ZFP Sor 2022-11-17
ZFP Sor 2022-11-17
ZFP Sor 2022-11-17
Date: 17-11-2022
Location Action required /
S.no Issues Photograph Risk Rectification Close Out Photo
Contractor need to
Operatives were Life
provide a safe & proper
found working Critical
working platform and
1 Basement- unsafe while conduct awareness
4 performing the job, working
training to the workforce day
potential risk of fall
regarding safe working
from height
Contractor need to
provide temporary Non-Life
Operatives were
closed / no access Critical
found working in
Level-1, warning signs if the 1>3
3 access without any working
A05 access is closed due to
warning signs of day
work to notify the
access is closed
workers in case of
Poorly routed
electrical cable was Non-Life
Contractor need to
observed, energized Critical
ensure that all Energized
cable was found 1>3
6 Basement- cables must be routed working
hanging at drive
2 separately from the day
access, potential risk
of cable hitting with
HSE Observation Report
No proper disposal Contractor need to Critical
Basement- of chemical waste 1>3
10 ensure that all chemical working
3 was observed waste disposed properly day
HSE Observation Report
Contractor need to
advise their sub
Poor housekeeping contractor remove the Non-Life
was observed at waste from site on Critical
12 Basement- several places, regular basis, and working
2 evidence of Poor maintain a good day
Housekeeping housekeeping at all
over the building
Prepared by:
Mohammed Vajid Ali
HSE Observation Report
Life Critical Major failure e.g. fatality, LTI, major injury, or Immediate> 1 Working day (if not temporary suspended)
dangerous occurrence
Non-Life Critical Potential Minor injury Incident, Environmental or 1 > 3 working day
Welfare Issue.
Good Practice N/A None however look to share good practice