Chapter 11 Mcq's
Chapter 11 Mcq's
Chapter 11 Mcq's
(M U L T I P L E C H O I C E Q U E S T I O N S )
2) Till nineteenth century, heat which was considered as a weightless fluid existed in
every material body was known as:
Caloric Slug
Dyne Poise
3) According to caloric theory, hot bodies as compared to cold bodies were said to
More caloric than the cold bodies Less calories than the cold bodies
Equal calories No calories
6) The nature of heat as a flow of energy was first experimentally studied by:
Lord Kelvin Robert Boyle
James Prescott Joule Charles Augustine de Coulomb
7) The energy which transfers from hot body to cold body due to difference in
temperature is called:
Heat energy Internal energy
Magnetic energy Nuclear energy
8) The type of energy which depends on the sum of all the microscopic kinetic and
potential energies of the molecules is called:
Heat Nuclear energy
Internal energy Electrostatic energy
12) Which of the following instrument is used to measure heat or thermal energy?
Thermometer Calorimeter
Screw gauge barometer
13) The quantity which determines the flow of energy as heat is called:
Temperature Volume
Mass Pressure
16) The quantity which determines the degree of hotness or coldness of a body is
Heat Pressure
Temperature Volume
19) When heat starts to flow from hot body to cold body due to thermal contact until
they attain the same temperature then bodies are said to be in:
Thermal equilibrium Non thermal equilibrium
Mechanical equilibrium Electrostatic equilibrium
20) The two ends of rods are at temperatures of -5 0 C and -20 0 C respectively. Heat
will flow from:
End at -20 0C to end at -5 0C End at -5 0C to end at -20 0C
none of the ends Both the ends
22) The two reference points that are used to calibrate and measure the temperature
on any scale of temperature are:
Melting point of ice and boiling point of Boiling point of water and freezing point
water of water.
Both of them None of them
23) The ways by which the difference b/w the two fixed points on temperature scales
are divided is called:
Scales of graduation Units of graduation
Scales of measurement Units of measurement
24) On centigrade and kelvin scales of temperature the difference b/w the two
reference points are divided into:
100 equal parts 10 equal parts
50 equal parts 180 equal parts
25) On Fahrenheit scale of temperature the difference b/w the two reference points
are divided into:
100 equal parts 10 equal parts
180 equal parts 50 equal parts
26) On Celsius scale of temperature the lower and upper fixed points are marked as:
0 and 100 degrees 273 and 373 degrees
32 and 212 degrees 100 and 200 degrees
27) On Kelvin scale of temperature the lower and upper fixed points are marked as:
273 and 373 Kelvin 100 and 200 Kelvin
32 and 212 Kelvin 0 and 100 Kelvin
28) On Fahrenheit scale of temperature the lower and upper fixed points are marked
0 and 100 degrees 273 and 373 degrees
32 and 212 degrees 100 and 200 degrees
31) The value of temperature at which centigrade and Fahrenheit scale coincides is:
-40 40
32 -273
38) The internal energy possessed by the molecules of a gas consists of:
Vibrational energy of molecules Rotational energy of molecules
Translational energy of molecules All of these
46) Which of the following state of matter experiences the thermal expansion most?
Solid Liquid
Gas All of these
48) During a hot day in summer the tires of automobiles usually gets burst due to:
Elastic expansion Plastic expansion
Thermal expansion None of these
51) During linear expansion the change in length of a solid depends on:
Original length only Temperature only
Original length and temperature None of them
53) During volumetric expansion the change in volume of a substance depends on:
Original volume only Temperature only
Original volume and temperature None of them
54) The change in length per unit original length per unit rise in temperature is
Coefficient of linear expansion Coefficient of inertial expansion
Coefficient of cubical expansion Coefficient of elastic expansion
55) The change in volume per unit original volume per unit rise in temperature is
Coefficient of volumetric expansion Coefficient of linear expansion
Coefficient of superficial expansion Coefficient of inertial expansion
56) The coefficient of linear expansion for every material body is:
Same Different
Greater than one Equals to one
57) Which of the following relation truly defines the relationship b/w coefficient of
volumetric expansion and coefficient of linear expansion?
α=3β β=3α
β = α/3 β = 3/α
64) In bimetallic thermometer the bimetallic strip is used in the form of:
Concentric rods Coil
Parallel plane surfaces Helical springs
65) The relationship b/w pressure, volume, mass & temperature of a gas by keeping
any two variables as constants can be described with the help of:
Solid laws Liquid laws
Gas laws Plasma laws
66) The gas law which provides an inverse relationship b/w pressure and volume of a
gas is called:
Charles law Boyles law
Avogadro’s law Pressure law
67) The gas law which provides a direct relationship b/w volume and temperature of
a gas is called:
Boyles law Charles law
Avogadro’s law Pressure law
68) Which of these equations describe the general gas law or universal gas law?
PV = mRT PV = nRT
PV = nkT PV = NART
69) If the pressure of a gas is tripled by keeping the temperature constant then the
volume of gas is:
Reduced to one-ninth of its original value Tripled
reduced to three times Increased two times
71) By keeping the volume and mass of a gas fixed, the general gas law will reduce to:
Pressure law Charles law
Boyles law Avogadro’s law
72) In S.I system the value of Universal gas constant ‘R’ is:
8.314 J/mole.K 0.0821 J/mole.K
3.814 J/mole.K 4.813 J/mole.K
73) That amount of substance which contains no. of particles as same as Avogadro’s
number is called:
Mole Slug
Dyne Poise
74) Samples of different gases having equal number of particles will have:
Different values of ‘R’ Same values of ‘R’
Different number of moles None of these
75) Two same cylinders contain 3 moles of hydrogen and 3 moles of nitrogen. Which
cylinder of gas will be heavier?
Nitrogen gas cylinder Hydrogen gas cylinder
Both of them will have equal mass Sometimes N and sometimes H
76) Such a gas which strictly obeys gas laws under all conditions is called:
Real gas Ideal gas
Superstitious gas Fundamental gas
77) Such a gas in which no forces are assumed to act b/w the molecules is called:
Real gas Ideal gas
Superstitious gas Fundamental gas
78) Such a gas in which molecules are assumed to collide in a perfectly elastic way is
Ideal gas Real gas
Superstitious gas Fundamental gas
79) The conditions under which Real gases can obey gas laws are:
High temperature and low pressure High pressure and low temperature
High density and high pressure Low density and low pressure
83) The point at which the line touches along x axis by extrapolating the graph of
Charles law is called:
Absolute zero Absolute unit
Absolute null point Absolute Fahrenheit
84) The P-V graph obtained from the Boyles law is:
Parabolic in nature Hyperbolic in nature
Elliptical in nature Cubical in nature
86) According to pressure law the graph b/w temperature and pressure of a gas is:
A straight line A parabolic curve
A hyperbolic curve An elliptical curve
88) Which of the following is not the postulate of kinetic molecular theory of gases?
All gases consists of molecules Molecules are stationary
Molecules undergo elastic collisions Mechanical laws applied on gases
91) According to K.M.T the absolute temperature of a perfect or an ideal gas is:
Inversely proportional to the K.E of the Independent of the K.E of the
molecules molecules
Equal to the K.E of the molecules Directly proportional to the average
translational K.E of molecules
92) According to K.M.T the average translational kinetic energy per mole of molecules
of a gas is: [2019,2018,2015,2013,2011(ANNUAL)]
1/3 k T 3kT
3/2 k T 3/2 R T
93) The K.E of molecules of an ideal gas at absolute Kelvin will be:
Zero Very high
Infinite Very low
94) The universal gas constant per molecule ‘k’ is also termed as:
Planks constant Stefan’s constant
Gravitational constant Boltzmann’s constant
96) According to kinetic molecular theory the pressure of an ideal gas is:
1/3 ρ v 3ρv
ρv ½ρv
98) B/w O 2 and N 2 which gas molecules would move faster at a same temperature?
O2 N2
Both of them moves with same velocity None of them
99) According to kinetic molecular theory of gases the R.M.S velocity of molecules is
proportional to:
T2 T
√T 1/T
100) The root mean square velocity of hydrogen molecule at 600K is:
3148 m/s 2735 m/s
1478 m/s 2790 m/s
103) The formula for determining the root mean square speed of gas molecules is:
Vrms = Vrms =
All of these
Vrms =
104) The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1kg of mass by 1 0 C is
known as:
Specific heat capacity Molar specific heat capacity
Latent heat None of these
106) The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 mole of any
substance by 1 0 C is called:
Latent heat Specific heat capacity
Molar specific heat capacity Molar energy
109) Difference of molar specific heat at constant pressure and molar specific heat
and constant volume is equals to:
2R R
3R R/2
110) The value of molar specific heat at constant pressure ‘C P ’ for a monoatomic gas
3/2 R 5/2 R
7/2 R 2R
111) The value of molar specific heat at constant volume ‘C V ’ for a monoatomic gas
3/2 R 5/2 R
3R 5R
112) The ratio of molar specific heat of a gas at constant pressure and molar specific
heat at constant volume is: [2017(ANNUAL)]
Equals to one Less than one
Greater than one Equals to zero
114) The product of specific heat capacity of any substance and its molecular mass is
equal to:
Specific heat Molar specific heat capacity
Latent heat None of these
115) Heat lost by a hot body is equals to the heat gained by a cold body, this
statement is also called:
Law of heat exchange Law of heat reservation
Law of thermodynamics Law of multiple proportion
117) If same amount of iron and water are heated to the same temperature then
which substance requires larger amount of heat to attain the same temperature?
Water Iron
Both will acquire same amount of heat None of them
118) Water requires more heat as compared to the heat provided to the same mass
of copper for attaining same temperature due to:
Difference of their specific heats Difference of their latent hat
Difference of their molar specific heats Difference of their no. of moles
120) Branch of physics which deals with the conversion of heat energy into
mechanical energy and vice versa is called:
Electrostatics Thermometry
Mechanics Thermodynamics
121) In the field of thermodynamics total work done by any thermodynamic system
is given by:
122) Graphically, the area bounded by the curve in pressure-volume graph of any
thermodynamic system represents:
Internal energy Heat energy
Work done None of them
123) If the volume of any thermodynamic system is kept constant then the work
done by the system will be:
Infinite Zero
Negative Positive
125) Such a thermodynamic system which cannot exchange heat energy and matter
with its surroundings is called:
A closed system An open system
A homogeneous system An isolated system
127) When heat energy is supplied to any thermodynamic system then the work
done by the system will be considered :
Positive Negative
Zero Infinite
128) When heat energy is supplied to any thermodynamic system then the change in
internal energy of the system will be considered:
Positive Negative
Infinite zero
129) The change in internal energy of any thermodynamic system depends on:
The specific path followed b/w the initial The order of thermodynamic process
and final states of the system
The initial and final state of the system Pressure and volume of the system
130) If heat energy is expelled or removed from the thermodynamic system then it
will be considered as:
Positive Negative
Infinite zero
131) When heat energy is converted in to work or other forms of energy and vice
versa then the total amount of energy remains conserved. This is called :
Law of gravitation 1st law of thermodynamics
Law of conservation of momentum Law of inertia
134) If 400 Joules of heat energy is supplied to a thermodynamic system and the
system performs 100 Joules of work then the change in internal energy will be:
400 J 100 J
300 J 500 J
139) Which of the following thermodynamic process can be understood with the help
of Charles Law?
Isothermal process Isobaric process
Isochoric process Adiabatic process
140) The P-V diagram or the graph of isobaric process is represented by:
A straight horizontal line A straight vertical line
A hyperbolic curve A parabolic curve
143) If the change in internal energy of gas in a thermodynamic system is 500J due
to increase in volume of 10 m 3 by providing 800J of heat then the pressure
exerted by the gas is:
20 N/m2 30 N/m2
40 N/m 2 60 N/m2
144) Such a thermodynamic process in which volume of the system remains constant
is called:
Isobaric process Isothermal process
Isochoric process Adiabatic process
148) Which of the following thermodynamic process can be understood with the help
of pressure law?
Isobaric process Isochoric process
Isothermal process Adiabatic process
149) The P-V diagram or the graph of isochoric process is represented by:
A straight horizontal line A straight vertical line
A hyperbolic curve A parabolic curve
155) Which of the following thermodynamic process can be understood with the help
of Boyles law?
Isobaric process Isochoric process
Isothermal process Adiabatic process
156) The P-V diagram or the graph of isothermal process is known as:
A straight horizontal line A straight vertical line
An isotherm An adiabatic
157) If the heat supplied to the thermodynamic system during isothermal process is
400J then the amount of work done by the system is:
300J 400J
500J 200J
158) Change of state of liquid through the process of melting and evaporation is an
example of:
Isobaric process Isochoric process
Isothermal process Adiabatic process
161) A container is filled with a sample of an ideal gas at a pressure of 1.5 atm. The
gas is compressed isothermally to one-fourth of its original volume. Its new
pressure will be: [2019(ANNUAL)]
2 atm 4 atm
6 atm 9 atm
162) During which thermodynamic process the piston of the system deliver
maximum work?
The maximum work done is possible in this process: [2012(ANNUAL)]
Isobaric process Isochoric process
Isothermal process Adiabatic process
163) Such a thermodynamic process in which no heat energy enters or leaves the
thermodynamic system is called:
In this process no heat energy enters or leaves the system: [2014(ANNUAL)]
Isobaric process Isothermal process
Isochoric process Adiabatic process
169) The P-V diagram or the graph of adiabatic process is known as:
A straight horizontal line A straight vertical line
An isotherm An adiabatic
171) The time taken by the heat energy to enter into the thermodynamic system
during an adiabatic process must be:
Very high Very low
Infinite Finite
172) Which of the following equation holds true for an adiabatic process?
PV = constant P/V = constant
PV = constant V/P = constant
174) If a thermos containing hot tea is shacked vigorously then its temperature will:
Increase Decrease
Remain same Decrease then increase
176) Such a device which converts heat energy into mechanical work is called:
Refrigerator Air conditioner
Heat engine Generator
178) According to Kelvin statement, the working of heat engine is possible only
when two bodies are maintained at:
Different temperatures Different pressures
Different volumes Different masses
179) During the working of heat engine the temperature of working substance:
Falls Rises
Remains constant Sometimes falls and sometimes rises
180) The pair of hot and cold body required for the working of heat engine according
to Kelvin statement is names as:
Furnace & compressor Furnace & evaporator
Evaporator & condenser Furnace & condenser
182) For an efficient working of heat engine, the specific heat capacities of hot and
cold bodies should be:
High Low
Zero Sometimes high and sometimes low
187) ‘It is impossible to cause the heat to flow from a cold body to hot body without
the expenditure of energy’. This statement of 2 nd law of thermodynamics is also
known as:
Kelvin statement Clausius statement
Maxwell statement Kepler statement
189) The Kelvin and Clausius statements of 2 nd law of thermodynamics are proved to
Equal Equivalent
Un equal Un equivalent
190) The concept of heat engine proposed by Kelvin was first investigated with the
help of an ideal heat engine called:
Joule engine Count Rumford engine
Kelvin engine Carnot engine
191) The efficiency of a Carnot engine cannot approaches to 100% due to:
Energy loss through conduction and Energy loss by means of friction of
convection different parts
Loss of energy used to change the Rejection of some heat into the cold
internal energy of the system environment
192) An ideal heat engine which is considered to be free from any energy loss is
Joule engine Count Rumford engine
Kelvin engine Carnot engine
195) Mathematically, the efficiency of Carnot engine can be made 100% when the
temperature of its sink reduces to:
0 0C 0 0F
0K All of them
196) If the temperature of cold body is decreased the efficiency of Carnot engine will
be: [2015(ANNUAL)]
Increase Decrease
Remains constant None of these
197) Such a process by which a thermodynamic system returns to its initial state
after passing through a series of different thermodynamic processes irrespective
of the path followed is called:
Cyclic process Non cyclic process
Parabolic process Hyperbolic process
198) The efficiency of heat engine operates b/w the temperatures of 100K and 300K
66.666% 77.777%
66.777% 77.666%
199) Two steam engines A and B have their sources at 600 0 C & 400 0 C and their
sinks at 300 o C and 200 o C respectively: [2010(ANNUAL)]
They are equally efficient Efficiency of A is greater than B
Efficiency of B is greater than A If their sinks are interchanged, their
efficiencies will not change
201) The area enclosed by P-V diagram of a Carnot cycle represents: [2017(ANNUAL)]
Useful work Energy loss due to leakage
Heat absorbed Heat rejected
203) Entropy is called as the ‘time arrow’ or the ‘degree of disorder’ because:
Entropy of universe always remains Entropy of universe always decreases
Entropy of universe always increases None of these
205) When an isolated system undergoes a change then the entropy of the system:
Increases Remains constant
Increases or remains constant Decreases
206) The entropy of any system in natural process will always be:
Positive Negative
Zero Infinite
3) More caloric than the cold bodies 28) 32 and 212 degrees
22) Melting point of ice and boiling point of 47) The volume of gas changes
23) Scales of graduation 48) Thermal expansion
104) Specific heat capacity 129) The initial and final state of
159) Expelling heat from the base of system 184) Cannot be 100%
160) PV = constant 185) Refrigerator
202) Entropy
206) Positive
207) Increases