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Pamantasan ng Cabuyao

College of Computing and Engineering

Katapatan Subd., Banay-banay, City of Cabuyao, Laguna

Course Code: CCS101lec

Course Description: Introduction to Computing
Course Intended Learning Outcomes:
1. Discuss about fundamentals of Information Technology and Computing.
2. Discuss about fundamentals of computer software/hardware and Office Application
3. Explain the Social Issues in Computing

Learning Materials for Week #7

I. TITLE : Software System and Applications


After week 7, you are expected to:

1. understand the System and Application Software;

2. identify the computer software categories; and
3. describe the different types of operating system and software copyright...


Software. Comprises of computer programs, support modules, and data modules provides
a computer with the instructions and data to carry out a specific type of task. Program. A
set of instructions that solves a problem or carries out a task
Support Module - provides an auxiliary set of instructions used in conjunction with the main
software program not designed to be run by the computer user


Types of Software
1. Systems software or System programs
2. Application software or Application programs
Computer Software Categories

Basic Principle of an Operating System

 An operating system is a collection of software that coordinates the working of the
different components of the system and gets the user’s job done.
 The operating system provides the user with all the basic things necessary to do his

What does an Operating System do?

 A computer’s software acts similarly with the chain of command in an army
o Using application software, you issue a command
o Application software tells the operating system what to do
 The Operating System instructs the device drivers, device drivers instruct the
hardware and the hardware actually does the work
 The Operating System interacts with the application software, device drivers, and
hardware to manage a computer’s resources.
 While interacting with application software, operating system is busy behind the
scenes with other tasks

When do I directly interact with the operating system?

 Launch programs
 Customize the user interface
 Manage files
 Configure equipment
 Get help

Where is the operating system?

• The entire operating system is small enough to be stored in ROM for typically
handheld computers and video game consoles
• For nearly all personal computers, servers, workstations, mainframes, and
supercomputers, the operating system program is quite large, so most of it is stored
on a hard disk
• The bootstrap program provides the instructions needed to load the core parts
(kernel) into memory when the system boots.
• Customization utilities and other parts of the operating system are loaded into
memory as they are needed.

Basic Function of an OS
• Process Management – handles multi-programs that are simultaneously running.
• Memory Management – manage memory between processes and data according to
• Storage Management – Managing the permanent Storage of data on disks or other
• I/O Management – Manage and schedule the input and output operations
• Device / Resource Management – Managing devices and resources and allowing
the users to share the resources
• Security and Protection – Securing the system against possible unauthorized
access to data or any other entity. Protecting the parts of the system against
• Booting the System and getting it ready to work.
• Data communications – Providing interface to connect to other computers or
allowing others to connect.

OS as an Interface

OS Services

• Program Development – variety of services and utilities such as Editors and

debuggers. They are usually referred to as application program development tools.

• Program Execution – involves a number of steps, such as loading Instruction and

data in the main memory, initialization of I/O devices and files, and other resources
to be allocated. OS handles the scheduling.
• Access to I/O devices – Each I/O device has its own set of Instructions and control
signals. O.S. hides these details to provide a common interface to the

• Controlled access to files- nature of I/O device (disk drive, tape drive) and structure
of the data stored in the files in the storage medium. In the case of multiple users
accessing the processor concurrently, proper protection mechanisms have to be

• System access- For shared or public systems, the O.S. controls access to the
system as a whole and to specific system resources. Access system provides
protection of resources, and data from unauthorized users, and resolves resource
• Error detection and response – Variety of errors may occur in computer system.
Responses may range from program termination, retrial of the same operation, or
reporting error to the application.
• Accounting – collecting usage statistics, CPU usages, monitor performance, etc.

Structure of an Operating System

 User – The system representation of the human operator who requests for
 Application Software – Special software to help the user do his task (E.g...
MS Word)

 Shell – The program that interprets the commands or requests given by the
user and gets the job done by the kernel.

 Kernel – The core of the operating system. It uses the hardware to do the
jobs required by the user or the system. It coordinates among the hardware
and interfaces it with the above layers.

 System Software – Software that can access the hardware directly and
generally provides various system services. (E.g.. The kernel itself, device
drivers etc.).

 Hardware – The set of electronic devices that work together to ultimately do

the job required by all the upper levels

Types of Operating System

 Single-user Operating System

o Deals with one set of input devices, those that can be manipulated by
one user at a time.
 Multi-user Operating System
o Deals with input, output, and processing requests from many users, all at
the same time
 Network Operating System
o Provides communications and routing services that allow computers to
share data, programs and peripheral devices
 Multitasking Operating System
o Provides process and memory management services that permit two or
more programs to run simultaneously
 Desktop Operating System
o Designed for a personal computer, either a desktop or notebook
o Designed to accommodate a single user, but may also provide
networking and multitasking capabilities

Software Copyright
 a form of legal protection that grants the author of an original” work”
 an exclusive right to copy, distribute, sell, and edit that work, except under special
circumstances described by copyright laws

 can make a backup or extra copy of the software for erased or damaged
original copy
 allowed to copy and distribute parts of a software program for reviews and
 has the right to copy software from a distribution disk or Web site for
License Agreement
a legal contract that defines the way in which a computer program may be
Techniques Validating Software License
 shrink-wrap licenses
 installation agreements

Guide Questions for Software License Agreement

 When does the license go into effect?

 Can I sell the software?
 Can I rent the software?
 Am I buying the software or licensing it?
 Can I loan the software to a friend?
 Does the software publisher provide a warranty?
 Under what circumstances can I make copies?

Types of Software License

Public Domain Software

 may be freely copied, distributed, and resold
 not protected by copyright

Commercial Software
 sold in computer stores or at Web sites
 adheres closely to the limitations provided by copyright law

 a copyrighted software that is available for free
 allows you to use, copy, and distribute the software

 a copyrighted software marketed under a “try before you buy” policy
 allows you to copy and distribute the software
 provide a low-cost marketing and distribution channel

Open Source Software

 may be sold or distributed free of charge
 uncompiled program instructions are available to programmers who want
to alter and improve the software
 Examples: Linux, FreeBSD


[1] Caoili-Tayuan, Ronina R.; Eleazar, Mia V Living in the Information Technology Era
2019, C & E Publishing Inc. Quezon City Philipppines

[2] Vermaat, Misty E.;et.al. Enhanced Discovering Computers 2017; Cengage Learning
Publishing Co.

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