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Concrete Technology: B.E. (Civil Engineering) Third Semester (C.B.S.)

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B.E. (Civil Engineering) Third Semester (C.B.S.

Concrete Technology
P. Pages : 2 NIR/KW/18/3296
Time : Three Hours *1891* Max. Marks : 80
Notes : 1. All questions carry marks as indicated.
2. Solve Question 1 OR Questions No. 2.
3. Solve Question 3 OR Questions No. 4.
4. Solve Question 5 OR Questions No. 6.
5. Solve Question 7 OR Questions No. 8.
6. Solve Question 9 OR Questions No. 10.
7. Solve Question 11 OR Questions No. 12.
8. Due credit will be given to neatness and adequate dimensions.

1. a) Explain field test on cement & also list down the different types of lab test conducted on 6

b) Explain any two types of cement in details. 7


2. a) Explain impact value test on Aggregate with diagram. 6

b) Explain in brief grading of coarse aggregate & fine Aggregate. 7

3. a) List out different methods adopted for transportation of concrete & Explain any two in 6

b) Explain hot whether concreting & underwater concreting. 7


4. a) What is mean by maturity of concrete. 6

b) What is compaction, Explain different method's in compaction. 7

5. a) Explain the relation between compression and tensile strength in concrete. 7

b) Explain factor affecting strength of concrete. 7


6. Write short note on.

a) Flexural strength of Concrete. 3

b) Split Tensile test on concrete. 3

c) Effect on water cement Ratio of concrete. 4

d) Explain Bond strength between concrete & Steel reinforcement. 4

NIR/KW/18/3296 1 P.T.O
7. a) Explain concept of Mix design & Factor affecting mix proportion. 6

b) Explain mix design by Road Note No. 4 (BS) 7


8. a) Write down the role of admixture as a component of concrete & Explain plasticizers. 6

b) Explain metakaolin & Surkhi as admixture. 7

9. a) Explain in brief polymer concrete & fibre reinforced concrete. 6

b) Write down the material. Used to manufacturing self compacting concrete. 7


10. a) Explain plastic shrinkage and drying shrinkage. 6

b) Define creep and write down the factor affecting creep. 7

11. a) Explain permeability of concrete. 7

b) Explain the methods on repairs of crack in concrete. 7


12. a) Write a note on distress in concrete structure and its cause. 7

b) Explain in brief non destructive test of concrete. 7


NIR/KW/18/3296 2
B.E. (Civil Engineering) Third Semester (C.B.S.)
Concrete Technology

P. Pages : 2 NJR/KS/18/4351
Time : Three Hours *0127* Max. Marks : 80
Notes : 1. All questions carry marks as indicated.
2. Solve Question 1 OR Questions No. 2.
3. Solve Question 3 OR Questions No. 4.
4. Solve Question 5 OR Questions No. 6.
5. Solve Question 7 OR Questions No. 8.
6. Solve Question 9 OR Questions No. 10.
7. Solve Question 11 OR Questions No. 12.
8. Due credit will be given to neatness and adequate dimensions.
9. Assume suitable data whenever necessary.
10. Illustrate your answers whenever necessary with the help of neat sketches.
11. Use of non programmable calculator is permitted.

1. a) Give the oxide composition of cement & state the effect of each on the properties of cement. 7

b) Give the classification of aggregate according to their source, shape & size. 6


2. a) Explain how the fineness of cement affects the strength of cement. 7

b) Describe in details the ways to control Alkali aggregate reaction. 6

3. a) What do you mean by Workability of concrete? Is it necessary to determine the workability 7

of concrete. Explain.

b) What is curing of concrete? How do you decide the period of curing. Explain. 6


4. a) Explain in Brief segregation, Bleeding & Water Cement ratio. 7

b) What is concrete? Explain in detail the manufacturing Process of Concrete. 6

5. a) What are the factors which affect the strength of concrete? Explain one of them in brief. 7

b) What do you mean by M5, M10, M15, M20, M25 concrete? Give its proper ratio. Is 7
concrete is necessary. Explain why?


6. a) Write briefly regarding the flexural strength of concrete. 7

b) Write short notes on: 7

i) Split Cylinder Test ii) Tensile Strength

NJR/KS/18/4351 1 P.T.O
7. a) Explain concrete mix design procedure as per IS:10262. 7

b) What are the significance of fly-ash & pozollonas in view of quality of concrete? 6


8. a) What are the objective of concrete mix design? Draw a flow chart for concrete mix design. 7
Why mix design is regr?

b) Types of admixtures and factors affecting admixture (any two). 6

9. a) What is high performance concrete. Also Explain its procedure. Why this concrete is used 7
in the field.

b) Write short notes on: 6

i) Self compacting concrete
ii) High performance concrete


10. a) What do you mean by creep in harden concrete? Describe the relation between creep & 7
age of concrete.

b) What is ferrocement? Why it is required? What are its applications? 6

11. a) Describe ultra sonic pulse velocity test. its suitability & its significance. 7

b) What are the causes of deterioration of concrete? Enlist the point which affect the durability 7
of concrete.


12. a) What are the different types of cracks. Occur in concrete also Explain its causes? Explain 7
the procedure of repairs.

b) Write short notes on: 7

i) Permeability of concrete ii) Sulphate Attack


NJR/KS/18/4351 2
B.E. (Civil Engineering) Third Semester (C.B.S.)
Concrete Technology

P. Pages : 2 NRJ/KW/17/4351
Time : Three Hours *0957* Max. Marks : 80
Notes : 1. All questions carry marks as indicated.
2. Solve Question 1 OR Questions No. 2.
3. Solve Question 3 OR Questions No. 4.
4. Solve Question 5 OR Questions No. 6.
5. Solve Question 7 OR Questions No. 8.
6. Solve Question 9 OR Questions No. 10.
7. Solve Question 11 OR Questions No. 12.
8. Due credit will be given to neatness and adequate dimensions.
9. Assume suitable data whenever necessary.
10. Diagrams and chemical equations should be given whenever necessary.
11. Illustrate your answers whenever necessary with the help of neat sketches.
12. Use of non programmable calculator is permitted.

1. a) List different types of cements. Explain any two type in detail. 7

b) What are the field tests for judging the preliminary quality of cement ? 7


2. a) What are the various Aggregates used in cement concrete work ? Explain about the surface 7
texture of Aggregates.

b) Explain the test on specific gravity, bulk density & moisture content of aggregate. 7

3. a) What is workability and what are the factors affecting it ? 7

b) Explain under water concreting by the use of Tremie Pipe method. 6


4. a) Write a short note on hot weather concreting and underwater concreting. 7

b) What is mean by maturity of concrete ? 6

5. a) Explain the various properties which affect the quality of concrete. 5

b) Explain Modulus of elasticity of concrete. 4

c) Explain Poison's ratio of concrete. 4


6. a) Explain the effect of h/d ratio on the strength of concrete. 5

NRJ/KW/17/4351 1 P.T.O
b) Short note on indirect tension test. 4

c) How abrasion and erosion affects the concrete ? 4

7. a) Explain mix design process ? What are the factors affecting mix properties ? Also explain 7
aggregate cement ratio.

b) Write the step by step procedure adopted for the method of mix design as per IS. 7


8. a) Explain the four variable factors to be consider in connection with specifying a concrete 7

b) Write a short note on Air entraining admixtures plasticizers and super plasticizers. 7

9. a) Explain in brief self - compacting concrete and high performance concrete. 7

b) Different types of shrinkage and factors affecting shrinkage. 6


10. Explain : 13

i) Differential Shrinkage.

ii) Relation between creep & time.

iii) Shortcrete pumped concrete.

11. a) Explain water as an agent of deterioration of concrete. 6

b) What are types of cracks in concrete? Explain various causes of cracks in concrete. 7


12. Explain in brief the following non-destructive testing of concrete. 13

i) Rebound Hammer method.

ii) Ultrasonic pulse velocity testing method.


NRJ/KW/17/4351 2
B.E.Third Semester (Civil Engineering) (C.B.S.)
Concrete Technology
P. Pages : 2 NKT/KS/17/7211
Time : Three Hours *0268* Max. Marks : 80
Notes : 1. All questions carry marks as indicated.
2. Solve Question 1 OR Questions No. 2.
3. Solve Question 3 OR Questions No. 4.
4. Solve Question 5 OR Questions No. 6.
5. Solve Question 7 OR Questions No. 8.
6. Solve Question 9 OR Questions No. 10.
7. Solve Question 11 OR Questions No. 12.
8. Due credit will be given to neatness and adequate dimensions.
9. Illustrate your answers whenever necessary with the help of neat sketches.
10. Use of non programmable calculator is permitted.

1. a) List different types of cements. Explain any two type in detail. 6

b) What are the sources of aggregates. Explain the classification's of Aggregate. 8


2. a) Explain field test on cement? Also Explain soundness test on cement. 7

b) Explain the test on specific gravity, Bulk density & moisture content of aggregate. 7

3. a) What is workability? List out the tests for workability measurements. compare volume 7
Batching & weight Batching.

b) Explain significance of concrete curing? Also explain maturity of concrete. 6


4. a) Write a short note on hot weather concreting and underwater concreting. 7

b) Explain significance of water cement ratio. What is segregation and bleeding in concrete. 6

5. Write short notes on any three. 13

i) Flexural strength test on concrete.
ii) Poisson's ratio of concrete.
iii) Factors affecting compressive strength
iv) Accelerated curing Test.


6. a) Compare compression test by cube strength and cylinder strength. Explain Abrasion 7

b) Explain shear strength, modulus of elasticity of concrete. 6

NKT/KS/17/7211 1 P.T.O
7. a) Explain Mix Design process? What are the factors affecting mix properties? Also explain 7
aggregate cement ratio.

b) Write a short note on corrosion inhibitors and water proofing agents. 6


8. a) Explain concrete Mix Design by Road Note No. 4 (BS). 7

b) Write a short note on Air entraining admixtures plasticizers and super-plasticizers. 6

9. a) Explain in brief self – compacting concrete and High performance concrete. 7

b) Explain the factors affecting creep and shrinkage of concrete. 7


10. Explain.
i) Differential shrinkage. 4

ii) Relation between creep & time. 5

iii) Shortcrete pumped Concrete. 5

11. a) Explain water as an agent of deterioration of concrete. 6

b) Explain Repairs of cracks – materials & methods. 7


12. a) Explain Non-Destructive Tests on concrete. 6

b) Write a note on "Distress in concrete structures and it's causes. 7


NKT/KS/17/7211 2
B.E. (Civil Engineering) Semester Third (C.B.S.)
Concrete Technology

P. Pages : 2 KNT/KW/16/7211
Time : Three Hours *0901* Max. Marks : 80
Notes : 1. Due credit will be given to neatness and adequate dimensions.

1. a) Give the oxide composition of cement and state the effect of each on the properties of 8

b) What are the field tests for judging the preliminary quality of cement? 6


2. a) Give the classification of aggregates according to source, shape and size. 8

b) Explain impact value test on Aggregate. 6

3. a) What is workability and what are the factors affecting it? 7

b) Explain hot weather concreting. 6


4. a) What is curing? Explain various types of curing with their suitability? 7

b) What is mean by maturity of concrete? 6

5. a) What are the factors affecting compressive strength of concrete. 6

b) Explain Modulus of elasticity of concrete. 4

c) Explain Poison's ratio of concrete. 4


6. a) Explain the effect of h/d ratio on strength of concrete. 4

b) Short note on indirect tension test. 5

c) How abrasion and erosion affects the concrete? 5

7. a) Enlist various methods of mix design and discuss various factors affecting mix 5

b) Write the step by step procedure adopted for the method of mix design as per IS. 8


KNT/KW/16/7211 1 P.T.O
8. a) List various types of admixtures used in concrete. Explain plasticizers and super 7

b) Write short note on Accelerators and Retarders. 6

9. Write short note on 13

a) Self compacting concrete.
b) Fiber reinforced concrete
c) Shotcrete pumped concrete.


10. a) Define and classify Shrinkage in concrete. How it can be controlled? 7

b) What do you understand by Creep? What are various factors affecting it? 6

11. a) What is permeability of concrete? 6

b) What are types of cracks in concrete? Explain various causes of cracks in concrete. 7


12. Explain in brief the following non-destructive tests on concrete. 13

1) Rebound hammer method
2) Ultrasonic pulse velocity method.


KNT/KW/16/7211 2
B.E. (Civil Engineering) Third Semester (C.B.S.)
Concrete Technology

P. Pages : 2 TKN/KS/16/7299
Time : Three Hours *1082* Max. Marks : 80
Notes : 1. All questions carry marks as indicated.
2. Due credit will be given to neatness and adequate dimensions.
3. Illustrate your answers whenever necessary with the help of neat sketches.
4. Use of non programmable calculator is permitted.

1. a) List important physical tests of cement? Explain any two in brief? 8

b) Explain in brief "sulphate Resisting Portland Cement". 6


2. a) What are the various Aggregates used in cement concrete work? Explain about the surface 7
Texture of Aggregates.

b) Explain in brief the Grading of coarse Aggregate and fine Aggregate. 7

3. a) Explain various factors affecting workability of concrete. 7

b) Explain under water concreting by the use of Tremie Pipe method. 6


4. a) Explain the various stages of manufacture of concrete. 7

b) Explain in brief the maturity of concrete. 6

5. a) Explain the various properties which affect the quality of concrete. 7

b) Write a detailed note on water cement ratio and bond strength between cement & steel 7


6. a) Explain the following.

i) Effect of height / diameter ratio on strength. 4

ii) Compression test. 4

b) Write the procedure & advantages of Indirect Tension Test Methods. 6

7. a) Explain the four variable factors to be consider in connection with specifying a concrete 6

b) Explain I. S. method of concrete Mix Design. 7

TKN/KS/16/7299 1 P.T.O

8. a) List various types of Admixtures used in concrete ? Explain plasticizers and super- 7

b) Explain the effect of Fly Ash on Fresh concrete & Hardened concrete. 6

9. a) Define Shrinkage ? Explain in brief various classification of shrinkage. 7

b) Define creep? Explain various factors affecting creep. 6


10. a) Write a short note on: 8

i) Self compacting concrete.

ii) Fiber Reinforced & Polymer concrete.

b) Explain shotcrete pumped concrete. 5

11. a) Write a note on Distress in concrete structures and it's causes. 7

b) Explain the material and methods of Repairs of cracks in concrete. 6


12. Explain in brief the following Non-Destructive testing of concrete. 13

i) Rebound Hammer method.

ii) Ultrasonic Pulse velocity testing method.


TKN/KS/16/7299 2
NTK/KW/15 – 7299
Third Semester B. E. (Civil) (C.B.S.)
Time : Three Hours ] [ Max. Marks : 80

N. B. : (1) All questions carry marks as indicated.

(2) Due credit will be given to neatness and
adequate dimensions.
(3) Assume suitable Data wherever necessary.
(4) Illustrate your answers wherever necessary with
the help of neat sketches.

1. (a) Give the oxide composition of cement and state

the effect on the properties of cement. 7
(b) Explain the field tests on cement. 6

2. (a) Explain in brief about the soundness test on

cement. 7
(b) Explain in detail the impact test on aggregate.

3. (a) Define workability. Enlist various test to measure

workability. Explain compaction factor test in
detail. 7
(b) What is batching ? Compare Volume Batching
and Weight Batching. 6

NTK/KW/15 – 7299 Contd.


4. (a) What are various causes of bleeding and

segregation in concrete ? 6
(b) Why curing is necessary ? Explain various
methods of curing. 7

5. (a) Enlist various tests for determination of tensile

strength of concrete. Elaborate centre point loading
method. 7
(b) Explain effect of water cement ratio on strength
of concrete. 6
6. Write short notes on :––
(i) Accelerated curing test.
(ii) Modulus of elasticity.
(iii) Comparison between cube and cylinder strength.

7. (a) What are statistical parameters used in quality

control of concrete ? 6
(b) Explain in detail concrete mix Design by IS :
10262 : 2009. 7

8. (a) What are admixtures ? Explain air entrained

concrete. 6

NTK/KW/15 –7299 2 Contd.

(b) Explain various admixtures used to improve
workability of concrete. 7

9. (a) Explain in detail shrinkage of concrete. 7

(b) Define creep. Explain various factors affecting
creep. 7
10. Write short notes on :––
(i) Ferrocement.
(ii) Shotcrete.
(iii) Self compacting concrete. 14

11. (a) Explain ultra sonic pulse velocity test on concrete.

(b) Explain various causes of cracks in concrete.
12. Write short notes on :––
(i) Water as agent of deterioration.
(ii) Permeability of concrete.
(iii) Repairs of cracks. 14

NTK/KW/15 – 7299 3 4100

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