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Electrodialysis and

Electrodialysis Reversal


First Edition

~ ~ ~1 American Water Works Association

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved
- M38,First Edition

Electrodialysis and Electrodialysis Reversal

Copyright Q 1995 American Water Works Association

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information or retrieval system,
except in the form of brief excerpts or quotations for review purposes, without the written permission of
the publisher.

Editor: Phillip Murray

Project Managers: Bill Cobban, Kathleen Faller

Printed in the United States of America

American Water Works Association

6666 West Quincy Avenue
Denver, CO 80235

ISBN 0-89867-768-8 Printed on recycled paper.


Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

Preface, v

Acknowledgments, vii

Chapter1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . , . ..... .. ..... ...... . 1

Basic Water Chemistry Concepts, 1
Operating Principles of ED and EDR, 3
Development of ED and EDR Systems, 5
Applications, 10

. .
Chapter2 Design , . . . . . . . . . . . . ...., .........,... 13
Components of ED and EDR Design, 13
Staging, 20
Limiting Parameters, 22
Water Recovery, 25
Pretreatment, 2 6
Operating Principles for Design, 29
Posttreatment, 31
Concentrate Disposal, 32
References, 35

Chapter 3 Equipment and Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Equipment Subsystems, 37
Installation, 41
Costing, 42
References, 44

Chapter 4 Operation and Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Operation Procedures, 45
Maintenance Requirements, 47
Safety, 52

Abbreviations, 55

Additional Sources of Information, 57

Index, 59


Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved


Electrodialysis (ED) is an electrically driven membrane process used to

demineralize brackish water. Brackish waters lie under approximately two thirds of
the United States, and inland rivers, such as the Rio Grande and the lower reaches of
the Colorado, also contain high levels of salinity Water is classified as brackish when
mineral content ranges between that of fresh drinking water and that of seawater.
Brackish water contains more than 500 mgiL of total dissolved solids (TDS) and
seawater more than 30,000 mg/L TDS.
ED and electrodialysis reversal (EDR) reduce TDS in brackish source water by
electrically removing contaminants that exceed acceptable levels for drinking and
process water. An overview of membrane process applications based on the molecular
weights of contaminants appears in Figure 1-1.The ED and EDR processes are
competitive with reverse osmosis (RO) in treating brackish waters. Typical ED
systems include chemical feed systems for antiscalant and perhaps acid addition, a
cartridge filter for prefiltration, the ED unit, and equipment for aeration, disinfection,
and stabilization. EDR systems can oRen operate without fouling and scaling
chemical feed, and they can treat high-fouling sources more efficiently than RO.
However, it is important to remember that the types of membranes used in ED and
EDR systems do not provide a barrier to remove microorganisms as do RO,
nanofiltration (NF), ultrafiltration (UF), and microfiltration (MF) membranes.


A basic understanding of salts and water is necessary to understand the design,
operation, and maintenance of a water demineralization system. A review of water
chemistry concepts is provided here.

Ionic Solutions
An ion is a charged atom, molecule, or radical, the migration of which affects the
transport of electricity through an electrolyte solution. For example, common table
salt is a typical ionic compound. The chemical name for this crystal is sodium
chloride, and the chemical symbol is NaC1. The crystal consists of two types of

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

Metal Ions Aqueous Salts Viruses Humic Acids Bacteria cysts

Antimony Sodium Salts Infectious Trihalomethane Salmonella Protozoa
Arsenic Sulfate Salts Hepatitis Precursors Shigella Giardia
Nitrate Manganese Salts vibrio cholerae Cryptosporidium
Nitrite Aluminum Salts

Figure 1-1 Membrane processes overview

charged atoms, sodium and chloride, that are held together by electrically attractive
If a crystal of salt is dissolved in water, water molecules will orient themselves
around the charged atoms and nullify the attractive force between them. This is
known as the solution and dissociation (dissolving) of a salt in water. When this
occurs, two electrically charged particles are formed, one with a positive charge
(sodium, represented as Na+) and one with a negative charge (chloride, represented
as C1-).
The subatomic particle responsible for the electrical charge is called an electron.
An electron, by convention, has an assigned charge of negative one (-11. An atom that
accepts an electron during the dissociation process will have a net charge of -1. An
atom that gives up an electron during the process will have a net charge of +l.These
resulting charged particles are ions. The positively charged ions are called cations,
and the negatively charged ions are called anions. These two types of ions are
completely dissociated and mobile in water.
In the same manner as salts, minerals and acids may also dissociate into ions in
solution. Some common ions that may be found in natural water are shown in Table
1-1.Some of the ions listed in Table 1-1have more than one positive or negative

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

Table 1-1 Common ions found in natural waters

Cations Anions
Sodium (Na+) Chloride (el-)
Calcium (Ca+2) Bicarbonate (HC03-1
Magnesium (Mgt2) Sulfate (SOU2)
Potassium (K+) Nitrate (Nos-)

charge associated with them (e.g., calcium has a charge of +2). In these cases, the ion
has accepted or given up more than a single electron during the dissociation process.

Electrical Conductivity
The most important property of an ionic solution is its ability to conduct electricity.
When two electrodes are connected to a direct current (DC)power supply and
immersed in pure water, no electric current passes between the electrodes because no
ions exist in the solution t o transport the current. In an ionic solution, however, the
dissociated ions transport the electric charge between the two electrodes. The ability
of a solution to carry an electric charge is known as conductivity and is measured in
either micromhos per centimetre (pmhokrn) or microsiemens per centimetre (pS/cm).
Conductivity is affected by the concentration of ions, the ionic composition, and the
temperature of the solution in the following ways:
0 Increasing ion concentration results in increased electric conductivity

0 Smaller ions and those with more than one electric charge tend t o move

through the solution more quickly.

0 Raising the temperature increases ion mobility, resulting in an increase in



Electrodialysis is an electrochemical separation process in which ions are transferred
through ion exchange membranes by means of a DC voltage. This process can be
understood more clearly by referring t o Figure 1-2, which shows a tank filled with an
NaCl solution and electrodes (cathode and anode) placed at either end.
When DC potential is applied across the electrodes, the following take place:
0 Cations (Na+)are attracted to the cathode, or negative electrode.

0 Anions (C1-) are attracted to the anode, or positive electrode.

0 Pairs of water molecules break down (dissociate) at the cathode to produce

two hydroxyl (OH-) ions plus hydrogen gas (H2).

0 Pairs of water molecules dissociate at the anode t o produce four hydrogen ions

(H+),one molecule of oxygen (021, and four electrons (e-1.

0 Chlorine gas (Cl2) may be formed at the anode.

The movement of ions in the tank can be controlled by the addition of ion
exchange membranes that form watertight compartments, as shown in Figure 1-3.
The two types of ion exchange membranes used in electrodialysis are
0 anion transfer membranes (A in Figure 1-3), which are electrically conductive

membranes that are water impermeable and allow only negatively charged
ions to pass through

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

Cathode (-1 (+) Anode

Source: Ionics Inc.

Figure 1-2 Sodium chloride solution under the influence of a DC potential

(+) Anode

Source: Ionics Inc.

Figure 1-3 ion exchange membranes in a n NaCl solution (DC circuit open)

0 cation transfer membranes (C in Figure 1-31, which are electrically conductive

membranes that are water impermeable and allow only positively charged
ions to pass through
Varieties of these basic types of membranes exist that are selective to ions that
are either monovalent (having a charge magnitude of 1) or divalent (having a charge
magnitude of 2). Other types can be formulated t o enhance the passage rates of
selected ions. For example, membranes exist that show an affinity for nitrate passage
over other anions.
In Figure 1-3 there is no DC potential applied to the electrodes and no
movement of ions. Figure 1-4 shows what occurs when DC potential is applied across
the electrodes. The figure shows six compartments separated by ion exchange
membranes. The membranes influence ion behavior as follows:
1. Compartments 1and 6 - Compartments 1and 6 contain metal electrodes
where reduction and oxidation occur.
2. Compartment 2 - C1- ions pass through the anion membrane (A) into
compartment 3, while Na+ ions move through the cation membrane (C)
into compartment 1.

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

Cathode (-) (+) Anode

Source: Ionics Inc.

Figure 1-4 DC potential applied across electrodes for an NaCl solution with ion exchange

3. Compartment 3 - The Na+ ions cannot move through the anion

membrane and remain in compartment 3. The C1- ions cannot pass
through the cation membrane and also remain in compartment 3.
4. Compartment 4 -The C1- ions pass through the anion membrane into
compartment 5, while Na+ ions pass through the cation membrane into
compartment 3.
5. Compartment 5 - The Na+ ions cannot pass through the anion membrane
and remain in compartment 5. The C1- ions cannot pass through the
cation membrane and remain in compartment 5.
Compartments 2 and 4 are depleted of ions, whereas compartments 3 and 5 have a
higher concentration of ions. When these membranes are properly arranged, two
major and separate streams are produced (demineralized and concentrated), as well
as two minor streams from the electrode compartments. For water treatment, several
hundred of these compartments are assembled into a membrane stuck, forming the
heart of an ED system.


ED selectively removes dissolved solids, based on their electrical charge, by
transferring the brackish water ions through a semipermeable ion exchange
membrane charged with an electrical potential. Figure 1-5 shows a schematic of an
entire ED system. It points out that the feedwater becomes separated into the
following three types of water: (1)product water, which has an acceptably low TDS
level; (2) brine, or concentrate, which is the water that receives the brackish water
ions; and (3) electrode feedwater, which is the water that passes directly over the
electrodes that create the electrical potential.
EDR involves reversing the electrical charge to a membrane after a specific
interval of time. As described later, this polarity reversal helps prevent the formation
of scale on the membranes. Figure 1-6 shows a schematic of an EDR system. The
setup is very similar to an ED system except for the presence of reversal valves.
Demineralization of brackish water using ED was pioneered in the 1950s. ED
has been used successfully over the past 40 years to treat municipal and process
water supplies. ED process technology has advanced rapidly since its inception
because of improved ion exchange membrane properties, better materials of

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

C Conductivity Controller
PRV Pressure-Regulating Valve

Source: Ionics Inc.

Figure 1-5 Electrodialysis system flow diagram

C Conductivity Controller
PRV Pressure-Regulating Valve

Source: Ionics Inc.

Figure 1-G Electrodialysis reversal system flow diagram

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

construction, advances in technology, and the evolution of polarity reversal. According

to IDA Desalting Plants Inventory," the installed worldwide capacity of ED and EDR
membrane treatment plants increased from 2 mgd (7.5 M u d ) in 1955 to more than
200 mgd (750 Mud) in 1992.
Custom-designed and prepackaged ED and EDR plants provide water at
predetermined TDS or salt-removal levels with high water recovery rates (i,e., with
low amounts of feedwater being sent to waste). Additional production can be achieved
by adding process trains or by operating the units in parallel (side by side) rather
than in series (one after the other). The desalting capacity can be increased with
additional stages of membranes in series. ED and EDR systems are capable of
treating variable source water quality while producing a consistent finished water
ED and EDR plants can be designed to remove from 50 to 99 percent of source
water contaminants or dissolved solids. Source water salinities of less than 100 mgL
up to 12,000 mg/L TDS can be successfully treated to produce finished water of less
than 10 mg/L TDS.

Batch and Continuous Electrodialysis

The first type of commercial ED system was the batch system. In this type of ED
system, source water is recirculated from a holding tank through the demineralizing
spacers of a single membrane stack and back to the holding tank until the final purity
is obtained. The production rate is dependent on the dissolved minerals concentration
in the source water and on the degree of demineralization required. The concentrate
stream is also recirculated to reduce wastewater volume, and continuous addition of
acid is required to prevent membrane stack scaling.
The second type of commercially available system was the unidirectional
continuous-type ED. In this type of system, the membrane stack contains two stages
in series; each stage helps demineralize the water. The demineralized stream makes
a single pass through the stack and exits as product water. The concentrate stream is
partially recycled to reduce wastewater volume and is injected with acid to prevent
ED systems are unidirectional in the sense that cations move only toward the
cathode and anions move only toward the anode. The current polarity does not
reverse. (However, the direction of flow could reverse, and some commercial systems
use this technique t o deter the buildup of slime and foulants.) In unidirectional ED
systems, scale prevention is achieved either by the use of scale inhibitors for calcium
sulfate (CaS04) control and/or acids for carbonates control, or through the use of
permselective membranes. Permselective membranes can be tailored to inhibit the
passage of divalent anions or cations, such as sulfates, calcium, and magnesium.
Permselective refers to the ability of an ED membrane to discriminate between
different ions to allow passage or permeation through the membrane. For example,
the AST-type membranes show good permeation or high transport numbers for
monovalent anions, such as C1- or NO-2, but have low transport numbers and show
very low permeation rates for divalent or trivalent ions, such as SO4-2, PO4-2, or
similar anions. This is achieved by specially treating the anion membrane, and the
effect can be exploited to separate various ions. Existing commercial membranes are
monovalent anion specific, monovalent cation specific, or hydrogen ion specific. The
relative specificities vary, with the monovalent anion membrane showing the greatest

*Available from the International Desalting Association, Topsdale, Mass.

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

specificity, for example, the ratio of chloride to sulfate ion transport numbers.
Through the use of proper staging, with monovalent and divalent permselective
membranes, the development of high calcium sulfate in the concentrate side of the
membranes can be forestalled and scale formation prevented. Figures 1-7 and 1-8
Figure 1-7 illustrates how a combination of monovalent anion selective
membranes in a first stage, followed by a second stage containing monovalent cation
permselective membranes, can be used to concentrate solutions well past the normal
calcium sulfate solubility limits. In the first stage, no sulfate passes through the
membrane, and so the concentrate is rich in calcium chloride. Rather than passing
this concentrate to stage 2, the stage 2 system concentrate is made up from fresh feed
or another source. Here, the passage of calcium ions is retarded and the concentrate
is rich in sodium sulfate. Neither stage ever exceeds the calcium sulfate solubility
limits. Yet, when the two concentrate streams are combined, together they can far
exceed the calcium sulfate limit. In fact, precipitation can result on mixing.
Figure 1-8 is a detail of the first stage from Figure 1-7 showing the use of a
standard membrane with a monovalent anion permselective membrane. The
concentrate stream is very low in sulfate, about equal to or slightly greater than the
feedwater, while the chloride and sodium concentrations, for example, could be many
times higher than the feedwater. In other schemes, the concentrate can be made up
from a separate water source that is already low in sulfate (for example, reverse
osmosis permeate or ED dilute water) to increase water recovery.
Colloidal particles or slimes that are slightly electronegative may accumulate on
the anion membrane and cause membrane fouling. This problem is common to all
classes of ED systems. These fouling agents are removed by flushing with cleaning
Control of scale and fouling is critical t o all membrane systems - ED, EDR, RO,
UF, and others. Costs to install, operate, and maintain chemical feed systems as well


Monovalent Anion Monovalent Cation

Permselective Membranes Permselective Membranes



Source: Thomas D.Wolfe.

Figure 1-7 Use of monovalent permselective ED membranes for high recovery (concentration
of calcium sulfate in saturated waters)

Copyright (C) I999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

Source: Thomas D. Wolfe.

Figure 1-8 Principle of monovalent permselective electrodialysis

as chemical storage facilities can significantly add to the costs of any membrane-
based system.

Electrodialysis Reversal
Electrode compartments in EDR perform differently from those in unidirectional ED.
EDR systems, first developed in the 1960s, incorporate electrical polarity reversal to
control membrane scaling and fouling. These systems are designed to produce
demineralized water continuously without continuous chemical addition during
normal operation.
In EDR systems, the polarity of the electrodes is reversed two to four times each
hour. When polarity is reversed, chemical reactions at the electrodes are reversed. At
the negative electrode, reactions produce hydrogen gas and hydroxide ions. Hydroxide
raises the pH of the water, causing calcium carbonate (CaC03) precipitation. At the
positive electrode, reactions produce acid, oxygen, and some chlorine. The acid tends
to dissolve any calcium carbonate present to inhibit scaling.
Valves in the electrode streams automatically switch flows in the two types of
compartments. Streams that were in demineralizing compartments become concen-
trate streams, and concentrate streams become demineralizing streams, as shown in
Figure 1-9.
Because of the corrosive nature of the anode compartments, electrodes are
constructed of an inert metal, usually platinum coated. The current-reversal process
affects the operation of a membrane system by
0 detaching polarization films

breaking up freshly precipitated scale or seeds of scale before they can cause

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

0 reducing slime formations on membrane surfaces

0 reducing problems associated with the use of chemicals
0 cleaning electrodes with acid automatically during anodic operation

Both ED and EDR are electrically driven membrane processes that selectively remove
soluble ionic constituents carrying electrical charges that pass through permeable ion
exchange membranes. The natural electrical conductivity of water allows ED and
EDR processes to be applied to a wide range of water treatment objectives.
In ED and EDR systems, the membranes are impermeable only to water and to
particles that have a particular characteristic (e.g., a certain charge), so these systems
do not present a barrier to remove bacteria or noncharged organic contaminants. In
contrast, RO, NF, UF, and MF systems filter water through membranes designed to
remove contaminants in the molecular and ionic size ranges, effectively removing
Giardia cysts and enteric viruses. RO can be used in combination with ED and EDR
to remove these contaminants and to further concentrate the waste stream.

Reduction of Total Dissolved Solids

Reduction of TDS to meet drinking water standards is the most common application
of ED and EDR technology. Plants treating brackish sources that contain up to
10,000 mg/L TDS can reliably and economically yield product water containing less
than 500 mg/L TDS. For example, an EDR plant in Sarasota County, Fla., treats
brackish well water with 2,500 mg/L TDS and yields product water of less than
350 mg/L TDS-an overall reduction in dissolved solids of 86 percent-with
85 percent recovery. The same plant can produce product water with 500 mg/L TDS
from source waters containing as much as 3,600 mg/L TDS at the same rate of
recovery. This flexibility is particularly important in applications for which multiple
or variable source waters are used.

Control of Inorganics and Ionized Contaminants

ED and EDR also control specific inorganic constituents or ionized contaminants in
water. Common applications include the reduction of naturally occurring levels of
sodium, chloride, fluoride, or sulfate to below the US Environmental Protection
Agency (USEPA) regulatory levels.
ED and EDR can be used to remove or reduce some of the following common
ionized constituents:

0 chromium

0 sodium

0 mercury

0 chloride

0 sulfate

0 uranium

0 fluoride

0 nitrate and nitrite

0 iron

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

A. Before polarity reversal

B. After polarity reversal

Source: Ionics Inc.

Figure 1-9 Reversed polarity in EDR systems

Removal rates for these ionized constituents are similar to TDS removal rates.
In addition to overall TDS reduction, ED and EDR systems effectively treat source
water problems, such as saltwater intrusion; high nitrate-nitrite and selenium levels
from agricultural contamination; high, naturally occurring fluoride levels; and heavy
metals contamination.

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved
Chapter 2

Design of an electrodialysis (ED) or electrodialysis reversal (EDR) plant is based

on product water requirements and characteristics of the source water to be treated.
Production water capacity requirements determine the sizes of the pumps, pipes, and
valves, as well as the number of membrane stacks in line. The degree of
demineralization required dictates the membrane stack configuration or staging.
Depending on the source water quality and desired demineralization, it may be
possible to blend product water with untreated water, thereby lowering capacity and


Prepackaged skid-mounted ED and EDR systems are available for production
requirements ranging from a few thousand gallons (several thousand litres) per day
to several million gallons (several million litres) per day. Mobile, trailer-mounted
configurations are also available for temporary and permanent installation or for
larger-scale pilot testing. These skid-mounted package plants minimize capital
expenditure and engineering costs and simplify installation and training requirements.
Pilot studies may be required before new systems are implemented. These
studies confirm the computer model values, assist in developing specific design
criteria, and refine cost data t o allow the best process to be selected for a full-scale

Membrane Stacks
All ED and EDR systems are designed specifically for a particular application. The
amount of salt to be removed is determined by the configuration of the membrane
stack. This section describes physical components of the membrane stack, which is
the fundamental working unit of an ED or EDR system.
A membrane stack may be oriented in either a horizontal or vertical position.
Figure 2-1 shows a vertical stack. As illustrated in Figure 2-2, the membrane stack is
composed of repeating cation and anion ion exchange membranes (C and A in the
figure, respectively).


Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

Source: Ionics Znc.

Figure 2-1 Typical vertical membrane stack

Source: Zonics Znc.

Figure 2-2 Membrane stack configuration

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

Spaces between membranes represent flow paths formed by 0.02- t o 0.04411.

(0.5- to 1.0-mm) thick, low-density polyethylene spacers. The dimensions of large
spacers range from 18 in. x 40 in. (0.5 m x 1m) to 3.3 ft x 6.5 ft (1m x 2 m). Spacers
may carry either demineralized or concentrated water because they are arranged in
the stack so that the demineralized streams and the concentrate streams flow into
separate single manifolds. In a typical system, each stack removes from 30 to
60 percent total dissolved solids (TDS) at flow rates of 100 to 130 gpm (6.3 to 8.2 Us)
and pressures of 50 psig (345 kPa).
Cell pairs (Figure 2-3) form the basic building blocks of an ED membrane stack.
A cell pair consists of the following:
anion permeable membrane
0 concentrate spacer

cation permeable membrane

0 dilute stream spacer

The number of cell pairs necessary to achieve a given product water quality is
primarily determined by source water quality. A typical plant with an output of
50,000 gpd (189 m3/d) is equipped with stacks containing 450 to 500 cell pairs.
Figure 2-4 illustrates the flow paths of the two types of streams through the
membrane stack. The flows of these paths are as follows:
1. Source water (feed) flows parallel only through demineralizing
compartments, whereas the cogcentrate stream flows parallel only
through concentrating compartments.
2. As feedwater flows along the membranes, ions are electrically transferred
through membranes from the demineralized stream to the concentrate
3. Flows from the two electrode compartments do not mix with other
streams. A degasifier vents reaction gases from the electrode waste
stream, as explained later in this chapter.
4. Top and bottom plates are steel blocks that compress the membranes
and spacers to prevent leakage inside the stack.

Source: Ianics Inc.

Figure 2-3 Cell pair

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

Source: Zonics Inc.

Figure 2-4 Membrane-stack flow paths

The ion exchange membranes used in ED are described as either anion transfer or
cation transfer membranes. These membranes are flat with a smooth surface, similar
in appearance to a plastic sheet. Impermeable t o water under pressure, membranes
are reinforced with synthetic fiber. Both anion and cation transfer membranes have
the following characteristics:
low electrical resistance
insolubility in aqueous solutions
semirigid construction for ease of handling
0 resistance to change in pH from 2 t o 9

0 ability t o function continuously at ambient temperatures above 115°F (46°C)

0 resistance to osmotic swelling (volume expansion due to water uptake) in

solutions between 220 mg/L and 60,000 mg/L salt

0 long life expectancy (average 10 years for anion and 15 years for cation


Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

resistance to fouling
impermeability to water under pressure
availability in many sizes and configurations
Each membrane is 0.004 to 0.024 in. (0.1 to 0.6 mm) thick and is either homogeneous
or heterogeneous. Membranes are manufactured by mixing an ion-exchanging resin
with a polymer. The ion exchanger must constitute at least half the polymer mixture.
This mixture is then heated and poured into a supporting open-weave cloth. A
copolymerization reaction takes place when homogeneous membranes are produced.
Dissolved ions transfer through the membrane in either direction.
Cation membrane. The cation membrane is a sheet in which a cation
exchange resin is embedded. This membrane allows the passage of cations while
blocking the passage of water and anions. Negatively charged resin repels the
negative ions while allowing the positive ions to pass through the membrane. Figure
2-5 shows the chemical structure of a typical cation membrane. As feedwater travels
along the membrane, positively charged sodium ions (mobile counter cations) are
attracted toward the negatively charged fixed anion sites. Sodium ions are
transported through the membrane supported by the polymer support structure and
into the concentrate stream.
Anion membrane. The anion membrane is similar in structure to the cation
membrane except that the resin embedded onto the sheet is an anion exchange resin
(Figure 2-6). This membrane allows passage of anions while blocking passage of both
cations and water, The active site on an anion membrane is quaternary ammonia,
which repels positively charged ions and allows negatively charged ions to pass
through the membrane.

Spacers are die-cut polypropylene flow channels with manifold cutouts similar to
those for membranes (see Figure 2-7). Manifold cutouts form pipes in the stack
allowing water to flow between membranes. Spacers formulated of polyethylene
netting perform identical functions. Spacers are alternately positioned between
membranes in the stack to create independent flow paths.

Source: Ionics Inc.

Figure 2-5 Structure of a cation membrane

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

Source: Ionics Inc.

Figure 2-6 Structure of an anion membrane

Source: Ionics Inc.

Figure 2-7 Spacers

Demineralizing and concentrating spacers are created by rotating an identical

spacer 180". Demineralizing spacers allow water to flow across membrane surfaces
where ions are removed, whereas concentrating spacers prevent the concentrate
stream from contaminating the demineralized stream.
Only two plies thick, the spacer forces water to follow a baffled pattern around
the cross straps, which are pieces of polyethylene placed along the length of the
spacer, as shown in Figure 2-8. Increasing turbulence in this manner promotes mixing

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

Cross Straps

Water-Flow Spacer

Source: Zonics Znc.

Figure 2-8 Baffled flow pattern created by spacer

of the water, use of the membrane area, and the transfer of ions. Turbulence resulting
from spacers also breaks up particles or slime on the membrane surface and attracts
ions to the membrane surface. Flow velocity ranges from 35.4 to 68.9 R/s (18 to
35 c d s ) , creating a pressure drop between the inlet and outlet. A velocity less than
7 i d s (18 c d s ) promotes polarization, or the point of limiting density of water.
Maximum pressure for ED and EDR systems is generally limited to 50 psi (345P a ) ,
and pressure is lost at each stage of the system. Since pressure must be maintained
throughout the system, the impact of spacers on pressure is an important design
Spacers create flow paths within the membrane stack for demineralized and
concentrated water. Different models and sizes of spacers satisfy specific design
applications. The main difference in spacer models is the number of flow paths, which
determines water velocity across the membrane stack and contact time of the source
water with the membrane. Since water velocity is responsible for the degree of mixing
and the amount of desalting that occurs across membranes, velocity is an important
design parameter for spacer choice. Because the same spacers are used for both
demineralized and concentrated water in EDR systems, the flow rates of both these
streams should be equalized t o prevent high differential pressures across the
membranes (Siwak 1993).
Spacer design and flow velocity are also important parameters in determining
the maximum amount of desalting or the current density (discussed later) at which a
given system can operate.

Electrodes and Electrode Compartments

A metal electrode at each end of the membrane stack conducts direct current (DC)
electric current into the stack. The electrode is usually made of titanium and plated
with platinum. Its life span is dependent on the ionic composition of the source water
and the amperage applied to the electrode. Large amounts of chlorides in the source
water and high amperages reduce electrode life. Polarity reversal (as in EDR) also
results in significantly shorter electrode lifetimes than for nonreversing systems.
Normally located at each end of the membrane stack, electrode compartments
consist of an electrode, an electrode water-flow spacer, and a heavy cation membrane.
The electrode spacer is thicker than a normal spacer, which increases water velocity
to prevent scaling. This spacer also prevents the electrode waste from entering the
main flow paths of the stack.
Effluent from these compartments may contain oxygen, hydrogen, and chlorine
gas. Concentrate from the electrode stream is sent to a degasifier to remove and
safely dispose of any reaction gases.

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

ED and EDR systems are designed to provide the required level of demineralization
by staging the membrane stacks in series. Staging is designed to provide sufficient
membrane area and retention time within the stack to achieve the desired level of
There are two types of staging in ED -hydraulic and electrical. A single ED
hydraulic stage can provide 40 to 67 percent salt removal from source water (Figure
2-9). If a greater level of demineralization is required, additional hydraulic stages are
added in series (one after another). A plant with two hydraulic stages might provide
65 to 85 percent removal, a three-stage plant 80 t o 93 percent removal.

Hydraulic Staging
Hydraulic staging refers to increasing the number of passes the water makes along a
membrane stack in an ED or EDR system. Maximum salt removal for any hydraulic
stage is 50 to 67 percent, depending on the manufacturer, with typical design values
of 40 to 65 percent. Increased salt removal is accomplished by the addition of more
hydraulic stages.
In systems that require higher capacities, additional stages are created by the
addition of more membrane stacks (as shown in Figure 2-9). In small systems,
hydraulic staging can be accomplished in a single stack by using one or more thick
interstage membranes, as shown in Figure 2-10.

Electrical Staging
Electrical staging refers to the number of electrodes in a membrane stack. Normally,
there is only one electrode pair in a membrane stack, but a second independent
electrode pair could be inserted to provide maximum salt removal while avoiding
polarization and hydraulic pressure limitations (which are explained later in this
section). Electrical staging applies independently controlled current to each electrical
stage to remove a certain amount of salt from the source water. Figure 2-11 illustrates
an example of electrical staging.

P,ed Prodcct

Source: Zonics Inc.

Figure 2-9 An ED system with three hydraulic and three electrical stages

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

Hydraulic Electrode

interstage Membrane

Interstage Membrane

Electrode - concentrate idet

- - - - = demineralizedinlet

Source: Ionics Inc.

Figure 2-10 Hydraulic staging within a single membrane stack

Hydraulic Electrode

Stage 1 Interstage Membrane

Electrical 3
Stage 2 Legend
- l
i concentrate inlet
Electrode - --- P demineralizedinlet
C.P. F call pairs

Source: Ionics Inc.

Figure 2-11 Membrane stack with two electrical stages and three hydraulic stages

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

Several limiting parameters, which are discussed in the following paragraphs, need t o
be considered in the design of a successful plant.

Limiting Current Density (Polarization)

Current density can best be described as an electrical flux expressed in terms of
amperes per square centimetre. It applies to the mobility of individual ions, and the
limiting factor is the rate at which ions can freely move through a solution. Ions
moving through the solution should balance ions moving through the membrane.
Current density is a function of fluid velocity in the flow path, stream temperature,
and ionic composition.
As current density increases, ions in a solution migrate through the membrane
faster than they move through the solution. The solution can become so depleted of
ions that water molecules are affected. Increased voltage causes water to dissociate
into hydrogen ions (H+)and hydroxyl ions (OH-). This is called the polarization point
and occurs in the demineralizing compartments. When polarization becomes pro-
nounced, the pH of the demineralized stream changes. Hydrogen ions and hydroxyl
ions migrate through the cation and anion exchange membranes, respectively. In the
concentrate stream, OH- tends to combine with ions, such as magnesium. The
resulting scale limits efficiency and requires frequent cleaning to prevent irreversible
fouling in ED systems.
Operating at current densities sufficient t o cause polarization results in the
following for both ED and EDR systems:
0 Energy consumption increases as electrical resistance increases.

Current efficiency decreases because the transfer of hydrogen or hydroxyl ions

is not the desired product.
0 Additional increments of current become less efficient in transferring ions in

polarization areas.
In commercial ED and EDR systems, a value of 70 percent of the limiting
current density is used as the maximum allowable for brackish water operation, as
illustrated in Figure 2-12. This provides a reasonable level of safety in system design.

Cu r rent Leakage
Current leakage is defined as excess electric current at the electrodes that travels
through an adjacent membrane, either a heavy anion or cation membrane, into higher
conductivity water, usually the concentrate. Figure 2-13 illustrates stack shorting or
current leakage, with the electrodes moving into the concentrate, then back toward
the opposite electrode. The dotted line represents the normal movement of an
electrode through the membranes and spaces without current leakage. Excess current
can melt or “burn” the membranes and spacers. Normal design practices limit this
voltage to 80 percent of the current that would cause burning. The limit is determined
by water temperature, source water concentration, membrane stack size, and the
internal manifold that splits flow into concentrate and dilute streams.

Back Diffusion
Back diffusion is the movement of ions from the concentrate stream to the
demineralized stream against the force of the DC current. This occurs when the
concentration ratio between the two streams exceeds 150:l. Methods for preventing

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

Raw Water Concentration, mg/L 2s NaCl

Source: Hamada (1993).

Figure 2-12 Raw water concentration and current density

Source: Ionics Inc.

Figure 2-13 EDR stack shorting

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

back difhsion include decreasing recovery and limiting polarization by lowering the
quantity or quality of product water.

Langelier Saturation Index

The Langelier Saturation index (LSI) is a measure of the scaling potential of a water
source. Scaling is caused by the accumulation of calcium (Ca'2), total dissolved solids,
and bicarbonate (HCO) in the concentrate stream. The LSI is the difference between
the actual pH and the pH at which scaling occurs. A positive LSI indicates a tendency
for scaling, and a negative LSI indicates a nonscaling tendency (Pontius 1993).
Design factors that may be adjusted to compensate for high or low LSI values include
decreasing recovery, using an antiscalant, or, in the case of ED systems, continuous
acid feed.

Calciurn Sulfate Saturation

Control and prevention of calcium sulfate (CaS04) precipitation in an ED system are
achieved by limiting the brine stream concentrations of calcium and sulfate. This is
accomplished by decreasing the percent salt removal or percent water recovery, or by
changing the ions removed. It can also be achieved by the addition of a sequestering
agent or antiscaling agent, such as sodium hexametaphosphate, to the brine or
concentrate stream. ED systems reach high water recovery by avoiding saturation
conditions through the use of either scale inhibitors or permselective membranes (as
discussed in chapter 1).
EDR systems, on the other hand, can satisfactorily handle calcium sulfate levels
greater than saturation because of the polarity reversal, which creates a lag time in
scale precipitation. The upper design limits for calcium sulfate levels in an EDR
system are 150 percent (of what they would be without chemical addition) if a
sequestering agent is added and 275 percent if an antiscalant is added.

Pressure Drop
The pressure drop through a membrane stack is the sum of the pressure drops
through each hydraulic stage. It is dependent on spacer type, flow rate per stage, and
number of cell pairs in each stage. Spacers from various manufacturers have different
pressure-velocity profiles. For example, systems needing higher removal rates benefit
from using spacers that increase velocity, which increases ion contact with
membranes. Since both ED and EDR are low-pressure systems, usually 50 psi
(345 kPa) maximum at the inlet, and pressure is lost at each stage, providing for
pressure through the entire system is a major design constraint. Changes in the
numbers and types of spacers as well as adjustments to feedwater flow are methods
of managing pressure drop through systems.

Differential Pressure
Differential pressure is the difference in hydraulic pressure between the demineral-
ized stream and the concentrate stream. The pressure of the demineralized stream is
maintained 0.5 t o 1psi (3.4to 6.9 kPa) higher than the concentrate stream to prevent
leakage into the product water stream. Thus, if a leak does occur, it will flow into the
concentrate stream and will not contaminate the product water.

Water Transfer
Although the membranes are virtually impermeable to water, a small amount of
water is electrically transferred through the membranes along with the ions. The

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

amount of water transferred varies with membrane type, type of ion, and the number
of ions transferred. The higher the salt concentration compared with that of the
product water, the greater the water transfer.

Temperature Limits
Qpical membrane stacks have an upper operating limit for water temperatures of
113°F (45°C). This limit is determined by the low-density polyethylene spacer
material, which becomes less rigid at elevated temperatures. The use of higher-
quality spacers can raise the maximum operational temperature to 140°F (60°C).

Water recovery is defined as the total amount of water produced from the total
amount of water used. EDR systems offer design options that optimize recovery, as
discussed in this section. Off-specification product recycle, phased reversal, increased
reversal cycle times, or any combination of these functions can be incorporated in
EDR systems to take advantage of a substantial increase in recovery and production
rates at minimal costs. Chemical dosing can further increase recovery rates and lower
waste disposal costs.

Concentrate Recycle
Recirculating the concentrate stream is called concentrate recycle. Flow rates of
concentrate and demineralized water through the membrane stacks are essentially
equal. Without recycling, this equal flow would lead to a recovery of demineralized
water equal to half of the saline water treated. However, in most ED and EDR
systems, the concentrated effluent is recycled to conserve water. When the recycle
stream is eventually sent to waste, the concentration level of eflluent is controlled by
adding an equal volume of source water according to concentrate disposal regulations.

Off-Specification Product Recycle

When the polarity reverses in an EDR system, the concentrate compartments become
demineralizing compartments, and vice versa. The salinity in what used to be a
concentrate compartment changes from a high TDS level to the product TDS level.
The time needed for this change to take place is equivalent t o the time required for
source water entering this compartment to pass through the entire membrane
system, normally 30 s per hydraulic stage. Product water leaving the system at this
time is normally diverted t o waste because it does not meet specifications. However,
if reversal of the outlet valves is delayed, the average salinity of the product water
can still be less than the salinity of source water. This product water can then be
recycled back to the system feed, eliminating the need to send it to waste. This
process is known as off-specification product recycle (OSPR).

Phased Reversal
Phased reversal (PR) in EDR is based on having independent control of (1)reversal of
the inlet valves, (2) the electrical polarity of each stage (electrodes), and (3) reversal
of the outlet valves. It works as follows: Suppose there are three stages in series. If
the polarity was reversed on all three stages at once, the water contained in those
stages at that instant would not meet product specifications when it flowed out of the
final stage. In other words, three stages’ worth of water would not meet product
specifications. However, if the polarity was reversed on the second stage a certain

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

amount of time after reversal on the first stage (to allow all the off-specification water
to finish passing through the first stage), only one stage’s worth of water would not
meet specifications. The timing of the third stage’s polarity reversal would be handled
similarly Thus, the total reversal water is contained in a single stage in the system
instead of through the entire system. PR increases recovery by increasing the amount
of demineralized water produced while keeping the total amount of water consumed
constant. The volume of waste during PR varies fkom 2 t o 4 percent of the product
water volume.

Reversal Frequency
In some cases, membrane scaling in an EDR system can be effectively controlled even
with a reduced polarity reversal frequency. Standard systems use 15 midpolarity
cycle, but some systems can operate with a 30-min cycle. Cutting the frequency of
reversal in half reduces the portion of off-specification water by 50 percent. This
increased net production augments recovery while reducing power consumption.

Electrode Stream Recycle

When cathode and anode streams are combined, they chemically neutralize one
another and have a pH and salinity close to source water. Gases are collected and
vented off, and liquid is normally sent to waste. Since this electrode stream quality is
similar to that of source water, it may be recycled through the feed tank t o increase
system recovery and reduce total wastewater.

Chemical Addition
In EDR systems that do not use chemical dosing to prevent scaling, the maximum
allowable concentrate salinity is determined by the calcium sulfate and calcium
carbonate concentrations. If higher recoveries are desired, then chemical dosing is
needed to combat scaling.
As necessary, an antiscalant can be added to control calcium sulfate scaling, and
acid can be used t o control calcium carbonate scaling. Only a small quantity of
antiscalant (1-5 mg/L) is required because the streams are recycled. The saturation
of calcium sulfate can then be increased from 150 percent of its value in the absence
of chemical addition to 275 percent. Acid is required to maintain the LSI at +1.8 in
the concentrate stream for calcium carbonate control.

ED may require some form of source water pretreatment for successful, long-term
operation. Minimal pretreatment includes suspended solids removal by 10-pm
cartridge filtration. Additional pretreatment may be required, such as conventional
coagulation, sedimentation, and filtration, depending on source water quality. ED and
EDR normally require less pretreatment than other membrane processes. Pretreat-
ment methods for typical impurities encountered in source waters are summarized in
Table 2-1.

The efficient operation of ED and EDR requires a source water turbidity level of no
more than 2 ntu. Because surface water turbidities can vary &om 2 to 2,000 ntu,
pretreatment may be required. Sand or multimedia filtration may be necessary to

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

Table 2-1 Typical water impurities and corresponding pretreatments

Impurity Pretreatment Tolerance Limit
Turbidity Filtration 2 ntu
Iron Oxidation andor filtration 0.3 mg/L
Manganese Oxidation andor filtration 0.1 mg/L
Hydrogen sulfide Oxidation 0.3 mg/L
Chlorine Carbon adsorption 0.5 mg/L (continuous)
or sodium bisulfate
Source: Ionics Inc.

achieve consistently low suspended solids or turbidity levels. Highly turbid sources
may require in-line chemical coagulation and clarification followed by filtration.
Most groundwater sources are consistently free of organic or suspended
turbidity particles, making them suitable for direct ED and EDR treatment. The only
pretreatment normally used with a groundwater source is an in-line 10-ym cartridge
filter that is supplied as part of an ED or EDR system.

Iron and Manganese

Iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) are most frequently found in groundwater from deep
wells. Their concentrations often range from 0 to 15 mgfL. Maximum levels tolerated
by ED and EDR are 0.3 mg/L Fe and 0.1 mg/L Mn. Pretreatment for iron and
manganese includes aeration and filtration, chemical oxidation followed by filtration,
or a form of oxidizing filtration such as manganese zeolite filtration.

Hydrogen Sulfide
A gas detectable by its characteristic “rotten egg” odor, hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
concentrations can range from 0 to 50 mg/L in groundwater. The ED and EDR
tolerance limit is 0.3 mg/L, with the same recommended pretreatment as that for iron
and manganese removal.

Chlorine may be present in some source waters as residual from upstream bacterial
control. Ion exchange membrane tolerance is 0.5 mg/L for free chlorine on a
continuous basis. Membranes can be disinfected with a short-term dosage of 50 mg/L
chlorine when necessary for bacterial control. Overall chlorine tolerance varies with
membrane material and manufacturer. Typical pretreatment for chlorine removal is
with carbon adsorption or sodium bisulfate.

The membrane recovery rate, or the percentage of process source water that is
recovered as treated product water, can be limited by the presence of certain salts in
the concentrate stream that can form a scale on the membrane surface. As water
passes through the ED or EDR process, source water salts are removed and
concentrated in the brine stream. The portion of concentrate that is wasted
determines the concentration of salts in the brine or concentrate stream and the rate
of recovery. In other words, repeatedly recycling the brine stream before sending it to
waste creates a high concentration of salts in the brine stream and increases the

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

recovery percentage. High water recovery minimizes wastewater pretreatment,

reduces pumping costs, and may decrease waste disposal costs. A high concentration
of salts, however, increases scaling potential if the concentration is beyond solubility
limits. Calcium carbonate and sulfate salts of calcium, barium, fluoride, and
strontium are the most common scale formers.
Potential for scale formation or membrane fouling also differs with the type of
ED used. ED plants have strict limitations on concentrate chemistry and may require
presoftened source water to limit CaS04 scale formation. The concentrate stream for
ED must have an LSI of zero, meaning the water would neither dissolve nor
precipitate calcium carbonate. (See chapter 4 for additional information.) ED systems
can tolerate up to 90 percent CaS04 saturation without the need for an antiscalant.
Higher levels of CaS04 saturation, up to 150 percent and an LSI of 1.5, are acceptable
for an ED system with an antiscalant, such as sodium hexametaphosphate,
maintained in the concentrate stream. Because the concentrate stream is recycled,
only a low antiscalant feed is needed t o maintain a residual of less than 10 m a .
ED systems can use specially impregnated membranes to remove specific ions
(for example, monovalent membranes to remove sodium chloride) and divalent ions to
remove nitrate. ED systems can also make use of two hydraulic stages, with anion
monovalent permselective membranes in the first stage and cation monovalent
permselective membranes in the second stage. By maintaining the concentrate
streams from the two stages separate (and thus keeping the calcium and sulfate ions
separate within the ED unit), the system can often reach effective calcium sulfate
levels that are many times the normal saturation point when it finally mixes the two
concentrate streams outside of the ED unit itself. Levels two to six times greater than
calcium sulfate saturation can often be achieved, depending on the specific chemistry.
However, at no time should the calcium sulfate concentration in a specific stage
exceed about 90 percent or 150 percent of saturation, depending on the absence or
presence of scale inhibitors. Overall water recovery rates for such systems can reach
as high as 95 percent on brackish waters.
The polarity-reversing EDR system requires less pretreatment than ED and is
capable of higher water recovery. EDRs regular and automatic reversal of the DC
polarity drives membrane foulants and scale deposits from membranes into the
concentrate stream and out of the system. Without chemical antiscalants, the EDR
concentrate stream can handle an LSI as high as +1.8 and a CaS04 saturation of
150 percent. Recovery rates can be further enhanced with antiscalant addition to the
concentrate stream to achieve an LSI of +2.5 and a CaS04 saturation of 275 percent.
This permits typical EDR systems to achieve water recovery rates of 80 to over
90 percent.
ED and EDR membrane systems can be cleaned in place to restore system
performance after scale formation or reversible membrane fouling. Scale is removed
by circulating an up to 5 percent acid solution, usually hydrochloric acid, through the
membrane stacks. Reversible organic fouling is removed by circulating a 5 percent
brine solution with a pH of 10 through the membrane stack. Chlorine can be added to
the brine solution at a concentration of 10 to 50 mg/L to disinfect membranes and aid
removal of organic matter. Severe fouling or scale can be remedied by manually
cleaning a disassembled membrane stack, resulting in little or no loss in membrane
use or operating life.

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved


ED is a process in which ions are transferred through semipermeable ion exchange
membranes from a less concentrated to a more concentrated solution by means of a
direct electric current. There are four primary operating principles controlling ED,
dissociation of salts in water
membrane properties
Faraday's law
0 Ohm'slaw

Ions are formed by the dissociation of salts, minerals, alkalies, and acids in water. For
example, sodium chloride dissolves and dissociates in water to form sodium ions (Na')
and chloride ions ((21-1. These ions conduct electricity through the solution. The
conductivity is dependent on the concentration of ions, the ionic composition, and the
temperature of the solution.

Membrane Properties
The most important properties of an ion exchange membrane are ion selectivity (that
is, selection of specific ions for removal) and electrical conductivity Ion selectivity of
cation and anion membranes is greater tsan 90 percent for solutions with a normality
of less than 0.5N up to 0.7N, but ion selectivity decreases at higher concentrations.
Ion exchange membranes that have a low electrical resistance consume less energy,
which increases system efficiency. As the concentration of the solution increases,
resistance decreases.
The organic content of source water is an important factor in membrane
selection. Organic acids, usually present in brackish well water, decrease membrane
efficiency. As they adsorb t o the anion exchange membrane, they increase membrane
resistance and lower ion transfer. The subsequent need for cleaning can be decreased
with the selection of appropriate membranes (Hamada 1993).

Faraday's Law
Faraday's law is the basis for determining the amount of electrical current needed in
an ED process to transfer a specific quantity of salt. It states that the passage of
96,500 A of electric current for 1 s will transfer 1g equivalent of salt. The quantity
96,500 A-s is called a faraday. In a sodium chloride solution, 1 faraday will transfer
1g equivalent of sodium ions to the cathode and 1g equivalent of chloride ions to the
anode at 100 percent current efficiency In other words, in the case of NaCI, the
atomic weight of sodium is 23, which is 1g equivalent. The atomic weight of chloride
is 35. One faraday will transfer 23 g of sodium to the cathode and 35 g of chloride to
the anode.
The following equation forms the basis for calculating the electric current
needed for transferring ions. When used in ED calculations, Faraday's law is
expressed for each cell pair as

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved


= direct electric current, in A

= Faraday's constant = 96,500 A. dequivalentlcell pair
= ' flow rate of the demineralized stream through the membrane
stack, in Us
= change in normality of demineralized stream between inlet and
outlet of the membrane stack
= current efficiency
= number of cell pairs

Ohm's Law
Ohm's law states that the potential E of an electrical system is equal to the product
of current I and the system resistance R. In other words,
E =IxR

where E is expressed in volts, I is expressed in amperes, and R is expressed in

Voltage requirements for an ED or EDR system depend on current and
resistance. Current is determined by the use of Faraday's law, whereas resistance is
determined by the components of the stack and by source water quality. Resistance is
affected by temperature and conductivity, and is measured with an alternating
current (AC) resistance bridge. Resistance in the system is calculated from feedwater
conductivity, with corrections made for the surface area of the membranes. For
example, a highly conductive water will need more surface area contact with the
membrane to remove ions. Each type of membrane and each plant has unique
characteristics that affect resistance. The components that contribute to membrane
resistance are expressed in the following equation:


RCP = resistance per unit area of one cell pair, in mcm2

Rcm = resistance per unit area of cation membrane, in Ncm2
Ram = resistance per unit area of anion membrane, in Ncm2
Rc = resistance per unit area of concentrate stream, in Ncm2
Rd = resistance per unit area of demineralized stream, in Wcm2
Resistance is also affected by other factors including temperature, ionic species,
and ionic concentration. High temperatures and solution concentrations lower the
solution resistance as well as the stack resistance. For example, a 1°F(0.55"C)change
in temperature will result in a 1.1percent change in stack resistance.

Current Efficiency
Current efficiency refers to the percentage of total current that is effectively
transferring ions. In ED and EDR applications, the current efficiency e for the

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

transfer of salts can be calculated based on the expressions in Faraday’s law as


As an example, consider the following sample operating readings:

Source water (normality) 0.0480N

Product water (normality) 0.0078N
Demineralized flow rate (Fd) 9,765 L/h (43.0 gpm)
Current (0 25.5 A
Number of cell pairs (y*) 450
Faraday’s constant (F1 26.8 A*h(96,500 A*s)

The difference between feed normality and product normality is

AN= (0.0480 - 0.0078) = 0.0402

Therefore, the current efficiency in this case is

26.8 x 9,765 x 0.0402 x 100

e = = 91.7 percent
25.5 x 450

Commercial membrane stacks normally have a minimum current efficiency of

90 percent, which means that 90 percent of the total current applied to the membrane
stack is effectively transferring ions from the demineralized stream to the concentrate
stream. The remaining 10 percent of the current can be attributed to loss resulting
from cross leakage and back diffusion.

Posttreatment requirements for ED and EDR systems depend on the final type of use
of the product water (i.e., industrial or potable). Each application has different
posttreatment needs.
Industrial users generally have water purity specifications that exceed drinking
water standards. In ED and EDR systems, the only posttreatment normally found is
ion exchange. Mixed-bed ion exchange units remove the remaining ions from the ED
and EDR product water, serving as “polishers”in these high-purity applications.
In municipal or potable water applications, product water must meet both
primary and secondary regulations established by the Safe Drinking Water Act. In
addition, posttreatment is often required for disinfection and corrosion control.
Potable ED and EDR plants are usually equipped with a small chlorinator to
provide the level of disinfection required by federal and local health agencies.
Chlorine is used most frequently to reduce pathogenic microorganisms, with ozone
used for disinfection in some bottling applications.
Because of the corrosive nature of membrane-treated water, a stabilizing agent
may be added to prevent or minimize oxidation of metallic surfaces. The most
common agent is an alkali, such as caustic soda (NaOH) or ammonium hydroxide
(NI&OH), but it may also be a metal complex, such as zinc phosphate (znPo4).The

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

metallic phosphate forms a barrier between the water and any metal surface,
providing a protective coating. The treatment objective is to maintain the LSI around
zero or slightly positive in order to prevent corrosion of pipes.

Concentrate is defined as the brine or waste stream from the membrane process. The
method selected for concentrate disposal influences the initial cost of the system as
well as operational expenses. This section discusses concentrate disposal methods, as
illustrated in Figure 2-14(Andrews 1991). It is important to note that processes such
as ED and EDR with high recovery rates are associated with increased brine

Concentrate disposal permitting has become a major consideration for membrane
process application as regulatory constraints for disposal of process wastes have
increased. Table 2-2 describes the current required permits for four methods of
disposal discussed in this section - surface water, deep well injection, spray
irrigation, and wastewater treatment facilities.
Pilot studies to predict concentrate quality determine when concentrate
treatment is necessary for disposal. Concentrate quality may also be determined by


Feed Water

Concentrate Stream
for Disposal

Disposal Methods

Adapted from Andrews (1991).

Figure 2-14 Concentrate disposal methods

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

Table 2-2 Concentrate disposal permit requirements

Disposal Method Required Permit

Surface water National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
WF'DES) federal or state level permit; state or
local discharge-to-surfacewater permit
Deep well injection Groundwater Injection Permitting Program permit,
requiring authorization
Technical Advisory Committee as well as federal,
state, and local authorities
Spray irrigation Federal, state, or local groundwater disposal permit
Wastewater treatment facility Municipal or local treatment permits

means of a diffusion model if operating pressure, source water quality, recovery rate,
and solvent and solute mass transfer coefficients are known (Conlon 1988).
Another factor influencing the selection of a disposal method is the concentrate
flow rate Qc, which is determined from the following equation:

Qc = (l-R)x@

R = percent recovery (expressed as a decimal)

Qf = source water flow rate
For example, consider a 1.0-mgd source water feeding to an EDR unit at
85 percent recovery (i.e., Qf = 1.0 mgd, R = 0.85). The concentrate flow rate may be
calculated as follows:

= (1 - 0.85) x 1.0

= 0.15 mgd = 150,000 gpd

Methods of Concentrate Disposal

The following paragraphs describe current methods of concentrate disposal.
Regulations vary for disposal, and the best option for one situation may not be
appropriate for another.
Surface water. Concentrate disposal to surface water includes transportation
to ocean outfalls or tidal waters or t o nonsaline waters. This method is considered the
most cost-effective disposal approach. However, increasing regulations may make
discharge to surface waters less feasible.
Concentrate discharge must meet surface water quality standards (including the
addition of a mixing or dilution zone), cannot be acutely or chronically toxic, and must
undergo toxicity testing. The concentrate must also meet antidegradation regulations.

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

Problem constituents in concentrate disposal to surface waters include hydrogen

sulfide, dissolved oxygen, chlorides, radium 226, radium 228, gross alpha radioactivity,
fluoride, and metals. The pH and conductivity of the concentrate are other relevant
The cost of disposal to a surface water is affected by the concentrate flow rate,
the need for pretreatment to meet regulatory standards, transportation, operational
costs, and outfall structures. Diluting concentrate with surface water in a mixing zone
may be all that is necessary for regulatory compliance.
Deep well injection. This method of disposal involves injecting the concen-
trate into a well hundreds to thousands of feet (or metres) deep. Concentrate disposal
must be to waters of similar quality and must be contained within impermeable
layers of rock or other material.
Permitting for deep well injection requires that the concentrate cannot migrate
to drinking water sources (TDS less than 10,000 mg/L) and that concentrate quality
is compatible with aquifer water. Disposal is also regulated by geologic conditions and
the industrial well classification.
Deep well injection involves strict well design and construction, requiring a
corrosion-resistant interior liner and surrounding packer. High levels of TDS in the
concentrate are mildly corrosive to steel.
Cost of disposal to deep wells is influenced by concentrate volume, transporta-
tion, injection-zone depth, pumping pressure, storage or alternate method of disposal,
regulatory monitoring, and operational expenses. Operational costs include continu-
ous monitoring of flow and wellhead pressure. Monthly testing may also be required
to check for leaks.
Detailed geophysical logs are required before well construction. Permitting also
requires television surveys of the well and radioactive tracer surveys to ensure well
integrity before startup.
Spray irrigation. This disposal method uses concentrate as an irrigation
resource applied by sprinkler, surface, or drip systems. Major considerations include
the need for monitoring wells and the need for an alternate method of disposal during
periods of heavy rain. Runoff control depends on the application system; sprinklers
are the most effective. Concentrate salinity, toxicity, and soil permeability determine
the feasibility of this disposal method.
Permitting regulations require that concentrate cannot cause a violation of
public and private well water supplies. Primary and secondary drinking water
standards must be maintained to protect the receiving groundwater. Problem
constituents include metals and radionuclides, as well as TDS and chlorides at levels
unacceptable to plants and animals.
Factors determining the cost of disposal by spray irrigation include the
concentrate flow rate, transportation, land acquisition and preparation, distribution,
pumping pressure, concentrate storage for runoff, drainage, operation methods, and
volume of runoff. The amount of runoff depends on which type of spray irrigation is
used and may involve drainage canals or a reservoir, pump, and return pipeline.
Operational costs are higher than for surface water or well injection methods because
spray irrigation disposal is more labor intensive.
Wastewater treatment facilities. Disposal of concentrate to a wastewater
treatment plant can cause the facility to exceed its treatment capability. Require-
ments for disposal include effluent disposal permits or sludge disposal permits, as
well as compliance with federal limits on quantities of industrial waste. Problem
constituents include chlorides, metals, and TDS.

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

Other methods. Concentrate disposal technologies used less frequently

include the following:
lined solar ponds
brine concentrators
zero discharge

Andrews, L.S. 1991. Disposal Methods and Hamada, Masato. 1993. Brackish Water
Issues of Concentrate Discharges - Desalination by Electrodialysis. Inter-
An Overview. In Proc. of the AWWA national Desalination and Water Reuse
Membrane Conference in Baltimore, Quarterly, 2(4):8-15.
Md. Denver, Colo.: American Water Pontius, Nancy. 1993. Back to Basics Guide
Works Association. to Corrosion Control for Lead and
Conlon, W.J. 1988. Disposal of Concentrate Copper. Denver, Colo American Water
From Membrane Process Plants. In Works Association.
Proc. of the AWWA Membrane Confer Siwak, L.R. 1993. Here’s How Electrodia-
ence in Orlando, Fla. Denver, Colo lysis Reverses and Why EDR Works.
American Water Works Association. International Desalination and Water
Reuse Quarterly, 2(4):16.

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

Chapter 3
and Installation

The electrodialysis (ED) or electrodialysis reversal (EDR) unit is designed to

remove dissolved miqerals from water by the migration of ions through a stack of
anion and cation membranes under the force of a direct current (DC) electric field.
Custom-engineered and standard prepackaged plants are available from various
ED manufacturers. Hydraulic capacity, percent recovery, level of salt removal, and
membrane selection determine exact equipment specifications. Figures 3-1 and 3-2
illustrate the wide variety of packaged plants. The plant in the first figure has a
processing capacity of 15,000 to 52,800 gpd (55 to 200 m3/d); the second plant can
handle up to 1.3 mgd (5,000 m3/d).

This section contains a general description of available equipment. ED and EDR
demineralizing systems consist of four subsystems - hydraulic, electrical, membrane
stack, and chemical.

Hyd rau1ic Subsystem

The major components of an ED or EDR hydraulic subsystem include
low-pressure, stainless-steel centrifugal feed pump
0 low-pressure, stainless-steel recirculation pump

0 fiberglass cartridge filter

0 corrosion-resistant piping

manual flow-control valves

motorized reversal valves (EDR only)


Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved
Table 3-1 lists one manufacturer’s recommendations for EDR unit sizea and
pump types based on the - 4 pr- capmi@, Systems are available in a
variety of sizes, and mmmendationa may vary among manufactums.
Pumping press- of 50 to 75 psi (345 to 515 kPa) provide adequate pressure
for most systems, once head lass from varying system designs and sizes is taken into
account. The low operating pressures for ED and EDR a y s h n s make it possible b
use standard plastic pipe and fittings as well as other common water treahnent
materials, reducing construction costs as well as wmion problems.

Electrical Subsystem
The major components of an ED or EDR electrical subsystem include
adjustable Dc:power supply
rectifiers to convert alternating current (AC)power to DC power
internal control syshem with controls, reversal timing (EDR d y l , and alarms
Table 3-2provides a sample engineering8-, jncludmg power COaBumption
information, fbr the EDR system used in Buckeye, Ariz. (Carpenter and Geishecker
1989). Since no surface water t available, wells prwide domestic water for Over
4,000 residents (1988).Well water salinity varies b m 1,500 to 4,000 mg/L btd
dissolved solids CTDS), over three times the feded standard,
An ED system implemented in 1962 was the first municipal desatination plant
in Arizona, and it continued to supply water for Buckeye for 20 years. As a result of
population growth and age of equipment, however, the system was replaced in 1988
by two FDR units described in Thble 3-2,which were sized to d o w for a 50 percent

Table 3-1 Electrodialysb r w e r s a l system sizes and pump recommendatlons (prwided by

lonics [m)

Capacity Unit S u e
500-2,000 gprn 3 R x 2 ft x 4.5 ft Line press- or a i d i a q
(2-8 m3/d) 1 m x 0.7 m x 1.6 m Pumps
4,ooCrU,000gprn 5Rx2.5Rx7R Feed: l h p
(15-42 ms/dl 1.5 rn x 0.75 m x 2 m Concentrate: 1 hp
15,00&52,800 gpm 11 f t x l f t x 10 R Feed: 7.6hp
(-200 m3/d1 3.3 m x 1.2 m x 3 m Concentrate: 5.0 hp
4O,ooCrlOO,OOO gprn 10Rx8Rx10ft Feed: 10.0 hp
I150480 m3/d) 3mx2.5mx3m Concentrate: 7.5 hp
llO,ooCrl6O,OOOgprn 12 R x 17 R x 10 ft F e d 16.0 hp
~40&600 m3/d) 3.5 m x 5 m x 3 m Concentrate: 10.0 hp
lOO,ooe3OO,OOO gpm 32Rx7RxlOR Feed: 30.0 hp
(38&1,150 ms/d) 10mx2mx3m Coacentmte: 15.0hp
250,OO(MOO,000 gprn 37 R x 17 ft x 10 f€ Feed: 60hp*
(1,00&2,400 m3/d) ll.3mx5mx3m Concentrate: 30 hp*
~ , o o ( r l , 2 O O , O O O gprn 37Rx34AxlOft Feed: 50hp*
(2,0#-6,000 m3/d) ll.3 m x 10 m x 3 m Concentrate 30 hf
Table 3-2 Engineering summary for EDR system used In Buckeye, Ark

A B spstem
Number ofplanta 1 1 2
Number of linea per plant 2 3 6
Number of- per line 3 3 3
Source water TDS, mglL 1 m 1,587 lam7
Product water TDS,mglL 246 328 287
concentrate TDS, mglL 6,961 6,623 6,787
Percent salt removal 84.6 79.3 81.9
Product water capacity,gpd 300,000 ~ , 0 0 0 gw000
Source water capacity, gpd 376,000 7so,000 1,l%000
Concentrate capacity,& . 76,000 1M),000 z26,000
Percent water recovery 80.0 80.0 80.0
Source water temperature,"F 80 80 80
Saturation index +179 +L73 +1.76
concentrate percent calcium
fluoride (CaFd saturation 214.3 218.4 216.4
'Ibtal electrical consumption,
kWhll,oCn,gal 4.0 3.9 3.95
Dc power consumption,
k W h 11,oOO gal 1.8 1.9 1.85
Pump power consumption,
kWh/l,oCn,gal 2.2 2.0 2 10
Source water WeU water Wen water well water
Pretreatment Not required Not r e q u i d Not requhed
Permeate use Dringing water Drinkbgwater 7*JWater
source: IaniaInC

population growth. Raw water with an average TDS of 1,587 mg/L flowed through
two EDR plants, one treating 300,000 gpd to 246 mglL average TDS, the other
treating 600,OOO gpd to an average of 328 m f i TDS. The product waters h m the
two systems (A and B) were then combined to produce 900,OOO gpd of 287 m&,
average TDS.Plant TDS removals averaged 81.9 percent, and electrical consumption
averaged 4 kW*h per 1,OOO gal (3,785 L) of product water for Buckeye's new water
treatment system.

Membrane Stack Subsystem

Each membrane stack consists of the following components:
anion and cation transfer membranes
intermembrane and electrode flow spacers
polyvinyl chloride (WC) end blocks
tie rods and protective covers
The exact number of membranes and spacers is determined by specific application.

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Assodation All Rights Reserved
.. . .

Chemical Flush Subsystem

An ED or EDR unit is equipped with a clean-in-place (CIP) system to allow periodic
flushing of the membrane stack and piping with an acid solution. A chemical feed
pump and storage tank form the main components of the CIP system.

This section provides recommendations concerning the installation of an ED or EDR

Building Details
ED and EDR equipment must be installed in a shelter t o protect it from weather and
blowing dust. In cases where electronic components are exposed to extremely low or
high temperatures, the shelter should have heating or cooling to reduce corrosion and
increase the operating life of the system. The area size required for the installation
will depend on capacity, manufacturer, peripheral equipment, and open space
required for maintenance.
Floor requirements. The building floor, normally made of poured concrete in
accordance with local building codes, should provide adequate drainage for water
discharged from the system during normal operation. The floor should be sloped to
drain, except for the leveled stack area. Concrete should be treated with a
corrosion-resistant epoxy resin coating to withstand the effects of spills.
Drainage. During normal operation, all wastewaters must be drained away
from the unit. This includes brine concentrate, off-specification product, electrode
waste, and neutralized CIP waste. Any incidental spillage or wash-up water should be
collected by the floor drains.
Pipe trenches and racks. Depending on the requirements of the installation,
pipes carrying source water to the unit or product water and wastewater from the
unit can be either laid in trenches under the building floor or supported in overhead
racks. Specific installation requirements should be discussed with the manufacturer.
Equipment servicing. On all sides and at the top of the skid(s) and stack(s),
3 to 5 ft (1 to 1.5 m) of clear space should be allowed for service and maintenance

Chemical Storage and Handling

During normal operation of an ED or EDR plant, chemicals used in operation,
cleaning, and maintenance include
0 sodium hexametaphosphate, for scaling

0 chlorine, for disinfection

0 acid solution, for cleaning and scale removal in the stacks and electrode

0 salts, for cleaning organic deposits from membranes

Chemicals should be placed in a chemical storage room according to storage

directions, and all safety precautions should be observed when chemicals are being

Equipment Installation
The hydraulic skid is the first item brought into the plant. Once it is properly placed,
it should be leveled. It is necessary to bolt the skid to the floor only if required by local

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

building or seismic codes. After the hydraulic skid is in place, membrane stacks are
installed according to manufacturer specifications. Stack interconnections and piping
are then installed.
Each ED or EDR unit has several piping connections to be installed once the
skid is in place. Piping for source water to the unit and for product water and
wastewaters from the unit must be connected. Piping may be overhead or in pipe
trenches, with all piping and valves made from materials resistant t o corrosion.
Inlet piping should be fitted with a suitable valve and strainer. This valve allows
the operator to change source water flow if inlet pressure is greater or less than the
manufacturer’s recommended limits.
All discharge water pipes installed in the skid are standpipes. These standpipes
prevent the siphoning of water from the ED or EDR unit in standby and regulate
back pressure on the stack(s) for proper plant operation and product water quality
and quantity,

Electrical Connections
A power-supply cable sized for the rating of the ED or EDR unit is brought into the
electrical enclosure and connected t o the main circuit breaker. The AC power supply
(110, 220, 380, 460, 480 V, and 50 or 60 Hz, depending on the system) should have a
separate circuit breaker or isolator in a location away from the unit. A grounding
cable should also be connected to the rear of the electrical enclosure to protect
equipment from stray voltages.
ED and EDR units are normally equipped for automatic operation using a level
control in a product storage tank. Control wiring is installed according to the
manufacturer’s instructions and must consist of a voltage-free contact. No other
external control wiring is required.

Source water quality and the amount of electricity are specific cost issues related to
ED or EDR operation, in addition to the general costs associated with any type of
water treatment.

Source Water Quality

Source water quality is the primary factor determining capital and operating costs
and the level of permeate recovery. The type and quantity of organics and inorganics
in the source water define the type of system, its size, its pre- and posttreatment
requirements, and the appropriate concentrate disposal methods. Temperature is
another aspect of water quality that must be considered in ED and EDR systems
because temperature affects conductivity.
Source water quality also determines the feasibility of blending product water
with water from the same source or a different source t o reduce plant size, capital
expenditures, and operating costs. Factors such as trihalomethane concentration in
the product water, hardness, or other constituents in the source water limit the use of
this cost-saving method.

Energy Costs
Both ED and EDR systems consume energy in direct proportion to the concentration
of inorganics in the source water. See Figure 3-3 for a comparison of energy costs
among EDR, the low-pressure reverse osmosis (LPRO) membrane, and the
ultra-low-pressure (ULP), or membrane-softening, membrane. The more inorganics to

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

Feedwater Quality, mg/L

Source: American Water Works Association (not yet published).

Figure 3-3 Approximate specific power consumption for ultra-low-pressure RO, low-pressure
RO, and electrodialysis reversal systems

be removed, the higher the energy requirement. The cost of treating brackish water
can be estimated based on source water quality data by noting that transferring 1 g
equivalent NaCl requires 26.8 A'h (see the discussion on Faraday's law in chapter 2).

General Cost Factors

Some costs are generally applicable to various types of water treatment systems, such
as costs involved in land and site development, wells or intake structures, storage,
pumping, construction, and financing. Planning for anticipated system demands may
make a larger system a sound investment because unit cost decreases as the system
size is increased. The economy of scale, growth planning, and competition in the
business environment all affect the sizing and costing of a water treatment plant.

Recovery Rates
Recovery rates for ED and EDR typically exceed 85 percent, depending on source
water scaling salts, and they can be as high as 94 percent. Higher water recovery
rates minimize system blowdown, pretreatment, and wastewater discharge volume in
ED and EDR systems. This low wastewater volume may allow easier permitting and
a smaller waste disposal system. However, smaller volume may concentrate
wastewater contaminants, increasing permit requirements. Generally, low-pressure
pumping, long membrane life, and low energy requirements decrease operations and
maintenance costs in ED systems. EDR systems lower these costs further as a result
of the "self-cleaning" effect of polarity reversal.

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

American Water Works Association. Not yet
published. Reverse Osmosis Manual of
Practice. Denver, Colo.: American
Water Works Association.
Carpenter, F. and E. Geishecker. 1989. A
Quarter Century of Electrodialysis
Desalting: the Buckeye, Arizona, Ex-
perience. In Proc. 108th Annual Con-
ference of AWWA held in Los Angeles,
Calif., July 1989. Denver, Colo.:
American Water Works Association.

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

Chapter 4
and Maintenance

Operation and maintenance (O&M) of electrodialysis (ED) and electrodialysis

reversal (EDR) equipment varies with each manufacturer. The proper vendor
operation manual should be consulted for the equipment being considered. This
chapter provides general instructions to indicate the extent of O&M necessary for ED
and EDR systems.

Those implementing ED and EDR systems typically need to take into account the
information indicated in Figure 4-1 when selecting a system. The concentrations of
the feedwater constituents, the operating conditions, and recovery associated with a
particular ED or EDR setup are vital considerations. It is important to note that
design conditions may vary among system suppliers.
Most ED and EDR systems are designed with fully automated control systems
for large systems, such as that illustrated in Figure 4-2. Detailed operating
procedures will vary according to system and manufacturer.
Control settings and operating parameters should be checked at least once a day
and logged on the data sheet recommended by the supplier. Trends of system
operation that vary from normal for that system should be noted. Corrective action
necessary to maintain the system within appropriate parameters should be taken
immediately A typical operation log sheet for an EDR unit is shown in Figure 4-3.
Operation requires approximately 1.5 to 2 hours per day for a system that treats
30,000 to 1,000,000 gpd (114 to 3,785 m3/d), The operations log shown in Figure 4-3
applies to a three-stage EDR system with multimedia filters t o filter out contami-
nants down to 20 pm in size. These filters are followed by a cartridge filter ahead of
the membrane stages. Volts and amps are monitored for both anode and cathode at
each polarity for the three stages.


Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

Feedwater Analysis:
Sodium mg/L
Calcium mglL
Magnesium mg/L
Chloride mg/L
Potassium mg/L
Bicarbonate mg/L
Sulfate mg/L
Nitrate mg/L
Total dissolved solids -mg/L

Electrodialysis Design Operating Conditions:

Source water temperature
Source water salinity
Product water salinity
Production per 24-h day
Total waste per 24-h day
Concentrate makeup per 24-h day
Electrical energy consumption per 1,000 gal product
Dilute flow rate
Concentrate makeup flow rate
Stack inlet pressure
Stack outlet pressure
Electrical current and voltage
Stage 1 A V
Stage 2 A V
Stage 3 A V

Source: Ionics Inc.

Figure 4-1 Design concern checldist for EDR systems

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

Source: Ionics Inc.

Figure 4-2 Automated control system for EDR system

Accurate records can provide advance warning of system problems as the

operator reviews logs for trends in performance. A steady increase in pressure, for
example, may indicate fouling problems.

Routine preventive maintenance will ensure efficient operation as well as a long and
reliable service life. Suggested daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly maintenance steps
for EDR systems are provided in this section, as well as guidelines for maintaining
specific components.

Daily Maintenance
1. Complete the system log sheet and verify that the operating settings are
correct. Use the operation data sheet form (see Figure 4-3) and systems
log sheet supplied by the vendor.
2. Check electrode stream flowmeters to see that the electrodes are operating
3. If the pressure drop across the cartridge filter housing is more than 8 to
20 psi (55 to 140 kPa) greater than the operating inlet pressure, replace
the cartridge according to the manufacturer’s instructions. If the pressure
difference reaches 15 psi (100 kPa), an alarm condition will appear on the
control panel.
4. Perform the electrode clean-in-place (CIP) procedure, as described later
in this chapter, to maintain the electrode compartments clear of scale.

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

Date: Time: Elapsed Hours: By:


Multimedia 1 In/Out (psi)
Multimedia 2 In/Out (psi)
Feed Pump Discharge (psi)
Cartridge Filter In/Out (psi) I

Temperature In ("C) -I-

Stack Pressure In/Out (psi) -I-
Stack Differential In/Out (H20)
Electrode Pressure (psi)
Electrode Flow (gpm)
Dilute In (gpm)
Concentrate Makeup (gpm)
Volts Stage 1 AIB
Amps Stage I AIB -I-
Volts Stage 2 AIB
Amps Stage 2 AIB
Volts Stage 3 AIB
Amps Stage 3 AIB -/-
Feed Conductivity/pH
Product Conductivitylp. . -I-
Concentrate Conductivity/pH
Product Flow (gpm) -I-
Product Flow Totalizer (gal) -I - -I-

Source: Ionics Inc.

Figure 4-3 Typical operation log for an EDR system

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

Weeldy Maintenance
1. Probe the membrane stacks using the procedure outlined later in this
chapter to detect problems early This procedure will reduce component
damage and replacement costs.
2. Inspect all unit piping, pressure instruments, sample tap fittings, and
tubing for leaks. Repair as necessary.
3. Clean the outsides of the ED or EDR stacks of encrusted salt by washing
them with clean water. The ED or EDR unit must be off while the stack
sides are being wetted down.
4. Inspect the stacks in the area around the electrodes for signs of shorting
or burning. The ED or EDR unit must be off when the stacks are being
inspected or cleaned.
5 . Check that all pressure, differential pressure, and flow-rate instruments
are working properly. All pressures should read zero when the unit is off.
6. Check the oil level on all pumps with automatic oilers.
7. Measure the electrode waste flows twice weekly.

Monthly Maintenance
1. Clean, prime, and repaint any rusted areas of the system cabinets.
2. Check the spare parts inventory and order replacement parts.
3. Check the pump seals for any signs of leakage, and repair them as
4. Check the degasifier blower for dirt on the housing and impeller wheel.
5. Perform the CIP procedure as outlined later in this chapter. The
chemicals, frequency, and concentrations may be changed based on plant
needs as operating experience is gained.

Annual Maintenance
1. Remove and inspect the grounding-rod assemblies. If rods are scaled,
clean them by immersing them in half-strength hydrochloric acid. Replace
any damaged or corroded rods.
2. Drain the degasifier tank and flush out any accumulations of scale.
3. Lubricate pump motors as required.
4. Check the operation of the electrode CIP pumps.
5. Check the tightness of all electrical connections.
6. Calibrate all instruments and gauges.

Stack Probing
Probing the stacks should be done weekly to monthly, or as required for
troubleshooting purposes. A stack maintenance log sheet should be used when this
procedure is performed. The operator needs the following equipment t o probe the
stacks: rubber gloves, safety glasses, a utility water hose, a hand-held voltmeter, and
the stack probes. The following procedure requires working on stacks that are
electrically live. The operator should always wear rubber gloves and neuer touch the
side of the stack directly.
Step 1 Stop the ED or EDR unit and wait for the flush cycle to complete.
Step 2 Remove the stack siding. Stack sides must be wet for a stack probe
to be accurate. If the stack sides are encrusted with salt or are dry,
wet the stack with water, paying special attention to the side being

Copyright (C) I999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

probed. The ED or EDR unit must be powered off while the sides of
the stacks are being wetted down.
Step 3 Start the ED or EDR system in local control and wait until the
product conductivity readings are in the normal range.
Step 4 With the stack probes spread slightly apart, press them firmly against
the upper half side of the stack.
Step 5 Switch the range of the voltmeter to “0.10 V DC.” Place one lead on
the top electrode plate and the other on the heavy cation membrane
adjacent to the electrode spacer. This reading should be less than 10 V
A higher reading would indicate the electrode is scaled or worn.
Repeat for the bottom electrode.
Step 6 Place the probes 1in. (25 mm) apart and take readings down the side
of the stack between the electrodes, keeping a constant distance
between the probes. In a normal stack, the meter readings will be
approximately the same.
Step 7 On an EDR system, repeat the probe after the unit has reversed
polarity and product readings are normal.
It is important to note that a stack probe is considered normal if no voltage probe
results in a reading substantially higher than any other probe.

Electrode Clean-in-Place Process

In ED systems, acid is continuously fed into the electrode stream of the cathode to
prevent scaling. In EDR systems, on the other hand, electrode clean-in-place (ECIP)
is a routine preventive-maintenance procedure to remove scale or fouling from the
electrode system. Each EDR unit has a dedicated ECIP pump used to inject a 1:l
solution of hydrochloric acid and water from the day tank. Hydrochloric acid solution
is injected into the electrode compartment automatically for 30 to 60 minutes per
24 hours of operation.

Clean-in-Place Process
The CIP process flushes scale or reversible fouling from the membrane stack and
hydraulic piping. The chemical solution circulated through the stack depends on the
type of contamination. This is a required procedure used in preventive maintenance,
and should be completed according to manufacturer’s recommendations.
The following chemical solutions used in the CIP process are the only chemicals
that should be used for stack cleaning:
Hydrochloric acid solution. Periodic cleaning with a 2 to 5 percent
hydrochloric acid (HC1) solution is the most frequently used method. The solution is
used to remove scale as well as some metal deposits and light dirt. The procedure
requires the use of the CIP tank, deionized water, and hydrochloric acid.
Sodium chloride solution. A 3 to 5 percent NaCl solution removes organic
foulants, which are present in many surface waters, from the membranes. This
procedure requires the CIP tank, deionized water, sodium chloride (food grade),
sodium hydroxide (NaOH), and pH test paper (pH 8.0 to 10.0).
The solution should be at least 3 percent NaCl (0.55Nchloride) and have a pH
between 8.0 and 10.0, adjusted with NaOH. A pH greater than 11 can damage the
anion membrane. This solution should then be circulated through the system. After
the NaCl application, the operator should flush the membranes with HC1 to remove
excess salt.

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

Chlorine solution. A 10- to 5O-mg/L chlorine solution disinfects the mem-

branes and hydraulic piping. This procedure requires the CIP tank, deionized water,
and 5.25 percent commercial hypochlorite solution mixed at a rate of 0.25 gal (1L)
hypochlorite per 500 gal (1,890 L) water.

Stack Repair and Disassembly

The membrane stack may be removed from the ED or EDR unit if stack repairs are
necessary. Repairs can be completed manually with the assistance of an overhead
crane. Stacks should not be allowed to remain dry for long periods of time because
membranes may become damaged. Blind flange connections should be attached to the
remaining stacks t o prevent them from drying. Specific manufacturer’s instructions
for stack removal should be followed.
When a problem arises, stacks can be disassembled in accordance with
procedures recommended by the system’s manufacturer. Generally, disassembly
requires that each piece be removed separately, with the exception of the top
electrode, which can be replaced without the removal of any of the membranes.
It is important to maintain correct component orientation and to store
membranes in water. The stack should be rebuilt in the order it was disassembled;
incorrect assembly can reduce performance or cause scaling.

Troubleshooting an ED or EDR system requires an understanding of the electrical,
hydraulic, and membrane stack subsystems and their interrelationships. Isolating a
problem to a specific subsystem makes troubleshooting easier. The manufacturer’s
guide can be used to locate and isolate a specific problem.
Readings from the log sheet should be checked against the design conditions to
determine any anomalies. For example, pressure readings not at design levels may
indicate a need for the pressure switches and transmitters to be calibrated.
Correct set points should be maintained on safety devices, such as pressure
switches and conductivity controllers. Incorrect settings will defeat the purpose of the
safety feature and make troubleshooting more difficult.

Alarm Conditions
Manufacturers may install detection systems capable of recognizing critical condi-
tions that will shut down the unit immediately without flushing (i.e., without
allowing the water already in the system to leave the system) and activate a horn.
Typical critical alarms include high feed pressure or concentrate pump pressure.
These conditions could indicate blockage or physical damage to the system. Since
these are low-pressure systems, sudden high pressure could force water through the
membranes and outside the membrane stacks. Under these circumstances, the
normal flushing of the system with clean water to remove concentrate and prevent
fouling, would not take place. Such flushing could increase the pressure within the
system and cause greater damage than an immediate shutdown of the system.
When noncritical alarm conditions occur, the unit will shut down after flushing,
the alarm horn will sound, and an alarm indicator will confirm the specific alarm
condition. Noncritical alarm conditions will not cause damage to the membranes or
components of the system. Typical noncritical alarms include the following:
0 high product conductivity

electrode pressure
0 degasifier pressure

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

rectifier high temperature

suspected stack problem

Proper operation of an ED or EDR system requires an understanding of the safety
issues involved in electrical operation, chemical handling, and mechanical systems.

Electrical Operation
Equipment shutdown. During normal operation an operator can shut down
the ED or EDR unit by placing the system in manual and pressing the stop-start
button. The unit will then enter a flush cycle. When this cycle is completed, the unit
will be idle. In an emergency, however, the unit should be turned off at the main
circuit breaker because the stopstart button will begin the flush cycle.
Grounding. All ED and EDR systems, including the stacks, should be
connected to an electrical ground of earth potential to prevent electric shock from
stray voltages. If the unit is skid mounted, a separate earth ground should be
attached to the skid. Stacks should then be grounded by a wire to the skid or
electrical cabinet. Grounding cables are provided by the manufacturer and should be
installed so that they are not easily removed.
When equipment is moved, dismantled, or repaired, it is important to make sure
that all electrical ground connections are restored.
High voltage. ED and EDR equipment use high-voltage alternating current
(AC) power. This AC voltage is converted to direct current (DC) by a rectifier for use
in the operation of the membrane stacks. DC voltage should never be applied to the
stacks unless water is flowing through the stacks.
The connecting bolts for the electrode tab should be tight and corrosion free.
Overheating due to loose connections could damage the membrane stack.
DC amperage will rise and fall according to source water temperatures. To save
power and prevent damage to the stack when source water temperatures rise, DC
stack voltages must be lowered until DC amperage returns to normal settings. The
DC stack voltage should not be increased as source water temperatures drop unless
the manufacturer provides specific instructions to do so.
Membrane stack. It is important not to touch the wet stack sides, electrode
plates, or the electrode plate tab connections when the unit is operating. Operators
should always assume that the stacks are electrically alive. Protective clothing, such
as rubber gloves, should always be worn during a stack probe. The equipment should
not be washed down when the power is on.
Electrical panels. All control panels contain live voltage. Some systems are
designed so that the main power must be off before the doors can be opened. Extreme
care must be taken to avoid contact with electrically live components.
Only staff experienced in servicing the control panel should troubleshoot the
panel. Equipment should never be operated with control doors open unless the
cabinet is being repaired. This will protect personnel from electrical hazards and will
also protect the electrical system from dust and water.

Chemical Safety
The degasifier tank separates the dissolved gases from the electrode waste streams.
The system should be vented to the atmosphere at least 1ft (0.3 m) above the highest
peak of the building.

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

Personnel should always wear protective clothing (rubber gloves, apron, face
shield, goggles, boots, and chemical-protection suit) when handling corrosive solutions
or when working on the chemical pumps and supply lines. In addition, they should
always wash down the work area after handling the chemicals and always clean up
any chemical spills. When acid and water are being mixed, it is important to always
add the acid to the water. Adding water to acid can cause a violent explosion, spraying
acid on the operator.

Mechanical Systems
It is necessary to remove the stack end plates when stack maintenance is being
performed. A hoist should be used since the plate is very heavy It is important to
always move the plate out of the way and set it down on a firm surface before
A centrifugal pump should never be operated with either the discharge or
suction valve closed. This can cause friction to the impeller and heat the trapped
volume of water to a high temperature. If this heated water escapes, it can cause
serious burns.
It is also important never to operate any rotating equipment (specifically pumps,
blowers, or fans) without their protective guards in place.

Copyright (C) 1999 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved

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