Engel 2015
Engel 2015
Engel 2015
fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TPEL.2014.2310656, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
Comparison of the
Modular Multilevel DC Converter and the
Dual-Active Bridge Converter for Power Conversion
in HVDC and MVDC Grids
Stefan P. Engel, Student Member, IEEE, Marco Stieneker, Student Member, IEEE,
Nils Soltau, Student Member, IEEE, Sedigheh Rabiee, Student Member, IEEE, Hanno Stagge, Member, IEEE,
and Rik W. De Doncker, Fellow, IEEE
(Special Issue on Modular Multilevel Converters, 2014)
Abstract—It is expected that in the near future the use of high- connections but also as multi-terminal dc networks [2]. This
voltage dc (HVDC) transmission and medium-voltage dc (MVDC) requires efficient dc-dc converters to control the power flows
distribution technology will expand. This development is driven in these networks.
by the growing share of electrical power generation by renewable
energy sources that are located far from load centers and the Additionally, the amount of renewable energy is still in-
increased use of distributed power generators in the distribution creasing steadily [3]. It has been shown, that large renewable
grid. Power converters that transfer the electric energy between energy sources such as windfarms [4], [5] and photovoltaic
voltage levels and control the power flow in dc grids will be key power plants [6], [7] operate more efficiently when they are
components in these systems. The recently presented Modular connected to a medium-voltage dc (MVDC) collector grid
Multilevel DC Converter (M2DC) and the three-phase Dual-
Active Bridge converter (DAB) are benchmarked for this task. instead of an ac collector grid. With the increasing amount
Three scenarios are examined: a 15-MW converter for power of renewables, power fluctuation in the ac grid is becoming
conversion from an HVDC grid to an MVDC grid of a university an issue as well [8]. Therefore, storage systems are essential
campus, a gigawatt converter for feeding the energy from an for leveling out the volatility of the supply [9], [10]. These
MVDC collector grid of a wind farm into the HVDC grid and storage systems, e.g. battery energy storage systems [11], [12],
a converter that acts as a power controller between two HVDC
grids with the same nominal voltage level. electrolyzers for power-to-gas technology [13] or pumped-
The operation and degrees of freedom of the M2DC are hydro storages [14] are medium-voltage dc sources or ac
investigated in detail aiming for an optimal design of this sources with variable frequency. Utilizing HVDC links, all
converter. The M2DC and the DAB converter are thoroughly these renewable energy sources and storages can be integrated
compared for the given scenarios in terms of efficiency, amount efficiently using a dc conversion from MVDC to HVDC.
of semiconductor devices and expense on capacitive storage and
magnetic components. Moreover, large medium-voltage industrial drives [15]–[17]
can be energized more cost effectively through an HVDC
Index Terms—Modular multilevel dc converter (M2DC), dual- link. This requires dc-dc converters to efficiently transform
active bridge (DAB) converter, dc-dc converter, HVDC, MVDC,
dc collector grid, costs. the electric power from the high-voltage to the the medium-
voltage level.
In such HVDC applications it is pursued to build power-
I. I NTRODUCTION electronic converters in a modular manner. A modular con-
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10.1109/TPEL.2014.2310656, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
(a) (b)
Fig. 2. Submodules (SM) of Modular Multilevel Converters: (a) unipolar
Fig. 1. Unipolar push-pull M2DC [18] submodule, (b) bipolar submodule
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10.1109/TPEL.2014.2310656, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
B. Number of Submodules
Fig. 3. Bipolar push-pull M2DC A sufficiently high number of submodules Nsm,a are needed
in each converter arm a to generate the required arm voltage va
ranging from a minimum of Va,min to a maximum of Va,max .
By combination of two unipolar M2DC (Fig. 1), a bipolar In the following, subscript a ∈ {n1, p1, n2, p2, n, p}, while
version as depicted in Fig. 3 can be composed. n1, p1, n2, p2 refer to specific arms, whereas n and p refer to
any lower and upper arm, respectively.
A. Fundamental Equations Equations (4) to (6) yield the minimum and maximum
For a basic understanding of the push-pull M2DC converter, voltages of the lower and upper arms
the unipolar version (Fig. 1) is investigated. Ignoring losses, Vn,min = V2,min − V̂sec , Vn,max = V2,max + V̂sec , (10)
for given primary and secondary voltages V1 and V2 and Vp,min = V1,min − Vn,max , Vp,max = V1,max − Vn,min ,
nominal power PN , the primary and secondary current is (11)
I1 = , I2 = . (1) where V1,min , V1,max , V2,min and V2,max are the specified
V1 V2 limits of the primary and the secondary voltage.
In steady-state operation, the average dc component of the It is assumed in the following that |Va,max | > |Va,min |.
voltages of the left and the right branch of the converter vp1 + Equations (10) and (11) show that this is fulfilled if V2,max >
vn1 and vp2 +vn2 , respectively, equals the primary-side voltage −V2,min and V1,max − V2,min > V2,max − V1,min , which is the
V1 . The same applies for the voltage of the lower arms, where case for the given scenarios.
the dc component is equal to the secondary-side voltage V2 . The number of submodules Nsm,a of a converter arm a can
Using power balancing principles, it is clear that the con- be estimated by the nominal voltage VC,0 of the submodule
verter has to carry the total input power to the output thereby capacitors and the maximum arm voltage Va,max that has to
realizing a voltage drop V1 − V2 . This is accomplished by be generated during a cycle of the secondary power loop:
a so-called secondary power loop that uses frequencies other
than 0 Hz to transport energy [18]. The power that has to be Nsm,a = · ks , (12)
transferred by this secondary power loop is
where ks is an additional safety factor in the range of 110 %
Psec = I1 · (V1 − V2 ). (2) to 120 % as a buffer for the control and for the energy
Assuming a power loop with sinusoidal current and voltage variations in the capacitors during operation of the converter.
at frequency fsec , the peak value of the current for a given If redundancy is required, the number of submodules increases
voltage of the secondary power loop V̂sec is further.
Bidirectional modules are needed only if a negative arm
Iˆsec = . (3) voltage is required. The number of required bidirectional
V̂sec · cos ϕsec submodules is
(l V m
ϕsec is the phase shift between voltage and current of the − Va,min · k if Va,min < 0
secondary power loop. The lowest current is achieved for Nsm,bi,a = C,0
ϕsec = 0. 0 else.
The current of the secondary power loop is controlled Consequently, the number of unidirectional submodules is
by the voltage across the common-mode inductance of the
primary-side coupled inductors L1 . This inductance is chosen Nsm,uni,a = Nsm,a − Nsm,bi,a . (14)
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10.1109/TPEL.2014.2310656, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
C. Submodule Capacitance by weighting the conduction losses with the number of devices
in on-state:
The required capacitance in each submodule can be calcu-
lated to ZT
1 1
P cond,S1,a = · vth (ia− (t))
∆Ea NHB,a T
Csm,a = 2 · ∆v , (15) 0
Nsm,a VC,0 rel
· ia− (t) · N S1,on,a (t) dt, (25)
where Nsm,a is the number of cells in the according arm, ZT
VC,0 is the nominal cell voltage, ∆vrel is the specified relative 1 1
P cond,D1,a = · vf (ia+ (t))
voltage ripple at the capacitors and ∆Ea is the energy variation NHB,a T
over one cycle of the secondary power loop.
· ia+ (t) · N S1,on,a (t) dt. (26)
This equation is derived from the minimum and maximum
energy in the capacitors ∆Ea,min and ∆Ea,max and the corre- where vth (i) represents the on-state characteristic of the switch
sponding minimum and maximum capacitor voltages VC,min and vf (i) the forward voltage of the diode at the current i, with
and VC,max : (
ia if ia > 0
ia+ = , (27)
∆Ea = ∆Ea,max − ∆Ea,min (16) 0 else
Csm,a 2 2
−ia if ia < 0
= Nsm,a · VC,max − VC,min (17)
2 ia− = . (28)
0 else
with VC,max = VC,0 · 1 + (18)
2 For the estimation of the switching losses, the characteristics
∆vrel from the data sheets for the turn-on and turn-off energies
and VC,min = VC,0 · 1 − . (19) ES,on (v, i) and ES,off (v, i), respectively, and the reverse re-
covery energy of the diode ED,rr (v, i) for a given device
The energy variation ∆Ea is current i and voltage v is used. The voltage ripple of the
capacitors is neglected, that is a constant capacitor voltage
∆Ea = max (Ea (t)) − min (Ea (t)) (20) VC = VC,0 is assumed, resulting in
t∈[t0 ,t0 +T [ t∈[t0 ,t0 +T [
1 ZT
with T = , (21) f sw,a
fsec P sw,S1,a = ES,on (VC,0 , ia− (t))
where 0
tZ0 +t + ES,off (VC,0 , ia− (t)) dt, (29)
Ea (t) = (va (t) · ia (t)) dt + Ea,0 (22) ZT
f sw,a
t0 and P sw,D1,a = ED,rr (VC,0 , ia+ (t)) dt. (30)
for a given arm voltage va (t), arm current ia (t) and initial
energy Ea,0 . f sw,a is the average switching frequency of the semiconduc-
In the following, ∆vrel is set to 20 %, corresponding to a tors. If the arm is operated in fundamental switching frequency
voltage ripple of ±10 %. mode (i.e. the output waveform of the arms is a stepwise sine),
the average switching frequency of a half bridge is calculated
D. Semiconductors 2V̂sec
f sw,a = ksw · fsec · (31)
The conduction losses are estimated separately for each arm NHB,a VC,0
using the characteristics given in the data sheets. where ksw is an additional safety factor that accounts for addi-
For a given arm voltage and number of submodules, the tional switching action necessary for balancing of the capacitor
average number of switches S1 and S2 in on-state at a given voltages. ksw is set to 1.5 for the following investigations.
point in time t is The losses of S2 and D2 can be calculated accordingly.
va (t)
N S1,on,a (t) = + Nsm,bi,a (23)
VC,0 E. Inductors
and N S2,on,a (t) = NHB,a − N S1,on,a (t), (24) Two coupled inductors are used in the M2DC topology; one
on the primary side L1 and one on the secondary side L2 . In
respectively, where NHB,a = 2Nsm,bi,a + Nsm,uni,a is the the following, the design of these inductors is discussed and
number of half-bridges in the arm. the losses are estimated.
Assuming a homogeneous distribution of the losses among The primary-side inductor can be represented as a trans-
all half bridges of a converter arm, the average conduction former with its well-known equivalent circuit diagram con-
losses in a single switch and diode of this arm are calculated sisting of the magnetizing inductance L1,m and the leakage
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\vsec \frac{\
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue sec} but has not been
of this journal, fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TPEL.2014.2310656, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics -\vsec
\hat{=} 5
inductances L1,σ1 and L1,σ2 (cf. Fig. 4). The primary cur-
rent I1 has to flow through the magnetizing inductance and, Fig. 5. Push-pull M2DC secondary-side inductor
additionally, a considerably high effective inductance for the
currents ip1 and ip2 , which is the leakage inductance of the
transformer, is required. Therefore, it is advantageous to split According to (3), for a given Psec , a small voltage in
the coupled inductors into three inductors L1,m , L1,σ1 and the secondary power loop results in high Iˆsec . Therefore, a
L1,σ2 with equivalent behavior as depicted in Fig. 4. The high V̂sec is favorable concerning the conduction losses in the
design of such inductors is straight forward [43]. semiconductors of the submodules. Furthermore, the size of
The secondary-side coupled inductor L2 is operated similar capacitive storage decreases with decreasing Iˆsec .
to an interphase transformer [44]. As illustrated in Fig. 5, Using solely unidirectional modules, i.e. Nsm,bi,a = 0 and,
the orientation of one winding is inverted. However, as the consequently, Va,min ≥ 0, it can be verified by (10) and (11)
primary and secondary phase voltages are 180° phase shifted, that V̂sec is limited by V̂sec < V2 and V̂sec < (V1 − V2 ).
the voltages imposed on the magnetic core are the same A higher V̂sec can be gained by using bidirectional mod-
as for an ordinary transformer. These voltages generate the ules. However, the use of bidirectional modules results in a
magnetization current im2 . An air gap in the transformer higher number of semiconductors. Additionally, the number
is not needed, as the magnetic fluxes generated by the dc of switches and diodes in the current path that produce losses
components of the transformer currents cancel out. Therefore increases. Consequently, increasing V̂sec above a certain value
the design of L2 can be conducted analogously to a standard reduces the efficiency of the converter.
transformer [43]. fsec directly influences the size of the capacitors, magnetic
The value of L1,σ1 = L1,σ2 is selected in a way that the components and the losses of the semiconductors. From (15) to
voltage required to control the secondary current is less than (22), it can be derived that the required capacitance is inversely
5 %. Successively, L1,m is dimensioned such that the primary proportional to fsec . Furthermore, Ap is approximately in-
current ripple is below 5 % of the maximum primary current. versely proportional to fsec [43]. In these terms, it is favorable
To benchmark the performance of the M2DC, the copper to choose a high fsec . However, for a sufficiently high V̂sec
and core losses of the inductors are calculated for the given many or even all submodules are required to switch during one
scenarios. The Generalized Steinmetz Equations (GSE) are period of the secondary power loop frequency, resulting in an
used to calculate the core losses assuming a silicon steel increased average switching frequency (cf. Equation (31)) and
material with a thickness of 0.18 mm [45]. thus increased switching losses. Therefore, for a given design,
Beside the converter losses, the size of the passive compo- the switching losses are proportional to fsec .
nents is evaluated. For the magnetic devices, the area product
Ap is used as a figure of merit to compare the costs of IV. D ESIGN OF THE M ODULAR M ULTILEVEL DC
the magnetic components. Ap is defined as product of the C ONVERTER S YSTEMS
winding window area Aw and the cross section area Ac of For the given scenarios, the design of an appropriate Modu-
the magnetic core. It relates to the apparent power of the lar Multilevel DC Converter is carried out. The characteristics
magnetic components, i.e. to the size of a magnetic core and of the converters for all scenarios are summarized in Table II.
the size of the copper windings. As it is an important value for
the design of transformers and inductors, it is usually given Scenario A: Linkage between MVDC and HVDC Grids
in the data sheets of magnetic cores. To illustrate the area
product, a design of a conventional 50-Hz transformer with This scenario exhibits a high conversion ratio at low power.
an apparent power of 630 kVA has been carried out. For the HiPak 5SNA 0650J450300 IGBTs of ABB with a rating of
chosen example, the design leads to: 4500 V and 650 A are used for the upper arms, while StakPak
5SNA 1300K450300 IGBTs of ABB [46] rated for 4500 V and
Ap = Aw · Ac = 0.15 m2 · 0.05 m2 = 0.0075 m4 (32) 1300 A are employed in the lower arm. Due to the low current,
a parallel connection of IGBTs is not necessary. Hence, the
number of parallel semiconductors Npar,p and Npar,n in the
F. Design Optimization upper and lower arm, respectively, is equal to one.
The rating of the secondary power loop, namely the choice V̂sec has been set to 10 kV. Increasing V̂sec results in
of V̂sec and fsec , significantly influences the design and the higher switching losses and increased losses in the magnetics,
performance of the converter. whereas a lower V̂sec would result in a higher secondary power
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10.1109/TPEL.2014.2310656, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
primary DC AC
transformer voltages
angle in rad AC DC
A. Principle
loop can be implemented to keep the primary or secondary
Both bridges modulate a six-step voltage at the transformer
voltage constant [53].
terminals. The phase shift angle ϕ between the primary
and secondary transformer voltage vp,AC,rms and vs,AC,rms
results in a voltage difference across the leakage inductance C. Design of the Dual-Active Bridge Converter
of the transformer and hence in a transferred power PDAB .
According to [42], it is The DAB converter as the smallest unit of the DAB con-
verter system shown in Fig. 8 uses two series-connected 4.5 kV
Vp2 2 ϕ
· dϕ · ( −
PDAB = ), (33) semiconductor devices with a 100-FIT voltage of 2.6 kV to
ωLσ 3 2π gain the required blocking capability of 5 kV. The reactance
where Vp gives the primary dc voltage, Vs the secondary of the total leakage inductance Lσ = Lσ,p + Lσ,s limits the
dc voltage, ω the angular frequency of the ac link, Lσ the maximum power transfer. The maximum leakage inductance
total leakage inductance of the transformer and d = Vs/Vp
the voltage ratio. The waveforms of voltage and current are 1 Vp Vs
Lσ,max = (34)
exemplary shown in Fig. 7, where ϕ between the input and 12 fac PDAB
output voltage of the first phase is indicated.
can be derived by inserting ϕmax and the rated power PDAB
Since the ac voltage is modulated by operating the power
into (33). When the DAB converter is required to operate with
converters with fundamental frequency switching patterns, the
varying input and output voltages, Lσ should be optimized.
converter can be designed such that all devices are operating
The voltage imbalances (d 6= 1) increase the apparent power
in softswitching mode. Hence, the switching losses PDAB,sw
in the transformer. The calculation algorithms presented in [48]
are lower than the losses in hardswitching converters that
estimates the optimum leakage inductance Lσ,opt that leads to
use pulse-width modulation strategies such as the M2DC.
minimimum transformer current in all operation points.
Furthermore, the transformer’s core volume strongly depends
on the frequency of the applied voltage; a medium-frequency Hence, conduction losses of the semiconductors and of the
fac leads to a significant reduction of the transformer size and transformer windings are reduced leading to an improvement
weight in comparison with 50-Hz transformer in the same of the efficiency.
power range and with the decreased core size also the core The minimum required capacitance to limit ∆V operating at
losses decrease leading to a higher transformer efficiency. nominal power (ϕ = ϕnom ) is estimated with
Previous studies have shown that a 1000-Hz transformer, 2
Vp 2 ϕnom
designed for same reliability as standard 50-Hz transformers, C= (2 − d) 3dϕ nom ( − ) − ϕ nom .
has a tenfold increase of power density [45], [48]. 6 ω 2 Lσ ∆V 3 2π
Equation (35) takes the electric charge causing a voltage ripple
B. Control of the Dual-Active Bridge Converter ∆V across the capacitors of the DAB converter into account.
Fast control of the power PDAB is based on the instanta- The electric charge can be evaluated by integrating the dc
neous current control presented in [49]. Also, an outer control- current ripple plotted in Fig. 7.
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10.1109/TPEL.2014.2310656, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
VI. D ESIGN OF THE D UAL -ACTIVE B RIDGE C ONVERTER series to achieve the high transmission line voltage. Since the
S YSTEMS secondary-side voltage (V2 = ±10 kV) requires four bridges
The Dual-Active Bridge converter system is composed of in series connection, fifteen of these series-connected bridges
series and parallel connected DAB converters (cf. Fig. 8). are connected in parallel. The assumed wind farm power of
The modular design of each single DAB converter allows 1.21 GW generates a current I2 = 60.5 kA in the MVDC grid.
the easy adaption of power and voltage rating of the system. The HVDC transmission line is loaded with I1 = 4.03 kA.
If redundancy is required, additional DAB converter can be However, the semiconductors need a current capability of
connected to the system. Note that the amount of primary ip,AC,rms = is,AC,rms = 2.85 kA. The characteristics of ABB
bridges has to be the same as the amount of secondary bridges, 5SHY 55L4500 asymmetrical IGCT and ABB 5SDD 11D2800
because only the application of two-windings transformers diodes [46] are applied for loss calculations. Furthermore,
is assumed within the scope of this work. The transformer the influence of turn-off resonant snubbers are taken into
designs are summarized in Table III. In the following, different account for the (soft-switching) loss calculation. Capacitors
application scenarios are presented and discussed. Csn connected in parallel to the devices significantly reduce
turn-off losses by up to 70 % when the converter operates at
rated power [48]. Within this work, Csn = 3.5 µF is assumed.
Scenario A: Linkage between MVDC and HVDC Grids The dc link capacitance is 90 µF ensuring ∆V ≤ 500 V. The
The linkage between an HVDC transmission line and an optimum leakage inductance Lσ,opt is calculated to 45.5 µH.
urban MVDC distribution grid according to Scenario A re- Due to the thermal limits of the semiconductors, the switching
quires a converter system with a voltage transformation ratio frequency is limited to 1 kHz.
from V1 = ±150 kV to V2 = ±5 kV. The high voltage V1
can be realized by series-connection of 60 bridges. At the Scenario C: Grid Interconnection I
secondary side, the series-connection of two bridges is capable
In this system, 60 primary bridges and 60 secondary bridges
to connect the converter system to the 10 kV distribution
are connected in series to allow the connection of the converter
grid. Consequently, thirty of these series-connected bridges are
system to ±150 kV (V1 , V2 ) and a power flow of 1.21 GW. The
connected in parallel. Within this work, a bidirectional power
current rating of the semiconductor devices is the same as for
flow between these two grids of 15 MW is assumed. This leads
Scenario B. Hence, also in this scenario ABB 5SHY 55L4500
to a secondary current I2 of 1500 A and a comparatively small
IGCT modules and ABB 5SDD 11D2800 diodes [46] are
primary current I1 at the high-voltage side of 50 A. Since the
applied with Csn = 3.5 µF. In particular, this scenario takes
power is distributed equally among the DAB converters within
voltage variations of ±10 % of the rated voltage into account.
the converter system, each semiconductor is loaded with the
This results into an increased dc link capacitance of 143 µF
same current of ip,AC,rms = is,AC,rms = 36 A. For the design
that is required for a maximum voltage ripple at a single
of a DAB converter system for this application the character-
DAB converter of ±5 %. The leakage inductances and the
istics of ABB 5SNG 0150P450300 IGBT modules, rated at
switching frequency are equal to the values of Scenario B:
4.5 kV and 150 A per device [46], are taken into account. The
Lσ,opt = 45.5 µH and fsw = 1 kHz.
dc link capacitance connected to each primary and secondary
bridge is 1.12 µF limiting ∆V to 500 V (equivalent to a voltage
ripple of ±5 %). The optimized leakage inductance Lσ,opt in Scenario D: Grid Interconnection II
this application scenario is 3.7 mH. The DAB converters are This scenario investigates the linkage of two HVDC trans-
operated with fsw = 1 kHz. mission systems operating on different voltage level. The
secondary side that operates on ±300 kV requires 120 series-
Scenario B: Wind Farm Connection connected secondary bridges to achieve the grid voltage V2 .
The primary side connected to V1 = ±150 kV can be realized
The DAB converter system can be used for connecting with 60 input bridges in series. Further 60 series-connected
wind farms to the HVDC transmission line (V1 = ±150 kV). primary bridges are connected in parallel to energize all of
Equivalent to the linkage between urban MVDC grids and the 120 output bridges. The power flow is also in this scenario
HVDC lines, also in this scenario 60 bridges are connected in equal to 1.21 GW. Due to the doubled number of DAB, the
power rating of each converter is half compared to Scenario
B and C. Hence, the characteristic of ABB 5SHX 26L4520
M EDIUM - FREQUENCY TRANSFORMER DESIGN PARAMETERS reverse conducting IGCT [46] are applied with Csn = 1 µF.
Due to the insufficient current capability of the monolithic
Scenario A Scenario B & C Scenario D diodes, ABB 5SDF 11H4505 fast recovery diodes [46] have
S 0.3 MVA 24.3 MVA 12.2 MVA to be applied in parallel to the IGCTs.
J 13 A/mm2 5 A/mm2 5 A/mm2 Also this scenario takes voltage variations of ±10 % of the
Lσ 3700 µH 45.5 µH 91 µH rated voltage into account. The dc-link capacitance limiting
Number of turns 209 9 19
Turn ratio 1:1 1:1 1:1 the maximum voltage ripple to ±5 % is determined to be
fsw 1 kHz 1 kHz 1 kHz 72 µF. The medium-frequency transformer is designed with
Vcore 0.0146 m3 0.5638 m3 0.3838 m3 the to the optimum leakage inductance of Lσ,opt = 91 µH for
Ap 0.0002 m4 0.0022 m4 0.3101 m4
fsw = 1 kHz.
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TPEL.2014.2310656, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
300 100
Efficiency η in %
v in kV
DAB Scenario A
90 M2DC Scenario A
i in kA
0 85
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
2.2 Fig. 10. Efficiency of M2DC and DAB converter for Scenario A
v̄c in kV
1.8 M2DC Scenario C
Efficiency η in %
i in kA
98 DAB Scenario D
DAB Scenario B+C
2 97
M2DC Scenario D
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
t in ms t in ms M2DC Scenario B
Fig. 9. Voltage and current waveforms of the upper part of the bipolar M2DC 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
of Scenario D at nominal voltages and nominal power
P / PN
Fig. 11. Efficiency of M2DC and DAB converter for Scenario B, C and D
In this section, the efficiencies of the two compared dc-dc
converter topologies are presented. The results take switching as shown in Fig. 13(b). In this scenario, the M2DC can
and conduction losses of the semiconductors into account compete with the Dual-Active Bridge only in low partial load
as well as winding and core losses of the transformers and conditions concerning the efficiency. However, the number of
inductors. installed semiconductors is significantly higher for the M2DC,
The semiconductor losses of the M2DC are estimated with as evident from Table IV.
the equations from Section III-D. To verify the operation Scenario B investigates a converter system with a power
principle and the analytical calculation of the semiconductor of 1.21 GW and primary voltage V1 of ±150 kV and a
losses of the M2DC, the scenarios have been built up in secondary voltage V2 of ±10 kV. With a value of 98.93 %
MATLAB/Simulink and PLECS [54]. In Fig. 9, the simulation at rated power, the efficiency of the Dual-Active Bridge
of the M2DC of Scenario D operated at nominal voltage and system (Fig. 11) is significantly higher compared to Scenario
nominal load is exemplary shown. PI controllers successfully A. The breakdown of losses in Fig. 12(b) shows increasing
control input current, output current and the energy balance conduction and switching losses with power, whereas the share
of the converter arms. The semiconductor losses of the DAB of the transformer losses becomes smaller. Due to the high
have also been simulated with PLECS. voltage transformation ratio, the M2DC has poor efficiency. Its
The improved generalized Steinmetz Equation (iGSE) [55] maximum efficiency of 96.5 % can be observed at partial load
is applied for core loss calculations. The used Steinmetz (206 MW). The efficiency at rated power is only 95.4 %. As
parameters can be found in [45]. with Scenario A, the major part of the losses are conduction
The efficiencies of the converter system designed for Sce- losses, see Fig. 13(b). Furthermore, the converter exhibits a
nario A are depicted in Fig. 10.
For the DAB converter, the diagram shows a slightly lower
efficiency for partial load compared to the M2DC. However, TABLE IV
the DAB converter shows a better performance if the trans- SCENARIOS
ferred power is above 0.18 pu. At rated power, the efficiency
is about 96.7 %. The breakdown of the losses is given in Scenario Converter Ap Ecap Pswitch
Fig. 12(a). It can be seen that the magnetic losses (core A M2DC 0.06 m4 582 kJ 3.16 GVA
and winding losses) decrease with transferred power. Also DAB 0.012 m4 1.7 kJ 0.486 GVA
the influence of the switching losses becomes smaller. The B M2DC 25.1 m4 35 MJ 109 GVA
conduction losses do not increase significantly. DAB 0.132 m4 135 kJ 16.2 GVA
The losses of the M2DC are higher at this point leading to C M2DC 0.670 m4 1.55 MJ 51.3 GVA
a lower efficiency of 92.9 %. The high transformation ration DAB 0.132 m4 215 kJ 16.2 GVA
(V1 = ±150 kV and V2 = ±5 kV) results in a high secondary D M2DC 1.71 m4 1.75 MJ 78.5 GVA
DAB 0.312 m4 216 kJ 1.43 GVA
power loop current, leading to very high conduction losses,
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10.1109/TPEL.2014.2310656, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
8 Switching
1.5 Conduction 1.5
Relative losses in %
Relative losses in %
Relative losses in %
1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0 0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
P / PN P / PN P / PN
(a) Scenario A (b) Scenario B & C (c) Scenario D
Fig. 12. Losses of the DAB converter system
12 12 12
10 10 Switching 10
Relative losses in %
Relative losses in %
Relative losses in %
8 8 8
6 6 6
4 4 4
2 2 2
0 0 0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
P / PN P / PN P / PN
(a) Scenario A (b) Scenario B (c) Scenario D
2 2 2
Relative losses in %
Relative losses in %
Relative losses in %
1 1 1
0 0 0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
P / PN P / PN P / PN
(d) Scenario C with V1 = V2 (e) Scenario C, V1 = V2 , reduced V̂sec (f) Scenario C with max. unbalance
Fig. 13. Losses of the M2DC converter systems
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10.1109/TPEL.2014.2310656, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
Efficiency η in %
98.5 V1 / V2
variable V̂sec 135 kV / 165 kV 150 kV / 150 kV 165 kV / 135 kV
98.0 const. V̂sec
M2DC 97.94 % 99.45 % 98.35 %
DAB 98.29 % 98.93 % 99.48 %
−30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30
Fig. 14. Efficiency of the M2DC of Scenario C for voltage variations at VOLTAGE VARIATIONS
nominal power
V1 / V2
270 kV / 165 kV 300 kV / 150 kV 330 kV / 135 kV
high amount of semiconductors and a very large secondary-
side transformer. It can be stated that the DAB converter M2DC 97.01 % 96.46 % 95.91 %
DAB 99.29 % 99.04 % 98.62 %
system is superior in this application scenario.
As the same bridges are used for the Dual-Active Bridge
in Scenario C, the components, the efficiencies and the distri- two converter topologies is almost 1 %.
bution of the losses is identical to Scenario B. The efficiency In Scenario D, the DAB converter system is still highly ef-
of the M2DC designed for this application scenario is signifi- ficient, although twice as many DAB are applied and the rated
cantly better compared to the other scenarios. Concerning the power is kept constant. The maximum efficiency of 99.15 % is
losses, this topology is competitive with the DAB converter obtained at half of the rated power. At full power, the efficiency
system. At rated power and equal voltages at the primary and of 99.05 % is only slightly lower. The distribution of the losses
secondary side, efficiencies exceeding 99.5 % can be observed. are shown in Fig. 12(c). The difference to the loss distribution
At unity conversion ratio V1 = V2 , the current only flows within Scenario B and C is caused by the different amount
through the upper arms, as I1 = I2 and Iˆsec = 0. Therefore, of DAB and by the selected semiconductors. However, the
the efficiency for this operating point is very high. If there is M2DC is not competitive with the DAB converter system due
a difference ∆V = V1 − V2 between primary and secondary- to the high voltage differences and the resulting high secondary
side voltage, the current of the secondary power loop builds power loop current. With a maximum efficiency of 96.46 %
up, resulting in increased losses in the lower submodules and near nominal power, it shows a very poor performance. The
a decreased efficiency. As shown in Fig. 14, the efficiency losses are dominated by the switching losses due to the high
is also dependent on the sign of ∆V . The efficiency can fsec , see Fig. 13(c). As shown in Table VI, the efficiency
be improved by dynamical adjustment of V̂sec dependent slightly increases if the voltage difference between primary
on the power that has to be transferred by the secondary and secondary side becomes smaller. Though, it is even worse
power loop, see Fig. 14. By lowering V̂sec , the magnetization if the voltage difference is at its maximum (330 kV / 135 kV).
losses in the secondary-side coupled inductor L2 are decreased The variation in efficiency of the DAB converter system
and the switching frequency of the semiconductors can be results from the different semiconductor characteristics. The
reduced. However, the conduction losses increase. For a given conduction performance of the IGCTs that carry the current
transferred power, there exists an optimum for V̂sec where in the primary bridge is more efficient than the conduction per-
the sum of magnetization, switching and conduction losses formance of the diodes carrying the current in the secondary
is minimal. bridge.
Exemplary, Fig. 13(d) and Fig. 13(e) show the loss dis-
tribution at nominal voltages and power for nominal V̂sec VIII. E CONOMIC E VALUATION
and reduced V̂sec , respectively. As expected, the losses in
the magnetic components (magnetization losses of the output In this section, based on the analysis of the topologies for
transformer) and the switching losses are lower when V̂sec is the different scenarios, an evaluation of the investment costs
reduced. is performed. According to current market prices, the costs of
the capacitors of the M2DC are approximately 150 C/kJ. In
However, the efficiency decreases if there is a voltage
case of the DAB converter in Scenario A, the required dc link
difference between primary and secondary side, see Fig. 14
capacitance is significantly smaller, leading to higher specific
and Fig. 13(f).
costs of 400 C/kJ. To determine the correlation between the
The efficiencies for a voltage variation of ±10 % are given window area product Ap and the costs of the magnetic
in Table V. If the voltages are balanced, the M2DC shows components, the market prices of different 50-Hz transformers
a significantly better performance than the DAB converter between 160 kVA and 3.15 MVA have been evaluated. The cost
system. At maximum unbalance, the efficiency of the DAB of the magnetic devices in the different converter systems is
converters system is higher than that of the M2DC. In case approximately
of an increase of the voltage at the input of 10 % and a 10 %
lower output voltage, the difference of the efficiency of the Kmag ≈ Ap · 723 000 C/m4 + Nmag · 4000 C, (36)
0885-8993 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
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10.1109/TPEL.2014.2310656, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
Investment costs1 in kC
Scenario Converter Capacitors Magnetics Power Electronics Total
A M2DC 87.3 58.33 11 100 11 200
DAB 0.68 249 1700 1950
B M2DC 5250 18 200 382 000 405 000
DAB 54 335 56 700 57 100
C M2DC 232 478 179 000 180 000
DAB 86 335 56 700 57 100
D M2DC 263 1250 275 000 276 000
DAB 86.4 706 49 900 50 700
1 All figures are rounded to three significant digits
where Nmag is the number of magnetic devices in the system. carried out for different scenarios employing HVDC and
For the bipolar M2DC Nmag = 4 is assumed, whereas for MVDC grids, and the systems have been compared.
the DAB converter system Nmag = 60 and Nmag = 120, The DAB converter system features an efficiency between
respectively. 98.9 % and 99.2 % independent of the voltage transformation
Costs for semiconductors, wiring, cabinets and control are ratio.
estimated with 3.50 C per kVA installed switching power In general, the M2DC requires a much higher amount
Pswitch . of semiconductors. Consequently, compared to a converter
Table VII gives an overview of the cost distribution for system based on DAB converters, the investment costs for
the different converter systems and scenarios, Fig. 15 depicts an M2DC converter system are at least by a factor of three
the specific costs per nominal power. Obviously, the power higher. If the frequency of the secondary power loop can be
electronics (including semiconductors, wiring, cabinets and increased to 1 kHz, the M2DC requires a similar amount of
control) account for the major part of the costs. Although magnetic components compared to the soft-switching DAB
the M2DC topology requires a high number of capacitors, the converter system.
influence on the total cost is negligible. The cost part of the It has been shown that the M2DC is not suitable for high
voltage ratios, because in this case the circulating current in
the converter becomes high, which results in a poor efficiency
of less than 95.5 %. Furthermore, the amount of required
Scenario and Converter
semiconductors is immense. If primary and secondary volt-
age differ only by a few percent and galvanic isolation of
primary and secondary side is not required, then the M2DC
Power Electronics is the superior topology. In this case, the maximum efficiency
C, DAB Magnetics exceeds 99.5 %.
D, M2DC Capacitors
0 200 400 600 800
The authors wish to acknowledge the financial support of
specific costs in EUR/kVA
E.ON ERC gGmbH foundation, Project No. 1, “High-power
Fig. 15. Specific costs per nominal power PN of the different converter DC-DC Converter”.
systems and scenarios
0885-8993 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TPEL.2014.2310656, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
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