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Ecosystems (2008) 11: 764–774

DOI: 10.1007/s10021-008-9158-8

Ecosystem Linkages Between Lakes

and the Surrounding Terrestrial
Landscape in Northeast Iceland
Claudio Gratton,1* Jack Donaldson,1 and M. Jake Vander Zanden2

Department of Entomology, University of Wisconsin—Madison, 1630 Linden Dr., 444 Russell Labs, Madison, Wisconsin 53706, USA;
Center for Limnology, University of Wisconsin—Madison, Madison, Wisconsin 53706, USA

Despite a recent emphasis on understanding cross- ha)1 y)1. As midges are approximately 9.2% total
habitat interactions, few studies have examined the N, this can result in a significant fertilization effect
ecological linkages between lakes and surrounding of terrestrial habitats with consequences for plant
terrestrial habitats. The current paradigm of land– quality and community structure. In addition, we
lake interactions is typically unidirectional: the used naturally-occurring d13C and d15N isotopes to
view is that nutrients and matter are transported examine food web structure and diet sources of
downslope from the surrounding watershed to terrestrial arthropod consumers surrounding lakes
their ultimate lacustrine destination. Emergent with differing amounts of midge input. Terrestrial
aquatic insects, which spend their larval stages in arthropods showed increased utilization of aquatic-
lake sediments and emerge as adults to mate over derived (that is, midge) C relative to terrestrial
land, can act as vectors of material, energy and sources as midge infall increased. This pattern was
nutrients from aquatic to terrestrial habitats. In this particularly pronounced for predators, such as spi-
study, we document a gradient of midge (Diptera: ders and opiliones, and some detritivores (Collem-
Chironomidae) infall rates into terrestrial habitats bola). These findings suggest that, despite being
(measured as g dw midges m)2 d)1) surrounding largely ignored, aquatic-to-terrestrial linkages can
eight lakes in Northern Iceland (66N latitude). be large and midges can fuel terrestrial communi-
Lakes ranged from having virtually no midge infall ties by directly serving as resources for predators
(for example, Helluvaðstjörn, 0.03 g m)2 d)1) to and decomposers.
extreme levels (for example, Mývatn, 19 g m)2 d)1)
with abundances of midges decreasing logarithmi- Key words: allochthonous resources; subsidy;
cally with distance from shore. Annual midge input food webs; landscape ecology; spatial flows; emer-
rates are estimated as high as 1200–2500 kg midges gent aquatic insects.

Received 7 February 2008; accepted 25 April 2008; published online 11

June 2008
Subsidies of resources, organisms, and energy
Electronic supplementary material: The online version of this article
(doi:10.1007/s10021-008-9158-8) contains supplementary material, emanating from one habitat or ecosystem have the
which is available to authorized users. potential to significantly affect the dynamics of
Author contributions: CG conceived and designed the study, helped trophic interactions within a recipient system (Polis
perform the research, analyzed the data, and wrote the manuscript. JRD
and others 1997). Such effects have been docu-
and JVZ helped design the study and perform the research. Additionally,
JVZ assisted with writing and contributed editorial input. mented in a diversity of coupled systems including
*Corresponding author; e-mail: gratton@entomology.wisc.edu oceans and inland riparian areas linked through the

Journal of Sea Research 59 (2008) 44 – 58

Organic matter exchange and cycling in mangrove ecosystems:

Recent insights from stable isotope studies
S. Bouillon a,b,⁎, R.M. Connolly c , S.Y. Lee c
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Department of Analytical and Environmental Chemistry, Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
Netherlands Institute of Ecology - Centre for Estuarine and Marine Ecology (NIOO-CEME), Korringaweg 7, 4401 NT Yerseke, the Netherlands
Australian Rivers Institute - Coasts and Estuaries, Griffith University Gold Coast, PMB 50, Queensland 9726, Australia
Received 22 January 2007; accepted 8 May 2007
Available online 2 June 2007


Mangrove ecosystems are highly productive tropical coastal ecosystems which have a potentially high impact on the carbon
budget of the tropical and global coastal zone. The carbon dynamics in mangrove ecosystems has been the subject of numerous
studies during the past decades, but we are still far from having an integrated view of the overall ecosystem functioning in terms of
organic matter processing. The application of recent analytical techniques has produced a wealth of new information but has also
indicated the gaps in our knowledge on organic matter cycling in these ecosystems. This paper provides an overview of our current
understanding of organic matter dynamics in mangrove ecosystems, and reviews data based on stable isotope analyses, on (i) the
delineation of carbon sources in different organic matter pools, (ii) utilization patterns of organic carbon by microbial and faunal
communities, and (iii) organic matter exchange between mangroves and adjacent ecosystems. Although the use of stable isotopes
has a number of limitations and has not always been able to unambiguously assess source contributions, it has been invaluable in
refuting some long-standing paradwigms, and has shown that source characterization is crucial in order to better estimate organic
matter budgets in these dynamic ecosystems. Future studies on process rates or flux measurements should therefore ideally be
combined with a variety of chemical tracers to determine the source of the organic matter considered.
© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Mangrove; Carbon; Nitrogen; Outwelling; Foodwebs; Stable isotopes

1. Introduction for 11% of the total input of terrestrial carbon into the
ocean and 15% of the total carbon accumulating in
Mangrove forests have long been proposed to play an modern marine sediments. Similarly, Dittmar et al.
important role in the carbon balance of tropical coastal (2006) estimated that mangroves contribute ∼10% of
ecosystems. Jennerjahn and Ittekkot (2002) have esti- the terrestrial dissolved organic carbon (DOC) exported
mated that inputs from mangrove forests could account to the ocean globally, despite their small area relative to
other habitats. Recent upscaling of water-air CO2 fluxes
⁎ Corresponding author. Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Department of
measured in (a limited number of) surface waters ad-
Analytical and Environmental Chemistry, Pleinlaan 2, B-1050
jacent to mangroves suggests that mineralization of
Brussels, Belgium. Fax: +32 2 629 32 74. organic matter and subsequent CO2 emission from the
E-mail address: steven.bouillon@vub.ac.be (S. Bouillon). water column could also represent a significant source
1385-1101/$ - see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Media Konservasi Vol. 13, No. 3 Desember 2008 : 1 – 7



(Study Of Mammals Diversity in Several Habitat Types in Pondok Ambung Research Station of
Tanjung Puting National Park Central Kalimantan)
Laboratorium Ekologi Satwaliar Departemen Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan dan Ekowisata,
Fakultas Kehutanan IPB, Kampus Darmaga, Bogor 16680, Indonesia
) Departemen Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan dan Ekowisata, Fakultas Kehutanan IPB,
Kampus Darmaga, Bogor 16680, Indonesia

Diterima ...../Disetujui .....


Indonesia harbours the highest mammal diversity in the world with 436 species, of which 51 % are endemic. Kalimantan itself comprises of 222
species of mammals of which 44 species are endemic. This research was conducted to determine mammal diversity and mammal’s variety differences in
every habitat type found in Pondok Ambung Tropical Rainforest Research Station. The methods used were strip transect, concentration count and trapping.
The research indicated as many as 22 species of mammals belonging to 12 families and 6 orders were found in 5 habitat types within Pondok Ambung
Tropical Rainforest Research Stations. Peat forest showed the greatest variety of mammals with 17 species followed by lowland forest with 13 species,
shrub land with 4 species, post-burned forest with 4 species and heath forest with 2 species.

Keywords : Mammal diversity, habitat, Pondok Ambung

PENDAHULUAN mengenai potensi keanekaragaman satwaliar secara

menyeluruh dan sistematis. Pada stasiun penelitian ini
Indonesia merupakan salah satu dari tujuh negara terdapat 5 tipe habitat berupa hutan rawa, hutan dataran
mega biodiversitas yang dikenal sebagai pusat konsentrasi rendah, hutan kerangas, padang/semak, dan hutan pasca
keanekaragaman hayati dunia. Salah satu keanekaragaman terbakar.
spesies Indonesia adalah keanekaragaman mamalia dengan Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat
jumlah total sebanyak 436 spesies dan 51% diantaranya keanekaragaman jenis mamalia dan perbedaan tingkat
merupakan satwa endemik. Keanekaragaman jenis mamalia keanekaragaman jenis mamalia pada tiap tipe habitat di
pada pulau-pulau besar seperti Kalimantan dan Papua akan Stasiun Penelitian Pondok Ambung. Diharapkan penelitian
lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan pulau-pulau yang lebih ini dapat membantu dan menjadi bahan pertimbangan dalam
kecil. Hal ini didasarkan pada teori biogeografi pulau yang pengambilan kebijakan berbagai stakeholders di Taman
menyatakan bahwa jumlah spesies yang terdapat pada suatu Nasional Tanjung Puting terutama terkait upaya konservasi
pulau atau ditentukan oleh luas pulau. Pada saat ini jenis mamalia di seluruh wilayah taman nasional.
Kalimantan memiliki ± 222 jenis mamalia dan 44 jenis
diantaranya merupakan satwa endemik (BAPPENAS 2003).
Untuk melakukan studi mendalam tentang keanekaragaman METODE PENELITIAN
jenis mamalia di Kalimantan, studi mengenai
keanekaragaman mamalia dapat dilakukan di salah satu Penelitian dilaksanakan di Stasiun Penelitian Pondok
Ambung, kawasan Taman Nasional Tanjung Puting
taman nasional yang terdapat di Kalimantan. Salah satunya
Kalimantan Tengah. Penelitian dilaksanakan mulai dari 1
yaitu Taman Nasional Tanjung Puting (TNTP) Provinsi
Mei 2008 sampai dengan 1 Juni 2008. Alat yang digunakan
Kalimantan Tengah yang memiliki Stasiun Penelitian
Pondok Ambung (Tropical Rainforest Research Station). dalam penelitian ini antara lain binokuler, peta kawasan,
Berdasarkan data-data yang diperoleh diketahui bahwa perangkap, kompas, kamera, pengukur waktu, pita meter
(1,5 m), pita ukur gulung (25 m), alat tulis, dan tally sheet.
sampai saat ini belum terdapat data terbaru mengenai
Objek penelitian adalah jenis mamalia dan jumlah individu
keanekaragaman mamalia di TNTP. Begitu juga di Stasiun
yang ditemukan pada setiap habitat.
Penelitian Pondok Ambung sendiri belum terdapat data-data

http://journal.trunojoyo.ac.id/jurnalkelautan Jurnal Kelautan

Volume 11, No. 1, 2018

ISSN: 1907-9931 (print), 2476-9991 (online)



Marlenny Sirait1*, Firsty Rahmatia1, Pattulloh2

Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Satya Negara Indonesia
Badan Karantina Ikan dan Pengendalian Mutu Perikanan, KKP RI

*Corresponding author e-mail: lenny.uline@gmail.com

Submitted: 20 November 2017 / Revised: 02 November 2018 / Accepted: 02 November 2018



Phytoplankton is a biological parameter that can be used as an indicator to evaluate the quality and
level of fertility of a water. Changes in water quality as a result of the large load of nutrients entering
the Ciliwung River will affect the life of phytoplankton. This study aims to see the comparative index of
diversity (H ') and the Dominant Index (D) of phytoplankton in Ciliwung River from upstream to
downstream. The study was conducted from December 2016 to February 2017 from upstream to
downstream of the Ciliwung River. From the index analysis of diversity and index of dominance, there
was a significant difference, where the downward index of diversity (H ') of phytoplankton was lower,
ranged between 1,21 and 2,6 (the index of diversity ranging from low to medium). Otherwise, the
dominance index showed the opposite result. The more downstream the dominance index is higher
than the upstream, ranged between 0,09 and 0,68. Thus the index of diversity and the index of
phytoplankton dominance has a relationship inversely. Differences of diversity index and dominance
index in upstream to downstream poses an imbalance of ecosystem in Ciliwung River.

Keywords: Ciliwung, diversity index, Dominant Index, Phytoplankton


Fitoplankton merupakan parameter biologi yang dapat dijadikan sebagai indikator untuk
mengevaluasi kualitas dan tingkat kesuburan suatu perairan. Perubahan kualitas perairan sebagai
akibat banyaknya beban nutrien yang masuk ke sungai Ciliwung akan berpengaruh terhadap
kehidupan fitoplankton. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat komparasi indeks keanekaragaman (H’)
dan Indeks Dominansi (D) fitoplankton di Sungai Ciliwung dari hulu sampai hilir. Penelitian
dilaksanakan pada bulan Desember 2016 sampai Februari 2017 dari mulai hulu sampai hilir Sungai
Ciliwung. Dari analisis indeks keanekaragaman dan indeks dominansi diperoleh perbedaan yang
nyata, dimana semakin ke hilir indeks keanekaragaman (H’) fitoplankton semakin rendah dengan
kisaran 1,21 sampai dengan 2,6. Sebaliknya, indeks dominansi menunjukkan hasil bahwa semakin ke
Hilir indeks dominasi lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan bagian hulu dengan kisaran 0,09 sampai
dengan 0,68. Dengan demikian indeks keanekaragaman dan indeks dominansi fitoplankton memiliki
hubungan berbanding terbalik. Perbedaan indeks keanekaragaman dan indeks dominansi di
sepanjang aliran hulu sampai hilir mengakibatkan terjadinya ketidakseimbangan ekosistem di Sungai

Kata Kunci: Ciliwung, indeks keanekaragaman, Indeks Dominansi, Fitoplankton

PENDAHULUAN dari hulu hingga hilir selain mengakibatkan

adanya bencana banjir, menurunnya kualitas
Sungai Ciliwung termasuk DAS kritis di air sungai dengan status tercemar berat dari
Indonesia yang saat ini sedang mengalami hulu hingga hilir, serta hilangnya
kerusakan serius pada semua segmen keanekaragaman hayati di Sungai Ciliwung.
sungainya. Degradasi kualitas DAS Ciliwung Buruknya kualitas air tersebut menyebabkan


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