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com Volume 4 Issue II, February 2016

IC Value: 13.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
Study of Industrial Wastewater Treatment
Comparison between Conventional Activated
Systems (CAS) and Membrane Bioreactor (MBR)
Manoj Kumar T1, Nilavuneasan D, Thiruvengadaravi KV, Baskaralingam P, Sivanesan S*2
Department of chemical Engineering, Anna University, Chennai
Department of Applied Science and Technology, Anna University, Chennai

Abstract--This paper provides a detailed literature review of waste water treatment in a membrane bioreactor process (MBR).
Here the MBR system is compared with conventional wastewater treatment system. The characteristics of the bioreactor
treatment process (biomass loading rates, etc.) and the membrane separation of microorganisms from the wastewater is
discussed in detail. The present study has been undertaken to evaluate the performance of the 60 KLD Beverages industrial
sewage treatment plant located at Nemam, Poonamallee, Thiruvallur District, Tamilnadu. The plants are designed and
constructed with an aim to manage wastewater in order to minimize and/or remove organic matter, solids, nutrients, disease-
causing organisms and other pollutants, before it reenters a water body. It is revealed from this performance study that the
efficiency of the conventional treatment method in analyzing the different removal/reduction parameters (TSS, BOD, COD,
HRT, SRTand F/M ratio) is poor on comparison with the MBR system.
Keywords--Industrial wastewater, Membrane Bioreactor, wastewater treatment.

In India, most residential sewage treatment plants are expected to have zero liquid discharge (ZLD). Water is a source of life and
regarded as the most essential of natural resources. Existing freshwater resources are gradually becoming polluted and unavailable
due to human or industrial activities. The increasing contamination of freshwater systems with thousands of industrial and natural
chemical compounds is one of the key environmental problems facing humanity worldwide. A growing number of contaminants are
entering water supplies from industrialization like heavy metals, dyes, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, fluoride, phenols, insecticides
and detergents may have adverse effects on human health and aquatic ecosystems. In view of the aforesaid problems, recent
attention has been focused on the development of more effective, lower-cost, robust methods for wastewater treatment.


The pollutants in waste water are removed by physical, chemical and biological means.

A. Physical Operations
In earlier days, treatment methods used were physical unit operations in which physical forces are applied to remove pollutants.
Some of the basic physical operations are given Screening, Comminuting, flow equalization, sedimentation etc.

B. Chemical Operations
Treatment methods in which the removal or conversion of contaminants is brought about by the addition of chemicals or by other
chemical reactions are known as chemical unit process. Precipitation and adsorption are the most common examples used in waste
water treatment. In chemical precipitation, treatment is accomplished by producing flocks that will settle.

C. Biological Operations
Biological treatment is used primarily to remove the biodegradable organic substance (colloidal or dissolved) in waste water. The
substances are converted into gases that can escape to the atmosphere and into biological cell tissue that can be removed by settling.
Biological treatment is also used to remove the nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorous in waste water.

©IJRASET 2013: All Rights are Reserved 587

www.ijraset.com Volume 4 Issue II, February 2016
IC Value: 13.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
Various methods for waste water treatment are given below:

Conventional method

Membrane Bioreactor (MBR)

Moving bed Bioreactor (MBBR)

Sequencing batch reactor (SBR)

A. Membrane Bioreactor
The mechanism of biodegradation is successfully used in the conventional activated sludge process for waste water treatment, and
also in advanced technologies as Membrane Bioreactor (MBR).Membrane bioreactor (MBR) technology is a combination of the
conventional activated sludge process characterized by a suspended growth of biomass and the membrane filtration system. The
biological unit is responsible for the biodegradation of the waste compounds and the membrane module for the physical separation
of the waste from the mixed liquid. The pore diameter of the membranes range between 0.01–0.1 μm so that particulates and
bacteria can be removed. The membrane system replaces the gravity sedimentation unit (clarifier) in the conventional activated
sludge process. Hence the MBR offers the advantage of higher product water quality and low footprint.


The wastewater sample was collected from Beverages (Nemam) Poonamallee Sewage treatment plant in Tamilnadu. This plant was
based on the conventional treatment method (pre-treatment method) till DEC 2014, after which the plant is to be revamped to
Membrane bioreactor same capacity 60 m3/day. The conventional method of the sewage treatment plant lay out shown in Fig 1. Fig
2 shows the Membrane Bioreactor method of sewage treatment plant lay out.

Fig 1 Conventional method sewage treatment plant layout

Collection Bar Equalization Aeration Tank
Screen Tank

Permeate Secondary
Settling Tank

Fig 2 Membrane Bioreactor method sewage treatment plant layout

In this plant revamping membrane bioreactor is installed manufactured by GE.

©IJRASET 2013: All Rights are Reserved 588

www.ijraset.com Volume 4 Issue II, February 2016
IC Value: 13.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)

Specification of membrane used in the Beverages sewage treatment plant given in table 2

Membrane model Zee Weed 500D (Hollow Fiber)

Membrane material PVDF

Membrane module surface area 340ft2 (31.6m2)

Membrane pore size 0.04 micron

Operating pH range 5 to 9.5


The experimental method involved the collection of composite samples in clean plastic containers of 5 liters capacity at four
different units of treatment plant, namely, a) Influent to the treatment plant, b) Effluent of aeration tank (considered for the influent
of secondary clarifiers) and c) treated water from conventional method, d) treated water from MBR method
The samples were analyzed using the standard methods (APHA, EPA, and USEPA). IS 3025 (PART44-Reaffirmed 2003)The
primary parameters included pH,total dissolved solids(TDS),total suspended solids (TSS),Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD),
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Sludge Volume index (SVI), MLSS, SRT, HRT.

A. Performance of MBR in Sewage Treatment Plant

1) Sludge Volume Index Method (SVI): 1lit of sewage inlet water sample taken beaker 10 min settle bottom.
The SVI of the process was 360 mg/L
2) Hydraulic Residence Time (HRT: HRT is the average residence time of wastewater in the aeration tank
HRT =24*Vat / Q units: hr
Vat = Volume of aeration tank (m3)
Q = Flow rate of wastewater influent to aeration tank (m3/hr)

©IJRASET 2013: All Rights are Reserved 589

www.ijraset.com Volume 4 Issue II, February 2016
IC Value: 13.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
HRT = (24* 27)/ (9m3/hr)
= 72 hrs
3) Food-To-Microorganism (F/M) Ratio): F/M is the amount of BOD to which a unit mass of bio solids is exposed on a daily
basis (loading based on microorganisms)
F/M = (Q • So) / (MLVSS • Vat)
Q = Influent flow (m3/hr)
So = Influent BOD concentration (mg/L)
MLVSS = Mixed liquor volatile suspended solids concentration in aeration tank (mg/L)
Vat = Volume of aeration tank (m3)
Influent flow = 9 m3/hr
Volume of aeration tank =27 m3
So = 128 mg/L
MLVSS = (A-B)*1000/ (Sample of volume mL)
= (1.6-0.8)*1000/ (10)
= 80
= 80*27
MLVSS = 2160 mg/L
(F/M) ratio =1152/2160
= 0.533
4) Solids Retention Time (SRT):

MLSS* Aeration Volume *8.34


(WAS TSS)*(WAS Q)*8.34 + (Effluent TSS)*(Q) *8.34


= -----------------------------

(92*7*8.34) + (104*9)*8.34

= 486388.8/ (5370.96 +7806.24)

= 36.911 hrs.

5) Volumetric BOD Loading: BOD applied to a unit volume of aeration tank:

VBL = 8.34 • (Q • So) / Vat

Q = Influent flow
So = Influent BOD5 (mg/L)
Vat = Volume of aeration tank

VBL = 8.34*(9*122)/2

= 339.16 lb/1000ft3.day

6) Density:

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www.ijraset.com Volume 4 Issue II, February 2016
IC Value: 13.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
= Mass/ Volume

= 800 / 1000

=0.800 g/L

= 800 kg/m3


Determined the general efficiency indicator to compare overall performances of the different plants in terms of average TSS, COD,
BOD, CHLORIDE removal efficiencs.Similarly,the, the efficiency of plants is generally measured in terms of removal of organic
matter. The pH directly affects the performance of a Secondary treatment process (Metcalf and Eddy, 1991 &2003) Because the
existence of most biological life is dependent upon narrow and critical range of pH .since, the solids removal is an important
measure for the success of a primary treatment unit (McGhee, 1991) and the dissolved solids content of the wastewater is of concern
as it affects the reuse of wastewater for agricultural purposes.

Physico – Chemical properties of sewage water of coca cola sewage treatment plant for conventional and MBR method







Initial 7.24 480 108 90 1050 1140 623

After aeration 7.18 304 52 82 1058 1140 486


Final 7.05 192 29 24 850 874 425

Initial 7.48 462 128 95 1025 1120 595


After aeration 7.24 325 76 82 1008 1090 420

Final 6.98 36 8 12 514 526 280

After membrane revamped process continuous monitoring inlet and outlet for every 72 hrs because HRT design 72 hrs, SRT design
37 hrs, F/M ratio 0.533 to be calculate

©IJRASET 2013: All Rights are Reserved 591

www.ijraset.com Volume 4 Issue II, February 2016
IC Value: 13.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
Days condition pH COD BOD Cl TSS TDS TS
(mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L)
Initial 7.48 462 128 595 95 1025 1120

After 7.24 325 76 420 82 1008 1090


Final 6.98 36 8 280 9 514 523

Initial 7.49 460 126 590 104 1086 1190

After 7.20 340 70 432 88 1068 1156


Final 7.03 32 6 272 10 528 538

Initial 7.52 486 130 586 102 1098 1200

After 7.33 358 68 438 90 1077 1167


Final 7.1 30 9 286 9 534 543

Initial 7.48 478 136 572 99 1076 1175

After 7.28 364 74 425 83 1036 1119


Final 6.95 34 10 278 8 518 526

Initial 7.48 470 120 570 94 1056 1150

After 7.19 332 71 418 80 1021 1101


Final 6.92 28 8 268 7 498 505

Table 3 Physico – Chemical properties of sewage water of coca cola sewage treatment plant for MBR method


Days vs BOD

1 3 6 9 12 final


©IJRASET 2013: All Rights are Reserved 592

www.ijraset.com Volume 4 Issue II, February 2016
IC Value: 13.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
Days vs COD

1 3 6 9 12
Days Final


Days vs TSS

100 initial
1 3 6 9 12

A. Characteristics of Wastewater Influent to Inlet Of Treatment Plant

Coca Cola (Nemam) Poonamallee Sewage treatment plant in Tamilnadu, at the inlet, performance study of 7 months collected and
analysis the concentration ranges of total dissolved solids, total suspended solids, BOD and COD were 1025 – 1096 mg/L, 90 – 104
mg/L, 120 – 136 mg/L, 460 – 486 mg/, While the average chlorides were 570 – 595 mg/L.The pH varied from 7.24 to 7.52.

B. Characteristics of Wastewater Effluent To Aeration Tank

Aeration tank in the both the treatment plant is considered a most important step in activate sludge process and the priority was
intended to increase the dissolved oxygen level of sewage so that the aerobic digestion facilitates decomposition of organic matter
this has to be ensured because of low dissolved oxygen content (nil) in the influent. The DO in aeration tank range from 1.2 to 2.6

MLSS Concentration in the aeration tank range between 2160 -2380 mg/L. Conforming suitability in terms of microbial content. A
SVI value 100 – 350 indicates good settling of suspended solids that can be achieved for proper MLSS Concentration. The SVI was
320 mg/L.

C. Characteristics of Wastewater Effluent to Treated Tank

Treated water tank in most important for wastewater treatment in this effluent treated conventional method was calculated by
considering the BOD, COD and TSS were 29 - 35 mg/L, 190 -202 mg/L, and 25 – 32mg/L. Sewage Treatment Plant after revamped
conventional system to MBR systems Samples were collected and analysis MBR method was calculated by considering the BOD,
COD and TSS were 7 - 9 mg/L, 28 -36 mg/L, and 9 – 11mg/L.pH varied from 6.98 – 7.12

D. Overall Efficiency of the Two Treatments Methods

The overall efficiency of the two treatments methods was calculated by considering the TDS, TSS, COD and BOD of the influent
and final effluent from conventional method and MBR Method. The percentage reduction in COD is 192 - 202 mg/L and 58% -
60% in Conventional Method, MBR Method reduction of COD is 28 - 36 mg/L and 92.5% - 94% respectively. The percentage
reduction in BOD is 29 -35 mg/L and 74% -76% in Conventional Method, MBR Method reduction of BOD is 6 - 9 mg/L and 93% -
95 % satisfactory. The percentage reduction in TSS is 25- 32 mg/L and 69% -72% in Conventional Method, MBR Method reduction
of TSS is 7 - 10 mg/L and 90% - 92% satisfactory.

©IJRASET 2013: All Rights are Reserved 593

www.ijraset.com Volume 4 Issue II, February 2016
IC Value: 13.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)

95 94 92
100 76 72




The maximum COD and BOD, TSS, TDS removal was observed at 72hrs the optimum HRT is assessed for every 72hrs, for
effective Removal of COD, BOD, TDS, and TSS, Removal BOD, COD (Microorganism and organic contamination) optimum for 6
to 9 days, Removal of TSS, TDS optimum for 6 days. MBR maximum efficiency 30 to 35 % compared to conventional method.
Comparison between industrial wastewater treatment conventional Method and Membrane Bioreactor System, so this process
conventional method treated wastewater using garden purpose only. Sewage Treatment Plant after revamped conventional system to
MBR systems treated water reuse gardening, flushing, cooling tower.

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