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(11) EP 2 345 792 A1
published in accordance with Art. 153(4) EPC

(43) Date of publication: (51) Int Cl.:

20.07.2011 Bulletin 2011/29 F01D 25/00 (2006.01) F01D 5/06 (2006.01)

(21) Application number: 09824723.2 (86) International application number:

(22) Date of filing: 27.10.2009
(87) International publication number:
WO 2010/053023 (14.05.2010 Gazette 2010/19)

(84) Designated Contracting States: • INUKAI, Takao

PT RO SE SI SK SM TR Tokyo 105-8001 (JP)
Designated Extension States: • MIYASHITA, Shigekazu
AL BA RS Tokyo 105-8001 (JP)
• NEMOTO, Kuniyoshi
(30) Priority: 04.11.2008 JP 2008283255 Tokyo 105-8001 (JP)
• TAKAKU, Reki
(71) Applicant: Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba Tokyo 105-8001 (JP)
Tokyo 105-8001 (JP) (74) Representative: HOFFMANN EITLE
Patent- und Rechtsanwälte
(72) Inventors: Arabellastraße 4
• YAMADA, Masayuki 81925 München (DE)
Tokyo 105-8001 (JP)


(57) A method of manufacturing a steam turbine rotor

which includes an ultra-high temperature side portion in
which ultra-high temperature steam flows and a high tem-
perature side portion in which high temperature steam
flows, the manufacturing method including the steps of:
preparing a first electrode having a chemical composition
corresponding to a chemical composition of a heat re-
sistant alloy making up the ultra-high temperature side
portion and a second electrode having a chemical com-
position corresponding to a chemical composition of the
high temperature side portion; tentatively joining together
joints of the electrodes, with the joints of the electrodes
made smaller in cross sectional area than other electrode
portions; subjecting the tentatively joined first and second
electrodes to an ESR process to obtain an ESR ingot
and forging the ingot into a shape of a rotor to obtain a
rotor forging; and heat-treating the rotor forging to obtain
EP 2 345 792 A1

a rotor blank and manufacturing the steam turbine rotor

from the rotor blank.

Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR)

1 EP 2 345 792 A1 2

Description 700°C, or even above 700°C in the future.

[0007] With such increases in the temperature, the
Technical Field steam turbine rotor applied tends to switch to heat-resist-
ant alloys such as Ni-based superalloys having better
[0001] The present invention relates to a method of 5 high-temperature strength than ferritic heat resistant
manufacturing a steam turbine and a steam turbine rotor, steels (such as 1% Cr-Mo-V steel or 12% Cr steel), which
and particularly, to a method of manufacturing a steam have insufficient high-temperature strength. However,
turbine rotor by utilizing electro-slag remelting (hereinaf- with such heat-resistant alloys, due to limitations of melt-
ter referred to as ESR) process and to a steam turbine ing facilities, production on the order of ten-odd tons is a
rotor manufactured by the steam turbine rotor manufac- 10 limit in terms of product weight. Further, heat-resistant
turing method. alloys are higher in cost than ferritic heat resistant steels.
[0008] Thus, it is also necessary to keep down the cost
Background Art of the entire steam turbine rotor by minimizing the scope
of application of the heat-resistant alloys. Because of this
[0002] Generally, a steam turbine rotor is manufac- 15 purpose, rather than as a monoblock structure, it is useful
tured in a manner of melting and refining raw materials to build the steam turbine rotor as a joined structure of a
so as to finally obtain a predetermined chemical compo- heat-resistant alloy and ferritic heat resistant steel by us-
sition, which are then cast and solidified in a mold, forging ing the right materials in the right place.
a solidified ingot into a shape of the rotor to obtain a rotor [0009] Possible joined structures for the above pur-
forging product, heat-treating the rotor forging product to 20 pose include a welded joint and bolted joint. The welded
obtain a rotor blank, machining the rotor blank, and im- joint has many problems to be solved from the viewpoint
planting rotor blades in the rotor blank. of rotor design and long-term reliability, including weld
[0003] Alternatively, a steam turbine rotor may some- defects, welding deformation, and welding residual
times be manufactured in a manner of melting and refin- stress which may occur in the joint. On the other hand,
ing raw materials as described above, remelting the re- 25 the bolted joint requires a larger rotor wheel interval in
sulting ingot in an ESR furnace (ESR) by using the ingot the joint than an optimum design interval, resulting in
as an electrode and then solidifying the same. A resulting performance degradation of the steam turbine rotor. Fur-
ESR ingot is then forged into a rotor forging product, the ther, the bolted joint is not applicable to a drum rotor
rotor forging product is heat-treated to obtain a rotor structure though applicable to a wheel structure.
blank, the rotor blank is machined, and rotor blades are 30
implanted in the rotor blank. A main object of performing Disclosure of the Invention
the ESR is to improve solidification composition, reduce
segregation of components, remove impurities, and so [0010] In view of the above circumstances, a first ob-
on. ject of the present invention is to provide a steam turbine
[0004] Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open Publi- 35 rotor manufacturing method capable of manufacturing a
cation No. 6-155001 (Patent Document 1) discloses a steam turbine rotor for an ultra-high temperature steam
technique for manufacturing an integrated high and low turbine using heat-resistant alloy with excellent high-tem-
pressure turbine rotor by performing an ESR process us- perature characteristics by overcoming limitations of
ing a plurality of hollow electrodes having chemical com- manufacturing techniques as well as to provide a steam
positions corresponding to chemical compositions of dif- 40 turbine rotor resulting from application of the manufac-
ferent parts of the steam turbine rotor. turing method.
[0005] Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open Publi- [0011] A second object of the present invention is to
cation Nos. 2001-50007 and 2001-50002 (Patent Docu- provide a steam turbine rotor manufacturing method ca-
ments 2 and 3) also disclose techniques for manufactur- pable of manufacturing a high-quality steam turbine rotor
ing a high, medium, and low pressure turbine rotor as 45 for an ultra-high temperature steam turbine at low costs
well as a low pressure turbine rotor by combining partial as well as to provide a steam turbine rotor resulting from
rotor blanks of different chemical compositions using the application of the manufacturing method.
ESR process. [0012] To achieve the above objects, the present in-
[0006] Incidentally, in a thermal plant including a vention provides a method of manufacturing a steam tur-
steam turbine, attention is paid to techniques for carbon 50 bine rotor which includes an ultra-high temperature side
dioxide emission control in terms of global environment portion in which ultra-high temperature steam flows and
protection, and there is a growing need for more efficient a high temperature side portion in which high tempera-
power generation. To improve generation efficiency of a ture steam flows, the steam turbine rotor manufacturing
steam turbine, it is useful to increase a turbine steam method including the steps of: preparing a first electrode
temperature, and a steam temperature of 600°C or higher 55 having a chemical composition corresponding to a chem-
has come to be used recently in a thermal power gener- ical composition of a heat resistant alloy making up the
ation plant equipped with a steam turbine. There is a ultra-high temperature side portion and a second elec-
tendency that the steam temperature rises to 650°C, trode having a chemical composition corresponding to

3 EP 2 345 792 A1 4

chemical composition of the high temperature side por- turbine rotor.

tion; providing joints on peripheral edges at longitudinal [0024] On the other hand, the objects of the present
ends of the first and second electrodes; tentatively joining invention can also be achieved by the steam turbine rotor
together the joints of the first and second electrodes, with manufactured by the steam turbine rotor manufacturing
portions including the joints of the first and second elec- 5 method according to claim 1.
trodes made smaller in cross sectional area than other [0025] More specifically, a steam turbine rotor for a
electrode portions; subjecting the tentatively joined first steam turbine configured to be equipped with one of a
and second electrodes to electro-slag remelting, and high pressure turbine rotor, an intermediate pressure tur-
forging a resulting electro-slag remelted ingot into a bine rotor, and an integrated high and intermediate pres-
shape of a rotor to obtain a rotor forging; and subsequent- 10 sure turbine rotor, includes a rotor body, bearing portions
ly heat-treating the rotor forging to obtain a rotor blank installed on opposite sides of the rotor body, and a plu-
and manufacturing the steam turbine rotor from the rotor rality of turbine rotor blades installed on the rotor by being
blank. disposed in a circumferential direction of the steam tur-
[0013] The above-described steam turbine rotor man- bine rotor, wherein the steam turbine rotor further in-
ufacturing method may have following preferred modes. 15 cludes an ultra-high temperature side portion in which
[0014] It may be desired that the chemical composition ultra-high temperature steam flows and a high tempera-
of the second electrode is different from the chemical ture side portion in which high temperature steam flows;
composition of the first electrode and the chemical com- and the steam turbine rotor is manufactured by providing
position of the high temperature side portion of the steam joints on peripheral edges at longitudinal ends of a first
turbine rotor is different from the chemical composition 20 electrode having a chemical composition corresponding
of the ultra-high temperature side portion. to a chemical composition of a heat resistant alloy making
[0015] It may be desired that the high temperature side up the ultra-high temperature side portion and a second
portion is made of a ferritic heat resistant steel. electrode having a chemical composition corresponding
[0016] In the heat treatment of the rotor forging, the to a chemical composition of the high temperature side
ultra-high temperature side portion and the high temper- 25 portion, tentatively joining together the joints of the first
ature side portion may be heat-treated simultaneously and second electrodes, with portions including the joints
under heat treatment conditions predetermined accord- of the first and second electrodes made smaller in cross
ing to the respective chemical compositions. sectional area than other electrode portions, subjecting
[0017] Furthermore, desirably, the chemical composi- the tentatively joined first and second electrodes to elec-
tion of the second electrode may be the same as the 30 tro-slag remelting, and forging a resulting electro-slag
chemical composition of the first electrode and the high remelted ingot into a shape of a rotor to obtain a rotor
temperature side portion of the steam turbine rotor is forging, and subsequently heat-treating the rotor forging
made of a same heat resistant alloy as the ultra-high to obtain a rotor blank, machining the rotor blank and
temperature side portion. implanting the rotor blades to manufacture the steam tur-
[0018] Furthermore, it may be also desired that, in the 35 bine rotor.
heat treatment of the rotor forging, the ultra-high temper- [0026] With the steam turbine rotor manufacturing
ature side portion and the high temperature side portion method and the steam turbine rotor according to the
are heat-treated simultaneously under same heat treat- present invention, the first electrode is produced by melt-
ment conditions. ing a heat resistant alloy, an electro-slag remelted ingot
[0019] The heat resistant alloy making up the ultra- 40 is obtained by subjecting the first electrode and the other
high temperature side portion may be an Ni-based su- second electrode to electro-slag remelting, and the
peralloy. steam turbine rotor is manufactured after passing
[0020] The first and second electrodes have a solid through stages of a rotor forging and a rotor blank in
structure and only the joints thereof may be formed so sequence. Consequently, the steam turbine rotor can be
as to provide a ring shape. 45 manufactured by overcoming limitations in the manufac-
[0021] Furthermore, preferably, the first and second turing technique of the heat resistant alloy such as ina-
electrodes have a solid structure and the joints thereof bility to produce a large-size part. Furthermore, since the
are configured such that only portions on an outer pe- ultra-high temperature side portion of the steam turbine
ripheral side of the electrodes protrude in an axial direc- rotor is made of the heat resistant alloy with excellent
tion. 50 high-temperature strength, soundness of the steam tur-
[0022] Furthermore, it may be also desired that the first bine rotor can be ensured even against ultra-high tem-
and second electrodes have a solid structure and the perature steam in excess of 600°C.
joints thereof are configured such that only portions on
a central side of the electrodes protrude in an axial di- Brief Description of the Drawings
rection. 55
[0023] The steam turbine rotor may be one of a high [0027]
pressure turbine rotor, an intermediate pressure turbine
rotor, and an integrated high and intermediate pressure Fig. 1 is a schematic sectional view showing a steam

5 EP 2 345 792 A1 6

turbine rotor manufactured by a steam turbine rotor stream stages (multiple stages closer to the center in Fig.
manufacturing method according to a first embodi- 1) of the high pressure turbine rotor blades 13 and up-
ment of the present invention. stream stages (multiple stages closer to the center in Fig.
Fig. 2 is a partial schematic side view showing a first 1) of the intermediate pressure turbine rotor blades 14.
example of a joined structure of electrodes used for 5 Thus, in the rotor body 11 of the steam turbine rotor 10,
ESR in manufacturing the steam turbine rotor shown an ultra-high temperature side portion 15 which includes
in Fig. 1. a portion where the ultra-high temperature steam flows
Fig. 3 is a partial schematic side view showing a sec- is made of an Ni-based alloy which is a heat resistant
ond example of a joined structure of electrodes used alloy with excellent high-temperature strength (e.g., high-
for ESR in manufacturing the steam turbine rotor 10 temperature creep rupture strength).
shown in Fig. 1. [0031] Preferable Ni-based alloys include an alloy
Fig. 4 is a partial schematic side view showing a third known under the trade name of IN617 (13Co-22Cr-9Mo-
example of a joined structure of electrodes used for 1Al-0.3Ti-54.7Ni [wt%]) and an alloy known under the
ESR in manufacturing the steam turbine rotor shown trade name of IN625 (22Cr-9Mo-3.6Nb-0.2Al-0.2Ti-65Ni
in Fig. 1. 15 [wt%]).
Fig. 5 is a partial schematic side view showing a [0032] A high temperature side portion 16 of the steam
fourth example of a joined structure of electrodes turbine rotor 1 0 includes the part of the rotor body 11 in
used for ESR in manufacturing the steam turbine which steam not higher than 600°C flows as well as the
rotor shown in Fig. 1. bearing portions 12. The high temperature side portion
Fig. 6 is a partial schematic side view showing a com- 20 16 is made of a material, such as a ferritic heat resistant
parative example of a joined structure of electrodes steel having chemical composition different from that of
used for ESR in manufacturing a steam turbine rotor. the ultra-high temperature side portion 15.
Fig. 7 is a schematic side view showing an ESR ingot [0033] Preferable ferritic heat resistant steels include,
created by ESR. for example, 12% Cr steel (10.5Cr-1Mo-0.2V-0.07Nb-
Fig. 8 is a chart showing transition widths of compo- 25 0.05N-1W-87.18Fe[wt%]) and 1% Cr-Mo-V steel (1Cr-
sition transition regions of ESR ingots produced by 1.25Mo-0.25V-97.5Fe[wt%]).
using the joined structures of the electrodes in the [0034] Incidentally, although an integrated high and in-
examples in Figs. 2 to 6 in comparison with the com- termediate pressure turbine rotor is shown in Fig. 1 as
parative example. an example of the steam turbine rotor 10, a high pressure
30 turbine rotor or intermediate pressure turbine rotor may
Best Mode for Carrying Out the Invention be used alternatively.
[0035] Next, a manufacturing process of the above-
[0028] The best mode for carrying out the present in- described steam turbine rotor 10 will be described here-
vention will be described hereunder with reference to the under.
accompanying drawings. 35 [0036] In the manufacturing process, raw materials of
the Ni-based superalloy for the ultra-high temperature
(1) First Embodiment (Figs. 1 to 8) side portion 15 are melted (including refining) so as to
provide a predetermined chemical composition, and
[0029] A steam turbine rotor 10 shown in Fig. 1 is an then, the raw materials are solidified to produce and pre-
integrated high and intermediate pressure turbine rotor, 40 pare a first electrode 17 (Fig. 5) having chemical com-
which includes a rotor body 11 and bearing portions 12 position corresponding to the chemical composition of
installed on opposite sides of the rotor body 11. High the Ni-based superalloy. Furthermore, raw materials of
pressure turbine rotor blades 13 and intermediate pres- the ferritic heat resistant steel for the high temperature
sure turbine rotor blades 14 are implanted in the rotor side portion 16 are melted (including refining) so as to
body 11. In the rotor body 11, a plurality of the high pres- 45 provide a predetermined chemical composition, and
sure turbine rotor blades 13 are arranged in a circumfer- then, the raw materials are solidified to produce and pre-
ential direction of the steam turbine rotor 10 and a plurality pare a second electrode 18 (Fig. 5) having chemical com-
of such arrangements are provided in multiple stages position corresponding to the chemical composition of
along an axial direction of the steam turbine rotor 10. the ferritic heat resistant steel.
Further, in the rotor body 11, a plurality of the intermediate 50 [0037] The first electrode 17 and the second electrode
pressure turbine rotor blades 14 are arranged in the cir- 18 have different chemical compositions as described
cumferential direction of the steam turbine rotor 10 and above. However, both are used for the ESR process. A
a plurality of such arrangements are provided in multiple joint 19A of the first electrode 17 and a joint 20A of the
stages along the axial direction of the steam turbine rotor second electrode 18 are configured to be smaller in cross
10. 55 sectional area than the other portions of the first electrode
[0030] The steam turbine rotor 10 described above is 17 and the second electrode 18, respectively.
exposed to ultra-high temperature steam in excess of [0038] For example, as shown in Fig. 2, the first elec-
600°C. The ultra-high temperature steam flows to up- trode 17 and the second electrode 18 have a solid struc-

7 EP 2 345 792 A1 8

ture, and only the joint 19A and the joint 20A are formed [0043] Incidentally, when the effects of various char-
into a ring shape (first example). acteristics of the composition transition region 24 are
As shown in Fig. 3, also, the first electrode 17 and the considered, from the viewpoint of ensuring the reliability
second electrode 18 have a solid structure, and a joint of long-term operation of the steam turbine rotor 10, pref-
19B of the first electrode 17 and a joint 20B of the second 5 erably the composition transition region 24 has a small
electrode 18 are configured such that only portions on transition width W. For example, supposing that the first
an outer peripheral side of each electrode protrude in an electrode 17 is made of IN617 and the second electrode
axial direction with inner sides of the joints 19B and 20B 18 is made of 12% Cr steel, and that the transition width
formed into slopes (second example). W of the composition transition region 24 of an ESR ingot
[0039] Furthermore, as shown in Fig. 4, the first elec- 10 21 produced by the ESR process is taken as "1" when a
trode 17 and the second electrode 18 have a solid struc- joint 19E of the first electrode 17 and a joint 20E of the
ture, and a joint 19C of the first electrode 17 and a joint second electrode 18 are placed in complete contact with
20C of the second electrode 18 are configured such that each other, as shown in Fig. 6, by being welded together
only portions on the outer peripheral sides of the elec- tentatively at a tentative fastening location 25 on the outer
trodes protrude in the axial direction with inner sides of 15 periphery. Then, as shown in Fig. 8, the transition width
the joints 19C and 20C formed into hemispherical shapes W of the composition transition region 24 in the ESR ingot
(third example). 21 is 0.41 with the joined structure shown in Fig. 2, 0.32
Further, as shown in Fig. 5, the first electrode 17 and the with the joined structure shown in Fig. 3, 0.28 with the
second electrode 18 have a solid structure, and a joint joined structure shown in Fig. 4, and 0.34 with the joined
19D of the first electrode 17 and a joint 20D of the second 20 structure shown in Fig. 5, all of which are not more than
electrode 18 are configured such that only central por- half the value obtained by the joined structure shown in
tions of the electrodes protrude in the axial direction Fig. 6.
(fourth example). [0044] Next, the ESR ingot 21 produced as described
[0040] In the next process, the joint (19A, 19B, 19C, above is forged into a shape of a rotor to produce a rotor
or 19D) of the first electrode 17 and the joint (20A, 20B, 25 forging, not shown, and subsequently the rotor forging is
20C, or 20D) of the second electrode 18 are fastened heat-treated to produce a rotor blank, not shown.
together tentatively, for example, by welding, the first [0045] In the heat treatment of the rotor forging, the
electrode 17 and the second electrode 18 are mounted ultra-high temperature side portion (with the same chem-
in an ESR furnace. Tentative joint locations are denoted ical composition as the ultra-high temperature side por-
by 25 in Figs. 2 to 5. The tentatively joined first electrode 30 tion 22 in Fig. 7) and the high temperature side portion
17 and second electrode 18 are subjected to an ESR (with the same chemical composition as the high tem-
process to produce an ESR ingot 21 (Fig. 7). perature side portion 23 in Fig. 7) are heat-treated simul-
[0041] The ESR ingot 21 includes an ultra-high tem- taneously under heat treatment conditions suitable (pref-
perature side portion 22 made of an Ni-based superalloy, erably, optimal) for the respective chemical composi-
a high temperature side portion 23 made of a ferritic heat 35 tions. For example, the ultra-high temperature side por-
resistant steel, and a composition transition region 24 in tion and the high temperature side portion of the rotor
which constituent elements of the Ni-based superalloy forging are heated simultaneously at different heating
and constituent elements of the ferritic heat resistant temperatures and cooled simultaneously at different
steel coexist. cooling rates.
[0042] Herein, a transition width W of the composition 40 [0046] Subsequently, the rotor blank created by the
transition region 24 is defined as a range in which there heat treatment mentioned above is machined, and the
is a 20% or more difference in the contents of constituent rotor blades 13 and 14 are implanted to produce the
elements from the ultra-high temperature side portion 22 steam turbine rotor 10 shown in Fig. 1.
and the high temperature side portion 23, where the [0047] According to the configuration or structure de-
range is expressed in length along a longitudinal direction 45 scribed above, the present embodiment provides the fol-
of the ESR ingot 21. For example, if the content of ele- lowing advantageous effects (1) to (8).
ment A in the high temperature side portion 23 is 5% and [0048] (1) The first electrode 17 is produced by melting
the content of the same element, i.e., element A, in the a Ni-based superalloy, the ESR ingot 21 is obtained by
ultra-high temperature side portion 22 is 10%, the tran- subjecting the first electrode 17 and the second electrode
sition width W of the composition transition region 24 is 50 18 to the ESR, and the steam turbine rotor 10 is then
defined to be the width of the range in which the content produced after going through stages of a rotor forging
of element A in the composition transition region 24 is and a rotor blank in sequence, so that the present em-
6% to 8%. In this case, each constituent element of the bodiment can produce the steam turbine rotor by over-
ESR ingot 21 has a different distribution pattern. There- coming limitations in the manufacture of the Ni-based
fore, a value of the transition width W is determined for 55 superalloy such as inability to produce a large-size parts.
each constituent element and the largest one of these [0049] (2) Since the ultra-high temperature side por-
values is adopted as the transition width W of the com- tion 15 of the steam turbine rotor 10 is made of an Ni-
position transition region 24. based superalloy with excellent high-temperature

9 EP 2 345 792 A1 10

strength, the present embodiment can ensure sound- increased rotor wheel interval or an incompatible drum
ness of the steam turbine rotor 10 even against ultra-high rotor structure) caused by bolted joints.
temperature steam in excess of 600°C. [0055] (8) Furthermore, the examples of the present
[0050] (3) Although the first electrode 17 for the ESR invention excel at tentative joining of peripheral portions.
is made of an expensive Ni-based superalloy, since the 5 That is, in comparison with the tentative joining which
second electrode 18 is made of ferritic heat resistant involves a central portion, the tentative joining of the pe-
steel, the present embodiment can produce the steam ripheral portion has the advantages of making it easy to
turbine rotor 10 at low cost after a stage of the ESR ingot hold the electrodes, increasing stability of strength, pro-
21 produced by using the first electrode 17 and the sec- viding high stability against fluctuations of a molten metal
ond electrode 18. 10 level during ESR joining, and minimizing the possibility
[0051] (4) The joint (19A, 19B, 19C, or 19D) of the first that an axis of the unmelted portion will be shifted or the
electrode 17 and the joint (20A, 20B, 20C, or 20D) of the unmelted portion will fall off in the middle of ESR process.
second electrode 18 are configured to be smaller in cross
sectional area than the other parts of the first electrode (2) Second Embodiment
17 and the second electrode 18, respectively. Therefore, 15
in the ESR using the first electrode 17 and the second [0056] In the second embodiment, components similar
electrode 18, the present embodiment can decrease to those in the first embodiment are denoted by the same
meltage of the joint (19A, 19B, 19C, or 19D) and the joint reference numerals as the corresponding components,
(20A, 20B, 20C, or 20D), resulting in a shallow melt pool, and description thereof will be simplified or omitted.
thereby allowing the melt pool to be flattened and solid- 20 [0057] The present embodiment differs from the first
ification speed to be increased. This allows the transition embodiment in that: the ultra-high temperature side por-
width W of the composition transition region 24 in the tion 15 and the high temperature side portion 16 of the
ESR ingot 21 to be reduced, making it possible to in- steam turbine rotor 10 are made of the same heat resist-
crease the quality of the steam turbine rotor 10 manu- ant alloy, e.g., a Ni-based superalloy, and thus both the
factured by passing through a stage of the ESR ingot 21 25 first electrode 17 and the second electrode 18 used for
and improve the reliability of the long-term operation of ESR manufacturing of the steam turbine rotor 10 have a
the steam turbine rotor 10. chemical composition corresponding to the chemical
[0052] (5) Since the joint (19A, 19B, 19C, or 19D) of composition of the Ni-based superalloy.
the first electrode 17 and the joint (20A, 20B, 20C, or [0058] In this case, both the ultra-high temperature
20D) of the second electrode 18 are configured to be 30 side portion 22 and the high temperature side portion 23
smaller in cross sectional area than the other parts of the of the ESR ingot 21 produced by the ESR process by
first electrode 17 and the second electrode 18, respec- using the first electrode 17 and the second electrode 18
tively, the first electrode 17 and the second electrode 18 are made of the Ni-based superalloy, and thus, there is
can be shortened in comparison with a case of both the no composition transition region 24.
electrodes being hollow. This makes it possible to down- 35 [0059] Therefore, the ultra-high temperature side por-
size the ESR furnace and the like in which the first elec- tion and the high temperature side portion of the rotor
trode 17 and the second electrode 18 are mounted. forging produced by forging the ESR ingot 21 are heat-
[0053] (6) In the heat treatment of the rotor forging, the treated (heated or cooled) simultaneously under the heat
ultra-high temperature side portion (with the same chem- treatment conditions optimal for the Ni-based superalloy.
ical composition as the ultra-high temperature side por- 40 Incidentally, in the present embodiment, the joint (19A,
tion 22 in Fig. 7) and the high temperature side portion 19B, 19C, or 19D) and the joint (20A, 20B, 20C, or 20D)
(with the same chemical composition as the high tem- may be formed on the first, electrode 17 and second elec-
perature side portion 23 in Fig. 7) with different chemical trode 18 for ESR, respectively, or the joint 19E and the
compositions are heat-treated simultaneously under the joint 20E may be formed alternatively.
heat treatment conditions optimal for the respective 45 [0060] Thus, the present embodiment provides advan-
chemical compositions. This makes it possible to fully tages similar to advantages (1), (2), (5), (7), and (8) of
exploit material properties in the ultra-high temperature the first embodiment.
side portion and the high temperature side portion of the [0061] It is to be noted that the present invention has
rotor forging. been described with reference to the above embodi-
[0054] (7) In the steam turbine rotor 10, the ultra-high 50 ments, the present invention is not limited to these em-
temperature side portion 15 made of the Ni-based su- bodiments. For example, although in the present embod-
peralloy and the high temperature side portion 16 made iment, the heat resistant alloy making up the ultra-high
of the ferritic heat resistant steel are joined by using an temperature side portion 15 is a Ni-based superalloy, a
ESR process. Accordingly, since no welded joint or bolt- ferritic heat resistant steel having the same chemical
ed joint is used, it is possible to eliminate technical prob- 55 composition, or different from, the high temperature side
lems resulting from joining, including defective conditions portion 16 may be used.
(such as welding deformation or welding residual stress)
caused by welding and defective conditions (such as an

11 EP 2 345 792 A1 12

Claims temperature side portion.

1. A method of manufacturing a steam turbine rotor 6. The steam turbine rotor manufacturing method ac-
which includes an ultra-high temperature side por- cording to claim 5, wherein in the heat treatment of
tion in which ultra-high temperature steam flows and 5 the rotor forging, the ultra-high temperature side por-
a high temperature side portion in which high tem- tion and the high temperature side portion are heat-
perature steam flows, the steam turbine rotor man- treated simultaneously under same heat treatment
ufacturing method comprising the steps of: conditions.

preparing a first electrode having a chemical 10 7. The steam turbine rotor manufacturing method ac-
composition corresponding to a chemical com- cording to claim 1, wherein the heat resistant alloy
position of a heat resistant alloy making up the making up the ultra-high temperature side portion is
ultra-high temperature side portion and a sec- an Ni-based superalloy.
ond electrode having a chemical composition
corresponding to a chemical composition of the 15 8. The steam turbine rotor manufacturing method ac-
high temperature side portion; cording to claim 1, wherein the first and second elec-
providing joints on peripheral edges at longitu- trodes have a solid structure and only the joints there-
dinal ends of the first and second electrodes; of are formed so as to provide a ring-shape.
tentatively joining together the joints of the first
and second electrodes, with portions including 20 9. The steam turbine rotor manufacturing method ac-
the joints of the first and second electrodes cording to claim 1, wherein the first and second elec-
made smaller in cross sectional area than other trodes have a solid structure and the joints thereof
electrode portions; are configured such that only portions on an outer
subjecting the tentatively joined first and second peripheral side of the electrodes protrude in an axial
electrodes to electro-slag remelting, and forging 25 direction.
a resulting electro-slag remelted ingot into a
shape of a rotor to obtain a rotor forging; and 10. The steam turbine rotor manufacturing method ac-
subsequently heat-treating the rotor forging to cording to claim 1, wherein the first and second elec-
obtain a rotor blank and manufacturing the trodes have a solid structure and the joints thereof
steam turbine rotor from the rotor blank. 30 are configured such that only portions on a central
side of the electrodes protrude in an axial direction.
2. The steam turbine rotor manufacturing method ac-
cording to claim 1, wherein the chemical composition 11. The steam turbine rotor manufacturing method ac-
of the second electrode is different from the chemical cording to claim 1, wherein the steam turbine rotor
composition of the first electrode and the chemical 35 is one of a high pressure turbine rotor, an interme-
composition of the high temperature side portion of diate pressure turbine rotor, and an integrated high
the steam turbine rotor is different from the chemical and intermediate pressure turbine rotor.
composition of the ultra-high temperature side por-
tion. 12. A steam turbine rotor manufactured by the steam
40 turbine rotor manufacturing method according to
3. The steam turbine rotor manufacturing method ac- claim 1.
cording to claim 2, wherein the high temperature side
portion is made of a ferritic heat resistant steel. 13. A steam turbine rotor for a steam turbine configured
to be equipped with one of a high pressure turbine
4. The steam turbine rotor manufacturing method ac- 45 rotor, an intermediate pressure turbine rotor, and an
cording to claim 2, wherein in the heat treatment of integrated high and intermediate pressure turbine ro-
the rotor forging, the ultra-high temperature side por- tor, comprising a rotor body, bearing portions in-
tion and the high temperature side portion are heat- stalled on opposite sides of the rotor body, and a
treated simultaneously under heat treatment condi- plurality of turbine rotor blades installed on the rotor
tions predetermined according to the respective 50 by being disposed in a circumferential direction of
chemical compositions. the steam turbine rotor, wherein
the steam turbine rotor further comprises an ultra-
5. The steam turbine rotor manufacturing method ac- high temperature side portion in which ultra-high
cording to claim 1, wherein the chemical composition temperature steam flows and a high temperature
of the second electrode is same as the chemical 55 side portion in which high temperature steam flows;
composition of the first electrode, and the high tem- and the steam turbine rotor is manufactured by pro-
perature side portion of the steam turbine rotor is viding joints on peripheral edges at longitudinal ends
made of a same heat resistant alloy as the ultra-high of a first electrode having a chemical composition

13 EP 2 345 792 A1 14

corresponding to a chemical composition of a heat

resistant alloy making up the ultra-high temperature
side portion and a second electrode having a chem-
ical composition corresponding to a chemical com-
position of the high temperature side portion, tenta- 5
tively joining together the joints of the first and second
electrodes, with portions including the joints of the
first and second electrodes made smaller in cross
sectional area than other electrode portions, subject-
ing the tentatively joined first and second electrodes 10
to electro-slag remelting, and forging a resulting
electro-slag remelted ingot into a shape of a rotor to
obtain a rotor forging, and subsequently heat-treat-
ing the rotor forging to obtain a rotor blank, machining
the rotor blank and implanting the rotor blades to 15
manufacture the steam turbine rotor.









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EP 2 345 792 A1


This list of references cited by the applicant is for the reader’s convenience only. It does not form part of the European
patent document. Even though great care has been taken in compiling the references, errors or omissions cannot be
excluded and the EPO disclaims all liability in this regard.

Patent documents cited in the description

• JP 6155001 A [0004] • JP 2001050002 A [0005]

• JP 2001050007 A [0005]


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