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04 선형회로망및테브난정리

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기초회로실험 (2022)

선형회로망 및 테브닌 정리

전북대학교 전자공학부 이상준 교수

Linearity Property

Homogeneity property (Scaling)

i → v = iR
ki → kv = kiR

Additivity property
i1 → v1 =
i2 → v2 =
i2 R

i1 + i2 → (i1 + i2 ) R = i1 R + i2 R = v1 + v2
Linear Circuit

• A linear circuit is one whose output is linearly

related (or directly proportional) to its input.

• Superposition Principle
The voltage across (current through) an element in
a linear circuit is the algebraic sum of the
voltages across (currents through) that element due
to each independent source acting alone.
• Turn off, killed, inactive source:
– independent voltage source: 0 V (short circuit)
– independent current source: 0 A (open circuit)
• Dependent sources are left intact.

Q: Use the superposition theorem to find v in the circuit.

Turn off voltage source 6V,

Turn off current source 3A,
and use current divison
and use voltage divison v= v1 + v2 8
4 =i3 = (3) 2A
1 ×=6 2V = 2 + 8 = 10V 4+8
4+8 ⇒ v2 = 4i3 = 8V
Source Transformation (cont.)

• Equivalent resistance (source off) : R

• Short-circuit current from a to b : isc = = is
vs = is R or is =
Equivalent Circuit

i i

+ +
v v
- -
v = iR + vs
v v vs
vs i= −
-is R R
Thevenin’s Theorem

• Thevenin’s Theorem: A linear two-terminal circuit

can be replaced by an equivalent circuit consisting of
a voltage source VTh in series with a resistor RTh.
1. VTh is the open circuit voltage at the terminals.
2. RTh is the input or equivalent resistance at the terminals
when the independent sources are turn off.

어떤 전압원, 전류원 그리고 저항들을 포함한 양단자는

전기적으로 하나의 전압원 𝑉𝑉𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇 와 하나의 직렬연결된 저항 𝑅𝑅𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇 과 동일하다.
Thevenin’s Theorem (cont.)

테브닌의 정리란 부하를 제외한 전체 회로를

독립 전압원 하나와 저항 하나가 직렬로
연결된 등가회로로 대체할 수 있다는 정리

1. 로드 저항을 개방시켜 𝑅𝑅𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇 계산

2. 𝑉𝑉𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇 를 계산하여 등가회로 완성
3. 부하(load)에 걸리는 전압 또는 전류 계산
Property of Linear Circuits


Linear +
two-terminal v Slope=1/Rth
circuit - v
Thevenin’s Voltage Calculation

• Two circuits are equivalent if they have the

same voltage-current relation at their terminals.
• VTh=voc: open circuit voltage at a-b
Thevenin’s Resistance Calculation

• RTh=Rin (because the two circuits are equivalent.)

Rin:the input resistance of the dead circuit at a-b.
 a-b open circuited
turn off all independent sources
Thevenin’s Resistance Calculation (cont.)

CASE 1: the network has no dependent sources.

– Turn off all independent source.
– RTH: input resistance of the network looking at the
terminals a-b
Thevenin’s Resistance Calculation (cont.)

CASE 2: the network has dependent sources

Method 1
– Turn off all independent sources.
– Apply a voltage source vo at a-b
RTh =
Method 2
– Turn off all independent sources.
– Apply a current source io at a-b
RTh = o
• If RTh < 0, the circuit supplies power.
Simplifying Circuits by Thevenin’s Theorem


IL =
RTh + RL

VL = RL I L = VTh (voltage division)
RTh + RL
회로를 테브닌의 정리로 단순화 한 뒤, 𝑉𝑉𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇 및 𝑅𝑅𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇 를 알 경우,
로드저항 𝑅𝑅𝐿𝐿 에 흐르는 전류 및 전압 크기를 쉽게 계산할 수 있음
Summary of Thevenin’s Theorem

• Any black box containing only voltage sources, current sources,

and other resistors can be converted to a Thevenin equivalent
circuit, comprising exactly one voltage source and one resistor.
여러 개의 전압원과 전류원 그리고 다른 저항들을 포함한 검은 박스는 하나의 전압원과 하나의
저항으로 구성된 테브닌 등가 회로로 표현할 수 있다. (회로분석 과정에서의 단순화 기술로 사용)

• The Thevenin equivalent can be used as a good model for a

power supply or battery
테브닌 등가는 파워서플라이와 배터리의 좋은 모델이 될 수 있다.
Calculating Thevenin’s Equivalent circuit

The original circuit

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