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3 Kinematics 2-D

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Chapter 3 Kinematics in Two Dimensions

Chapter 3



Two-dimensional motion includes objects which are moving in two directions at the same
time, such as a projectile, which has both horizontal and vertical motion. These two
motions of a projectile are completely independent of one another, and can be described
by constant velocity in the horizontal direction, and free fall in the vertical direction.
Since the two-dimensional motion described in this chapter involves only constant
accelerations, we may use the kinematic equations.

The content contained in sections 1, 2, 3, and 5 of chapter 3 of the textbook is included

on the AP Physics B exam.


Important Terms

any object that is projected by a force and continues to move by its own inertia
range of a projectile
the horizontal distance between the launch point of a projectile and where it
returns to its launch height
the path followed by a projectile

Equations and Symbols

Horizontal direction:
Vertical direction:

For a projectile near the surface of the earth:

ax = 0, vx is constant, and ay = g = 10 m/s2.

Chapter 3 Kinematics in Two Dimensions

Ten Homework Problems

Chapter 3 Problems 12, 13, 16, 22, 25, 28, 39, 43, 64, 71


3.2 Equations of Kinematics in Two Dimensions

Chapter 2 dealt with displacement, velocity, and acceleration in one dimension. But if an
object moves in the horizontal and vertical direction at the same time, we say that the
object is is moving in two dimensions. We subscript any quantity which is horizontal with
an x (such as vx and ax), and we subscript any quantity which is vertical with a y (such as
vy and ay.)

Example 1 A helicopter moves in such a way that its position at any time is described by
the horizontal and vertical equations

x = 5t + 12t2 and y = 10 + 2t + 6t2 ,

where x and y are in meters and t is in seconds.

(a) What is the initial position of the helicopter at time t = 0?
(b) What are the x and y components of the helicopter’s acceleration at 3 seconds?
(c) What is the speed of the helicopter at 4 seconds?

(a) For the initial position, we simply substitute zero for time:

x = 5(0) + 12(0)2 and y = 10 + 2(0) + 6(0)2

yielding x = 0 and y = 10 m at t = 0.
(b) Notice that both equations are of the familiar form . This means
that the acceleration in the equation for x must be 24 m/s2 (that is, ½ (24)t2), and the
acceleration in the equation for y must be 12 m/s2. Thus, ax = 24 m/s2, and ay = 12 m/s2.

(c) The velocity in the x – direction vx would take the form

vx = vox + axt = 5 + 24t = 5 + 24(4s) = 101 m/s.

The velocity in the y – direction would take the form

vy = voy + ayt = 2 + 12t = 2 + 12(4s) = 50 m/s.

Thus, the speed of the helicopter can be found by Pythagoras’ theorem:

112.7 m/s

Chapter 3 Kinematics in Two Dimensions

3.3 Projectile Motion

Projectile motion results when an object is thrown either horizontally through the air or at
an angle relative to the ground. In both cases, the object moves through the air with a
constant horizontal velocity, and at the same time is falling freely under the influence of
gravity. In other words, the projected object is moving horizontally and vertically at the
same time, and the resulting path of the projectile, called the trajectory, has a parabolic
shape. For this reason, projectile motion is considered to be two-dimensional motion.
The motion of a projectile can be broken down into constant velocity and zero
acceleration in the horizontal direction, and a changing vertical velocity due to the
acceleration of gravity. Let’s label any quantity in the horizontal direction with the
subscript x, and any quantity in the vertical direction with the subscript y. If we fire a
cannonball from a cannon on the ground pointing up at an angle θ, the ball will follow a
parabolic path and we can draw the vectors associated with the motion at each point
along the path:

vy v
vy v
vx vx
vx vy

vy v

At each point, we can draw the horizontal velocity vector vx, the vertical velocity vector
vy, and the vertical acceleration vector g, which is simply the acceleration due to gravity.
Notice that the length of the horizontal velocity and the acceleration due to gravity
vectors do not change, since they are constant. The vertical velocity decreases as the ball
rises and increases as the ball falls. The motion of the ball is symmetric, that is, the
velocities and acceleration of the ball on the way up is the same as on the way down, with
the vertical velocity being zero at the top of the path and reversing its direction at this

At any point along the trajectory, the velocity vector is the vector sum of the horizontal
and vertical velocity vectors, that is, v = vx + vy.



By the Pythagorean theorem,

In both the horizontal and vertical cases, the acceleration is constant, being zero in the
horizontal direction and 10 m/s2 downward in the vertical direction, and therefore we can
use the kinematic equations to describe the motion of a projectile.

Kinematic Equations for a Projectile

Horizontal motion Vertical motion

ax = 0 ay = g = - 10 m/s2

vy = voy + g t

x = vxt

Notice the minus sign in the equations in the right column. Since the acceleration g and
the initial vertical velocity voy are in opposite directions, we must give one of them a
negative sign, and here we’ve chosen to make g negative. Remember, the horizontal
velocity of a projectile is constant, but the vertical velocity is changed by gravity.

Example 2 A golf ball resting on the ground is struck by a golf club and given an initial
velocity of 50 m/s at an angle of 30º above the horizontal. The ball heads toward a fence
12 meters high at the end of the golf course, which is 200 meters away from the point at
which the golf ball was struck. Neglect any air resistance that may be acting on the golf

50 m/s
12 m

200 m

(a) Calculate the time it takes for the ball to reach the plane of the fence.
(b) Will the ball hit the fence or pass over it? Justify your answer by showing your
(c) On the axes below, sketch a graph of the vertical velocity vy of the golf ball vs. time t.
Be sure to label all significant points on each axis.

vy (m/s)


(a) The time it takes for the ball to reach the plane of the fence can be found by

(b) To determine whether or not the golf ball will strike the fence we need to find the
ball’s vertical position y at the time when the ball is at x = 200 m, that is, at 4.6 seconds.

Thus, the ball will strike the fence, since the ball is at a height of less than 12 m when it
reaches the plane of the fence.

(c) The y-component of the ball’s velocity is initially vsin 30 = (50 m/s) sin 30 = 25 m/s.
So the vertical speed would begin at 25 m/s on the vertical axis, and decrease with a
negative slope of 10 m/s2, crossing the time axis when the vertical velocity is zero, that
is, when the ball has reached its maximum height. We can find this time by using the

The ball’s vertical velocity is negative (downward) after 2.5 s, until it strikes the fence at
4.6 s.

vy (m/s)
25 m/s

2.5 s 4.6 s

For each of the multiple choice questions below, choose the best answer.
Unless otherwise noted, use g = 10 m/s2 and neglect air resistance.

1. Which of the following is NOT true of

a projectile launched from the ground at 2. A projectile is launched horizontally
an angle? from the edge of a cliff 20 m high with
(A) The horizontal velocity is constant an initial speed of 10 m/s. What is the
(B) The vertical acceleration is upward horizontal distance the projectile travels
during the first half of the flight, and before striking the level ground below
downward during the second half of the cliff?
the flight. (A) 5 m
(C) The horizontal acceleration is zero. (B) 10 m
(D) The vertical acceleration is 10 m/s2 (C) 20 m
(E) The time of flight can be found by (D) 40 m
horizontal distance divided by (E) 60 m
horizontal velocity.
3. A projectile is launched from level
ground with a velocity of 40 m/s at an
angle of 30 from the ground. What will
be the vertical component of the
projectile’s velocity just before it strikes
the ground? (sin 30 = 0.5, cos 30 =
(A) 10 m/s
(B) 20 m/s
(C) 30 m/s
(D) 35 m/s
(E) 40 m/s

Questions 4 – 6 5. The acceleration in the x – direction
A toy rocket moves in the horizontal and the y – direction, respectively, are
direction according to the equation x = (A) zero, 3 m/s2
5t, and in the vertical direction according (B) zero, 6 m/s2
to the equation y = 3t2, where x and y are (C) 5 m/s2, 3 m/s2
in meters and t is in seconds. (D) 5 m/s2, 6 m/s2
(E) 5 m/s2, 12 m/s2
4. The length of the displacement vector
of the rocket from the origin (t = 0) at a 6. The horizontal velocity after 10
time of 2 s is most nearly seconds is most nearly
(A) 22 m (A) zero
(B) 2 m (B) 5 m/s
(C) – 2 m (C) 10 m/s
(D) 250 m (D) 50 m/s
(E) 16 m (E) 300 m/s

Free Response Problem

Directions: Show all work in working the following question. The question is worth 10
points, and the suggested time for answering the question is about 10 minutes. The parts
within a question may not have equal weight.

1. (10 points)
Two planetary explorers land on an uncharted planet and decide to test the range of
cannon they brought along. When they fire a cannonball with a speed of 100 m/s at an
angle of 25˚ from the horizontal ground, they find that the cannonball follows a parabolic
path and takes 10 seconds to return to the ground.

(a) Determine the acceleration due to gravity on this uncharted planet.

(b) Determine the maximum height above the level ground the cannonball reaches.
(c) One of the astronauts exclaims that the cannonball “must have landed over a mile
away!” Is the astronaut right? Justify your answer (1 mile = 1600 m).
(d) The astronauts then fire another identical cannonball at 100 m/s at an angle of 75˚ to
the horizontal ground. Will the cannonball travel a horizontal range x′ which is less than,
greater than, or equal to the horizontal range for a 25˚ launch angle?

_____ less than _____ greater than _____ equal to

Justify your answer.


Multiple Choice

1. B
Since the vertical acceleration is due to gravity, it is always downward.

2. C
First we find the time of flight, which can be calculated from the height:

3. B
Neglecting air resistance, the y – component of the velocity of the projectile just before it
lands is equal to the y – component of the velocity when it is first fired:

4. E
At a time of t = 2 s, and . Then the length of the
displacement vector can e found by Pythagoras’s Theorem:

5. B
Both the horizontal and vertical components of the displacement of the rocket at any time
can be found by the general equation . Since the equation for x has no
t2 term, the horizontal acceleration must be zero. The vertical acceleration can be found
by , and since y = 3t2, a = 6 m/s2.

6. D
Since , then vx = 5 m/s, which remains constant.

Free Response Question Solution

(a) 3 points
Since it takes 10 s to return to the ground, it takes 5s to reach maximum height, at which
point the vertical velocity vy = 0. Thus,

(b) 3 points

(c) 2 points
, and so it lands less than a mile
away from where it was launched.

(d) 2 points
Two launch angles which are complementary, i.e., whose sum is 90˚, will produce the
same horizontal range x for a particular initial velocity. The complement of 25˚ is 65˚.
Since the new launch angle is greater than 65˚, the horizontal component of the velocity
for the 75˚ launch angle will be less than that of a 65˚ (and 25˚) launch angle, and
therefore the horizontal range x′ will be less for the 75˚ launch angle.


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