Konsep Biaya - Ekonomik Teknik - 2021
Konsep Biaya - Ekonomik Teknik - 2021
Konsep Biaya - Ekonomik Teknik - 2021
Kelas: 2C-TPTL
2-3. A group of enterprising engineering students has developed a process for extracting combustible methane gas from cow m
the exhaust is odorless). With a specially adapted internal combustion engine, the students claim that an automobile can be pro
day from the “cow gas” produced by a single cow. Their experimental car can travel 60 miles per day for an estimated cost of $
allocated cost of the methane process equipment—the cow manure is essentially free). (2.1)
a. How many cows would it take to fuel 1,000,000 miles of annual driving by a fleet of cars? What is the annual cost?
b. How does your answer to Part (a) compare to a gasoline-fueled car averaging 30 miles per gallon when the cost of gasoline
182.648401826484 sapi
bisa jadi membayar 16666.6666667 $ per tahun untuk bahan bakar mobil menggunakan gas
2-12. A lash adjuster keeps pressure constant on engine valves, thereby increasing fuel efficiency in automobile engines. The r
price (p) and monthly demand (D) for lash adjusters made by the Wicks Company is given by this equation: D = (2,000 − p)/0.1
demand ( ˆD) when total revenue is maximized? What important data are needed if maximum profit is desired? (2.2)
D= (2000-P)/0.10
0.1 D = 2000-P
= 2000-0.1D (Persamaan harga)
pendapatan = harga/kualitas
= (2000 – 0,1 D) D
= 2000 D- 0,1 D2
Hal yang diperlukan jika ingin memperoleh keuntungan bulanan maksimum adalah
biaya tetap (fixed cost) per bulan dan biaya variabel (Variable cost) per adjuster bulu mata mesin.
2-15. A company produces and sells a consumer product and is able to control the
demand for the product by varying the selling price. The approximate relationship between price and demand is where p is the
dollars and D is the demand per month. The company is seeking to maximize its profit. The fixed cost is $1,000 per month and
(cv) is $40 per unit. (2.2)
a. p = $ 38 + (2700 / D) - (5000 / D^2), untuk D> 1. VC = $40
TR = p x D FC = $1,000
TR = ($ 38 + (2700 / D) - (5000 / D^2)) D
TR = 38 D + 2700 - (5000/D) TC = FC + VC =
Dapat dilakukan penurunan kedua untuk fungsi profit tersebut dan akan terbukti apabila
b. nilai dari turunan kedua < 0 tujuannya yaitu untuk membuktikan bahwa 50 (kali) adalah unit
yang dibutuhkan untuk memaksimalkan keuntungan
Profit" = -(10000/x^3)
Profit" = -0.08 terbukti
Provit = TR-TC (Pendapatan-Pengeluaran)
Provit' = MR-MC
= (38-(5000/D^2)-40
= -2 - (5000/D^2)
2-16. An electric power plant uses solid waste for fuel in the production of electricity. The cost Y in
dollars per hour to produce electricity is Y = 12 + 0.3X + 0.27X^2, where X is in megawatts.
Revenue in dollars per hour from the sale of electricity is 15X − 0.2X^2. Find the value of X that
gives maximum profit. (2.2)
Untuk mendapatkan profit yang paling banyak, kita harus menurunkan sekali persamaan sehingga
persamaannya nol untuk mendapatkan (x) watt maksimal (diturunkan)
dp/ dx = 14.7 - 0.94x = 0
x= 14.7 / 0.94
x = 15.6382978723404
Jadi, nilai x yang menghasilkan keuntungan maksimal sebesar 15,64 MW
2-21. A regional airline company estimated four years ago that each pound of aircraft weight adds
$30 per year to its fuel expense. Now the cost of jet fuel has doubled from what it was four years ago.
A recent engineering graduate employed by the company has made a recommendation to reduce
fuel consumption of an aircraft by installing leather seats as part of a “cabin refurbishment program.”
The total reduction in weight would be approximately 600 pounds per aircraft. If seats are replaced
annually (a worst-case situation), how much can this airline afford to spend on the cabin
refurbishments? What nonmonetary advantages might be associated with the refurbishments?
Would you support the engineer’s recommendation? (2.1)
Keuntungan non moneter yang diperoleh seperti terciptanya kenyamanan penumpang dengan lapisan
jok baru , kebersihan jok, estetika dan peningkatan aerodinamika pesawat
Ya, saya setuju dengan rekomendasi teknisi karena secara trade-off akan memberikan keuntungan
lebih banyak
2-22. Jerry Smith’s residential air conditioning (AC) system has not been able to keep his house cool
enough in 90◦F weather. He called his local AC maintenance person, who discovered a leak in the
evaporator. The cost to recharge the AC unit is $40 for gas and $45 for labor, but the leak will continue
and perhaps grow worse. The AC person cautioned that this service would have to be repeated each
year unless the evaporator is replaced. A new evaporator would run about $800–$850. Jerry reasons
that fixing the leak in the evaporator on an annual basis is the way to go. “After all, it will take 10 years
of leak repairs to equal the evaporator’s replacement cost.” Comment on Jerry’s logic.
What would you do? (2.1)
Melihat kasus Ac rumah jerry yang tidak berfungsi normal serta butuh biaya pengisian ulang gas dan
teknisi setiap tahun. Maka akan dianalisis pilihan mana yang harus dilakukan
Pilihan 1
Biaya perawatan termasuk biaya pengisian ulang AC sebesar $40 dan biaya tenaga kerja untuk
pemasangan AC sebesar $45.
Oleh karena itu dapat ditentukan total biaya pemeliharaan adalah ($ 40+$ 45)= $85 per tahun.
Perbaikan ini akan berlangsung selama 10 tahun karena Evaporator Ac akan tetap bocor.
Maka total biaya perbaikan selama 10 tahun = 10 tahun x ( $85/tahun)
= $850
Pilihan 2
Sedangkan membeli evaporator baru harganya $800-$850
Bila kita bandingkan kedua pengeluaran dari kedua pilihan tersebut maka akan sama biaya yang akan dikeluarkan.
Namun, menurut saya bila Jerry membeli evaporator dengan batas bawah range harganya ($800) maka Jerry dapat
menghemat sebesar $50. Dengan membeli kompressor baru Jerry tidak perlu meminta teknisi ke rumahnya setiap tahun,
serta tidak perlu mengkhawatirkan kebocoran gas freon dan dampaknya. Maka menurut saya lebih baik jika Jerry membeli
evaporator baru.
2-23. Ethanol blended with gasoline can be used to power a “flex-fueled” car. One particular blend that is gaining in popularity i
which is 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline. E85 is 80% cleaner burning than gasoline alone, and it reduces our dependency on fo
But a flex-fueled car costs $1,000 more than a conventional gasoline-fueled car. Additionally, E85 fuel gets 10% less miles per
than a conventional automobile. Consider a 100% gasoline-fueled car that averages 30 miles per gallon. The E85-fueled car w
about 27 miles per gallon. If either car will be driven 81,000 miles before being traded in, how much will the E85 fuel have to co
(per gallon) to make the flex-fueled car as economically attractive as a conventional gasoline-fueled car? Gasoline costs $3.89
per gallon. Work this problem without considering the time value of money. (2.1)
Pilihan 1
Jumlah bahan bakar yang dibutuhkan bensin untuk pergi sejauh 81.000 mil :
= 81.000/30
= 2.700 galon
Pilihan 2
Jumlah bahan bakar yang dibutuhkan E85 untuk pergi sejauh 81.000 mil :
= 81.000/27
= 3.000 galon
Maka penyelesaiannya :
[ Harga mobil bahan bakar fleksibel + Jumlah bahan bakar E85 [ Jumlah bahan bakar bensin ya
yang digunakan × Harga bahan bakar E85 per gallon] × Harga bahan bakar bensin pe
Jadi, harga bahan bakar E85 per galon adalah = $3,16 per galon dan lebih murah dibandingkan dengan harga bensin konvens
maka yang lebih murah lebih memiliki daya tarik
2-24. The fixed cost for a steam line per meter of pipe is $450X + $50 per year. The cost for loss of heat from the pipe per mete
is $4.8/X1/2 per year. Here, X represents the thickness of insulation in meters, and X is a continuous design variable. (2.3)
a. What is the optimum thickness of the insulation?
b. How do you know that your answer in Part (a) minimizes total cost per year?
c. What is the basic trade-off being made in this problem?
Diketahui persamaan biaya tetap jalur uap per meter pipa adalah 450x + $50 per tahun dimana
x adalah tebal isolasi (dalam meter)
Persamaan biaya panas yang hilang dari pipa per meter diberikan 4,8/x^1/4 per tahunnya
Total biaya tahunan = Biaya Tetap + Biaya kehilangan panas , disimbolkan C
Maka persamaan C = 450x + 50 + 4,8/x^1/2
Menurut analisis, bahwa semakin tebal isolasi pada pipa maka laju perpindahan panasnya akan
kecil dan membuat biaya kehilangan panas pada pipa steam rendah Oleh karena itu, trade-off dasar
c) yang dibuat yaitu adalah antara ketebalan isolasi dan biaya kehilangan panas
2-29. One component of a system’s life-cycle cost is the cost of system failure. Failure costs can be reduced by designing a mo
A simplified expression for system life-cycle cost, C, can be written as a function of the system’s failure rate:
a. Assume that CI, CR, and t are constants. Derive an expression for λ, say λ ∗, that optimizes C. (2.3)
b. Does the equation in Part (a) correspond to a maximum or minimum value of C? Show all work to support your answer.
c. What trade-off is being made in this problem?
b) Untuk mengetahui apakah persamaan yang diturunkan sesuai dengan maksimum atau minimum,
ambillah turunan orde kedua dari ekspresi tersebut sehubungan dengan λ :
Jika nilai dari λ negatif, maka turunan orde dua menjadi negatif dan persamaan pada bagian (a)
sesuai dengan maksimum. Demikian pula, jika nilai dari λ positif, maka turunan orde dua
menjadi positif dan persamaan pada bagian (a) sesuai dengan minimum
c) Trade-off berarti mendapatkan lebih dari satu hal, seseorang harus mengurangi konsumsinya
atas hal lain. Dalam hal ini, untuk menurunkan biaya siklus hidup sistem, maka tingkat
kegagalan yang harus ditingkatkan
2-32. An automobile dealership offers to fill the four tires of your new car with 100% nitrogen for a cost of $20. The dealership c
filled tires run cooler than those filled with compressed air, and they advertise that nitrogen extends tire mileage (life) by 25%. If
each and are guaranteed to get 50,000 miles (filled with air) before they require replacement, is the dealership’s offer a good de
2-33. In the design of an automobile radiator, an engineer has a choice of using either a brass– copper alloy casting or a plastic
material provides the same service. However, the brass– copper alloy casting weighs 25 pounds, compared with 20 pounds for
Every pound of extra weight in the automobile has been assigned a penalty of $6 to account for increased fuel consumption du
the car. The brass–copper alloy casting costs $3.35 per pound, whereas the plastic molding costs $7.40 per pound. Machining
are $6.00 for the brass–copper alloy. Which material should the engineer select, and what is the difference in unit costs? (2.4)
2-37. The speed of your automobile has a huge effect on fuel consumption. Traveling at 65 miles per hour (mph) instead of 55
almost 20% more fuel. As a general rule, for every mile per hour over 55, you lose 2% in fuel economy. For example, if your au
miles per gallon at 55 mph, the fuel consumption is 21 miles per gallon at 70 If you take a 400-mile trip and your average speed
than the posted speed limit of 70 mph, what is the extra cost of fuel if gasoline costs $4.00 per gallon? Your car gets 30 miles p
60 mph. (2.4)
a) Jika
n 400 mil b) Jika melakukan
Kecepata perjalanan 30 mil per
n rata- gallon (mpg)
rata : 80 Kecepatan rata-rata :
mph 60 mil per jam (mph)
* mengendari dengan batas kecepatan yang ditetapkan 70 mil per jam (mph)
*Harga bahan bakar : $ 4 per gallon (mpg)
*Penghematan bahan bakar yang hilang 2%
Biaya waktu
= 400/70
= 5.71 hrs
Perhitungan yang melebihi batas kecepatan (a)
Effisiensi Bahan Bakar
= Perjalanan (a) x (keceptan ketetapan – kecepa
= 30 x (80 – 60) x 2%
= 30 x 20 x 2%
= 12 mpg
Biaya waktu
= 400/80
=5 Hrs
2-42. One method for developing a mine containing an estimated 100,000 tons of ore will result in the recovery of 62% of the av
and will cost $23 per ton of material removed. A second method of development will recover only 50% of the ore deposit, but it
per ton of material removed. Subsequent processing of the removed ore recovers 300 pounds of metal from each ton of proces
$40 per ton of ore processed. The recovered metal can be sold for $0.80 per pound. Which method for developing the mine sho
objective is to maximize total profit from the mine? (2.4)
Metode 1
Pemulihan= 0,62 x 100.000 ton = 62.000 ton
Biaya pen= 62.000 ton x $ 23/ton = $ 1.426.000
Biaya pem= 62.000 ton x $ 40/ton = $ 2.480.000
Pemulihan= 300 lbs/ton x 62.000 t = 18.600.000 lbs
Pendapata= 18.600.000 lbs x $0,8 =/ $ 14.880.000
Metode 2
Pemulihan= 0,5 x 100.000 ton = 50.000 ton
Biaya pen= 50.000 ton x $ 15/ton = $ 750.000
Biaya pem= 50.000 ton x $ 40/ton = $ 2.000.000
Pemulihan= 300 lbs/ton x 50.000 t = 15.000.000 lbs
Pendapata= 15.000.000 lbs x $0,8 =/ $ 12.000.000
$1000 + 40D
kti apabila
kali) adalah unit
Y in
n sehingga
ars ago.
($60/pon x $36000)
e cool
n the
d each
10 years
a untuk
an panasnya akan
na itu, trade-off dasar
um atau minimum,
gi konsumsinya
r a cost of $20. The dealership claims that nitrogen-
ends tire mileage (life) by 25%. If new tires cost $50
s the dealership’s offer a good deal? (2.4)
62500 mil
12500 mil