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Nadia Isnkandar - Research The Effectiveness of Web-Based Training of Elearning On Students Satisfaction

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Bachelor of Mass Communication (Hons.)

Instructional Communication

November 2021




Research Proposal submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement

for the degree of
Bachelor of Mass Communication (Hons.)
Instructional Communication

Faculty of Communications and Media Studies

November 2021

I declare that the work in this research project was carried out in accordance with the
regulations of Universiti Teknologi MARA. It is original and is the result of my own
work, unless otherwise indicated or acknowledged as referenced work. This work has not
been submitted to any other academic institution or non-academic institution for any
other degree or qualification.

In the event that my work, be found to violate the condition mentioned above, I
voluntarily waive the right of conferment of my degree and agree to be subjected to the
disciplinary rules and regulation of Universiti Teknologi MARA.

Name of student : Nadia Binti Isnkandar

Student’s ID No. : 2020955947

Programme : Instructional Communication (MC246)

Faculty : Faculty of Communication and Media Studies

Thesis Title : The Effectiveness Of Web-Based Training on Student’s

Satisfaction Of E-Learning In Higher Education Institutions

Signature of Student : …………………………………………….

Date 30 November 2021


Web-based training has been widely used in the fields of education and training. People

prefer to use web-based training as their delivery of learning because of its advantages over

classroom-based learning. In every learning, student learning outcomes are important

aspects as it helps students achieve understanding about the purpose and goals of the

academic program. The quality of the environment must be ensured to achieve the intended

learning outcomes. One of the qualities of the environment is the student’s level of

satisfaction towards the learning. This study aims to find out the effectiveness of web-

based training on students’ satisfaction. This study is conducted on students in Public

higher education institutions that uses web-based training as their learning system daily.

Keywords: Web-based training; E-learning; Web-based training effectiveness; Student’s


First and foremost, I would like to thank God for giving me the strength, courage, and
patience throughout my journey in pursuing my Bachelor Degree of Mass Communication
in Instructional Communication.

To my supervisor, Dr. Mohamad bin Yaacob, thank you for your guidance and support
throughout the writing of this study.

To my ever-supportive colleagues and classmates, thank you for being there through thick
and thin.

To my family and friends, thank you for understanding, and graciously enduring this
journey with me.

Thank you.



This chapter aims to give readers an overview of the research. An overview here means by

reading this chapter, readers can already tell what the research is about and what it aims to

find. This can be achieved through the background of the study as well as the purpose of

the study in which both are in this chapter.


In the past, two-way interactive video and one-way prerecorded video were the leading

technologies to deliver instructions and learning to students. Although it effectively

provides the information, it has its limitations, including its distribution, access, and

interactivity, where some of the students and educators might find it an inconvenience.

However, with the emergence of technology, World Wide Web has been invented, which

allows delivery instruction to be in the form of online, known as web-based training.

Ann Baron (1998) stated that delivery instruction in the form of online could include a

variant of options: email correspondence, Web-enhanced instruction, Web-managed

instruction, and Web-delivered instruction. Email correspondence is where messages are

received and sent via the internet, while web-enhanced instruction is web or internet-based
activities such as chat and discussion boards. According to IGI Global (2021), the term

"web-based instruction" refers to an educational program that makes use of the qualities

and resources of the World Wide Web to foster and support learning. On the other hand,

web-delivered instruction is where students and instructors use technology to review

lectures, submit assignments, and communicate with one another (Top Hat, 2020).

Many higher education institutions are transforming themselves to be fully electronic

universities in future which also support ODL, online distance learning (Raja, Maznah,

2004). This plan includes a teaching and learning program to be conducted online rather

than a face-to-face class. As a result, students nowadays perceive web-based training as e-

learning as it is a more straightforward term to understand. It has become a well-known

technology-based approach for distributing instruction, and some instructors even use it as

their main delivery of instruction. The traditional educational delivery system at

universities and colleges has been a classroom with professors giving lectures to students

who listen and take notes. The effectiveness of classroom-based learning is based on the

interaction between the instructor and students (Tamrakar & Mehta, 2011).

However, the effectiveness of e-learning on students is based on the evaluation of the

learning environment, which is student's satisfaction. Wu and Liu (2013) stated that several

studies consider student satisfaction as a crucial aspect to evaluate and assess the learning

effectiveness in academic institutions. Students' satisfaction is one of the most desirable

outcomes to identify whether using technology is successful or not in meeting the academic

goals (Virtanen et al., 2017). The students' satisfaction towards learning is their feeling and

attitude that results from the benefits they receive from learning. Hence, it is considered

that evaluating using user's satisfaction is relevant to evaluate learning effectiveness (Wu
and Liu, 2013). Achieving these factors during the learning process can help students

better understand and gain learning domains such as cognitive domain, affective domain,

and psychomotor domain. The cognitive domain refers to activity where it requires

processing, acquiring, and using knowledge, the psychomotor domain is required physical

skills. On the other hand, the affective domain deals with attitude and emotions.


Although web-based training offers students flexibility in time and place, it is still not free

from getting criticism. The issues concerned that have been addressed are the intensive

time and commitment required to produce and attend a web-based course (Arbaugh, 2000),

the lack of interaction between students and instructors, learner’s feeling of isolation

(Weller, 2007), and the lower completion rate of online learners (Keith, 2006). Some

people may not be used to adapting to online learning and find it challenging to use for

their learning. Others contend that poor internet connectivity and other technical problems

can cause difficulty in accessing online learning.

Web-based training may be convenient to students, but whether it is suitable for everyone

may be in question. According to Megan Sumeracki (2021), online learning may not be

appropriate for all students as different students have their learning styles. Students with

certain characteristics may adapt to online learning components, while others may find it

challenging to adapt. In research by Heather Kauffman (2015), a few characteristics lead

to greater success in the learning environment. The characteristics are students’ awareness

of their own needs, their management of feelings, self-regulation skills, great self-

discipline, better time management skills, better organization, good planning, accurate self-
evaluation, students who prefer reflective and visual learning and good in focusing the

learning. These characteristics are crucial because students in online learning need to be

more responsible in guiding and motivating their learning. They need to be aware of their

strengths and weaknesses to help them learn on different platforms effectively.

Online learning has its own advantages and disadvantages, but to measure its effectiveness,

it depends on the learning environment which is learning’s satisfaction. This factor is

important for the achievement of the students to achieve the learning outcomes. Merill

(1983) and Williams (1996) stated that higher degree of learner control increase the level

of satisfaction. The ability of learners to learn in their own pace and to focus what content

that they see it important are the characteristics of learner control which results in the

increase level of learner’s satisfaction. However, recent research stated that the level of

satisfaction in traditional based classroom is higher than in web-based training due to the

unfamiliar in technical environment (Chien-Hung Liu, Tzu-Chiang Chiang, and Yueh-Min

Huang, 2017). Some of learners may not adapt to technical environment and they must

work hard to learn it which resulted in developing negative attitudes towards the learning

process and the level of satisfaction will decrease. The negative attitude will not entirely

disappear even the learners gradually lessen over time (Wetzel, Radtke, & Stern, 1994).


The purpose of this study is to find out the effectiveness of web-based training of e-learning

on student satisfaction in higher education institutions. This study also aims to find out the

level of satisfaction of students during higher education.


This study aims to answer these significant research questions:

1. What is the type of web-based training that is used by students in higher education

2. What is the level of satisfaction of students during web-based training?

3. How does web-based training effect student’s satisfaction?


Gender, academic background

Moderating variable


Web-based training of E-Learning Student’s satisfaction

Independent variable Dependent variable

Attitudes towards online learning

Mediating variable

Diagram 1.0: Research Conceptual Framework

Research conceptual framework above shows the independent variable or the cause which

is web-based training of e-learning being connected to the dependent variable or the effect

which is student’s satisfaction. As seen above, there are moderating variable and mediating
variable that are also being linked in this study. The moderating variable is the gender and

academic background. This relates to the dependent variable as whether these variables”

gender and academic background could be affecting students’ level of satisfaction.

Meanwhile. The mediating variable is attitudes towards online learning. In this context,

attitudes of students towards online learning means that their behaviour during the process

of online learning.


The objectives of this research are:

1. To determine the type of web-based training used by students in higher

education institutions.

2. To identify the level of satisfaction of students during web-based training

3. To find out how does web-based training affects student satisfaction during their

learning process.


Title: The Effectiveness of Web-Based Training of E-learning on Student’s

Satisfaction in Higher Education Institutions


This study defines student’s satisfaction as the quality of the learning environment in web-

based training. For instance, interaction in online learning, student engagement and

academic self-efficacy.


Below are some of the definitions from previous studies about web-based training.

Denic Helic, Hermann Maurer and Nick Scherbakov (2000) described web-based training


“a range of systems that support at least two which is, developing of high quality multi-

media courseware; repository of learning resources available world-wide, including not

only courseware, but also personal info on peer helpers, on-the-fly contributions of

previous users, etc; easy access to the learning resources “anytime anywhere”; support for

personal definition of learning goals and variety of novel learning methods; synchronous

and asynchronous communication and collaboration among leaners and between learners

and experts; database of previously answered questions to automatically answer similar

ones; testing of knowledge level; customization of courseware to the knowledge level and

the cognitive style of the learner; IPR protection and brokerage of relevant learning services

and progress tracking and certification as support for assessment and recognition aspects

of the acquired skills.”

(Denic Helic, Hermann Maurer and Nick Scherbakov, 2000, p 1)

Ann Williams Howell (2001) defines web-based training (WBT) as:

“a training that is taken using a computer that is accessing a program on the Internet or on

a corporate intranet. It functions similarly to computer-based training (CBT), but there are

some important differences. CBT programs usually run from a diskette or a computer hard

drive, whereas WBT runs from a separate computer server. The trainee’s computer uses an

Internet connection to exchange information with the server that hosts the training. Server

technology and the Internet allows multiple users to access the same course, permit

administrators to make changes in a central location and collect individual performance

data in a central database.”

(Ann Williams Howell, 2001, p 2)

Patrick Gaibert (2008) defines web-based training as:

“the process of learning with tutor and learner separated by time or space where this gap is

bridged by online technologies. The evolution and growth of the World Wide Web

(WWW) played an integral part in developing new E-Learning methods. The expression

Courseware will be used for a set of documents containing educational content as well as
a navigational structure to access them. With these definitions in mind, any WWW site

containing educational material could be considered a WBT system”.

(Patrick Gaibert, 2008, p 38)

Heera Edwin (2017) defines web-based training as:

“a subset of CBTs in which the material is made accessible on the Internet by applying

Web technologies. Typically, it has text and graphics, animation, audio and video, and

needs additional bandwidth and software to work optimally. WBT is also referred to as

“online courses” and “Web-based instruction”. It presents the latest content of any topic

that can be modified and is set in a framework of self-directed and self-paced instruction.

It can also be evaluated and adapted, without a computer platform.”

The ACM Digital Library (2002) defines e-learning as:

“mostly associated with activities involving computers and interactive networks

simultaneously. The computer does not need to be the central element of the activity or

provide learning content. However, the computer and the network must hold a significant

involvement in the learning activity.”

(The ACM Digital Library, 2002, p 1)

The present study defines the concept of web-based training of e-learning as any

educational material on online that made accessible for anyone which usually consists

of text and graphics, animation and audio and video.



Hence, the operational definition of web-based training of e-learning in this study is:

First, any text and graphics on educational materials that is available in the form of online.

Second, any animation that is available on learning material. Third, any audio and video

on learning material that requires an internet connection to access.


This study aims to find out the effectiveness of web-based training of e-learning on

student’s satisfaction in higher education institutions. This study is mainly going to cover

on one group of people aged between 18 years old to 30 years old who stay or live in

Malaysia. Hence, any surveys conducted in this study will be answered by this group of

people. This study will not be able to cover about students globally as this is only a small

research which requires less budget and time.

The main limitation for this study is the time given for the researcher to conduct the study.

As this study is for an assignment, it is estimated to be conducted according to the

university academic calendar, which is for only 4 months, from November 2021 until

January 2022. The researcher may not have enough time to collect enough data and

information about the topic. Hence, the main topics that will be covered in this study are
about the effectiveness of web-based training which is e-learning platform on student’s

level of satisfaction.


Studies of the effectiveness of web-based training of e-learning on students’ satisfaction

have already been conducted by other researchers. This study is significant to the students,

parents, and teachers. The study will show how effective the web-based training is towards

the student’s level of satisfaction. Perhaps, the findings of this study can really benefit to

people especially to educators and students especially in higher education institutions.

Hopefully, that could be achieved by providing them the important information about the

effectiveness of web-based training of e-learning that the researcher will be collect from

doing this research.


To summarize this chapter, this study can be considered as a small research. However, it

aims to collect as many data and information as it could to achieve the research objectives

as well as to answer the research questions in which both have already been stated in

chapter one. Researcher will be conducting this research among students in higher

education institutions only. This is because there have been researches regarding this topic

have been done before in multiple countries but Malaysia. Hence, researcher aims to gain

and produce knowledge from conducting this research.



This chapter gathers the literatures relevant to the topic, which is the effectiveness of web-

based training of e-learning on student satisfaction in higher education institutions. The

chapter will be categorized into three sections, each of which will respond to the research

questions based in Chapter 1. This literature review intends to inform and educate readers

about past studies that have been conducted in relation to this research topic, as well as the

information gained from that research. The material will assist readers in comprehending

the purpose of this study and why it is being undertaken.


According to Technopedia (2019), web-based training which is often called as computer-

based training is web-based learning which is available on local intranet. The examples of

web-based training are discussion forums via email, videoconferencing and live lectures

which is video streaming. There are many types of web-based training. One of the main

types of web-based training is synchronous web-based training (Sydney Mansaray, 2019).

Synchronous learning means that the instructors and students require to be online at the

same time, even though the places are different. Students in higher education institutions

use synchronous learning which is online lectures as they can attend the classes easily at

anytime and anyplace.

Another type of web-based training is asynchronous web-based training. It is a standard

realm where learners can progress through learning at their own pace and convenience.

Different than the synchronous, there is no real-time in asynchronous as the learning

materials usually purely digital. One of the examples of asynchronous web-based training

is recorded lectures that have been given by the lecturers so that their students can learn at

their own time and place. Blended web-based training is also one of the types of web-based

training. Blended web-based training means that it combines both elements of synchronous

and asynchronous learning (Sydney Mansaray, 2019).



E-learning is categorized under web-based training where it includes blended web-based

training. With the COVID-19 happens in our world, the uses of e-learning among students

in higher education institutions become increase as online platform is the safest way to

break down the number of cases. According to Muhammad Ammar Saleem & Iqra Rasheed

(2014), e-learning has become popular platform especially to higher education institutions

due to the rapid growth of internet technologies. By using e-learning, it can not only

enhance and facilitate better learning, but is can also contribute to the students’


In Malaysia, e-learning is not a recent phenomenon to students. E-learning initiatives in

Malaysia are implemented by many public and private universities in Malaysia such as

Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Open University, University Tun Abdul Razak

(UNITAR) and others. However, there are still other higher education institutions that lack
in implementing e-learning which not enough in contributing to the student’s performance.

Some students and educators agree that e-learning require them to purchase internet data

which might cause inconvenience to them.


According to Sydney Mansaray (2019), web-based training offers flexibility where the

learners can study at their own pace. Online learning can easily accommodate based on

learner’s schedules as they can organize their own time to study at their own pace. Unlike

traditional learning, convention learning makes the learner’s studying style even simpler,

easier, and effective. Sunil Gupta (2017) stated that learning in online is convenient to

learners as learners can choose to study at weekends or evening.

Another benefit of e-learning is lectures can be taken as times as learners can (Sunil Gupta,

2017). As the e-learning can be conducted in asynchronous platform, students in higher

education institutions can learn and watch the recorded lectures in unlimited time so they

can get better understanding in the lessons. This is helpful for the students especially when

they need to prepare for an exam, as they can directly watch the recorded lectures which is

different from the traditional learning.


Students are one of the important assets for any educational institute. The social and

economic progress of the country is depending on the student’s academic performance

(Mahad Khalif Dhaqane & Nor Abdulle Afrah, 2016). For students to perform well in their

academic performance, there are certain aspects that need to be evaluated on which is

satisfaction. Student’s level of satisfaction defined as the social, cognitive, and teaching

presence as being essential for student learning experience (Rubin, Fernades & Avgerinou,

2013). Many studies have been conducted and stated that student’ interaction can also be

correlated with the student’s satisfaction.

According to Ke and Kwak (2013), the elements of student’s satisfaction is learner

relevance, active learning, authentic learning technology competency, learner autonomy

and many more. Some scholar even stated that learner-instructor interaction and learner-

content interaction with technology efficacy can be the indicators of student’s positive

perception towards the learning (Kuo et al. , 2013).


The research on the effectiveness of e-learning towards students’ satisfaction have been

conducted by many scholars. According to Hettiarachchi, Sujeewa & Damayanthi, Bwr &

Heenkenda, Shirantha & Dissanayake, Dr & Ranagalage, Manjula & Ananda, Lalith (2021)

the satisfaction of the students depends on the role of instructor, teacher-student interaction

of courses, course content, the role of technology, learner’s motivation and many more.

As for the e-learning, previous studies stated that most students received constructive and

detailed feedback and interact with are more satisfied with their learning environment

(Somayeh Ghaderizefreh, Michael L. Hoover, 2018). Furthermore, students who have

more opportunities to communicate with the classmates can achieve the greater level of

satisfaction. Some research stated that the feeling of satisfaction can be achieved where

there is no existence of gap between what is predicted and obtained from the service

provider. However, some of them stated that the effectiveness of online learning towards

student’s satisfaction are still inadequate (Al-Rahmi et al., 2018; Raime et al., 2020: Tan,

Chuah, & Ting, 2016).


To summarize the chapter, there have been other research related to this study. However,

not many researchers have done this topic in Malaysia. Hence, the researcher continues

this study so that can collect new information for this field of study. There have been

similar definitions and examples which explains the accuracy of these literatures. By

having many data, the readers can easily understand about this study by reading through

the literature review.


This chapter aims to tell the readers about how the researcher is going to conduct this

research in terms of the methodology as well as the method of data collection. This chapter

is important as it is where the researchers will have to conduct an interview or a survey that

involves the research’s unit of analysis or respondents.

In this study, the researcher will be conducting the method of data collection on the unit of

analysis which is teenagers aged between 18 years old to 30 years old. This chapter will

give a clear glimpse on the overall research process and how researcher collects the data

and interprets it into information and results.


This study is quantitative research. Hence the paradigm of this research is a positivistic

paradigm. This paradigm relies on behaviourism as humans react to stimuli. It involves the

cost and effect relationship between humans and the environment. Data is then used for

social research. This study of the effectiveness of web-based training on student

satisfaction of E-Learning will be based on students’ perspectives from higher education

institutions and how it affects their level of satisfaction.

The methodology used by this research is quantitative research. Quantitative research uses

static or standardized set of questions. Unlike qualitative, quantitative research is often

used by the researchers to test people’s behavious and attitudes based on numerical and
statistical evidence.In this case, we aim to understand students in higher education

institutions’ perception of their satisfaction during E-learning to know how practical the

web-based training is.


For this research, the research design is the survey research. It is a technique that provides

quantitative description of the relationship between variables and involves recorded

observations by using as instruments with close-ended questions.

Based on this research titled “The Effectiveness of Web-Based Training on Student’s

Satisfaction of E-Learning in Higher Education Institutions”, an independent variable is

web-based training on student’s satisfaction and a dependent variable, which is E-Learning.

Hence, the research design suitable for this study is survey research.


According to the title of this study which is ‘The Effectiveness of Web-based training on

Student’s Satisfaction of E-learning in Higher Education Institutions’ it is confirmed that

this study is considered as quantitative research. This method of research is numerical and

involves interpretation and examination of phenomena for the purpose of discovering

underlying meaning and patterns of relationship. In this case, this study aims to find the

effectiveness of web-based training of e-learning on student’s level of satisfaction in higher

education institutions. To do that, this study is to collect data from our sample regarding

the student’s usage of e-learning.

The method of data collection for this study is through distribution of surveys or

questionnaires. This method uses smaller samples from the population. It can provide more
detailed information and explanation about the reason as to why respondents give their

respective answers.


This study’s sample size is focused on teenagers aged between 18 years old until 30 years

old. The gender of the respondents will be both genders, male and female. The physical

location of the respondents will be mainly Malaysia. However, due to this research being

a small research, the researcher needs to specify the location. The respondents will only be

from Malaysia’s state which is Selangor. Hence, the sample size of this study is students

of both genders aged between 18 years old until 30 years old and live in Selangor, Malaysia.

3.5.1 Sample Selection Procedure

This study’s sample selection procedure will be systematic random sampling.

Diagram 1.2 Systematic Sampling by Six Sigma

Based on the diagram above, systematic sampling is the type of probability sampling

method which requires selected samples based on a system of intervals in a numbered

population (Study, 2021). From this research, the researcher will be listing out the

population by numbers and choosing the third element of the population starting with

sample number 3. This way, it can ensure more generalized result and data from the sample.


The variables of this research are student’s satisfaction and web-based training of e-

learning. These are the variable operational definitions:

The operational definition of student’s satisfaction in this study is the quality of the learning

environment in web-based training. For instance, interaction in online learning, student

engagement and academic self-efficacy.

The operational definition of web-based training of e-learning is any text and graphics on

educational materials that is available in the form of online. Second, any animation that is

available on learning material. Third, any audio and video on learning material that requires

an internet connection to access.


Research instrument is a tool that used to obtain, collect, measure and analyze data from

subject around the research topic (Editage, 2020). Interviews, observations, and surveys

are the examples of research instruments. From this research, the research instrument that
being used is survey. Survey is the method that collecting data from certain group of

respondents to gain information and insights of the various topics of interests.

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