitate paving and compaction of the layer, on site. This temperature would
naturally be affected by site conditions and the haul distance, as well as the composition of the mix.

The required temperature of the binder is determined by its temperature-viscosity characteristics, and should
be such that the viscosity is in the range of 0.15 - 0.30 Pa.s for mix production. Compaction, however, can be
carried out within a viscosity range as high as 20 Pa.s (see Figure 19). It is recommended that information on the
temperature-viscosity relationship relevant to the bitumen in use be obtained from the bitumen supplier on a
regular basis to ensure that appropriate temperatures are adopted for the various operations.

Note that the appropriate temperature range for compaction is derived from the temperature-viscosity
relationship of the aged binder.

Modified binders require higher mixing temperatures, depending on the type and percentage of modifier
introduced into the bitumen. For the appropriate ranges, the reader is referred to the Sabita publication TG1:
Technical Guideline: The use of modified bituminous binders in road construction.

A “harsh” mix will need a lower binder viscosity to facilitate compaction, whereas other mixes may be
compacted satisfactorily at higher binder viscosities (i.e. lower temperatures).

If the aggregate has a higher moisture content than normal, its temperature on discharge from the dryer drum
will be lower unless the cold feed rate has been reduced or the burner fuel and air rates increased. This
temperature should be monitored carefully to ensure that the mix temperature is adequate for satisfactory
compaction, and not so high as to have an adverse effect on the binder quality.

Conditions in the pug mill are such that the binder will harden excessively if the aggregate temperature is too
high. The large mass of stone holds heat which could rapidly overheat the thin film of binder coating it; the
action of the paddles in the pug mill allows air to come in contact with these thin films and hardening through
oxidation takes place. This, in turn, reduces the flexibility and durability of the asphalt, shortening its effective
life. Mixing should, therefore, take place at as low a temperature and short a cycle as will provide a complete
coating of the aggregate particles.

Figure 19: Typical Temperature / Viscosity Chart for a 60/70 Penetration Grade Bitumen


To prevent plant shutdown through temporary interruptions of paving operations or shortages of trucks to haul
the material from the plant to the paving site, asphalt plants are generally equipped with storage silos for
temporary storage of hot asphalt. See Figure 20.

Figure 20: Hot Storage Silo

Storage bins are insulated to cater for storage periods up to 12 hours or longer. Longer storage periods require
specialised planning and storage bin systems to prevent ageing. Hot storage capacity varies and may be several
hundred tons.

These bins are charged from the top using a variety of conveying systems, for example belt conveyors, bucket
elevators or skip hoists. Most storage bins are cylindrical with a conical outlet at the bottom.

In cases where asphalt plants have multiple silos or produce multiple types of asphalt mixes, the silos should be
clearly and uniquely identified to ensure the loading of the correct type of asphalt for specific sites.


Mix segregation and temperature segregation are two of the most common phenomena encountered during
the transport of asphalt. Temperature segregation can be minimized by properly loading the mix at the asphalt
plant and suitably covering the asphalt mix with a tarpaulin or similar heat covering device. While this is simple
to do, mix segregation is a little more complicated to address since it is affected by the condition of the trucks
and, to a large extent, by driver behaviour. To ensure that mix segregation is minimized during the asphalt
transport cycle, asphalt suppliers should ensure that trucks they use for transporting asphalt are in good
condition and truck drivers adopt good driving habits.

(a) Haul trucks

Truck bins must be inspected at the start of each shift, to ensure that they are clean and sponged or sprayed
down with release fluid to stop the asphalt from sticking to the sides and that the tailgates are secure and closed
properly. The trucks should preferably not be used for any other purpose than for carting asphalt.

Trucks to haul hot mix from the plant to the paving site can be rigid or articulated tipping vehicles. To facilitate
discharging asphalt into the paver hopper, trucks must have an elongated tailpiece to prevent spillage around
the paving unit. The overhang of the body should be at least 750mm, preferably 800mm.

An absolutely minimum clearance of the chassis and / or springs of 650mm should be maintained when fully
loaded, and brake boosters must not extend past the tyres if they have less than 650mm clearance from the
ground when fully loaded.

These measurements should be taken as a guideline and confirmed with the actual plant equipment on site as
a multitude of pavers and asphalt transfer vehicles are used.

The truck must also not have a back bumper bar and mud flaps as it will interfere with tipping.

The chute height above the ground in the tipped position should be not less than 850mm, preferably 900mm.

The distance that the asphalt can be transported ranges from a few kilometres to a few hundred kilometres.
This is dependent on weather/seasonal/climactic conditions and the type of asphalt and its temperature. For
example, the Stone Mastic Asphalt mixes cannot be transported far due to drain down of the mastic, whereas
warm mix asphalt can generally be transported the furthest. Acceptable loss of temperature and binder drain-
down will dictate the distance.

Release agents
To prevent asphalt adhering to the truck body, an approved or acceptable release agent, e.g. a silicone emulsion,
or biodegradable vegetable oil emulsion, should be used. Whichever release agent is used, it should not be
allowed to pool in the truck bin. This can be dealt with by tipping the bin after the release agent is applied to
drain any excess, before loading.

Note: Oil-based materials such as engine oil, paraffin or diesel fuel should not be used.

Vehicle condition
All trucks delivering asphalt must be in good working order, able to carry and tip loads efficiently, and be issued
with a valid roadworthy certificate.

Specific items to be checked are:

1. Complete absence of oil and diesel leaks;
2. Fully functional brakes;
3. Good idling and tipping capability, with no hydraulic leaks;
4. Tail-gate suitable for tipping into paver hopper and must be able to lock properly during transport to avoid
spilling asphalt on the route;
5. Adequate uphill pull-away capability.

Asphalt in trucks should be covered with a tarpaulin or other suitable thermal insulation sheeting. In winter a
thermal blanket (duvet) must be used. The canvas must then go over the thermal blanket to secure it during

Note: Hessian covers are not acceptable.

The truck bin sides can also be insulated by bolting shutter plank to the inside of the bin.

The sheeting should cover the entire surface of the asphalt and be well tied or weighted down and kept in place
until tipping.

Although the drop in temperature over short haul distances may not adversely affect the paving and compaction
operations, covering of the load will minimise both heat loss and hardening of the binder film as a result of
exposure to air flow.

Measures should be in place to minimise segregation of the material in the truck body: the asphalt mix should
be discharged continually in bulk and evenly distributed in the bin taking into account axle loads and tipping
capability. For instance, if the truck bin is loaded too heavily in front it might not be able to tip the load. Care
should be taken not to load step by step from the hot storage onto the truck bin as this would cause segregation.

(a) Loaded trucks

Trucks loaded with asphalt must be weighed on a scale with a valid calibration certificate and issued with the
relevant weigh bridge tickets. Weighbridge tickets must show the date, time of batching, asphalt type, tonnage,
cumulative tonnage and batch temperature. The person receiving the tickets on site must be able to fully
understand the contents on the ticket, as well as what the required mix is. Every ticket must be checked to
ensure that the correct mix has been delivered.

The loaded truck should comply with the legal requirements in respect of maximum axle load and gross vehicle
mass. The number of trucks and their load capacities should be balanced to plant output and haul distance to
ensure a continuous supply of asphalt to the paver. The following components of truck turnaround time should
be taken into account:
1. Distance between plant and site
2. Average travel speed between plant and site
3. Waiting time at plant
4. Loading time at plant
5. Minimum headway between truck arrivals at site
6. Waiting time at paver site
7. Unloading time at site
8. Quantity of asphalt to be transported per hour

To ensure a continuous supply at the paver, the reader is referred to APPENDIX 1 where fleet demand
calculations are given to assist in achieving this.

(b) Driver Requirements

Drivers should be experienced and able and willing to carry out instructions correctly. They should be aware of
company policy and standing instructions regarding the cleaning of the truck body and disposal of excess
material. Drivers must be in possession of a valid Professional Driving Permit (PDP) and must have undergone
site-specific induction and be medically fit. Drivers are also expected not to stop unnecessarily en route to site
or mixing plant for whatever reason in view of the negative effect on load cycle time or temperature of the load.

Essential driver skills include:

1. Ability to manoeuvre in confined areas;
2. Straight and brisk reverse over long distances;
3. Avoidance of damage to works, e.g. kerbs and edges of fresh mats;
4. Ability to connect smoothly with the paver and correct release of breaks;
5. Controlled tipping without spillage.

(c) Communication
It is of the utmost importance that there is constant communication between the asphalt plant and the site, so
that either the manufacturing or the paving rate can be adjusted if there are delays at either end. The person in
charge of the paving team must estimate at what time the trucks are required to arrive on site, so that they don’t
end up standing for hours cooling down, and that the rate of supply is commensurate with the paving speed.

(d) Delivery to site

The time between batching and tipping should be planned to ensure that the trucks are tipped in the same order
as they are batched.

To ensure that the paver does not have to stop unnecessarily, the asphalt should be delivered to site at a rate
similar to that of paving.

This section will cover:
• An outline of the suite of national environmental legal frameworks (NEMA, etc.), including other frameworks
that may apply in certain cases to the manufacture and construction of asphalt products.
• A guideline on environmental regulatory compliance as generally applicable to asphalt manufacture and
road construction. Various asphalt manufacture and road construction activities would require cognizance
of specific legislation and the main relevant aspects of the outlined legislative framework will be presented
as applicable to these activities, including:
- Asphalt manufacture;

- Asphalt transport (basic coverage as handled by SABITA Safety Manual 8);

- Road maintenance; and

- Road construction and borrow pit development.

As the subject cannot be covered in detail in this document, the reader is referred to the Sabita Website to
access details as presented in the document: Environmental Legislation Guideline Document for Asphalt
Manufacture and Road Construction, August 2015.



The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act (Act No. 108 of 1996) incorporates the Bill of Rights, which
covers various human rights as enshrined in this piece of legislation. It stipulates the right to an environment
that is not harmful to human health and the protection of the environment for present and future generations.


The Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act (Act No. 43 of 1983) provides the legislative framework for
control of the use of natural agricultural resources in the Republic, and aims to promote conservation of the soil,
water sources and vegetation as well as combating weeds and invasive plants.


Most of the provisions of the Environment Conservation Act (ECA) (No. 73 of 1989) have been superseded by
the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA). However the noise management stipulations of this act
still have particular relevance. The specified day time residential threshold noise level is 55dBA.

Noise control regulations have been published and revised in Government Gazette 13717 (dated 10 January
1992) and Government Gazette 15446 (14 January 1994) - GN. No R. 55. These regulations make it the
responsibility of all local authorities to apply the regulations.

Subsequently in terms of Schedule 5 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act (Act No. 108 of 1996),
legislative responsibility of administering the noise control regulations (NCR) was devolved to provincial and
local authorities. Provincial NCR only exist in the Free State, Gauteng, Mpumalanga and Western Cape Provinces.


The Explosives Act (Act No. 15 of 2003) outlines the requirements with regard to the keeping, storage,
possession or transportation of explosives as highlighted in Section 10 of the Act.

Explosives storage and transportation permits are issued by the Minister of Police.


The Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act (MPRDA) (Act No. 28 of 2002), as amended provides
the framework legislation for equitable access and sustainable development of the country‘s mineral and
petroleum resources.

In addition to the relevant legislative aspects highlighted above the MPRDA stipulates the following:
• The holder of a mining right/permit (e.g.: aggregate mining firm) remains liable for any site pollution or
ecological degradation, as well as the management thereof, until a closure certificate has been issued for
the respective site.
• Financial provision must be made for the closure or sudden termination of work in terms of site
rehabilitation and re-vegetation work.


The National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) (No. 107 of 1998), as amended advocates that the
principles of Integrated Environmental Management (IEM) should be adhered to.

There are also a set of regulations promulgated in terms of the Act which specify when project specific
environmental impact assessments are required, as well as outlining the minimum requirements for such


The National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act (No. 39 of 2004), as amended in 2014 forms the
framework for the control of air pollution. Manufacture of asphalt for road surfacing at permanent facilities and
mobile plants requires an Atmospheric Emission Licence (AEL). Metropolitan and district municipalities are
charged with issuing Atmospheric Emission Licences. The defined emission limits (taken as daily averages) for
macadam preparation plants are as follows (as defined in GG 37054 of 22 November 2013 – GN 893). (See
Table 1).

The requirements in terms of compliance timeframes regarding these emission limits for asphalt manufacturing
plants are as follows:
• New plant is required to comply with the new plant minimum emission standards as contained in Part 3 of
the Act from 01 April 2010.
• Existing plant must comply with minimum emission standards for existing plant as contained in Part 3 of the
Act by 01 April 2015, unless where specified.
• Existing plant must comply with minimum emission standards for new plant as contained in Part 3 of the Act
by 01 April 2020, unless where specified.

Table 1: Atmospheric Emission Limits for Asphalt Manufacturing Plants

Substance or Mixture of Substances Emission Limit -

Plant Status mg/Nm³ (273K and
Common Name Chemical symbol 101.3 kPa)

Particular matter New 50

Existing 120

Sulphur dioxide New 1 000

Existing 1 000

Total volatile organic com- New 150

pounds from vapour recovery N/A
/ destruction units Existing 150


The NEM: Biodiversity Act (No. 10 of 2004) guides the management and conservation of biodiversity, with
particular focus on species and ecosystems that warrant national protection, and the sustainable use of
indigenous biological resources.

A comprehensive national list of ecosystems that are threatened and in need of protection is currently being


The NEM: Integrated Coastal Management Act (Act 24 of 2008) was amended by the Integrated Coastal
Management Amendment Act (Act 36 of 2014) and promotes the conservation of the coastal environment,
ensuring development (including transport infrastructure) and natural resource use within the coastal zone is
socially and economically justifiable and ecologically sustainable.


The NEM: Protected Areas Act (No. 57 of 2003) allows for protection, conservation and management of
ecologically viable areas of biological diversity (natural landscapes and seascapes).


The NEM: Waste Act (Act 59 of 2008) provides regulations in terms of the responsible and safe transportation
of waste materials, preventing spillage of waste onto transport infrastructure (roads, railways) and ultimate
dispersion into the environment. This act was recently amended by the NEM: Waste Amendment Act (Act 26 of


The National Road Traffic Act (No. 93 of 1996) applies to transport activities and provide definitions regarding
road infrastructure. A noteworthy clause is the one related to the prohibition of the transportation of dangerous


The National Water Act (No. 36 of 1998), as amended on 02 June 2014 governs the interactions between water
resources and proposed developments. The Act incorporates the regulations regarding the prevention of
pollution and the responsibility of polluters of water bodies to remedy pollution effects.


The Occupational Health and Safety Act (No. 85 of 1993) governs the protection of workers from work hazards,
and applies to all types of work. The Act was amended again in 1993 as the Occupational Health and Safety
Amendment Act (No. 181 of 1993).

Government gazette 16596 (25 August 1995) - GN No R 1179, as amended by GN No R930 of 25 June 2003,
outlines the hazardous chemical substances regulations stipulating various occupational exposure limits (OEL)
as defined below:
• “OEL” means a limit value for a stress factor in the workplace as revised from time to time by notice in the
Government Gazette;
• “OEL-CL” or “occupational exposure limit - control limit” means the occupational exposure limit for a
hazardous chemical substance as listed in Table 1 of Annexure 1 hereby; and “control limit” has a
corresponding meaning;
• “OEL-RL” or “occupational exposure limit - recommended limit” means the occupational exposure limit for a
hazardous chemical substance as listed in Table 2 of Annexure 1 of the notice (own insertion) hereby and
“recommended limit” has a corresponding meaning.

Specific hazardous chemical substances and OEL which pertain to SABITA operations are provided as follows:
• Asphalt – petroleum fumes are stated to be a suspected human carcinogen (classified in the carcinogenic
compounds list) and require special care to prevent / limit exposure to fumes.
• Occupational exposure control limits are provided for some of the raw materials of asphalt and modified
binders and stipulations for rubber fume and rubber process dust (as highlighted in Annexure 6 of the
government notice).
• Occupational exposure recommended limits are provided for asphalt and solvents exposure in laboratories.

Regulations promulgated in terms of this act are:

• Major Hazard Installation Regulations (GN R 692 of 30 July 2001).
• General Machinery Regulations (GN R 1521 of 05 August 1988).
• Construction Regulations, 2014 (GN R 84 of 07 February 2014).

These regulations are applicable to all persons involved in construction work and provide guidelines on the
permits required, the responsibilities of all role-players during construction work, the management of
construction work, risk assessment as well as various methodologies for aspects such as excavation, fall
protection, demolition, etc.

The document: Environmental Legislation Guideline Document for Asphalt Manufacture and Road Construction,
August 2015, which can be accessed on the Sabita website at http://www.sabita.co.za/other-publications/ gives
a comprehensive summary of the applicability of the above legislated requirements in respect of:
• Existing and planned asphalt mixing plants
• Asphalt transport
• Road maintenance
• Road construction and road upgrades

Additionally, the reader is referred to Sabita Manual 34: Guidelines to legislation on the transportation of
bitumen and Bitumen spill protocol.



There are several hazards associated with the manufacture of hot mix asphalt. Elevated temperatures associated
with asphalt and its components (bituminous binders and aggregates), noise, moving machinery and
manoeuvring earthmoving equipment and trucks at the stockpiles and loading zones, constitute conditions that
require due care to control employees’ exposure to associated hazards, thereby preventing serious injury,
damage or even loss of life. Solvents and cleaning aids used in asphalt laboratories pose a threat to good health.
Laboratories, including those on construction sites, should therefore be equipped with the necessary extraction
and ventilation systems to limit exposure to toxic fumes.

At the paving site tally-clerks, screed operators, rake men, laboratory staff taking samples and haul truck
assistants are all exposed to the hazards of passing traffic and moving plant.

Proper induction of new employees into the company’s safety programmes, as well as ongoing training in the
safe handling of materials and proper operation of plant and equipment, is therefore essential.

The processes associated with the manufacture and paving of asphalt, by their very nature also impact on the
environment. Waste products which may contain pollutants, emissions and noise are generated, and non-
renewable natural resources and energy are consumed. Manufacturers have an obligation to minimise the
impact of their operations on the environment and this can be achieved through innovations that will, e.g., lower
manufacturing temperatures, increase the use of reclaimed asphalt in new mixes, and reduce emissions and
noise. Pavers could be equipped with scavengers in the auger boxes to dispel fumes at a level that will not affect
the breathing of paving staff.

It is therefore essential that employers and employees be conversant with the relevant sections of the Act and
regulations made under the Act, and that they are understood and followed by each person involved in the


The Occupational Health and Safety Act of South Africa (Act No. 85 of 1993) and relevant Regulations made
under the Act, prescribe the minimum requirements for Health and Safety in the workplace, and of those likely
to be affected by their activities. In terms of this Act the “employer” and “employee” have distinct
responsibilities and duties to ensure health and safety in the workplace. In particular employers and employees
must take cognisance of the following requirements of the Act:
• Section 8. General duties of employers to their employees.
• Section 9. General duties of employers and self-employed persons to persons other than their employees.

• Section 10. General duties of manufacturers and others regarding articles and substances for use at work.
• Section 13. Duty to inform.
• Section 14 General duties of employees at work.


A number of Regulations have been made under the Act and several of these may be relevant and applicable to
the operations and activities discussed in this Manual. Operators must ensure that they are conversant with the
relevant requirements and especially the requirements of the Construction Regulations 2014 where road
construction activities are included in a project.


A number of Manuals, Training Courses, DVD’s, Posters and other Health and Safety Communication Notes have
been developed by Sabita to assist with managing the risks associated with the storage and handling of
bituminous products, as well as first aid treatment of injuries and the prevention and fighting of fires. Guidance
provided includes the development of an occupational health and safety policy, the principles governing
company commitment to the health and safety of its employees, general duties of employees at work and the
appointment and functions of those employees with responsibility for implementing the company's health and
safety plan. In addition, some documents address recommended risk assessment procedures designed
specifically for operating plant and equipment directly related to the application of bituminous products.

The following SABITA publications have specific relevance for the operations discussed in this Manual and can
be accessed via the SABITA website www.sabita.co.za or printed copies can be ordered from the SABITA offices:
• SABITA Manual 8 - Guidelines for the safe and responsible handling of bituminous products;
• SABITA Manual 25 - Code of Practice: Transportation, off-loading and storage of bitumen and bituminous
• SABITA Manual 29 - Guide to the safe handling of solvents in a bituminous products laboratory;
• SABITA Manual 34 (34a and 34b) - Guideline to legislation on the transportation of bitumen and Bitumen spill
• DVD410 - The safe handling of bitumen;
• DVD420 - Treatment of bitumen burns;
• DVD430 - Working Safely with Bitumen;
• DVD440 - Firefighting in the bituminous industry;
• DVD450 - Safe loading and off-loading of Bitumen;
• Environmental Legislation Guideline Document for Asphalt Manufacture and Road Construction;
• An industry best practice guide for the storage of reclaimed asphalt (RA) at asphalt plants;
• Operating best practice for Temporary Asphalt Plants;
• Sabita bitumen spill protocol;
• HSE Communications Note 02/2014 - Design of facilities for the storage and distribution of bitumen and
bituminous products in above-ground tanks;
• HSE Communication Note 01/2017 – Silica Dust Control.


Caring for employees and the environment is an obligation and not simply an option that may or may not be
exercised. Excellence in health, safety and environment management can justifiably be seen as license to

operate in a harshly unforgiving modern business and social environment. In addition, the legal consequences
of non-compliance could be extremely costly if plant operators choose to ignore requirements. The Occupational
Health and Safety Act is currently under revision and when the amended Act takes effect harsh penalties,
including administrative or so-called “spot” fines, could severely punish offenders. Therefore, plant operators
are urged to “do the right thing” and conform as far as is reasonably practicable. Make use of the advice available
to achieve the desired excellence in order to prove proper “due diligence” should this ever be required.

Quality asphalt paving requires thorough preparation and checking to ensure that:
• Haul roads are in good condition, well maintained and properly drained.
• Enough suitable machines are available to carry out the paving and compaction correctly.
• Enough skilled operators and labourers are on site to carry out the work correctly.
• The supply capability of the asphalt plant and truck fleet is sufficient to keep the paver moving without
• All plant and tools are clean and in good condition.
• All road appurtenances such as manhole and valve covers have been reset to new levels if necessary.
• All personnel and implements required to accommodate traffic and render the work zone safe are in place.
• The base or substrate on which the asphalt is to be laid is correctly prepared and clean and that the effect of
base levels on the final finish and quantities are clearly understood.
• Weather conditions to be expected during paving operations are assessed.
• Quality Control plans are in place and approved, including sampling locations and procedures.
• Where Enrobé à Module Élevé (EME) is being laid, special considerations given in Sabita Manual 33 should
be followed.

Good planning is essential to ensure optimal productivity while maintaining high quality standards. To achieve
these goals consistently, all phases of the job must be incorporated in the planning process. Some of the issues
vital to the planning process are listed below:

By identifying the specific project parameters, the contractor can effectively plan each phase of the project to
achieve the optimum balance between production rates, cost-effective operations and profitability, while
ensuring quality hot mix asphalt layers. Typical planning areas are listed below:


• Identify low/high areas, vertical alignment aspects (i.e. transitions) and other areas requiring special paving
planning, hand corrections, levelling or repair;
• Check that there are adequate falls for drainage;
• Calculate tons required based on actual average thicknesses (usually determined by a grid of dips);
• Check that adequate substrate construction support exists;
• Check for the encroachment of tree roots which can distort the pavement layer;
• Deal with street furniture that requires adjustment (e.g. manhole covers etc.);
• Decide on applicable bond coat application.


• Check required paving width and whether the use of screed, auger and auger tunnel extensions is required;
• Check which level control system is most applicable for each side of the paver (i.e., averaging beams, fixed
string line, joint-matching shoe or constant cross-fall).


• Select suitable rolling train, sequence and passes;

• Provide standby paver or rollers if required.


• Check asphalt plant capabilities and required delivery in tons per hour;
• Examine the type, suitability and number of trucks for a particular haul distance and the availability of
• Check on traffic conditions, haul routes, access to paving site and traffic control measures.


• Establish the sequence of paving, the paving lanes and handwork required;
• Determine the location of longitudinal and transverse joints and the required treatment of joints;
• Take note of project requirements applicable to mix parameters, compliance limits, finish, compaction
(density) and surface texture.


• Establish a system for recording site data;

• Agree on the responsibility for and timing of site coring and/or nuclear gauge testing;
• Establish a laboratory testing and reporting system;
• Establish a sampling and storing system;
• Agree on a procedure for dealing with any defects.


• Establish channels of communication on site between engineer, contractor, supplier and paving crew;
• Agree on a protocol for weather limitations;
• Determine acceptable asphalt mixing and delivery temperature ranges;
• Check surface preparation and weather influences on various surface types;
• Assess trial section outcomes;
• Carry out other inspection and assessment routines;
• When paving adjacent to traffic, ensure that the minimum requirements in terms of a “safety zone” is
• Keep local traffic authorities informed of operations, especially in the event of break downs on busy roads.


• Checks # 9 (paver) and #9 to 12 (rollers) as per Table 11 of Chapter 12, section 4 of SAPEM should be
completed by the engineer and contractor daily before paving commences.



The performance of asphalt is directly dependent on the condition of the support layer(s). For a full-depth
asphalt pavement, if the condition of the granular sub-base and/or lower sub-grade soil is poor, the ultimate life
of the roadway may be significantly reduced. For asphalt layers placed on top of a new, untreated granular base
course, the base material should be stable and the surface firm and dry - it should not be distorted or ravelled
by construction traffic. Where asphalt is laid on top of existing asphalt layers, the surface should be properly
prepared – potholes filled, cracks sealed, distress repaired and the surface cleaned. A bond coat should also be
used to ensure a bond between the existing pavement surface and the new asphalt overlay.


The following operations are essential to ensure that the substratum is properly prepared for paving:
• New granular bases should be well constructed. This requires:
− Material of suitable quality, that is adequately compacted and sufficiently dry;
− Finishing to correct levels;
− A good, uniform surface texture free of excess fines.
• The base should be primed, with a bond coat applied and cleaned. If there is any doubt as to whether both
prime and bond coat are required, it is advisable to err on the side of caution and to apply both. Unless a
very thick overlay is being constructed it is advisable that all distressed areas in the underlying layer be
either removed or repaired before paving commences.
• If the bond coat is applied immediately in front of the asphalt using a “self-tacking” paver, it is essential to
have at least one full-time worker cleaning up any asphalt spillage from the trucks, otherwise there will be
a lack of bond at such areas. The truck operators must be instructed not to bang their tailgates to remove
excess asphalt onto the road from within the bin.
• If there are cracks in an existing asphalt pavement surface, they should be sealed individually, or some type
of surface treatment should be applied to the whole roadway area. Joints in concrete pavement that are
poorly sealed should be routed out and sealed. Rocking concrete slabs should be seated.
• Should existing road marking paint prevent proper surface preparation, consideration should be given to
have it water-jetted off to ensure proper adhesion and / or penetration.

• Before paving, the area should be measured and a grid of dip measurements taken to determine:
− Average thickness;
− High and low areas (for possible repairs or corrections);
− Asphalt volume requirements.

It is important to note that paver screeds are inflexible and a substrate with a varying profile across its width
will almost certainly result in variable thickness of the paved layer.

• Slopes should be checked to ensure surface drainage. A minimum slope of 1% to a runoff escape point is
necessary. The potential for ponding should be established, particularly at intersections and bell mouths.
• A rough, uneven existing asphalt surface should be levelled with asphalt mix, preferably using a paver to fill
in the low spots in the surface. Alternatively, it should be milled with a precision milling machine to remove
the high spots.
• Once the required repairs have been completed, the pavement surface should be cleaned of all dust, dirt and
other debris using multiple passes of a mechanical broom. If brooming does not remove all accumulated dirt,
the use of compressed air or water may be necessary.
• If the aggregate surface appears smooth or polished, precautions should be taken to prevent slippage of the
newly paved layer. Trial areas should be paved to identify problems and solutions, and roughening by planing
or the use of a specialised bond coat may be necessary.


The priming of granular layers or substrate serves to bind the upper zone (10mm approx.) to provide protection
against the scuffing effects of construction traffic for a limited period, and to prevent the ingress of water. It will
not provide adequate adhesion between the base and an asphalt layer placed on top of such a granular base as
its purpose is to penetrate and condition the top zone of the base. Similarly, it is not possible to prime a base
using a bond coat, as penetration will not take place. Hence the application of a bond coat is always
recommended. For more details regarding the use and application of prime coats the reader is referred to Sabita
Manual 26: Interim guidelines for primes and stone precoating fluids.


As mentioned above, application of a bond coat should precede paving operations to ensure a bond between
the existing primed pavement surface and the new asphalt overlay, both during the construction and in-service
phases of the asphalt layer. If a good bond is not formed between the existing surface and the new overlay,
slippage during rolling or thereafter may occur, leading to the layer being shoved in a longitudinal direction,
particularly at zones where the traffic accelerates or brakes.

To optimise the effectiveness of the bond coat the pavement surface must be free from anything that might
cause slippage, and must be thoroughly cleaned before the bond coat is applied. All dust and dirt should be
removed by mechanical brooming, washing or blowing.

Generally, a diluted bitumen emulsion (anionic or cationic stable mix emulsion, diluted 1:1 with water) is used
to provide a complete coverage of the surface with a thin residual binder film on the surface. Typically, residual
bitumen application rates of approximately 0.15 to 0.25 /m2 are aimed at, depending on the condition of the
surface to which the bond coat is applied. An open-textured surface requires more bond coat than a surface
that is tight or dense, and a dry, aged surface requires more bond coat than a surface that is rich or flushed.

The following key factors should be further considered:

• The binder distributor used to apply the bond coat should be certified to carry out the operation, and should
be checked on site to ensure that all the nozzles are fully functional and set at the correct angle and height
above the pavement surface.
• Where the bond coat application is to take place by hand, an experienced operator using sound equipment
and employing correct spray practices is essential.
• The application rate for the bond coat should be based on the target residual application rates of net
bitumen, which should generally range from 0.15 to 0.25 /m2 for normal surfaces.
• Milled pavements may require higher rates of application. A residual net rate of bitumen as high as 0.35
l/m2 of binder may be needed to ensure a proper bond because of the increased surface area. On the other
hand, too much bond coat may promote slippage of the new overlay on the old pavement, or may even
cause bleeding of the bond material through thin overlays.

• Whenever possible, it is good practice to spray bond coat well in advance of paving (but not more than about
18 hours). This enables the bond coat to “set up” and reduce pick-up on supply truck tyres and the paver.
• Bond coats should not be exposed to traffic for any length of time. If this is inevitable, proper precautions
should be taken, such as reducing the posted speed limit on the roadway and sanding the surface.
• It is prudent always to apply a bond coat between successive layers of new, fresh asphalt. However, in such
cases the net binder application rate should be reduced by up to 50% if the layers are placed soon after one
• On rough or uneven surfaces, any small “pools” of bond should be spread by sweeping with a broom, to
reduce the likelihood of fatty spots developing on the paved asphalt surface.
• When in doubt as to whether or not to bond, always err on the side of applying a bond coat.
• Reversing trucks onto the bond coat to tip, or the use of a MTV, can cause the bond coat to lift and thus
create a loss of bond. In addition, if the adjacent layer has already been surfaced, the tyre tracks can create
unsightly marks. The use of “non-tracking” bond coats should therefore be seriously considered.
• Applying the bond coat to the edges using a brush is more effective than by spraying and there is less
likelihood of overspray onto the adjacent layer.

Details of every load of asphalt dispatched from the asphalt plant to the paving site need to be recorded on a
delivery note, which usually includes the following information:
• Project information and date;
• Truck registration and load size;
• Temperature and time of load leaving plant;
• Mix details and cumulative tons delivered.

The site worksheet should capture these details and, in addition, record:
• Arrival time and time tipped into the paver;
• Arrival temperature and temperature when tipped into the paver;
• Base and air temperatures, weather, and wind conditions and the times these were recorded;
• Stake values where each load is paved;
• Paved width and thickness of each load and running average thickness;
• Conversion factor used for determining thickness [thickness mm = (tons x 1000) / (area m2 x factor).


Various new manufacturing and construction technologies have recently become available, which are suitable
on high performance contracts to optimise final product quality or reduce costs.


The material transfer vehicle (MTV) (Figure 21) is designed to act as a shuttle between the asphalt haul truck and
paver. Some machines have storage capacity, allowing the contractor to even out the truck cycles and reduce
haul costs. Thermal as well as aggregate segregation is significantly reduced or even eliminated by the machine’s
remixing action. The MTV therefore permits non-stop paving and improves uniformity, all of which leads to a
much improved finished surface.

Figure 21: Material Transfer Vehicle


Various asphalt-reheating devices are available which can be utilised to either repair areas of insufficient
compaction or to prepare cold joints without costly and time consuming cut or removal operations. The older
generation type with direct flame heating, which will damage the asphalt binder significantly, is not
recommended. New types of infrared heating devices, used in conjunction with rejuvenator additives, have
proved to be acceptable in terms of limiting binder ageing damage. These devices can greatly accelerate
production in work zones with restricted occupation, but should be used in conjunction with sound engineering
judgement. Nevertheless, mix ageing and its effect on durability should be thoroughly assessed and controlled.


The following manufacturing system enhancements can be utilised to increase product quality:
• High accuracy binder control system – The use of accurate load cell systems, bulk feed followed by dribble
feed injection, and electronic controls increase the accuracy of binder addition up to 1 kg/batch (±0.05%);
• Aggregate control systems – Advanced weighing and controlled feed systems enable higher levels of mix
consistency (typically 10 kg/batch or to ±0.75% accuracy);
• Automatic plant systems – Full automatic controls enable consistent mixes and early detection and shut
down of defective mix compositions.


Recent advances which can be used to increase product end-quality include:

• Laser guided paving systems for improved riding quality precision (level control set to predetermined levels
relative to a fixed reference system), screed-assist, screed-lock, slope control, etc.;
• Double-layer paving – a capability to pave two mixes or layers in one pass. The benefits of this type of paving
include savings in the application of bond coats, superior interlocking of the two layers, reduced compaction
cost, reduced occupation and closure times and reduced paving costs;
• “Self-tacking” pavers – this enables the placement of specialised layers like (ultra) thin friction courses while
avoiding bond coat pick-up and the additional cost of employing binder distributors
• GPS and IR systems on rollers allowing operator to see rolling patterns, number of passes and mat
temperatures on a screen while rolling.

Placing and compacting asphalt is the operation to which all the other processes are directed. The asphalt is
brought to the paving site in trucks and usually deposited directly into the paver. The paver then spreads the
mix at a set width and thickness as it moves forward. In doing so the paver partially compacts the material by
means of its own weight (static) and its tamping-bar as well as vibration of the screed.

The full length of road to be paved must be carefully inspected and the substrate checked for visual defects to
ensure a clean, hard and level surface. Special care should be given to joints and there must be sufficient space
for the compaction equipment on the outside edges next to structures.

Immediately, if required for gap-graded and semi gap-graded asphalt and while the mix is still hot, pre-coated
chippings can be spread on the freshly paved mat. Steel-wheeled (static and / or vibratory) and rubber-tyred
rollers are driven over the (chipped) mat, further compacting the mix until the required density is achieved.

The use of rolled-in-chips on continuously graded asphalt is suspect in view of the possible adverse effect on mix
performance in terms of durability and permeability, and should only be prescribed by experienced practitioners
after due consideration of these effects.

After a pavement layer has been compacted and allowed to cool, it is ready to accommodate traffic loads. Thick
layers of asphalt cool at a slower rate than thinner layers, and care must be taken to avoid opening to traffic too
soon. If more than one lift is to be paved in the day’s production, the lower lift must be allowed to cool down to
a maximum temperature of 50°C before applying a bond coat and paving the next layer. Similarly, paving
subsequent layers on the same day should be avoided wherever possible unless sufficient cooling time is



A typical paver comprises two basic units - a tractor unit and a screed unit as shown in Figure 22.

Figure 22: The Paver

Paver tractor units are driven either by wheels or tracks, each type with its advantages and disadvantages. Paved
thicknesses can vary from thin to very thick e.g. 12 mm to 200 mm. Paving speeds can vary from 4m/min to up
to 15 m/min and are determined by the paving width, rate of supply and roller coverage. The minimum screed
width is usually either 2.4 m or 3 m, but the minimum width required for paving may be larger, as some of the
screed components are outside the screed width. Maximum width, without extensions, is usually 5m or 6m and
extension boxes can be added in multiples of 0.5 or 0.75 m. The wider the screed, the more traction is required
and the faster the rate of material supply required.

Paving widths of greater than 6 m require very good traction and pavers with tracks are usually recommended
in such cases, as well as when steep slopes are encountered.

Screed widths of greater than 8 m will usually require special stabiliser bars, and twisting of the screed on
undulating sections can become an issue.

The main two paver units comprise the following components:

• The tractor unit has:

− A mechanical drive system carried on wheels or tracks;
− Push rollers at the front to make contact with the loading truck tyres;
− Folding hopper and conveyors to receive and direct the asphalt back towards the screed;
− Augers that distribute the material laterally in front of the screed;
− Mechanical and hydraulic mechanisms for the functioning of the augers, tow arms and screed.

• The screed unit:

− The screed unit essentially consists of hardened steel plates attached to a frame. Heaters for the plates
are set into the screed frame. These heaters are either electrical or gas-powered. Tamper bars are set
in front of the screed plates, and tamper shields protect the tampers from filling with material and also
act as a backing wall, allowing the augers to transport the mix along the front of the screed (see Figure
23 & Figure 24 );
− This unit is attached to the tractor tow points by the tow arms;
− Hydraulic jacks at the tow points can raise or lower the tow arms to change the “angle of attack” of the
screed unit relative to the paved surface (see Figure 22);
− Hydraulic jacks, attached to the rear of the tractor lift the screed clear of the ground. However, during
paving these jacks are disconnected to allow the screed to float on the asphalt mat being paved.


Automatic feed system

Figure 23: Asphalt Paver Feed System

Figure 23 illustrates how material is tipped from the truck into the paver hopper  onto the slats of the conveyor
system, which transports the material into the paver tunnel from where it falls onto and in front of the
augers, which feed the material to the front of the tamper bar as illustrated in Figure 24.

Figure 24: Screed Plate and Tamper Bar

Sensors in the conveyor tunnels and above the augers are linked to regulate the flow of material to ensure that
the augers are correctly charged with an appropriate, constant head of material in front of the screed.

The augers should be set at a height of 50 to 70 mm clear above the finished level of the mat being laid. If the
augers are too high the mix will not be transferred evenly across the screed and segregation can take place.
Augers that are set too low will cause blemishes in the mat.

The screed unit is attached to the side arms in two places to make angle of attack adjustments possible.

In modern pavers:
• The conveyor and auger on one side of the paver work independently from those on the other side;
• Sensors mounted on the outside of the screed read the amount of material in the auger tunnel, and activate
the movement of the conveyors and augers;
• The system should be adjusted so that the augers ideally operate 100% of the time;
• These automatic controls aim to maintain a constant depth of material ahead of the screed (25 - 50% of the
auger depth should be visible);

• Augers can also be reversed so that all asphalt is guided to one side of the screed (for paving narrower
• Extension augers must be used when the screed is extended to ensure that the material is distributed evenly
along the full length of the screed.

Modern screeds have:

• Tampers to tuck and partially compact the material under the leading edge;
• Vibrators to carry out the partial compaction and to promote even spreading;
• Hydraulic extensions for widening from 2.4 to 4.8 m. Extension boxes can then be added;
• Screed lock that fixes the hydraulics to prevent the screed from settling when the paver stops;
• Screed memory settings which allow for faster paver set-up at the start of a paving day.
• Crown adjustment to crank the screed for a camber or valley fit;
• Thermostatically controlled heaters (gas or electric) to maintain screed plate temperature and prevent
material from sticking to the screed plate.

Floating screed operation

The floating screed principal works as follows:
• The heavy steel plate at the bottom of the screed is set to a small “angle of attack”, i.e. upwards in the
direction of paving. This angle is set before paving by manual adjustment on the screed cranks to factory
• The screed unit is attached to the tractor unit at the tow points by the tow arms.
Raising the tow points while paving will increase the angle of attack of the screed unit relative to the paved
surface, thus causing the screed to rise, increasing mat thickness;
• Lowering the tow points will have the opposite effect, decreasing mat thickness;
• The tow points are situated near the centre of the paver to ensure that their vertical movement as a result
of surface unevenness is kept to a minimum;
• There are a number of forces at work as the screed is pulled forward. A state of equilibrium of these forces
is illustrated in Figure 25:
P – Pull on the screed, i.e. the traction exerted by the tractor;
W– Weight of the screed;
M, F – Resistance of the material against and under the screed;
R – Reaction supporting the screed, perpendicular to the inclined screed plate.

Figure 25: Floating Sreed Unit

Thus the screed floats on the material at the level where the forces are in equilibrium (similar to water-skiing).
Any change in forces P, W, M and F will cause R to change, resulting in the level of the screed changing.
Factors that will cause the screed to rise and fall during paving are:
• Changes to the head of material in front of the screed;
• Changes in paver speed and stop/start paving operations;
• Changes to the angle of attack induced by raising and lowering of the tow points;
• Excessive variations in mix temperature causing M & F to change;
• Excessive changes in mix composition, for example percentage of large aggregate and binder content;
• Changes to the weight of the screed (e.g. personnel getting on and off the screed plate).

In order to maintain a constant mat thickness for a change in paver speed or material head in front of the screed,
the natural equilibrium of forces on the screed cannot be relied upon and the screed angle (angle of attack)
must be manually adjusted using a thickness control screw or depth crank. Screed angle adjustments do not
immediately change mat thickness but rather require a finite amount of time and tow distance to take effect.
Figure 26 shows that it typically takes five tow lengths (the length between the tow point and the screed) after
a desired level is input for a screed to arrive at the new level.

Figure 26: Screed Response to Adjustment of Angle of Attack

In addition to changes in the forces acting on the screed, undulations in the base will also cause the tractor and
thus the tow points to move up and down. Automatic screed level control (see section G2.1 Automatic screed
level controls) is designed to counter this undesired vertical screed movement to ensure a smooth mat.

Other screed operation functions and checks

The screed unit strikes off, partially compacts and irons the surface of the mat as it is pulled forward over the
material. At the same time the tamper bars, shown in Figure 24, oscillate up and down to tuck the asphalt
smoothly under the leading edge of the screed plate. Tamper bar projection below the level of the screed plates
and tamper bar condition are critical. Worn tampers must be replaced.

Most screeds also have vibrators mounted on the unit to continue the partial compaction and ironing action.

Tamper and vibrator speeds are adjustable and are set for paving speed and type of mix.

The screed unit is usually equipped with heaters to prevent the mix sticking to the screed plate. They are used
to heat the screed at the start of paving operations and to keep it at a constant temperature when paving.

Raising or lowering the tow points changes the thickness of the mat. Typically a change in tow point level takes
one tow arm length 70% of the change to the screed level, and up to 5 tow arm lengths to effect the full change.

Before paving the following items should be checked:

• The bottom surface of the screed plates should be checked for evenness, cleanliness and excessive wear.
Extension plates should be pre-set at the same angle and in the same plane as the bottom surface of the
main screed plate;
• Tampers should be checked for excessive wear, adjustment and proper operation. Excessive wear causes a
pitted surface in the mat and improper adjustment will lead to the mat having a scuffed appearance. The
limit of the bottom stroke of the tamper bar should extend approximately 0.4 mm below the bottom of the
screed plate or as per manufacturers instruction;
• If the screed is of the vibrating type, the vibrators should be started with the screed in a raised position to
ensure their proper functioning;
• The heating unit should also be checked for proper operation by lighting the burner and allowing it to burn
for a few minutes, or by observing the temperature on the control panel if electric heating is fitted.

At the end of paving shifts it is important that the paver be properly cleaned. While the machine is still warm,
the hopper, conveyors, augers, tamper bars and screed plates should be cleaned and given a light spray of

release agent to ensure a smooth start the next day. Special attention to tamper bar cleaning is essential to
ensure proper functioning.

Cleaning of pavers should take place on a surface where the cleaning materials can be captured and disposed



Most pavers have tow point controls which can be set by manual or automatic means. As mentioned above, it
is not good practice to continually adjust tow point elevation manually. Pavers normally operate using an
automatic screed level control whereby tow point elevation is adjusted to a level datum other than the tractor

Automatic screed controls have three main components:

• Sensor;
• Control box;
• Hydraulic cylinders to change the tow point settings.

The sensors feed electric impulses to a control box which activates the hydraulic cylinders to change the tow
point setting up or down to achieve the required screed tilt.

Automatic screed level control operates on the principle that if the screed is made to follow a smooth reference
datum, regardless of irregularities in the surface or the variable forces on the screed, a more even surface will

Thus, base undulations will be ignored and varying forces acting on the screed will be adjusted for by the
constant adjustment of the elevation of the tow points in relation to a datum other than the wheelbase of the

Automatic level control results in a more even finish than can be accomplished by the paver with its wheel base
as a reference, or by manual adjustment by the screed operator.

The sequence at the start of paving is as follows:

• Set the tow points for the desired mat thickness;
• Pave the first load, checking mat depth manually and correcting the tow point settings if necessary;
• Once the tow points are set correctly for the desired depth of spread, the automatic system is activated;

• The system takes over the settings to produce an even mat.


The equipment and functioning of automatic level control equipment are listed below.

Level or grade sensors (mechanical or sonic)

These sensors are normally attached to the side of the screed and extending forwards.

Averaging beams
The purpose of averaging beams is to even out deviations from a true line in the substrate surface over a distance
greater than the wheelbase of the tractor unit.

Articulated averaging beams (shown in Figure 27 and Figure 28) have two or three levels of averaging skid sets
that can each rotate without meaningfully changing the elevation of the whole beam. For three-level beams
nearly 90% of undulation under any one skid is removed.

Continuous spring-mounted skid foot beams average out most of the surface undulations, except where these
undulations have very long wavelengths.

For articulated averaging beams, a cable, stretched from end to end of the beam, is essential in averaging out
vertical movement in the beam. The cable provides a moving datum for the sensor. Theoretically, the least
vertical movement of the cable takes place at the mid-point of the cable.

The best position for the sensors is opposite the augers, i.e. one-third within the middle third of the length of
the tow arm. This position accommodates both the changes in datum level and changes to forces on the screed.
(See Figure 29)

Where averaging beams are used on both sides of the paver, the sensors adjust the height of the tow points on
either side of the paver.

While tow points react immediately to sensor signals, the screed takes some time to react fully. This translates
into 3 to 6 meters of travel for most of the change to be effected and up to 10m for the full change.

Figure 27: Mechanical Sensor on Articulated Averaging Beam

Figure 28: Two-Level Articulated Averaging Beam

Figure 29: Positions of Sensor on Averaging Beam

Source: NAPA

Joint matching shoe:
Joint matching sensors consist either of a contact type (usually a small shoe or ski attached to the paver that
slides on an existing surface, near the paved edge as shown in Figure 30), or a non-contact sensor as shown in
Figure 31. These sensors are mostly used to track the adjacent mat at a longitudinal joint to ensure matching
levels across the joint. The best position for this device is as close to the tow point as possible to reduce the lag
effect of the screed after tow point adjustment.

Figure 30: Joint Matching Shoe (contact type)

Figure 31: Joint Matching Shoe (non-contact type)

Erected stringline or straightedge system

This system consists of a stringline or series of straightedges or strings erected to a specific elevation which is
independent of the existing base or substrate elevation (See Figure 32 and Figure 33). This system is often used
for paving asphalt base, since sub-base levels are seldom accurate enough for an averaging beam to be effective.
The system will also ensure accurate finished asphalt base levels for maintaining a constant wearing course

In general the system comprises the following:

• Adjustable pedestals are set to actual design levels, spaced 5 – 10 metres apart to avoid any sag in the line;
• Thick line (nylon or cord) is stretched tightly across pedestals, or straightedges put on top of pedestals to
provide a reference or datum for the sensor arm.

Stringlines can be set up on both sides of paver, but require good truck driver skills to avoid damage by reversing
trucks. A straightedge system may be easier in some cases as individual sections can be removed without
disturbing the entire system.

Figure 32: Stringline Setup

Figure 33: Non-contact Stringline Sensor

Constant Cross-fall Sensor:

Typically, a joint matcher on a kerb and channel on one side of the paver in conjunction with a cross-fall sensor
on the screed unit will ensure a constant cross fall, e.g. 2% from the channel to the opposite paved edge,
regardless of base levels.


Automatic level control should be used on both sides of the paver wherever possible. However, the level control
priority may be different on each side, necessitating the use of different equipment. For example: on one side a
joint matcher may be used to track the channel, while on the other side an averaging beam may be used to
achieve a target mean thickness.

Automatic level control is more effective than manual control, provided that good paving practices are
maintained. However, roughly 50% of the dips and humps in the base will still reflect through due to:
• The floating action and lag time of the screed; and
• Differential compaction due to varying depth of the layer.

Therefore, where finishes of existing layers are poor, the use of correction (levelling) layers is a very important
consideration for good rideability. In such cases multiple layers will improve final evenness by reducing the
unevenness of successive layers.

Level control equipment should be selected on the basis of the main paving priority on each side of the paver:
• To average out the levels of the base and thus achieve a desired average mat thickness e.g. wearing course
on base – use the Averaging Beam;
• To pave to a design level, e.g. where there are no kerbs or channels – use a Stringline on Pedestals;
• To tie in to an existing level e.g. pave against an adjacent mat – use a Joint Matcher. However, if the finished
profile of the existing mat is poor, an averaging beam should be considered;
• To achieve a constant cross fall e.g. from a channel to a crown – use an Averaging Beam, Joint Matcher or
String-line one side with the Constant Cross-fall Sensor.

The range of sensor types for various uses is listed in Table 2 below with comments on their efficacy.

Table 2: Sensor Types

Description Use Advantages Disadvantages Comments

Joint Matcher Ensuring consis- Good for Will copy a bad Reliable, proven
(contact sensor) tent level at joint inconspicuous riding quality and simple
between paving joints from one lane to
lanes, paving to the next
channels etc.

Joint Matcher Same but with Same, but less Will copy a bad Requires a single
(non-contact no mechanical prone to riding quality non-contact
sensor) contact mechanical from one lane to sensor
interference the next

Averaging Beam Provides an Proves better Many mechani- Reliable, proven

(contact average refe- riding quality cal components, and simple
sensors) rence level over can lead to
a longer distance thickness issues
to even out if not controlled
shorter bumps. correctly.

Averaging Beam Same but with Same, but can More expensive Simple to use
(non-contact no mechanical be made even than mechanical and integrated
sensors) contact longer to system into most
provide an even modern paving
smoother systems.
average result

Stringline or Use when paving Provides a line Truck access can Often the best
Beams with to design levels referenced to be difficult, can compromise
Pedestals (non- surveyed levels give problems between level
contact sensors) with differential accuracy and
compaction if simplicity,
base levels are provided that
not accurate. layer thicknesses
Takes time to set are fairly
up. constant and
base levels are

3-d Levelling Large areas Provides a Accuracy claims Generally either

where electronic virtual final level can be inflated. uses GPS or
design data is in 3 dimensional Expensive, and Ground Stations.
available space. takes time to set Useful on large
up. areas, is airports


The uncompacted mat behind the screed must be paved thicker than the final required thickness as compaction
reduces the paved, “loose” thickness. The degree of reduction in thickness differs for various asphalt mixes, and
typical examples are:

Material Reduction
Base 25 to 30%
Dense graded wearing course 17 to 20%
Open-graded, UTFC 8 to 10%

At the start of paving, the screed is lowered onto blocks (see Figure 34 A) of the correct loose mat thickness. For
example, adjacent to a previously completed 40 mm mat the paver screed should rest on 8 mm blocks placed
on the completed mat.

The thickness of the loose mat must be checked regularly across the full width, to ensure that the specified
minimum layer thickness is being achieved.

Due to the varying thickness of the mat arising from unevenness of the base or substrate layer, consolidation of
the paved thickness by, say, 20 % during compaction results in some of the undulations of the underlying layer
being reflected in the finished surface paved to the correct profile. This is illustrated in Figure 34 B with:
• Top – uncompacted mat:
- Upper line is top of mat behind paver;
- Bottom line is top of base.
• Bottom Picture – after compaction:
- Upper line is no longer flat; the mat has gone down by 20%;
- Final surface now undulates, following base, but less pronounced.

Figure 34: Starter Block (A) and Differential Compaction (B)


• Every truck load should be checked to ensure that the temperature of the asphalt tipped into the paver
hopper is within an acceptable temperature range;
• Care should be taken to ensure that the truck does not reverse directly on to the push-rollers on the front of
the paver, as this will cause the paver, and thus the screed, to jerk. This will cause an indentation in the mat
surface that will adversely affect rideability;
• Once the tow points have been correctly set and the automatic level control activated, the following good
paving practices should be adhered to as they have a major effect on the final finish:
− Paving at a constant speed, selected to suit the compaction effort;
− A constant supply of material to the paver to reduce start/stop activity to an absolute minimum.
• Other good paving practices:
− Before paving, the screed plates should be cleaned, checked for wear and then heated to suit the mix
− Tow-points should be set correctly for the required mat thickness;
− Paving should always start on starter blocks under the screed;
− Paving lines should be marked out each side of the paver for guidance;
− Extension augers should be attached to suit the paving width;
− Forward movement should only commence once auger boxes are filled over their full width;
− A constant head of asphalt across the entire width of the screed should be maintained;
− The hopper should not be emptied between loads. The new load should be added to the hopper so as
to heat up what’s left from the old load;
− The tipping of trucks must be well controlled to avoid spillage in front of the paver;
− Paving thickness should be checked regularly by calculations and with a dip rod and adjustments made
gradually and evenly;
− Excessive manual adjustment of the tow points should not be allowed;
− Frequently check the mat finish between the paver and the rollers with a straight-edge and visually to
identify any problems;
− Walking on the unrolled mat should be avoided;
− Handwork should be limited to areas inaccessible to the paver or for correcting deficiencies.

For the successful laying of asphalt by hand the following precautions should be taken into account:
• Deliveries to site should be staggered according to production capacity to ensure that material is always at
a workable temperature;
• Keep the stockpile covered with a tarpaulin to reduce heat loss;
• For large areas the use of a rubber-wheeled front-end loader (instead of wheelbarrows) will improve
efficiency of distribution from stockpile to working area;
• Dump and spread for short distances only to avoid segregation;

• A lute or the flat-edged, reverse side of a metal rake should be used to spread the asphalt to the correct
depth. The surface should then be smoothed with a straight-edge to achieve an even surface, before starting
• An even thickness of asphalt may be achieved by working to pegs and a builder’s line pre-set to the required
thickness, or by using pre-set rails;
• The supervisor should monitor the asphalt temperature at all times to detect asphalt which has cooled to
the critical cut-off point below which it can no longer be successfully compacted (for example, this
temperature is typically 80°C);
• Tight corners and catch pit/gulley surrounds need the skill of an experienced finishing hand, who may apply
the hot mix asphalt using a shovel and roller, and complete the compaction using a hand-stamper or “pogo”



(a) Gravel Sub-base or Sub-grade Soil

If the asphalt pavement is to be placed directly onto gravel sub-base or sub-grade soil, this support material
should meet all requirements in respect of moisture content, density, support strength, and evenness. The layer
should provide a firm foundation for the paved asphalt layer.

(b) Granular or Crushed Stone Base Courses

If the asphalt layer is to be constructed on a new or existing untreated granular or crushed stone base layer, this
support material should meet all the specified project requirements for moisture content, density, structural
strength, and evenness. Proof rolling of the granular base should be done before priming, and any noticeable
excessive deflections of the base or indentation of truck wheels in the granular base course material should be
evaluated to assess whether the support layer has sufficient stability to ensure adequate compaction of the
asphalt layer.

If the condition of the granular support layer material is deemed not to be satisfactory, the layer should be
reworked or stabilised to render it suitable for overlaying.

In all cases the construction of a “biscuit” layer of fines at the surface of the layer should be avoided. Any excess
fines should be broomed off the surface before priming and applying a bond coat.


The degree of preparation needed for an existing asphalt pavement depends on the condition of that surface.
At a minimum, distressed areas should be removed and replaced; potholes properly patched, cracks cleaned out
and sealed, and ruts filled in or, preferably, removed by precision cold milling.

(a) Pavement Replacement and Patching

It is generally inadvisable to attempt to bridge failed areas with new overlay material unless a very thick overlay
is to be constructed. Removal and replacement should be carried out on all existing pavement areas where
severe load-related distress has occurred. All asphalt and granular base materials that have failed should be
excavated or milled to spoil, or in-situ recycled. Granular sub-base or sub-grade distortion should be repaired by
undercutting and replacement with suitable backfill material. Proper subsurface drainage should be installed as
necessary where water moisture problems exist. New granular base course material, stabilised base course
layers, or asphalt mix should be placed to bring the strength of the pavement structure in each failed area to
the same level as the surrounding good pavement layers. If asphalt is used to patch a large area, it should be
placed with a paver and compacted with suitable heavy rollers.

Localised distressed areas should be patched properly. Each area should be cut back to sound pavement and
squared up, with the sides as vertical as possible, the loose material and water in the hole removed, a bond coat
applied to the sides and bottom of the hole, the mix placed in the hole, and the new material adequately
compacted, preferably with a roller. If the pothole or failure area is deeper than 100 mm, the mix should be
placed in more than one layer and each layer compacted properly.

(b) Crack Filling

The benefits of filling cracks other than those that are patterned and associated with severely distressed areas,
depend, in part, on the width of the cracks. If the cracks are narrow (less than 5 mm in width), special cold
emulsion type filler is needed. Cracks that are too narrow to be filled with a hot sealing material should be
widened with a mechanical router before sealing is attempted. Alternatively, they should be bridged with strain
absorbing materials e.g. grids or geotextiles. If wider cracks are present, they should be cleaned of debris with
blown air. The crack-sealing material should only be inserted when the cracks are clean and dry. The level of the
crack-filling material should be slightly lower than that of the surrounding pavement surface and should not spill
over the top of the crack, where it could create a bump in the new pavement layer during the rolling process.

(c) Levelling Courses

To improve final rideability, it is good practice before paving an overlay, to place a levelling course to take up
slacks on the existing pavement surface. This will reduce the effect of differential compaction of the overlay.
This levelling course, sometimes called a correction layer or scratch coat, is designed to fill in the low spots on
the pavement surface. This levelling action is accomplished by paving to predetermined levels (string-line etc.),
set to ensure evenness after compaction.

(d) Milling
Milling can be used to remove the high points in the existing surface in lieu of placing a levelling course (filling
in the low spots). Milling can be accomplished over a range of widths typically from 150 mm to 2m with one
pass of the milling machine. They are normally set to mill to a fixed depth from zero to 300mm. If equipped with
automatic grade and slope controls similar to those used on an asphalt paver, the precision milling machine is
capable of producing a level surface in one pass over the existing surface. In addition, if the milled surface is
properly cleaned, its texture can enhance the bond between the new and old layers, and may reduce the
possibility of slippage of the overlay over the existing surface.

A pavement surface that has been milled is typically very dusty and dirty. Multiple sweepings by hand or passes
of a mechanical broom are usually needed to remove all of the residual grit from the milled surface. In some
cases it may be necessary to dampen the milled surface before sweeping, or to air blow or flush the milled
surface with water to remove dust and very fine material completely. Any dust and dirt left on the milled surface
will have a severely adverse effect on the bond between the existing course and the new asphalt overlay.


When asphalt is placed over a concrete pavement the surface should likewise be properly prepared. Any
severely distressed areas in the concrete slabs should be cut out, removed and replaced. Corrective work should
also be completed on the underlying sub-base or sub-grade material, where necessary. Any severely spalled
areas at joints should be repaired using partial-depth slab replacement methods. Rocking slabs should also be
stabilised and consideration should also be given to the use of a crack-relief layer between the existing concrete
pavement and the new overlay.

For joints that are poorly sealed, the existing seal material should be removed and the joints cleaned. When dry,
the joints should be resealed with appropriate joint-sealing material. Care should be taken not to overfill the
joints, particularly in cool weather when they are widely opened. In all cases the joint-sealing material should
be below the top of the surrounding pavement surface. Once the patching and resealing has been completed,
the surface of the concrete pavement should be cleaned completely using mechanical brooms and air blowing
or water flushing or both, as required.


A number of factors influencing final finish for good riding quality will require attention during paving and
compaction. These are:
• Substrate quality and layer thickness;
• Paving procedures;
• Tipping into the paver hopper; and
• Selection of rollers and rolling procedures.

(a) Substrate quality and layer thickness

Evenness of the underlying layer is a prerequisite for achieving good riding quality in the final paved layer, as
even the best paving practice will result in roughly 50% of undulations in the underlying layer being reflected to
the surface. Therefore if good riding quality is a priority, the use of correction layers should be given serious

Generally it follows that where multiple thin layers are paved, each layer successively improves the rideability.
On the other hand, it may be more difficult to achieve good riding quality on a thicker mat, due to:
• Differential compaction of the mat;
• Movement and squeeze-out of the mat under the rollers.

With the above in mind, it has been noted that considerably better riding quality will be achieved by using two
layers of 40 mm asphalt followed by a 20 mm friction course, than by using 90mm asphalt base followed by a
40 mm wearing course.

(b) Paving procedures

To achieve an even mat with good riding quality the following paving procedures are recommended:
• Automatic auger feed control should be employed at all times to maintain a constant head of asphalt in
front of the screed unit. A fluctuating head changes the forces acting on the screed, causing the screed to
rise or fall which will have a seriously adverse effect on the riding quality;
• The sensors should be set so that ideally the augers are continuously turning slowly. This means that asphalt
is being fed at a continuous rate across the front of the screed;
• As mentioned before, paving should proceed at a constant speed to maintain a consistent equilibrium of
forces acting on the screed and, hence, the evenness of the mat. Stoppages should be avoided at all costs,
which requires a consistent supply of material to the paver;
• Automatic level control should be used on both sides of the paver at all times, each type being selected to
suit the site requirements as previously described in the manual.
• Averaging beams should be at least 7 m long and should preferably consist of:
− Adjustable pedestals set to actual design levels plus adjustments for differential lift thickness (if any),
spaced 5 – 10 metres apart to avoid any sag in the line;
− a three-level articulated averaging system with a free spanning wire between ends; or
− an in-line spring mounted multi-skid system; or
− a paver-mounted beam with sonic sensors.
• Level control using a Joint Matcher should only be used on an adjacent completed layer provided it has a
good finish. If not, an averaging beam should be used;
• In exceptional circumstances, when automatic level control cannot be used, manual adjustment of tow
points should be carried out – an operation that requires considerable skill. During such manual adjustment
the following precautions are necessary:
− Adjustable pedestals are set to actual design levels, spaced 5 – 10 metres apart to avoid any sag in the
− Excessive adjustment should be avoided;
− Any adjustment should be conservatively done and in small increments. (Typically a change in tow point
level takes 3 to 6 m to make 70% of the change to the screed level and up to 10 m to effect the full
• The paver should be equipped with a “screed-lock” hydraulic system that prevents the screed from sinking
when a stop is unavoidable. The hydraulic pressure must be checked and set before paving.

(c) Tipping into the paver hopper

In addition the following processes related to asphalt supply to the paver should be followed to achieve an end
product of uniformity and evenness:
• Reversing haul trucks should stop just short of the moving paver and wait with the brakes released. Moving
forward, the paver will smoothly make contact with the truck and push it ahead, i.e. the paver should impart
movement to the truck instead of the truck backing into the paver. Only then must the truck start tipping
into the hopper. When raised, the body of the haul truck should not come into contact with any portion of
the paver;
• As mentioned before, trucks should have a long enough overhang to tip well into the hopper and not spill in
front of the paver. Spillage can compromise final quality in terms of finish and compaction for the following
o The paver has to stop while the spillage is cleared thus affecting the screed level;
o A short length of mat behind the paver will start cooling before being covered by the rollers;
o Asphalt in the paver will start cooling.

When a paver is forced to stop for a short time to await the next truck, it should be stopped as quickly and
smoothly as possible. Enough mix should remain in the paver hopper to retain its heat and a tarpaulin cover
over the hopper will improve heat retention. Alternatively, only the hopper should be completely emptied, while
the auger box is kept full at the same head of asphalt in front of the screed. This is an operation which takes
considerable skill and should be avoided wherever possible.

(d) Selection of rollers

The choice of rollers and rolling techniques will also affect rideability.

Steel-drum rollers should be used as breakdown rollers. PTR’s, if used as breakdown rollers, tend to form tyre
ruts in the fresh asphalt surface that the subsequent rollers may not be able to completely eliminate.

As the rut depth increases with lift thickness, it is less likely that a good finish will be achieved when using PTR’s
on thicker lifts. To assure a good finish, the following precautions should be taken:
• Rollers should not:
− Change lanes on the hot mat;
− be stationary on the hot mat;
− vibrate while stationary;
− start, stop or change direction suddenly.
• Rollers should:
− Stagger and angle stop positions on the hot mat;
− Avoid excessive shoving of the mat.

Achieving adequate compaction is a critically important aspect of the construction of asphalt to ensure
satisfactory performance of the layer.

Compaction is the process of compressing the asphalt material to:

• Provide good interlock of the particles; and
• Reduce air voids to an acceptable level.

Compaction accomplishes two important goals:

1. To develop strength and stability of the layer; and
2. To close the passages through which water and air would otherwise pass.

Good compaction will therefore ensure satisfactory structural performance, durability and protection of
underlying layers against the ingress of water, and prevent the asphalt from oxidative hardening (ageing).

If adequate density is not achieved, the following adverse effects may arise:
• Excessive permeability and oxidation may cause premature ageing, which may lead to premature cracking
or ravelling. This will shorten the service life of the pavement;
• Rutting in the wheel tracks may occur due to further compaction by traffic;
• Insufficient long-term traffic compaction and kneading due to premature ageing which is likely to result in
high permeability and brittle distress.

Note: In South Africa asphalt layers are frequently thin wearing courses, a situation which presents challenges
to achieving a sufficiently impermeable asphalt layer. While permeability is a design criterion, care needs to
be taken during paving and compaction operations to obtain an adequately dense mat. Distress and failures
associated with excessive permeability usually manifests itself after the defects liability period – often 3 or 4
wet seasons later. Hence the process control associated with compaction should focus on the achievement of
an impermeable asphalt layer and diligent testing programmes should be in place to assure that asphalt mixes
are adequately compacted to avert mats with interconnected voids presenting passages for water.


The most commonly used rollers for compaction of asphalt in roads are:
• Steel drum rollers
− Static: 10 – 14 tons.
− Vibratory: 4 – 17tons.
• Pneumatic tyre roller (PTR) - minimum of 10 – 25 tons.

Rolling is carried out in three stages:


This stage takes place immediately behind the paver where the mat temperature is highest. Most of the
compaction is achieved during this stage, e.g. an increase in density from about 84% Maximum Voidless Density
(MVD) behind the screed, to about 91% MVD.


This stage follows directly after breakdown rolling while the mat is still plastic and at a temperature that will
permit further compaction. This stage of compaction should continue until the required compaction is achieved
and the density is increased to the specified requirement e.g. from 91% to 93% MVD and the surface is knitted.


During this final stage irregularities in the surface are smoothed over to remove roller marks with little further
densification of the layer. Final kneading of the surface is achieved.

A paver and typical and compaction train is shown in Figure 35.

Figure 35: Paver and Compaction Train

It is essential to use the correct roller combinations during the various rolling stages.


Rollers with the highest compactive effort are used to reach adequate density rapidly on mats where the
temperature is typically in excess of 135°C for continuously graded asphalt. This is best accomplished by steel
wheel rollers. Three-wheel rollers are at their most effective here. Vibratory rollers have a wider compaction
temperature range than static rollers and achieve density in fewer passes and are therefore also very effective.
PTR’s can achieve the required density, but on a very hot mat may give rise to problems as regards an even


Intermediate rolling should follow breakdown rolling closely, while the mat is still plastic and at a temperature
that will permit further compaction. This phase of rolling should continue until all the asphalt placed has been
thoroughly compacted.

This stage is best accomplished by rollers effective at lower temperatures i.e. generally in the range of 95 - 135°C.
Vibratory and PTR’s are suitable for this stage, the latter being effective at temperatures as low as 70 0C, and
where knitting of the surface is required.

These are general temperature ranges applicable to dense graded mixes and actual values would depend on layer
thickness, mix type, binder type and grade as well as weather conditions.


Heavy steel wheel static or vibratory rollers at very low amplitude vibration are employed to iron out any roller
marks. This stage should be completed before the mat reaches a temperature of about 80°C, although evening
out of the surface may be achieved at temperatures as low as 70°C.


The following roller combinations are recommended for various situations:

(a) Thin continuously graded mats – 25 to 40 mm

Due to rapid heat loss of these thin layers in conjunction with relatively high internal friction, only a short
compaction window is available. The following equipment is recommended:
• Two breakdown rollers plus one PTR;
• Under unfavourable weather conditions an additional intermediate roller can be added due to the very short
compaction window, i.e. two breakdown rollers plus two PTR’s (intermediate rollers). Wider rollers are
preferred to effect more rapid coverage of the mat.

(b) Thick mats – 60 to 100 mm

Heat retention of a thicker layer provides a longer compaction window. Equipment recommended includes:
• One breakdown plus two intermediate rollers;
• Vibratory rollers should have variable amplitude control as it is preferable to commence rolling at high
amplitudes, reducing these as rolling of a section of mat progresses.

(c) Over bridge decks and underground services

A 12 ton static steel wheel roller plus two PTR’s are recommended. (Note: Vibratory rollers should not be used)

(d) UTFC and open-graded mixes

• Steel wheel static rollers or heavy vibratory rollers in static mode;
• The wider the roller the better due to very rapid cooling of these mixes.

(e) When “shoving” is likely

On steep inclines or when paving on old polished surfaces:
• Limit rolling with steel wheel rollers to minimum;
• Pave and roll in uphill direction;
• Increase the use of PTR’s.

To ensure full, uniform coverage of the paved mat it is essential that a regular rolling pattern is adopted. Rollers
vary in width and a particular pattern would not apply to all rollers. For this reason, the best rolling pattern for
each roller being used should be established and followed to obtain the most uniform compaction of the paved

Figure 36 below illustrates a typical rolling pattern, with the roller covering the width of the mat in three lanes.
The sequence is:

• Start at low side of mat – lane 1 – up to paver and back;

• Change direction on cool mat;
• Roll lane 2 up to paver and a bit further than lane 1, and back;

• Change direction on cool mat;
• Roll lane 3, again a bit further than lane 2, and back;
• Start again on lane 1 and repeat.
Each forward pass of the roller should overlap the previous one, generally by 200 mm. Positions where the
direction of rolling is reversed should be staggered to reduce unevenness. Rolling patterns must be systematic,
consistent and disciplined to ensure uniform compaction.


Before carrying out roller compaction, it should be established that:
• A sufficient number of mechanically sound rollers, including stand-by plant, are on site to carry out the
compaction correctly;
• Skilled operators are available;
• Steel wheel rollers are free from backlash when reversing direction;
• No rollers have oil or grease leaks;
• Pneumatic tyres on rollers are inflated to the appropriate pressure; and
• All sprinkler systems, mats and scrapers are in good operating condition.

To avoid surface blemishes and adverse ride quality, the following practices should be adhered to (see
Figure 36):
• Rollers should not turn, change direction or be stationary on the hot mat;
• Rollers should not vibrate while standing still or reversing direction;
• Starts, stops and changes in the direction of rolling (i.e. forward and reverse) should be made evenly;
• To prevent excessive cooling of the mat, rollers should not spray excessive water onto the drums.

In general, rollers should:

• Roll as close to the paver as possible, particularly for thin mats due to the short compaction window;
• Roll as a team with a predetermined rolling pattern.

Source: NAPA Figure 36: Paving Strip Rolling Techniques

When rolling at corners such as are encountered at intersections, sharp turns that may result in tearing of the
mat should be avoided by using multiple passes as illustrated in Figure 37.

Figure 37: Rolling Techniques at Intersections

Steel drum rollers, both static and vibratory types, should normally be operated with the drive drum(s) forward,
i.e. in the direction of paving, especially during break-down rolling. This will ensure that the material is tucked
under the drive drum by the turning force before it is compacted and not shoved into a bow-wave by the steering
drum (see Figure 38).

Figure 38: Pushing and Tucking Resulting from Direction of Rolling

There are exceptions to this practice which normally occur on steep grades or cross falls where the drive drum
of the roller could “chatter” on the mat, causing displacement of the mat and an uneven surface. With the
steering drum forward, partial compaction of the asphalt will be achieved before the heavier drive drum passes
over it.


As poorly constructed and compacted joints lead to a reduction in both riding quality and pavement
performance, their construction needs special attention. It is estimated that as much as 50% of pavement
defects can be ascribed to joint and other low-density zones.

Based on research as well as the findings of experienced practicing engineers, the following basic principles for
longitudinal joint construction are proposed:
• Cracking and ravelling, the two main distress conditions at joints, are caused by relative low density and or
surface irregularities at the joints. Field densities of at least 91% MVD are required at joints; permeability
(Marvil test) of less than 5 /h is preferable;

• Joints falling within wheel tracks should ideally be constructed as hot, echelon-paved joints whenever
feasible. If this is not possible or economically justifiable, paver widths that will ensure the joints are located
at positions where the potential for traffic damage is minimised need to be employed, or such joints should
receive special joint sealing treatment;
• A low-density zone along the unconfined edge(s) of the mat, caused by “squeeze-out” during rolling,
generally extends from 75 mm for thin mats to up to 400 mm from the edge for very thick mats e.g.100 mm
thick. (Squeeze-out depends on layer thicknesses, mix stiffness, base roughness, roller action etc.);
• The permeability in this low-density zone, especially on the vertical interface, can be 10 times higher than
on the layer itself (Marvil permeabilities of 30 /h to 250 /h are typically measured on untreated joints).
Also, density along this unconfined edge can be in the order of 5% lower than the rest of the mat;
• In contrast, the density along the confined edge of a well-constructed mat can be in the order of 2% higher
than the rest of the mat;
• A rolling technique to reduce the “squeeze-out” of the unconfined edge is:
− The edge of the first roller pass should be 100 – 150mm away from the edge, leaving an unrolled slight
ridge along the edge;
− The reverse pass takes place over the ridge during which the roller is supported by the partially
compacted material, thereby reducing “squeeze-out”.
• Treatment of joints to achieve a well-sealed, dense and bonded interface must include the removal of the
uncompacted cold-side edge, special compaction of the hot-side edge and sealing of the interface using
suitable raking techniques and / or sealing additives;
• Successive asphalt layers require stepped longitudinal edges and thus straddled joints with at least 150 mm
offsets to ensure discontinuous joints and to reduce water infiltration.


Note: This section does not apply to open-graded or UTFC mixes
If paving more than one layer against existing asphalt, the longitudinal joints of the top and bottom layers shall
be offset by 150 mm. This will improve compaction by creating a lip for the roller operator to properly compact
into the bottom corner, as well as lengthening the water path.

For winter paving, heaters can be attached to the edge of the paver to heat the joint and prevent excessive
cooling down of the new layer.

Longitudinal joints are formed between adjacent paving lanes and are zones where, because of lack of edge
support and more rapid cooling, the joint face of the first lane may be insufficiently compacted.

Longitudinal joints can be classified as either hot joints or cold joints.

Hot joints occur where pavers operate close together in echelon. The lane paved first does not cool significantly
before placement of the second lane adjacent to it and the joint gets compacted only after placing of the second
lane. Consequently the edge of the first lane does not require any special treatment.

Cold joints occur where the first lane has cooled significantly (e.g. to below 80°C) and was compacted and
finished before paving of the adjacent lane. Where this mat will be exposed to traffic the edge should be rolled
with a pneumatic roller to ensure compaction and traffic safety. Thicker layers should not be rolled-over without
edge restraint (e.g. timber boards) due to the detrimental effect of the lateral squeezing-out of the mix on mat

The joint face of cold joints (the first lane side) requires special treatment to remove under-compacted and
rounded-off material, and to produce a stable, interlocking face. A roller-mounted cutting wheel as shown in
Figure 39, which leaves a sloping or vertical face, is recommended for this purpose. After cutting, the trimmings
should be removed and a thick (1 l/m2 net) bond coat of bitumen emulsion (preferably filler-enriched) should
be applied to the face.

Proprietary bitumen-impregnated tapes can provide a rich bitumen coating to seal the joint. This is particularly
effective in winter and should be seriously considered when paving at temperatures below 15ºC. However, if
used they should be firmly attached to the edges of the layer to be paved against using a staple-gun and they
must be constantly checked to ensure that they haven’t become dislodged during the paving, especially by truck
wheels being driven over them. This type of tape is not readily available and will need to be ordered.

Figure 39: Roller Mounted Cutter

In paving the subsequent lane, the paver should be operated to overlap the adjacent rolled mat by 25 to 50 mm
(See Figure 40A).

The overlapping material should be pushed back or bumped using the flat edge of a rake, leaving a bump as
shown in Figure 40B. It may be necessary to adjust the overlap to achieve a smooth, properly constructed joint.
Rolling should proceed immediately after the joint has been formed.

Figure 40: Options for Rolling Longitudinal Joints

One accepted method of compaction is for the roller to be placed on the first lane overlapping the second lane
by 150 mm as shown in Figure 41A. The roller position is gradually shifted transversely until a thoroughly
compacted, neat joint is obtained. Steel static rollers suit this rolling method.

Alternatively, rolling may start on the second lane (as shown in Figure 41B) with the roll edge some 100 mm
from the joint and moved transversely towards it, pinching the material on to the joint. Vibrating rollers suit this

Figure 41: Two examples of Initial Rolling of Longitudinal Joints

The reader is referred to Figure 42.

Mark out the section to be milled and paved - 150 mm wider than the final lane width.

Stage 1
Mill down to half of the pavement depth and to the marked width, being 150 outside the final width. The
selected milling depth must consider the maximum and minimum permissible paving thicknesses for the EME
type to be paved back.

Stage 2
Mill down to the full depth of the layer, but 150 mm in from the first cut.

Stage 3
Pave back bottom layer and allow the rollers to ride on the available lip and performing the “pinch” method to
ensure full compaction into the corner.

Stage 4
Pave back top layer to the full milled width, also using the “pinch” method to achieve compaction into the

Stage 5
Mill down to half of the pavement depth, 150 mm the other side of the final width. This will entail milling out
300 mm of the newly paved top layer.

Stage 6
Mill down to the full depth of the layer, ensuring that the newly paved asphalt on the adjacent lane is exposed
and that no old asphalt is left in place.

Stage 7
Pave back the bottom layer in the same manner as was carried out on the adjacent lane.

Stage 8
Pave back the top layer in the same manner as was carried out on the adjacent lane.

Figure 42: Milling and Paving Sequence


A characteristic of these mixes is to allow water to flow into and through them horizontally and longitudinal
joints should in no way prevent this. Therefore:
• The unconfined edge should never be cut back as this tends to close up the face;
• No tack should be applied to the cold mat edge;
• The hot mat should be paved to butt against the cold mat, and should not overlap it.

A transverse joint is formed at a point where work is resumed after a stoppage or at the end of the day’s work.
The techniques used at the “night” joint position differ depending on traffic requirements and the type of

Since a poorly constructed transverse joint will cause a noticeable bump and/or durability problems, particular
care should be taken to ensure a smooth riding surface.

Achieving good compaction in the joint area can be difficult and special care should be taken by:
• Frstly, cutting back the cold mat sufficiently to remove all poorly compacted and uneven areas;
• Secondly, using good rolling techniques when compacting the new joint.

It is sometimes suggested that transverse joints be constructed at an angle to reduce the possibility of creating
a bump for passing traffic.

As the end of the screed is at right angles to the direction of paving it is suggested that a slight angle of up to 15
degrees can be accommodated. Angles of the order of say 30 degrees will require extensive hand-work to fill a
wedge not reached by the paver. This is most undesirable as it will compromise rideability and possibly

Note: To ensure a uniform thickness of mat at a transverse joint it is important for the paver to continue in
the normal fashion right up to the point where the joint is to be formed. This implies that the head of material
in front of the screed remains at a consistent level up to the location of the joint to ensure that the forces
acting on the screed remain in equilibrium with a constant angle of attack.

The paver should not be allowed to run empty when a transverse joint is to be formed (often done to limit the
amount of asphalt for disposal).

Four situations at transverse joints are described:

• Finishing against an existing mat;
• Finishing on the substrate with a tapered joint;
• Preparation of the joint before resuming paving;
• Resuming paving at a prepared transverse joint.


Paving up to the existing prepared joint should be done as follows:

• Approach the joint at the normal paver speed;
• Don’t allow the auger box head to drop ahead of the screed as it approaches the joint;
• Switch off the level sensors as the paver starts climbing onto the existing mat;
• Stop the paver as the screed reaches the joint;
• Raise the screed, move the paver away, and remove excess asphalt;
• Check with a straight edge and correct the levels where necessary;
• Roll and complete the joint as discussed below.


Where it is required that traffic will traverse the position of the joint, a temporary taper should be constructed.
The length of taper is usually dependent on traffic speed and volume. Nevertheless, the paving routine for the
last load of the day is the same:
• Normal paving speed should be maintained with no slowing down;
• Stop the paver when the hopper is empty but the auger box still has a full head of material in it (If the auger
box is allowed to empty, the screed will drop and affect the thickness and riding quality at the joint);
• The screed is raised and the paver is moved away;
• This leaves excess material at the joint position that is used to form the taper.

There are two methods of constructing such a joint:

Method 1
The material ahead of the marked joint position is temporarily pushed away in a longitudinal direction and a
vertical edge is formed on the face of the mat. To facilitate removal of the taper before paving continues, treated
release paper or similar material to which asphalt will not adhere is placed ahead of the joint directly on the face
of the mat and on the existing pavement surface. (See Figure 43A)

Before subsequent paving starts the loose material is simply removed to the prepared face and a bond coat of
bitumen emulsion applied to the face.

Method 2
After the paver has moved away surplus material is formed into a ramp and compaction proceeds as shown in
Figure 43B. Before subsequent paving starts, a saw cut is made into material of uniform thickness near the
screed position to leave only a fully compacted mat with a true surface. The material ahead of the cut is then
removed and a bond coat of bitumen emulsion applied to the face.

Figure 43: Transverse Joint using a Paper Interlayer (A) and with Sawn Vertical Face (B)


The joint should be prepared as follows (illustrated in the figure below):

• Remove the temporary taper;

• Check the area of mat just behind the proposed joint position with a straight edge, for any unevenness in
the surface that could cause rideability problems;
• Also visually check the same area for poor surface finish and possible poor compaction;
• If there are any doubtful areas, move the joint position back to remove these areas and mark the new
position on the mat;
• Cut the mat back to the (new) joint position;
• The removal of the taper and the possible cutting back of the mat may result in some hollows and roughness
in the surface of the underlying layer. These must be levelled with asphalt and compacted before paving
restarts to avoid any differential compaction that could later affect rideability;
• Tack the base area where needed;
• Tack the edge of the joint to assist sealing.

Care must be taken to ensure that there is proper compaction right into the bottom corner of the transverse
joints when in a box. Milling back into the new work gives a compactable curved face at the bottom. The top
shall be cut vertically to 3 times the maximum stone size, to prevent feathering. The steps are shown on the
adjacent sketches.

If space does not allow for the use of a milling machine, the joint must be cut while the mix is still fresh, since
the alternatives would be to cut it with a diamond saw and use a jackhammer which is not recommended.

Figure 44: Joint Preparation Prior to Paving


• Lower the screed onto the correct size starter blocks to suit the loose thickness of the mat;
• Set the tow points to suit the mat thickness;
• Carry out all the correct starting procedures and pull away;
• Stop the paver after about 10m to attend to the joint. (Although this is start/stop paving, it is necessary to
get the joint right before continuing);
• Check and prepare the joint for rolling by;
− Removing excess material off the old mat; and
− Checking the level of the hot mat across the joint with a straightedge.
− During this operation handwork should be kept to a minimum and any repairs should be carried out
• Rolling
− Start rolling transversely across the mat with just a small overlap (100mm) across the joint onto the hot

− Where there is no adjacent mat for the roller to move onto, use boards against the edge of the mat
(see Figure 45);
− Increase the overlap with each pass until the full drum width is on the hot mat;
− During this rolling, continually check the joint with a straightedge, especially in the wheel tracks, and
repair where necessary;
• When the joint is satisfactory, re-start paving and revert to normal longitudinal rolling.

Figure 45: Edge Protection when Rolling Transverse Joint

The outside (exposed) edges of the mat should be rolled concurrently with the longitudinal joints. In rolling
edges, roller wheels are extended 50 mm to 100 mm beyond the mat edge. A combination of edge raking to
produce a 1:4 gradient, and rounding-off rolling using a PTR, is recommended to ensure a safe, neat, uniformly
shaped finished layer edge. Tie-in milling in combination with the above rolling is needed where new overlays
need to be tied-in flush with existing kerb, channel or concrete edging restraints.



The mat behind the paver should be frequently examined for uniformity, i.e. there should be no areas of evident
excess or deficiency of binder or segregation of aggregates. Unsatisfactory material in affected areas should be
removed to the full depth of the layer and replaced with new asphalt - even after compaction should deficiencies
only become evident at that stage.


The importance achieving acceptable surface tolerances and evenness for acceptable riding quality on modern
high-speed roads cannot be over-emphasised. Measured in terms of the International Roughness Index (IRI)
algorithm over, say, an average of 100 m moving area, average IRI measurements of less than 2, and preferable
below 1.4, should be aimed at. The use of three-level averaging beams (or beams with spring mounted type ski-
feet) and various other methods are essential for riding quality improvement of asphalt layers. Also, correct
paving procedures are essential to achieving good riding quality.

Various types of profile measuring equipment e.g. the ARRB walk-behind profilometer, laser meters, and ARAN
are generally used. Any irregularities, based on the mean or other statistical measures – e.g. maximum or 90th

percentile worst value, measured over a fixed or moving length (say 100 m) that varies more than the specified
tolerance for each layer - should be corrected before the next layer is placed.

In the lower courses, these can usually be corrected by removal; by milling to the correct level- or by placing
levelling layers of material. In the final layer, however, the entire affected area should be removed promptly and
sufficient new material placed to form a true and even surface. If the required evenness is obtained in the first
course of asphalt laid, the subsequent courses can usually be placed uniformly by simply setting the paver for
the thickness desired. It is however preferable on high profile projects to enhance the riding quality of the
finished pavement by employing full averaging beams both sides of the paver where possible.


Various factors need to be taken into account to establish an appropriate time for a newly laid layer to “set-up”
before being exposed to traffic loading. These are:
• Ambient temperatures;
• Type and volume of traffic;
• Layer properties, i.e. mix type and thickness;
• Grade and type of binder.

Typically, a one-hour to eight-hour period may be required to allow the layer to have sufficient bearing capacity
without undue deformation. Thicker asphalt base layers require a longer time.



While the three-wheel type is most commonly used, tandem rollers are also available. Characteristically the
three-wheel type has two large, heavy rear drive wheels that can be ballasted with water for extra weight and
pressure, and a single small, lighter tiller wheel at the front, which is usually not ballasted.

Compaction with static steel drum rollers is achieved through top-down, high surface pressures causing the
consolidation of asphalt particles into a tightly knit configuration. This action requires good lubrication, thus
these rollers are most effective where the mat is at its hottest i.e. normally in the breakdown zone. Thus they
are normally used as breakdown rollers

Rolling speeds are typically 4 - 8 km/hr. Steel drum rollers should normally be operated with the drive drums
forward, i.e. in the direction of paving. This will ensure that the material is tucked under the drive drum by the
turning force before it is compacted and not shoved into a bow-wave by the steering drum.


Typically, vibratory rollers for road construction weigh between 4 and 17 tons, with the loading usually equally
distributed between two tandem drums. Vibration can be set on either or both drums. Both drums are drive

Vibratory rollers are versatile in their application provided that the amplitude and frequency are adjustable and
appropriate settings selected in conjunction with the speed of rolling.

Vibratory rollers impart a rapid succession of impacts on the surface, which gives rise to pressure waves that
reduce the internal friction of the material and set the particles in motion to be rearranged into a denser

Factors affecting the compactive action of vibratory rollers are (see Figure 46):
• Linear drum loading;
• Amplitude and frequency of vibration; and
• Rolling speed.

Figure 46: Compactive Action of Vibratory Rollers

The higher the drum loading, the greater is the compactive effort during vibration. Drum loadings vary from
about 40 kg/cm for the very heavy rollers down to 15 kg/cm for the 4 ton rollers.

These rollers compact effectively when used in vibratory mode, and should not be used in static mode for the
purpose of increasing density.

Vibrating rollers generally achieve density in fewer passes than do static rollers of similar size.

The rolling speed of vibratory rollers determines the spacing of impacts on the mat. For optimum spacing, the
speed for a roller that vibrates at 3 000 cycles per second would be in the order of 5 km/hr. For wearing course
asphalt low amplitude vibrations, typically 0.3 to 0.4 mm, is appropriate. For thick asphalt bases, rolling can start
at higher amplitudes e.g. 0.7 to 0.8 mm, and as density increases, reduced to the lower amplitude.

Advanced operator skills are required for vibratory rollers. To provide versatility, most vibratory rollers require
that the operator coordinate the frequency, amplitude and speed to produce an acceptable surface and density.
Also, the vibrations must be cut off prior to stopping or reversing directions. All modern rollers have this facility.
Failure to observe the cut-off precautions will produce a very poor surface.


Oscillatory rollers are a particular type of vibratory rollers which allow the plane of vibration to be varied from
the vertical to the horizontal, or any angle between the two. The mechanism by which compaction is achieved

is therefore adjustable between pure vertical impact and horizontal manipulation, and appears to allow for
greater movement and orientation of aggregates. Some of the benefits of oscillatory rollers include the
• Fewer passes may be required – this should be confirmed by trial sections.
• Less likelihood of over-compaction or aggregate crushing.
• Dynamic compaction even in vibration-sensitive areas such as bridge decks.
• Some systems are self-regulating and require no adjustments.
• Environment-friendly thanks to lower noise levels and reduced vibration energy.


Pneumatic tyre rollers range from 10 to 25 ton in mass and are capable of increasing density at lower mat
temperatures than steel drum rollers. The rear tyres of PTR’s are offset from the front ones to ensure complete
coverage of the mat in a pass. The wheel loadings are usually the same on all wheels, these being 200mm wide
for 10 – 14 rollers with heavier ones having 300mm wide tyres.

Compaction with PTR’s is achieved through manipulation and kneading of the mat, causing consolidation. The
confining action of adjacent tyres limits lateral movement during rolling, making these roller types less likely to
shove the mat than steel drum rollers. This makes PTRs preferable for tender mixes to avoid shoving.

Also, PTR’s provide a more uniform degree of compaction by compacting areas bridged by steel drum rollers,
and also offer a kneading action that tends to close up the surface and provide a tighter finish.

The compaction effort is determined by three factors:

• Load per wheel.
• Ground contact pressure which is determined by:
− Tyre pressure;
− Tyre contact area; and
• Roller speed.

If the load is kept constant and tyre pressure is increased, the tyre contact area is reduced and the contact
pressure increased.

The correct rolling speed is 4 to 5.5 km/hr to ensure that the kneading action effectively increases the density of
the mat.

PTR’s should preferably not to be used for breakdown rolling or at mat temperatures in excess of 110°C due to:
• The tyre ruts possible causing final rideability problems;
• Unsightly blemishes on the surface due to “pick-up”.

PTRs are effective down to about 700 or 600C, depending on the mix type. To prevent pick-up by the pneumatic
tyres on hot mats it is good practice to warm up the tyres before covering a fresh mat, and to use a release agent
on the tyres.

As guidance, Table 3 below gives recommended roller patterns and estimated production rates for mixes, in
terms of their compactability characteristics i.e. tender, average and harsh.

Table 3 Recommended Roller Patterns and Production Rate

Recommended rolling effort#

Compactability of mix
25 mm thick 40 mm thick >60 mm thick
2 Roller Team 2 Roller Team 2 Roller Team
Tender mix
60 tons/h max 100 tons/h max 120 tons/h max
3 Roller Team 3 Roller Team 2 to 3* Roller Team
Average mix
60 tons/h max 80 tons/h max 120 tons/h max
N/A 3 to 4 Roller Team 2 to 3Roller Team*
Harsh mix
N/A 60 tons/h max 100 tons/h max

At appropriate mat temperature; excluding adverse conditions where increased effort will be essential

* Three rollers maybe necessary up to 90 mm thickness; for two rollers reduce production slightly.


Most specifications restrict paving to “favourable weather conditions” and do not deal comprehensively with all
the complexities associated with the laying of hot mix asphalt in adverse weather conditions such as:

• Rain, wind and low temperatures in winter rainfall areas.

• Thunderstorms and low winter temperatures in summer rain fall areas.

In the light of the above, Sabita Manual 22: Hot Mix Paving in Adverse Weather was developed to set out
guidelines to assist site staff involved in the paving of asphalt as well as asphalt suppliers to deal with this issue.
Users of this manual are encouraged to acquaint themselves with the content of Manual 22 in the interests of
efficiency, decreasing wasteful practice, and reducing risk.


To deal with risks of achieving adequate compaction when faced with rapid cooling (in association with wet base
and trapped water), Manual 22 provides information and recommendations on:
• Good paving practices
• Risks involved
• Limiting conditions for paving
• Precautions required


Loss of heat from the asphalt mat through the effects of wind, water and low ambient temperatures causes the
available paving and compaction time window to shrink. Additionally, where low temperatures are associated
with weaknesses introduced by moisture in a granular base adequate compaction of the asphalt is difficult to
achieve. Also, trapped water in the asphalt can cause a loss in durability or stripping of the bitumen from the
aggregate, leading to premature distress.

Manual 22 sets out a number of factors affecting the cooling of asphalt and means of reducing exposure to risk:
• Mixing and transport
• Site conditions
• Layer / mat thickness
• Wind speed
• Trapped water
• Granular base moisture
An illustrative example of the combined effects of mat thickness, base temperature delivery temperature and
wind speed is shown in Figure 47. Air temperature = base temperature, wind speed = 18 km/hr)

Figure 47: Time for Mat to Cool to 80°C

Source: NCHRP: Synthesis of Highway Practice 152

A single factor possibly not always taken into account with sufficient gravity is wind speed and its effect on the
duration of the compaction window. Figure 48 illustrates the significant effect of wind speed on the reduction of
the compaction window. What is described as a strong breeze (25 – 32 km speed, in which large branches sway)
can reduce the time available to achieve sufficient compaction by no less than 30%.

Figure 48: Effect of Wind Speed on Compaction Time
Source: National Asphalt Pavement Association

An example of recommended minimum base and air temperatures in relation to wind speed is shown in Table 4.

Table 4: Recommended Min Base and Air Temperatures in Relation to Wind Speed

Mat thickness (mm) 25 40 - 60 > 60

Wind speed (km/hr)
Base temperature (°C) 18 10 4

0 - 10 15 10 4
Air temperature (°C)
> 10 18 13 10


Practical recommendations to deal with risk associated with inclement weather conditions are given in Manual
22. It is not the intention here to cover these matters in detail; rather it is recommended that the reader
familiarises him/herself with the recommendations:

Ground rules
• Working in adverse weather conditions requires close cooperation, good planning and a well organised site
team to ensure that quality standards are maintained.
• Prime, bond coat, bitumen and mixing temperatures.
• The bond coat should be applied before the rain. If it is not applied and “broken” before any rain, paving
should be postponed. Limitations on dynamic viscosity of the binder and, as a result, suitable mixing
temperatures are also suggested.
• Managing the effects of rain on granular bases.
• Moisture in the base layer should be less than 50% OMC before priming or paving commences.
• Minimum base and air temperatures (in relation to wind strength).
• Recommended minimum base and air temperatures are given for prevailing wind strength.

• Minimum lay-down temperatures.
• Guidance is given on minimum delivery temperatures and mat temperatures before rolling.
• Transporting the hot asphalt.
• Good communication between the paving contractor and the asphalt supplier should be maintained at all
times so that allowance can be made for supply interruptions.
• Compaction management.
• Consider narrower paving widths for more rapid roller coverage with due consideration of the location of
longitudinal joints in relation to wheel tracks.
• Procedures for paving when caught in rainy conditions.
• A number of emergency measures are suggested, including reducing water on roller drums to a minimum.
• Factors to be considered when assessing overall risk:
− Type and amount of rain
− Mat thickness, wind speed and base temperature
− Base condition and sensitivity to water
− Prevailing temperatures
− Asphalt delivery temperatures
− Level of supervision

Risk assessment
Four levels of risk are identified in Manual 22 together with precautions to be adopted:
• Nil (N) – still employ good paving practice.
• Low (L) – precautionary measures need to be taken.
• Medium (M) – avoid paving unless absolutely necessary.
• High (H) – paving should not take place.

A matrix of assessing risk levels are given in Manual 22 in cases where paving takes place on:
• Water resistant substrates (e.g. asphalt, cementitious layers); or
• Layers susceptible to moisture damage (unstabilised, granular).

An example of determining levels of risk when paving on granular layers is given in Table 5.

Table 5: Risk Assessment Paving on Granular Substrate

Mat thickness (mm) 25 40 60

Wind speed Wind speed Wind speed

Weather conditions
> 10 > 10 > 10
Nil Nil Nil
km/hr km/hr km/hr

Air temp: > 24°C

Drizzle L M L L L L
Light rain M H L M L L
Moderate rain H H M H M M

Air temp: 18 – 23°C

Drizzle M H L M L L
Light rain H H M H L M
Moderate rain H H H H M H

Air temp: <18°C

Drizzle H H M H L M
Light rain H H H H M H
Moderate rain H H H H H H

Mix compactability
The compactability characteristics of a mix, ranging from “tender” to “harsh” would also influence the
compaction window. The adverse effect thereof for a set of inclement weather conditions is illustrated in Table

Table 6: Compaction Windows under Adverse Conditions

Compaction window (time) for various layer types#

Compactibility of mix
40 mm thick 30 mm thick 20 - 25 mm thick

Tender mix 20 min 13 min 9 min

Average mix 15 min 10 min 7 min

Harsh mix 10 min N/A N/A

Note # At air temperatures of approx. 10°C, wind speed of approx. 10 km/h, road surface temperatures of 5 –

In the broadest sense quality can be described as the extent to which something is fit for its purpose. More
specifically, product quality is defined as conformance with requirements, freedom from defects and the sum
of its characteristics reflecting its ability to satisfy stated or implied performance requirements.

Quality assurance entails all those planned and systematic actions necessary to provide confidence that a
product will perform satisfactorily in service. It deals with the overarching issue of procurement by the most
efficient, economical and satisfactory means available, and involves the continued evaluation of the activities of
planning, design, development of plans and specifications, advertising and awarding of contracts, construction
procedures and processes and the various interactions of these activities.

The principles of formal quality assurance can be applied with considerable benefit to the manufacture of
asphalt. It is therefore recommended that the manufacturer has a quality assurance system in place in
accordance with ISO 9000 and meeting the requirements of ISO 9001. In the South African context the
Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) is the industry regulator responsible for public sector
construction. Any contractors operating in the public sector must be registered in terms of the Construction
Industry Development Board Act (Act No. 38 of 2000). The CIDB also administer the Construction Management
System SANS 1393 standard, which is based on, and forms an acceptable alternative to, the ISO 9000 approach.
Seven quality management principles form the basis of ISO 9000, being:
• QMP 1 – Customer focus
• QMP 2 – Leadership
• QMP 3 – Engagement of people
• QMP 4 – Process approach
• QMP 5 – Improvement
• QMP 6 – Evidence-based decision making
• QMP 7 – Relationship management

It is generally accepted that the term quality assurance encompasses three elements:
• process control
• acceptance control
• independent assurance

Generally accepted definitions of these elements are given below.

Process control comprises those actions and considerations necessary to assess production and construction
processes in order to control the level of quality of the end product. It includes sampling and testing to monitor
the process, but usually does not include acceptance sampling and testing. Process control is the express
responsibility of the asphalt producer / contractor, and its purpose is to ensure confidence in the processes

Sampling, testing and the assessment of test results to determine whether or not the quality of the constructed
product is acceptable in terms of the specifications. Acceptance control is normally the responsibility of the

employer, his agent or the contractor, or it may even be a shared responsibility. Financial obligations flow from
the acceptance control process in terms of payment for work performed to an acceptable standard.

A management tool that requires a third party, not directly responsible for process or acceptance control, to
provide an independent assessment of the product and/or the reliability of test results obtained during process
and acceptance control. The results of independent assurance tests are not used as a basis for product

Process control is closely associated with QA procedures during manufacture and construction This aspect is
amplified below.

As part of a process control procedure it is essential that the manufacturer ensures that the raw materials used
in the manufacture of asphalt i.e. bituminous binders, aggregates and filler, comply with his stated requirements
in supply agreements, and do not differ significantly in quality from those materials used in project designs.
Having assurance that the raw materials comply with his requirements, the manufacturer must then take the
necessary steps to measure and record the composition of the mix being manufactured to ensure that the
proportions of component material fall within targeted ranges determined during the project mix design stage.


Design objectives are the main considerations when selecting aggregates for a project mix formula. The initial
selection of aggregates to be used is based on test data supplied by the source before delivery to the plant
stockpiles. The general characteristics and physical properties of aggregates for asphalt are defined in various
specifications, although some clients may have their own standards. The raw aggregates should come from
sources approved by the employers (or their agents) and should be tested for compliance with designated
quality standards.

A critical element of this process is the regular monitoring of aggregate stockpiles to ensure that materials being
mixed are representative of those used in the project mix design. If at any time it is evident that this condition
is not being met, a new design based on materials currently available should be submitted


General considerations for quality assurance of bituminous binders throughout the supply chain are presented
in Sabita manual 25: Code of Practice: Transportation, off-loading and storage of bitumen and bituminous
products, with some aspects of the sampling and testing as well as safety precautions dealt with in section 1.5.1
of the document.

It is also advisable that the viscosity temperature relationships are affirmed from time to time to ensure that
appropriate mixing and lay down temperatures are being maintained.


Sabita Manual 35 sets out the procedures to be followed to run plant mix trials as well as compliance limits for
key components of the mix composition.

On completion of plant mix trials, plant control of asphalt mixtures covers a series of interrelated elements. The
basic elements that require process control testing are:
• Mix design:
− Selection of binder, aggregate and compositional design;

− Selection of aggregates;
− Selection of a mixing temperature and lab compaction temperatures.

• Day-to-day plant control and tests:

− Stockpile and cold-feed aggregate quality;
− Hot-bin gradations (for batch plants);
− Cold-feed proportioning adjustments;
− Hot-bin weight adjustments (for batch plants);
− Binder content tests;
− Gradation of aggregate in mix;
− Adjustments of mixing time and temperature;
− Preparation of laboratory specimens for the relevant testing of compositional or strength parameters.

Field Control of Placement

Process control during placing and compaction should focus on pre-empting the laying of defective product and
enabling corrective action to be taken. It is recommended that a paving trial section of sufficient scope to be
representative of the processes which will be undertaken, during which a modus operandi can be established
that will ensure the construction of a properly compacted layer to the required finish. The construction and
monitoring processes required for this phase of construction is dealt with in A1.2 PRODUCTION MIX
DESIGN AND APPROVAL PROCESS above as well as Sabita Manual 35.

It is considered sound practice for the contractor to address the following controls, which will entail the keeping
of detailed records, during construction:
• Application of a bond coat;
• Adequate rate of delivery of asphalt to the paver;
• Paver speed and paver adjustments;
• Level and thickness of the mat;
• Weather conditions as they affect achievement of compaction, roller types, rolling patterns, coverage and
• Control of yield thickness of layer(s) and pavement evenness.

To assist practitioners in assuring the quality of the laid asphalt as well as to identify and pre-empt defective
product, a comprehensive troubleshooting guide for asphalt paving is presented in APPENDIX 2. The reader
would be well advised to familiarise himself with this content, as, not only is valuable guidance given in avoiding
many pitfalls, corrective and pre-emptive actions are also presented.


On most contracts specifications call for end-result assessment of quality which incorporates Process Control
and Acceptance Control procedures. To limit bias, the system requires the implementation of random sampling
plans to procure samples. The guiding principle of such schemes is to incentivise the contractor to produce a
quality product, complying with the specified product standards, including required compaction levels and

In cases where marginal material or finished product deviations are encountered, protocols for reassessment or
corrective action exist which may lead to conditional acceptance in conjunction with reduced payment offered
to the contractor.

Two types of risks are associated with the judgement of compliance schemes: the contractor’s risk and the
employer’s risk. The contractor’s risk is the probability of rejection of a lot of material while it is acceptable –
termed α-risk. The employer’s risk is the probability of accepting a lot when the lot is unacceptable – termed β-
risk. Typically a contractor who has been assigned to carry out a project should not run an unduly high risk of
wrongful rejection; consequently his risk should be consistently low, say 5%. On the other hand the employer
may have to be prepared to run a higher risk of wrongful acceptance, which will vary considerably, depending
on the number of samples assessed to establish compliance.

An important question is: how large should a sample be in any specific situation? If a sample is used which is
larger than necessary, resources are wasted; if the sample is smaller than required, the risk of wrongful decisions
may be increased and the objectives of the analysis not be achieved.

With the use of conventional probability theory these risks can be quantified and built into the judgement of
compliance procedures.

Consistency and representativity of sampling methods, as well as the accuracy and repeatability of testing
procedures, should be considered in any approved quality plan in relation to the risk of an element of
construction not complying with a specification.

Another important practical consideration in the selection of a sampling plan is cost. This problem is largely
economic in nature; ultimately the cost of sampling should be weighed against the potential losses or damages
of wrongful acceptance of a defective lot.

Figure 49 illustrates the effect of sample (or lot) size on the risk of wrongful acceptance of defective product. In
this example a statistical acceptance plan for compaction based, typically, on an acceptable percentage of
defectives of 10% (below an arbitrary 95% minimum compaction requirement) with a fixed α-risk of 5 % to the
producer. For a sample size of 3, the client would be faced with a β-risk (of accepting defective material) of
72.2%, which is very high. When the sample size is increased to 8, the β risk is reduced to only 6.4% which is
quite acceptable. Thus the principle of “safety in numbers” should be given due consideration in developing
sampling plans.

Figure 49: Comparative Risks of Producer and Client


To assist with quality assurance, the above should be comprehended in a quality control plan (QCP) for a specific
contract with the intent to monitor and improve construction quality.

The QCP should address the elements of key quality control personnel, their responsibilities and their
qualifications as well as procedures to be used in order to control quality during construction.


Ensuring a continuous supply of asphalt to the construction site

Truck logistics, paving and compaction are all interconnected and interdependent processes and should be
coordinated to ensure a high-quality asphalt pavement. The highest quality pavements are produced when
uniform, continuous operations are present during the construction process.

For instance, no advantage is gained from the paver speeds that extend plant production rates beyond the
reasonable capacity to ensure quality. Such situations would result in frequent stops of the paver to wait for
arriving trucks at the construction site. If this waiting is too long (e.g. a few minutes on a cool day), the evenness
of the paved layer will be negatively affected. It should be borne in mind that the mix will be cooling off during
paver stop and so will the paver hopper. A long paver stop will result in temperature differences between cooled
off mix and fresh, hotter mix. These temperature differentials may result in density differentials and ultimately,
affect the riding quality of the paved layer.

It is therefore critical that plant production and paving operations be closely coordinated to ensure that the
paver train is continuously supplied with enough asphalt and, equally important, the trucks should not have to
wait to discharge the asphalt into the paver hopper. From a productivity perspective the number of trucks used
in the asphalt paving cycle is critical to ensure continuous supply. Achievement of this situation will result in
efficient and continuous asphalt paving operations and superior quality of the constructed layer, with a
consequent reduction unnecessary construction joints, inconsistent material density and low pavement

The amount of asphalt to be delivered in a period is a function of the number of trucks, their capacities and the
cycle times of the trucks. More importantly, the delivery productivity is determined solely by the cycle times of
the trucks since the truck capacities are more or less fixed. However, when the cycle times change, the rate of
material delivery changes and this mostly affects paving and compaction operations in a negative manner with
a resultant drop in overall asphalt quality.

To ensure that the paver does not stop during construction for lack of supply, the supplier and contractor an
estimate should be made of the number of trucks required in the asphalt paving cycle. The number of trucks
needed in the cycle from asphalt plant to construction site can easily be determined using basic fleet demand
calculations. These calculations give the supplier and contractor an estimate of the minimum number of trucks
that should be used for a particular project site, given the target production for the day, the number of working
hours, the distance between plant and site and an approximation of waiting and loading times. However, the
method does not consider the stochastic effect inherent in construction e.g. the effect of traffic on the travel
and cycle times.

Fleet-Demand Principles
The cycle time between asphalt plant and the construction site can be calculated as a function of the distance
plant - site, and the average waiting and loading times.
𝐶𝑦𝑐𝑙𝑒 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 = 2𝐿 𝑆
+ [𝑊𝑝 + 𝐿𝑝 + 𝑊𝑠 + 𝑈𝑠 ]


L = distance between plant and site

S = average speed between plant and site

Wp = waiting time at the plant

Lp = loading time at the plant

Ws = waiting time at the site

Us = unloading time at the site

The number of trucks needed can be calculated as a function of the vehicle capacity and the quantity of material
to be transported per hour. Given the target production for the day and the number of working hours in the
day, the minimum headway for truck arrivals on the site and the minimum number of trucks required can be

𝐻𝑚 =


Hm = Minimum headway between truck arrivals

C = average truck capacity

D = quantity of asphalt to be transported per hour

The number of trucks can then be calculated using the formula:

2𝐿𝐷 𝐷(𝑊𝑝 + 𝐿𝑝 )(𝑊𝑠 + 𝑈𝑠 )

𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑐𝑘𝑠 𝑛𝑒𝑒𝑑𝑒𝑑 = [ ]+[ ]
𝑆𝐶 60𝐶

The above formulae can easily be transferred into a spreadsheet for ease of calculation and interpretation. Also,
an estimator/planner can perform sensitivity analyses to check the effect of traffic, the effect of alternative
routes on cycle times or make more accurate estimates of the cycle times if trucks with different capacities are
used for the supply of asphalt.

Track and trace systems on the market

Several software-based process management solutions are available on the market that enable planners and
estimators to better plan and manage construction process including logistics. These range from productivity
calculators, pure track and trace systems that enable site managers to track where asphalt trucks are in the
logistics cycle and, more process management solutions that attempt to provide better control of the entire
process. The latter includes integrated solutions that enable asphalt construction site planning, scenario

planning, mix transport and process control during actual construction site activities. Some of the current
available software solutions include the following:








A Trouble Shooting Guide for Hot Mix Asphalt Paving

Pavements are assessed for quality by considering their:

• Riding quality - lack of smooth riding, bumps, depressions.

• Surface appearance – bleeding, rough texture, cracks, segregation, poor joints and other imperfections.

• Thickness and level - excessive variation in thickness, and not paved to correct levels.

• Compaction and permeability - low density resulting in deformation, shorter life.

• Mix properties compared to the design mix.

PROBLEMS encountered during paving and under traffic are described in this guide, together with possible
causes and suggested solutions.

Not every asphalt problem is covered in this guide, but those covered are the most well-known and experienced
by the contributors to this troubleshooting guide. Our suggestion is to use this guide for assistance, and to
perhaps get a second opinion from an experienced practitioner.

CAUSES are grouped for simple identification.

Keep in mind that problems can be caused by a combination of two or more factors. Thus it is often difficult to
pinpoint the cause to a single factor. For example: Flushing (see BLEEDING, FLUSHING) can happen for a number
of reasons. One situation could be when high ambient temperatures are combined with immediate opening of
the road to heavy traffic. If one or the other does not happen, there may be no problem.

Look for the root cause of the problem, remembering that other “causes” may just be aggravations.

SOLUTIONS given are mainly preventative, not corrective. For example, once “bleeding” has occurred, usually
the only corrective solution is to remove and replace the section. The solutions given are steps to take to prevent
it recurring.

The Probability (Pr) of the problems’ occurrence is indicated: High (H), Medium (M), Low (L)

The Impact (Im) on final product is also indicated: High (H), Medium (M), Low (L)

Topic Page

Mat tears behind screed while paving 103

Surface marks caused by paver screed 103

Surface marks caused by rollers 104

Surface imperfections caused by layer below asphalt 105

Rough, coarse surface texture (in some areas of the mat) 105

Segregation in areas of the mat 107

Mat shoves under roller drums 108

Unsatisfactory compaction of finished mat 110

Excessive permeability of mat in general 112

Low density near longitudinal joints 113

Level differences at longitudinal joints 114

Transverse joints: level differences at resulting in a bump 114

Transverse joints: rough, uneven finish 115

Unsatisfactory riding quality due to a wavy or bumpy surface 116

Thickness variations in paved mat 117

Cracks in the mat during paving 118

Cracks occurring in service 118

Blisters or upheavals 119

Bleeding, flushing 119

Rutting under traffic (often accompanied by bleeding) 121

Raveling of surface 122

Stripping 123

Delamination of wearing course 123



BEHIND SCREED a. High spots on surface of base or old surface, resulting L M a. Check base levels before paving and trim off high spots to ensure minimum mat
WHILE PAVING in sections of mat paved too thin thickness is achieved
AS “DRAGGING”) a. Stone size too large for mat thickness L M a. Reduce stone size and revise mix, or pave thicker mat
b. Asphalt temperature too low M H b. Raise delivery temperature if possible, keep loads covered at all times
a. Mat paved too thin H H a. Use dip stick to check loose mat thickness; adjust screed level control
b. Not enough asphalt feed to screed L L b. Increase feed settings for conveyors and augers or use "automatic" control
c. Paver speed too fast M M c. Guess what?
d. Worn screed plates H M d. Replace
e. Cold and or dirty paver screed M L e. Heat screed to asphalt temperature and clean before paving
f. Incorrect crown settings on cambered surface M M f. Increase lead crown (should be slightly higher than trailing crown)
g. Screed angle of attack out of adjustment M M g. Set to factory recommendations – don’t guess on site
h. Tampers worn or damaged M M h. Replace before it gets worse
i. Tamper speed or tamper projection setting out M M i. Important to set correctly to ensure tampers tuck asphalt under screed
j. Screed vibrator speed incorrectly set L L j. Set to manufacturers recommendations
k. Pressure setting on screed incorrect L L k. Set to manufacturers recommendations
SURFACE MARKS 1 Play in screed suspension links (causes ripples) L H 1. Fix it or scrap it!
CAUSED BY 2. Trucks bumping or not square to paver (forces screed back H M 2. A specific team member should be controlling trucks and tipping. Truck should
PAVER SCREED and down, leaving line indentations) be stationary, parked square on, with brakes released, as paver approaches it.
3. Incorrect operation of paver and screed controls H M 3. Screed Operator is a highly skilled job – train in good paving practices.
4. Loss of traction causing paver to skid or slew M M 4. Reduce screed width and or reduce head of asphalt in auger box. Ensure truck
(indentation one side or other, or waves in surface) brakes are off. Is base soft/loose? Use paver with greater traction capabilities.
5. Surface tears caused by cold or dirty screed plates H M 5. Clean and heat screed to +150 deg C before starting to pave
6. Worn screed plates (surface tears) H M 6. Replace (whatever it costs!)
7. Incorrect angle of attack settings on screed or extensions H L 7. Reset angle of attack on main and extention screeds to factory settings - don’t
(surface tears) guess on site.
8. Sudden adjustments to hydraulic screed width will H L 8. Normally these will be flattened by the breakdown roller with no Adverse
result in longitudinal ridges in the soft mat consequences
9. Worn tampers or tampers not protruding enough M M 9. Replace and reset

Pr I


MARKS CAUSED a. Changing direction too abruptly (leaves indentation) M M a. Smooth slow down to stop (no pause), reverse, smooth speed up
b. Turning on hot mat (causes scuffing) H M b. Avoid turning on the hot mat; where forced to, make wide radius
c. Heavy roller standing or pausing too long on hot mat M M c. This is a big NO-NO
(can leave indentation)
d. Rolling too fast followed by abrupt stops M M d. Establish correct speed; then change direction as in 1.a. above
e. Too much rolling resulting in shoving deformation or H H e. Don't overdo steel drum roller passes. Limit them and then continue
de-compaction (leaves dimpled surface) rolling with pneumatic rollers
f. Whip in roller drives when changing direction L M f. This roller really needs fixing!
g. Roller drum edge marks (common on tender mixes) H L g. Iron out with steel drum roller at back of train while mat is still hot
h. Vibrator on when roller is stationary (indentations) enough
i. Pick-up on steel drums (scars on mat) L M h. Don't even think about it!
j. Edge marks from weight shift when rolling super- H L i. Check sprinkler system. Use release agent in water. Drum surface
elevations H L may be too rough (e.g. from rolling granular base)
j. Roll from low side up the slope, iron out marks with a lighter roller
a. Pick-up of fines on pneumatic tyres (leaves scars on
b. Tyres pick up bitumen and deposit it as blobs (cow a. Allow pneumatic tyres to heat up to mat temperature. Keep
pats!) H L pneumatic roller off very hot mat. Use release agent on tyres.
c. Incorrect or uneven tyre pressures can also cause b. Reduce number of passes if possible, roll at slower speed (4 to 5 kph),
marks as well as pick-up L L use release agent on tyres.
d. Tyre marks (slight grooves) especially when using c. Please do the obvious
rollers with 200mm wide tyres M L
e. Rollers parked on tacked area between rolling d. Iron out with steel drum roller behind pneumatic, while mat is still
sessions will pick-up when they start re-rolling M L hot enough
e. Park on clean areas, clean tyres and warm tyres up before going on
to the fresh mat

SURFACE 1. Poor base surface finish and levels. About 50% of base H H 1. Do levelling layers to bring base to correct levels before paving final mat.
IMPERFECTIONS imperfections will reflect through to the asphalt surface.
2. Potholes, depressions not repaired correctly (will reflect 2. Do repairs and correction layers to level before final mat
CAUSED BY through to surface) H M
LAYER BELOW 3. Pitted surface from over-sweeping or traffic will reflect 3. Apply asphalt scratch coat before final mat
ASPHALT through as a dimpled surface on the asphalt. H H



SURFACE a. Asphalt not hot enough when paved. This is critical for H H a. Are weather conditions causing rapid cooling? Raise delivery
TEXTURE. thin layers (<50mm) temperature if possible, cover loads during hauling and waiting, and
(IN SOME AREAS don't delay paving. See SABITA Manual 22 for minimum delivery and
OF THE MAT paving temperatures.
COMPARED TO b. Asphalt overheated (burnt and brittle) L H b. Usually visible while paving - remove and replace
OTHERS) c. Segregation of the asphalt L M c. Many causes for this. Check mix grading, paver auger height setting and
raking techniques for a start. See Section on SEGREGATION
d. Poor temperature control of mix causing some areas M M d. Particularly important to maintain consistent high delivery
to be too cool to get a consistent quality finish temperatures for thin layers (<50mm). See 1.a. above. Consider turning
e. Steel drum roller bridges over a strip of hot mat, usually H M away trucks that are not hot enough
onto adjacent cold mat e. Thickness of hot mat against adjacent mat must allow for compaction.
Always use pneumatic roller to ensure compaction of possible bridging
2. HANDWORK a. Skills plus speed are essential for good results with handwork
a. Poor workmanship H H b. Dense graded mix with small max size stone is needed for good finish
b. Asphalt too coarse or max size stone too large for M H to handwork areas
handwork c. Asphalt for handwork must be delivered at consistently high
c. Asphalt not hot enough for handwork, especially for H H temperatures and kept hot with tarpaulin while working. Speed of
thin layers. Cools before compaction is complete. spreading and compacting is essential in order to get density and finish.
A common bad practice is to use the last bit in a truck for handwork.
Use a full fresh truck.
d. Are weather conditions too cold or windy for handwork?
d. Mat cooling too rapidly for handwork H H

e. Too much raking M M e. Use good handwork techniques.
Load with shovels, dump in small stockpiles right at handwork areas,
spread with rakes over as short a distance as possible.
f. Back-chipping H H f. Paver should pave a perfect mat, with no back-chipping necessary. If
not, something on the paver needs adjustment or repair



AREAS OF THE a. Stockpiling procedures L M a. There are established methods for this – stick to them
MAT b. Aggregate grading operation L M b. Repeat 1.a. above
c. Condition of storage bins L H c. Upgrade if necessary
a. Augers set too high – patches of segregation L M a. Bottom of augers should be about 50mm above top of loose mat
b. Worn auger flights L M b. Replace them
c. Lack of extension augers to match width of screed- M M c. Always use extension augers and auger box plates to avoid
can cause segregation at sides of mat overloading of screed as well as segregation
d. Centre drive/pillar supporting augers – can cause H M d. Check if half augers each side of pillar can be reverse mounted to
segregation as a strip behind this pillar move asphalt around and behind the pillar.
a. The larger the max size stone, the greater the H M a. Include smaller stone sizes to get continuous smooth grading curve
potential to segregate
b. Mat too thin for max size stone used H H b. Usual rule is mat thickness approximately = 3 x maximum size stone
c. Too high content of large aggregate L H c. Include smaller stone sizes to get continuous smooth grading curve
d. Mix too gap-graded or coarse L H d. Repeat 3.c. above
a. Too much raking – fines left behind, larger stones H H a. Load with shovels, dump in small stockpiles right at handwork
end up at perimeter of raked area areas, spread with rakes over as short a distance as possible.
b. Broadcasting by shovels (back-chipping) – same H H b. Don’t back-chip! The big stones all spread further than the fine
result as 4.a. material.
c. Pulling asphalt heaps by rake too far – same result H H c. See 4.a. above.
as 4.a.



UNDER ROLLER Lack of adhesion with the base causes the mat to move
DRUMS (OFTEN laterally under the rollers. The reasons can be:
RESULTING IN a. Granular base not primed and tacked, or asphalt base H H a. Always prime and tack a granular base, and always tack an asphalt base
CLOSE, not tacked before paving before paving. Only tack area that will be paved within 24 hrs.
TRANSVERSE b. Granular base is primed only H M b. Prime should not be regarded as a replacement for tack.
HAIR CRACKS I.E. c. Inadequate prime coat (has prime done its job?) H M c. Check application, penetration and surface for consistency and cover
"CHECKING") d. Prime too fresh or too thick (causing slippage plane) L H d. Wait till dry, or blind wet prime patches with dust and sweep off
e. Too little tack (not enough “glue” action) H H e. Adhesion with base is very important; apply tack correctly.
f. Too much tack, or tack not broken (slippage plane) L H f. Wait till dry, or blind wet tack patches with dust and sweep off
g. Tack driven off by traffic in front of paving H M g. Allow tack to “break” before allowing traffic on it. Don’t let trucks or
other plant park on a tacked area; to prevent pick-up
h. Prime or tack containing strong solvents (penetrates L H h. Not easy to identify this. Try a different product to check if it solves the
and softens bitumen in asphalt) problem.
i. Dusty or dirty base (causing a separation layer) H H i. Sweep, clean and tack before paving.
j. Biscuit layer in base (causing a separation plane, M H j. Check for unswept base or base added to make up levels. Clue is when
usually resulting in severe shoving and wide cracks) cores pick up the biscuit layer only. Remove biscuit layer.
k. Very smooth granular base surface (not rough enough H H k. Some suggestions for creating a good key are: roughen surface, tack
to create a good key) coat, scratch coat, back-chip before paving (see 1.j. below)
l. Very dense base (prime does not penetrate causing L M l. Spray prime (and tack) light enough not to cause a slippage plane
slippage plane)
m. Old surface highly polished (e.g. old chip-seal or rolled- H H m. After tack coat, apply scratch coat or back-chip surface with asphalt
in-chip surface) and roll with pneumatic before paving to create a god key
n. Rolling on steep grade or cross-fall (gravity will have its H H n. back-chip base & roll with PTR before paving to create a good key, use
way!) a harsher mix, pave uphill, limit steel drum roller passes, increase PTR
passes, vibrate uphill only – static mode downhill
o. Sudden change in base surface material e.g. granular H M o. Again check correct use of tack and possibly use scratch coat
base to concrete bridge deck
a. Bitumen too soft, causing mix to be tender L H a. Check binder viscosity at 135°C. If close to 0.22, try a stiffer bitumen
b. High binder, low filler contents causing tenderness L H b. Stiffen mix: decrease binder, increase filler (but keep VIM correct.
Ensure that the mix still conforms to the design requirements for the
c. Grading causing tender mix L M job
d. Rounded or smooth aggregates causing tenderness M M c. Grading curve especially below 4.75 may need to be steeper
e. Tender mix combined with high air temperatures H H d. Change aggregates to rough, angular if possible.

e. Delay breakdown rolling (risky!), limit steel drum passes, increase
f. Excess moisture in asphalt from plant L H pneumatics passes
g. Mix too hot to support breakdown roller L H f. Inform plant immediately, so they can take corrective action
g. Drop mixing temperature slightly, but remember this reduces
h. Thick hot mat retains high temp and shoves easily) H M compaction widow time
h. Delay rolling. Specify a lower delivery temperature e.g. 1300C, but
i. Contamination with solvents that soften the bitumen L H ensure proper coating of the aggregate.
i. Diesel may be the culprit; can often be detected by smell
For a mix that has a tendency to shove for whatever 3. ROLLER
reason, the choice, sequence and control of rollers is There is lesser tendency to shove under a vibrating roller than under a heavy
critical. steel static roller (e.g. 3 wheeler). But a PTR is by far the best to limit shoving.
a. Excessive steel drum rolling H H In these situations, skilled attention is needed on the compaction process.
b. Tender mix being over-rolled H H a. Limit steel drum passes, increase pneumatic passes
c. Roller too heavy on a tender mix M H b. As in 3.a. above.
d. Static roller steering drum ballasted (causes wave) M L c. Put on a diet – see opening comment above under ROLLER
e. Small diameter steel drums (impart too much M L d. Steering drum to be light as possible to prevent “bow-wave”
horizontal forces on mat) e. Replace with roller with larger diameter drums(to impart mainly vertical
f. Changing direction too abruptly (localised shoving) M L forces)
g. Turning on hot mat (localised shoving) M L f. Smooth slow down to stop (no pause), reverse, smooth speed up
g. Avoid turning on hot mat, or make wide radius turns



COMPACTION OF a. Base not sufficiently compacted overall H H a. Base must be an "anvil" to obtain good asphalt compaction
FINISHED MAT b. Specific areas not compacted e.g. trenches, patches H H b. Test suspect or potential areas for density before paving
c. Areas of base too high making mat too thin H H c. Take dips on base before paving; take off excessively high spots
d. Yielding/pumping base (often caused by moisture) H H d. Don't pave before OMC < 50%. Check base for movement with PTR
or full water truck before paving. Also check drainage of under
layers. All this of course needs to be done before priming is done.
e. Lack of adhesion with base, allowing mat to move H H e. See section on MAT SHOVES UNDER ROLLER DRUMS for solutions
laterally during compaction (“shoving”). This often
compromises density.
a. Unsuitable bitumen viscosity L H a. If a hard binder e.g. 40/50 pen, is used, increase mat thickness and
temperature to ensure adequate compaction window.
b. Variations in viscosity at construction temperatures L H b. There can be large differences in viscosity at 1350C without the
between different batches or suppliers of bitumen product being out of spec. This can make the difference between
harsh and tender.
c. Asphalt not hot enough (particularly applies to thin H H c. Increase delivery temperature if possible, cover loads during
mats hauling and waiting. See SABITA Manual 22 for recommended
minimum temps.
d. Mix not compactable enough (too harsh) at specified H H d. Increase mat thickness to suit conditions
thickness and expected weather conditions Check grading against specification, particularly from 2 mm sieve
(particularly applies to thin mats) down, and most particularly the filler content – high fines can cause
Mix may be too coarse or tending to be gap graded
Check binder content – is there enough binder (lubrication) in the
mix for workability?
Check for high filler/binder ratios – indicate harshness. Is VIM high?
This limits the achievable density. VIM should suit traffic loading –
low traffic, reduce Vim’s and vice versa.
Consider addition of natural sand to make mix less harsh
BUT ensure that the mix still conforms to design requirements for
the job.
e. Out of spec asphalt H H e. Check all of 2.d. above
f. Mat designed too thin for maximum stone size M H f. Mat thickness should ≈3 x max stone size; or pave thicker mat
g. Mat placed too thin M H

g. Check for high spots on base, allow for correct “fluff factor” (loose
h. Segregated areas on finished mat L M to tight), and strictly control paving thickness
h. See section on SEGREGATION

COMPACTION OF a. Temperatures and weather conditions unsuitable H H a. Check minimum recommended base & air temps and wind chill
FINISHED MAT / effect applicable to the mat thickness. Delay paving until suitable
CONTINUED weather conditions prevail
b. Rapid cooling of mat H H b. Increase mat thickness if possible
Increase delivery temperature if possible;
Cover loads properly during hauling and waiting
Reduce paver speed;
Increase number of rollers and roll “aggressively” i.e. right behind
Reduce water sprayed onto drums
Know your compaction window time and complete rolling within it
a. The breakdown roller is critical as it raises the density of L H a. Choice and operation of this roller is vital. Steel drum rollers are
the mat from loose to close to maximum normally used but pneumatics can also work (but beware poor
rideability & pick-up)
b. Steel drum roller too light L H b. The higher the linear loading on the drum, the quicker density is
c. Vibrating roller has unsuitable amplitude or frequency M H c. Check and adjust (e.g. typical frequency = 50 Hz, amplitude to suit
mat thickness)
d. Too few rollers H H d. Use enough rollers to achieve density within compaction window
e. Rolling too fast (particularly applies to vibrating and M H e. Vibrating and pneumatic rollers optimum speed is usually about 5
pneumatic rollers) km/hr. Vibrating roller speed depends on frequency and drum
f. Not enough passes M H f. Number of passes should be established and maintained
g. Poor rolling pattern M H g. Establish suitable pattern and maintain it
h. Pneumatic roller wheel loading too light – check if M H h. Ground contact pressure of tyres should be about 5.5 to 6 kg/cm2
sufficiently ballasted to assist with compaction
i. Pneumatic tyre pressures too low causing too low ground M M i. Check manufacturers chart of wheel loading & tyre pressure versus
contact pressure ground contact pressure and do what you have to do to comply
with 4.h. above.

j. Delayed rolling (allowing mat to cool before rolling) H H j. Work rollers as close to paver as possible and complete rolling
within the compaction window time



PERMEABILITY a. Mix too coarse – grading not continuous enough M H a. Use appropriate continuous grading curve and max size stone
OF MAT IN b. VIM’s too high, causing high in-place voids M H b. Revise mix design.
GENERAL c. Insufficient filler and or bitumen M M c. Design mix to achieve suitable filler/binder ratio and VIM’s
d. Maximum size stone too large for layer thickness e.g. H H d. Rule of thumb is that layer thickness should be about 3 x max stone
40mm mat using 26mm stone mix size. The lower this figure, the more prone the layer is to being
e. Mixing temperature not high enough to ensure M H e. Permeability equates to inadequate compaction. Ensure mixing and
bitumen is at the right viscosity for compaction delivery temperatures are high enough. (See SABITA Manual 22)
f. Binder too stiff for application, resulting in under M H f. Use appropriate binder to ensure design requirements for the job
compaction e.g. when modifiers are added are met. The stiffer the binder the thicker the mat should be to
allow enough time to ensure compaction before mat cools.
g. Compaction specification too low L M g. Consider 93% Rice for large aggregate mixes (BTB, LAMBS)
a. Inadequate compaction causing high insitu voids H H a. See section on UNSATISFACTORY COMPACTION
b. Segregation in mat L M b. Sort out what’s causing it. See SEGREGATION
c Shear cracks formed from shoving or over-rolling H M c. Seal the surface over the area
PERMEABILITY AT a. Poor joint construction techniques H H a. Longitudinal joints are weakest link in mat; use good construction
JOINTS b. Joint not rolled adequately or soon enough M M b. First pass of breakdown roller should be on the longitudinal joint
c. Edge of first mat not cut back enough H H c. Cut back enough to remove under-compacted edge of mat
d. Cut edge of first mat not tacked adequately H H d. Brush on a good application of neat tack against cut edge
e. Segregation at edge of mat M H e. Cut back enough to get rid of this



NEAR a. Poor mechanical key, or inadequate tack, allowing H H a. Compaction will be compromised if mat moves sideways. See section
LONGITUDINAL asphalt to shove sideways under rollers at mat edge. on Mat shoves under rollers for ways to prevent this.
JOINTS b. Steep slope or cross fall causing same as above H H b. As for 1.a. above
c. No edge confinement – mat shoves sideways near the H H c. Before paving the adjacent mat, cut back edge of mat enough to
unconfined edge remove under-compacted strip
a. Tender mix unable to support rollers at edge of mat H H a. As for 1.a, b & c. above
b. Segregation at edge of mat M M b. Cut back to remove segregation
c. Mix too harsh to achieve density M H c. See section Unsatisfactory compaction.
a. Edge of first paved mat not cut back enough H H a. Suitable width of cut-back varies depending on 1) mat thickness 2)
how much sideways movement occurred under rollers.
b. Poor joint construction techniques H H b. Pave straight to correct level, cut back edge where necessary and
tack, overlap adjacent mat, bump up overlap and roll immediately
c. Not rolling soon enough L M c. First pass of breakdown roller must be on longitudinal joint

DIFFERENCES AT a Mat not paved to correct thickness to allow for M M a Second mat must be paved to match first mat allowing for compaction.
LONGITUDINAL compaction Usually allow 18 to 20% for loose to compacted mat for wearing
JOINTS b Fluctuating head of asphalt in front of screed causing H L courses
waves in mat b Use good level control practices. See section UNSATISFACTORY RIDING
c Over-controlling of screed level adjustment causing H M QUALITY, Item 3 & 4
waves in mat c As for 1.b. above
d Poor line and level matching and overlap by paver H M
d Important to pave a straight edge, to the correct level with a consistent
overlap of the second mat onto the first (usually 30 – 40mm)
e Poor raking techniques when matching joint levels M L
e Only handwork that should be necessary is to bump the overlap back
onto the fresh mat before rolling. Any other repair work needs skilled
f Poor joint rolling techniques M L raking
g Unconfined edge of first mat shoved sideways under M M .
roller, squeezing it thinner than required at the joint f Joint should be rolled first with steel drum breakdown roller
h Insufficient or too much overlap of second mat onto M L g If this can’t be corrected with level control equipment, the thin edge
first may need to be cut back.
h This causes the “bumped” back edge to vary in height and thickness.
Roller may not be able to achieve matched levels. See 1.d. above for


JOINTS: LEVEL a. Joint not cut back to level (flat) area on old mat H H a. Check for best position for joint using a straightedge in all
RESULTING IN A b. Base uneven at joint position (often caused by cutting H M b. After cutting and removing the asphalt, level the area with a
BUMP and preparation for joint) levelling course and roll it before paving
a. Paver tow points not set correctly at start of paving H M a. Operators must know positions on tow point scale for different
b. Mat not paved to correct loose thickness to allow for H M b. Usually allow 18 to 20% for loose to compacted mat for
compaction wearing courses, 25 to 30% for asphalt bases, 10% for popcorn.
c. No or incorrect starter blocks used H H c. Use 2 starter blocks under the screed – size to suit the mat as
in 2.b. above.
d. Poor raking and levelling techniques when matching H H d. Minimal raking should be required if paver is doing its job
levels across the joint properly.

Handwork and levelling at the joint requires skill and training.
e. Poor joint rolling technique H H e. First roll joint transversely; 150mm onto fresh mat at a time,
until drum is fully on fresh mat, then roll longitudinally with
breakdown roller
JOINTS: a. Mix not suited to handwork L H a. Handwork is difficult with gap-graded and large aggregate
ROUGH, UNEVEN b. Segregation near joint L M mixes
FINISH b. Segregation usually happens with gap-graded or large
aggregate mixes.
a. Poor joint rolling technique M H 2. CONSTRUCTION
b. Poor raking technique or excessive raking H H a. See 2.e. above for suggested rolling technique
b. If handwork is necessary, keep to a minimum and use a
c. Back-chipping H H straightedge for leveling the loose asphalt
c. Back-chipping should only be used if levels need correcting.
Use straightedge to level corrected area before rolling.



RIDING QUALITY a. Poorly graded surface of base or old surface (paver only H H a. Place and roll correction layers before paving final mat. Use line-
DUE TO A WAVY reduces undulations by approximately 50%) on-pedestals level control if exact finished levels are required.
OR BUMPY (Ensure the pedestals are spaced to eliminate sagging of the line.)
SURFACE b. Lack of correction courses H H b. Identify where needed and do correction courses prior to paving
final mat
c. Yielding base. Use pneumatic roller to check suspect H H c. Look for heaving under rollers. Usually caused by moisture or
base before paving. under-compaction. Check drainage of under-layers.
a. Significant changes in temperature between loads (will L M a. Reject loads too hot or too cool. Use level control system on
cause the level of the screed to fluctuate) "automatic" for best results.
b. Very thick mat e.g. 100mm (bow-waves and H H b. Pave mat in two layers, or delay rolling until mat is less prone to
undulations form under rollers) “bow-wave” in front of roller. Reduce mixing temperature (by say
a. Insufficient traction causing paver to skid or slew (this M M a. Reduce screed width, reduce head of asphalt in auger box if
causes screed to rise and fall) possible, use paver with greater traction capabilities
b. Truck brakes not released when in contact with paver M M b. Brakes must be released before paver picks up truc
causing loss of traction
c. Paver stands too long a time between loads; asphalt H M c. Form a transverse joint when paver must wait, but do it well so as
cools just behind screed where rollers cannot reach not to form a "bump" at the joint
d. Warped screed plates causing waviness in the mat L M d. Replace screed plates
e. Play in screed suspension points (causes ripples) L H e. If the screed is this bad, scrap it
f. Angle of attack differs from main screed to extension M M f. Set to manufactures instructions
g. Auger box overloaded (screed bull-dozes asphalt H H g. Adjust settings for conveyors and augers to achieve constant feed.
ahead of it, causing screed to rise) Aim for head of asphalt in auger box to be 2/3rd way up augers
h. Variable head of asphalt in front of screed (causes H H h. This is a most important factor for achieving good rideability. Use
screed to rise and fall due to its floating action) "automatic" feed control for conveyors and augers to keep head
constant (see 3.f. above)
i. Too much variation in paver speed or stop/start H H i. Keep speed as constant as possible, and use grade control
paving (causes screed to rise and fall with changes of equipment on "automatic" to achieve level requirements. Avoid
speed and stop/start paving) stop/start paving.
j. Excessive manual adjustment of screed level controls H H j. Use grade control equipment on "automatic" mode for best
k. Asphalt spillage in front of paver. Wheels climb over H M k. Spillage happens. When it does clear it away before paver wheels
heaps causing screed to rise and fall come into contact with it
l. Paver tyres under-inflated causing paver and thus L L l. Inflate tyres to manufactures recommendations.
screed to sway, which in turn affects mat levels
a. Level control system not set up or operating correctly, H H a. Use line-on-pedestals to achieve exact finished levels, beam for
or non-existent control of mat thickness, and foot to match adjacent mat or
channel levels.
b. Level control system faulty or too sensitive M H b. Test on site for reaction to vertical movement; adjust sensitivity if
a. Rolling a very thick mat when it is too hot can cause H H a. Delay rolling until mat is less prone to forming a "bow wave" at
waves and undulations drums, or reduce mixing temperature (e.g. by say 200C)
b. PTR used as breakdown roller can make deep tyre H M b. Use a heavy steel drum roller immediately behind the PTR, or
indentations in the soft mat that the following roller change to a steel drum breakdown roller
might not be able to completely flatten
c. Inconsistent rolling patterns M L c. Establish suitable rolling pattern and stick to it
VARIATIONS IN a. Poorly graded surface of base (making thickness H H a. Use beam or line-on-pedestals for level control, depending on
PAVED MAT variations inevitable) whether thickness or finished level of the mat is the priority
b. Lack of correction courses H H b. Identify where needed and do correction courses prior to paving
final mat
a. Poor control of head of asphalt in front of screed, H M a. Adjust settings for conveyors and augers to achieve a constant
causing screed to rise and fall slightly feed. Use "automatic" control for best results.
b. Manual over-adjustment of screed level controls H M b. Manual tow point adjustment requires a skilled operator. Use
grade control equipment on "automatic" to match thickness
c. Excessive variation in paver speed causes screed to rise L M c. Keep paver speed as constant as possible
and fall which affects thickness


a. Yielding base due to under compaction or high moisture H H a. Base must be an “anvil” and moisture content must be < 50% OMC
content (check for movement under pneumatic roller) to get good density in asphalt
b. Tender mix (often shoves under steel roller drums) H H b. Stiffen mix: decrease binder and increase filler to keep VIM’s
c. Too much steel drum rolling especially on a tender mix H H correct
c. Use one steel drum roller and limit the passes. Follow with two
d. Mix too hot L M pneumatics
d. Check mixing temperature. Thick mats can be mixed at lower temps
e. Paving on steep slope or cross fall H H than thin
e. See paving techniques for hills in MAT SHOVES UNDER ROLLER
OCCURING IN a Underlying layer failure M H a Check density and quality of under layer
SERVICE b Excess moisture in underlying layer M H b. Check moisture content and under layer drainage
c Insufficient support of pavement layers M H c. Check structural design of layers
a Reflected through from active cracks in layers below H M a. Active cracks in under layer must reflect through eventually. The
thinner the mat the sooner they will appear
b Shrinkage cracks from over-stabilised layers below H M b. Maybe necessary to reduce cement content for future work.
(block cracking) NOTE: Seal open cracks and the pavement may still function for
many years.
c Shrinkage cracks from recycled layer below (often show H L c. Reduce moisture content at mixing to prevent drying shrinkage in
up as longitudinal cracks) base
d Traffic induced separation of surface from layer below L H d. All you can do is repair using good tack coat and rut resistant
(often at intersection in areas where traffic brakes) (modified) mix
a. Poor joint construction H L See section on LONGITUNIAL JOINTS
a Roots H M a Repair
b Settlement cracks H M b Repair underlying layers and surfacing



UPHEAVALS a. Moisture vapour pressure from trapped moisture L H a. Puncture blister and continue rolling, but do not treat this lightly.
If moisture is trapped it can lead to stripping (see separate section).
b. Reaction with crack sealing materials below M H b. Puncture along crack position; use light roller over crack.
NOTE: Crack sealing should be well aged before being paved over
a. Roots H M a. Remove roots and patch
b. Trapped volatiles from cutback asphalt L H b. Remove cutback asphalt and patch
c. Movement due to fresh bandage crack-sealing on layer H H c. Allow bandage crack-sealing to age before overlaying
bitumen on a. Too soft for traffic loading at ambient temperatures L H a. Check viscosity at 600C. Is it close to lower spec limit?
surface), Use a suitable grade for the expected temperatures and traffic
FLUSHING (mastic b. Contaminated, causing softening L H b. Check properties of samples from mixing plant
fills all surface c. Compositional balance of bitumen L H c. Check for compliance with specs, but note that spec tolerances
voids – surface are wide.
looks shiny) Can be big differences in viscosity in bitumen of the same pen.
a. Bitumen content and or filler content too high, causing H H a. Revise mix design to ensure adequate VIM’s after compaction and
VIM’s to be too low at end of design life
b. Grading close to max density line causing surface to L M b. Revise grading towards coarser curve, but ensure enough fines to
close up, with potential for flushing or bleeding achieve the correct VIM’s
c. Filler acting as bitumen extender (causing excess M M c. Check filler properties; does it contain high % super fines (10
mastic) micron)?
Possibly reduce filler content and revise mix design
d. Lower bitumen absorption by aggregates than designed L M d. Check aggregate absorption and revise design to accommodate it
a. Poor control of mix proportions causing some areas to M H a. Accurate control of binder and filler is vital during mixing
be too bitumen rich
b. Contamination in plant e.g. unburnt fuel etc. L H
b. Review plant records for temperatures, air feed, burners, nozzles
c. Excess release agent in hot bins causing contamination L M and fuel quality
d. Excess release agent (diesel?) on trucks L M c. Consider use of non-oil-based release agent
e. Small localised bleeding areas caused by mastic L L d. Consider use of non-oil-based release agent
“droppings” from trucks e. These “droppings” are usually visible and must be removed.
a. Volatiles or diluents in prime or tack penetrating the
asphalt mat causing contamination and softening
a. Allow time for full evaporation prior to paving. This might prove too
b. Excessive application, (usually seen as small pools), so
L L long, so consider changing to a faster curing emulsion
that it works through the mat as bleeding
b. Use correct application rate. Soak up excess with cement or crusher
c. Prime/tack not dry before paving
L L dust and remove.
5. CONSTRUCTION c. Is application rate too heavy? If not, wait until dry.
a. Excessive release agent (diesel?) in paver hopper
b. Over-compaction (e.g. when mix Vim’s are too low, or
L H a. Don’t do it! Consider use of non oil-based release agent
when very thick layer is too easily compacted)
b. Rather revise the mix design than reduce compaction effort. For
very thick layers, reduce the mixing temperature so as to reduce
L M rolling temperature.
c. Fuel and oil spills onto asphalt during paving
H H c. Plant and trucks to be leak free. Take out areas and replace.
d. Very high ambient temperatures causing heat retention
d. Reduce mixing temperature. Consider using a stiffer bitumen
in mat, resulting in over-compaction
a. Heavy traffic on too soon after paving, especially
a. Preferably leave overnight before allowing traffic on fresh mat.
combined with high ambient temperatures
b. Fuel and oil spills from traffic
b. Maybe it will improve over time with the traffic riding off the
NOTE: Bleeding/flushing can be caused by a combination of
two or more of many of the above factors e.g. high ambient
temps + traffic on too soon. Remove one, no problem.



Deformation in a. Too soft for the application M H a. Use correct grade or modify for the ambient temperatures and
wheel tracks traffic.
under traffic b. Contaminated, causing softening L H b. Check properties of samples from mixing plant
(often c. Compositional balance of bitumen L H c. Check for compliance with specs, but note that spec tolerances
accompanied by are wide.
BLEEDING) Can be big differences in properties of bitumen of the same pen.
NOTE: Any mix revisions suggested below must ensure design
requirements for the job are still met.
a. Too high bitumen content H H a. Revise design for a stiffer mix
b. Very rounded aggregates L M b. Change aggregate source (although generally no control over this)
c. Grading close to max density line M M c. Revise grading curve to achieve a harsher mix
d. High filler content acting as bitumen extender M H d. Check filler properties; redesign mix with reduced filler and
(causing excess mastic) suitable Vim’s ( see 2.e. below for the opposite effect of another
type of filler)
e. Filler/binder ratio too low causing tender mix M H e. Increase filler content but beware of making the mix
(NOTE: This filler is doing the opposite of the filler in 2.d. above)
a. Contamination in plant e.g. unburnt fuel etc. L H a. Check temperatures, air feed, burners, nozzles and fuel quality
b. Excess release agent in hot bins L M b. Consider use of non-oil-based release agent
c. Excess release agent (diesel?) on trucks L M c. Consider use of non-oil-based release agent
a. Excessive release agent (diesel?) in paver hopper L L a. Consider use of non oil-based release agent
b. Over-compaction (only if mix Vim’s are too low) L H b. Rather revise the mix design than reduce compaction effort
c. Very high ambient temperatures H H c. Consider using a stiffer or modified bitumen
a. Heavy traffic or accelerating/decelerating traffic (at H H a. Redesign a rut resistant mix (maybe with stiffer or modified
intersections) bitumen) but make sure it is still compactable
b. Fuel & oil spills from traffic H M b. Repair. Note that EVA modified asphalt is resistant to these spills.



SURFACE a. Wet or under compacted base causing first crocodile H H a. Don't pave on under-compacted base or before OMC < 50%. Also
(loss of stone on cracking, followed by raveling. check drainage of under layers.
surface after b. Sub-standard base causing crocodile cracking followed H H b. Base must be capable of supporting the design traffic and be a high
traffic) by raveling. quality "anvil" to obtain good asphalt compaction.
The asphalt can never compensate for poor base.
a. Incorrect mix design for application L H a. Check on mix properties for the situation and redesign if necessary
b. Binder content too low or poor binder control L H b. Check on target binder and variation allowed and compare with job
c. Dirty or soft aggregate H M c. Check for contamination in aggregates and ACV
d. Mix not hot enough on delivery, resulting in under L H d. Check delivery temp and temp immediately behind paver. High
compaction enough? See SABITA Manual 22 for recommended temperatures.
e. Bitumen overheated causing asphalt to become brittle. L H e. Inform plant immediately. Discard overheated asphalt.
This can usually be seen on arrival.
f. Mix proportions or grading out of spec. L M f. Check properties & grading target and tolerances. Compare with
job results
a. Under-compaction of mat H H a. Above all, GET COMPACTION, or you are in deep trouble
b. Mat paved too thin H H b. Get thickness right, or face more trouble
c. Handwork areas not well compacted or finished H H c. Handwork areas are usually a weak link due to rapid cooling of the
mat and resulting under-compaction and coarse finish.
a. Fuel or oil spills causing softening of bitumen H M a. You can’t prevent this; just repair the areas



of bitumen off the a. Water trapped in layers or ingress of water, both H H a. It’s vital to avoid water being trapped in the asphalt layers as this
aggregate under combined with heavy vehicle traffic causes stripping when pore pressure builds up under heavy traffic
traffic. b. Inadequate surface or sub-soil drainage H H b. As for 1.a. above
(Can occur in c. Moisture trapped in pervious or cracked asphalt; this H H c. As for 1.a. above
asphalt bases and can happen during construction or under traffic
at longitudinal
joints under heavy
a. Bitumen overheated (looks brown and brittle) L H a. Max mixing temperature for 60/70 pen bitumen should be 165 –
b. Field voids too high (avoid 9 to 15% voids range) H H b. This allows water to permeate the layer and stay trapped. Voids
<9% cause impermeability. Voids >15% don’t allow pore pressure.
c. Low film thickness caused by high proportion of super- L M c. Reduce filler content e.g. 6% vs 8%, or change to filler with less
fines in filler super-fines
d. Hydrophilic aggregates H M d. Use lime in mix (usually 1%) or other heat stable, anti-stripping
agent to improve adhesion with aggregates
e. Mix not designed for possible stripping conditions H M e. Include lime or other heat stable, anti-stripping agents in design of
a. Inadequate compaction resulting in in-situ voids being H H a. Voids in this range firstly cause permeability and secondly allow
between 9 and 15% buildup of pore pressure under traffic. Water under pore pressure
causes stripping. See 2.b. above
OF WEARING See MAT SHOVES UNDER ROLLER for more information on adhesion.
COURSE a Dusty or dirty base M M a. Clean thoroughly, even go as far as scabbling to get rid of oil, fuel
(some time after spills. Apply tack before paving.
construction) b Biscuit layer in base M M b. Remove biscuit layer and replace with asphalt leveling course
c Insufficient tack or tack not broken before paving M M c. Adhesion is very important – do it right
a At braking or turning areas H M a. Adhesion is at fault – see above


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