Project Synopsis: Babu Banarasi Das
Project Synopsis: Babu Banarasi Das
Project Synopsis: Babu Banarasi Das
3. Resources Used 2
5. Project Teams 4
6. Process Description 4
8. Conclusion 5
However, one difficulty with AR is the sheer complexity of image processing and feature
recognition. A successful AR system must be able to distinguish among a large number of
landmarks and should be able to adapt to the existence of new landmarks. Because of the
adaptability requirement, AR algorithms naturally lend themselves to using machine learning. As
such, the focus of this project is to develop, refine and document a machine learning algorithm
that can distinguish landmarks from images using a database of Known Landmark.
Client Side
Processor Dual Core or above
Disk space 500 GB
Monitor 15”
Others Keyboard, mouse, Internet Connection
Server Side
Processor Dual Core or above
Disk space 5 GB
Monitor 15”
Others Keyboard, mouse, Internet Connection
2. Software Requirements
Client Side
Server Side
A Gantt chart is a popular type of chart that illustrates a project schedule. Gantt
Chart illustrates the start and finish dates of the terminal elements and summary
Elements of a project. Terminal element and summary comprise the work breakdown
Structure of the project.
Develop project
27 days
10 days
30 days
Unit Testing
5 days
5 days
Gantt chart
Instructor : Mr. Zaid kamil
Mentor : Mr. Sarfaraz Alam
6.Process Description
1. Data Conversion API:
2. Image Reprocessing:
4. Image of Mentation
5. VGG16 Mode
6. Transfer Learning
9. Landmark Prediction,
2. Image Reprocessing:
Data splitting is the act of partitioning available data into. two portions, usually for cross-
validatory purposes. One. portion of the data is used to develop a predictive model. and
the other to evaluate the model's performance
4. Image of Mentation:
An image (from Latin: imago) is an artifact that depicts visual perception, such as a photograph ... A
scanned image of the definition of image and imagery, from Thomas Blount's ... A volatile image is one
that exists only for a short period of time.
5.VGG16 Mode:
6. Transfer Learning:
Transfer learning make use of the knowledge gained while solving one problem and applying it to a
different but related problem. ... When we train the network on a large dataset(for example: ImageNet) ,
we train all the parameters of the neural network and therefore the model is ...
7. Convection and max pooling:
9. Landmark Prediction:
landmarks as predicted by Active Shape Models to assess facial ... Similar descriptors used by
Vezzetti et al. in 2017 [9] achieved a mean ... Selection of an appropriate dataset for solving
the defined problem:
10. View Display :
Display definition is - to put or spread before the view. How to use display in a sentence. Synonym
Discussion of display.
8. Conclusion:
Overall, the results are very encouraging, and they demonstrate that
landmarks can be accurately identified from an image using a basic
classification algorithm. An accuracy as high as 90% is attainable using a
relatively small sample size.
Furthermore, the time required to process and analyse an image is
reasonable. These results suggest that this algorithm could be incorporated
into an App to provide real-time feedback as images are taken.
In the future, other feature extraction methods can be looked at that may give
better accuracy but require fewer dimensions. An algorithm will also need to
be developed that can automatically search and obtain data from a database.
The project can ultimately become part of the back-end code for a feature-
recognition smartphone app.