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The Effect of Lighting On The Worker Productivity: A Study at Malaysia Electronics Industry

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Conference Paper · December 2007


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4 authors, including:

Ahmad Rasdan Ismail Zafir Mohd Makhbul

University Malaysia Kelantan Bachok Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia


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Ahmad Rasdan Ismail, 2Mat Rebi Abdul Rani, 3Zafir Khan Mohamed Makhbul and
Baba Md Deros
Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
National University of Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, MALAYSIA
Department of Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Skudai, Johor, MALAYSIA
School of Business Management, Faculty of Economics and Business,
National University of Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, MALAYSIA


The objective of this study is to determine the effects of lighting on the operators’ productivity at
Malaysian electronic industry. One electronic components assembly factory had been chosen as a
subject for the study. The subjects were workers at the assembly section of the factory. The
environment examined was the Illuminance (lux) of the surrounding workstation area. Two sets of
representative data, the illuminance level and production rate were collected during the study. The
production rate data were collected through observations and survey questionnaires while the
illuminance level was measured using photometer model RS 180-7133.The correlation and linear
regression analysis were conducted in order to obtain the relationship between the effects of level
Illuminance (lux) and the worker productivity. The results from the correlation analysis reveal that
there is a linear relationship between the Illuminance level and the productivity of the workers. The
linear regression analysis further reveals that there is a linear equation model with positive slope to
describe the relationship of Illuminance level and workers productivity for the assembly section
involved. The linear regression line obtained is Y = 0.5634X – 158.16.

Keywords: productivity, illuminance, relationship

1. INTRODUCTION Light, noise, air quality and the thermal

environment were considered factors that would
Improving workers’ productivity, occupational influence the acceptability and performance on
health and safety are major concerns of industry, the occupants of premises. (Olesen, 1995). Dua
especially in developing countries. However, (1994) stated that lower emotional health is
these industries are featured with improper manifested as psychological distress,
workplace design, ill-structured jobs, mismatch depression and anxiety, whereas lower physical
between workers’ abilities and job demands, health is manifested as heart disease, insomnia,
adverse environment, poor human-machine headaches, and infections. These health
system design and inappropriate management problems could lead to organizational symptoms
programs (Shikdar and Sawaqed, 2003). such as job dissatisfaction, absenteeism, and
Such conditions could lead to workplace poor work quality. Irritated, sore eyes and throat,
hazards, poor worker health, disabilities, and hoarseness, stuffy congested nose, excessive
affect the productivity of workers and quality of mental fatigue, headache and unusual tiredness
products. Work injuries create significant were all signs of the negative workplace
economic and humanitarian consequences to our environmental conditions (Tarcan et al., 2004).
society. Furthermore, work injuries have been Previous research done by Ettner and
associated with psychological distress, decreased Grzywacz (2001), showed that the work
participation in daily living activities and negative environments were associated with perceived
effects on family well-being (Kirsh and McKee, effects of work on health. This research used a
2003). national sample of 2,048 workers who were
asked to rated the impact of their respective jobs was consist of 11 woman operators. Their task
job on their physical and mental health. is to assemble an electronics parts on the circuit
Regression analyses proved that the workers’ board for the television system tuner. Figure 1
responses were significantly correlated with shows the production line layout while in Figure
health outcomes. In addition to this, Shikdar and 2 shows the flow chart of work sequences on
Sawaqed (2003) pointed out that there was high the production line. The standard production
correlation between performance indicators and rate determined by the previous feasibility study
health, facilities, and environmental attributes. In to assemble a complete television tuner was
other words, companies with higher health, 250 units for every hour of production.
facilities, and environmental problems could face
more performance related problems such as low
productivity, and high absenteeism. Employees
with complaints of discomfort and dissatisfaction
at work could have their productivity affected,
result of their inability to perform their work
properly (Leaman, 1995). Store
According to the Fisk and Rosenfeld
(1997), productivity was one of the most Production Line
important factors affecting the overall
performance to any organization, from small
enterprises to entire nations. Increased attention
had focused on the relationship between the work
environment and productivity since the 1990s.
Laboratory and field studies showed that the Figure 1 The production line layout
physical and chemical factors in the work
environment could have a notable impact on the
health and performance of the occupants, and
consequently on the productivity.
Workplace environmental conditions, such
as lighting, indoor air quality, and acoustics have
significant relationships with workers’ satisfaction
and performance (Tarcan, et al., 2004; Marshall
et al., 2002; Fisk, 2000). Indoor air quality could
have a direct impact on health problems and
leads to uncomfortable workplace environments
(Czubaj, 2002; Shiaw-Fen Ferng, 2002; Wilson,
In a metal industry, Van Bommel et al.
(2002) conducted a study on the effect of Figure 2 The works sequence to assemble
increasing the illuminance in the metal industry complete TV tuner
based on increased task performance, reduction
of rejects and the decreased number of 2.2 Data Gathering and Analysis
accidents. The result of the study revealed that Inferential statistics (i.e. the number of
the increasing of illuminance from the minimum production rate and illumination level) were
required 300 lux (minimum) to 500 lux could lead computed to gain a generalization of
to an increase of productivity from 3% to 11% relationship between production rate and
based on the realistic assumptions that the illumination levels. Further correlation and
increase of illuminance from 300 lux to 2000 lux simple regression analysis were performed to
would increase the productivity from 15% to 20%. obtain the relationship and hence the testing of
. the hypotheses. The alpha for all hypotheses
testing was 0.05. The variables in this study
2. METHODOLOGY were production rate and illuminance.
Correlation analysis procedure was used to
2.1 Selection of Location and Subjects examine if there was any relationship between
A Japanese based electronics company had illuminance and production rate (i.e. whether the
been selected as a place of study. A line relationship was linear (either positive or
producing a product over a period of time and negative). The simple regression analysis was
under the effects of certain illumination level was conducted to obtain the mathematical equation
chosen. This criterion is essential in order to in order to present the effect of illuminance on
obtain the relationship of the illuminance on the the production rate at that particular production
worker productivity based on output of line. Lastly, for hypotheses testing, ANOVA and
assemblies among operators. The production line t-test have been administered. The hypotheses
of this study were: Table 1 Data on the Illuminance level,
Production Rate and Time
Time Production Production Illuminance
H1: There is a relationship between production (Hrs) Target Rate (Lux)
rate and illuminance in the population (Units) (Units)
studied. 8.25 -
125 124 498.35
8.55 -
H2: The relationship between illuminance and 125 128 498.43
production rate is significant. 9.25 -
125 126 505.87
The sample was inclusive of 10 female operators 10.55-
125 120 503.77
whose age were in the range between 20 – 30 11.25
years old comprised mostly of local citizen of non- 11.25-
125 126 503.83
degree holders and had been working with the 11.55
organizations for less than 5 years. Majority of the 11.55-
125 129 507.10
respondents reported that they work for more 12.25
than 49 hours per week. The measurements of 13.40-
125 113 487.35
illuminance level was performed using
photometer model RS 180-7133. The workers’ 14.40
125 117 485.97
performance level was represented by the 14.40-
production rate. The amount of the products 125 111 477.90
assembled were recorded for every 30 minutes
and data was compared to the levels of
illuminance. KadarProduction
Graph Pengeluaran melawan
Rate Kadar
(Units) versus
Illuminance Level (lux)

y = 0.5634x - 158.16
Rate (Units)

The result of this study was based on the case 2

R = 0.7743
study conducted on the production line in the
electronic factory. The hypotheses for this study 120

was the production rate that have a direct

relationship with the illuminance level. The levels 115
of illuminance were taken to identify the effect of
lighting on the worker performances. 110
Table 1 shows the data of production rate, , 470 480 490 500 510
illuminance level and the time taken for every 30 Level (lux)
Kadar Kecerahan
Illuminance (lux)
minutes. A graph was plotted to show the
relationship between the production rate and the
illuminance level. Figure 3 shows the graph to Figure 3 Graph of Production Rate versus
describe the relationship between production rate Illuminance level
versus illuminance level. Based on the graph in
Figure 3, we can note that the production rate From Figure 3, the correlation coefficient r, is
were increases as we increase the illuminance. 0.879964 which indicates a strong linear
The model of equation used is Ŷ = ß0 + relationship between the production rate as a
ß1X. The result from the analysis revealed the dependant variables and illuminance level level
regression linear equation obtained is Y = as an independent variables to a significant
0.5634X – 158.16 where the Y representing level of 0.05 (p < 0.05). The coefficient of
production rate and X representing illuminance determination, r at 0.774337 indicate that
level. A hypothesis testing was conducted in 77.43% of the production rate variance had
order to determine if there is a relationship or not relationship with illuminance level variance. The
between productions rate (Y) and illuminance value of correlation coefficient, r is then
level (X). The hypotheses were: compared to the value from the Table of Critical
Correlation Coefficient Value. The significance
Ho : ρ = 0(There is no relationship between level was selected at 0.05 ( = 0.05). The value
production rate and illuminance level in the of degree of freedom (n-2) is 7. The correlation
population studied). coefficient, r from the analysis exceeds the
critical value of r at 0.666 (according to Table of
Ha : ρ  0 (There is a relationship between Critical Correlation Coefficient Value) thus that
production rate and illuminance level in the Ho is rejected. We can conlude the production
population studied). rate and illuminance level has positive
significant (r(8) = 0.88142, p < 0.05relationship
and). The results based on the correlation that the power of prediction for the equation
analysis is presented in Table 2. model is significant (t = 4.90, p < 0.05). The
relationship between WBGT and production rate
Table 2 Correlation Analysis is significant.

Column 1 Column 2 4. DISCUSSION

Column 1 1
From the literature, only a few studies have
Column 2 0.879964 1 been conducted in the area to establish an
equation model related of environmental effect
In order to understand the significance of the to productivity. The authors believe the study
regression relationship between illuminance level had achieved the objective to obtain an equation
and the production rate for the area of population, model to relate the illuminance level to
an F-test was conducted were conducted. The production rate in a quantitative way by
results for regression, ANOVA and t-test analysis inferential statistical analysis. The finding from
were presented in Table 3. The hypothesis were: the current investigation corresponds to the
result of study by Bommel et al. (2002). The
Ho: = 0(The relationship between illuminance equation model is useful to manufacturing
level and production rate is not engineers as a guideline to determine the
significant) illuminance level during the feasibilities study to
allow production line achieves the optimum
Ha:   0(The relationship between illuminance output.
level and production rate is significant) The equation model is useful to engineers
in design lighting systems in orderThe relationship between W
to minimize
Table 3 Regression, ANOVA and t-test Analysis the use of power and control the productivity of
workers. The equation model obtained is only
Regression Statistics applicable to present the current condition for
Multiple R 0.879964419
the selected area of assembly workstation at
Malaysian electronics industries. From the
R Square 0.774337378
Adjusted R results of hypotheses testing, it can be
Square 0.74209986
concluding that there is a significant relationship
Standard Error 5.248362898 between illuminance level and production rate.
Observations 9 Further test proved that the equation model
could be strongly used to predict the production
rate based on a certain illuminance level
provided by lighting systems in particular
df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 661.6317638 661.6317638 24.01975832 0.001751136

Residual 7 192.8171918 27.54531311 5. CONCLUSIONS

Total 8 854.4489556
Research on the relationship of workplace
environmental factors to the productivity or
Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value
performance is very limited and characterized
Intercept 329.4329061 34.1348461 9.650926949 2.70277E-05
by a short time perspective or perception with
Illuminance 1.37447335 0.28044778 4.900995646 0.001751136 emphasis on survey methods, statistical
* p < 0.05 analysis, satisfaction and the preferences
measurement. This study is done to prove
The F value from the ANOVA is 24.02. The value empirically the previous perception studies
of the significance level was selected at 0.05 ( = based on the role of environmental factors to
0.05). Based on the Table Critical Value F productivity. It is expected that this study would
Distribution, the F[0.05] is equal to 5.59. Since the be beneficial to the electronic manufacturing
F(model) = 24.02 > F[0.05] = 5.59, we can reject industries in Malaysia.
Ho: = 0 in favor of Ha:   0 at the 0.05 The research findings are restricted to the
significance level. It suggests strong evidence of Malaysian workplace environment, where the
significant relationship between the level of awareness among workers on productivity is still
illuminance and the production rate. Hence there low. The results might vary for tests carried out
is a strong evidence that the simple linear model for different sample sizes, types of industries
relating production rate and illuminance level is and countries.
significant. A t-test was conducted to determine
the significance of regression coefficient, ß 1. The
value of t from the analysis is 4.90. This value is
significant under testing level of 0.05. It shows
6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of Environmental Quality: An International
Journal. 15(2): 154-173.
The authors would like to acknowledge the Wilson, S. (2001). Graduating to Better IAQ.
cooperation given by Hitachi Electronic Consulting-Specifying Engineer. 29(6):
Products(M) Sdn. Bhd. 24-28.


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