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Design and Implementation Buck-boost Converter using Arduino

Mega 2560

Andhika Giyantara, David Christover and Yun Tonce Kusuma Priyanto

Institut Teknologi Kalimantan

Keywords: Buck-boost, Converter, Duty cycle.

Abstract: Nowadays, the development of technology cannot be separated from energy demands. An increasing energy
requirement needed power electronic circuits to support systems that are producing a direct voltage or
commonly called Direct Current (DC). A problem obtained is to convert the desired voltage level according
to desired requirements. The development of power electronic circuits can be solving these problems by using
a DC-DC converter topology. In general, DC-DC converters have several topologies such as buck converter,
boost converter, buck-boost converter, and Cuk converter. In this research, an inverting buck-boost converter
topology is designed and implemented to increasing and decreasing voltage. The aim of this research is
converting the input DC voltage value to the constant output DC voltage value. A value of duty cycle
configuration is depending switch on and switch off from MOSFET, which generated from Arduino Mega
2560. The results of the average output voltage value from the mathematical condition is 12 Volt; after that,
from simulation condition is 12,05 Volt and then from implementation condition is 9,92 Volt. The results of
the average ripple output voltage from the mathematical condition are 0,4%, after that from the simulation is
0,79% and then from implementation condition is 0,56%. The results of the average ripple value current from
the mathematical condition are 6.54% and then from simulation condition is 6.94%. Finally, the buck-boost
converter system that has been designed from this research has obtained an average value of power efficiency
in the simulation conditions is 65.12% and then from implementation condition is 74,87%.

1 INTRODUCTION Chopper consists of several configurations, and the

most commonly used is DC Chopper types of Buck,
The development of power electronics has played a Boost, Buck-Boost, Cuk, and SEPIC. The buck
role in everyday life to produce a Direct Current converter system is a non-isolated switching type DC
(DC). DC voltage is generated by the process of converter that can reduce the output voltage and then
converting DC input voltage to DC voltage for lower boost converter, which can increase the voltage by
or higher output desired. This DC voltage conversion adjusting the duty cycle from Pulse Width
is commonly referred to as DC-DC Converter. The Modulation (PWM) (Rashid, 2014).
application of DC-DC converters on an electronic The disadvantages of the buck converter and
device has made it possible to use resources that have boost converter can only step down or step up the
relatively small voltage values such as batteries and output voltage level that given and cannot be used in
batteries, where the output voltage source can be both conditions. When we set a variable input voltage
adjusted according to usage requirements (Forouzesh, value to be constant, a combination of the buck-boost
2017). converter can be used (Kazimierczuk, 2008).
DC-DC converter or known as DC chopper, is Recently, Arduino microcontrollers are becoming
often used as a DC voltage regulator, both decreasing increasingly popular in various studies (Jinook,
and increasing voltage. In general, DC voltage 2016). This open-source platform has been developed
generated from renewable energy sources is volatile for prototype purposes and is based on easy-to-use
because it is caused by natural factors such as light hardware and software, providing researchers with
intensity. Currently, the application of the DC-DC key features that can translate into both economic and
converter is widely applied to renewable energy practical benefits (Buesa, 2019). When we applied the
sources such as solar panels (Choudhary, 2014). DC buck-boost converter with an integrated energy

Giyantara, A., Christover, D. and Priyanto, Y.
Design and Implementation Buck-boost Converter using Arduino Mega 2560.
DOI: 10.5220/0009443301690176
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICONIT 2019), pages 169-176
ISBN: 978-989-758-434-3
Copyright c 2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ICONIT 2019 - International Conference on Industrial Technology

source, it is better to use a microcontroller that has (Arif Muslih Jainudin et al., 2017) also studied DC-
many digital or analog pins such as Arduino DC converter, which concentrated in a buck
microcontrollers and also can be used to generate converter. The switching component used in this
PWM for switching components. Therefore, in this research is the MOSFET IRFZ44N type. Based on the
research, we applied the design and implementation measurement results, buck converter with feedback
of the buck-boost converter using ArduinoMega 2560 can constrain the output current on 1 Ampere.
as an alternative solution to maintaining a constant Meanwhile, when the output voltage feedback
output voltage with varying input voltage and can be working, the value of output voltage can be
applied to renewable energy sources. constrained on 14,4 Volt, and 13,5 Volt with the
average efficiency of buck converter without
feedback was 87,39%.
2 RELATED WORK Viswanatha (2017) studied circuit modeling,
design, simulation, and analysis of non-inverting
Padillah, Syahrial and Saodah (2014) applied the buck-boost converter. In this research, a voltage
control technique is employed to regulate the output
switching type DC voltage converter topology, which
could increase the boost output voltage. The voltage irrespective of the variations in input voltage
converter output voltage was controlled by the and load variations. To generate the PWM signals to
turn on and off the switches of the converter, the
magnitude adjusting of the signal duty cycle of pulse
width modulation (PWM), that generated by using the control circuit is employed, which consists of very
microcontroller of phase correct PWM mode. The simple basic logic gates to realize closed-loop control
with good regulations of load and line. This method
results of the converter output voltage were designed
for 48 Volt. The test used the variable resistance load can be replaced by the current control technique to
generate the pwm signals to regulate the output
by measuring the voltage and current at both the input
voltage. A non-inverting converter can be used in the
and output sides. The test performance was used to
determine the efficiency of the boost converter to photovoltaic system, which uses a conventional buck-
boost converter to charge the battery. Noninverting
change in the load and duty cycle.
Muthukrishnan (2014) also studied about boost converters will replace the conventional buck-boost
converter. In this research, about boost converter converters used in the battery charging alongside the
MPPT logic. (Farah Shabila Dinniyah, 2017) also
specialty is achieved 10 times that of input voltage,
and more than 10 times of input voltages is possible applied DC-DC converter. This research discusses
from the output side by using coupled inductor and designing a buck-boost converter for solar panels,
with a voltage input range of 10 to 50 Volt. The
parallel capacitor. The output voltage is high, and the
voltage stress across the active switch is minimized, regulation of output voltage is the main aim in
and output ripples also minimized. (Chin Wei Chang analyzing the success of the design created. The
design is simulated with Proteus 8.4 and yields a
et al., 2011) applied to prolong the service time of
batteries, a good power management strategy should voltage output with an efficiency of ninety to ninety-
have high conversion efficiency and also take nine
In summary, the previous studies used different
advantage of the full battery voltage range. There are
three types of regulators- linear regulations, switching features and methods for step down and step up
regulators, and switched-capacitor-based converters. output voltage desired; after that, these studies were
limited in simulation only, especially a buck-boost
The switching regulator is chosen in this research
because it can achieve the highest efficiency among converter. So in this research, we design and
implementation of buck-boost converter using
Arduino Mega2560 and which consists of the
Khalif Ahadi (2012) explaining about design buck
converter. Two units of a buck converter using P- specification with a voltage ripple and current ripple
Channel MOSFET (Metal Oxide Semiconductor
Field Effect Transistor) and N-type IGBT (Insulated
Gate Bipolar Transistor) as a switch are already
designed. Experimental results show each buck
converters are able to flow a current as high as 60
Ampere on the adjusted voltage of 12.6 volts, but this
output voltage is still fluctuating influenced by the
input voltage and load. The efficiencies also fluctuate,
but they'll reach above 60% under maximum load.

Design and Implementation Buck-boost Converter using Arduino Mega 2560

3 IMPLEMENTATION OF BUCK- Table 1: List of Parameters.

BOOST CONVERTER Legend Specification Value

Minimum voltage input 7V
3.1 System Architecture
Maximum voltage input 17 V
The proposed DC converter system, as shown in Voltage output 12 V
Fig.1, consists of five main components: 1, DC power ∆
variable; 2. buck-boost converter; 3, a resistive load; Voltage ripple <1%
4, a microcontroller and 5, measuring tools such as ∆ Current ripple <10%
AVO meter and oscilloscope. The key from the buck-
boost system is regulating a voltage output value to Frequency switching 62500 Hz
be a constant value, which considers the variation of
input voltage from the DC power variable and the Resistance 100 Ohm
value of the duty cycle.
3.2.1 Duty Cycle Value
DC Buck-
Power Boost Load
63% (1)
Variable Converter 7 12

AVO 41% (2)
meter meter 17 12
Based on specification from table 1, the results of
the duty cycle maximum from the equation above is
Microcontroller 63%, and the duty cycle minimum is 41%.

Figure 1: Proposed of block diagram system 3.2.2 Inductor Value

The buck-boost converter system process started

from input voltage variation, which obtained with a ∆
7 0,63 (3)
DC variable source. The value of the voltage and 2171,75
current variable readings that have been obtained 62500 0,33 0,1
from measuring tools is used as a reference to do the
large duty cycle used. The microcontroller used in

this research is ArduinoMega 2560. A value of the (4)
17 0,41
duty cycle that has been programmed is processed in 5498,22
the microcontroller to generate PWM for the duty 62500 0,20 0,1
Mentioned to table 1, a limit of the current ripple
cycle desired. The results of the PWM then forwarded
less than 10%. So, from equation 2 we got inductance
for the gate at the MOSFET to be able to set the
value on inductor is 5498,22 . Thus according to
switching on the MOSFET. The value of the output
the literature obtained, in this research, the inductance
voltage depends on the amount of duty cycle given to
on inductor value is 6 determined as a parameter
the system. If the duty cycle value is below 50%
in the buck-boost converter system. The result of the
system will be in a buck condition, and vice versa, if
value on inductor that has been calculated in equation
the value of the duty cycle is above 50% system, it
2 used as a reference to determine the number of turns
will be in a boost condition.
needed to reach the inductance value on the inductor.
The calculation to find a number of turns an inductor
3.2 Calculation of Components can be searched by equation 4. The result of
calculation using equation 4 obtained a number of
In this research, we designed the specification of the
turns on the inductor is 27 turns by using a toroidal
buck-boost system as a reference for calculating
component values.

ICONIT 2019 - International Conference on Industrial Technology

6 62,14 (5)
6731 4 10 60

3.2.3 Capacitor Value

Then, by using a limit of the voltage ripple less than
1%, the result of calculation from equation 3 we
Figure 2: PSIM simulation circuit on the buck-boost
obtained the highest results from the minimum and converter system.
maximum duty cycle is 10,11 . From this result,
we can approach 20 .
3.4 Hardware Implementation

∆ Figure 3 represents the results of the hardware that
0,63 was made in this research. Hardware that has been

100 0,01 62500 implemented in accordance with Figure 2. In this
10,1 research, we using microcontroller ArduinoMega
(7) 2560 as a PWM control and then an active switching

∆ component that is N-MOSFET IRFZ44N and passive
0,41 switching components that is diode Schottky

100 0,01 62500 SR3100. A data obtained then processed to obtain the
6,62 ripple value generated at each specified test interval.
The results of this test after that processed to carry out
3.3 Design of Circuit Simulation the overall analysis and make comparisons on each
Figure 2 can be explained that an inverting buck-
boost converter circuit arranged into several
components, including voltage source DC, square
wave voltage source, on-off switch controller,
MOSFET switch, inductor, diode, capacitor, resistor,
inverting op-amp voltage probe, and a current probe.
In the simulation design, the condition of all the
components buck-boost converter is in the ideal
condition. The function of a square wave voltage
Figure 3: Hardware implementation of the circuit on the
source is to initialize the parameters according to the
buck-boost converter system.
frequency value and the large duty cycle used. The
inverting component of the op-amp to obtain the
output voltage value measured in polarity according
to the input voltage source. 4 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
4.1 Analysis of Ripple Voltage in
Mathematical Condition
Based on the information from table 2, a value of
input voltage from 7 Volt gets the lowest accuracy
that is 49.6% with a ripple voltage of 0.060 Volt.
When an input voltage from 17 Volt gets the highest
accuracy value is 67.2% with a ripple voltage value
of 0.039 V. The value of deviation is a reduction in
the boundary of ripple voltage specification with

Design and Implementation Buck-boost Converter using Arduino Mega 2560

voltage ripple value generated when the test is carried 4.3 Analysis of Ripple Voltage in
out. Simulation Condition
Table 2: Results of voltage ripple in mathematical Based on the information from table 4, the largest
condition. ripple value obtained when the system is given an
Voltage Voltage input voltage of 8 volts with a large duty cycle of
Deviation Accuracy
ripple ripple 60%. The situation is inversely proportional when the
(%) (%)
(V) (%) system is given an input voltage 12 volts with a 50%
7 0,060 0,504 0,496 49,60 duty cycle, which experiences the smallest voltage
8 0,058 0,480 0,520 52,00 ripple value. Analysis of the current ripple generated
9 0,055 0,456 0,544 54,40 in table 4 does not have results that exceed the
10 0,053 0,44 0,560 56,00 specified ripple limit of 1%. The results of the ripple
11 0,049 0,416 0,584 58,40 voltage analysis of the input voltage are in accordance
12 0,048 0,400 0,600 60,00
with the design specified in the information table 1.
13 0,046 0,384 0,616 61,60
14 0,044 0,368 0,632 63,20
Table 4: Results of voltage ripple in simulation condition.
15 0,042 0,352 0,648 64,80
16 0,041 0,344 0,656 65,60 Voltage Voltage
Deviation Accuracy
17 0,039 0,328 0,672 67,20 ripple ripple
(%) (%)
(V) (%)
4.2 Analysis of Current-Voltage in 7 0,110 0,93 0,07 7
8 0,120 0,98 0,02 2
Mathematical Condition
9 0,100 0,83 0,17 17
10 0,100 0,81 0,19 19
It can be seen from Table 3, the highest accuracy
11 0,100 0,84 0,16 16
value is when the system gave the lowest input 12 0,060 0,50 0,50 50
voltage value, or we can call it to boost condition. The 13 0,090 0,75 0,25 25
situation is inversely proportional when the system is 14 0,090 0,75 0,25 25
given the lowest voltage value or buck condition. The 15 0,080 0,67 0,33 33
difference value is a reduction of the current ripple 16 0,090 0,74 0,26 26
specification limit specified by the current ripple 17 0,110 0,93 0,07 7
value generated when the test is carried out. In table
information 3, a current ripple value of 9.08% is 4.4 Analysis of Current-Voltage in
generated when the system is given a maximum input Simulation Condition
voltage value of 17 volts and inversely proportional
when given a minimum voltage value of 7 volts. The results obtained from the information in table 5,
the highest accuracy value is at the lowest input
Table 3: Results of current ripple in mathematical voltage level 7 Volt with the highest duty cycle of
63%. The situation is inversely proportional when the
Current Current system is configured to the highest voltage 17 Volt
Deviation Accuracy
ripple ripple with the lowest duty cycle, 41%. Analysis of the
(%) (%)
(V) (%) current ripple value generated in the simulation does
7 0,012 3,61 6,39 63,89 not exceed the specifications specified in table 1. The
8 0,013 4,27 5,73 57,33 overall current ripple value produced in each input
9 0,014 4,89 5,11 51,14 voltage test is below 10% so that it matches the
10 0,015 5,56 4,44 44,44
system that has been designed.
11 0,015 6,08 3,92 39,21
12 0,016 6,67 3,33 33,33
Table 5: Results of current ripple in simulation condition.
13 0,017 7,21 2,79 27,89
14 0,017 7,71 2,29 22,94 Current Current
Deviation Accuracy
15 0,018 8,15 1,85 18,52 ripple ripple
(%) (%)
16 0,018 8,74 1,26 12,63 (V) (%)
17 0,019 9,08 0,92 9,20 7 0,012 3,13 6,87 68,70
8 0,013 3,23 6,77 67,70
9 0,014 7,14 2,86 28,60
10 0,015 3,70 6,30 63,00

ICONIT 2019 - International Conference on Industrial Technology

11 0,015 4,00 6,00 60,00 14

12 0,016 8,33 1,67 16,70
13 0,017 8,69 1,31 13,10
14 0,017 9,09 0,91 9,10 10
15 0,018 9,52 0,48 4,80

Output Voltage (V)

16 0,018 9,52 0,48 4,80 8 Mathematical
17 0,019 10,00 0 0 Condition
6 Simulation
4.5 Analysis of Ripple Voltage in 4 Implementation
Hardware Condition Condition

In this case, we analyze the voltage ripple based on 0

information in table 6 using an oscilloscope and 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Input Voltage (V)
obtained a maximum voltage level 7.02 Volt with a
duty cycle value of 63%, which exceeded the Figure 4: Results of output voltage
specified ripple limit of 1%. The condition exceeds
the specified ripple voltage limit because when the The biggest error value is when the
test is obtained, the switching component is in the hot implementation condition maximum voltage level 7
condition so that a fluctuating voltage value changes Volt with the resulting error value of 22.33%. The
on the installed capacitor. The accuracy value difference is obtained with the largest error value of
obtained in the ripple voltage analysis on hardware is 2.68 Volt against the value of voltage specified at 12
dominated when the system is in a state of the buck Volt. The results of output voltage values in the
with a value above 60%, whereas when the boost implementation conditions do not match the setpoint
state, the accuracy value is below 40%. voltage specified that has been designed, but the
system successfully increases and decreases from the
Table 6: Results of voltage ripple in hardware condition. input voltage.
Voltage Voltage
ripple ripple
Deviation Accuracy 4.7 Comparison of Voltage Ripple
(%) (%)
(V) (%)
7,02 0,12 1,31 0,31 31,00 In Figure 5, we can infer from mathematical,
8,02 0,08 0,82 0,18 18,37 simulation, and implementation conditions. The
9,02 0,06 0,61 0,39 38,90 lowest voltage ripple value is when the system gave
10,02 0,06 0,59 0,41 40,59 input voltage 12 Volt and a large duty cycle of 50%.
11,02 0,06 0,61 0,39 39,02 1.4

12,02 0,04 0,40 0,59 59,76

13,02 0,04 0,39 0,60 60,39
14,02 0,04 0,40 0,60 60,00 1
15,02 0,04 0,40 0,60 60,00
Ripple Voltage (%)

16,02 0,04 0,39 0,60 60,39 0.8 Mathematical

17,02 0,04 0,40 0,60 60,00
0.6 Simulation
4.6 Comparison of Voltage Output 0.4 Implementation

From the graph in figure 4, the value of output voltage
generated when the simulation condition gets a value 0
corresponding to output voltage value mathematical 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Input Voltage (V)
condition. The results of output voltage when the
implementation produces the lowest value affected by Figure 5: Results of voltage ripple
the condition of component is not ideal when tested.
The highest output voltage value when the From the implementation condition, it can be
implementation condition is 10.23 Volt with a given inferred that the smaller value in input voltage given,
input voltage 16 Volt and a large duty cycle of 43%. the greater the ripple value of the resulting voltage.
When the simulation condition, the highest voltage Likewise, if the input voltage value is very large, the
value 12.33 Volt be produced with input voltage 10 ripple of value resulting voltage is getting smaller.
Volt, and the duty cycle is 55%. This is because the error value is obtained so that the

Design and Implementation Buck-boost Converter using Arduino Mega 2560

value of the output voltage is very fluctuating, which 90

can make an increase in voltage ripple generated. If 80
the error value obtained is greater, the accuracy value
decreases and, as a result, is the increase of the ripple
generated from the circuit. 60

Efficiency (%)
4.8 Comparison of Ripple Current 40
The result of the graph in figure 6, the current ripple 30

value increases when the value of the input voltage 20

given increases. The smallest ripple value is 3.61%
when the mathematical condition, and then from
simulation condition, is 3.13%. The results of the 0
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
current ripple value generated in each condition in Input Voltage (V)

accordance with the current ripple value limit that has

Figure 7: Results of power efficiency
been designed in the information from table 1. The
maximum current ripple value is 10% from the
In figure 7, the greatest efficiency value is
mathematical condition when the system is given a
obtained from the implementation condition. From
maximum voltage value 17 Volt with duty cycle 41%.
our research, it is obtained that the power value on the
However, the maximum ripple current is still in
input side increases when the value of the input
accordance with the specified ripple current limit of
voltage given increases. The average value of input
power is 2.24 Watt under simulation condition and
1.3 Watt during implementation condition. Power
values on the output side when simulation and
implementation conditions tend to be stable with an
average value of 1.45 Watt during simulation
Ripple Current (%)

conditions and 0.97 Watt during implementation

conditions. In the implementation condition, the
Condition largest efficiency value of 84.44% is obtained with a
Condition maximum input voltage level of 17 Volt with a
minimum duty cycle of 41%.


7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Input Voltage (V) WORK
Figure 6: Results of ripple current
This research used a buck-boost as a DC-DC
4.9 Comparison of Efficiency regulator and then can produce output voltage greater
or less than the input voltage. The polarity of the
In this session, we analyze efficiency by comparing buck-boost output voltage is inversely proportional to
the simulation with the hardware that has been the input voltage (voltage inverting).
implemented. The incoming power from each input This study also success in applying specification
voltage will be calculated with the output power limits to the determination of ripple current and
generated. voltage buck-boost converter. In mathematical and
simulation conditions, the output voltage value
approaches the specified setpoint 12 Volt, but in the
simulation conditions, it is only able to produce an
average voltage value 9,92 Volt. The current ripple
results generated in mathematical and simulation
conditions are still in accordance with specifications
of less than 10%. The results of voltage ripple in
mathematical and simulation conditions are also
according to specifications of less than 1%, but when

ICONIT 2019 - International Conference on Industrial Technology

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