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Care Plan

Health Problem Family Nursing Goal of Care Objectives of Care Nursing Interventions Methods Resources Required Evaluation
Subjective 1. Inability to detect Following the nursing After a month of Determine the Home visit Time After one month of
“We just eat about the presence of intervention, the nursing family's level of Effort nursing
anything available” malnutrition in a family will be aware interventions, the awareness of existing Participation from interventions, the
family of malnutrition, as family should be able health problems. the family family was able to:
Objective: 2. failure to provide well as be aware of to: Weighing Scale 1. Explain
Shows fatigue adequate nursing their family 1. Explain Stress the Nutritious foods malnutrition's signs
Low BMI care as a result of: members' health malnutrition's signs significance of proper Tape measure (for and symptoms
a. Lack of knowledge and symptoms nutrition. BMI) 2. Understand how
about family 2. Understand how BMI chart malnutrition occurs
members' health malnutrition occurs Teach the family how Pamphlet with the in a single person.
conditions in a single person. to properly prepare summarized idea 3. Prepare nutritious
b. Inability to identify 3. Prepare nutritious food. about nutrition but low-cost healthy
the issue but low-cost healthy foods
c. Ignorance of the foods List the drawbacks of 4. Improve the
fact that some 4. Improve the malnutrition. malnourished family
members of the malnourished family member’s weight
family are member’s weight Find less expensive with the help of
malnourished with the help of nutritious and health teachings that
health teachings that healthy foods. teach them to eat a
teach them to eat a variety of foods.
variety of foods. Show how to
properly prepare The goal was met
nutritious food.
Health Problem Family Nursing Goal of Care Objectives of Care Nursing Interventions Methods Resources Required Evaluation
Subjective Insufficient Following the nursing After a few months Describe the Home visit Time The mother and
“We didn’t really knowledge due to intervention, the of nursing significance of family Effort father recognize the
plan about any of lack of resources patient will have intervention, the planning. Participation from significance and
this, just going along sufficient knowledge patient will be able the family benefits of family
with it” Inability to recognize of family planning to avoid unwanted Discuss the benefits Pamphlet with the planning and have a
the significance of methods. pregnancies through and drawbacks of summarized idea better understanding
Objective family planning and contraception and each method. about family of the various
Low self-esteem the methods improve their health planning methods available to
G6P6 available to them and economic status. For DOH programs fit their lifestyle.
and free
consultations on The goal was partially
family planning and met
contraception, visit a
health center.

Health Problem Family Nursing Goal of Care Objectives of Care Nursing Interventions Methods Resources Required Evaluation
Subjective: Inability to recognize Following the nursing The family will be Encourage everyone Home Visit Time The family was able
“Oh, water? We use the presence of a intervention, the able to demonstrate in the family to boil Effort to recognize the
tap water to drink” problem due to family will be able to compliance to the their drinking water. Participation from importance of water
ignorance of facts. recognize the health teachings the family storage and the
Objective: significance of water given after a week of Encourage the family proper way of
Uses water from the Inability of the family storage and the home visits. to keep their water in acquiring a safe and
kitchen faucet for to solve the existing proper method of a clean, covered consistent water
drinking and general problem obtaining a safe and container. supply at home
use consistent water during and after the
supply at home. Explain to the family home visit, and they
how this problem is were able to
affecting their health. demonstrate
compliance with the
Keep track of the health teachings
family's adherence to given and apply their
health education. new learnings in their
daily lives.

The goal was met

Health Problem Family Nursing Goal of Care Objectives of Care Nursing Interventions Methods Resources Required Evaluation
Subjective Health deficit in form Following nursing The family should be 1. Discuss with your Home visit Time The patient was able
“I got bit by a of Hyperthermia as intervention, the able to do the family the Dengue Effort to seek health care
mosquito and I’ve evidenced by patient should be following after the virus and how to Equipment used for after nursing
been sick for 4 days increase body able to seek medical intervention: distinguish its early taking Vital signs intervention,
and I’m still not temperature 38° C attention and avoid A. Understand the symptoms from Participation from avoiding further
getting better” further Dengue virus significance of those of other the family complications from
complications. treating the Dengue diseases. Pamphlet with the the Dengue virus and
Objective virus as soon as 2. Show the family summarized idea improving his
Restlessness possible. how the dengue virus about Dengue situation.
Flushed skin B. Understand the can harm a person's The goal was met
Shows fatigue potential for severe body.
Increased temp of 38 complications from 3. List the stages of
degrees Celsius the dengue virus. Dengue virus
C. Differentiate infection.
dengue virus 4. Explain the
symptoms from significance of
those of other seeking medical
viruses. attention while the
D. Have a thorough virus is still in its early
understanding of stages.
how the dengue virus 5. Give a detailed
affects the body. explanation of why
E. To reduce the seeking care is
family's fear of important and why
seeking medical help they should not be
afraid to seek
medical attention.

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