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Daily HSE Report

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Classification: Internal SF/FR-23


DAILY HSE REPORT Revision No: 01 25/01/16

Report No.: MS / 101 / 22020 / 2023 Date: 07/06/2023

Name of the Project / Factory / Workshop / Job No:22020 – Qatargas- BARZAN Division/ Area: Plant, Admin, BFOC & NFXP
Name of the Project Director / Site / Workshop Manager: Mr.K.M.Shadab / Staff No.90128
SECTION A: Project HSE Lead
Avg. No of
No. of
man No. of Man days
- No. of LTI - - Hospital -
days lost
No. of Near Miss No. of
No. of First
Man-hours -
Aid cases
- Incidents - HSEMeeting -
worked reported conducted
SECTION B: Project HSE Officer/Engineer
D Dang Remedial Action
at Equipment/ Doc
er Dang Proposed/ Additional Action
Action By with Target
Sl. No. a Observations Level er control measure / taken
Ref. Staff No& Name. date
ty (LXSX code Applicable Legal on
pe E) requirement to comply
It was noticed that a few essential first aid Lack of first The issue was notified to the 1 Week
1 aid kits Intend
UC BZ-Yard kits were not available inside the box at L 4 concerned person for the filling of HSE-Management
BZ Yard. first aid kits.
All fire extinguisher external service is Delay in
overdue, the FE was supposed to be sent equipment’ The concerned person was
2 s service Intend
UC BZ-Yard on or before May 23, 2023, which was the M 8 informed regarding this standing HSE
recommended date for external issue.
It was noticed that a guy was standing on Lack of Immediate
the scaffold platform though equipped situational Work was stopped and immediate
awareness instruction was given to the
with full body harness with 100% tie off concerned person to install a
without a applicable guard rail during the and
proper guard rail along the bracing
3 planning/ Chandan/PH
UC BXK-5 WH scaffolding tube manual lifting-up work, chance to
H 12 to reduce the risk of fall and the
there was only cross bracing was intact to guy was being took down to
lose the educate him about the situational
the standards which can lead the guy balance awareness and the importance of
toward the opposite side accidently due to and fall guard railing system
not having a fall restrain.

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Classification: Internal SF/FR-23

DAILY HSE REPORT Revision No: 01 25/01/16

TBT/LMRA was conducted by PH to the

workers and all are aware of the
emergency procedure, Tools were found
in good condition, workplace hazards &
control measures were captured in JSA,
Permit No. Site controls – Work location barricaded,
CWP 2258845,
Signages and Barricade owner
information tags were displayed,
Appropriate PPE’s used by the workforce.
1 Landscaping RT No Action Required Abrar-(PH)
Special PPE: Nil
Location: 1 to 24
SWP Checklist: The relevant checklist
were attached to the permit
JSA: Attached with the permit- 2258846
MSDS: Attached to the permit- QAFCO –
Urea Granules, Urea Prills,

Isolation: Personal Plumbing

Certification: Nil
TBT/LMRA was conducted by PH to the
workers and all are aware of the
emergency procedure, Tools were found
in good condition, workplace hazards &
Permit No. control measures were captured in JSA,
GWP 2240277, Site controls – Work location barricaded,
Signages and Barricade owner
Activity: Fixing of information tags were displayed,
2 Niyaz-(PH)
PVC Net Appropriate PPE’s used by the workforce. No Action Required
Location: BSB Special PPE: Nil
SWP Checklist: The relevant checklist
were attached to the permit
JSA: Attached with the permit- 2249278
MSDS: Attached to the permit.
Isolation: Nil
Certification: Nil
Permit No. TBT/LMRA was conducted by PH to the
CWP 2250289, workers and all are aware of the
3 emergency procedure, Tools were found Shahnawaz-(PH)
No Action Required
Activity: in good condition, workplace hazards &
Scaffolding Work control measures were captured in JSA,

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Classification: Internal SF/FR-23

DAILY HSE REPORT Revision No: 01 25/01/16

Location: BXK-5 Site controls – Work location barricaded,

WH Signages and Barricade owner
information tags were displayed,
Appropriate PPE’s used by the workforce.
Special PPE: Nil
SWP Checklist: The relevant checklist
were attached to the permit
JSA: Attached with the permit- 2250290
MSDS: Attached to the permit.
Isolation: Nil
Certification: Nil
TBT/LMRA was conducted by PH to the
workers and all are aware of the
emergency procedure, Tools were found
in good condition, workplace hazards &
Permit No. control measures were captured in JSA,
CWP 2255907,
Site controls – Work location barricaded,
Signages and Barricade owner
Activity: HVAC
information tags were displayed,
RT Work
4 Appropriate PPE’s used by the workforce. No Action Required Ansar-(PH)
Location: BFOC
Special PPE: Nil
½, FSB
SWP Checklist: The relevant checklist
were attached to the permit
JSA: Attached with the permit- 2255908
MSDS: Attached to the permit- WD 40 &
Mobilux EP2
Isolation: Electrical-Personal
Certification: Nil
TBT/LMRA was conducted by PH to the
Permit No. workers and all are aware of the
CWP 2250695, emergency procedure, Tools were found
in good condition, workplace hazards &
Activity: Electrical control measures were captured in JSA,
5 Venkatesh-(PH)
RT PPM, CM Site controls – Work location barricaded, No Action Required
Location: BXK-2 Signages and Barricade owner
information tags were displayed,
Appropriate PPE’s used by the workforce.
Special PPE: Nil

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Classification: Internal SF/FR-23

DAILY HSE REPORT Revision No: 01 25/01/16

SWP Checklist: The relevant checklist

were attached to the permit
JSA: Attached with the permit- 2250696
MSDS: Attached to the permit
Isolation: Nil
Certification: Nil
TBT/LMRA was conducted by PH to the
workers and all are aware of the
emergency procedure, Tools were found
in good condition, workplace hazards &
Permit No. control measures were captured in JSA,
CWP 2243707, Site controls – Work location barricaded,
Signages and Barricade owner
Activity: Civil RT information tags were displayed,
6 Wasim-(PH)
Location: BXK-2- Appropriate PPE’s used by the workforce. No Action Required
8 Special PPE: Nil
SWP Checklist: The relevant checklist
were attached to the permit
JSA: Attached with the permit- 2243708
MSDS: Attached to the permit
Isolation: Plumbing Personal
Certification: Nil
TBT/LMRA was conducted by PH to the
workers and all are aware of the
emergency procedure, Tools were found
Permit No. in good condition, workplace hazards &
CWP 2255153, control measures were captured in JSA,
Site controls – Work location barricaded,
Activity: HVAC Signages and Barricade owner
RT Work information tags were displayed,
7 Appropriate PPE’s used by the workforce. No Action Required Sankar-(PH)
Location: BXK-2- Special PPE: Nil
8 SWP Checklist: The relevant checklist
were attached to the permit
JSA: Attached with the permit- 2255154
MSDS: Was Attached- WD 40 & Mobilux
Isolation: Electrical-Personal
Certification: Nil

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Classification: Internal SF/FR-23

DAILY HSE REPORT Revision No: 01 25/01/16

Prepared by: Submitted to:

Name/Staff No. / Designation: Mohd Sayeed / HSE Officer-91374 Name/Staff No. K.M. Shadab / 90128

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