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NDT On Concrete: Destructive Testing

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Destructive Testing
Huge cost initially has to put in for taking sample and then to test it.

Non-Destructive Testing
It is very easy and simple process and a lot many tests can be performed on concrete
less than single amount require for sampling of concrete.

Deliverables of NDT:
• Elastic modulus
• Density
• Strength
• Cracks and voids
• Reinforcement location
• Quality of workmanship
• Surface hardness
• Surface absorption

What is Non Destructive Testing?

Non destructive testing is the use of noninvasive techniques to determine the integrity
of a material, component or structure or quantitatively measure some characteristics of
an object.
Why NDT?
• It is an assessment without doing harm, destroying the test.
• Plays crucial role in ensuring cost effective operation, safety and reliability of
• Cost saving technique in quality assurance process.
Where to Use NDT
• Quality control of construction, in situ
• Confirming workmanship
• Determining position of reinforcement
• Location of Cracks/Joints/Honeycombing
How NDT Investigation Helps in Assessment
➢ Rebound Hammer Test: To estimate strength and hardness of the concrete in
cover region (IS:13311 part II).
➢ UPV Test: To measure homogeneity, uniformity, compactability and presence
of crack or void, thus representing durability of concrete (IS:13311 part I).

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➢ Core Test: To evaluate in situ compressive strength of concrete (IS 516 &
ASTM C42/41).
➢ Corrosion Assessment: Half Cell Potential (ASTM C876-9), Resistivity and
RCPT (ASTM C1202), to know about extent and rate of ongoing corrosion
➢ Bar Locator and Cover Meter: To know the structural strength and protection
to the reinforcement by cover concrete [i.e. dia. & location].
➢ Carbonation: To evaluate extent of carbonation for strength and corrosion
estimation [The phenolphthalein indicator solution is applied].

Rebound Hammer (RH)

➢ This is a simple, handy tool, which can be used to provide a convenient and
rapid indication of the compressive strength of concrete.
➢ Powerful technique for evaluating existing concrete structures with regard to
their strength and durability apart from assessment and control of quality of
hardened concrete without or partial damage to the concrete.
➢ It consists of a spring-controlled mass that slides on a plunger within a tubular
➢ To assess quality of the concrete in relation to the standard requirements.
➢ To estimate compressive strength of concrete.
➢ To delineate regions of poor quality or deteriorated concrete in a structure.
➢ To assess quality of one element of the concrete in relation to another.
➢ For testing, smooth, clean and dry surface is to be selected. If loosely adhering
scale is present, this should be rubbed off with a grinding wheel or stone. Rough
surfaces resulting from incomplete compaction, loss of grout, spalled or tooled
surfaces do not give reliable results and should be avoided.
➢ The point of impact should be at least 20 mm away from any edge or shape
➢ For taking a measurement, the rebound hammer should be held at right angles to
the surface of the concrete member. The test can thus be conducted horizontally on
vertical surfaces or vertically upwards or downwards on horizontal surfaces. If the
situation demands, the rebound hammer can be held at intermediate angles also,
but in each case, the rebound number will be different for the same concrete.

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➢ Rebound hammer test is conducted around all the points of observation on all
accessible faces of the structural element. Concrete surfaces are thoroughly
cleaned before taking any measurement. Around each point of observation, six
readings of rebound indices are taken and average of these readings after deleting
outliers as per IS 8900: 1978 becomes the rebound index for the point of

Fig. Operation of Rebound Hammer

The rebound hammer test method is used for the following purposes:
➢ To find out the compressive strength of concrete.
➢ To assess the uniformity of concrete.
➢ To assess the quality of concrete in relation to standard requirements.
➢ It can be used to differentiate the acceptable and questionable parts of the
structure or to compare two different structures based on strength.
When the plunger of rebound hammer is pressed against the surface of the concrete,
the spring-controlled mass rebounds and the extent of such rebound depends upon the
surface hardness of concrete. The surface hardness and therefore the rebound is taken
to be related to the compressive strength of the concrete. The rebound is read off along
a graduated scale and is designated as the rebound number or rebound index.
➢ The elastic mass depends on the hardness of the surface.
➢ It is related to the compressive strength of the concrete.
The results are significantly affected by:
➢ Mix characteristics.
➢ Angle of inclination of direction of hammer.
➢ Member characteristics.

Strength Assessment:
➢ To assess the relative strength of concrete based on the hardness.
➢ Casting cubes were tested under controlled conditions.
➢ This is due to hardening of concrete surface due to carbonation.
➢ It restricted to relatively new surface only.

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Survey of Weak and Delaminating Concrete:
➢ It helps to identify relative surface weakness in cover concrete and to determine
the relative compressive strength of concrete.
➢ This survey is carried by dividing the member into well-defined grid points.
➢ The grid matrix should have a spacing of approximately 300 mm × 300 mm.
Interpretation of Results

Compressive Strength (N/mm2) Corrected

S. Slab Test Trial Points Strength Compressive
No No. Location Strength
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Strength

The rebound hammer method provides a convenient and rapid indication of the
compressive strength of concrete by means of establishing a suitable correlation
between the rebound index and the compressive strength of concrete. In general, the
rebound number increases as the strength increases but it is also affected by a number
of parameters.
It is also pointed out that rebound indices are indicative of compressive strength of
concrete to a limited depth from the surface. If the concrete in a particular member has
internal micro-cracking, flaws or heterogeneity across the cross-section, rebound
hammer indices will not indicate the same.
As such, the estimation of strength of concrete by rebound hammer method cannot be
held to be very accurate and probable accuracy of prediction of concrete strength in a
structure is ±25%. If the relationship between rebound index and compressive strength
can be checked by tests on core samples obtained from the structure or standard
specimens made with the same concrete materials and mix proportion, then the
accuracy of results and confidence thereon are greatly increased.

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Procedure of Obtaining Correlation Between Compressive Strength of Concrete
and Rebound Number
The most satisfactory way of establishing a correlation between compressive strength
of concrete and its rebound number is to measure both the properties simultaneously
on concrete cubes. The concrete cube specimens are held in a compression testing
machine under a fixed load, measurements of rebound number taken and then the
compressive strength determined as per IS 516: 1959. The fixed load required is of the
order of 7 N/mm2 when the impact energy of the hammer is about 2.2 Nm. The load
should be increased for calibrating rebound hammers of greater impact energy and
decreased for calibrating rebound hammers of lesser impact energy. The test
specimens should be as large a mass as possible in order to minimise the size effect on
the test result of a full-scale structure. 150 mm cube specimens are preferred for
calibrating rebound hammers of lower impact energy (2.2 Nm), whereas for rebound
hammers of higher impact energy, the test cubes should not be smaller than 300 mm.
If the specimens are wet cured, they should be removed from wet storage and kept in
the laboratory atmosphere for about 24 hours before testing. To obtain a correlation
between rebound numbers and strength of wet cured and wet tested cubes, it is
necessary to establish a correlation between the strength of wet tested cubes and the
strength of dry tested cubes on which rebound readings are taken. A direct correlation
between rebound numbers on wet cubes and the strength of wet cubes is not
recommended. Only the vertical faces of the cube as cast should be tested. At least
nine readings should be taken on each of the two vertical faces accessible in the
compression testing machine when using the rebound hammers. The points of impact
on the specimen must not be nearer an edge than 20 mm and should be not less than
20 mm from each other. The same points must not be impacted more than once.
Factors Affecting the Test Results
➢ Smoothness of surface under test
➢ Size, shape and rigidity of the specimen
➢ Type of cement [HAC gives 100% higher than OPC]; SSC gives 50% lower
than OPC]
➢ Type of aggregate [Light weight aggregates require special calibration]
➢ Surface condition and moisture content of concrete [wet surface gives 20%
lower results than dry surface]
➢ Curing and age of concrete [Age is ignored for concrete between 3 days to 3
months old]
➢ Carbonation of concrete surface [It gives an over estimated strength which in
extreme cases can be up to 50%]

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Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV)

Fig. PUNDIT (Portable Ultrasonic Non-destructive Digital Indicating Tester)

➢ Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV) testing of concrete is based on the pulse
velocity method to provide information on the uniformity of concrete, cavities,
cracks and defects, presence of voids, Honeycombing or other discontinuities.
➢ The pulse velocity in a material depends on its density and its elastic properties
which in turn are related to the quality and the compressive strength of the
➢ This test method is applicable to assess the uniformity and relative quality of
concrete, to indicate the presence of voids and cracks, and to evaluate the
effectiveness of crack repairs.
➢ It is also applicable to indicate changes in the properties of concrete, and in the
survey of structures, to estimate the severity of deterioration or cracking.
➢ To assess uniformity and homogeneity of the concrete.
➢ To assess quality of concrete in relation to standard requirements.
➢ Detection of the presence & approximate extent of cracks, voids & other
imperfection in concrete.
➢ Measurement of changes occurring with time in the properties of the concrete.
➢ Correlation of pulse velocity & strength as a measure of concrete quality.
➢ Values of dynamic elastic modulus of the concrete.
The ultrasonic pulse is generated by an electro acoustical transducer. When the pulse
is induced into the concrete from a transducer, it undergoes multiple reflections at the
boundaries of the different material phases within the concrete. A complex system of
stress waves is developed which includes longitudinal (compressional), shear
(transverse) and surface (rayleigh) waves. The receiving transducer detects the onset
of the longitudinal waves, which is the fastest.

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Because the velocity of the pulses is almost independent of the geometry of the
material through which they pass and depends only on its elastic properties, pulse
velocity method is a convenient technique for investigating structural concrete.
The underlying principle of assessing the quality of concrete is that comparatively
higher velocities are obtained when the quality of concrete in terms of density,
homogeneity and uniformity is good. In case of poorer quality, lower velocities are
obtained. If there is a crack, void or flaw inside the concrete which comes in the way
of transmission of the pulses, the pulse strength is attenuated and it passes around the
discontinuity, thereby making the path length longer. Consequently, lower velocities
are obtained. The actual pulse velocity obtained depends primarily upon the materials
and mix proportions of concrete. Density and modulus of elasticity of aggregate also
significantly affect the pulse velocity.
In this test method, the ultrasonic pulse is produced by the transducer which is held in
contact with one surface of the concrete member under test. After traversing a known
path length L in the concrete, the pulse of vibrations is converted into an electrical
signal by the second transducer held in contact with the other surface of the concrete
member and an electronic timing circuit enables the transit time (T) of the pulse to be
measured. The pulse velocity can be determined from the following equation.
V = L/T
where, V = pulse velocity (km/s); L = path length (cm); T = transit time (µs)
Once the ultrasonic pulse impinges on the surface of the material, the maximum
energy is propagated at right angles to the face of the transmitting transducer and best
results are, therefore, obtained when the receiving transducer is placed on the opposite
face of the concrete member (direct transmission or cross probing). However, in many
situations two opposite faces of the structural member may not be accessible for
measurements. In such cases, the receiving transducer is placed on the same face of
the concrete members (surface probing). Surface probing is not so efficient as cross
probing, because the signal produced at the receiving transducer has an amplitude of
only 2 to 3 percent of that produced by cross probing and the test results are greatly
influenced by the surface layers of concrete which may have different properties from
that of concrete inside the structural member.
The indirect velocity is invariably lower than the direct velocity on the same concrete
element. This difference may vary from 5 to 20 percent depending largely on the
quality of the concrete under test. For good quality concrete, a difference of about 0.5
km/sec may generally be encountered. To ensure that the ultrasonic pulses generated
at the transmitting transducer pass into the concrete and are then detected by the
receiving transducer, it is essential that there be adequate acoustical coupling between
the concrete and the face of each transducer. Typical couplants are petroleum jelly,
grease, liquid soap and kaolin glycerol paste. If there is very rough concrete surface, it
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is required to smoothen and level an area of the surface where the transducer is to be
placed. If it is necessary to work on concrete surfaces formed by other means, for
example trowelling, it is desirable to measure pulse velocity over a longer path length
than would normally be used. A minimum path length of 150 mm is recommended for
the direct transmission method involving one unmoulded surface and a minimum of
400 mm for the surface probing method along an unmoulded surface.
The natural frequency of transducers should preferably be within the range of 20 to
150 kHz. Generally, high frequency transducers are preferable for short path lengths
and low frequency transducers for long path lengths. Transducers with a frequency of
50 to 60 kHz are useful for most all-round applications.
Since size of aggregates influences the pulse velocity measurement, it is recommended
that the minimum path length should be 100 mm for concrete in which the nominal
maximum size of aggregate is 20 mm or less and 150 mm for concrete in which the
nominal maximum size of aggregate is between 20 to 40 mm.
In view of the inherent variability in the test results, sufficient number of readings are
taken by dividing the entire structure in suitable grid markings of 30×30 cm or even
smaller. Each junction point of the grid becomes a point of observation.
Transducers are held on corresponding points of observation on opposite faces of a
structural element to measure the ultrasonic pulse velocity by direct transmission, i.e.,
cross probing. If one of the faces is not accessible, ultrasonic pulse velocity is
measured on one face of the structural member by surface probing.
Surface, probing in general gives lower pulse velocity than in case of cross probing
and depending on number of parameters, the difference could be of the order of about
1 km/sec.
Arrangement of Equipments:
There are three basic ways in which the transducers may be arranged
➢ Direct transmission (Opposite faces)
➢ Semi-direct transmission (Adjacent faces)
➢ Surface/Indirect transmission (Same face)
Direct Method
If the two transducers are placed in such a way that one is placed at one end and other
at the other end throughout the member it is direct method.
Semi-direct method
It is mostly used for corners of concrete members.
Indirect method
In this method, both transducers are placed on the same surface of concrete and the
receiver receives the pulse coming after striking the concrete molecules.

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➢ Direct transmission is the most sensitive, and indirect transmission is less
➢ Indirect transmission can be used only when one face of the concrete is
accessible, when the depth of a surface defect or crack is to be determined or
when the quality of the surface concrete relative to the overall quality is of
➢ Pulses are not transmitted through large air voids in a material. Therefore, if
such a void lies directly in the pulse path the instrument will indicate the time
taken by the pulse that circumvents the void by the quickest route. It is thus
possible to detect large voids in concrete when a grid of pulse velocity
measurements is made over a region in which these voids are located.
How it Works
➢ The equipment consists of two transducers, usually in the form of metal
cylindrical heads, one of which is used to transmit an ultrasonic pulse and the
other is a receiver.
➢ They are brought into contact with the concrete surface (coupled) using a gel or
➢ They are connected by cable to a control box which contains a pulse generator,
timing circuit and digital display.

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➢ The digital display indicates the time for the ultrasonic pulse to travel between
the transmitting and receiving transducers.
➢ It is possible to develop an empirical relationship between pulse velocity and
strength but this relationship is influenced by type of cement, type and size of
aggregate, presence of reinforcement, moisture condition, compaction and age
of concrete.
➢ The pulse velocity method is an ideal tool for establishing whether concrete is
➢ Applied to both existing structures and those under construction.
➢ High pulse velocity readings are generally indicative of good quality concrete.
Interpretation of Test Results
The ultrasonic pulse velocity of concrete is mainly related to its density and modulus
of elasticity. This in turn, depends upon the materials and mix proportions ti in making
concrete as well as the method of placing, compaction and curing of concrete. For
example, if the concrete is not compacted as thoroughly as possible, or if there is
segregation of concrete during placing or there are internal cracks or flaws, the pulse
velocity will be lower, although the same materials and mix proportions are used.
The quality of concrete in terms of uniformity, incidence or absence of internal flaws,
cracks and segregation, etc, indicative of the level of workmanship employed; can thus
be assessed using the guidelines given in Table 2, which have been evolved for
characterising the quality of concrete in structures in terms of the ultrasonic pulse
➢ To determine the quality & homogeneity of the concrete structures.
➢ To determine the existence of the flaws, cracks & voids in concrete structures.
➢ Velocity criterion for concrete quality grading (IS: 13311 Part I)
S. No. Pulse velocity in cross probing (km/sec) Concrete Quality Grading
1 Above 4.5 Excellent
2 3.5 to 4.5 Good
3 3.0 to 3.5 Medium
4 Below 3.0 Doubtful

Factors Affecting the Test Results

➢ Smoothness of contact surface under test
➢ Influence of path length on pulse velocity
➢ Temperature of concrete
50 - 300 C - Ideal
300 - 600 C - Reduction in pulse velocity up to 5%
Below 50 C - Increase in pulse velocity up to 7.5%

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➢ Surface condition and moisture content of concrete (Pulse velocity of saturated
concrete may be up to 2% higher than the similar dry concrete)
➢ Presence of reinforcing Steel (Pulse velocity in steel is 1.2 to 1.9 times the
velocity plain concrete)
➢ Stress level of concrete (Insignificant unless the stress is greater than about 60%
of the ultimate strength of the concrete)
The wave velocity, V, in a homogeneous, isotropic and elastic medium is related to
dynamic modulus of elasticity, Ed, by the expression:
𝐸𝑑 (1 − 𝜇 )
𝑉2 =
𝜌(1 + 𝜇 )(1 − 2𝜇 )

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