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Soil Nail Method

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Practice Note for Authorized Persons

Buildings Department 284

and Registered Structural Engineers

Quality Supervision of Soil Nailing Works


The use of soil nails for upgrading existing slopes and in forming new
slopes is becoming very common in Hong Kong. Close supervision and timely design
review during construction are essential to ensure the quality of the soil nailing works.
Buildings Ordinance (BO) section 17 provides that the Building Authority may impose
qualified supervision as conditions of approval and consent to commence building
works. PNAP 83 specifies the requirements and sets out the principles of such
qualified supervision.

2. A soil nail, when constructed, is buried in the ground, and its built
quality is not readily visible. There is a need to put in place reliable procedures for
the supervision, testing and certification for acceptance of the soil nailing works
during construction to ensure the quality of the works. This practice note promulgates
the supervision, testing and certification requirements at various stages of soil nailing
works and specifies the criteria for acceptance of the works.

3. Reference may be made to the Particular Specifications and standard

drawings for soil nailing works as well as guidance notes and checklists for their
supervision that are used by the Civil Engineering Department (CED) of the HKSAR
Government under the LPM Programme which can be found on the CED website
<http://www.ced.gov.hk/eng/generalinfo/generalinfo_f.htm>. GEO (2003)#, which
can also be downloaded from the CED website, gives guidance on non-destructive
testing of soil nail length. These documents may be used as a guide for private
development projects.

Buildability of Soil Nails

4. In designing soil nails, the designer should give due consideration to the
buildability of the soil nails to ensure that the designs are practical and could be built.
For long nails, say with length exceeding 20m, there is a higher chance of
encountering loose or permeable ground, or buried stream course, leading to
difficulties in construction. Examples include collapses of soil or rock along the
drillhole (which may obstruct the insertion of the nail reinforcement assembly), and
high grout loss. Grout quality may also be difficult to ensure as the length of nail
increases. For cases where long nails are proposed or where the ground or
groundwater conditions are likely to be adverse to soil nail construction, the AP may
be required to undertake an assessment of buildability and the effects of soil nail
installation on the existing ground and groundwater conditions, based on a site trial,

GEO (2003). Non-destructive Tests for Determining the Lengths of Installed Steel Soil Nails. GEO
Report No. 133, Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering Department, the
Government of the HKSAR, 54p. (This can be downloaded from the CED website

prior to carrying out the soil nailing works. The site trial may be incorporated in and
should include the pull-out tests of soil nails where possible. Soil nails for site trials
and pull-out tests should be installed and tested prior to the installation of working soil

5. Examples of ground conditions that may present difficulties for soil nail
construction include loose fill or colluvium, rockfill, presence of soil pipes, buried
stream courses, rock mass with open discontinuities and fractures, alternating zones of
soil and rock. The installation of soil nails in areas with groundwater flow will pose
particular difficulties. The hole drilled may be more susceptible to collapse than dry
ground and the quality of the grout may also be in doubt. Suitable measures, e.g.
groundwater drainage, may have to be incorporated to facilitate installation of soil

Particular Requirements for Approval of Plans

6. The AP is required to include the following particulars in the site

formation submission for approval by the BA:

(i) Details of the site trial, if required, to confirm the

buildability of the soil nails, including its locations.

(ii) Procedure adopted for the pull-out tests.

(iii) Methodology and details of the proposed non-

destructive test (NDT) for verifying the length of
installed soil nails, with suitable provisions
incorporated to allow the test to be carried out.
Where the AP intends to use the Time Domain
Reflectometry test mentioned in paragraph 17 as the
proposed NDT, an electric wire should be
incorporated in the soil nail details in the site
formation plans. Standard details of the electric wire
arrangement can be obtained from GEO (2003) which
can be downloaded from the CED website.

Supervision Requirements for Soil Nailing Works

7. The paragraphs below set out the supervision requirements which will
be imposed under BO s17 as conditions for qualified supervision of soil nailing works.
It should be noted that this is in addition to the site safety supervision required under
the Technical Memorandum for Supervision Plans and the relevant provisions of the
BO (e.g. s16(3)(bc)).

8. Supervision of soil nailing works should be provided by the Category I*

and Category III personnel nominated by the AP, as well as by the RSC(Site

Where necessary, Category II qualified supervision will be imposed by the Building Authority.

Formation)’s senior and junior site supervisors (Construction Engineer and

Construction Supervisor, respectively).

9. For all soil nailing works, at least one Category III personnel nominated
by the AP and one Construction Supervisor under the RSC(Site Formation) are
required to be resident full-time on site during every stage of the works for each soil
nail. The RSC(Site Formation) is required to notify the Category III personnel before
the commencement of any stage of the works. The RSC(Site Formation) is also
required to prepare detailed inspection, measurement and testing records for each soil
nail as per the approved plan requirements.

10. Key records on supervision of soil nailing works (Appendix A) should

also be prepared and certified by the Category III personnel who carries out the
inspection, measurement or check. A full set of all certified records should be kept on
site for inspection by BD staff.

11. The Category I personnel should verify the design assumptions and
carry out design review during construction. He should check whether there are any
anomalies that may invalidate the functional requirements of his design during his
periodic site inspections and follow them up. He should also follow up any anomalies
reported to him by the Category III personnel. If necessary, the AP should make
amendment submissions for the approval of the BA.

12. The extent of supervision required for different stages of soil nailing
works is shown at Appendix B. Actual supervision requirements will be imposed at
plan approval stage by the BA on a case-by-case basis depending on the scale and
complexity of the slope and the soil nailing works, and the anticipated construction
difficulties. The AP should nominate to the BA, an adequate number of qualified
supervision personnel with suitable experience, taking into account the site conditions
and the number of soil nails proposed and their lengths. During the construction stage,
the AP should review the adequacy of the supervision team taking into account the
likelihood of concurrent construction requiring close supervision under the
construction programme. Where necessary, he should enhance the supervision
requirements, e.g. increase the number of Category III personnel full-time on site.

Minimum Qualification and Experience Required for Site Supervisors for Soil
Nailing Works

13. The minimum qualification and experience required for Categories I

and III personnel are specified in PNAP 83.

14 The senior supervisor of the RSC(Site Formation), i.e. the Construction

Engineer, should be at least a holder of a recognized degree in civil or geotechnical
engineering with total relevant working experience of not less than 4 years. The
junior supervisor, i.e. the Construction Supervisor, should be at least a holder of a
Certificate or Diploma in civil or geotechnical engineering with at least 2 years
relevant working experience.

15. A person without the required academic qualification but with 5 years
relevant working experience and has satisfactorily completed a top-up training course
acceptable to the BA, may also be accepted as the Construction Supervisor. This
arrangement is only valid for a transition period ending December 2005. After this
transition period, only those possessing the required qualification as specified in
paragraph 14 will be accepted as the Construction Supervisor.

Non-destructive Testing of Installed Soil Nails

16. On completion of installation of soil nails, the AP shall submit to the

BA key supervision records in the form of Appendix A certified by the Category III
personnel. These records could be submitted prior to the construction of soil nail
heads. Upon review of the supervision records, if the BA considers that there is cause
for concern in relation to the quality of soil nailing works, the BA will require the AP
to carry out non-destructive testing (NDT) of at least 1% of soil nails with a minimum
of 2 nails per slope (including wall) to verify the length of the installed soil nails.

17. Several NDT methods for checking the length of installed soil nails are
described in GEO (2003). For example, the Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) test
which requires the installation of an electrically conducting wire alongside the steel
reinforcement and the magnetometer test which requires drilling of a hole parallel to
the soil nail to be tested. Alternatively, the AP may propose other methods for BA’s
agreement at the design stage of the project. A test report with the test results and
their interpretations together with re-assessment of the adequacy of the installed soil
nails (if needed) shall be submitted to the BA for acceptance.

Commencement of Quality Supervision Requirements for Soil Nailing Works

18. The requirements for quality supervision specified in this PNAP will be
imposed as conditions of consent to commence site formation works that comprise soil
nailing works, under BO s17, the plans of which have been submitted for approval on
or after 1st December 2003.

( Marco M H WU )
Building Authority

Ref. : BD GR/GEO/15

First Issue October 2003 (AD/NB2 and AD(G)/HKI)


Index under : Soil Nails

Soil Nailing Works, supervision of
Time Domain Reflectometry Test
Appendix A
(PNAP 284)
Key Records on Supervision of Soil Nailing Works

BD File Ref. Slope No./Ref.

Name of AP Name of Contractor

Total Length of Actual Grout Volume (litre) Anomalies Observed During Nail Installation and
Nail Reinforcement (m) Diameter at Action Taken. (All observed anomalies must be
No. Design Actual Mouth of Date & Design Actual Date & reported to AP or Category I personnel
Hole (mm) Signature Signature immediately.)
(Please use separate sheet to give details)

Note : Prior to installation of the soil nail head, photographic records of the condition of the grout at the top of the soil nail should be
taken; a scale or measuring tape should be included to show the as-built diameter of the installed nail.

Name of Category III Qualified Supervision Personnel nominated by AP: _________________________

Specimen Signature: ________________________________________________________

Appendix B
(PNAP 284)
Supervision of Soil Nailing Works

Stages of Soil Nailing Objectives of Supervision Inspection and check to be carried out by
Works and Critical Aspects AP# RSC(Site Formation)#
(i) Pull-out test and any To check whether the test nails are being constructed III 100% J 100%
specified site trial and the test/site trial procedure is in accordance with I/AP at least 1 nail S at least 1 nail
the approved plans or as specified by the AP, and the each of pull- each of pull-
acceptance criteria for the test/site trial are met. out test and out test and
site trial site trial

(ii) Setting out of soil nails To check whether the positions of the soil nails agree III FT J FT
with the approved plans. I AN S AN
(iii) Drilling of soil nail To check whether the drillhole diameter, length, III FT J FT
holes inclination and bearing are in accordance with the I AN S AN
approved plans and any anomalies on ground and AP AN
groundwater conditions and to report to the
responsible person if necessary(1).

(iv) Assembly of soil nail To check whether the assembly is in accordance with III FT J FT
reinforcement the approved plans, in particular, the length, type and I AN S AN
corrosion protection provisions of the AP AN
reinforcement , adequacy and tightness of any
couplers used, adequacy of centralizers to ensure
minimum grout cover and the grout pipes are not
twisted and free from blockage and are extended to
the bottom of the soil nail holes in accordance with
the approved plans.

Stages of Soil Nailing Objectives of Supervision Inspection and check to be carried out by
Works and Critical Aspects AP# RSC(Site Formation)#
(v) Insertion of soil nail To check whether: III 100% J 100%
reinforcement - cleaning of the hole, e.g. by air flushing is needed I/AP at least 2 S at least 2
to remove any blockage or collapse, or there is working nails working nails
any groundwater, which may require a change in at early stage at early stage
construction method, and of nail of nail
- the assembly is sufficiently rigid and the correct construction construction
assembly of soil nail reinforcement is inserted.

(vi) Grout and preparation To check whether the grout used, grout mix, III 100% J 100%
of grout preparation of grout and grout test results(2) meet the I AN S AN
requirements of the approved plans. AP AN
(vii) Grouting of soil nail To check whether: III 100% J 100%
hole - grouting of soil nails is carried out on the same I/AP at least 2 S at least 2
day as insertion of the soil nail reinforcement working nails working nails
assembly, at early stage at early stage
- grout is injected into the drillhole through the of nail of nail
grout pipe with sustained grout return of construction construction
satisfactory cleanliness and viscosity from the top
of the drillhole,
- grouting operation is carried out according to the
approved plans, and
- excessive grouting time or excessive grout volume
consumed in any drillhole to maintain sustained
grout return of satisfactory cleanliness and
viscosity, or other anomalies such as excessive
‘settlement’ of grout (as measured along the
length of the nail) on cessation of grouting, are
reported to the responsible person and recorded(3).

Stages of Soil Nailing Objectives of Supervision Inspection and check to be carried out by
Works and Critical Aspects AP# RSC(Site Formation)#
(viii) Construction of soil To check whether the soil nail heads and structural III FT J FT
nail heads and supports are constructed in accordance with approved I/AP at least one S at least one
structural supports plans, including the dimensions, materials used, soil nail head soil nail head
between nail heads structural detailing and workmanship.

Legend: Under AP III = Category III, I = Category I

Under Contractor J = Construction Supervisor, S = Construction Engineer
FT = Full time on site during the relevant stages of the works AN = As necessary
# = The role of the AP and his team of supervisors is specified in the Table above. The role of the RSC(Site Formation)
team is to check and ensure that the works at different stages are carried out in accordance with the approved plans and as
instructed by the AP or his team of site supervisors.
% = percentage of soil nails per slope or wall to be inspected and checked
(1) The supervision personnel should familiarize themselves with the anticipated ground and groundwater conditions. In case
of doubt, or when loose or permeable zones or groundwater is encountered during drilling, the supervision personnel
should report it to the responsible person nominated by the AP for the design review (normally the Category I personnel).
Drilling records should always be maintained.
(2) The supervision personnel should check the availability of valid manufacturer’s certificates and test certificates from
approved laboratories for the reinforcement and grout used. They should also supervise the site tests such as bleeding
tests and flow cone tests on the grout and check and certify the test results. The test results should be kept on site for
inspection by BD staff.
(3) The supervision personnel should monitor and record the grout volume consumed in the drillhole (excluding the volume
needed to fill the pumping and pipe system to be determined from a calibration and losses). If grout loss is significant, or
there is a concern on the grout quality that can be achieved, the supervision personnel should report it to the responsible
person nominated by the AP for approving changes in construction method (normally the Category I personnel).

Notes: (A) The persons who carry out the inspections, measurements and checks should certify the records and such records should
be kept on site for inspection by BD staff.
(B) The Category III personnel in consultation with the Category I personnel where necessary should assess the adequacy of
construction equipment and the sensitivity and accuracy of measuring instruments and their use by the RSC(Site
Formation)’s team engaged for the drilling, insertion of reinforcement assembly and grouting of soil nails. An assessment
should be done whenever there is a change in equipment/instruments and/or personnel by the RSC(Site Formation) (e.g.
change in subcontractors).

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