Anand2019 Article ADynamicLoadControllerForAStan
Anand2019 Article ADynamicLoadControllerForAStan
Anand2019 Article ADynamicLoadControllerForAStan
Received: 19 January 2019 / Revised: 20 April 2019 / Accepted: 5 June 2019 / Published online: 21 June 2019
© Brazilian Society for Automatics–SBA 2019
A load matching system which utilizes a time-sharing controller for an standalone solar PV system employing a Dual
Input/Output Biphase Buck dc–dc Converter is presented here. The load matching system consists of an integrated load voltage
and MPPT controller to regulate power flow between a standalone dc load, solar PV and a battery. The Dual Input/Output
Biphase Buck dc–dc Converter incorporates the advantages of both multiport converters used for standalone systems and the
multiphase converters used for low voltage and high-current applications. The steady-state analysis of the proposed system
is performed by deriving the appropriate analytical equations and computing using the MATLAB programming language. A
dynamic model of the Dual Input/Output Biphase Buck dc–dc Converter is developed and has been used for simulating the
dynamic performance of the proposed load matching system. The efficacy of the proposed load matching scheme was also
validated through experimentation under various operating conditions.
Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems (2019) 30:812–821 813
are a reduction in inductor and capacitor sizes due to a reduc- surge demand and regenerative braking to protect the battery
tion in current ripples and better power handling capability. It from sudden changes in current.
is primarily used in electronic equipment which has very low By combining the multiport structure with the multiphase
voltage, but has high current requirement (Jiang and Fayed structure, the benefits of both can be attained for applications
2016; Ahn et al. 2014). Multiphase topologies were found to in the standalone PV systems. Multiport topologies provide
be better than the conventional dc–dc converter topologies a simpler centralized control and reduced number of compo-
for renewable energy systems due to their ability to reduce nents, while multiphase topologies provide reduced current
current ripples and losses (Dhople et al. 2012). ripple and component size. Jiang and Fayed (2016) proposed
In order to integrate intermittent renewable energy sources a single-input two-phase four-output buck converter with a
like wind and solar in standalone systems to provide contin- dual-frequency scheme, for powering digital signal proces-
uous power supply to loads, it is required to utilize storage sors and to reduce the size of phase inductors and limit output
devices such as batteries (Arul et al. 2015; Bouchebbat and frequency. Anand et. al. have proposed a power management
Gherbi 2017). This is achieved by using many dual dc–dc system for an isolated solar PV system utilizing a single
converters in parallel or a single multiport converter. Multi- inductor two input/two output dc–dc converter which uses
port converters have a centralized architecture that reduces a time-sharing controller to integrate voltage control with
complexity as compared to utilizing many dual port dc–dc MPPT for PV (Anand et al. 2018).
converters in the system (Sun et al. 2015; Liu and Chen This paper proposes a load matching system utiliz-
2009; Chen et al. 2013; Babaei and Abbasi 2016). Multi- ing time-sharing control required for a Two Input/Output
port topologies are broadly classified into (i) isolated and (ii) Biphase Buck dc–dc Converter utilizing a PV array and
non-isolated. Isolated topologies utilize coupled inductors battery energy storage to feed a standalone dc load under con-
which are expensive and are used where galvanic isolation ditions of variable PV power availability. The performance
is a necessity. However, they suffer from leakage losses due of the proposed system is presented by developing a dynamic
to imperfect coupling. Non-isolated topologies are inexpen- model of the biphase converter and utilizing it to simulate the
sive and do not suffer from leakage losses. Non-isolated proposed system in the MATLAB/Simulink environment. A
multi-input/output dc–dc converter topologies with a single prototype of the proposed load matching system is developed.
inductor have been discussed in Rehman et al. (2015). The simulation and hardware results presented validate the
Ganjavi et al. (2018) have proposed a single-input–dual- efficacy of the proposed load matching scheme.
output three-level dc–dc converter that is capable of stepping
up and stepping down of dc voltage. Ray et al. (2015) have
proposed an integrated single-input–multi-output dc–dc con- 2 Dual Input/Output Biphase Buck dc–dc
verter with one boost and many buck output voltages. A Converter
simple controller utilizing standard closed-loop control struc-
tures for the buck and boost converter with compensator is The dual input/output biphase buck (DIOBB) dc–dc con-
explained. Santhosh and Govindaraju (2017) have proposed a verter is shown in Fig. 1. It consists of a PV array interfaced
two input/output dc–dc converter for electric vehicles to con- to a two-phase buck converter by switch Spv . A lead acid bat-
trol two loads of different voltages independently using one tery is interfaced to the multiphase buck converter by means
step ahead controller. Cao and Emadi (2012) have proposed of switch Sbati and diode Dbati to act as an input. The diode
a dual-input configuration for a vehicle using a battery and Dbato makes the battery to act as a load. The dc load is inter-
an ultra-capacitor. The ultra-capacitor is used during times of faced to the biphase buck converter by means of the switch
So . The capacitors Cpv and Co are placed across the PV array
Fig. 1 Dual-input–dual-output
interleaved buck converter
Sb1 Dbati S
L1 il1
Spv So Dbato
ipv L2 il2 io
vpv Cpv Db1 Co Ro vo
− Sb2 Db 2
814 Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems (2019) 30:812–821
Sb1 L1 il1
Spv So Dbato ibat
L2 il2
ipv io vbat
vpv+ Cpv Db1 Co Ro vo
− Db2 −
Sb1 D
batiSbati L1 il1
Spv So Dbato ibat
L2 il2
ipv io vbat
vpv+ Cpv Db1 Co Ro vo
− Db2 −
Fig. 2 The DIOBB converter in a dual-output buck mode and b dual-
input buck mode
Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems (2019) 30:812–821 815
40 (a)
0.0 0.6
0.2 0.4 at i
0.4 0.2 db
dSp 0.8 0.0
v 1.0
Fig. 4 DIBuM: variation in output voltage with respect to the variation
in duty ratios dbati and dVolt
816 Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems (2019) 30:812–821
⎡ dvpv ⎤ ⎡ d d ⎤
0 0
⎡vpv ⎤
⎢ dil1 ⎥ ⎢ dMPPT 2Cpv 2Cpv
⎥ i
⎢ dt ⎥ ⎢ 2L 0 0
− Volt
⎥ ⎣ l1 ⎦
⎢ ⎥ = ⎢d 1 L1
⎥ i
100 ⎢ dil2 ⎥ ⎣ MPPT dVolt
⎦ l2
⎣ dt ⎦ 2L 2
0 0 −
80 dvo 0
dVolt dVolt
Co Co Ro C o
60 dt
⎡ 1 ⎤
40 0
20 ⎢− 1 − dVolt 1
+⎢ ⎥
⎣ 2 L1 ⎦ ipv (5)
1 − dVolt 1
− 0
1.0 2 L2
0 0
d So
0.4 0.8
0.2 0.2
0.4 3 Proposed Control Strategy
0.0 d S pv
The time-sharing control strategy of the proposed load
Fig. 6 DOBuM: variation in output voltage with respect to the variation
in duty ratios d So and d Spv matching system involves the routing of power between the
PV, the battery and the dc load to achieve voltage regula-
tion for dc load and MPPT of PV array. The control system
consists of a voltage controller, MPPT controller, power mod-
The variation of vo w.r.t. variation in the duty ratios d Spv ulation control and mode change control as shown in Fig. 7.
and d So for a constant vpv = 120 V DC and Vbat = 72 V DC is The voltage controller regulates the output voltage of the
shown in the three-dimensional plot depicted in Fig. 6. It is dc load to Vo∗ of 48 V DC. An error amplifier generates error
seen from the three-dimensional plot and Eq. 4 that vo can be voltage signal voe by comparing Vo∗ and vo . The PI controller
regulated by varying the duty ratio d So . A rise in the output generates a voltage control signal dVolt based on per unit error
voltage can be countered by increasing d So and vice versa. voltage voepu . The MPPT controller uses the P&O algorithm
The dynamic model of the system during DOBuM is to extract maximum power from the PV array by generating
derived as, dMPPT .
Fig. 7 Proposed control strategy, a structure of the controller, b power flow during the DIBuM, c power flow during the DOBuM
Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems (2019) 30:812–821 817
The power modulation control takes the voltage control g Spv = gMPPT + gMPPT ⊕ g0.5 (19)
(dVolt ), the MPPT control (dMPPT ), mode change (m sel ) sig-
nals and generates gate pulses for appropriate switches to gbati = gVolt ⊕ gMPPT + gVolt ⊕ gMPPT .m sel (20)
perform power modulation. It does this via arithmetic, log-
ical operators and multiplexers. In the DOBuM, as shown gbato = gvfw + gvfw ⊕ g0.5 .m sel (21)
in Fig. 7c, the voltage control is performed by PWM of the g So = gbato (22)
switch So with the duty ratio dVolt . Gate signal g So is gener-
ated from dVolt . This satisfies the power demand by the load.
The mode change control sets the mode of operation of
The MPP of the PV is attained by PWM of the switches Sb1
the converter depending on the availability of the PV power
and Sb2 of the two phases proportional to dMPPT by gener-
and the dc load demand. It generates the mode signal m sel
ating g Sb1 and g Sb2 . Surplus power in this mode is diverted
which has a value of ‘1’ during the DIBuM and ‘0’ during
to the battery by controlling the time period of conduction
the DOBuM. Mode change is achieved by detecting inten-
of the diode Dbato . The relationships between duty ratios of
tional rise or fall in voltages created by surplus power and
switches and control signals in this mode are,
inadequate power, respectively. When the converter is oper-
ating in the DIBuM and there is a change in availability of
d So = dVolt (6)
PV power from inadequate to surplus, the MPPT control
d Spv = dMPPT (7) increases dMPPT beyond dVolt to extract maximum power.
d Sb1 = dMPPT (8) Since dMPPT cannot exceed dVolt , the MPPT control is lost.
Hence, in order to resume MPPT, dVolt is replaced by dMPPT .
d Sb2 = dMPPT (9)
This is achieved by signals m sel and dsel which controls the
Dbato = 1 − dVolt (10) 4:1 multiplexer. dsel is set to ‘1’ when dMPPT > dVolt . This
causes a rise in vo above Vo∗ . When vo > 48.5 V DC, the
Since, in this mode there is power surplus, the time fraction flip-flop in mode change control resets the mode signal m sel
of conduction for the MPPT control is greater than the voltage to ‘0’, shifting the converter to the DOBuM. Similarly in the
control. DOBuM, when there is a change in availability of PV power
from surplus to inadequate, dVolt rises and becomes greater
dMPPT ≥ dVolt (11) than dMPPT . Since, further power from the PV array is not
available, vo falls below Vo∗ and this is used as an indicator
In the DIBuM, as shown in Fig. 7b, the power modula- to change the mode to the DIBuM.
tion control performs PWM of the switches Sb1 and Sb2 to
ensure voltage regulation with duty ratio dVolt . The MPPT
is achieved by PWM of the switch Spv . The relationship
4 Simulation Results
between duty ratios of the switches and the control signals
in this mode is,
The dynamic response of the load matching system is simu-
lated in the MATLAB/Simulink environment. The dynamic
d Spv = dMPPT (12)
model (Eqs. 1, 5) developed for the DIOBB converter and
d Sb1 = dVolt (13) the control structure described in Sect. 3 is utilized in sim-
d Sb2 = dVolt (14) ulation. A 360 W PV array with MPP of 98 V, 3.67 A is
chosen for simulation. The values of capacitors Cpv and Co
d Sbati = dVolt − dMPPT (15) chosen are 1000 µF and inductors L 1 and L 2 are 10 µH.
The standalone dc load demand, PV insolation, and the bat-
In this mode, since there is power inadequacy, the time tery voltages are changed, and the response is observed. The
fraction of voltage control is greater than the MPPT control. switching frequency of the converter is 250 kHz. The PI con-
troller parameters used are k p = 3/48 and ki = 15/48, obtained
dMPPT ≤ dVolt (16) by trail and error.
The gate signals g Sb1 , g Sb2 and g Spv are generated by using
comparators and logic gates. The gate pulse logic block oper- 4.1 Case I: Response to Changes in the Battery
ates according to the following equations: Voltage and the Standalone DC Load Power
g Sb1 = gMPPT .m sel + gVolt .m sel (17)
Initially, the converter is operating at the DIBuM with PV
g Sb2 = gMPPT .m sel + gVolt .m sel ⊕ g0.5 (18) insolation of 300 W/m2 ( ppv = 108 W) and po of 144 W as
818 Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems (2019) 30:812–821
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820 Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems (2019) 30:812–821
Fig. 12 Case I: the response of the proposed system to changes in the Fig. 14 Case III: mode change from the DIBuM to the DOBuM and
standalone dc load at the DIBuM vice versa
The PI controller adjusts dVolt to 0.81 to draw more power The efficiency of the converter is the ratio of output power
from the battery (43 W) to regulate vo . At tlc2 = 37 s, po is to the input power in addition to the power used for the con-
reduced to 25 W. The PI controller adjusts dVolt to 0.58 to troller, digital logic ( pctrl ) and gate drive pgDrive . During the
regulate vo . The power drawn from the battery reduces to DOBuM, the outputs are the battery, the standalone dc load
10 W. and during the DIBuM, the output is the standalone dc load
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