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Exercise 1 - Solution

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SEEM2440: Engineering Economics

Exercise 1 Solution

1. A company produces circuit boards used to update outdated computer equipment. The fixed cost
is $42,000 per month, and the variable cost is $53 per circuit board. The selling price per unit is
p = 150 − 0.02D. Maximum output of the plant (also called capacity) is 4,000 units per month.

a) Determine the optimal output level that maximizes profit?

b) What is the maximum profit per month?
c) What is the breakeven point?
d) What is the company’s range of profitable output?

Solution: Since p = 150 − 0.02D, a = 150 and b = 0.02, so 0 ≤ D ≤ a/b = 7500. However, since
the maximum output is 4000,
0 ≤ D ≤ 4000.
Note that cf = 42000 and cv = 53.

a) D∗ = (a − cv )/(2b) = 2425 and 0 ≤ D∗ ≤ 4000, so D∗ is the optimal output level.

b) Maximum profit: π ∗ = (aD∗ − b(D∗ )2 ) − (cf + cv D∗ ) = $75612.50.
2 1/2
c) Breakeven points: D0 = −(150−53)±[(150−53) −4(0.02)(42000)]
−2(0.02) , i.e., D10 ≈ 480.62 and D20 ≈
4369.38. Since D ≤ 4000, there is only one break-even point D10 .
d) 481 ≤ D ≤ 4000 or 480.6 < D ≤ 4000 (D is an integer).

2. Derive the profit function π(D) and find the quantity of the output that maximizes the profit for each
of the following cases:

a) p = 101 − 2D and T C = 10 + D for 0 ≤ D ≤ 40

π(D) = D(101 − 2D) − (10 + D) = −2D2 + 100D − 10
π 0 (D) = −4D + 100 = 0 → D∗ = 25 ∈ [0, 40]
Therefore, the output that maximizes the profit is 25.
b) p = (D − 10)2 and T C = 10 + 7D for 0 ≤ D ≤ 10
π(D) = D(D − 10)2 − (10 + 7D) = D3 − 20D2 + 93D − 10
π 0 (D) = 3D2 − 40D + 93 = (D − 3)(3D − 31) = 0 → D∗ = 3 ∈ [0, 10]
π 0 (D) > 0 for D ∈ [0, 3) and π 0 (D) < 0 for D ∈ (3, 10]
Therefore, the output that maximizes the profit is 3.

c) p = 100e−D and T C = 1 + 50e−D × D for D ≥ 0
π(D) = 100De−D − (1 + 50De−D ) = 50De−D − 1
π 0 (D) = 50e−D − 50De−D = 50e−D (1 − D) = 0 → D∗ = 1 ≥ 0
π 0 (D) > 0 for D ∈ [0, 1) and π 0 (D) < 0 for D ≥ 1
Therefore, the output that maximizes the profit is 1.

d) p = 5 − D and T C = 1 + 29 log D for 1 ≤ D ≤ 25
Solution: √
π(D) = D(5 − D) − (1 + 92 log D) = −D3/2 + 5D − 29 log D − 1
√ √
π 0 (D) = − 32 D − 2D9
+ 5 = 0 → D∗ = 19+18 37 or 9 ∈ [1, 25]

π 0 (D) < 0 for D ∈ [1, 19+18 37 ) and for D ∈ (9, 25]

π 0 (D) > 0 for D ∈ ( 19+18 37 , 9]
And π(1) < π(9), so the output that maximizes the profit is 9.
e) p = 5 + (D/40)−3/2 and T C = 10 + D/40 for 1 ≤ D ≤ 40

Solution: √
π(D) = D(5 + (D/40)−3/2 ) − (10 + D/40) = 5D − 2√110 D1/2 + 80 10D−1/2 − 10

π 0 (D) = 5 − 4√110 D−1/2 − 40 10D−3/2 is increasing in D
π 0 (1) < 0 and π 0 (40) > 0
And π(1) > π(40), so the output that maximizes the profit is 1.

3. Find the range of profitable output for case a) and b) in Problem 2 when the output is not divisible.
a) p = 101 − 2D and T C = 10 + D for 0 ≤ D ≤ 40
π(D) = D(101 − 2D) − (10 + D) = −2D2 + 100D − 10
π(0) < 0 < π(1) and π(40) > 0
Therefore, the range of profitable output is 1 ≤ D ≤ 40.
b) p = (D − 10)2 and T C = 10 + 7D for 0 ≤ D ≤ 10
π(D) = D(D − 10)2 − (10 + 7D) = D3 − 20D2 + 93D − 10
π(0) < 0 < π(1), π(7) > 0 > π(8), and π(10) < 0
Therefore, the range of profitable output is 1 ≤ D ≤ 7.

4. The cost of operating a large ship (CO ) varies as the square of its velocity (v); specifically, CO = knv 2 ,
where n is the trip length in miles and k is a constant of proportionality. It is known that at 12
miles/hour the average cost of operation is $100 per mile. The owner of the ship wants to minimize
the cost of operation, but it must be balanced against the cost of perishable cargo (CC ), which the
customer has set at $1500 per hour.
• What is k?
Solution: At v = 12, cost per mile is given as $100, i.e,
100 = = kv 2 = k(12)2 , and hence k = 100/(12)2 ≈ 0.694.

• What is the total cost?
CT = CO + CC = knv 2 + 1500 .
• At what velocity should the trip be planned to minimize the total cost (CT ) for traveling n miles?
Solution: We check if this has the minimum point first and find the solution

d2 CT n dCT n
= 2kn + 3000 3 > 0 and = 2knv − 1500 2 = 0
dv v dv v
1500 1/3
∴ v∗ = ( ) ≈ 10.26 miles/hour.

5. Ocean water contains 0.8 ounce of gold per ton. The following two methods require the same in-
vestment and are capable of producing the same amount of gold every day. The extracted gold can
be sold for $380 per ounce. Assume that the supply of ocean water is unlimited. Which method of
extraction should be used?

• Method A costs $210 per ton of water processed and will recover 80% of the metal.
• Method B costs $150 per ton of water processed and will recover 60% of the metal.

Solution: Each day both methods produce the same amount of gold, so compare on the basis of per
ounce. Since gold from both methods are sold at the same price, we choose the method with smaller
cost per ounce.

• Method A:
Cost per ounce = $210/(0.8 × 80%) = $328.13.
• Method B:
Cost per ounce = $150/(0.8 × 60%) = $312.50.

Select Method B.

Remark: Alternative criterion(?) Choose the method which produces more profit per ton of water.

• Method A:
Profit per ton of water = $380 × (0.8 × 80%) − 210 = $33.2.
• Method B:
Profit per ton of water = $380 × (0.8 × 60%) − 150 = $32.4.

Select Method A. This contradicts our previous conclusion!!!

The second criterion is unfair! Although Method B results in less profit per ton of water, Method B
can use more ton of water to produce the same amount of gold as method A. Hence, a fair comparison
should be done a per ounce basis, not on per ton of water.

6. Machine A and Machine B are being considered for the production of a part of a product. The impor-
tant differences between the machines are:

Machine A Machine B
Production rate 100 parts/hr 130 parts/hr
Hours available for production 7 hrs/day 6 hrs/day
Rejection rate 3% 10 %

The material cost is $6.00 per part, the operator cost is $15.00 per hour, and the variable overhead
cost is $5.00 per hour. All defect-free parts produced can be sold for $12 each, and the rejected parts
have no value.

• Assume that the daily demand for this part is large enough that all defect-free parts can be sold.
Which machine should be selected?
We base on the daily profit to select the machine.

Profit per day = Revenue per day − Cost per day

= (Production rate)(Production hrs)($12/part)
×(1 − rejection rate)
−(Production rate)(Production hrs)($6/part)
−(Production hrs)($15/hr) − (Production hrs)($5/hr)

– Machine A: Profit per day = $3,808 per day.

– Machine B: Profit per day = $3,624 per day.
Therefore, select Machine A.
• What should the rejection rate be for Machine B to be as profitable as Machine A?
The breakeven rejection rate, R, for Machine B, can be obtained by equating the profits from
Machine A and Machine B.

Profit of Machine A = Profit of Machine B

⇒ 3808 = (130)(6)(12)(1 − R) − (130)(6)(6) − (6)(15 + 5)

Therefore, the rejection rate for Machine B should be R ≈ 0.08.

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